
Funkentelechy - Bernie Worrell - All Eyes On Video 

Breeze Waker
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Bernie Better known as Dr.Woo Original Keyboard Player of Parliament Funkadelic
Was Performing at The Brighton Bar,The Home Of Original Music in Long Branch NJ.
With his Woo Orchestra
Back Cam - Clara Moore
Hand Held /Video Editor - Breeze
For All Eyes On Video productions
Recorded 6-30-2012



27 сен 2024




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@transom324 2 года назад
Bernie Worrell! Baddest keyboard player ever!😎👍
@chetmoore9479 8 лет назад
Bernie played at the Hygenic in New London 2014 and waited for me to go home and I came back with ALL my PFUNK albums, And I have them all. We sat for hours looking over Funkadelic, Parliament, Bootsy Rubber Band, The Brides of Funkenstein, Parlet, Jimmy J & The Tackheads, Mutiny on The Mothership, Quasar, Maceo & Fred Wesley, Fuzzy Haskins, But in the End when I pulled out his LPs I know his heart was filled that Night. GOD BLESS THE GENIUS OF MR BERNIE WORREL. PEACE!!!!
@trumpateerstv Год назад
Made a conversation with Bernie and told him that the row of big B's like Bach, Beethoven and Brown needs to be enriched with Bernie... He laughed delighted and enclosed me in his heart since then. Undisputed one of the greatest at keys...
@magellankiller 6 месяцев назад
So glad that I had corralled him at an outdoor community concert oh, wwaaayyy back when and to puleez autograph my copy of "ALL the Woo in the World" that I just had to tell him I had bought from a second/third hand record store and that gave him pause and a reason to fulfill my request- I suppose! Still have the copy to this day. R.I.P .......❤😂!
@petergillbert8639 8 лет назад
The keyboard King is dead.. long live the King's music.. we'll make sure it does. BERNIE WORRELL R.I.P BROTHER.
@therealdjspecialk 4 года назад
JAMMIN!!! R.I.P Bernie Worrell, the planet is not as funky without you, you sir ARE missed!
@PearsonJd2 8 лет назад
Rest in Funk Woo Master
@jamesmullins1990 Год назад
No Brother, you and I both love Bernie too much for that. You can't play any games with LOVE, Jesus died at 33/34 years of age; he had to drink from the cup that his father gave him so that we all can receive his angel known as The Holy Ghost. SEE JESUS WAS JUST LIKE US. HE DIDNT WANT TO DIE, BUT RATHER LIVE TO BE HERE WITH HIS FREINDS. HOWEVER, GOD TAUGHT HIM TO BE OBEDIENT AND FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH, SO THAT WE CAN RECEIVE HIS SPIRIT TO DO THE SAME. HE HAD TO GO BACK UP SO THAT HIS SPIRIT CAN COME BACK DOWN THROUGHOUT THE GENERATIONS TO SAVE US FROM SIN AND THE WRATH OF GOD: HEBREWS 5:7 7. Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; 8. Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; 9. And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; AGAIN: LUKE 22 41. And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, 42. Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. 43. And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. 44. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. MATTHEW 26: 42. He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. MARK 14: 35. And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. 36. And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt. I HAD TO PREACH A LITTLE ON THIS ONE BRO BECAUSE WE CAN USE "SLANG" LIKE "REST IN FUNK" FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING BUT "GOD." CONCLUSION: Without the Holy Ghost descending down from the right hand of Gods throne abd right into or mortal bodies we can't be transfigured into our eternal celestial glory (bodies) and enter eternal life. The early Christians on earth always said "Rest In Peace" as they clearly understood that the wicked will not rest but rather burn in hell. So saying "Rest In Peace, it always meant "Rest In Christ" It's always "rest in Christ/Peace" as we want Bernie to live eternally with Christ because the Cherubim play funk music too! AND THE SACRIFICES OF A YOUNG MAN NAMED JESUS MUST ALWAYS BE PROTECTED AND RESPECTED. JESUS NEVER SINNED, BUT HE WAS KILLED JUST FOR TEACHING US HOW NOT TO SIN, HOW TO LOVE GOD, HOW TO LOVE OUR WIVES, HIW TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER, AND HOW NOT TO LOSE FAITH IN GOD UNTO THE THREAT OF DEATH. HE WAS SENT DOWN HERE AND KILLED BECAUSE WE WERE DOWN HERE SINNING, ACTING LIKE FOOLS, AND BEING SLAVES TO SATAN! JESUS DIED TO SAVE US FROM OUR SINS! ANDVNO MAN CAN COME TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY THE TEACHINGS OF HIS CHRIST. SO WE CANT BLESS OUR DEAD WITHOUT MENTIONING HIS NAME FIRST. There's way more dancing and jammin' going on in New Jerusalem that how we party on earth can't even compare. Rest in Peace/Christ Bernie, and may the Lord forgive you of all of your sins just like I want to be forgiven. And because we all love you so very much, that's something that we can't alter, cheapen, or play games with! ONE LOVE ISRAEL, ONE LOVE ❤️!
@mrinnervisionz 8 лет назад
R.I.P. to the great Bernie Worrell, 1 of my all time favorite keyboard players, you will be missed, thnx for your inspiration .
@KeithCopeland778 Год назад
It's a shame that Bernie was such a gifted musician who didn't get the credit he deserved for a lot of the songs he wrote or co-wrote for P-Funk!!!
@stevenburns7886 3 года назад
One of the great keyboard players of all will solely be miss rip my brother Steven Burns.
@leahmiller7513 Год назад
I used to love Funkentelechy!!! These guys were hella musicians!!! They came up with some weird off the wall music that came back to a smooth soul groove that can never be duplicated.
@Armandham 8 лет назад
RIP Funk Brotha! Heaven just got a little bit funkier!
@MrYournamehere4202 4 года назад
I could listen to Bernie's Funkentelechy groove all day!
@markryan2109 8 месяцев назад
@KeiuroFanForever 8 лет назад
LOVE the Synth solo... heaven is a lot funkier now... *peace*
@gregoryburton1241 5 лет назад
Musicians are the Bomb! Play on WEFUNK, Yo Ho!!! RIP Bernie keyboard master Worrell.
@damolaifaturoti7064 10 лет назад
Terrific! Happy Birthday to the Wizard of the Keyboards!
@cor6broo 4 года назад
The don't make funk like this anymore. Man, this is a coldbeer and fish sandwich type of jam!!
@frontro 8 лет назад
I love you Bern.
@DJ_Pigg 8 лет назад
Wow! This is a tremendous version! So sad he's gone, RIP Bernie.
@bighillhill 10 лет назад
Mind your wants, cause there's someone that wants your mind! Happy Birthday, Bernie.
@discoAL 8 лет назад
it's been a tough year for Funk and true music fans in general. the world sucks! without funky music and the people who do it. thank you Bernie for being here.
@graxjpg 3 года назад
All we’ll ever have is what we put into it, and what we get out of it! Funk is it’s own reward
@brodi.brodersen 6 лет назад
R.I.P. dear Master of Funk. I am convinced that you will show other planets how to get onto the groove.....
@keithrjackson 7 лет назад
Man...I desperately miss this brother.
@titolombre7004 5 лет назад
No Bernie, No P-Funk !!! Thanks Bernie... R.I.P.
@vadimislearningguitar4977 4 года назад
i saw Dr. Woo live with bassist jonas hellborg and drummer Ginger Baker ---- crazy
@jacobnyer 8 лет назад
The 7 people that dislikes this have no soul.
@lawrencebarr3820 5 лет назад
@ChemistryAmsterdam 4 года назад
@@lawrencebarr3820 I hate a people, I dont discriminate!
@arrakian 4 года назад
The 29 that joined them have pine cone butt-plugs.
@BishopEddie5443 4 года назад
Or they just know only black people have that SOUL!
@everetttanner1343 4 года назад
They don't know bro about the Funk
@michaeljameslawrence2965 6 лет назад
Loving the jam
@deniswilson8152 5 лет назад
The horns too.... sweet
@Wormtongue13 8 лет назад
THE greatest keyboardist of funk and beyond just joined the Great Gig in the Sky. Funk In Peace, Brother Worrell!
@hemihead4269 4 года назад
That's what we need today is some kind of pill that works for this pandemic.
@rodneywisdom6450 4 года назад
@blackdad2001 5 лет назад
Thas funky as hell Dr. Woo, RIP
@patrickjkennerson1382 10 лет назад
Happy Birthday, Dr Woo...your work on the last 2 minutes of "Tear the Roof of the Sucker" still give me chills every time I listen to it...
@chrishodges8274 2 года назад
Get it Bernie
@stonecuttr4948 6 лет назад
@mattdawg83686 3 года назад
I’m getting chills listening to this level of funk. RIP King Bernie.
@boubix 6 лет назад
love this version ! Trumpet solo suits perfectly
@giafunk5603 8 лет назад
@milkymanway 10 лет назад
Bernie is the shit!! this song is bangin thanks for posting!
@breezewaker 10 лет назад
Thanks you for checking out my video,I am glad you like it.Keep watching for new video
@spacetunesgreg4979 8 лет назад
Live in area of this show & been to Brighton Bar many times & can't believe I missed this one
@playboxadministrator9229 8 лет назад
Great video. Thanks for sharing this.:-) Just shows how brilliant the guys were in Parliament & Funkadelic. - P Funk till I die...
@anthonynichols5266 8 лет назад
Bernie is so funky
@flex280 8 лет назад
Dr. Woo doin the damn thang!!!!!!
@VinnieBlues1 8 лет назад
R.I.P. Mr. Bernie
@Alpha7Bravo9 8 лет назад
RIP MAESTRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Final Destination DOG STAR by way of the MOTHERSHIP !!!! Job will done May the Funk be with you
@gogettazchi 9 лет назад
@hesrealclose1599 4 года назад
A fine performance. The congas and other percussion made it extra funky.
@tracybrown5402 8 лет назад
RIP Bernie' "go on and reclaim the pyramids"
@jamesowens4968 8 лет назад
Breeze Waker, you just keep on posting these gems, and i will be able to slide my wheelchair across the floor, without my nurse's help. Thank you.
@voltz.supreme 7 лет назад
Fantastic stuff! The solo is beautiful!
@louissmith6478 3 года назад
When it comes to music, Theirs no one can touch them 🤑😎
@graxjpg 3 года назад
Gotta be one of my favorite minimoog solos of all time!
@brunobartolucci1834 2 года назад
Magic ! Funk on/in space !
@richardworth350 8 лет назад
RIP Bernie...... yet another person leaving us
@nickpelkey 10 лет назад
Don't ya just love the mentoring roll the p funk members have taken at this point in their lives?! Pass it on... Funk forever!!
@mikep7377 9 лет назад
Another Genius gone....Damn
@tonyscardaci2089 9 лет назад
Mike P He played last night, alive and Bernin'
@LocustIvy 8 лет назад
RIP, Mr. Worrell
@tracyhousepha 10 лет назад
Woo! Bernie who? Bernie Woo is the funkin man
@salomerawr23 7 лет назад
how I miss the wizard. funk on Bernie. catch u on the flip side. RIP.
@heruapocalypse2021 5 лет назад
I miss Ole Bernie Worrell
@nate4nate5 9 лет назад
From the famous Florida Evans quote "DAMN DAMN DAMN"
@pongufogu9457 4 года назад
What a ride!
@cymbya 7 лет назад
May bernie rest in peace true warrior woo!
@Charles-tt3dr 7 лет назад
RIP Bernie Worrell 1 year ago today
@marvinmiller6063 8 лет назад
This is the shit! Bernie this is it, the bomb. Oh my goodness, Bernie. R.I.P. -Freddie P. Knight
@kkali1969 8 лет назад
I wanna meet this dude before I close my eyes if anybody can help me make that happen please reach out. I got nothing but admiration for BW!!!
@radman0728 Год назад
THANK YOU so much for sharing this!
@bethfeagan6240 8 лет назад
RIP Bernie
@haroldrevette6305 4 года назад
@michaels8597 4 года назад
the master..period...
@millionairemallory9361 8 лет назад
@cal-gpurevessele.m.3473 3 года назад
As of today I see 48 idiots! How does a music fan not love this from the great legend Bernie Worrell?
@therealdjspecialk 5 лет назад
@bernardtreat8118 3 года назад
that second bass line, only Bootsy could make it swing like it has to. Hardest shit I ever learned on bass, could never make it groove like Bootsy, Pastorius is easy as pie in comparison.
@eternal0star 8 лет назад
RIP you beautiful alien
@ghostwriter1869 Год назад
Just at another level!! I think I saw them for the 1st time in 78 / 79, NYC at MSG. I was like Wow, there are 600 band members on stage, a Huge Bird flying over my head, A huge skull smoking a joint, and a Space Ship dropping down. I don't smoke but got my 1st contact high that night-LOL It was an amazing show!!!
@Detrimental313 8 лет назад
R.i.p Bernie worrell
@Williamsmel 10 лет назад
The WOO!! Enough said
@OG_JB 6 лет назад
not disrespecting at all because Bernie is the funkiest keyboard player ever but this shows me how great parliament was and is. my favorite song of all time just dont have thr same kick without all the other ingredients. again no did but I've seen the whole gang a few times so I have something to compare to.... RIP brotha Bernie.....true funk legend
@cjjaxxon 5 лет назад
I agree with you actually because I was thinking the same thing. I have a live version from when it came out that was on a compilation live CD and cassette tape that's now out of print but it's also on RU-vid here with the whole gang but with some of the "Baltimore Crew". THAT version to ME was better than this one posted.
@georgehjackson6840 2 года назад
Bernie at his best
@BpgaMusic 7 лет назад
@williesmith631 13 дней назад
Funk it up, Bernie.
@wh0m33 9 лет назад
@tyronebaxter2692 Год назад
Bernie Worrell😮😊
@mjac28 7 лет назад
Where you get that funk frommmm
@qwertyuiop3240 8 лет назад
Sad that the world will be deprived of his genius very soon. He has stage 4 cancer now :(
@tommasofaoro3278 8 лет назад
well , legendary guitarist Wilko Johnson had a stage 4 cancer too, he was supposed to die between september and december 2013, so in early 2013 he started a last tour to goodbye his fans. Today, April 2016, he's still on tour. Bernie is raising funds for his medications with a series of P-Funk concerts this year, I really hope he'll have what Wilko had
@Mern3k_01 8 лет назад
+tommaso faoro Yes, I hope it all goes well for them. Cancer is a nasty beast.
@wiseoldsnail 8 лет назад
and now he's gone :(
@therealmikepfunk 10 лет назад
Git it unc...
@markryan2109 8 месяцев назад
@cymbya 7 лет назад
7:18 that's the bomb
@wfaulkner53 10 месяцев назад
@daniellackritz8664 4 года назад
Bernie and Junie Morrison were like Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn, Trane and Eric Dolphy - like Sun Ra and Marshall Allen, Art Blakey and Wayne Shorter, Chuck Berry and Johnny Johnson, Tony Williams and Miles Davis, Bird and Bud Powell, Lester Young and Billie Holliday, Charlie Mingus and Eric Dolphy,, Muddy Waters and Little Walter, James Brown and Clyde Stubblefield, Satch and Jack Teagarden, Laurel and Hardy et al. Bernie invented an idiom and owned it. He, Junie and Sun Ra were to the Moog synthesizer what J.S.Bach was to the clavichord and harpsichord before the pianoforte. And Bernie gave Stevie Wonder a run for his money on the Hohner clavinet. Where'd they get that funk from? Or as Sun Ra mused, The Adventures of Bugs Hunter. Music from the lost continent of Mu, the alternate name of Atlantis, submerged in the Pacific Ocean before its destruction and recorded by Plato in his Timaeus,
@obadiahwashington7060 7 лет назад
Who's the 7 tone death people that click the didn't like button....SMFH!!
@egongefferie9194 6 лет назад
That,s dead meat period !
@markryan2109 2 года назад
@natbfunky Год назад
You deserve a break Today , How's your Funk 🤘🏾
@thundercaattt 8 лет назад
@captainbart 5 лет назад
Go find some.....Buckethead, Les Claypool, and Bernie. Relax. Play it again with your mouth closed.............
@everetttanner1343 4 года назад
He was Funk put The F in it.
@bigchief52577 8 лет назад
such a loss
@sonofprince4124 8 лет назад
He stop arnd 2:35 secs....hhhmmm???
@feteboo 4 года назад
@a.c.6475 3 года назад
Hmm!....the drummer needs to listen to the original recording, he's missing alot of the syncopated beats of this song, but nonetheless he did stay in the pocket!
@melvinpruitt3907 Год назад
I swear to you, Bernie and the great Bass player, Marcus Miller look like brothers 😅.
@johan28711 8 лет назад
looks like 7 people miss clicked the dislike button... shame..
@lawrencebarr3820 5 лет назад
People AINT shit ....do you realize that....Washington, DC...is my proof ....100 Pennsylvania ave....PEOPLE AINT SHIT! PEOPLE AINT SHIT!PEOPLE AINT SHIT!PEOPLE AINT SHIT!
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