
Fungal mycotoxins & ME/CFS could this be why you're tired? 

Dr Cameron Jones
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Science is all about observation and forming hypotheses to answer questions. For scientists like myself, I’m interested in how the environment affects health, and specifically, how water-damaged buildings and exposure to poor indoor air quality can affect quality of life. For this week on The Mould Show we're going to be talking about fungal mycotoxins and myalgic encephalomyelitis termed ME for short and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
The reason I've chosen this topic is that I've met a family whom I've now done three separate mould inspections for. Why this is unusual is that the symptoms experienced by the female occupant and her daughter are classic ME/CFS symptoms. Across all 3 of the different properties hidden mould problems were discovered. That information in itself was useful for this family and helped them to break their lease due to the fact that there was verified mould present. However, that's not the point of this podcast and even the positive mould confirmation as an environmental trigger didn’t help the mother and daughter from understanding why they reacted so strongly when indoors. They thought they were going crazy, since how could 3 different properties cause them so much trouble? They couldn’t understand why some buildings caused no issues, and the 3 they’d chosen to rent all set them off?
This has bothered me all year. I know mould is a huge issue for some people - but what exactly might be going on for THIS family?
A very interesting article on Substack focuses on his experience with chronic pain and ME/CFS and how after 25 years of suffering, he discovered by chance, following a recommendation from a friend to read a book that talked about the connection between ME and chronic fatigue syndrome and mitochondrial dysfunction. So that is the true focus of the topic today.
• Could exposure to fungal mycotoxins be the reason why they were tired and experiencing pain?
• Could this be the reason you’re tired? Is this another aspect to environmental illness?
• And could this be classified as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)?
• Are there any patient-specific tests to verify ME/CFS or mould exposure and what can be done to alleviate the symptoms?
Firstly, let's define what ME/CFS is. There are three core symptoms + at least one or more other symptoms which include:
1. an inability to participate in routine activities that would have been possible before becoming ill and that lasts for greater than six months.
2. the fatigue which is also a primary symptom tends to worsen after physical, mental or emotional effort.
3. and does not resolve after sleep, termed ‘unrefreshing sleep’.
Other problems include:
a) an inability to concentrate or memory impairment and/or
b) something called orthostatic intolerance. Which means that when people stand up, they feel lightheaded or dizzy and can even faint.
The family that moved into those three different properties all complained that after a few days of occupying the mould contaminated building the wife especially experienced episodes of unexpected fainting and collapsing into her husband's arms.
Those 3 inspections coupled with reading the Substack article led me to investigate further whether there was any published literature, focusing on exposure to fungal cells or their mycotoxins in the ME/CFS literature.
Very recently a publication appeared in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health that has looked at exactly this topic. These scientists looked at the levels of Aspergillus toxins like aflatoxin, ochratoxin, and gliotoxin in the urine of 236 ME/CFS patients who had a known exposure to mould from water damaged buildings.
The evidence from two types of urine mycotoxin testing from Real Time Laboratories as well as from the Great Plains Laboratories revealed that 92.4% of ME/CFS patients who had exposure to water damaged buildings had mycotoxin evidence in their urine, with ochratoxin being the most prevalent.
This study is extremely important because it validates what many of us mycologists and microbiologists have known for many years - that exposure to water damaged buildings leads to mould exposure and that it is the mycotoxins and not just the intact cell which contribute to adverse health.
In this Livestream, I'll also be extending on the concept of mitochondrial dysfunction and we'll be looking at three additional publications which have looked at how the individual can improve their mitochondrial activity for better health.
Wu, T.Y.; Khorramshahi, T.; Taylor, L.A.; Bansal, N.S.; Rodriguez, B.; Rey, I.R. Prevalence of Aspergillus-Derived Mycotoxins (Ochratoxin, Aflatoxin, and Gliotoxin) and Their Distribution in the Urinalysis of ME/CFS Patients. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 2052. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19042052




25 июн 2022




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@MsBuffalopoo Год назад
Thank you. Keep the mold show coming. SO many doctors need this info.
@galespressos 10 месяцев назад
Absolutely think so too!
@saschaesken5524 Месяц назад
doctors know nothing essential
@goldvalentine5434 Год назад
I live 8 years in a room full of mold. I get fatigue, nausea, memory loss ,panic attacks at months march, April after molding spread ...i was having high blood pressure at having bad habits age 23- 27 ... working my way in life .i started training my body my diet to fix blood pressure... I never believe it was my room for my own hell and after the cleaning 🧹 i was having every year in mold. My mental health was returning in summer... after the cleaning of mold...so freaking news to understand about this. The thing is i will fix my wall and will buy humidifier . Ι will solve that thanks for your free explanation dr , God bless you!
@Lyn_Marie_ Год назад
Thank you Dr. Cameron for this video, and providing links to the research. Two years ago I discovered I’ve been living in WDB with mold for 4 years. I had a urine test by Real Time Labs, which was free if you have Medicare. I have high levels of all 3, and unfortunately it cost 15,000 -$20,000 in USD. A few months later I got the 2nd in a series of vaccines. That 2nd one pushed me over the edge. I live a lone and do the bare necessities to get through each day. My house is unsellable. I wasted all my money on healthcare, 2 inspections, 1 remediation leaving me with no outside wall in one of my bathrooms. It will be nice to show these downloads to a Doctor, maybe even a lawyer.
@paulyvay4152 2 года назад
Great video Dr Cameron! I can attest to how debilitating CIRS can be from personal experience. It's great that you are shedding light on this issue
@maryr7593 27 дней назад
Dr Naviauv Univ of CA-San Diego has done lots of research in micocondrial disfunction. Dr Andrew Heyman about CiRS and also talks about Naviauv's research. There are vids on other channels with their presentations.
@hilarymurray7800 Год назад
Me too, slept in my car. Still don't have a clean place to live.
@averillallanmcmurtrie9176 Год назад
You are right there is a connection to CFS with mould but I don't think the connection is as you think it is. I have CFS and have had it for at 25years. I have spent over $17,000 and have researched it at length (incidentally I stopped counting at $NZ17,000). When I first got ill all the blood tests revealed nothing which is pretty standard for CFS. I eventually found through my own research that I had candida in other words mould overgrowth and took the book (can't remember the title) to my doctor as the author stated doctors know very little about this condition. As it turned out the book's author had been to New Zealand and had conducted several seminars here and my then doctor had been to one of the seminars so stated "Oh I have that book I forgot all about that condition, you are right you have candida". The treatment in those days was a Nystatin by the name of Nilstat (note the names it is a statin used for removing cholesterol). It worked a little but was never totally successful so he sent me to the hospital where I was told they don't know how to treat it so I will just have to live with it. I wasn't prepared to do that so I read about alternatives by starving it out with a high protein diet and alternating some natural anti fungals. I improved but still have CFS although now making progress but that's another story. Candida can be caused by stress which elevates cortisol in the body and cortisol in turn destroys the microbiome allowing the fungus spores to proliferate. Candida can now be treated with oral lamisol but be aware the dying fungus will knock you around for some time before there is an improvement. Women are more prone to candida than men as the microbiome can be destroyed by the use of anitbiotics (women tend to go to the doctor more than men) and the oral contraceptive pill which is probably the reason for the disproportionate numbers. When you have systemic fungus such as candida you become either allergic or intolerant to mould in your surroundings. I believe virtually everyone who has CFS has at one stage or another had or still has candida which is not the cause of CFS but develops with CFS and makes us feel worse. My experience with doctors is that they are inept at diagnosing candida although that may now be starting to change. A most useful book is the "Fungal Link" by Doug Kauffman (he is also on RU-vid) and he mentions that Statins were first developed to remove fungus from the body but medicine found it very convenient to market them otherwise. Interestingly enough one of the side effects of statins is memory loss and I remember very little of what I was told in those days. Hope that is helpful. P.S. I also live in Wellington.
@user-wr7dz3rr3s Год назад
So interesting and useful for me!
@Jennifer-gr7hn Год назад
HBOT - oxygen is the answer. IV ozone with UV light, High dose Vitamin C, etc. get into the veins. I know from experience. Learned about severe mold (work place - nursing in urgent care), also flood in my house, and it affected me AWFUL. Severe covaids in math 2020 lit the match. Interesting about the statin! I was put on pravastatin for covaids longhaul. Helped but I don't have high cholesterol so didn't want to stay on. Women shouldn't be on contraceptives for so many reason! And well, the candida leads to cancer to boot. Also low mold diet (hard, especially if you love fermented foods and kombucha ;) ). Mainstream is purposefully ignorant.
@averillallanmcmurtrie9176 Год назад
@@Jennifer-gr7hn Candida develops as the result of developing CFS and is probably one of the first issues we deal with. The toxins given off by this mould (or mold depending one which country you are from and how you spell it) affect you in such a manner that I would describe it feeling like you are drunk without actually having touched a drop of liquor. You say that candida leads to cancer and that is the implication in Doug Kauffman's book. I have read many books and this in one I place highly on 'my must read books'. I did chelation therapy to remove high levels of mercury and one the products used was high dose Vitamin C, but I am sorry to say it had no effect on my ME/CFS, and I did that therapy for about three years. It did remove about 2/3 to 3/4 of my mercury levels, however, I have since read that mercury combines with candida and is very hard to remove. I agree with you that mainstream is ignorant but mainstream only pushes drugs and I can assure you drugs will never cure this problem. Someone once said 'Is the cause so obvious that we don't see it?" My answer to that yes it is am I am certain I have found it. I think I have found the solution but have had some trouble recently when I caught a very virulent dose of covid which set me back and am starting again. I have to improve before I can get people's hopes up and was starting to improve before I caught covid so hopefully things will pan out in the next few weeks. If it works it will take a few years for recovery but I will put up information so that people can get started. If I am right the process will not be expensive but will involve a few supplements and probably a lot less than what people are using now. I note you are a nurse which I find interesting as I knew a very competent nurse who like you also found that she did not believe in mainstream, Allan.
@Swansue Год назад
@@averillallanmcmurtrie9176 please update us as you go
@averillallanmcmurtrie9176 Год назад
@@Swansue I will but it is a slow process as the longer you have had it the more sensitive your body becomes and, unfortunately I messed things up tonight but will be starting properly tomorrow.
@sdlonyer4633 Год назад
I believe you are right i recently woke from 10 years of this at least after being butnow I realize my step mother had this also
@AndreaDingbatt Месяц назад
In the UK the Medical professional will Not Accept that Mold is a Problem!! I lived in a damp house that was absolutely Covered by different types of molds and fungi... I've got Fibromyalgia and CFS, and these were getting Worse with every passing year I lived there!! To the point where I was unable to get out of bed!! I lived there for about 16 years!! Fortunately, I have now moved out to a nice dry bungalow and I am starting to feel better now and have some energy!!(*Limited!!) I am going to start with an Antifungal regime, as well as the Antiparasitic regime also!! If I Improve,,, I will post Here in the comments section!! If I fully Recover fully from these, I will start a RU-vid channel and post the regime there!! Namasté 🙏 🕊️ 💞 🌟 Andréa and Critters. ..XxX...
@andreaarias2085 Год назад
Valuable information!
@averillallanmcmurtrie9176 Год назад
I should add, if you have mould around you spray it with borax as it definitely kills it, I can attest to that.
@Jennifer-gr7hn Год назад
So does peroxide! :)
@averillallanmcmurtrie9176 Год назад
@@Jennifer-gr7hn I won't dispute that because I have never tried it but at least it gives people two options to try which are probably better than bleach.
@annmarie1689 Год назад
@@averillallanmcmurtrie9176 bleach, peroxide does not work
@marlenecampbell5439 Месяц назад
Borax is long lasting Peroxide might kill but it grows right back. Professionals use borax
@CleanHomes1 Год назад
Great Video!
@brobinson8614 2 года назад
Interesting, I first got ME/CFS after a severe case of influenza while living in an under house mouldy bedroom. I got a bit better after moving away. I remained to have mild ME/CFS for 26 years, but I had a flu shot 6 years ago that in rare cases permanently made the ME/CFS severe, Spending 23 hours a day lying in bed sick like influenza and a permanent hangover. I live in Wellington, New Zealand, its damp and mouldy city. 7 months ago moved into a caravan to isolate away from flatmates (as unfortunately I personally couldn't risk another jab). Anyway the last few months I got so much sicker, it felt like I was dying. So I thought to check for mould and found it behind all the shield panels. Black mould was bloody everywhere!!! It took a week to clean because of my health, but I bleached all the mould areas, and wiped away the toxins. Within about 3 days of the last cleaning I improved somewhat, but I still have severe ME/CFS. So maybe the toxins are still in the fabrics of the caravan?
@nimmccoan7416 Год назад
You shouldn't really clean mould away with bleach. It looks like it cleans it, because it bleaches it, but bleach actually causes a reaction in mould that makes it release more of the toxins that we react to, before it dies.
@averillallanmcmurtrie9176 Год назад
Clean everything again with Borax, you can buy it from a hardware shop Bunnings or mitre 10 - and it is not expensive. I would say your severe influenza caused immense inflammation and that your immune system was suppressed because of the mould, and this in turn would cause your ME/CFS. You have had this for long time so my guess is you now have food intolerances. I have had it close to thirty years and it seems to me that food intolerances develop after ten years. I have written a lot here for other people, have a look you will find it helpful.
@AndreaDingbatt Месяц назад
@brobinson8614 Please accept my sympathy for you having CFS and Fibromyalgia!! (Same here!!) Please use Borax/Boron to Kill the Mold, Bleach only makes it look like it is gone and it will come back pretty quickly! Borax/Boron Kills the mold and if you keep on top of it this will wipe it out altogether!! I hope that you are feeling better soon and hopefully 100% Better with the supplements also!! Namasté 🙏🕊️💞🌟 Andréa and Critters. ...XxX....
@brobinson8614 Месяц назад
@@AndreaDingbatt Cool thanks for that advice I'll look for some!!
@srraff3507 10 месяцев назад
Doc, we’d love to see you present research on toxin induced MCAS
@carynmartin6053 Год назад
Im so exhausted for the last year from living in a mold covered mobile home for 7 years now! I first thought it wss from the covid vaccines but i now believe its this plastic/cardboard mobile home i unfortunately bought 7 years ago in an emergency situation. The lot it sits on is constantly damp bc of its location and coverage by trees that block the sun. I know its the mold thats visibly coating my entire home. Oh and my eyes have been constantly watery!😮😢 I lived in another older house that had a dirt floor basement and was in the same area of the one im in now, and it had mold in the bathroom and basement, but the local building inspector said it was harmless unless you have a mold allergy, which i didn't think we had, but we didn't live there that long. I do remember my son having a rash on his chest and back from living in an apartment with a moldy bathroom due to no ventilation in the same lower area of this city
@gracepoint-vo1hy 3 месяца назад
@janeteddddd 9 месяцев назад
Could it be possible to in,jec t this into our body via the "safe&effective"Procedure?
@saschaesken5524 Месяц назад
yes nanoplastic mold anything you can imagine
@labanderademocanda Год назад
Your information is fascinating I've had mold illness not only once after Hurricane Irma blew off my roof and I had extreme mold growth on my ceilings unfortunately Habitat for humanity came in and remediated my home and did all the work necessary to bring my home back to what it was and even better and then recently this past year oh I discovered a rampant mold growth growing underneath storage pallets in my work area reported it once they cleaned it up with bleach instead of remediation company as required by law due to the contamination size and square footage anyways I discovered more mold about a month ago and not only that but I've been not feeling well for several months standard mold issues and you know for a while I couldn't understand and then I discovered it the first time I'm like no no set that's the reason well shortly thereafter I just even got sicker and just thought I had a virus and anyways it continued and so I discovered more about a month ago and went to HR and made them come down and look at it and of course once again they came in with bleach after I told them it needed to be cleaned up with a special agent and after bringing that up and sending them documentation of which I have many pictures and also information regarding the issues of mold I was terminated 3 days later and as I said I've been quite sick I went to the doctor two days after that come to find out I've had pneumonia for several weeks I've never been so sick in my life I was given antibiotics and steroids which pretty much cleared everything up for the most part feeling pretty good but just definitely fatigued I've got patches of skin that are just raging and painful I have claimed workman's comp and hopefully they'll get me to a doctor here pretty soon police so I can get treated anyways it's nice to hear this it just gives me verification that I'm not crazy and as you said in one of your other videos you are kind of scorned from friends and family and people you know because my situation was deteriorating I didn't realize I ended up getting terminated from a job about 4 or 5 years ago and I knew I really wasn't feeling well I was sitting down a lot and just had like a minor altercation with somebody and then from there they ended up letting me go but looking back on it my performance wasn't what it was when I had first started there and family didn't really get me even though I remain jolly and happy and friendly and positive I'm still sick as hell. And I lost one of my best friends of 20 years and doing a little research about this particular subject I found that it's pretty common that people are are scoffed at and they expect you to be the you that you used to be when you don't have the ability to be that you that you used to be I remember in early stages a lot of times I just didn't want to go out with my friends and be like oh let's go do something after work and you know just different activities and you know make all right well maybe you know basically once I got home I was just you know just exhausted and tired. Anyways thank you have a great day
@averillallanmcmurtrie9176 Год назад
You may be intolerant to fungus without actually having candida so it will make you feel very ill. I was spraying some weeds once with borax and accidently sprayed a heavy layer of mould on some concrete. When I looked at it a short time later I was stunned to see that the mould had completely disappeared. You can buy borax at a hardware shop and it is not expensive. (P.s. it is utterly useless as a weed killer - I was just trying based on something I had read).
@CleanHomes1 Год назад
We offer Mold free, chemical free housing if you are interested.
@sailuvijl6621 7 месяцев назад
Steroids cause fungal
@sailuvijl6621 7 месяцев назад
​@@CleanHomes1how where
@sean13 Год назад
NAD+ is great for mitochondria
@carlschultz7902 10 месяцев назад
Next time can you please provide links to the publications? Especially those at the end of the video
@maryr7593 27 дней назад
He did include the link to the first paper in the description, but not the others. However, he did put the web address of each paper (at end of vid) on the screen with first page. Not as handy as a link but I guess we can at least type it out or attempt to copy and paste. (Sometimes the info is ' copyable ' and others...not so much.
@aappiah1 Год назад
How come you have never spoken about the effect of ceylon cinnamon bark essential oil on yeast and fungi . The research is there and it’s an effective treatment In many cases , also yeast and fungi don’t build resistance to it . Note I’m talking about Ceylon cinnamon and not the cassia variety which contains high about of coumarin which can be toxic to the liver.
@mballer Год назад
How is the oil used?
@yfa6244 Год назад
@@mballer You can eat Ceylon Cinnamon... however if you get the oil you can put it in the infuser, a room diffuser that you can get about anywhere, just use a good grade of cinnamon oil life Doterra.
@moniryousefian8782 Год назад
Are you still recommending miconazol for improving brain health or overall health?! Is there any vitamins or supplements that support mitochondria or nervous system?! Greatly appreciated 🙏
@Truerealism747 3 месяца назад
Is that fir candida
@chasvonplatten1298 Год назад
Hello. Serious question: I am wondering if you have any thoughts on the consumption of various "medicinal" mushrooms now very much in vogue? Do you think there could be any risks related to taking them akin to the pathological types of fungus and mycotoxins in your research?
@laurenjohns1496 6 месяцев назад
I’ve got so many questions on this topic!
@RPcropland 4 месяца назад
Only if it’s poorly grown and processed. Improper sanitation while growing and improper dehydration or storage afterwards. By now the growing process is fairly sophisticated optimal hygiene is typical and mycologist take contamination seriously.
@nimmccoan7416 Год назад
I live in the UK, have had M.E. since 2002(ish), following a second severe reaction to mould exposure. I've always been told that the two can't be connected. I would really like to be able to have a conversation with you, just to clarify some points to take to my GP. Most importantly though, wouldn't antifungals make some headway into treating this? Or is the damage permanent?
@averillallanmcmurtrie9176 Год назад
The two can be connected, candida Yeast or mould overgrowth, develops when you develop ME/CFS, I should know I had it and quite severely. Early treatment was with a Nystatin but it is not very effective, however, Oral lamisil is very effective but be warned it will knock the living daylights out of you caused by the dying toxins and also you need need to stop consuming carbohydrates and other junk food as as they feed the candida. Antifungals will not damage you but you will feel the effect while they are working. You may have to take a few days off them before starting again and you will need a six week course. A keto diet may help but I note that you have it it for 20 years so it is likely that you have food intolerances. If you have you will be affected by inflammation, I also suggest you try a strong dispirin or aspirin to test yourself to see if you are salicylate intolerant. When you develop ME/CFS you will always have inflammation which will cause you to eventually develop salicylate intolerance. If you start coughing and/or sneezing within 2 hrs you are salicylate intolerant. Unfortunately this will mean you are also intolerant to oxalates and lectins. To clarify, all vegetation has a built in self defence mechanism. Thorns, thistles and prickles are obvious but we don't eat them, however we do eat vegetation which contains histamine, oxalates, lectins and salicylates because we have lost the enzymes which process these natural chemicals. Even if we are healthy we should avoid vegetables with lectins as they affect us as we age. Refer to Dr Gundry on RU-vid. There is much I can tell you but it is so involved I don't have the time to explain it but I am writing a paper about ME/CFS. Allan
@sailuvijl6621 7 месяцев назад
​@@averillallanmcmurtrie9176what is lamisil may i know I am soo sick of these stuff
@staceydelbucchia2576 Год назад
@fungi42021 Год назад
what symptoms
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