
Game of Thrones with George R.R. Martin and Michelle Fairley 

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What do fantasy fans, political tragics and HBO nerds all have in common? Think swords, scheming, dragons, nudity … and the most controversial wedding in television history. It could only be Game of Thrones.
In this video, we meet bestselling author and Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin, as well as Michelle Fairley - who plays Catelyn Stark (née Tully) in the HBO series. Radio presenter and comedian Dan Debuf is our host.
This blockbuster event gives Game of Thrones fans a rare insight into George R.R. Martin’s incredible imagination and unveil his future aspirations for the series, as well as the inner workings of the series’ epic journey from page to screen.
Presented by the Wheeler Centre and Supanova Pop Culture Expo.
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25 янв 2015




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@logenninefingers3610 5 лет назад
Michelle Fairleys performance is out of this world. She elevates every scene she is in to another level. If only there had been a lady Stoneheart in the show..
@robertnap5118 2 года назад
@adamsinger123 2 года назад
If ONLY, yes.
@irishoak7269 Год назад
Lady Stoneheart would have been amazing, one of the coolest cliffhangers from the last book for sure.
@misanthropicservitorofmars2116 8 месяцев назад
She would have killed it. Her slitting the throat of Walders wife showed how good she’d be as Stoneheart.
@dunzhen 3 месяца назад
She's legit great
@Judestomp 9 лет назад
During the Q&A I was happy how after Mr. Martin answered, depending on the question, he would then ask Michelle something so she could speak also. He knew that most likely everyone who's going to ask something would direct the questions at him because well, he's the father of epic fantasy series and Michelle is just an actor of one of his characters. Way to go George, really looking forward for Winds of Winter!
@Xilen7 9 лет назад
Yeah, and I'm sad about that. We Aussies are avid readers. You'll see heaps of people reading books in public transports. Though we love the show, we slightly prefer the books more. Hence, heaps of questions directed at Martin and none for Michelle. Still, Michelle is a great actress and she deserves to be recognised for her high-quality acting.
@Judestomp 9 лет назад
Xilen7 I prefer the books too. The show is very entertaining, very well done and the actors do great job but I too love books and reading. ASoIaF is one of my favorite fantasy series in the top 3 of my list. Martin is an amazing writer and I love the way he paints the story in words. Combined with my personal imagination, the show could never get even close how beautiful and epic the real story is in my mind.
@saysHotdogs 8 лет назад
I look forward to the Winds of Winter like it was a kidney.
@martinlannister797 7 лет назад
Mande Peer June 2017. Still no winds of winter and not the horizon
@ceceliam9014 7 лет назад
A lot of that was bad arrangement by the show, they should be setting up people who have questions for both. The host also only really managed to make things more awkward, kept pointing out that she wasn't getting questions, as if the audience could arrange and direct themselves without it being really awkward stumbling around like "who's your question for?" "who's your question for?". People also started lining up when she wasn't out there, so it's possible a lot of the people early in the line didn't know asking her questions was even an option. I wanted to see her get some questions, her performance on GOT was exquisite.
@armin38822 9 лет назад
I don't know how is humanly possibile to write such interesting books. You have to be a genius.
@mitchellwilliam95 9 лет назад
armin38822 i wouldn't say genius, but yes, he has had a lot of time to contemplate his world. it is quite incredible
@orlanswf 7 лет назад
Understand how the human mind works and use this knowledge as a tool to lead your reader's emotions; write in such a way the reader will feel what you want them to feel. Easy.
@MrStoitchkov8 5 лет назад
Genius is the right word
@Pat_rick_W 5 лет назад
armin38822 it definitely takes a unique mind to write fantasy
@willmosse3684 5 лет назад
GRRM is a genius for sure
@catelyntully9494 9 лет назад
Its a shame we wont see her again as Lady Stonheart, Michelle said that she was excited to play that role its a shame such a good actress
@SaadiG 9 лет назад
Catelyn Tully Not your hype. Ned loves your hype.
@catelyntully9494 9 лет назад
***** That was beautiful
@sharknado623 5 лет назад
@@catelyntully9494 I love your profile photo! One of the few Catelyn fans, I see!
@catelyntully9494 5 лет назад
@@sharknado623 Thanks a lot! This picture is a little gem now that the original creator closed it's facebook page.
@sharknado623 5 лет назад
@@catelyntully9494 good to.know! I can't see it particularly well. What does it represent, apart Catylin?
@Dantefrost 9 лет назад
Im impressed no one asked michelle or Martin about lady stoneheart
@ranjithbhargav7215 3 года назад
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@ranjithbhargav7215 3 года назад
@dookie shoes non9n
@ranjithbhargav7215 3 года назад
@dookie shoes 9n99noj9n99n9n9999j9n9í9o9ní9in9nooon99no9n9nononoon9n9no9n9n9nnnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
@lordvaldomero7694 3 года назад
No one im the public read the book.. shame
@lemya8120 3 года назад
Yessss! Why!? I don't understand people sometime🤦🏽‍♀️
@marcuslestrange1512 7 лет назад
I miss her so much. Lena Headey is the boss lady actress right now but Michelle's skills DEFINITELY and easily rivaled hers. They are soooo good
@nottoomuch87 5 лет назад
Definitely the two strongest actresses on the show.
@kkandsims4612 4 года назад
But to be fair even lena said Michelle’s acting was better then her own soooooo I mean they recasted catelyn to give Michele the part let be real here. Lena is ace at Cercie but everyone hates catelyn but not one hated tv catelyn cuz michelle be like fuck no I ain’t paying catelyn like this.
@Phoebelle 3 года назад
The queeeeeens ❤
@balabanasireti 3 года назад
@@kkandsims4612 People can have their own opinions, sooo...
@901stinababy 2 года назад
@@nottoomuch87 Michelle, Lena, and Emilia are so silly and fun loving from what I see in interviews, total opposites from the characters that they play so well. When I seen Lena all tatted up in her cute hippie clothes I was floored lol
@CaptainFuzzbottom 8 лет назад
+1 to the interviewer for knowing the name of Bran's horse. Nice one, mate.
@Barberserk 5 лет назад
I know, right? I did not expect this from this salad-hair. :)
@PowerScissor 5 лет назад
LOL, I came to write I couldn't take him seriously at the start with that Mop of hair either.
@razmatazz9310 3 года назад
Didn't someone in the audience yell it at him? It looks like he is thanking them afterwards.
@IndigoRays 9 лет назад
the moment Michelle walked...DANCED in... I was like 'she's SOO ADORABLE!" and she is :3
@donnalouisse6166 8 лет назад
Such a lovely woman! Miss her character on the show terribly!
@IndigoRays 8 лет назад
Donna Louisse Me too! She's wonderful :)
@MalloryNewcomb 3 года назад
Is it crazy my first thought when she did that dance was “is she married?” because that seems like some young at heart, free as a bird kind of bets
@notmareelnam7545 9 лет назад
"The man who doesnt read lives only one [life]" ...Except the man that plays Dark Souls
@MrJipvh 6 лет назад
notma reelnam Isn't it; "A reader lives a thousand lives"? A line Jojen Reed said in the books, as well as probably a sortof personal motto from George.
@jamesgordon7641 4 года назад
notma reelnam but he also dies a millions deaths... over and over again .. against the same boss
@drugstorerecords 8 лет назад
"Ramsay's a misunderstood fellow" Hahah that cracked me up. What a legend
@LastlyMore 8 лет назад
That's pretty impressive that they only took one take with the blood in the red wedding scene. Great acting on her part. She should have been nominated for an Emmy or even a Golden Globe.
@AjayKumar-hh6hx 8 лет назад
When Alt Shift X (at least I think it was him) started to talk, GRRM and Michelle looked at him with so much awe. I think it is because of his golden voice. Love that guy's mellow tone.
@BossAttack 8 лет назад
At what part did he talk?
@AjayKumar-hh6hx 8 лет назад
Somewhere towards the end. around 1:10, think
@redpilldookie8320 8 лет назад
his voice was stiff as silk
@pkingpumpkin 7 лет назад
@1:20? the proud son question ye?
@frodobaggins6684 5 лет назад
That was my boy Alt Schwift???? Hmmmmmmmm
@eclairz9275 7 лет назад
Lady Stoneheart is using that scarf to cover her neck wounds. :S
@simao_samouco 7 лет назад
only book readers will understand
@thedeadnightking9975 4 года назад
Simão Samouco i understand but haven’t read yet the Lady Stoneheart part
@Artbytal 9 лет назад
Awwh, I wanted more Michelle! She is a true beauty and a exquisite actress. Then again, so is George, minus the actress!
@Artbytal 9 лет назад
Taliesin Fox-Henry Wahey! George say Ah-straya like we Aussies!
@amsbeats841 9 лет назад
1:20:15 There's no way that's not the Alt Shift X guy
@romahnae 8 лет назад
+Alex S lol, it iss him..
@KamikazeCommie501 8 лет назад
+Alex S Haha you know what I think you could be right! Even though it's in Australia and that accent is far from unique, the voice is incredibly similar. It also explains why he asked such a weird question, because he already knows everything important about GoT!
@TheJinzoSpoon 8 лет назад
+Alex S When I was listening I thought the same!!
+Alex S no, this guys voice is too whiney, Alt Shift X voice is deeper... (i had to check it out!) This guy is fake, I mean who hosts a show blatantly reading from a paper?!! (unless he is covering for the real presenter, who got sick minutes before the show!!)
AHH, i see! i thought they meant the actual presenter dude :-)
@yukowl 9 лет назад
Even if you had no interest in GOT or writing you could sit and watch this guy talk for hours.
@kidd_splashh6036 3 года назад
@luke Why?
@yukowl 3 года назад
@@kidd_splashh6036 I have no idea, I watched this 5 years ago.
@emperoromulus3054 3 года назад
@@yukowl lmao
@mac2312 Год назад
@yukowl Год назад
@@mac2312 I have no idea, I watched this 7 years ago.
@ioseb14 7 лет назад
She is so beautiful and her voice is just made for theaters, drama and movies
@alexandraszavo6349 6 лет назад
15:50 Oh Michelle! You break my heart, this is so cute. The way she talks about Richard, it is so adorable. And I think she is almost crying here. Such a lovely woman.
@Phoebelle 3 года назад
So so cute 😭❤
@MalloryNewcomb 3 года назад
I noticed that too and knowing that she is childless in real life, that probably means a lot for her. 💕
@kkandsims4612 3 года назад
@@MalloryNewcomb yea but she herself claimed she wanted 0 kids but who knows maybe she changed her mind and it was to late to get pregnant how old is she in her late 50’s ? Middle f50’s I will say she looks in her 50’s but she’s beautiful either way .
@MalloryNewcomb 3 года назад
@@kkandsims4612 Yes, she has said she had no maternal instinct. Which is so ironic because she’s been a mum in both of her most famous roles. She is in her late 50s and she was married for a time many years ago. I think she looks incredible, like she manages to look her age yet really young at the same time. Like I’d love to see a picture of her in her 20s and see how much Sophie Turner & a young Michelle resemble each other
@kkandsims4612 2 года назад
@@MalloryNewcomb wait what’s her second oh gangs of London yea it’s crazy she plays a mother a lot and not just any mother a mother very very protective and good to her kids . It’s like she’s type casted I wanna see her in a comedy or somewhere in a Romance meh she just made a romance tho so nm but I think she’s got the range to portray alot of stuff.
@doctornov7 8 лет назад
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one" may be the most true quote I've ever read, about reading.
@HugsmadeDrugs 7 лет назад
yer mum tho
@theashennamedjerry3203 2 года назад
Kinda sad if you think about it.
@TheSingleGuy 7 лет назад
I love how michelle actually read the books. I don't think many of the actors in the show did
@HOTD108_ 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, it's been proven that Maisie Williams can't even read. Apparently her lines were learnt via someone else reaidng them aloud.
@darj617 5 лет назад
Gosh Michelle is such a beauty and a phenomenal actress too.
@irfanfareed2583 3 года назад
That's why littlefinger was all about everything
@kkandsims4612 3 года назад
@@irfanfareed2583 🤦🏿‍♀️😂😂😂as if little finger Aiden wants michelle outside of the show but hey she’s a private AF so maybe they did do the dirty .
@Aethuviel 9 лет назад
39:00 - That is the point of writing, in a way (though it's not always done so brutally or so much as with ASOIAF). One article I read, started with "As writers, it is our duty to create lovable, enticing characters - and do horrible, evil things to them." And another quote, which I find extremely good for authors, was actually from Darth Plagueis in Star Wars: "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
@fabo36 9 лет назад
Michelle Fairley has a great sense of humor. If you listen/watch the commentary videos for the episodes the ones with her and Nikolajare hilarious
@ahikernamedgq 8 лет назад
Michelle Fairley is not attractive by typical American standards, but she is a beautiful woman. And, she has such a lovely, happy personality and is obviously so brilliant. What a wonderful interview.
@kkandsims4612 3 года назад
I think she’s is actually attractive by American standard more so when she was a younger woman at her age now she’s not plastic so I would see how maybe at her current age she’s not up to American standard but she’s luckily Irish so she dose not need to worry about it.
@ISpyABirdie 9 лет назад
GRRM has so much respect for Dinklage/Tyrion and Maisie/Arya. His comment about Ramsay makes sense. I was shocked!
@catebells6262 7 лет назад
Ok but Michelle Fairley's voice is beautiful
@kkandsims4612 2 года назад
It used to sound very very different and a lot more Irish . She still sounds Irish but she sounded more Irish in the 90’s.
@RustingVagina 8 лет назад
She seems like such a nice lady
@anna-ij9hq 7 лет назад
I would love more Catelyn with her daughters
@David-CoolDave 8 лет назад
Wow. Michelle Fairley looks fantastic
@QueenAnneBoleyn6 9 лет назад
GRRM gives such great detailed answers, it's wonderful. And Michelle fairly is adorable as always :)
@DianaAnne 9 лет назад
The interview was great!! Loved the interviewer and also how George R. R Martin answered all the questions.
@1qazwas21 7 лет назад
Michelle applauding the illegal downloading of Game of Thrones, I love this woman xDD And prior, she was so cute, trying to find the guy who was asking the question, Jesus what a gem of a woman Plus George R.R. Martin is great, reading his books right now and it's fantastic, would have loved to have seen him give a talk
@MalloryNewcomb 3 года назад
I thought she was hilarious for applauding the illegal downloading… like “oh look at you guys” yet worried it would send the wrong message all at once 😂
@arifarstad8616 8 лет назад
I love the fact, that you can hear George scratching his beard xD
@nonononomo3028 6 лет назад
You know what is funny. The hero with the 6 friends happens in 7x6 (Beyond The Wall), where nobody dies or they only get wounded.
@jakeola10 6 лет назад
ZeroSenses You're from /r/asoiaf lol
@nonononomo3028 6 лет назад
Someone of use had to comment this. Took one for the team.
@comraderaoul 6 лет назад
Thoros of Myr! Viserion! Benjen!
@nonononomo3028 6 лет назад
comraderaoul Let's be honest here: not many persons cared for him. The biggest loss is the dragon and it wasn't even named in the show who it was. People just got dramatic for him because it was a dragon. And D&D mainly made that decision so that they got their icedragon.
@highjinx6519 Год назад
@@nonononomo3028 I just watched that episode again and it was funny because several people died but it was people I didn’t know or know that they were with the group at all. My significant other and I kept joking about oh that was extra person #4 or 5.
@nefariousbecks 9 месяцев назад
Will never forgive Dumb and Dumber for not giving us Michelle Fairley's Lady Stoneheart.
@bridge4 5 лет назад
Watch it all because it's a great QnA session all around, but just an fyi that George R.R. Martin addresses the gods (or lackthereof) at 1:18:13
@GeraltORivia 3 года назад
@Jonathan Eric um...
@benkesser 9 лет назад
"...If it was me, Gandalf would stay dead..." - G.R.R.Martin ... copy+paste
@marius4iasi 9 лет назад
Ben Kesser That explains Lady Stoneheart.
@SeriousJokster 9 лет назад
Marius Malus ahahaha Right? Hypocrite much, George?
@Artbytal 9 лет назад
Marius Malus Its not the same way really, Gandalf comes back, everything the same and stronger. No disadvantages, Kat comes back fueled by bloodlust and limited power, the power she does have is quite fleeting. She certainly ain't no Stoneheart the White.
@northremembers2808 9 лет назад
Marius Malus not only lady stoneheart , but beric dondarrion , the Hound , Gregor Clegane and soon Jon Snow not to mention possibilities of people coming beck from the dead : septon Chayle , Gerion Lannister , Benjen Stark
@shytguy 9 лет назад
No offense but the hound doesn't count. Recovering from an injury isn't the same as coming back from the dead. Being left for dead isn't the same as coming back from the dead. As for the other characters though... Ya hypocrite much. Maybe gerion lannister is just wandering out there somewhere
@sanderhoefsloot6852 3 года назад
Catelyn is truly one of my favorite characters in asoiaf and Michelle played her so well. Such a shame she isn't ressurected.
@blahblahooooooooblah 8 лет назад
I love Michelle's voice. She should do some voice acting.
@corsicanlulu 8 лет назад
+blahblahooooooooblah i thought i was teh only one...i wish she could do audiobooks
@blewwaddler Год назад
She has done loads of audiobooks some are hard to find but a lot are on the BBC sounds or audible
@Aequeritas 4 года назад
Martin giving 10 minute complex answers/ michelle: "what month is it"
@Divine_Chareka 3 года назад
I can listen to Michelle all day & never get tired of it
@ToothlessWizard 9 лет назад
This was fantastic. Funny interviewer, good social skills shown by George. Thanks for posting.
@Hasdfgh12321 9 лет назад
32:24 he's talking about R+L=J i'm pretty sure of that YEAH :))~
@ladyteh 9 лет назад
I was thinking the same thing
@noeliajaime3313 8 лет назад
+Saudi gucci Oh im sure he is. R+L=J will stay! :-)
@walterbishop3981 8 лет назад
+Saudi gucci you guys really need to stop taking every word he says as a theory ffs. Whatever is going to happen let it happen and stop ruining something that is getting ruined like people like you guys. Serious, Grow up and wait for when the new book/season comes out. Jesus
@KamikazeCommie501 8 лет назад
+Saudi gucci That part made me so happy, because the theories out there are amazing. He says he won't change the story just because people had figured out things, and that was one of my biggest worries.
@KamikazeCommie501 8 лет назад
+Walter Bishop Don't tell people what to do. Who the fuck do you think you are? If you don't like seeing theories, DON'T FUCKING WATCH THEM.
@dbdist1 7 лет назад
Sometimes I wonder how she would be acting as Lady Stoneheart.
@jenniferkelly4702 4 года назад
She would be truly chilling.
@Winters91 8 лет назад
The show was bonkers not to include Stoneheart...
@DNotzz 8 лет назад
I know right? They could have gone the horror route and made it so awesome. It could have been like one scene. A few minutes. Simple..done. But nope. They are clearly trying to cut down storylines. So they can be done in a season or two.
@darktempest53 6 лет назад
Entrisen but Stoneheart serves a compmetely different purpose
@Just.Kidding 5 лет назад
Entrisen dude thats nowhere near the same thing are you kidding me
@agent5866 4 года назад
@@Just.Kidding What did Antrisen say?
@peterfrank5866 9 лет назад
After watching so many GRRM interviews, I gotta say, this interviewer is hands down the best.
@geminiwriter8875 4 года назад
Amazing directors, amazing writers...... David and Dan...
@jcarroll7371 4 года назад
George's the best. And Michelle played Lady Stark perfectly shes great.
@Anavrin9 9 лет назад
I would be so excited to see a Fevre Dream adaptation. Such a fantastic story
@checkthapain 8 лет назад
+Vlarken Theres talks of it being on showtime after GOT
@RachelFromEurope 4 года назад
Mother. Aww that's so sweet!
@QueenDaenerysTargaryen 3 года назад
GRRM gives such detailed explanations, amazing👍
@dblshotz75 8 лет назад
Little known fact the RR in his name stands for Ruff Ryders. He's a huge DMX fan.
@MrKrusten 4 года назад
michelle is such a nice person, with so much youthful energy and great humour. wonderful lady
@kkandsims4612 3 года назад
I found a photo of her when she was 27 and holy cow for 1 smoking has not been kind to her youth but I kinda get the impression she gives two fucks about her beauty . I mean my sister thought it was a photoshopped photo of michelle Natalie dormer and Sophie Turner when in reality it was just michelle She’s pretty now but when she was younger she was drop dead I am not surprised she had boys and men lining up . Plus she honestly seems like you could just chill with her and she would love you no matter.
@Hugo_Tate Год назад
Michelle's twirl and dance was amazing. love her. she's an incredible actor
@WeCaredALot 8 лет назад
LOL @ her impression of people talking about Cat's death @ 8:01
@apollolancer78 8 лет назад
Shame on the audience for not one single person ask any question regards to the character and authencity of Michelle Fairley, where all questions were all directed towards George with the same redundant questions. The only person who include Michelle in the Q&A session was George himself whom doesn't want her to feel left out.. So magnaminous if him!
@sharnistevens1428 6 лет назад
Michelle Fairley was a last minute fill in that night. Peter Dinklage was originally meant to appear with GRRM. Some people probably arrived and didn't really have much time to think about interesting questions to ask of Michelle.
@abhishekbaburaj1105 3 года назад
Also common, most fans of the show would wanna ask the author questions instead of one of the 13 main characters..so, cant really blame the fans
@kkandsims4612 3 года назад
@@sharnistevens1428 I could ask her100 questions on the spot I just don’t think anyone had questions for michelle plain and simple .
@user-ns2sx1rk4h Год назад
@@abhishekbaburaj1105 who are the 13 main characters? Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Jaime, Sansa, Arya, Eddard, Cersei, Bran and?
@abhishekbaburaj1105 Год назад
@@user-ns2sx1rk4h honestly, it's been a year and i don't remember why i mentioned "13 main characters"...lol But if i had to guess who i had in mind...maybe Robb?
@Nawaf_1994 9 лет назад
Imagine LOTR done by George R.R. Martin, all the elves are naked, Gandalf would die in book 1, all the hobbits die book 2, everyone else dies in book 3 except Gollom, who becomes the hero and saves the world :)
@ikhanisation 5 лет назад
@Zoe Kouf I think they meant really die and not come back.
@at8290 3 года назад
In a fantastically cast show, Michelle Fairley was one of the best cast. She is Catelyn Stark
@braytakfirstprime4880 5 лет назад
At 22:22, George realises that this is as good as Australian humour is ever going to get, and would rather be home.
@Shadowfax2348 7 лет назад
'ramsey is a misunderstood fella' LOL
@snarkleton26 8 лет назад
Michelle Fairley never came back as the re-animated Lady Stoneheart, an important character in the books .... would be interesting to get her and George Martin's take as to why, and whether they advocated for the character's insertion into the series.
@dw1419 Год назад
RE: George saying he thought Frodo was dead - he shouldn’t really have thought that between books, as the The Two Towers ends with the line “Frodo was alive but taken by the enemy.” However, once The Return of the King starts, Tolkien doesn’t give us any further news of Frodo or Sam until after the Mouth of Sauron shows Gandalf, Aragorn, and company that he has Frodo’s mithril shirt, which leads to certain conclusions…
@arunnarayanan8836 9 лет назад
This is amazing.
@GutzOverFear 6 лет назад
1:14:05 "The Wire" and "Breaking Bad". No kidding. The best and most elite T.V shows. And of course now Game of Thrones.
@leob4403 2 года назад
Walking Dead
@yomamma.ismydaddy216 Год назад
I don’t think George liked that opening joke by the interviewer lol
@sandylemieux192 9 лет назад
Love her :) This interviewer is really good too :)
@kizi180 5 лет назад
Why do people include Michelle Fairley as a Harry Potter star/belonging to the HP Universe because of a 5-second scene?
@kkandsims4612 3 года назад
Right I would not classify her as a Harry Potter cast member never
@DNotzz 8 лет назад
Michelle is a beautiful person. She is Cat to me.
@georgetapia4020 3 года назад
"...If it was me, Gandalf would stay dead..." - G.R.R.Martin ... copy+paste
@12345nadine 8 лет назад
"is there a reason why we havent heard from the seven yet?"..... LOL oh yes there is
@Lannis_jpg 2 года назад
She really didn’t want to directly answer how she reacted to when she found out how she’d die LOL
@carlroyle3055 3 года назад
His sci-fi stuff is really good as well
@jonr4164 12 дней назад
still worrth watching in 2024.
@aids7899 7 лет назад
1:22:23 This applies even more now with Season 7. It's increasingly rushed to only include essential scenes and lots of time passes between scenes.
@xxxs8309 5 лет назад
Santa knows how to write stories!
@phxtonash 8 лет назад
7:09 great
@wallacelovecraft8942 2 года назад
Nice interview indeed.
@TheCatastrophus 9 лет назад
I can't believe the person giving the interview insulted Mr. Martin with that 30 min of writing joke. and then to follow it up by saying he failed as a writer for not knowing ahead of time how big his books would be.
@daAnT1990 9 лет назад
TheCatastrophus do you even.... humor??
@yremogtnomnad 6 лет назад
Great interview, but the consistent mispronunciation of Catelyn's name is a bit annoying...
@kkandsims4612 4 года назад
Dan Montgomery I fucking her so annoyed I am like it’s cat not Kate it’s catelyn 🤦🏿‍♀️ wtf do u think they call her cat not Kate. Or cate. But cat.
@Magooch86 2 года назад
If you read the books before the show there's all kinds of pronunciations people had.
@soupkid8268 Год назад
"Y'all guessed R+L=J." good job.
@bgill7475 5 лет назад
I really don't like how people just ignored Michelle at the end even though they were asking people to ask her questions, very rude.
@kkandsims4612 3 года назад
I kinda felt bad for her she also looked kinda nervous
@Gurus2Gods 4 года назад
at last ... a good interviewer of Martin.
@twstf8905 5 лет назад
34:00 Pay attention to what he says at 34:00 It's really important and super relevant to everyone who is trying to over-think and hyper-analyze George's generic, "Bittersweet," answer to the obviously unanswerable, "How's it all gonna end?!?" question he keeps getting asked about season 8.
@trulyrajiv 9 лет назад
Did he talk about William Faulkner? I am not watching it without that
@TheCallumTR 9 лет назад
that interviewer guy knows how to clap.
@MontyQueues 4 года назад
we are making sure you never take your clothes off ! oooalrighhht, hey wait a minute... xD
@gokulmadhu1906 2 года назад
There should have been Catelyn's return as Lady Stoneheart in the show too!! Such a waste David and Dan!, PS: I was stunned to my core when she came back in the book, and she is one of the most intimidating and ruthless characters along with Euron who was also basically not in the show.(The true Euron in the books is vastly different from the books and he is a fucking amazing terrifying and charismatic villain).
@AquaticBigfoot8 7 лет назад
33:00 I think the theory he's most-referring to is easily R+L=J
@phxtonash 8 лет назад
7:09 great amswer
@shrutefarms4741 3 года назад
She is wonderful and I for one and so glad they left out lady stone heart. It was the only part of the book I really hated.
@Wrexywrex328 Год назад
“Should people only consider the adapted parts important, or is that a fool’s errand?” ….. “Mmmm, yeah.” Why do interviewers always ask this ridiculous question to authors whose works are being adapted? You think they’re going to tell people to ignore their actual work and only consider the adaptation as the thing worth getting invested in? I went to a guest speaker event at my university that hosted Jeff VanderMeer, and he mentioned how he had this same question asked of him with regards to Annihilation and the movie adaptation, and whether people should just skip the book and watch the movie. His response: “No! What did you think I was going answer?!”
@joetaylor907 9 лет назад
...and the mother of Nathan Young
@gh0stpoop 4 года назад
Not sure why so many people are praising the interviewer, I found him to be annoying and inappropriate.
@danielastornelli4111 8 лет назад
Hi! there would be some way for you to allow us to put some subtitles in other languages? i know there is a way to activate that, but not so sure how.. if you know how to and it's not too complicated, would you do it please? i would like o add some spanish subs :)
@Luqman899 8 лет назад
Is the interviewer Barty Crouch Jr??
@rebelfriend1818 4 года назад
3:02 famous last words
@gerrysabron 4 года назад
she was a mom of teenagers....she needed that dignified stature, sure earlier in books Ned and Cat had romantic moments and Cat being sultry...but that's just the beginning, everything else Michelle did justice to the role...
@PipinhoSnow 8 лет назад
When the next book???????????????????
@JohnDoe-415 3 года назад
Even though this interview is 6 years ago now, every time I hear the phrases “ great writing” and “David and Dan”. I cringe.
@daAnT1990 9 лет назад
32:28 hmmm what secret could THAT possibly be?? ;D
@samuraichilton 5 лет назад
The interviewer is awesome.
@irfanfareed2583 3 года назад
Are you being sarcastic I can't quite tell the difference
@samuraichilton 3 года назад
@@irfanfareed2583 seems like your problem.
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