
From Darwin to Hitler 

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In his book, From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany (2004), Richard Weikart explains the revolutionary impact Darwinism had on ethics and morality. Darwinism played a key role in the rise not only of eugenics (a movement wanting to control human reproduction to improve the human species), but also on euthanasia, infanticide, abortion, and racial extermination. This was especially important in Germany, since Hitler built his view of ethics on Darwinian principles. [11/2004] [Show ID: 8987]
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@ricardoabreu9822 3 года назад
"Behold, all souls are mine" Ezekiel 18:4. "The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein" Psalm 24:1
@pbrucetube 15 лет назад
Interesting comments, too. The facts presented by the author make some people squirm.
@nayanmipun6784 4 года назад
Darwinism doesn't devalue life people use it as a justification for behavior (good or bad) just like any other doctrine like in traditional religion
@BrittardWatts 2 года назад
You’re a fucking bullshitter this man called out all of these guys work from the 1900s if these people are Nazis and this is their work this not acceptable for modern 21fst century
@Colin12475 5 лет назад
"Once again the songs of the fatherland roared to the heavens along the endless marching columns, and for the last time the Lord's grace smiled on His ungrateful children." -Adolf Hitler reflecting on World War I
@Patience1138 12 лет назад
@prschuster Correction. Evolution is fine. How can anyone refute the evidence? Still, don't confuse factual evolution with Darwinism. One is a viable theory; one is not.
@benthemiester 14 лет назад
Anyone who would argue this is not dealing with the reality of the historical record. I've heard this this argument of relativism before. China was and is an officially atheist country, as was the Soviets. The whole idea was to liberate the masses from things like religious dogma, and most would concede that more brutality and carnage occurred in Stalin's and Mao's reign than even Hitler. As far as hero worship. Ever hear of Darwin Day? celebrated by many secular humanist and atheist alike.
@ozowen5961 Год назад
And yet, evolution remains a fact. Get over it.
@salimattal2864 Год назад
Fact hhh Prouve that à protéines juste one can mutate by him self 😂😂 there is billon in your body
@ozowen5961 Год назад
@@salimattal2864 . Wrong question
@ozowen5961 Год назад
@Luca Baki So sorry to hear of your acquired ignorance. You will be happy to hear that is easily cured. Try education.
@ToOpen6seven Год назад
Evolution is NOT a fact!!!
@ozowen5961 Год назад
@@ToOpen6seven The Theory describes how the fact works.
@WorthlessWinner 14 лет назад
@benthemiester The Origin of Species begins by discussing artificial selection as proof that animals do change - that is all evolution entails, though modern definitions are about allele frequency in the population (Darwin wrote before Mendel became popular). Darwin provided a mechanism for nature to select - which has been improved upon in 150 years since as much as genetics has in the time since Mendel. Not sure how someone can accept artificial selection but not natural.
@benthemiester 14 лет назад
@unassumption It was the creationist Edward Blythe that proposed natural selection, Darwin just took credit for it. Darwin proposed Pangenesis and the Christian monk Mendel destroyed that hypothesis. If you define evolution as limited change through time, then everyone can agree, but If your referring to the modern Darwinian synthesis then we run into problem. We have been breeding dogs for thousands of years and their still dogs. The fossil record does not show a Darwinian transition.
@Libertymark222 11 лет назад
What is race? How do you define it? Man is a collection of families divided by language
@Soundeagle3456 6 лет назад
race? you mean breeds of humans that originated from different continents on the planet
@KonijNx2 11 лет назад
Tell me carriebrk, do you know what endogenous retroviruses are?
@KonijNx2 11 лет назад
Fitz-Roy [and I] had several quarrels... For instance, early in the voyage at Bahia in Brazil he defended and praised slavery, which I abominated, and told me that he had just visited a great slave-owner, who had called up many of? his slaves and asked them whether they were happy, and whether they wished to be free, and all answered "No." I then asked him, perhaps with a sneer, whether he thought that the answers of slaves in the presence of their master was worth anything. - Charles Darwin.
@benthemiester 14 лет назад
The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness. Only the born weakling can view this as cruel, but he, after all, is only a weak and limited man; for if this law did not prevail, any conceivable higher development (Hoherentwicklung) of organic living beings would be unthinkable." A few pages later, he said, "Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."59....
@Draugh39 12 лет назад
(Cont.) "First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians, and do not condone or knowingly tolerate such public lying, cursing, and blaspheming of his Son and of his Christians." This is from the father of protestantism and was taught in religion, BTW it gets much worse
@annab8312 4 года назад
On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers'" (Matthew 7:21-23)
@Draugh39 4 года назад
@@annab8312 You better put that into context. What exactly are you referring to, when you state that?
@jeanlanz2344 2 года назад
Great lecture which shows how social Darwinism has been used to eliminate the "weak" and "unfit" for the "betterment" of the human species.
@keithhunt5328 2 года назад
Is that something wrong with that?
@sigururolafsson2257 2 года назад
Social Darwinism does actually or did exist. Im glad other people agree to that!
@whiteyboy6454 2 года назад
DJT would figure out a way they could be productive which is the ultimate therapy.
@brianjacob8728 Год назад
@@keithhunt5328 weak or unfit according to whom? This is where the problem lies.
@bobSeigar Год назад
​@@brianjacob8728The fish will be judged on its climbing skills by the monkey of course.
@michaelpisciarino5348 4 года назад
0:45 1:30 "Does Darwinism Devalue Human Life?" 3:50 The Impact of Darwinism on German Socialists 5:37 Francis Galton and Eugenics, - Emerged after Galton's reading Charles Darwin's _Origin of Species_ 7:43 Darwinism produced Moral Relativism - Darwinism undermines the value of human life 10:47 *Evolution requires Deviation, and therefore Inequality of Man* 14:30 *Inequality within society and ACROSS Societies* 17:48 2. Moral Relativism undermining Human Life + Darwin was optimistic a Good Human Nature would come through in Victorian man 19:40 *The Blurred Distinction between Man and Animal* 21:10 *The Denial of Body-Soul Dualism* 23:45 5. *The Human Struggle For Existence* (preceded by Thomas Malthus) 26:35 US Eugenics Movement 28:23 BETWEEN Societies 30:44 6. Darwinism saw Death as an Engine driving Progress 32:40 Abortion, Infanticide, Euthanasia 34:32 Darwinism and Nazism 36:45 _Hitler's Ethic_ 40:15 The Fall of The Nazis, but Darwinism remained 41:08 Peter Singer's Devaluing of Human Life 43:30 Daniel Dennett _Darwin's Dangerous Idea_ 45:35 Richard Dawkins 2001 Genetic Engineering Australopithecus article 47:35 James Watson 51:25 Darwinism Has Devalued Human Life
@lunarmohammed4011 4 года назад
Thanks. Helpful. 👍🏽
@Charlie94781 4 года назад
@@lunarmohammed4011 Darwin never advocated genocide/abortion/eugenics
@joaodorjmanolo 2 года назад
@@Charlie94781 he did advocate for genocide. Watch the lecture (or just read Darwin's letters)
@Helixbuilder 11 лет назад
Once again some person stoops to the Hitler fallacy! If you have to compare or link some person or event to Hitler in order to prove your point you are tacitly admitting your argument has no merits!
@drivesmecrazy1000 10 лет назад
Great lecture! Thanks for uploading.
@rogerevans9666 4 года назад
Francis Schaeffer wrote a book "How Should We Then Believe?" On page 200, Schaeffer quoted Edmund Leach, anthropologist at Cambridge University. Leach said that originally there were TWO theories of evolution. The one we are taught is that the human race began at one place at one time. The second theory has been suppressed by academia: the human race began in various places at different times. Since, according to Leach, this means that one branch of the human race is more advanced than another (because it started earlier), and because that branch that started first would be the most advanced, this would lead to racism. Because this other theory leads to bad political consequences, it was abandoned, and we are only taught the theory that the human race all began at one time in one place. Frankly, if vertical evolution really does happen, it would seem that it would occur at different times and at different places. Even before Hitler, according to the New World Encyclopedia article on William Jennings Bryan who opposed teaching evolution in public schools in the famous "Scopes/Monkey Trial", Germans thought they were a master race. Some German officers in WW1 were interviewed, and this sentiment was expressed by many of the educated officer class. Someone said Hitler had no original thoughts but simply assembled what was already in circulation.
@asamiyashin444 5 лет назад
258 ultra-Darwinists have outraged against the truth about their cult.
@crabb9966 4 месяца назад
They say "this is not true! You took the lines out of context!" And then they will say something like "well, it's true though, the strong surviving is just reality, who cares"
@scoreunder 13 лет назад
I hate it when people do this. Yes, eugenics relies on belief in evolution. This doesn't make belief in evolution bad, or evolution itself false. Let me put it more simply. Yes, pushing elderly women off cliffs relies on belief in gravity. This doesn't make belief in gravity bad, or gravity itself false.
@sketchartist1964 8 лет назад
I certainly do believe Darwinism devalues human life, no doubt about it. After all, if you think you're just an animal, it wont be long before you start to ignore all the things decency and morality teach us. We see the negative effects of Darwinism growing all around on a daily basis.
@andrewforte3852 5 лет назад
That's an insult to animals.
@page8301 2 года назад
@Cupit29 12 лет назад
"If we were intentionally to neglect the weak and helpless, it could only be for a contingent benefit, with an overwhelming present evil." - Charles Darwin
@Cupit29 3 года назад
@@rudyalarcon4864 Why are you telling me?
@ladydawn1973Eternity 3 года назад
@@rudyalarcon4864 he was interested in the occult, too.
@metapolitikgedanken612 Год назад
Weikart's book is rather atrocious to those that are familiar with the primary sources... Weikart simply reads into them the prejudices he has been conditioned with. parade example for eisegesis and 'reading out of context'. And well. even if his premises were true... it would still be a moralistic fallacy (It's bad, that's because it can't be true), but that's exactly where Weikart has a problem: With the basics of logic... which raises the question, what his relationship with Logos is.
@crabb9966 4 месяца назад
​@@metapolitikgedanken612 you are basically saying that morality is relative and therefore it doesn't make sense to criticise it? Darwin to Hitler is history. Also, Darwin's theory was quite incorrect either way even epistemologically.
@metapolitikgedanken612 4 месяца назад
@@crabb9966 Well, Guess one got to deal with Morality/Ethics and Empirical/Logical issues separately. If you can't do that, you are not up to the task. And it's a common problem. Must time wasting debates run around that issue. Well, Weikart's writings demonstrate how relative Morality towards POV is. He doesn't even get it separated himself that's how deep he is into it (Hence commits the moralistic fallacy, knowing fully well that this argumentation will be accepted by large sections of the audience). That doesn't actually mean that there isn't an objective Ethics, which can have an issue with accessibility, though. If Darwin was wrong (and I realize there are problems), why not address this way? Why try to come up with obscure insinuation of how 'dangerous' his idea is?
@ReformedTheology5 14 лет назад
wow, i wish all history teachers were this good! evolutionists get really emotional, so that they are no longer able to reason, as they have been indoctrinated, sadly. comments show that. this guy is great, really like him :).
@michaelarkell5437 4 года назад
My history and science teacher both told me that Darwin theory of evolution has always been wrong racist.
@verzen 4 года назад
Uh no. We are entirely logical. Emotional would be falling for the idea that evolution is some racist ideology that's lead to millions of deaths. THAT is appealing to emotions. It is logical to analyze that irrelevant of how many deaths may or may not have occurred in the 20th century due to the concept of evolution, the concept of evolution in and of itself a scientific fact with oodles and oodles of evidence for it. This is why 99.96% of biologists accept evolution, including Christians like Dr. Francis Collins. It's not because we are all just racists. Is that what you're suggesting? That all biologists are racists?
@verzen 4 года назад
@@michaelarkell5437 Your history and science teacher needs to have their license pulled. Its hilarious how about a teacher of history and science is incorrect on both history and science. Evolution is a fact in biology. This is why 99.96% of biologists accept it as fact. There are more biologists who think HIV is a hoax than there are who think evolution is wrong. Are you suggesting that biologists are all just racists?
@ladydawn1973Eternity 3 года назад
@@michaelarkell5437 He was Eugenic, like Bill Gates is..
@glenliesegang8935 3 года назад
@@verzen it is not the acceptance or rejection of evolution per se, but whether ethics based on the survival of the fittest is accepted or rejected by a believer of the rational scientific worldview. Guided evolution is probably the majority worldview among thinking people of faith. Of course evolution happens. But it may favor intelligent creatures. But novel sections of new code, such as the complex code which changes a caterpillar into a butterfly, or the unique original code necessary to permit evolution without a deep intelligence behind it as absurd statistically as finding one specific atom in the Milky Way galaxy. No pre-existant ribosome+ chirality pure amino acids + ATP+ codons which match the correct amino acids+complex code which includes making more ribosomes+ 16 acylamino t-rna synthetases, also coded for=no life, and no evolution .
@StarfieldRailway 4 года назад
Evolution is real. Facts don't care about your feelings. I believe that all races of humans should be treated as humans, and that there is a great deal of diversity in every race and a great deal of overlap among races in terms of abilities. I therefore disagree with a lot of what Charles Darwin said. However, evolution is a reality. Should we pretend that it is not?
@pavlekovacevic1676 4 года назад
There are no facts in evolution only nonesense
@KARAIsaku 2 года назад
What has convinced you of evolution being the reality?
@StarfieldRailway 2 года назад
@@KARAIsaku, there is a tremendous amount of evidence, and the theory makes perfect sense. I will touch on some of the evidence. Humans bred wolves over thousands of years into chihuahuas, poodles, etc. That is verified by generations of human records. If that can happen by deliberate human selection, it can happen by natural selection. Viruses mutate on their own all the time. Human embryos look like fish embryos. There is a 99% genetic overlap between humans and chimpanzees. Etc. I don't think evolution disproves the existence of God or rules out the possibility that The Bible is an allegory, though.
@StarfieldRailway 2 года назад
@@at_1804, how did wolves become Chihuahuas?
@St.Garoosh 5 лет назад
Bad ideas have bad consequences
@nupraptorthementalist3306 4 года назад
Sometimes truths that are bad certainly inform unnecessary bad ideas. But that isn't a refutation of the bad truths.
@verzen 4 года назад
Evolution is the backbone of modern biology. Hitler, Stalin, etc are all irrelevant when we are literally analyzing how species adapt and change in a lab.
@keithhunt5328 3 года назад
@@verzen Hitlerism is applied Darwinism.
@verzen 3 года назад
@@keithhunt5328 And? Bombing children is applied nuclear fusion and applied gravity. The application of a theory does not make that theory bad. It simply makes that application bad when used for evil.
@verzen 3 года назад
@@keithhunt5328 Evolution is a fact. 100% fact. HOW that knowledge is used is a separate question entirely and whether or not its used for good *agriculture is applied darwinism as well!* or evil *Nazi's superhuman idea* doesn't change the fact that evolution is still a fact.
@Ozzyman200 14 лет назад
@enoch1844 "Not a theory! Published and factual." You obviously don't know the word theory. Gravity is a theory, doesn't make it wrong. "Do research.. and watch Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed." Oh that's hilarious. That was just propaganda. They even expelled a scientist from the film from the premiere. If you call that research that explains why you thought there were a million eye nerves.
@benthemiester 14 лет назад
I actually learned this fact at a debate with Christoper Hitchens. The auditorium was filled with scholars, including historians, & when opposing side brought this up, Hitchens or no one else challenged him on the numbers. I thought that was very interesting, so I decided to research myself. This is also my conclusion as of recent. There is a lot of revisionist history out there. I used to also believe Columbus was the first Euro to discover America because that's what was regurgitated to me.
@maxheadrom3088 Год назад
Columbus was an incompetent explorer. Americo Vespucci, however, noticed they had reached a new mass o land - something the other Nordic sailors may not have noticed.
@carriebrk 11 лет назад
Below is a two part quote from "Descent of Man"-do your own research, most of his books and notes are free on line. Above you mentioned that evolution didn't die with Darwin, it wasn't born with him either-regardless the ideology is ascribed to him. If it makes you feel any better-"the Darwinist ideology is a racist idea". BTW. What do you say "savage" meant (particularly when contrasted to "civilized")?
@captivedesk3168 11 месяцев назад
Nonsense, dolphy says in mein kampf he was creationist and different races were created that way
@wildreams 15 лет назад
@animeuserone I'm really glad to hear that. I see he is at least restrained from expressing religious ideas at least when serious work is concerned.
@joecubbable 3 года назад
What about the Truth? Is that acceptable? The Word of God is profound Wisdom and a lie for the truth has been unveiled. So long as the religion of big bangs and evolution and preservation of favored races not destroy minds and lives with unscientific speculation and conjecture... The religion of our time.
@deeptime5581 4 года назад
Darwinists? Are those the scientists or the "Social Darwinists" completely different group.?
@MichaelHarrisIreland 10 лет назад
We've stumbled in the dark at everything when we look back with hindsight, we can't stop trying to understand ourselves and the world because of it. I think this video is a sad but necessary examination of ourselves, but would rather see the cause as innocent ignorance with some arrogance rather than premeditated evil. It might rid us of some arrogance about extrapolation of ideas beyond their immediate proof.
@AdvocatusDiaboli92 9 лет назад
Michael Harris progress into genetics halted upon darwinism. Carl Linneaus and Gregor Mendal did more in 300 years because they were Christian and saught to understand the "kinds" God created using the bible as their guide. Evolution has proved nothing and provided nothing. Even now as science EVOLVES while, ironically, evolution still doesn't acknowledge it has been proven wrong through epigenetics. Epigenetics only reinforces Mendal's teachings of gene variety and gene activation. Variation is not evolution. Denying and dismissing evidence that shows progress is anti-evolution. I'm not even a creationist, but I'm not an evolutionist anymore. Questioning everything I've every known and was taught shed light on everything. We're living in the darkest times since the dark ages, right now.
@MichaelHarrisIreland 9 лет назад
Advocatus Diaboli I think your phrase: I'm not an evolutionist anymore will be the expression of the future. It was a shock for me when I realised the evidence pointed away from Darwin's theory. Suddenly I had no theory for how species got here. I looked at all life differently, as a mystery not solved. And looked at the paradigms of science and that the public do not yet realise that Darwin's theory is dead. The internet speeded my awakening as I'm sure it'll do for many others.
@dalegribble4308 5 лет назад
Michael Harris unfortunately others like the commenters above use this in bad faith
@page8301 2 года назад
@@MichaelHarrisIreland So you reject reality and bathe in lies. Good to know.
@WorthlessWinner 14 лет назад
@benthemiester You've heard it before but - the evil deeds done in the name of Mao or Stalin, were done in their name, not the name of 'not believing in god,' whereas evil deeds committed by religious people were the result (perhaps of manipulative people abusing) the religious beliefs and convictions of the people. Unless you show a causal link, that if the Soviet union was the same country except christianity was mandated (christian communists in S America propose) atrocity wouldn't happen
@Draugh39 12 лет назад
The killings in the Soviet Union (in particular the 1920-1950) was partly done by the communists and also by the axis troops in WW2. That sum come up to about 50 million or so in total. About 20 million was killed under Stalin and 9 million in the Russian civil war. However, you expect the majority to be Orthodox as most Russians were, and are, Orthodox. This of-course includes the people that did the actual killings, most of those were Orthodox. Including Stalin -who even studied in seminary.
@mateusbandeira9017 Год назад
And apparently learned nothing
@crabb9966 4 месяца назад
Stalin was not orthodox, do you know much about communism at all?
@AlexRider589 2 года назад
So this guy is against abortion? ..... And doesn't like Darwin because he thinks it devalues human life? Hmmm.... Weird ending.
@KonijNx2 11 лет назад
Thanks carriebrk, you've done a great job here of showing that: A. You don't have a leg to stand on, these are specific lines fished out of Darwin's writings to support something the man clearly didn't. B. Darwin was indeed a man way ahead of his time, morally and intellectually. What a great guy he is, and what a dishonest little weasel you are. :D
@moghuz 4 года назад
someone had to say that the emperor doesn't wear anything at all!
@Ozzyman200 14 лет назад
@enoch1844 5) You're funny. That's just straight off the web, not a scientific paper. Don't believe everything you read. The research actually showed they were different. DNA analysis showed they had evolved from the original ancestors. You are just making up your statements. 4 out of 5 are demonstrably false. You claim you are right where the scientific community is wrong. Wow. Sorry, but science is about evidence and until you can present some, you can't be taken seriously on science.
@verzen 4 года назад
Even if true, this has absolutely nothing to do with the theory of evolution. I am not sure why this is so dang difficult for you guys to understand.
@liftthezebra4983 3 года назад
@BrittardWatts 2 года назад
Thats fucking point he makes it clear that These people r Nazis are not real professionals but yet have agendas to depopulate human life for their own gain. I don’t think you understand evolution theory was made by a man and it’s a theory and it happens to be the guy who made it is a fucking Nazi So you guys are supporting around Nazi theories ha ha Ha Seems to me the socials have infiltrated not only education but many of peoples minds I hate Nazis and they will fall all of them
@verzen 2 года назад
@@BrittardWatts Darwin was a nazi now? A party that existed in Germany, not England, where Darwin was from? A party that didn't exist until the 1900s when Darwin was born in the 1800s?
@verzen 2 года назад
@@ibra1616 What does the "ethics based on evolution" have to deal with the truth value of evolution? It doesn't. Smoke and mirrors.
@smileyladyT 2 года назад
He believed certain races were related to animals more than others. Specifically, Caucasians, were at least in Charles Darwin’s words superior to other races. He didn’t have the genetic knowledge that we know of today. Scientists today know now that all humans originated from the same place. Humans regardless of their skin color are of the same race. The human race.
@prschuster 12 лет назад
@gamesbok I reject the ridiculous notion that we can improve the human race or select a master race by selective breeding. But there may be a place for genetic engineering to get rid of obvious diseases. But that's a far cry from racial theory.
@JoshuaHults 10 лет назад
excellent talk thanks for the upload much appreciated !
@Pokerkid777 12 лет назад
I think my iq just dropped after reading some of the comments...
@parsivalshorse 11 лет назад
Why then did Hilter ban Darwin's book?
@laosi4278 3 года назад
It's myth, just simple Google search and you see that nazi supported darwinit extensively
@parsivalshorse 3 года назад
@@laosi4278 Well no, they specifically banned the teaching of Darwinism and his book was on the list of books to be burned.
@DarkShroom 2 года назад
@@laosi4278 Hitler likely accepted evolution because most rational minds did saying just because Hilter believes in evolution, makes evolution bad, is just immature
@DarkShroom 2 года назад
@@parsivalshorse i couldn't confirm if this book was burned, however that wouldn't suprise me as the Nazis are well known to have made up their own evolutionary pseudoscience probabally so they could make their own version
@laosi4278 2 года назад
@@DarkShroom where in my comment i said evolution bad BECAUSE HITLER BELIEVE IN IT? why u put something i not says as if i`ve said it in first place?
@Frodojack 12 лет назад
Hitler wasn't a Christian. He was raised a nominal Roman Catholic, but became more of a deist as he grew. During the period of his rule he was clearly a deist, believing some sort of god but rejecting traditional Christianity. To Hitler Jesus was some sort of Norse entity and he also respected Islam. For more read his Table-Top recordings that are freely available.
@StephanieReid 4 года назад
This is an amazing lecture and I’m grateful to hear it. Regardless of what we feel about the sanctity of human life as those who believe in God- we are continually assaulted by Darwin’s thoughts in schools where then kids are taught bullying laws and are written up for any assault on the grand idea of equity. It’s bizarre.
@Charlie94781 4 года назад
Evolution has never advocated the extermination of life
@stevenwiederholt7000 4 года назад
@@Charlie94781 Did you watch the talk?
@Charlie94781 4 года назад
@@stevenwiederholt7000 the creationists present their own opinions and attack scientists and atheists by maliciously linking them to genocide
@stevenwiederholt7000 4 года назад
@@Charlie94781 "the creationists present their own opinions" The thing I've noticed is materialist do the same thing, they more often than not resort to Name Calling, and not addressing the ideas presented by Creationists. BTW when you say creationist, are you talking Young Earth, Old Earth, Theistic Evolution? Because there are differences you know. "maliciously linking them to genocide" Some do. The question is, is it in error?
@DarkShroom 2 года назад
no it's just if you can't accept evolution you can't really be taken seriously as a biologist, you'll just make these people's science a mockery with that in mind.... why would you want to study science, you can study religious studies and you're just fine instead you want to shove your opinions into a science, and sciences are not actually places you can just take a 2000 year old book as evidence.... as it's not reliable data say i am trying to track some plants for example... i'm looking for closely related species so i'm searching the evolutionary tree.... what are you going to do, look in the bible for these plants?
@unicorn1620 Год назад
Wow. Thank you so much for your well-informed, well-researched, well-presented, and compassionate efforts here.
@Artsartisan 14 лет назад
"Just imagine that these events were to become known to the enemy! And were being exploited by them! In all probability, such propaganda would be ineffective simply because those hearing and reading it would not be prepared to believe it." The Reichskommisar for the Ostland to the Reichminister for occupied Eastern territories June 18, 1943
@benthemiester 14 лет назад
The national Academy of Science even has you tube video celebrating his birthday and singing happy birthday. Afterward they each gave a testimonial to how grateful they were to him, and what he meant to them personally, and said thank you, as if he was in the room with them, Really a little freaky if you ask me. That's kind of over doing it. If Newton wasn't already dead he would be die of jealousy.
@oldergentleman1111 5 лет назад
those grunts though... lol
@easymoney4ever 13 лет назад
@Ozzyman200 100,000,000 executed and counting. Yea you Atheists are real angels.
@MisterTee 15 лет назад
a quote from Mein Kampf: "The folkish minded man in particular, has the sacred duty, each in his own denomination, of making people stop just talking superficially of God's will, and actually fulfil God's will, and not let God's word be desecrated. For God's will gave man their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys his work is declaring war on the Lord's creation, his divine will" That isnt mined that is the whole section.
@whiteyboy6454 2 года назад
Darwin caused many to discard belief in GOD.
@Eulaismommy Год назад
Because he doesn’t exist
@deeptime5581 4 года назад
The science of that time included phrenology, imagine that.....Racial differences, superiority, etc were common to that period. Darwnism was simply used to rationalize already existing attitudes.
@michaels4255 2 года назад
I don't think phrenology was ever an accepted science.
@DarkShroom 2 года назад
@@michaels4255 getting an impression from wiki.... some people did, i mean remeber how it was back then a bit more polarised... people even had theories like matter is made of ice etc it's like say in Nazi germany, you had "scientists" and they where proving racial theories..... imagine a world in these centuries where we don't know what we know today.... we'd all believe at least one or two things that where dumb
@galatianskiddo9810 11 лет назад
I understand your statement because I've seen people do horrible things in the name of a worldview or religion. I sympathize with that. I reserve resentment towards so-called Christians who call gay people as 'all hell-bent'. I am in anguish when I see Muslims killing even fellow Muslims who disapprove of violence. For this reason I always go back to the Bible and to what it teaches: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.
@Alex_1729 11 лет назад
People often forget that science isn't bad or good, it's just descriptive. It shows how things work and how they're supposed to work. And it can be used for good and for bad.
@gamesbok 12 лет назад
@earlysda Hitler rejected Darwin in private conversations, in his public pronouncements, and ultimately banned Darwin by law in 1935. Hitler's references to a creator are common. He wasn't a Darwinist, he was a creationist, like Moses, who invented genocide, like Innocent lll, and his genocide in Languedoc, like Sigismund and his genocide in Bohemia. like Theodora.and her genocide in Armenia. Evolution isn't a religion, and it certainly isn't a failure. Religion brings darkness and death
@enoch1844 14 лет назад
@Ozzyman200 5) "DNA analysis confirmed that the Pod Mrcaru lizards still were genetically identical to the source population. The phenotypical changes can easily be explained by adaptation to distinct environmental condition. " If those lizards were returned to their original environment they would revert to their original size and features. No new species, they can still interbreed, no new information. Science is about evidence, not speculation, exaggeration, story telling, imagination!
@WonderfulWorldofAwesomeness 4 года назад
Interesting discussion. Too bad the constant throat clearing made this so difficult to listen to
@KennethSaul 12 лет назад
You could say that bacteria form "adaptations" to their evironment, much like the Galápagos finches. But you wouldn't say the bacteria "evolves" into a completely new cell (like a blood cell, or skin cell). At least I wouldn't say that.
@ozowen5961 Год назад
Bacteria evolve. This is observed. So, you can say it or not, it makes no difference to reality.
@KennethSaul Год назад
@@ozowen5961 Bacteria are observed, bacterial adaptations are observed, but actual new complex organisms that evolved from bacteria is inferred not observed.
@mombythesea2426 Год назад
And how could it without the circulatory system or skin organ that supplies the "necessity" to evolve? There's no reason for a bacteria to evolve into anything but a different kind of bacteria, so, no evolution into a blood cell.
@danielwernersson4201 5 лет назад
Vegan to Hitler?
@Colin12475 5 лет назад
"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations; we have stamped it out." -Adolf Hitler
@TheDarkLordLucifer 16 лет назад
"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith ...we need believing people." - Adolf Hitler
@Colin12475 5 лет назад
"The folkish-minded man, in particular, has the sacred duty, each in his own denomination, of making people stop just talking superficially of God's will, and actually fulfill God's will, and not let God's word be desecrated. For God's will gave men their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is declaring war on the Lord's creation, the divine will." -Adolf Hitler
@crabb9966 4 месяца назад
Hitler was a pantheist and would have killed Jesus for being jewish. What is your point?
@dqazwerty 12 лет назад
It´s funny to see how convinced of this you really are…
@dinette76 7 лет назад
Fascinating! Thank you for sharing!
@Jmndmb32 8 лет назад
I honestly cannot hear past the constant throat clearing. A throat clearing twitch really?!? Wtf
@apolloniangerm 6 лет назад
Jmndmb32 lmao I made this exact comment. Dude I’ve seen so many professors with absurd ticks like this guy has... one who said “um” twice as much as this guy grunts. It’s very very annoying.
@funnybot152 11 лет назад
B) this argument could be used to against religion as well (the crusades, extremists and fundamentalists) C) eugenics was supported by many evangelical christians D) as for the holocaust, christianity has had a pretty big role to play in anti-semitism, and again I'm not sure how killing an entire section of able-bodied/ able-minded people leads to something positive for a species
@joeschmotz3000 2 года назад
Christianity built the west pal
@DarkShroom 2 года назад
@@joeschmotz3000 religion is something always controlled by the state in the past actually.... so you could say no the state built the west, and the churches
@joeschmotz3000 2 года назад
@@DarkShroom so the same state that viewed women as nothing and still does have them dignity?
@Ozzyman200 13 лет назад
@easymoney4ever "You are closed minded and don't even realize it" You keep saying that but as yet you've offered no evidence, no examples, no reasoning to back it up. That is a very strong sign of dogma. "Anyone who says they know there is or isn't a God is dishonest" Absolutely. That's why I'm an atheist. I think we have a misunderstanding here. You thought I was claiming there are no gods? I'm not at all. I just don't claim there are any. Same as you at least in that.
@funnybot152 11 лет назад
Evolution doesn't end at Darwin, doesn't matter what his personal philosophy seemed to be from all of the research that he conducted. The fact that evolution has withstood the scientific scrutiny over all of these years is only a testament to it's validity.
@markcrawford4239 5 лет назад
This shit is depressing...
@dustdriver115 4 года назад
From the bottom of my heart....JESUS IS LORD!!!!!!!!
@dustdriver115 4 года назад
@T.Great Island Of The World Forever please my friend leave Islam. You have been deceived into stone worship. . Lev 26 "'Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God. Please run away from Islam
@bruhidk3069 4 года назад
T.Great Island Of The World Forever God is the father, Jesus is the son and the holy spirit is the spirit in you basically
@dustdriver115 4 года назад
@T.Great Island Of The World ForeverMy friend Worshiping a stone that pagans worshiped, for the purpose of unification? Unifications to whom? To the pagans ? And you talk about making sense? My friend it seems to me that you try hard to make sense of a religion that doesn't makes sense at all just for the purpose of traditions. Run away from it please.
@dustdriver115 4 года назад
@T.Great Island Of The World Forever To follow a man that did horrible things to Aisha and killed so many people and taught you to worship a stone it is perfectly sensible ? It is perfectly sensible to run away from a man like that isn't it! Mohammed said....Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled. Paul said..For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms
@dustdriver115 4 года назад
@T.Great Island Of The World Forever Sorry I missed your text. Some Christians make a distinction between worship and veneration I personally do not feel comfortable to do that myself, but God is all knowing He knows who belongs to him. Paul said ...... Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand. Rom 14-4 About the curse Paul said...Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Gal 3-13 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. Rom5-8 Jesus become a curse on my and on yours behalf. I am sorry but Abraham never built the kaaba it was an abomination to him. In the Bible it says...."'Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God. Lev26-1
@benthemiester 14 лет назад
@yatter1 Name one historian religious or secular who has claimed he didn't exist and can give credible evidence for this belief. Even Christopher Hitchens doesn't deny his existence, & you cant get anymore anti Christian than Hitchens. He makes Dawkins look like choir boy. Your statement makes little sense if you meant it literally.
@Temptuous2112 10 лет назад
Full title of Darwin's book, On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
@mcmanustony 5 лет назад
Race meaning "species". Why do you lack the honesty to point that out?
@reignsupreme7701 5 лет назад
mcmanustony because it’s not true. Only Darwinian make that asinine assertion. Race has never meant species
@mcmanustony 5 лет назад
Reign Supreme you are wrong. That is precisely what Darwin was referring to and it had been dishonesty presented by creationist liars ever since.
@mcmanustony 5 лет назад
@@reignsupreme7701 why do you tell lies?
@mcmanustony 5 лет назад
@@reignsupreme7701 Creationists have sought to smear Darwin as a racist by dishonestly conflating the two terms. You are yet another of these creationist liars. Get out of your gutter and do better...be more honest.
@CyberterroristWitch 11 лет назад
The past isn't separate from the present. Whoever made up the Nazi "rule" was probably a Nazi. A friend of mine's father was a Nazi officer. My mom's family was in the Netherlands resistance. She told me the U.S. reminded her of Germany before WWII. She was a news photographer in DC and a supporter of Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks. I'm attending Brad's hearings. Strange things are occurring. Others have seen it. We're his family and were here before. DOD war pigs classified reality.
@Colin12475 5 лет назад
"Anyone who dares to lay hands on the highest image of the Lord commits sacrilege against the benevolent creator of this miracle and contributes to the expulsion from paradise." -Adolf Hitler
@keithhunt5328 3 года назад
Lol...Hitler was not a Christian. He followed Nietzsche.
@crabb9966 4 месяца назад
@Draugh39 12 лет назад
"Listen, people in West tend to ignore killing from 1918 to 1934. Which were carried by Lenin" No, no, Lenin died in 1924! It is correct that a lot of the Orthodox churches were attacked. The reason for that was that the Church openly supported the Tzar, and later the White army during the Russian civil war. If you are on the loosing side in a civil war you will be treated harshly. The same thing happened to the nobility of Russia after the war.
@AQGOAT24 10 лет назад
Oh a Creationist trying to make a "moral" argument against Evolution.
@mayhudson6061 10 лет назад
At least he has 'morals' not so sure about atheist though if they did they would admit to themselves that the Nazis used Darwinism to their twisted advantage. can you refute any of the info in this lecture?
@jacktheboss1896 5 лет назад
may hudson The most secular countries are some of the happiest though.
@jthemagicrobot3960 5 лет назад
@@jacktheboss1896 so Russia, North Korea, Cuba, and China are happy places?
@chris-nj3vg 5 лет назад
@@jacktheboss1896 They may be secular now, but they have a long christian tradition. They still have christian values (separation of church & state, love your neighbor, care for the poor, etc) Naturalism on the other hand gives us no ground for morality. Most atheists these are humanists with christian values. They are not really living according to their belief ("there is no god, do whatever you want"), because it is just a lie and destroys morality and civilisation.
@jacktheboss1896 5 лет назад
J the Magic Robot Countries such as North Korea may appear secular until you realize that the people are basically worship the dictator. The dictator is their god.
@Ozzyman200 8 лет назад
"The fox remains always a fox, the goose remains a goose, and the tiger will retain the character of a tiger." - Adolf Hitler, Creationist
@Ozzyman200 8 лет назад
That's your interpretation, sure. Now, prove it.
@TruthUnadulterated 8 лет назад
Ozzyman200 Lol. I should be asking you to prove it. My explanation is consistent with the way Hitler carried himself. Furthermore, the three animals he used are famously used to speak of certain types of people. The real question is: how are you so ignorant and naïve to have never picked up on this? Why don't you locate that quotation, come back and place that same quotation in this thread for all to see *with the contextual surrounding text.* I wonder how this isolated quotation will appear in *that light.*
@Ozzyman200 8 лет назад
You made a claim, so you need to prove it. You explanation conflicts with his actions, mine does not. Prove that he was definitely not talking of species. How are you ignorant and naive that you haven't bothered to do any research and look for the contextual surrounding text?
@kevinmark6180 5 лет назад
The quote, from Mein Kampf, is taken out of context. The last sentences of the immediately preceding paragraph says: "The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind; for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution then the higher development of organic life would not be conceivable at all." In other words, as can be seen in this quote and many others, clearly Hitler believed in Darwinian evolution and thus was not a creationist. Essentially what Hitler was saying in his statement about the fox, goose, and tiger, is that a "fox" that loses the characteristics of foxes is no longer a fox, etc., and thus he was preaching against allowing his "superior" arian race to breed with those of "lesser" races, as can be seen from the following quote, also from the immediately preceding paragraph of the fox/goose/tiger quote in question: "Every crossing between two breeds which are not quite equal results in a product which holds an intermediate place between the levels of the two parents. This means that the offspring will indeed be superior to the parent which stands in the biologically lower order of being, but not so high as the higher parent. For this reason it must eventually succumb in any struggle against the higher species. Such mating contradicts the will of Nature towards the selective improvements of life in general." Anyone who would consider Hitler a creationist, or a Christian for that matter is, to borrow a phrase from Dawkins, "ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that)."
@liftthezebra4983 3 года назад
@@kevinmark6180 well but I don’t see why this should be darwinistic (Though I know what you mean) but he couldn’t really thought high about Darwinism because evolution is a phenomenon and not a logic. So, if he hadn’t traveled around the world just to observe if somehow and somewhere a human being actually ,evolved‘ in something ,better’ (and this is not even a scientific term) and anyone could have seen it, I don’t from know where his idea of a superior race should actually stem from (it was not Darwin by the way). This is neither creationism nor Darwinism what Hitler is speaking about no matter how much he believed in evolution or in Darwin’s works in its entirety: The Nazi ideology cannot be based on the same kind of ,evolution‘ what Darwin meant by this term as he never wanted to point out what could finally be found to be considered as the universal ,best‘ of animals or of humans or of something in nature in the first place. Moreover this could even be seen to be entirely contradictory to what he really found out: that an animal evolves in order to fit in its surroundings and to survive but that doesn’t mean (and that’s the point) that this one winning animal can be sure to be ,the best‘ in this area as of any other part of this world or of its kind, everywhere could await him a fight for survival (or not) but nothing more; to be alive is always the best outcome. The notion of human or even ,aryan’ superiority as a ,reality’ is therefore not just highly questionable it was invented fiction right from the start and Darwinism challenged this thought way more than it could have entirely proven it. So I don‘t know what the Nazis made out of it.
@jkovert 11 лет назад
It occurred to me once when I was watching some speculative science show on Discovery (or TLC, w/e). It showed earth millions of years in the future, how certain strange animals would be likely to evolve, etc. One thing always missing from these speculations: PEOPLE. It's always assumed that we will be extinct by then. They don't account for the fact that we can and will survive, especially because we are now armed with knowledge about evolution, selection, etc.
@Ozzyman200 13 лет назад
@easymoney4ever "I think Atheists lie and deceive." That's what you think, but it's merely an opinion. It certainly makes sense that someone wbho fear science fears facts. You have yet to back up your odd claims with any evidence. That's anti-science. I'm an atheist and a conservative. Now, again, can you give even one example of atheism causing any evil? Even one? Atheism is just open-mindedness. Put your prejudice aside, at least for Christmas, just live and let live.
@annab8312 4 года назад
Try the Chinese Communist Party for starters.
@Draugh39 12 лет назад
"If he was Orthodox by a bit he would not sent thousnads if not millions of priests and monks to Gulag." Yes he would, because the church itself had taken a political decision in the war and thus he did it for political reasons. Hitler being a catholic had no problems sending catholic people and priests to concentration camps for the same reason. A dictator will try to remove any and all organizations that can threaten his rule. Hitler went first for trade-unions, Stalin for nobility and church
@fatunicorn98 5 лет назад
Natural selection is the path that is talked here, with a very ugly down side for humans. If natural selection works so well, then why so many eugenicists? The other path Darwin took was random mutation. Random mutation is the path that destroys the theory of evolution.
@toneionson6064 2 месяца назад
wasn’t darwin bedridden for a portion of his life. so. how can he classify others as inferior?
@methinxaweezil 15 лет назад
Weikart is correct that there are consequences to ideas that have gone astray. The anti-science propaganda film "Expelled" was based in large part on ideas expressed in his book, and Ben Stein was conscripted as idiot-clown spokesman for the ID movement after reading it. Weikart employs a loaded question as a disclaimer up front, that Darwinism does not "necessarily" lead to the Holocaust, then attempts to prove the opposite. cont....
@johnnybates7580 11 месяцев назад
Hogwash. The Germans completely misunderstood Hitler. 😂
@WorthlessWinner 14 лет назад
@benthemiester Are you questioning the fact that the bible was edited for at least hundreds of years?
@benthemiester 14 лет назад
As far as editing of scripture, the Dead Sea Scrolls demonstrated how accurate the people of that day were, not just of the scribes, but also of the oral traditions. No one is forced into believing anything they don't want to believe in. However if you don't believe there is enough empirical evidence to support Darwinian macro evolution, then you can be penalized with your grades as a student or loss of job by a teacher, to even question it will put you in legal trouble.
@page8301 2 года назад
@HypnoPantsOnline 15 лет назад
well who's to say hitler didn't follow darwinism? that's not to say that many religious leaders in history who believed in creationism weren't just as bad or even worse(although not as well documented as in nazi germany)... so to simply state that because hitler believed in darwinism, then darwinism = nazism, is like stating that because suicide bombers believe in creationism, then creationism = terrorism.
@mousegeek 16 лет назад
Wow! Richard Weikart talks so much sense. People who admired Darwin in Germany were racist. God it makes you think. But, a few questions: how were black people treated in America? They were like totally respected right? There were no Christian slave-owners I bet? They weren't lynched in the Bible Belt? The Christian KKK treated them good I suspect? This video has completely convinced me, convinced me Richard Weikart is the worst historian on the planet.
@rgby100 12 лет назад
Well then how come chickens have the genetic information to make teeth? They've grown chickens with teeth. I wonder where they could have gotten that (cough cough dinosaurs).
@paisleymakonen6521 3 года назад
Who is to say chickens couldn't grow teeth. Maybe for extreme adaptation. Birds with beaks lived amongst dinosaurs . What came first hollow bones or bird lungs or bird eyes or feathers. Answer - all at once.
@christopheclugston 12 лет назад
As if Religion weren't a bad idea--they are trying to put forth some version of God of the Gaps when they have any proof of what they are saying.
@carriebrk 11 лет назад
Hitler began by forced sterilizations of "undesirables". Mentally or physically impared etc. He was also the first Western power to practice abortion for the same purposes. In Darwins writings he questioned the wisdom of helping and caring for such people because they "weakened the species". Christianity ascribes equal worth to all humans because they are all made in the image of God. Christian ideology sees all of equal worth and importance.
@carriebrk 11 лет назад
"evolution predicts such things" what is that supposed to mean?
@PaulDavey-n8p Месяц назад
Sounds like a right wing Christian nationalism
@KonijNx2 11 лет назад
funnybot152, please read my response to understand that when Darwin referred to the extermination of 'savage' races, he was merely either A. referring to non-human species that were dying out or B. Referring to tribes of peoples that he believed would be killed off by colonialism. 'Savage' carries a negative connotation, though he never viewed them as subhuman.
@axe7064 2 года назад
The only Savage here are the European colonists who raped murdered, theft and enslaved. The destruction of indigenous civilizations , the burning of books and texts , theft of priceless artefacts clearly show you are indeed SAVAGE
@easymoney4ever 13 лет назад
@Ozzyman200 Atheists lie because there is no objective morality in there belief. An example of the result of knowing there is no God is extermination. example? Lenin. Atheism is about as closed minded as a man can be. You are closed minded and don't even realize it. You can't say there is no God. That's dishonest man. I am the agnostic that chooses to believe. Anyone who says they know there is or isn't a God is dishonest. At least intellectually speaking.
@WorthlessWinner 14 лет назад
@benthemiester I don't think "using a toilet" is a good means of seperating man from beast, especially since some animals (domesticated ones) can be toilet trained and the vast majority of human cultures probably lived before a designated toilet was designed (do aboriginal people poop outside? does that make then animals?). philhellenes "Atheist Denies Evolution...With EVIDENCE!" (i wish i could link in comments) encapsulates all my thoughts on this
@benthemiester 14 лет назад
@unassumption U don't have to believe anything I said. I asked u to research it. I have, & I've found that the dead sea scrolls are extremely accurate in regards to the modern Bible in general. You can criticize the Bible as a non believer, but you would be hard pressed to claim that it has constantly been changed over the centuries based on what we know today. Biblical archeology is a confirmed science. Its even studied by atheist & agnostics scholars and is considered a historical document.
@WorthlessWinner 14 лет назад
@benthemiester I was beginning to believe you on the dead sea scrolls but why did you have to ruin it by mentioning KJV? It was written centuries ago, when most of the early manuscripts weren't known, and was based on 2 earlier English translations (if i remember) not the greek... isn't NIV based on the greek? Even so the gospels were decided upon on political grounds, and the theology professors at yale open course (has old and new test studies) at least accept they're full of contradictions
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