
FSN Sport Science. Episode 2 - Rampage Jackson 

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Which generates more force. Two Sumo Wrestlers or a punch from Rampage Jackson?
Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, John Brenkus, Base Productions
BASE Productions



15 сен 2024




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@CrownedGaming 11 лет назад
Me: Wow he's so cocky and full of himself... *hears he punches 1800 lbs of force* Me: Wow, he's so modest...
@rollazn 15 лет назад
Yeah - but you have to include that Houston Alexander punch was more like a hard straight compare to Rampage's hook. Rampage's hook definitely generates more power than any straight.
@deezyrealnigga 10 лет назад
The way to hit hard is the same for every man. Some have instincts like Rampage, but it can be learned by any man. If you strive to hit hard, well you gonna hit hard. Just like learning, if you strive to learn, well you will become smart.
@johnwhite6346 8 лет назад
deezyrealnigga there's hitting hard and there's explosive power.
@bdcarlitosway 16 лет назад
they should have Crocop`s LHK measured, Im think around 3 times Rampage`s punch
@Ebuverthebicepcurler 15 лет назад
I guess the only way to prove anything would be a test. A point- very few people actually work the abs for strnegth- that is to say there is no 1rm, but instead many moves for endurance more orless.
@Bumbaclart247 15 лет назад
that is your opinion, but fact abdominals and obliques are paramount when performing a punch, think of the rotation from the hip. also stops your upper body floppin.
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
The problem with his demonstration by Rampgae is that in a real fight he be counter easily by a good striker because he lounges back with that punch to bring it in with as much power as he can. He did not cock his right or left hook like that against Silva and Liddell. They were great punches though.
@Ebuverthebicepcurler 15 лет назад
A person said that a little guy with strong abs would have more power than a big man without- I disagree, I have a strong punch and I've never done any ab exercises(or to be precise hardly ever). Fact is, I've never felt sore abs because of boxing, only shoulders and simply tiring out.
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 the punching from the bottom hurting sum1 is rare, besides to be on the bottom and try to brawl with sum1 who is on top is a losing battle, considerring that power and toughness are the biggest factors in trading punches like a wild man. You are right that you can hurt sum1 from the bottom... but only if they are posteuring up, allowing you to extend ur arm all the way.
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 Ive been wrestling longer than u have so I know which would be better to counter the TD with, and since the wrestlers target is the leg, punish him with it, so he will avoid even thinking about going there, but whenever you try to counter the takedown with any strike, it is easier to get taken down, just watch the Silva/Sonnen fight, how many times Sonnen counter grappled Silva's strikes to get it to the ground.
@edwardkania142 15 лет назад
They had a boxer do something similar on another show. He did a straight right and it came out to about 1000 pounds. I agree though it's not a practical punch and I can't imagine someone getting caught with that unless they were practically out on their feet already, but their data seems right on to me.
@renzokata 12 лет назад
if rampage torques his body and sends his fist your way and it hits you-that's it, it's nightly night!
@Bumbaclart247 15 лет назад
you quoted yourself 'A person said that a little guy with strong abs would have more power than a big man without' even though you disagree with this statement was made for a reason. Put it this way, imagine a big guy with strong abs n a big buy with normal abs, whos going to hit harder? the difference will be as significant as having stronger shoulders as opposed to less developed ones if not more
@jagdjohn96 14 лет назад
Interesting fact is that when Randy gets someone in the mount he hits with an incredible 2000 pounds of force! I bet Toney hasnt been hit that hard B4!
@joshuapratt6 11 лет назад
imagine earnie shavers being tested.....
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 knees and kicks are both more powerful than punches, but u cant keadkick if you arent flexible enough, and you cant really throw an accurate knee without a clinch, but there are flying knees which are spectacular ways to finish a fight, and I think that is one of the many ways MMA beats boxing. For one thing its complete fighting system, another, the wild submissions/grappling wars/throws/slams/flying moves/ cage moves/ knees and kicks that come out of no where on top of the boxing
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
if I was going to stuff a takedown with a strike, I would much rather use a knee, as opposed to reaching down and trying to land an uppercut, less power, and more adjusting would be required
@ThePurdude 16 лет назад
To Poobank well yea, technically they're correct when calculating force rather than pressure, but that's the wrong application. This may seem like a stretch to you, but it's similar to saying that being pushed by a bulldozer is more deadly/painful/harmful/etc... than a bullet because a bulldozer is XYZ pounds more than the bullet (i dont know the weight of a bulldozer off the top of my head)
@Ebuverthebicepcurler 15 лет назад
I dont doubt it, I simply doubt a person with strong abs will have much more of a punch than one without.
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 just because grappling is boring to you doesnt mean it is boring to everyone
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@jagdjohn96 Toney was wating to catch Couture coming in with a takedown. That is why Couture dove from miles away with a way low ankle pick. Very great game plan by Couture. Toney was expecting him to come wasit high with a double leg and catch him with a shot.
@jagdjohn96 14 лет назад
@therealJAYO It doesnt take a genius to figure out who has more PRESCISION accurracy, but that still doenst mean that there percentage of landing the hit ratio is drastically different. I agree with the single leg, considering boxers leave there leg way in front of them. I was surprised that Toney was waiting to counter punch Randy instead of trying to outbox him while he could.
@LEFTHOOK101 16 лет назад
lol the digital imprint of rampage punching was standing in a south paw position. weird?
@Ebuverthebicepcurler 15 лет назад
Not wishing to start a fight, just my view on this.
@gentorz 15 лет назад
Is it the strength of abs we're talking about here or the visibility of abs e.g a man with visible abs has a better punch or what? If by strong abs you mean visible abs, then no because Fedor punches harder than most people and he got a vodka belly. But if you mean the strength of the muscles regardless of fat covering the belly then I'd agree that someone with stronger muscles and limbs would hit harder.
@Bumbaclart247 15 лет назад
ever heard of cable crunches? Thats a one rep max test right there
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@jagdjohn96 Well of course bro. You have to cross train to do good in MMA whether you are a wrestler, boxer, muay thai fighter, BJJ guy and what not. We can both agree to that.
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@jagdjohn96 Btw, Rampage has not slam a guy in years. For him to slam Toney he have to get on close meaning he risked getting hit by a Toney punch. Also one can get knock out from bottom position.
@poobank 16 лет назад
yes you can they are talking about force not pressure.
@jagdjohn96 14 лет назад
@therealJAYO just to clarify that is pressure force, not psi. Chuck hits with 115 pounds per square inch. multiply that by the size of his fist and you got your pounds of force. If Kieth Jardine can take 1800 pounds of force than Randy can take 1300, hell Brock hits harder than Toney and it took 31 of those lunchboxes to the face to TKO Randy. BTW Randy's chin is tough enough to take a direct headkick from Gonzaga! But Brock has a great wrestling background that Toney doesn't Randy by 1st rd TKO
@tracker68 16 лет назад
"kind of like having a teenage hippo sit on your head.." FUCK!
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 being good at hand striking is important in MMA, but it is better to be a jack of all traids than to only excel at one thing, for instance, Denis Siver(kickboxer) vs George Sotouropolis(BJJ). Denis Siver's strength is in his kickboxing, and George's is the Jiu Jitsu, but Siver had Jiu Jitsu experience going into that fight, and George had boxing experience going into that fight, so they could hold their own against eachother, but the wrestling made a difference bc George couldnt
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 cont. take Siver into his strength which was on the ground, so Denis utilized his superior striking skills to drop him twice in the first round, and outpoint him the rest of the fight, bc even tho George was an amateur boxer, he wasnt as good a striker as Siver, but he had much better BJJ, but Siver utilized his TD defense to keep it where he is most comfortable and he tossed George around like a ragdoll. Siver +Striking +Wrestling(TD defense) George +Jiu Jitsu(on the ground)
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 kicks and knees will do more damage than 1 punch, because they are being thrown by bigger muscles
@imnodog 16 лет назад
"put my ass into it!" LOL
@Ebuverthebicepcurler 15 лет назад
I'll look into it.
@__yoy 5 месяцев назад
Whats the verdict?
@deezyrealnigga 10 лет назад
All the small people should get hyper like Bruce Lee and they would be formidable.
@sonnyblack0870 15 лет назад
Where do I find that video & why didn't Houston Alexander throw a hook?
@xaustinbnrx 13 лет назад
@JUNIORxDOSxSANTOS He isn't 250, he recently stated that he is 230. A 45 pound weight
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@jagdjohn96 And what does this have anything to do with what we were originally discussing? LOL. Plus Knock outs from punches is most common in MMA than from knees or kicks. Fighters of all styles love to show their machismo by knowing they can knock someone out with a punch.
@Ebuverthebicepcurler 14 лет назад
to be honest, is Rampage really that small? Being a lightheavyweight he likely walks around at 220lb, not the weight of a small man.
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@jagdjohn96 Look up Mercer vs Sylvia. That was Boxing vs MMA.
@holypoop88 15 лет назад
I dont even think his punch was ever recorded. Mike trained consistently on his speed; he emulated the lightweight boxers. He could throw 4 punches in 1 second Tyson is faster than Rampage and bigger too. Tyson has larger leg muscles which is where the power generates. Rampage hit 1800.The only reading Ive seen for Tyson that seems logical is 1750 and if thats true, he wore larger gloves which takes away from the power whereas MMA fighters wear smaller golves that barely cover the knuckles
@VCthaGOATdunker 15 лет назад
So which was eventually the hardest hit in all of sports in this show?
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 I saw it, all it proves is that a big strike can knock sum1 out at any time, boxers only chance against an MMA fighter is punching and punching with a small window of time b4 the takedown, but when you have boxers like JDS come into mma with TD defense, then they can win, but they are no longer just boxers, they become MMA fighters and use the sprawl and brawl strategy
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@jagdjohn96 You serious? Lesnar was not hitting Couture with full power. He was tip tapping him with punches on the ground. Nothing like he hit Herring with. If Toney would had tagged Couture, Couture would had been out because his chin is done. Look at Couture vs Nog.
@jagdjohn96 14 лет назад
@therealJAYO Wandy was KOed by a Rampage punch and so was Chuck, thats for sure. BTW his accuracy won't matter if he hits Randy, a moving target, as he's shooting, or if hes on his back. I think randy should setup the takedown with a fake just to keep Toney from uppercutting at all. Ive seen Randy shoot b4 and his most effective takedowns are when they punch him as hes shooting. He called it a "give and a take".
@GANGSTAELPASO 16 лет назад
thats bas rutten first clip howecome ive never seen teh episode?
@jagdjohn96 14 лет назад
Chuck Norris could hit that hard when he was a baby. He laughs at Rampages punch.
@Ebuverthebicepcurler 15 лет назад
Bs- I've never done situps, I dont do any ab exercise at all and I am a hard puncher- mass is more important than core strength. The trick is keeping it up, if you cant get oxegen to the muscles- larger guys tend to have this problem- then you cant put much force into it. Size and form matter- but strongs abbs dont mean s---.
@jagdjohn96 14 лет назад
I dont know how accurrate those numbers are? 1800!? Whats even more impressive is that Hendo can take a hit from that compact car right on the chin! Avg. Boxer hits with 750. Thats Rampage's Punch though, "rolling hook". If MMA fighters can take that, than Randy should be able to take out Toney, no matter what he gets hit with! Randy hits with 500 pounds with his straight right, and 2000 pounds from the mount!
@Ebuverthebicepcurler 15 лет назад
After dropping Mir, Heath and randy i'd like to see Brocks punch power.
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 look up Gene Libbell vs boxer, this was in the 60's. Judo vs boxing
@deezyrealnigga 10 лет назад
The scale is the same. It's just some are more experienced and do it better than others. So it's really futile to like at fractional nooks and crannies alone like speed and mass. There's only one formula. For example to execute your mass alone without going a distance is a twist or a spin. Can be formidable but not all-powerful because it lacks the rest of the components and like that all the time. See what I mean?
@ewilli99 13 лет назад
at 4:18, all the boys are looking up.
@wurblewurble 16 лет назад
and what's funny is that jackson isn't even a boxing specialist
@kajautus 14 лет назад
Trolled your asses out :D
@archronosx 16 лет назад
rampage is a a funny guy lol
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@holypoop88 1800 Pounds of force and 1750 PSI is way different.
@ozzevans 15 лет назад
ther is a punch machine in the pub that i got to... i got 847lb and came straight home to see wha rampage got... i was drunk... im gunna go tomoro sober and ima see if i can get at least 1000lb has to be done
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 it takes a TON of timing to catch sum1 shooting for a takedown, not only that but, just because he lands that one punch, doesnt mean the MMA fighter is done. You boxing fans fail to realize that MMA fighters have to take much more than just punches to the face. A head kick or knee to the face of a decent Muay Thai fighter will do much more damage than a punch from a boxer.
@nebyou 16 лет назад
ay it's for tv
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@jagdjohn96 You dont have to reach down if ur stance is more grounded. Plus with a knee ur legs have to be up front more. when u sprawl u have to push ur legs back. It is more risky with knees. I know cause I train. But to each their own. What ever works for u bro I aint knocking that.
@NaumProductions 13 лет назад
Looked like the hit he had on wanderlei
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 any punch can hurt sum1, but rarely do I see a fighter get knocked out with the first punch thrown. The only times ive seen it happen, were Marquart vs Maia and Sylvia vs Mercer, the only time Ive seen a fighter get dropped while shooting in for a double leg was Munoz vs Grove. and Munoz went on to win that fight by ground and pound. what makes you think im biased against boxing? It is out of the question that an MMA fighter will beat a pure boxer in an MMA fight, 90% of the time
@flem1 16 лет назад
They should have used a boxer for the punch segment.
@gmwphnehn 12 лет назад
on the waist? didnt tot they could find a strap that would fit..
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 But Toney didnt even land a punch, Randy took him down and choked him b4 he could lol. I think I just won the arguement hands down.
@123UncleRuckus 12 лет назад
They should measure the mass of Rampage's gut.
@krimosibi 14 лет назад
@therealJAYO look at the way rampage punches...if toney would punch like that he would punch 2000 ibs of pressure
@TrustNJesusChrist 11 лет назад
so to hit hard you use your lower body....wow that's not really news man. I mean flame me if you wish, but martial artists have known that for a long freaking time. Its also why samurai can swing their sword and have it land on you with the force of a falling mountain. Oh btw Rampage, just remember there is always someone bigger and stronger and faster than you. Just cause you haven't met them, doesn't mean they don't exist. Eat some humble pie, just a little bit please.
@ThePurdude 16 лет назад
this is totally wrong. you can't compare a punch to a hippo sitting on somebody's head. The punch's force is concentrated in a smaller surface area while the hippo's force is spread out. both would surely suck though. they're completely throwing their 1st year college general physics out the window
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 its not the guy doing the lay and praying's fault, bc the guy on the bottom doesnt know how to do jack shit from his gaurd, so the guy on top figures he gets an easy win against a bad fighter, without expending much effort
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@jagdjohn96 Drastically different? Jackson laded 38 out of 80 punches against Machida. Toney is way more accurate than that. Toney's problem is that he is a flat footed fighter. His upperbody and head movement is very slick and as you come in he creates great timing and distance with measurement anc catches you. Rampage has good head movements and good accuracy too, but not like Toney. That is his craft.
@xaustinbnrx 13 лет назад
@xaustinbnrx cut is dangerous
@Bumbaclart247 15 лет назад
abs are very important in a punch what are you on about
@crazydriverboy 13 лет назад
I thought this was a punching test so why are they using mma fighters , put any professional heavyweight boxer who is known for being powerful in there if you want real results
@jagdjohn96 14 лет назад
@therealJAYO Ok Toney knows more tricks, but that doesnt mean Rampage is less accurrate, BTW Toney lost. Im surprised at Randy's punching power though. On his feet he is only 300 pounds of force shorter than Toney.
@monoforraptunes 14 лет назад
rampage gets up to 230 pounds when hes walking around...id hardly call that a small thing moving fast... the guy is built like a tank.
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@jagdjohn96 Ive taken BJJ for 11 years. Once again why u assumed I am just a Boxing fan hating on MMA? Just because u hate Boxing does not mean I hate grappling or MT.
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 Why does it matter, if anything can happen, then Randy couldve KOed Toney, but that was unlikely just like Toney stuffing a takedown was unlikely
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 So what! Fighting is not just about KO power,(BTW alls rampage would have to due to KO toney, is slam him). Its about skill, which JT has none of anywhere besides punching.
@son1gohan 16 лет назад
lol poor chuck
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 JDS is an excellent MMA fighter, but he is not just a boxer, his TD defense is light years ahead of a pure boxer, and his grappling skill are undoubtably better. But he does win most of his fights by outboxing his opponnents, then sprawling when the other guy shoots for a takedown. Im not against punching, im against the whole boxing vs mma shit. Boxers alone are only good at boxing, MMA fighters can be good at everything
@veeseee128 12 лет назад
tyson and foreman hit harder.
@APotatoWithAGun 14 лет назад
i bet those sumos are just normal american citizens, they were eatin at mcdonalds at they asked them you guys want to be on tv...
@aklatnihS 14 лет назад
Rampage isn't that strong. He could just probably crush my head in one punch. Nothing new.
@ozzevans 15 лет назад
you doubt it? well i did it easy
@stevenlikescricket 13 лет назад
any cridicts ask wanderlei silva
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 Wrestling is much more exciting than baseball and golf, yet sum ppl still find baseball and golf exciting
@taekwon3000 13 лет назад
@jagdjohn96 Toney had a way better chance of catching Couture coming in for a takedown with a punch than Couture KOing Toney in the stand up. Not like if has never happen. It has plenty of times in MMA fights. That is why Couture went for a low ankle pick. He is a smart man. At least way smarter than the idiots out there who shits on Boxing.
@danielhako1 11 лет назад
look up george foreman check out his record
@MrNegativity 15 лет назад
Rampage hits harder than Muhammad Ali? Cry about it. Fighters evolve. Ali couldn't take Rampage in an MMA fight and Rampage couldn't take Ali in a boxing match in their prime. They're different sports.
@jagdjohn96 13 лет назад
@taekwon3000 Again, Rampage can KO him with GnP or a slam, he doesnt need to box with James Toney in MMA. Boxing is a stupid form of fighting, since when has 2 guys really wanted to fight, but say "lets only use our hands". Sure James is a better boxer, Rampage will beat him at everything else though
@bulboflight 15 лет назад
lol.. nice :P owned him good
@meathands734 12 лет назад
is it true that sumo wrestlers need to hire someone to wipe their arse when they have a crap?
@impbadminton 13 лет назад
tai chi wins speed fist man lol when slow defense win offense true or not, then why people learn tai chi to fight noobs.
@12CREAM21 14 лет назад
this hardly seems a fair comparison
@firdaus125 14 лет назад
No i believe that's cause of steroids
@ThePurdude 16 лет назад
or even worse(or more funny), what if you're drunk and you're being attacked by a transformer/bulldozer-tron...
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