
Game of Thrones S1-S3 Character Tier List (I was kinda tweakin lol) 

Legenbarry Reactions
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25 окт 2024




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@EmeraldDreams7 3 месяца назад
I love how he picks up on obscure lore details, like the Lord of Light not being able to see into the North because the Old Gods rule there. That's something most people watching wouldn't even think of.
@neonlatte 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I mention it in my comment, but he's picked up on nuance and deeper meaning behind little pieces of dialogue that I'm so used to other reactors totally missing. It makes it so much fun to watch him, as someone else who will deeply nerd out about the lore/characterization!
@Carlosdreamur 3 месяца назад
The reactor that was promised
@RewindThatwithMsKay Месяц назад
@code8825 3 месяца назад
You know it’s about to be wild when he’s got to put the disclaimer in the title. Can’t wait to see all my favourite characters in D tier, I can still never forgive you for doing Hodor dirty, Hodor carries, literally.
@captainbootang544 3 месяца назад
Tywin in C tier is crazy. Robb was winning all the battles but was losing the war overall. That’s why Robb had to go back to Walder Frey 😂
@sakifrahman1531 3 месяца назад
"It's like having a cat or dog in the room with you. Some of yall do that; you're crazy!" 🤣😂
@nathanriviere6421 3 месяца назад
Best reactor on youtube. Get going on season 4 my man its a great one!
@ArisKronos 3 месяца назад
Bro, I love how into this you are getting! It's awesome to see someone loving something just as much as I love it! As far as the tier list goes, I think your ranksing are 100% valid for the where you are in the show. No one better give ya shit over it. If they do they just salty you didn’t put their favorite character where they wanted. Last thing, I'm a strong Dany supporter so I figured I'd throw in my opinion. I feel that Darnerys' true advantage is that she is great at inspiring people and rallying them to her side. She is relatable due to her growing up in a shotty position so the small folk can relate to her. What you said in s3 e10 demonstrates this perfectly. All of the telent surrounding her is crazy. And it's cool that she is honest to herself and doesn't try to act on topic that she is less educated on, such as war. Her being a good leader despite not having any training from her family like all the other noble born character is very impressive in my opinion. Great video mi'lord, looking forward to the next one!
@TechAnnie773 3 месяца назад
I agree with you. I also like Daenerys and how she grows bigger and more powerful and look where she was at the beginning! Some of her scenes are so epic. I love how she shuts up the men who make misogynous comments because she is a powerful young female.
@hateyawilliams6630 3 месяца назад
I completely agree with this! Very well said!
@Missy-24 Месяц назад
Cool therefore an update tier video. I don't agree with lots of placements but it's so much fun watching someone work through their preferences. ❤
@KingQue011 3 месяца назад
A drop during the week? We’re grateful 😂
@beautybysaranwrap 3 месяца назад
I can’t wait to listen to this later like a podcast lol
@stitchowi 3 месяца назад
@marianaalmeidaaaa 3 месяца назад
just finished work for today, opened the youtube and i've been SERVED! Thank you my king, you bless us
@reyhaninwonderland 3 месяца назад
Sansa is my favorite character in the show. You’re right when you said her siblings make her look bad but that’s exactly why I appreciate her character as the seasons go on; all of her siblings are so flashy in their growth but Sansa’s strength & character growth is SO subtle- but it’s there. I have a lot of empathy for her & how she handles her situation because not a lot of young girls would survive the much abuse & pain. I think a lot of people underestimate or even get uncomfortable with her character because she is a deeply traumatized girl and victim of abuse & manipulation, which makes her one of the most realistic in our world (people hate to see themselves on the screen- ooop- 🤭) That being said, I’m curious to know your thoughts on Sansa after season 4 is over because I think S4 is when she’s finally taken seriously as a character in the game. Sometimes you gotta be a pawn first to learn the rules in order to level up.
@steelpookie7597 3 месяца назад
I respect that Sansa is your fav character and I don't wish to change your mind, which I know isn't possible, but I would like to give an opposing point of view as I find her to be the most disappointing and my least liked character. Referring only to the tv version of the character as book Sansa takes a different path and her story isn't complete...but you mentioned the "flashiness" of her siblings growth where as Sansa's is subtle. I don't believe there was much flash about her siblings growth. Only the results were flashy and Sansa didn't have many results, hence the lack of flash. For example, Arya is often shown developing her warrior skills during down times with the Hound & the Brotherhood. The flash didn't come unless she was utilized the skills she spent learning. The same with Jon and his journey to become a trusted leader of men and Bran's 3 Eyed Raven quest which could be down right boring sometimes. With Sansa her lessons were so subtle especially prior to s5 I doubt they were there at all. If we want to be honest she wasn't much brighter by the end of s4 than she was in s1. Her fans will tell you she learned a lot in KL but if so why wasn't there any clear development while she was there. She magically becomes smarter down the line and we the audience are supposed to find it believable after MANY seasons of her showing only foolishness? It's like taking Spanish classes during your school days but never really taking the classes or the homework seriously. Then years later you somehow wake up and find that you are fluent in Spanish...HOW??? She's never shown taking the game seriously in KL. She's either crying over some injustice or eating lemon cakes and goofing off with Shea. If you, without bias or trying to relate to her, rewatch her scenes during the first 4 seasons you will notice that her development is minimal and whoever she shares the screen with is the actual character being developed. Think about it, her character is used as a pawn to guide the audience. Her scenes with Joffrey are always about showing how evil he is. Do we really care when he's being cruel to a random person or to Sansa? This is true when she's with the Hound we learn more about him& less about her. How about with Cersei we get to see how Cersei views the world. Again with the Tyrell's or with Littlefinger we get a view into what their plans are because there's no other way to let the audience in on their plots so here's Sansa to help make it clear to the audience. You like reaction vids, how to people act when they see Sansa with Lady Tyrell. No one talks about Sansa only the Queen of Thornes. Maybe the say don't trust these new people, that's it. Same with Marghery, they just laugh at how childlike Sansa is in comparison. With LF, reactors are focusing on his every word or how he's a snake, she could be any young girl he's preying on. No reason to mention her or her development because there is none. When she's with Shea it's clearly to get us to trust this "shady" prostitute more. There's just isn't any really development of her character during these crucial first few seasons. Seriously, rewatch her early seasons again with open eyes and you'll see she's nothing more than a tool for the writers use to develop other characters. Also, none of this even touches on her inability, as a character, to be proactive or when the rare occasion comes when she makes a decision it's always the wrong decision. As you are a Sansa fan in the comment section there's no need to go over the long list of crap she's done or not done, you've heard them all. As I've heard all of the standard excuses made for her. She's young...blah blah...naive...blah blah...in a difficult situation...blah blah. 😂 I definitely have empathy for any young person going down the path she does, I also realize that her siblings and Dani for that matter are also young and have lived a sheltered lives as well and go through their own versions of hell. But unlike Sansa they tend to be more active in getting themselves to a better place and clearly learning lessons along the way where Sansa just goes where the wind blows at least until she becomes a Mary Sue from an intelligence standpoint later in the series. Magically, she's becomes fluent in Spanish and we should respect her intelligence. By the later seasons, she's either still foolish or so self centered that she's willing to sell out her family with no real third option. And no matter which it is, her attitude/personality by this point is completely unlikable. Between the stank look on her face and every other line she says is somehow an insult to someone else...maybe she did learn something for Cersei. But this is from the perspective of a Sansa hater 😂 just revealing the other side of the coin. Continue to enjoy the reactions.
@stitchowi 3 месяца назад
@reyhaninwonderland 3 месяца назад
@@steelpookie7597 what I mean by flashiness is more so Sansa's siblings have their own story which is rather action packed and Sansa is... held captive in King's Landing, like you said, being a pawn to develop other characters to guide the audience. It seems like her role is just nothingness, but I would say the development of the surrounding characters, they are guiding Sansa as well as the audience. Everyone of the Starks were sheltered, but Sansa was the most naive and the one who romanticized life like crazy. She was all about fairytales, being a queen one day, having kids with her beloved King Joffrey and they will run off into the sunset and live happily ever after. Also keeping in mind, as Sansa was the eldest girl, she was being groomed into how a proper young lady is suppose to act in Westeros- the moment in season 1 with Sansa and Arya's dire wolves is a example of that as Sansa was willing to throw Arya under the bus because she was just doing what she's suppose to do for Joffrey (Ned mentions that as well). The moment it stopped being a fairy tale was when she saw Ned die and from there on out, even though Sansa has followed the rules that society wanted from her, did as she was told, is the picture perfect image of how a proper lady is suppose to act, she is living in hell at King's Landings, despite playing by the rules. Everything she has learned and was expected of her went out the window. All those rules mean shit now and didn't make her exempt from suffering trauma and she is learning, in a brutal way, to try to navigate her situation on her own while being surrounded by enemies, so I do disagree with her going wherever the wind blows, I think she is just doing the best she could with SO LITTLE opportunity in order to survive. every mistake or being foolish is just another lesson to add to the new life she is being exposed to .As much as every character in King's Landing's behavior is a shock to the audience, it's a shock for Sansa as well, and I do think she takes every piece of information we as the audience learns too. I still stand by that her development is subtle and I think Sansa is just a slow learner. I'm not answering back on everything, I know there is more mentioned here and I do see your points, I hope I answered back ok and didn't regurgitate my words. if so, that's my bad. I don't know if I made sense tbh lol. My reason for Sansa is just simply, I like the story of a young girl who had to take off her rose-colored lenses to the real world. I like that Arya's a bad-ass assassin, Jon's fighting with wilding's and white walkers, Bran has magical 3 eye raven powers destined for more, but there is something so grounding and human about Sansa that I love. I understand why some might not appreciate or find a story like that appealing, so I guess it's just a matter of taste. I don't really have much to say for later seasons except character developments for everybody go downhill by piss-poor writing and shit pacing, which is really unfortunate.
@steelpookie7597 3 месяца назад
@@reyhaninwonderland Cool, no need going point for point. As I said, not looking to change minds especially on a show that’s ended and we all have pretty much locked in on who we like and hate in the series. Just giving my 2 cents as the show offers endless discussion points based on each person’s POV. Although, we will have to disagree about her having “SO LITTLE opportunities” to survive. This is a major issue I have with those earlier seasons. The writers wanted to keep her in the “pawn” position, imo. Wasting a character with so much potential. If we are to believe that being near Joffrey was so horrible and a true threat to her life you would think she would have left with the Hound or on LF’s ship. If those 2 opportunities weren’t good as her fans often suggest then she could have spent time working with Shea, who proved to be a resourceful foreigner, on an escape plan. If that wasn’t good then maybe actually being a real wife to Tyrion so she could worm her way into his heart and manipulate him and his Lannister resources to orchestrate a stronger position or escape. There has always been a very public rift between him and his family including Joffrey so the door was already open to her there. But instead she continued to be the “little dove” she always had been refusing to take any action. All of which only illustrates my point that I don’t believe she was learning much of anything in KL and therefore, I can’t respect that she’s all of a sudden a true game player later in the series based on skills “learned” in KL. It would have been more realistic for her character if we saw her trying to play the game earlier on even if those attempts were small and led to led to failure. The other young characters had plenty of lessons that came from their early failures which made their positions and success in the back end of the series more believable. But as I said, there’s any number of problems with Sansa throughout, this is just one and I wasn’t really looking to go down the entire laundry list in this particular 😃. But I will say her time at WF felt more realistic albeit horrific for her and I was glad to see them allow the actress to shine and show some range. But after that they went back to having her make poor/questionable decisions and they Mary Sued her so she could “catch up” with the other young characters and feel like a real player in the game.
@reyhaninwonderland 3 месяца назад
@@steelpookie7597 the instance with the Hound & LF’s ship was a mistake & poor judgement call she made, still following “the rules” & being naive enough to believe it will benefit her. Stannis was very close to sacking the city, everyone thought he was going to win. Since Ned was backing up Stannis, she thought he wouldn’t hurt a Stark- but then Tywin came in at the end, Sansa & everyone else didn’t foresee that coming, not even Cersei who was going to off herself & her son. As for LF’s ship, Sansa is still naive at this point & she had another burst of hope of to her fairytale ending because the idea of marrying handsome Loras Tyrell was put in her head, she thought everything was going to work out in the end. Margery sounded convincing.. but no one else foresaw Tywin’s plan to marry her to Tyrion, everyone else was shook too, Cersei & Tyrion. I don’t wanna get into spoiler territory because Legenberry isn’t there yet but I think these examples of close escapes & making the mistake of not leaving when the opportunity arises is something she did learn. I do think these were her attempts at playing the game, still in the proper fashion, which led to failure- she is just not as conniving as the people surrounding her & still dependent that everything will work out if she does things the “right” way by societal standards. Sansa learned in those instances, imo, & we see that in upcoming seasons. As for manipulating Tyrion.. that seems so out of character even for her, especially since Tyrion has been kind to her. Tyrion is still a Lannister so it would be better to be weary being next to him, regardless as his wife. I think being decent to Tyrion as he was one of the few decent people around her, is also her following the rules of proper lady ship. even as a pawn, she is still a player on the board- her enemies see her as a player since they are her key to the North, especially since Rob’s now dead. She just levels up later. We can still disagree it is fine, it’s a show that ended so long ago. That being said, i wanna know how she differs in the books from the show & hopefully GRRM comes out with it soon.
@maylo3697 3 месяца назад
No spoiler -> Show runners admitted that they didn't understand Book Stannis, so for me the Show Stannis doesnt really make sense as a character. But Book Stannis is the Mannis... One True King!
@neonlatte 3 месяца назад
I feel like there's a few characters this applies to sadly :|
@dogeposting640 3 месяца назад
​@@neonlatteJon snow definitely comes to mind there
@Mattis06 3 месяца назад
@@dogeposting640yeah when alt schwift x and glidus make a 22 hour video on the fake Jon Snow you know they messed up.
@michaelcallaghan9320 3 месяца назад
​@@dogeposting640I love show Jon but they definitely dropped the ball not incorporating how smart and politically savey book Jon is, along with his wants and desires paired with his inherent strive to make justice. Show Jon is just a badass swordsman who can sometimes be ruled by his emotions he's more like Gerohe Washington but elite with sword while book Jon is more like ane Lincoln/Grant but pretty good with a sword and the obvious age difference. Sorry for the obligatory American pop culture references if you're from abroad lol😅
@dogeposting640 3 месяца назад
@@michaelcallaghan9320 Yeah for sure, I agree with you. I wish that they showed him making those political decisions alongside his ambitions and wants. Would have loved to see him struggling wanting to rule winterfell against his duty to the watch and love for Robb. Unfortunately it does feel like he's made less when he doesn't make complicated moral decisions.
@mdolbey93 3 месяца назад
Bruh, 11 minutes in and I'm dead. Stannis, 3rd of his name, in a jar. Do they fit under the bed? 💀
@MrCaptainChief 3 месяца назад
I really enjoy these. Wished more people spent some time thinking about the characters and ranking them and discuss their development and future potential.
@dysmissme7343 2 месяца назад
@BaronesaReturns 3 месяца назад
I love Ser Davos, he is such a great character
@TechAnnie773 3 месяца назад
Sir Davos always talks good sense.
@tangerinesky1293 3 месяца назад
Love watching your reactions because u pay attention to everything. It's a wonderful thing watching someone who picks up on the details. The theories are so much better!
@klyanadkmorr 3 месяца назад
It's the fantasy elven music as the background that tickles me♫ Histories LANNISTER house from LANN THE CLEVER (TRICKSTER) stole the lands house out from the original house's leader. Only reason they have a LION on their sigil is from hunting liones near Dorne lands & kept some in a zoo enclosure otherwise a JOKER would be just as well considering how Jaime and Tyrion fk around make jokes to fool people lie to get out of things
@paschamaryalophand9200 3 месяца назад
lol…. Trying to cope with what’s happened so far? I’m here for it!
@mdolbey93 3 месяца назад
I'm not sure if people are really thinking deep into Jaime pushing Bran out the window. It's a heinous thing to do, but it's important to remember that Jaime isn't just doing it because he loves Cersei or out of self-preservation. He's also protecting his children, who would all be killed if the secret was discovered, and it would destroy his house. He's protecting his entire family. Still fucked up, but I get it.
@slipknot95maggot 3 месяца назад
.............I mean I suppose I'm not sure who thinks what either, but. I wasn't mad 'cuz he was selfish xD. I was aware of the fact that he got himself into this situation, and I was judging him for trying to unalive a child, especially as if there weren't options. Him having a child to protect doesn't - ... change literally anything. So did they. I don't get it. Kidnap him. And stop passing off babies with your sister as her babies with the king. That's not protecting your children. It's myopic. Like pushing a kid out of a window; as if that wouldn't also be suspicious. I don't get it at all. He's dumb and impulsive. The dog was outside it could prolly smell them up there so it knew who they were and then Bran gets pushed off, he didn't stop to think maybe the dog will give me away..? It didn't, but he didn't consider anything [at least for long] he just saw a problem and pushed it off a wall. Kidnap him. Threaten his family. Offhandedly imply that it was the first time [at least prevents the "and the kids are illegitimate" angle]. Literally anything else. Don't push the kid. Kidnap him. The Starks have Theon, now the Lannisters have Brann. Boom. There are def options. Punch the kid KO him and consider your options - even that is better than immediately pushing him. He was protecting himself from having to find a better solution to his problems, that's what he was doing
@dysmissme7343 2 месяца назад
I mean Jaime really doesn’t care about the kids much? He barely interacted with them when they were young And he’s not really shown thinking about them or considering them as his kids until Joffrey is killed-
@dysmissme7343 2 месяца назад
He pushed Bran out of the window out of consideration of himself and Cersei
@njerbear 3 месяца назад
Barry, ur thoughts are so interesting and nuanced, f what the haters say! You’re one of the best GoT reactors objectively! 😤
@ronaldamcmillian6014 3 месяца назад
Daenerys also didn’t have her dragons until after Robert and Ned were dead so she wasn’t a threat to Ned.
@bastiancalderon2807 3 месяца назад
Btw they change the actor for Daario Naharis this season
@bigw725 3 месяца назад
this background music makes me wanna play elder scrolls
@markreynolds1436 6 дней назад
Doing the Tier List for the Hound just before this episode is hilarious.
@luckycatGK 3 месяца назад
Tywin isn't a bad battlefield commander by any mean its just that Rob is an insanely good commander for his age
@cheyannasammy5531 3 месяца назад
Speaking of nicknames, it’s Sir Pod the Rod😂
@emmanx011 3 месяца назад
Btw...The caracter "Shae" is BETTER in the Show, than in the books. In the books, she really is a bit "simple", and doesn't really "understand the danger". I like the Shows version better...; and the actress is AMAZING! Ps:... Brienne is 8 foot 6 !!!??? 😂😂 Fever dreams...
@faq187tim9 3 месяца назад
Shae isn't "simple" in the books, she's malicious. She doesn't love Tyrion, she was only with him for the benefits. This is confirmed by Martin.
@dysmissme7343 2 месяца назад
⁠@@faq187tim9 But that is a much simpler characterization Simple as in simplistic, straightforward- not simple as in she’s an idiot in the books 😂 She’s smart in both but the show really expanded her character arc in a good way
@dysmissme7343 2 месяца назад
Also Fr wtf Shae’s actress deserves a lot more credit imo - she bodies that role so much I almost forget she’s playing it Goddamn they had such a great cast
@TechAnnie773 3 месяца назад
I am with you about Yara! The Queen! Such a great moment when she's going to save her brother! She's so cool and epic.
@thomascannone3111 3 месяца назад
Show Stannis and book Stannis are completely different people so while he is my favourite character I can't blame a show only watcher for not liking him as much. the showrunners did my boy dirty.
@cultivatinggrace 3 месяца назад
It was Roose Bolton not the Blackfish who stabbed Robb and said “The Lannisters send their regards”
@Twenniwan 6 дней назад
17:00 Bro is actually funny asf 😂
@joeyken81 3 месяца назад
Fun fact: Margaery's mother (Lady Alerie Hightower) does appear in the books with the Tyrells but she's a minor character. Lady Alerie is the sister of Jorah's ex-wife, Lynesse. The Hightowers play a major role in House of the Dragon.
@dopetimist 3 месяца назад
26:06 Talks about a rat-faced criminal, pulls up a frame with D.B.Weiss, yet still swears he hasn't watched the show before.
@LegenbarryReactions 3 месяца назад
@dopetimist 3 месяца назад
Don't worry, you didn't do anything really, just an inside joke that perhaps you'll get much later.
@dysmissme7343 2 месяца назад
@@dopetimist 😂😂 Ye, it’ll take a good four or five more seasons to kick in but you’ll get the joke eventually
@emmanx011 3 месяца назад
Lol... I LOVE your mind and Reactions!!; to this amazing show ❤️. I've been "catching up" with these "last episodes" of yours. (I had Covid... AGAIN...😝); so I've missed a couple of reactions. You reacted like I did, the first time I watched the "red wedding "... Chock, Screaming, Silence and Tears😮 😅 A suggestion...: Open up a "Graveyard-Tier" 😘 Btw... regarding the "Red Woman"...; even if she can basicly "see everything"...; she still has to KNOW exactly "what to look for." She has to "live as well...lol... It's like, watching TV all the time, to not "miss anything". You can't really do that. Lol 😁
@coolichka42 3 месяца назад
Oh man, I cannot wait for you to start asking the real/big questions. So far I haven’t heard you talk about some of the more bigger theories some people have when they get this far into the show but maybe that’s more of a season 4-5 thing but just you wait! Also when you’re done with the series I have a couple of channels to recommend that deep dive into the lore and magic of this universe. Some of this information would break you at this point.
@coolichka42 3 месяца назад
Like mind blown not joking.
@timwenger7750 3 месяца назад
Podrick is the GOAT
@ilovesunsets 3 месяца назад
Son-nephew is just a figure, Tywin is the one who is making all the decisions
@stitchowi 3 месяца назад
What stands out with the tierlist is how you lower someone if you don’t agree with them or if they’re «evil». Feels like a tierlist of who you’d be homies with :D nothing wrong with that just used to seing Tywin, Joffrey, Cersei higher as they are well written characters that forward the plot, but you’ve never said anything against that so 🤷🏼‍♂️😮‍💨
@ec7458 3 месяца назад
Bro the baby jar thing WAS NOT a thing in the books😭No idea why the showrunners added that 😭😭
@sallyramirez8938 3 месяца назад
What a treat! Hello ✌️
@georgeprchal3924 3 месяца назад
Books: Tywin, Jaime, Jon, Tyrion, Stannis, Davos, Asha, Victarion, Dany. Skip every Bran chapter.
@terellchapman8737 3 месяца назад
9:40 You wound me! I can never forgive you for this! Stannis the MANNIS of the House Baratheon first of his name king of the Andal and Rhoynar and the first men protector of the realm. Long may he Reign 🔥🐴
@Cyanduck485 3 месяца назад
Ima be real Rob lost as soon as the Tyrell’s and Lannister’s joined up
@vigilantvigilante2582 3 месяца назад
LOVED the list, this vid was hilarious. Also what was the song that played at 14:52 ? mad beautiful
@LegenbarryReactions 3 месяца назад
idk the specific song but the music throughout the video is just the OST from a game called Arise: A Simple Story
@vigilantvigilante2582 3 месяца назад
@@LegenbarryReactionsmuch appreciated my dude! U da goat 🐐!
@dysmissme7343 2 месяца назад
9:48 Stannis can low key go in bitch tier 😬💅🏻
@rfcfanj7911 3 месяца назад
Stannis and Tywin below catelyn and bran and jojen is madness
@julialeslie692 3 месяца назад
I can't wait for season 4, y'all 😭😭
@miramarjonas6934 3 месяца назад
im loving your journey through game of thrones. Im a book fan, so i hate every season after the 5th, but still im looking foward to watch your reactions to it. I hope you get to the end of this amazing but flawed show! (to you probably you dont think its flawed, but after/during season 5 you'll see the drop in quality)
@dopetimist 3 месяца назад
Please go easy summoning Ed Sheeran to the show.
@ilovesunsets 3 месяца назад
@r3dout691 3 месяца назад
Yara greyjoy and shae too high, Robert baratheon (the GOAT), olenna tyell and tywin lannister too low Besides that strongly agree Btw awesome thumbnail^^ made me click
@Vassil00 3 месяца назад
Funny how this whole list is going to change.
@hshshshs1214 3 месяца назад
Where is Tywin?
@luhaleyry321 3 месяца назад
is there lore video?
@combatcoremma 2 месяца назад
Not tryna spoil nuthin but benjen finna move up soon
@cultivatinggrace 3 месяца назад
Has to check where you were in the series to warrant eating Uncle Benjen a C tier 😂😩
@sgarnev9776 3 месяца назад
Bro you cant put ned and ygritte in the same fakin tear
@nostoneunturned7641 3 месяца назад
This is the strangest ranking in GoT history lol NOBODY puts Roz that hi lol She was just a stand in for the show's boob quota. No real depth.
@LegenbarryReactions 3 месяца назад
a whore who moves out of the north because winterfell was too small for her, then becomes a spy for a member of the small council after being threatened by another member of the small council. sees one of Robert's bastards killed in front of her, is beaten and kidnapped by the queen because she thought she was Tyrion's (temporary Hand of the King) whore and is killed by the king himself. like several characters, she died just because she left the north. she did have alot going on lol. I was so invested in her 😭😭. if she had just been a whore like the rest, she probably would be chillin with Aremca right now
@dysmissme7343 2 месяца назад
@@LegenbarryReactions Idk who Aremca is but goddamn, I feel you And I love that you give a shit about Ros, it’s so strange to me that she has a fair amount of screen time and really a complex character arc but so many people don’t give a shot about her because she’s not from any of the big families and she doesn’t interact with the main characters
@kylejohnson1308 3 месяца назад
Umm Ned Stark thought Stannis deserved to be king. 🤔
@mymaynee5963 3 месяца назад
youre still gonna do the histories and lore?
@neonlatte 3 месяца назад
The show kind of fails Dany in that they don't do a great job of translating the thoughts we see in her book POV to the show, so it's less clear how involved she is in everything she accomplishes. Remember, Targaryens had been failing to hatch dragons and they had been extinct for over 100 years at this point because the "secret" of hatching them had been lost. Dany is very good at observing and piecing things together from multiple sources, and she uses the lore from her brother + things Mirri says about magic + her own intuition to figure out how to hatch the dragons; it wasn't just a lucky accident that it happened during the funeral pyre. Likewise, her successful liberations and operations are her own planning. They don't give us enough scenes to make this clear, except when she gets the Unsullied. She is very good at listening to opposing and contradictory advisor opinions and pulling the relevant truths from each and using them to create her own plan, or in the case of Daario, identifying who she can trust in a situation/their advisement even if they may appear questionable on the surface. So you're underselling her agency quite a bit; without Dany creating plans and being the motivating force behind what her team is doing, they would not be accomplishing anything. But again, some of this is down to the show runners clearly not being interested in that aspect of Dany, and the inherent challenge of trying to translate a series written in internal, first-person POVs to a third-person TV show. The interesting thing about Dany is that she combines that astute observation and natural leadership with kindness and point of view most rulers will never have, as a result of literally being sold into slavery herself to Drogo. I remember being impressed that you seemed to pick up on the meaning of "people learn to love their chains" being about her and Drogo, but you would be shocked at how many people completely miss this element and claim that Dany just frees slaves for clout and power, essentially, because somehow it goes over their head that what happened to her is also slavery and that even if she came to love her "owner" she still understood that pre-dragons, she did not have any power or agency herself. She only had what power Drogo allowed her to "borrow" from him, essentially. Once again, this is partly because the show fails so hard at bringing Dany's internal world to screen. They leaned into a more shallow "girlboss" narrative for her after awhile and didn't seem particularly interested in showing the nuance and internal tragedy/conflict in most of her story arc. Anyway, allllllll that is to say.... I feel like you're selling Dany short, but I also understand why, because the show writers did a pretty mediocre job of actually fully adapting her character to the screen. It's weird, because they're clearly capable of doing more nuanced characterization when they want to, but they definitely chose to Flanderize her instead as the show continues, and even in the first few seasons don't quite do enough to show her internal experience/motivations. Lastly, I am just happy to see someone else who loves Yara/Asha as much as I do!! She is top three for me in show and books, I just love her.
@neonlatte 3 месяца назад
Also, if you can believe it after I wrote all that, Dany isn't even my fav char... it's actually Jaime, by a landslide. I also don't disagree with your placement of her at all (by and large, my tier list would look very similar to yours overall tbh, just with a few tweaks)... I just like to talk lol
@miquelcanosasanteularia1678 3 месяца назад
For me tywin is s tier
@zachmaddox3952 3 месяца назад
Tyrion s++ fr
@DoakFelix-qr8uw 3 месяца назад
Dear Barry, I fully believe, for your own sanity and your own enjoyment, that you should read the books. Robb didn’t see it coming? I think his mother told him, even more in the show than in the books, that he had to keep his promises. Yes, it was a shock to me in the book. It was a shock to everyone watching the show. Not just you. But to think back on it… It was obvious. Robb is the honorable young person that we’d all like to be, with whom we’d like to be friends… But he made a bargain with an evil and vindictive man. Barry, I enjoy your channel. I enjoy your comments. But why would Jon flee from Cupid? Robb broke his promise for love. Jon broke his love for his promise. The honorable king Robb destroyed his kingdom to satisfy his own passion. The bastard Jon betrayed his own passion, in order to save the kingdom. Who is right? And Shae the funny whore…. What do you think her game is? What is her goal in life? Where does she see herself going? Does her skill set equal her ambition? We already know that Cersei’s skills do not equal her ambitions. Cersei’s power does equal her ambitions. But if her power is gone, what skills does she have left? So if Shae’s power is gone, can her skills still get her to her goal? In the books, Yara’s name is Asha. Asha has twice as much attitude and style as Yara. And there is a HUGE Ironborn story of inheritance and world conquest featuring Asha and three of her uncles… a prophet, an admiral, and an exile. Dany cares. Absolutely. When compared to the other rulers in this series; Robert,Viserys, Drogo, Joffrey…. We see that concern for the common person is in short supply. I also feel thatTywin’s passion for the family, legacy, influence, and survival is expertly laid out in the books. I do not mean to disparage the acting performances of Charles Dance (even better than Tywin in the books) and Peter Dinklage, but Tyrion’s frustration comes across stronger in the books. Zendaya? You mean Missandei? I think she’s a good character. The actress is phenomenally gorgeous. The character in the books is supposed to be nine or 10 years old. The show takes the character in a different path. And many small stories could be made from the series, in particular, Missandei and gray worm. Both kidnapped. Both enslaved. Both turned into machines. Both set free by Daenerys. As their hearts open up and then turn toward each other what redemption can they find? Can they ever fully be reconciled to humanity? Or are their bodies and souls to scarred? Sir Barristan. Old. Can’t really fight?!?!?!?! in the books, he is still the greatest man alive with a sword. Doesn’t matter that he’s 65 years old. The only reason that Jaime Lannister became the greatest swordsman in the seven kingdoms is that Barristan left. He could take gray worm and Daario single-handedly without breaking a sweat. Where are you? Ranking him as a character is one thing. But in a straight up fight, he’s the baddest man on the planet. Olenna is a straight shooter? Only when she wants to be. She uses it like a left jab. Constantly sticking it in peoples faces. In the meantime she’s looping a huge right hook that her opponent never sees coming. Talissa? This character is not in the books. In the show, she is a much more sympathetic character, and we get to see robs passion, and his joy in life. In the books, Taiwan plots with a noble woman, to plant her daughter into Robb’s bed. He had been injured in battle and had just been given the news of his brothers deaths. The Talissa character covers up more of Tywin’s abilities. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the characters. I appreciate the time and effort that you have undertaken to produce this. I certainly hope that you were feeling better. Keep up the good work.
@dysmissme7343 2 месяца назад
I gotta disagree about Missendei…. She *is* gorgeous but her character doesn’t have much presence or really a sense of identity, either at ease or in conflict
@steelpookie7597 3 месяца назад
All of your vids are very entertaining....BUT 😄 You should show more respect to Tywin. Why bother beating your enemy in the field risking your own assets when you can out smart him and destroy him by using his own mistakes against him and risking nothing. He took out Robb and won a war without risking single unit of his own. Walder Frey and Rouse Bolton took all the risk. And as far as the Mad King is concerned, he just sat back and waited for him to be desperate enough to believe any old nonsense and opened his gate...war won. Why fight a man when you can just let him defeat himself?
@tanimal3964 3 месяца назад
Show Stannis is A, book Stannis is S. Greyjoys are all mid tier
@MsGigijenjen 3 месяца назад
The dead should be off the board.
@Mutazili 3 месяца назад
Anyone knows the soundtracks name in 15:00?
@coolichka42 3 месяца назад
Reminds me of Harry Potter. Like from one of the games.
@Mutazili 3 месяца назад
@@coolichka42 same, that's why I asked lol
@LegenbarryReactions 3 месяца назад
idk the specific song but the music throughout the video is just the OST from a game called Arise: A Simple Story
@Mutazili 3 месяца назад
@@LegenbarryReactions Thank you your majesty!
@Ronfost89 3 месяца назад
There should never be more than 1 person ranked in S and in the GoT world that person is Tywin, anyone else is factually incorrect.
@PrimeTime0 3 месяца назад
dont disrespect The Red Viper of Dorne, the Queen of Thorns, Bobby B, or the Hound again, there are many S tier characters imo
@Ronfost89 3 месяца назад
@@PrimeTime0 That would just make S tier less special and thus the same as A tier. Franky S tier is stupid as a ranking anyways.
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