
Gatekeeping and the lost art of "Agreeing to Disagree" 

Thor Skywalker
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@stevena.7022 8 месяцев назад
Real fans ate C-3PO's breakfast cereal.
@John_Locke_108 8 месяцев назад
Goddamn right. And afterwards I cut that mask out and wore it all around the house. Totally agree with you dude.
@geyoda64 8 месяцев назад
They will R2meToo his ass
@moffjendob6796 8 месяцев назад
@hellstrom4209 8 месяцев назад
This isn't limited to Andor. Literally liking or disliking ANY piece of Star Wars content, whether they're the sequels, live actions shows, animated shows, prequels, or certain books, will lead to discouse and being accused of not being a 'true Star Wars fan'.
@cybertramon0012 8 месяцев назад
I think the art of 'agree to disagree' is dying out because (recently, as far as I can tell) people are more determined to be told that their opinion is the correct one, and the easiest way to say that is to have as many people agree with you. And it feels like it's because so much stuff focuses on messages than anything else, so having the message they align with validated is more important than anything else. We see this quite often with recent works where any complaint against it - even if the complaint is about the technical stuff or about plot holes in the story - are instantly labelled as bigotry. A work you agree with must be perfect, because if it isn't then there's a chance that you can be wrong.
@merlin5662 8 месяцев назад
a comment i wrote in here that works well in tandem for your point. the "agree to disagree" point is a double edge sword. in most instances it simply means "we both are not gonna shift our ground so might as well go our separate ways" which is pretty much what it implies meant for (and this instance the proper use you used it for with the person who emailed you). however i have seen other instances where its been used "i don't want to engage with point so i am saying this to end the conversation" which feels incomplete and prone to another argument down the line. Very typical in narcissists i've hung around with who: state something, someone points a counter argument, dismisses the argument without engaging the counter point, the argument is bough up sometime down the road.
@firnen_ 8 месяцев назад
While it's certainly true that there are people who will defend anything to death and not even accept minor criticism to it, there equally are people who are bitter and will try and talk anything down and not accept it has any positive qualities it might have. It's an issue on both sides. And as usual the truth is somewhere in the middle, few things are flawless and few things are unsalvageable. And especially now that a lot of SW content is being made, there's bound to be things that fall anywhere alonf that spectrum. Another thing to keep in mind that I think "elitists" on both sides forget: it's perfectly fine to like something that's "bad", or to dislike something that's "good". Sometimes things just aren't for you. I loved the Ahsoka show, because that kind of space fantasy/mystical is something I've always liked, and the show features some of my favorite characters. But I can also fully agree that it features some questionable aspects, like it's slow start or needless lightsaber stabbing survival. On balance, for me that means I still really enjoyed it. But I can fully understand that someone who's not as fond of the shows themes or characters wouldn't see it that way.
@immortalfrieza 6 месяцев назад
It probably has something to do with the fact that "agree to disagree" really is just another way of saying one of 2 things: * "You've managed to convince me, but I don't have the integrity or guts to admit I'm wrong, so I'll stop arguing." * "I don't agree, but I also don't want to argue anymore, so I'm disengaging from this conversation." Either way, it's a copout intended to get out of the conversation.
@firnen_ 6 месяцев назад
@@immortalfrieza That might be true when talking about matters of fact. But opinions aren't objective. I can like something you don't and we can both be valid in having that opinion, so nobody has to change theirs.
@jspaingreene6350 8 месяцев назад
Thor... You are so fair minded. Thank you for having a great channel where I feel comfortable with fans of varied opinions. I'm pretty negative about the new stuff... But I want to hear people's thoughts. I would like to be convinced. I appreciate what you share with us and the people that follow you. Edited for spelling
@sparrow4207 8 месяцев назад
I would say star wars didn't have enough gatekeeping and the keepers( of the whills) failed. The franchise was overrun by people who didn't want to immerse themselves into George's universe, they wanted to alter it completely for their own selfish desires and notions. Now the lore is trashed, and the idea of what is and isn't canon has been corrupted and messed with to a point of no return. RIP George Lucas Star Wars.
@AndreNitroX 8 месяцев назад
Exactly there is almost no point to even having an official canon now. Feel free to cherry pick only the good content that makes you happy but it still hurts that this happened to Star Wars within 10 years
@jimmyboy131 8 месяцев назад
@@AndreNitroX That's what I've done. I pick and choose what I like, and to me that's Star Wars. I did that way back with Return of the Jedi, and in my head canon the Ewoks are actually Wookies. That makes it all make sense. Still, ROTJ has some of the best Star Wars, with the throne room scene and the Endor space battle.
@antelopedon6341 8 месяцев назад
I agree Disney Star Wars is not great and has many issues, but KK was picked by George. He opened the gate.
@90lancaster 8 месяцев назад
Star Wars was at its best when George wasn't paying attention to it. After the New Era and before the EU destroyed itself.
@alexhenderson1312 8 месяцев назад
Agree 💯 👍 I certainly feel the same with Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica.
@ct-1177 8 месяцев назад
I have been told this from a friend... "Stop worrying about the views of others especially if they disagree with you on something, if you enjoy something don't let someone's critique of it discourage you, just say "yeah that's fair" or "I disagree but I respect your point of view" If they are uncivilized after that, well there's always muting or blocking."
@Kilthan2050 8 месяцев назад
That's the attitude that led us here, with multiple destroyed franchises. Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, DC, The people invading this fandoms and destroying them are doing so for the sake of destroying them. The moment you stop fighting them you get Disney Star Wars. Its a standard Marxist tactic. Happy people don't revolt, so destroy everything that makes people happy.
@ChaoticMartian 8 месяцев назад
Star wars needs gatekeeping like 40k fans
@colinbielat8558 8 месяцев назад
Many newer 40k fans are refugees from star wars, and to an extent, they have been welcomed as long as they understand the drastic threat the franchise is in. There are to many people who have jump to 40k because it is rapidly becoming one of the last bastions of fandom like LOTR and because of that the eyes of those who have destroyed everything else are finally looking to them. At some point a line needs to be drawn though by us good decent people who want our properties to stay the way they are and that time is rapidly approaching where we must put on the armour of contempt and wield the sword of Fury. Humanity cannot survive without unifying cultures and the goal of these people is to destroy the old culture for a sick parady of one. Star wars is lost but those who have fled to other properties must do what they can to support the original vision of them so they are stronger than before. Only united in mind and purpose against these cultural locusts do we stand a chance.
@yourstruly4817 8 месяцев назад
Now I am become Kathleen, the destroyer of franchises
@coda7994 8 месяцев назад
I hated gatekeeping, until i saw what a lack of it did for so many beloved franchises. Now I'm not sure it's so bad, when done to protect the core tones and themes of said franchises.
@greatazuredragon 8 месяцев назад
If you asked me if gatekeeping was bad a few years ago I would imediatly agree. If you ask me now, I would say that is not only not bad, but freaking necessary for the survival of whatever you love.
@fernandopineda76 8 месяцев назад
By far... Andor and Rouge One are the best Disney Star Wars! there is no question about that. I have been a Star Wars for the last 40 years... watching the original Return of the Jedi on movie theater, I have enjoy many of Star Wars stories, TV shows, movies, etc. and I agree Andor and Rouge one provides something special that has been lost since Disney took over the Star Wars franchise.
@angrymandalorian8496 8 месяцев назад
Saw the first Star Wars in 77, so long time fan. I couldn’t agree more.
@thomaspunt2646 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeeping is only really acceptable towards those who want to change core aspects of a series. Anything else is just elitism.
@DZatheus 8 месяцев назад
Took the words out of my keyboard.
@Milothemighty10 8 месяцев назад
This says it perfect…
@ChaoticMartian 8 месяцев назад
Too late then because its infested with those people already.
@DavidWalker1987 8 месяцев назад
Depends what you consider the core aspects of a series. To one person the core of a thing might be miniscule, to others it might be 60% of the product. I've always taken the stance that a product should always be for anyone, but not be for everyone. If its for everyone its diluted to the point of nothingness and is not actually for anyone.
@Pokane1998 8 месяцев назад
@@DavidWalker1987 everyone knows what the core aspects of Star Wars are. I think the main thing is as long as you like Star Wars because you genuinely like it it’s all good. The people who claim to like it then argue that ahsoka actually is bi or obi wan is clearly gay I don’t think are genuine fans. That’s just me.
@MedalionDS9 8 месяцев назад
I have met someone you described who came into Star Wars via the animated shows, and can only see the old movies as boring and not their preferred Star Wars... and yes they are a zoomer. Whenever we would ask them to check out the OT, they always would play coy but they kinda refused to watch them yet they still talk about Star Wars as a whole as if they know it, but they don't and it annoyed me so much.
@John_Locke_108 8 месяцев назад
That's the fault of the parents. My 8 year old daughter was introduced to Star Wars via despecialized versions of the Original Trilogy. She's gonna experience the universe the way I did and when she's 22 years old I'll show her the Prequel trilogy.
@TwoDollarGararge 8 месяцев назад
just ignore it if that's what they enjoy let them enjoy it
@kaidrazarc8000 8 месяцев назад
Is it because your friend doesn't like the imperial era of star wars? Or maybe they don't like old films with dates special effects? I ask as your friend may very well like the story of the OT but just not gonna sit through an old film but you're taking it as a slight on the OT story
@pedrokantor3997 8 месяцев назад
Gotta like the OT to like Star Wars. Otherwise you're a tourist.
@Kilthan2050 8 месяцев назад
@@TwoDollarGararge No. If you don't like the foundation of a thing, you don't like that thing. Its like saying "I like pizza, I just don't like crust, or sauce," You don't like pizza, you like CHEESE. Now, you can have pizza without pasta sauce, such as with pesto or olive oil, different kinds of cheese, etc. But the moment you leave out the crust, its no longer pizza, because that is what makes pizza pizza. They can enjoy the animated shows, but they aren't star wars fans. That's my wife. She doesn't like the movies but likes the animated series, she doesn't pretend at all to be a star wars fan, she's a Clone Wars and Rebels fan.
@Jedishill680 8 месяцев назад
Just because i dont like andor doesn't mean you and other fans cant, I'm happy andor is loved by so many people
@jrny8922 8 месяцев назад
I love the show as far as I've watched(haven't finished it because of personal issues) but if you dont like it I'm not gonna hate on you and call you not a real fan because that's childish and stupid.
@swolecapybara 8 месяцев назад
It’s interesting that Thor mentions our entry points as a big factor into what we like, but I also think personal taste is a huge thing. I’ve become very hyper-critical of story writing over the years, so something deep and thoughtful like the OT, Rogue One, and Andor really gets me going. Conversely, something I see as less thoughtful or thorough-like the sequels or the cartoons-doesn’t grab my attention. So a lot of it comes down to what you as a person find engaging in a story.
@Jedishill680 8 месяцев назад
@swolecapybara personal taste is immensely important when it comes to star wars, for reasons I don't exactly know any story that has rebels fighting an empire for me is more or less not engaging from a story perspective, The OT and Rogue one did not grip me with its stories, its also the main reason I havent seen andor and don't care to see it
@RaikenXion 8 месяцев назад
Same, i'm half and half with *Andor* it's a rather frustrating series for me because i just wish the series would actually delve deeper into this whole spy/espionage thriller type stuff. I wish the show did'nt have implied sex scenes and characters did Not say "Sh*t" in the series, because those things are just Not *Star Wars* to me. But i'm all for making a way more "Adult-oriented" Starwars series, in that it has a more serious tone, dark even, deals with more morally abiguous themes and grey areas. So all those things i really like about Andor, what i don't get is why Andor lacks any Alien Races on all the planets we go to in the series. I've watched thor's review and all his videos where he explains his reasons for why Andor has a serious lack of aliens, and i have to disagree and i've told thor skywalker that he is wrong in that regard; because while the show is set at the height of the Empire's reign in the Galaxy, and just how xenophobic they were, there would still be plenty of alien races around and i counted literally 3 in the entire series. And when i looked it up and googled this issue of the show, i was shocked to find out Andor showrunner and writer tony gilroy chose not to have any alien characters because he finds them stupid. So this just isn't good enough in my strong opinion and viewpoint as a passionate starwars fan, and i even raised this fact to thor skywalker and he's never mentioned it; which is honestly fair enough but i do think thor's favoritism and bias in favor of Andor clouds his own judgement regarding this issue. He so wants more fans to love Andor, more and more as many as possible; but i'm afraid if thor actually stepped outside his own channel, his own "echochamber" no and again, he would actually see the truth; that these are issues alot of other fans/Starwars youtubers have with the show. I mean these were my own main issues that irk me with Andor and prevent me from giving it a full 5 star approval rating and say it's really excellent. Writing production quality, actors performances, all that is spot on. But i'm the kind of passionate fan that if a series or movie is lacking in certain areas i'm gonna call out what exact issues i have with it, and explain those issues as the main reason why i can't give that thing a full 100%. Fans like myself always get missunderstood as "oh you'll always find something to hate in starwars or you'll never be happy no matter what they bring us." And the classic - "No one hates starwars more than starwars fans" lol. And i do get that, it's a rather ignorant statement because it misses the point, at end of the day us "Passionate Starwars Fans" we just want *Star Wars* to be the Best it can be and for EVERY Creative that is given the honor of working on their own starwars series, or making their own starwars film, to basically ALWAYS respect how George Lucas envisioned his *Star Wars*, and strive to be faithful to his storytelling sensibilities. Putting SEX into Starwars or Gratituous, gory *Violence* in starwars is Not *Star Wars*. If you're a talented director who truly knows how to shoot a scene and convey what is happening, you would know when to cut away, or shoot something like someones head being cut off or hand/arm by a lightsaber and not specifically show all the detail, full on. So this is why i'm really just against some scenes in Andor showing characters waking up in bed, doesnt sound like much, sure it's only eluding to, but it's still implied Sex, and things like that are what signal and allow other creatives to come in and take it further in future shows or movies. then some years later, we suddenly end up with two sweaty characters literally getting it on, IN A Starwas movie or series. So yeh those things just don't ever belong in starwars imo. SEX is EVERYWHERE! In everything today we don't need it in something as unique and just wholesome as Starwars. My argument here is really that you can make a *Star Wars* story purely for Adults, with a much darker and serious tone, you don't need actual sex in there though. Kissing and romance is fine and that's it. But that's just my own strong feelings on the matter, if Gilroy could improve on these specific issues i have with the series Andor in season 2, i'm sure i could absolutely grow to love it.
@Kaymen1980 8 месяцев назад
Now replace Andor with "The Rise Skywalker" ...
@MKojiro 8 месяцев назад
As soon as disagreement became 'you're sexist/racist/homophobic' agreeing to disagree was impossible. They are leveling charges of moral evil against you. It's no longer about the quality of the content, it's now about what kind of person you are.
@TheVeritas1 7 месяцев назад
This cuts both ways. Nowadays, you have fools saying that only guys can enjoy Star Wars. This isn't even remotely true as shown by female fans like Naboo on this channel. It's fools like this that play into the "Star Wars fans are sexist" stereotype.
@ThePrinceofHisOwnKingdom 7 месяцев назад
If you are arguing quality, I say, stand your ground. If "they" are arguing for representation, do know that representation isn't antithetical to quality. I'm a former MCU fan. I was critical of the quality dive MCU's been taking and several fans branded me as sexist or bigoted too. The thing is, I'M in _favor_ of representation. I do want more women, LGBT and minorities in the MCU. It's not a good look to representation if quality was better when everything was led by the straight white males. Another thing is, bigotry do exist in fandoms. Genuine criticism get mixed up in them and it's infuriating.
@TheVeritas1 7 месяцев назад
@@ThePrinceofHisOwnKingdom Anyone who says that a film is bad" because the cast and/or directors aren't White guys is not to be taken seriously. And there have indeed been MCU "fans" who have made such statements of late.
@John_Locke_108 8 месяцев назад
I don't mind if people say that Andor isn't real Star Wars. Where I get upset is when people say that Andor is crap or a bad TV show.
@MedalionDS9 8 месяцев назад
Are you misrepresenting the argument a little? I've never heard anyone say Andor is a bad show in of itself who have watched it all the way through... most of the argument is it's not Star Wars, or it may be too slow for them, but the show is well done and may not match their tastes... that's ok.
@jayhartRIC 8 месяцев назад
@@MedalionDS9there are definitely people saying Andor isnt a good tv show. I saw negative comments around Andor getting nominated for an Emmy.
@John_Locke_108 8 месяцев назад
@@MedalionDS9 There are people in the comments of this video saying it. It's been happening ever since the show premiered.
@MedalionDS9 8 месяцев назад
Do they say they watched the whole show and genuinely feel that way, or were they just trolling or just watched only a few eps and gave up? That's not what I am talking about, I am talking people who gave it a fairshot.@@John_Locke_108
@John_Locke_108 8 месяцев назад
@@MedalionDS9 Couldn't tell you. They probably quit.
@ellugerdelacruz2555 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeeping isn't bad when used to keep those who clearly don't love or understand the Fanbase in the same way that its real fans do... Case in point, Lord of the Rings and Warhammer.
@StickNik 8 месяцев назад
Yeah, you could call that tourism: people who peruse franchises that they don't care about but want to impose their standards or supposed morals, or modern audience marketing to exploit the IP for it's popularity and in-built audience while trying to "reform" it into something they prefer.
@joeclaridy 8 месяцев назад
But that's the rub, when done correctly. Gatekeeping is like the Force it has a light and dark side to it. Yoda said it best: more powerful no, more suductive the dark side is. Gatekeepers are human and some should never take that role or else you have Gatekeepers with radical opinions. Gatekeeping should be done with extreme caution when it comes to saying who is allowed in or not.
@KenBen0bi 8 месяцев назад
@@StickNikSounds like a lot of people who want ‘homogenized’ entertainment instead of things that are outside their ‘comfort zone’. Example: I love Breaking Bad, it’s my favorite TV show. I also love Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. They are virtually two very different shows, and I would never want one to be like the other. Why? They have their own identities and qualities that make them unique and give them their charm.
@ThreadBareHope1234 8 месяцев назад
Absolutely. I hesitated to say it at first, but while adding new stories to the mythos is absolutely welcome, anyone that goes out of their way to criticize or correct the past stories are just disrespectful and love their opinions more than they love the art. Sorry to say it, but this is why rumors of a What If show worries me. Fans goofing off, contemplating the different choices and their consequences is fine, but Disney is just gonna use it as a license to vandalize whatever stories they want and say "It isn't canon", when we all know they very much want Leia to be another Captain Marvel, or making their pet characters god (making right and wrong suddenly revolving around them).
@ellugerdelacruz2555 8 месяцев назад
@@ThreadBareHope1234 I really miss the days when such wasn't the case...
@fairytalejediftj7041 8 месяцев назад
Thor actually reads emails? * prepares dissertation on ISB uniform insignia in Andor *
@kenkaneki3873 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeeping is neccesary to keep out people that only seek to destroy franchises. Like how the entirity of current Lucasfilm need to be gatekept out of Star Wars.
@AndreNitroX 8 месяцев назад
Yes why have people that know nothing about Star Wars making Star Wars!? It makes no sense and it is offensive like any other franchise.
@dramaticwords 8 месяцев назад
I think there's two different things here. 1. Keeping bad creators from having creative input on the franchise, especially those who don't like/appreciate/understand why fans love the franchise and want to "reimagine" it in ways fans don't want. (Totally necessary to keep them out.) 2. Dealing with people who claim to be new fans of a franchise, but don't actually like it and are really just hoping to take over and boot out long-term fans. Here, the important thing is to not let these people be in charge. Some may become real fans over time. Others, when they see they can't take over, will get bored and go away.
@jerkinabox5463 8 месяцев назад
We should’ve gatekept harder
@Dani-kq6qq 8 месяцев назад
There lies the problem, you have no power because you own nothing, so how are you going to gatekeep the owners when they have all the power?😂
@blackflagsnroses6013 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeep what? Ya’ll really act like Star Wars isn’t the most popular mainstream franchise to exist. It’s always been mainstream, and it continues to follow the mainstream of generic appeal to broad audiences. Star Wars will always follow the mainstream, though there are some exceptions that stick out like Andor
@GrievousReborn 8 месяцев назад
My most favorite piece of Star Wars media is the Old Republic specifically the MMO but also the two single player RPGs and the books attached to them the MMO and the CGI Clone Wars is what really got me into Star Wars
@Bludvane_77 8 месяцев назад
Knights of the fallen empire & Eternal Throne are two of the best Star Wars stories compared to some of the movies/shows imo.
@OnlyOneKenobi 8 месяцев назад
I'm honestly wary of those who don't see Andor as real Star Wars. It supplements and feeds into pure OT Star Wars too well. 🥰👌🏼💙
@JonO387 8 месяцев назад
It's Disney trash.
@merlin5662 8 месяцев назад
the "agree to disagree" point is a double edge sword. in most instances it simply means "we both are not gonna shift our ground so might as well go our separate ways" which is pretty much what it implies meant for (and this instance the proper use you used it for with the person who emailed you). however i have seen other instances where its been used "i don't want to engage with point so i am saying this to end the conversation" which feels incomplete and prone to another argument down the line. Very typical in narcissists i've hung around with who: state something, someone points a counter argument, dismisses the argument without engaging the counter point, the argument is bough up sometime down the road.
@crossfire34 8 месяцев назад
I just pretend it doesn't exist. I'm not going to smack talk something I haven't/never will watch. I said this countless times already, but I came out 5 years too late for me to care. If it came out a year after Rogue one I would've been excited, but when it got announced years later all I could think was "Who's Andor?"
@kingofthesharks 8 месяцев назад
The best response to Star Wars gatekeeping would be "Kill me....or take me in" :P
@GoddessOfWhim2003 8 месяцев назад
i miss agreeing to disagree, just like what you like and don't hate on others with a different opinion
@John_Locke_108 8 месяцев назад
Saying "agree to disagree" always seemed like a giant middle finger. Feels dismissive if you really think about it. However it is fun to say it and then walk away.
@GoddessOfWhim2003 8 месяцев назад
@jxchamb not everything needs to be a fight, we don't all need to agree
@TwoDollarGararge 8 месяцев назад
that era is over the internet aka lack of face to face interaction and profiting off it has killed that
@UltimateTobi 8 месяцев назад
@@GoddessOfWhim2003 Then we simply disagree and walk away. Maybe it's because I am not an English (or American) native, but this concept of "agree to disagree" is foreign to me. Just disagree and be done.
@GoddessOfWhim2003 8 месяцев назад
@UltimateTobi as a non-English American, you understand it perfectly. that's basically agree to disagree, disagree and walk away
@jimdaniels7531 8 месяцев назад
To me Andor feels more like Star Wars than any of the other live action shows. Maybe it's the immersive environment that feels so real, or maybe it's because it fits nicely with the vibe of the OT and Rogue One, my favorite movies. But whatever. We're getting a ton of SW content these days, and even if the quality is mixed and not all of it appeals to me, this is still a much better situation than not getting anything new.
@mazkeraid4039 8 месяцев назад
Totally disagree because it reeks of modern politics snuck in and the fact that we already knew Andor in Star Wars: Rogue One.
@jimdaniels7531 8 месяцев назад
@@mazkeraid4039 Not sure what you are on about. The politics in Andor are a direct outgrowth of stuff set up in the prequels and explored in the OT. Lucas himself said Star Wars was inspired by the US involvement in Vietnam. Star Wars has always been political.
@seriousnesstv7902 8 месяцев назад
@@jimdaniels7531the original comment said modern politics not historical politics. Plus Star Wars is much more subtle to the casual viewer as opposed to andor which looks like a generic sci fi that is Star Wars in name
@gameragodzilla 8 месяцев назад
Soldier for the Empire, the first Dark Forces novella, is a better version of both Cassian and Finn’s story anyways. Kyle Katarn is who those characters should’ve been. Also becomes a Jedi later in Rebel Agent and Jedi Knight, doing the arc everyone wanted for Finn. The games are also great, but Soldier for the Empire in particular does delve into the backstory of Kyle Katarn from his Imperial Academy days through to his defection and later the stealing of the Death Star plans. While also having infinitely more charisma and character than the dull borefests of Rogue One’s characters. Plus, he doesn’t die so he has more story development later.
@LuckyDogProductions 8 месяцев назад
We like you.... Thanks for always having an even tempered approach to reviews and lore. Many of us are passionate about our original SW trilogy and the quality of what is built on it, and some are happy with anything with the SW label , stuffed Yoda doll, T-shirt, coffee mug, and they could care less if it is GOOD story telling as long as something is cute or has explosions. You keep it all on an even keel, and I for one, appreciate the effort and insight.
@nathanholtzclaw 8 месяцев назад
Thinking that everything Star Wars needs to share the same exact basic common theme is incredibly limiting and will only lead to repetitive content. The only thing that the title "Star Wars" should tell you about a piece of content is the setting. It should never be limited to retelling the same repainted story over and over again
@lightborn9071 8 месяцев назад
That's one of my problems. Everything grinds on the original story, with the exception of the Old Republic stories and the old comics.
@Solo13508 8 месяцев назад
It's videos like this that keep me coming back to this channel. I'd say I probably disagree with most of Thor's takes. I like most of the recent output and Thor clearly doesn't which is fine. But unlike certain other "creators" on the platform Thor is always fair with his criticisms and I think they're valid even if I loved the thing that he's criticizing. Other Star Wars content creators need to learn from this man and not be so damn toxic all the time.
@joshuakolton9955 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeeping is required when it comes to tourists and/or people who want to fundamentally change a property.
@ellugerdelacruz2555 8 месяцев назад
True. As Thor said at 6:50 onwards. We shouldn't call other people "non-fans" just cuz they have different opinions on the Fanbase. However, when it comes to keeping or resisting those who clearly don't understand or love it in the same way, we need to stand our ground and say "no, you just don't get it and it's probably not for you." (cases in point: Lord of the Rings and Warhammer) As Thor himself also said in a nother video, "Fanbase can be for anyone, but not _everyone_ ."
@redrocket3239 8 месяцев назад
The problem with gatekeeping is who are the gatekeepers? Would "Andor" have been made if these gatekeepers had a say?
@darthdragonborn1552 8 месяцев назад
So did anyone see that Ventress is in the Bad Batch trailer, so in the continued 16 year tradition spanning two continuities, Filoni is once again completely retconning a book, and a canon book based off his own episodes no less.
@CornyBum 8 месяцев назад
They're all just variations of tall tales and campfire stories to Filoni. :/
@darthdragonborn1552 8 месяцев назад
@@CornyBum Yep, and apparently they’ve said it does fit with Dark Disciple, but I highly doubt it unless it’s a flashback somehow
@emberfist8347 8 месяцев назад
So you are going to ignore that Andor completely ignored the title character’s established backstory. If you are going to criticize Filoni for that at least be willing to critique the other offenders too.
@wolfthegreat87 8 месяцев назад
From what I understand, wasn't this allowed under the EU by the sortof canonicity pyramid they had going on where movie canon trumps show canon trumps book canon so on and so forth
@CornyBum 8 месяцев назад
@@emberfist8347 What a moronic assumption and tangent. Who's talking about _Andor_ here but you? And who's obligated to? You wanna know someone's take on _Andor,_ just ask instead of leading with some suggestion of hypocrisy based on a blind assumption.
@MedalionDS9 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeeping doesn't have to be toxic... only to those who aren't doing their due diligence to welcome opposing view points or wanting to be shown them other aspects to their fandom is not toxic. If you come into something that has been established for a long time, you have to be humble/respectable to not tread on people who have been their awhile and respect and uphold that fanbase... these days it's all about new casual fans taking over and kicking out the old guard... and that is not a good thing most of the time.
@ellugerdelacruz2555 8 месяцев назад
Agreed. Whatever your opinion or generation, whenever something comes along that clearly wants to change the Fan-loved thing into something that it isn't...
@cybertramon0012 8 месяцев назад
There are things in the world that we love and care for. Whether it's as simple as a favourite toy, or as complex as a loved pet or child. We have fun times and wonderful moments with these things. And when new people come along and want to interact with our toys, pets, or children, we want to keep them safe. So we understandably get very upset if we see the new people breaking our cherished toys, abuse our pets, or force our children to fit their views. We want to keep them away those who want to hurt them. And that's what I feel gatekeeping is at it's core. A strong desire to protect the things we love, and the fear that new people will break them because they don't care. And I feel that gatekeeping becomes more restrictive after somebody comes along and proves they can't be trusted.
@aliastheabnormal 8 месяцев назад
Yes. It is. And that's why i left. Because i remember i time when fans were decent human beings.
@blackflagsnroses6013 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeep what? Y’all don’t own the franchise. How do you gatekeep the definition of a mainstream popular franchise?
@MedalionDS9 8 месяцев назад
Based on your name I would assume you are a fan of black flag... and guns n roses. Gatekeeping happens with music too, don't pretend like you don't understand fan mentality... when you love something you want to keep its spirit pure and memory strong for the most part. When ignorant people come into the fandom saying dumb things it makes you cringe and you want to educate them. Some people call that gatekeeping, but it's not. @@blackflagsnroses6013
@liToAgresion 8 месяцев назад
As humanities scientist, agreeing to disagree is the foundaition of our discopline
@liToAgresion 8 месяцев назад
Addendum: gatekeeping is only fine and wanted in obscure metal fandom 😂
@AA-Ashley 8 месяцев назад
Andor is my favorite version of Star Wars, I like it more than the OT. I totally get it if my least favorite, the obi-wan show is your favorite, but it's not mine, NBD.
@Narco42 8 месяцев назад
Andor is amazing Star Wars. Gave us the adult side we needed to see. Right there with Rebels, CW season 7 and Mando seasons 1 and 2.
@vinnydiaz6959 8 месяцев назад
my mom always told me do u wanna be happy or be right?
@miragewizard 8 месяцев назад
ANDOR is the Greatest thing Disney has ever produced!!!!!
@kolaranze 8 месяцев назад
Andor is by far the best Star wars show, Mando is overrated, others were bad.
@FroJSimpson 8 месяцев назад
Mando season one was perfectly fine Flash Gordon serial action adventure, but when Season 2 came out and it was obvious that Lucasfilm was using their most popular show as a backdoor pilot for Ahsoka, The Book of Boba Fett, and Rangers of the New Republic (RIP, lol), they started to wrap their hands around the golden goose instead of just letting it do the thing that made the first season so enjoyable. And then Season 3 overplayed its hand way too early in The Book of Boba Fett and never fully recovered from how nonsensical its plot and pacing was.
@johnvangelis484 8 месяцев назад
Even the fan base has sub-levels. There's the hard-core fans and normie's (those who will just watch the films without needing or wanting to know much about the whys and wherefores of the lore). I personally loved the Andor series and cannot wait for the next season. It was without doubt the only SW show or film I have watched that actually increased my heart rate during some of the set pieces, the uprising and the heist being just a couple of examples. The internet hates two things.... things that change and things that stay the same. Has every SW show got to have lightsabres, a doomsday weapon on standby and continued references to the force, it's refreshing that it doesn't. We know where Andor is leading, but the fact I know the outcome won't stop me wanting to know what happens in-between. If any OT characters should make an appearance in series two, I'd like to see if peoples perceptions of this particular show will change.
@teddy_westside81 8 месяцев назад
I like Star Wars doing something different but also not changing what it is
@Random_alias_JP-tl5xz 8 месяцев назад
It is hard when something is just that good....and all fans should be glad, that it is SW and not anything else.❤ Thx for your balanced content Thor 👍🌞
@Antiklimax1989 8 месяцев назад
I remember some people asking on reddit which Bad Batch episodes are skippable. What followed was a shitstorm of people demanding that the show needs to be viewed in its entirety.
@michbenny1363 8 месяцев назад
Andor was not the most exciting Star Wars. The thing I appreciated about it was it felt like watching a documentary of how things were before the rebel alliance solidified. It was like watching a documentary on how the intelligence apparatus of the Empire worked and how the structure of the empire flows down into the navy. That sent my imagination going as I imagine them sitting around the table discussing Intel after the Luke Skywalker blew up the first Death Star' looking for any clues of the rebels new location. The Intel lead briefs the emperor and the emperor dispatches Vader and the executioner to the hoth system. It shows the nervousness and secretive nature of the rebellion before it became a full-blown civil war. It shows how the everyday person is either not affected or effected by the Empire. You really get that vibe when you watch the deleted scene between Luke and Biggs. That had the same energy and tension you see in Andor. You saw how the Empire uses a local police force and when that fails the Stormtroopers are deployed. For the first time since seeing Stormtroopers at the beginning of the original Star Wars or their first appearance on Cloud City, I felt they were an intimidating Force instead of a joke. To me and or and Rogue one added to the original trilogy and really makes me appreciate the throne room medal ceremony at the end of the original Star Wars even more.
@dinoshot4682 8 месяцев назад
The question of what is True Star Wars, is like asking a group of people what their favourite chocolate bar is. Yeah you'll have some people who agree on some choices, but you'll still have a multitude of different answers based on everyone's personal opinion.
@lasercraft32 8 месяцев назад
Being a "fan" just means you _like_ something. If you like the sequels or the prequels, or any other controversial addition to the Star Wars canon, you are a "true" fan because you are _liking_ the franchise. It doesn't make you any less of a "real" fan than people who only like one aspect of the franchise.
@Lord-Emperor-Vader 8 месяцев назад
Remember people are allowed to and WILL have different opinions then you that is something that people don't understand today.
@ToaCody1 8 месяцев назад
I like to refer to the phenomenon you described as "Insertion Bias": where and when a person inserts themselves into a property determines their receptions, generally being that anything from noticeably after is seen as repetitive at best and anything from noticeably before is seen as superannuated at best.
@jasonreynolds6643 8 месяцев назад
There are two Star Wars: George’s Star Wars and Disney Star Wars. This is confirmed by the fact that George sees them as separate. If you only want to watch George’s Star Wars you need to accept that it is over and will not get new content. If you want to watch new content your only option is Disney Star Wars. Like what you like and ignore what you don’t like. The reason for the conflict is because some fans think we can get new content in George’s Star Wars. We can’t. If you only want George’s Star Wars you will be happier walking away.
@jacobshraim4231 4 месяца назад
Unless, Bob Iger is arrested for his role in creating an oligopoly in Disney and having Star Wars become an independent entity again. Are you a fan of Disney Star Wars because there is no legitimate defense behind Iger’s scrutiny?
@jasonreynolds6643 4 месяца назад
@@jacobshraim4231 Nah. I quit watching a while ago. The only way I could not hate Star Wars was to realize they were separate entities. I love George's films and reject Disney Star Wars. But the fact remains his Star Wars is done. It isn't coming back. So fans who want to watch new content that vaguely resembles his films their only option is Disney's garbage. Personally I have almost zero interest in any future content. The only thing I would watch would be a Cara Dune project starring Gina Carano. Not because I respect Disney Star Wars but because I respect Gina.
@Torile0 8 месяцев назад
If someone is unable to see the beauty of Andor you can only shrug. The distance would be excessive in order to start a conversation. Having said that, gatekeeping simply doesn't exist, unless you want to be part of a club.
@heyj64 8 месяцев назад
I sorta know how it feels, me and a friend can't mutually agree on whether the introduction of kyber crystals makes lightsabers less or more mystical; he thinks it makes lightsabers more fantastical, while I think it makes them less mysterious and esoteric. But in the end, I can't convince him and he can't convince me, so agree to disagree.
@Milothemighty10 8 месяцев назад
These days it’s just hard to have a conversation about Star Wars without turning into a toxic pissing contest, simply due to disagreement. I like andor but it’s not my favorite thing ever. Just watched empire strike back and return of the Jedi back to back and more than ever I remember why I love Star Wars. I also love stuff like clone, wars, rebels,bad batch, mando season 1 and 2 and I think ahsoka is just ok but sometimes I’m just scared of saying that without you getting dumped on just for simply feeling that way…
@AndreNitroX 8 месяцев назад
Well said, the majority of star wars fans I have met in real life are not hateful like they have been portrayed on social media, we are very hopeful that the next show or movie made will be great, but we have been burned so many times that all we know is criticism because all the content has been mostly bad these days.
@Milothemighty10 8 месяцев назад
@@AndreNitroX I’ve always hated the phrase. No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans because that’s just straight not true…
@TwoDollarGararge 8 месяцев назад
same I like the OT but I grew up with 08 clone wars and don't hate everything disney has done I just don't feel the need to have starwars conversations about it anymore don't have the time for a pissing match about some made up fantasy franchise
@mortemtyrannus8813 8 месяцев назад
@@Milothemighty10 "No one hates X more than X fans" is the first sign you're dealing with someone who isn't a fan. Is it hate to be critical of something they like? No, the criticism, no matter how harsh, comes from a place of love. But is it hate to declare that you must like everything, even the things that actively shit on you, simply because you're a fan of X? Yes, but not of X. It's hate of X fans, because they want X to be the best it can be. Replace X with whatever brand you want - Star Wars, Elder Scrolls, Warhammer, even shit like Twilight if you want, the point remains the same. If the person accuses the fans of hating the product, it's because the fans refuse to let them change the product.
@Milothemighty10 8 месяцев назад
@@mortemtyrannus8813 fair enough…
@StarWarsSanta 8 месяцев назад
This is why I have been a subscriber to your channel for so long, why I supported as a Patron, and listen to almost every video on both of your channels. While I disagree with well over 90% of your opinions, we understand that opinions belong to individuals and that we don't have to be in agreement in order to be fans, or friends. I appreciate your content and love for Star Wars.
@mihailos8701 8 месяцев назад
As a fan of this channel for Thor himself, I wanna say thanks for another great explanation video
@Monkey9518 8 месяцев назад
I can understand why folks didn't like Andor, I personally loved it. It is one of my favorite things Star Wars has ever put out. In all fairness I'm a vet and was a Firefighter for 25 years and I always wanted more of the war part of Star Wars to be told. Yes I like the whole Jedi/Sith part, but the Clone Wars cartoon, Rebels, Bad Batch and Andor are my most enjoyed shows. I have friends who like all parts of the Star Wars universe and we have had some very opinionated discussions about them. In the end though despite how much we disagree on things we still understand why we all feel like we do. The "your not a fan" is just a easy way out for people imo. If you like the sequel trilogy and think it's the bestest thing that has ever been made .... Then fine...... I'm glad you found something you enjoyed and hope that you continue to get that level of story for you. I really try to give the shows Disney has put out a chance, I just would like more Andor style shows for that part of the story that I enjoy the most.
@jacobshraim4231 4 месяца назад
Nice take brother. I can relate to you. I have a friend of mine who also follows Star Wars. Needles to say we do have our disagreements over Andor and Rebels backs then. But, now given Rebels a chance I loved and enjoyed it. I will also do the same for Andor.
@Alertacobra12 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeeping is mandatory to keep a franchise good, we failed to do that in the Star Wars community and now look where we are
@CornyBum 8 месяцев назад
To clarify, you think that if _fans_ of _Star Wars_ were better at gatekeeping, this would have prevented the current negative state of the franchise? And just so I understand what it is you wanted to prevent, what is it about the current state that you wanted the franchise to avoid?
@stageblood9935 8 месяцев назад
are you seriously rocking a kekistan pfp in 2024 AD
@Alertacobra12 8 месяцев назад
@@stageblood9935 yeah ... I really need to change it but I don't know what to
@Alertacobra12 8 месяцев назад
@@CornyBum yes, I think if Star Wars was better gatekept in the past to the point it became a niche franchise Disney wouldn't have bought it and it wouldn't have failed due to it's size and even if they had bought it we should have rejected everything they thrown out as basterdized versions of Star Wars that way they would have been forced to include George Lucas and others the community trusted. We are the consumers, wehave the power.
@commanderclown8620 8 месяцев назад
​@@Alertacobra12 how dare not only you and people that share the exact same opinions as you be allowed to like Star Wars. Truly a travesty. It's so god damned terrible that people like the same thing as you. Imma let you in on a little secret, Star Wars was never niche, and it never could be. The very first film was the highest grossing movie of all time for 7 years straight. This isn't some formerly obscure franchise which got dilluted through overexposure. This is one of the most famous and recognizable franchises of all time and has been since pretty much it's very beginning. So for you to "successfully" gatekeep it, from any dissenting opinions or viewpoints, is not only wildly stupid, selfish and generally bad both morally and for the franchise. It's also just flat out impossible.
@AndreNitroX 8 месяцев назад
Thor you are a true negotiator. I became a Star Wars fan in high school in 2014 and that wasn’t because of the force awakens. I watched the OG and prequel trilogy first and then I got into the clone wars cartoon. Only after watching Disneys trilogy did I make my own decision that it was bad and did not work with what came before it. And eventually most of the new Disney content fell into that trash pile for me, so much I got into the expanded universe looking for better Star Wars stories and became obsessed with it. These Disney shills don’t understand that Disney has made ripoff versions of Star Wars even though they legally own the brand. I’m not even a George Lucas fanboy and yet I will choose the older Star Wars content over Disneys because it was better written and more entertaining. Doesn’t mean I love everything in the EU I cherry pick that the same way I do with Disneys content, but besides the animations made by Dave filoni Disneys content is all but dried up, and yet the Disney chills believe nothing is wrong with it because that’s all they know. I refuse to love something just because it has a Star Wars label on it, I need to fall in love with it on my own terms.
@SKIllITY20 8 месяцев назад
Yes just yes. Same with me but I had gotten introduced in 2012 when I was 10. I was a bit too young though but it really grabbed me as I had continued to watch the movies probably over the coarse of a year. I really started getting into the eu in middle school and also picked and choosed but ultimately I was trying to figure out what worked with George’s saga. In high school I did the same thing with sequels and at first it was like trying to force a puzzle piece into the wrong spot I wanted to like them so badly that for TLJ I was in denial for probably a week after watching it(I was thinking “was that really just that bad?” No couldn’t be. Things ticked me off but I did not wanna go down the rabbit hole and lose all hope in the trilogy. Then I did )
@AndreNitroX 8 месяцев назад
@@SKIllITY20 i like how you described it like putting a puzzle piece in the wrong spot, there are some stories that just ruin the fun and experience of star wars, so i choose to ignore the pieces that dont work in my canon, so i guess anyone can have their own custom made canon because at this point disney isnt even trying to make a solid canon anymore.
@TheRealTruthMovement 8 месяцев назад
Andor is peak Star Wars....Disney or not.
@GGBlaster 7 месяцев назад
TLDR; You handled that email convo perfectly, Thor. Arguments aren’t won or lost, especially when it comes to subjective arguments. People are either persuaded or unconvinced. Being quite honest, I find the notion of arguing over subjective things (like how good a movie is) to be silly. It’s like arguing over the quality of a meal, as if you can somehow persuade someone’s tastebuds to change the way they taste food. Now, we can enjoy a civilized discussion about why each of us likes or dislikes something, but as soon as anyone touts their opinion as being objectively correct, the whole discussion devolves into pointless bickering.
@paulflocken2730 8 месяцев назад
Andor is Star Wars in the same way that TNG "Lower Decks" (the episode, not the animated) is Star Trek. There are more places to find a Star Wars story than a lightsaber.
@bluemoondm8629 8 месяцев назад
The FORCE is clear cut good vs evil. Not every character in the rest of the galaxy. Han Solo was not a clear cut case of good or bad. Gatekeeping is not inherently a good or bad thing, it depends on how it's done and why.
@DavidWalker1987 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeeping in the current conversations, is meant as a way of stopping a property from being subverted. No one talks about gatekeeping gingers from LoTRs, or keeping girls out of 40k etc etc... They talk about gatekeeping the modern progressives who force DEI etc, into an established franchise, because they lack the ability to create one of their own to push their message in.
@bluemoondm8629 8 месяцев назад
@@DavidWalker1987 I agree, the correct function of gatekeeping is to preserve the core intent and appeal of a given thing, be that a media franchise, a friend group, or anything else that holds meaning to the people it was created for and embraced by.
@maxy073 8 месяцев назад
I remember coming across a video where the creator suggested that every star wars creator on yt MUCH have watched every movie, read a huge chunk of the Legends lore and should never like any Disney made star wars, and his view, was not a real fan... never thought that it was such a required to do so much just to critique/discuss star wars on yt
@vincent207 8 месяцев назад
People are entitled to their own opinions. Unfortunately, a lot of people think they’re also entitled to have there opinions accepted by others.
@pubcle 8 месяцев назад
A story un-gatekept is like a fortress with its doors hung open and its walls unmanned before the hordes of Slaanesh & Tzeentch. You must throw out the tourist, the activist, the furry, disgust is your shield. Star Wars is already a casualty of this.
@ct-1177 8 месяцев назад
What furry?
@pubcle 8 месяцев назад
@@ct-1177Basically a stand-in for any of the distasteful proclivities in a certain nature.
@EflowNivek 8 месяцев назад
Makes me think of the "Death of the Author" the concept that, whatever the author's intent, it is actually the reader's interpretation of a work that truly matters. For me how one interprets a work is entirely their own (yeah that sounds redundant, but stick with me) they may have experiences in their life that makes one scene stick out above all others while another person barely recognizes that very scene took place. They may be fans of the same work but they were not reading the same story. It is fine to have your own interpretation, but one must recognize that one's interpretation won't be the same for everyone. I usually find it fun hearing how others interpreted stories I've read how that story can be so different in their eyes. It truly can be eye opening to really listen to another's perspective. Example I may really dislike the sequels, but I'm glad for the people who enjoy them, but I just cannot see the same thing they can.
@HeavyMetalJesus02 8 месяцев назад
For awhile now i haven't had a problem with gatekeeping. I see Gatekeeping as keeping people out of a community. I wouldnt want to play a game of D&D with someone that tried to control how i have always played the game, or have always enjoyed playing it. Frankly its tiring have to rebutt several people on how Star Wars fans are not racist or sexist. Those are people i want to keep out of any community. You aren't owed a place among a community. Make your own, or join one that wants you there.
@violator7964 8 месяцев назад
I mean… people will gatekeep because we naturally want to belong and to create group identities and that means groups tend to create shared ideas around something. People will naturally act in a hostile way to those they perceive as ‘outsiders’ who don’t conform to the group. It’s a side of human nature which is often ugly but it also serves a purpose because people need to feel like they belong to and share in something and that sense of belonging and sharing with others provides a lot of fans with a ‘home’ and a sort of comfort. It is what it is.
@seanmurphy7011 8 месяцев назад
I will stand by the statement that fiction is not subjective: At some point, the more Star Wars you make, the further you get away from the established narratives and concepts that make Star Wars what it is and eventually it devolves into generic Star Wars-shaped space fantasy.
@CornyBum 8 месяцев назад
Is it fair to interpret a franchise changing with continued additions as _evolution_ instead of _devolution,_ and the different interpretations just being a matter of subjective taste? Your take seems to elevate the initial narratives as some kinda orthodoxy when that might be an unnecessary exercise of subjective preference.
@seanmurphy7011 8 месяцев назад
@@CornyBum Fictional information exists in and of itself. The only thing that it derives any meaning from is the information contained within. In other words, Star Wars is what it is on the screen and nothing more: there is no Star Wars outside it's depiction in the fictional narrative. The more you change that, the further you get from that which is already established, the more it becomes Star Wars-looking Whatever You Want It To Be, and it stops being Star Wars and becomes Generic Make Believe In Space.
@CornyBum 8 месяцев назад
@@seanmurphy7011 I don't quite get what you mean. Are you saying that so long as more content is added to _Star Wars,_ it's inevitable that it changes from what it originally was? If so, is your solution to just not make more content as an effort to preserve its original form?
@seanmurphy7011 7 месяцев назад
@@CornyBum Eventually, that is exactly what will happen. Creative talent will look at what Star Wars will eventually devolve into and either go make their own original stories unconstrained by an obnoxious amount of 'canon' or to some other fresh property. There might be some hipsters that still like it but everyone else will move on.
@CornyBum 7 месяцев назад
@@seanmurphy7011 Well, yeah, something like _Star Wars_ will change over time with more and more content, but "generic Star Wars-shaped space fantasy" seems kinda unnecessarily vague. It's true that it'll likely keep expanding so _Star Wars_ will come in different forms and flavors compared to the original works, but there can still be something about it that keeps it uniquely _Star Wars_ and some people's particular cup of tea. And yeah, no IP really is expected to last forever, so creators and audiences will move on at some point. I think I get what you mean by that. It's like creative expansion of an IP tends toward loosening of its identity and a kind of entropy for its distinctness...from a certain point of view. It could still be argued that in a sense, having even more unique creations within the IP actually is one way of becoming even _more_ distinctive, not less, but in a generic (as in, relating to genre) sense, your point seems to still stand. By the way, if I represent your view correctly above, what does your stance that "fiction is not subjective" have to do with this?
@RepublicOfBridger 8 месяцев назад
I’d be extremely keen on reading this email. I’m in need of a good laugh.
@danhillenburg4487 8 месяцев назад
That whole bit you said about defending the franchise really resonated with me. I was a "nerd" growing up in the 90s. Back then, the things I liked weren't trendy. Nerd culture is now trendy and I've noticed that there's now a group of people that seem to wander from franchise to franchise like a plague of locusts leaving only husks in their wake. "Oh, (Star Trek/Star Wars/Comic) seems really cool! Except for XYZ. It's now 2024 and XYZ is bad." They then change that franchise until its hollowed out and many of the original fans have left, then they move on to do it to another franchise. I don't want to be a gatekeeper, but I still want my IPs to retain their soul.
@joshmorales770 8 месяцев назад
Great piece and breakdown of the bizarre type of arguing that spirals out of differences in what people like or dislike about different entries in the Star Wars franchise. The social media era has demolished rational debate and nuanced discussion; now we just scream at one another and and argue that if you don't hold the same opinion as I do then you're inherently wrong.
@Rodytohti 8 месяцев назад
I don't think anyone has the right to keep others away from a franchise that is (or should be) for everyone... I consider myself a huge fan, but I don't care for the cartoons... And I don't think is my place to say to someone who consider themselves also huge fans, but only like the animations, for instance, that they aren't. Star Wars is universal, and I love the fact that everyone can find some corner of it to love and care for. What I don't like, is people who doesn't love Star Wars trying to desfigure it into something else in name of vanity. All else, I can live with.
@scooble 8 месяцев назад
Wow....They sound very proud for winning a point!! Woop De Woop!
@cmajaa1 8 месяцев назад
Andor is the adult version of Star Wars and the most realistic.
@emberfist8347 8 месяцев назад
Because having your title be part of the lost boys is so realistic. As of having a prison for a anti-alien regime only filled with humans.
@hockey1973 8 месяцев назад
A Star Wars show can be done for the kids who grew up with it, who are now adults and want something a tad more. Andor was that. Was it perfect? No. Was it a well done show that showcased the potential of the franchise in what it can be, IN ADDITION to the good vs. evil themes the franchise is known for? Yes.
@helliswhereiwannabe313 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeeping is good.
@Loki_Yogi 8 месяцев назад
Being someone who has seen SOOOO many SW YT channels, it's baffling to me that ANYONE can listen to Thor's takes on Star Wars and NOT appreciate his thorough yet concise and nuanced takes on Star Wars and the Fandom. I would bet that the person who sent the email doesn't REALLY listen to what Thor says. 🙏
@jimrett6197 8 месяцев назад
I’ve thought quite a bit on this exact topic lately, so this was well timed. IMO, there should be a level of gatekeeping involved, but based around what has been watched, not opinions. Essentially, it’s an objective criteria rather than subjective. (Personally, that would be the stuff George made, 1-6 and TCW) Basically, if you’re complaining about things you haven’t read/watched/played, it’s hard to take your opinions as seriously as someone who has. You don’t have to like all of those and I’ll respect that, but you should have seen it to give an informed opinion Anyway, like what you like, dislike what you dislike, just know what you’re talking about
@colethelin9203 8 месяцев назад
What a frat point they have got
@sigler00 8 месяцев назад
Claiming to win an argument on the basis of the opposing side saying "Agree to Disagree" is arrogance and/or trolling of the highest degree.
@Toffee-Nug78 8 месяцев назад
Dude, I have to say, in all your videos you speak such common sense. It’s almost cathartic to hear you lay these things out. Not enough people (particularly in regards to Star Wars & the internet) have the humility & calmness that you do. At the end of the day, we’ve all got our Star Wars ‘head canon’ & that’s okay 😊
@ktsul12 8 месяцев назад
I just hate the arrogance of people who think they can say what Star Wars is or isn’t. None of us can make that claim, even with all the Star Wars knowledge in the world. Sure we can have an opinion and say “this didn’t feel like Star Wars to me,” but we cannot make it fact. All of us get different things from Star Wars (or any piece of art really), and there will be overlap, but also differences. That is just how art works, and is supposed to work, there is no absolute.
@mleadenham1 7 месяцев назад
The question is not whether a bit of Star Wars media is "real" or not. What matters is whether or nor its _good._
@JackQSmith 8 месяцев назад
Well put! Whether it's sports, music, movies, TV shows etc. I despise the whole "real fan" narrative. If someone genuinely considers themselves a fan, then they are a fan as far as I'm concerned. Are some people bigger fans than others or are some fans more knowledgeable? Absolutely, but it doesn't need to be a competition and it doesn't mean that person isn't a fan. Now I stress "if someone genuinely considers themselves a fan". Some might pretend to be for whatever reason knowing full-well it's not true. How do I tell the difference? Well in most cases I don't, nor do I care. Unless there is an obvious agenda I take it at face value.
@jettjedi73 8 месяцев назад
I am an old fan, I saw Star Wars in the theater in 1977 when I was 4 years old. I love the OT and Legends material along with the prequels. Clone Wars was great, and so was Rebels. I like some Disney stuff and hate others, TLJ is the worst movie ever made, in my opinion. All of this said, Andor was great and didn't need Star Wars to be great. I do feel that Andor doesn't feel like Star Wars to me, but I am not angry about that. I also don't require anyone else to agree with my opinions. Great video, Thor.
@013wolfwarrior 8 месяцев назад
Gate keeping is important to defend an Ip from corruption of outsiders, from having its changed butchered and used for preaching a certain message
@gregv2k 8 месяцев назад
Andor is the closest to the original Star Wars, and better expresses the original Star Wars spirit, and captures the Star Wars Saturday matinee sense of thrills and chills better than anything in the current Star Wars product line. Put differently: you can’t get more Star Wars than Andor
@PareliusC 8 месяцев назад
I just have my own headcanon where I stitch together the best parts of the franchise and ignore stuff that I think is dumb like the Mortis Arc and the sequels.
@jazzx251 7 месяцев назад
Does anyone here know what we do to keep Star Wars a worthwhile endeavour? DEDRA MEERO: "We gatekeep Star Wars, find out what works - and extrapolate the necessary information to keep Star Wars pure" THAT! Is verbatim from the "Star Wars Gatekeeper's Guide" and WRONG! We are healthcare providers - we identify disease - we identify symptoms Whenever there's a dangerous new idea coming into Star Wars, it is extinguished like the cancer it is! [oh the irony - Andor is brilliant]
@bazzzzz6175 8 месяцев назад
'They' say, "Star Wars is for everybody", when, in fact, it seems to be consistently aimed at a very specific audience. 'We' say, "Star Wars was ALWAYS for everybody".
@samhutchison9582 8 месяцев назад
All I will gatekeep is that liking poorly made star wars lowers the quality for all of us. Supporting shows like Ashoka only incentivizes Disney to give us more poorly written, poorly planned, and ultra lazy schlock instead of good shows.
@Jazzdumpling 7 месяцев назад
Andor is gold. Imagine if this was the quality of all Disney Star Wars.
@AzraelEntertainment 8 месяцев назад
Thor handled that person's desire for conflict very well, he really channeled what star Wars fans should be in that conversation, props😌
@mnpatriot7692 8 месяцев назад
Andor was fricken amazing!
@maggyfrog 8 месяцев назад
andor and rogue one are the best star wars related stuff since the originals. there i said it. mandalorian is a close second but the last season dropped the ball somewhat.
@skaidonC 8 месяцев назад
I think this can in part be summed up in The Critical Drinker's definition of 'canon' - a concept used to create a shared understanding of what constitutes the IP, so that fans can be sure they are discussing the same ideas when they meet at fan conventions. Which is part of why the Disney purchase of Lucasfilm, or Netflix' The Witcher, or Amazon's RoP / WoT are all so BAD - they muddy the waters of canon, and make it so that fans cannot agree on what is and isn't canon. Now Star Wars is the quintessential example of why it's so bad - Disney purchases the IP, then immediately (and unilaterally) declares the extended universe 'non-canon' and proceeds to declare everything they make to be 'official canon' - but as many fans feel (including the person who emailed Thor) everything Disney has produced is not the same IP at all, and is thus 'non-canon'. I could go on for ages here as this is also a very complicated topic, but suffice to say that I think Rogue One and Andor are the only 'canon' Star Wars stories Disney has produced, as they are the only ones that do not break the lore / worldbuilding / magic system as set up in episodes 1-6. I also appreciate those two stories as they are more mature Star Wars, and thus fulfil the criteria of taking the IP in a new direction, as the fans who became so at the release of the OG trilogy, or the prequels, are much older now and so surely deserve more mature stories, whereas everything Disney does is just trying to maintain the same tone as the OG trilogy, even though the fans have grown up. Now coming full circle - why we cannot go back to the 'agree to disagree' era - because of broken canon / lore pre and post Disney purchase are essentially two SEPARATE intellectual properties, and as it's a conversation between the OG creator and the fanbase as to what constitutes canon, it's ludicrous for a corporation to be able to say what the FANBASE considers to be 'canon' - we see this as a Venn diagram - there are fans of pre-Disney Star Wars, and fans of Disney Star Wars, and very little overlap between the two. In short: George Lucas' Star Wars Disney Star Wars And Disney and it's defenders are arguing that they are the same IP, when fans of GL Star Wars insist they are not.
@easy_e_1976 8 месяцев назад
Maturity is the key I believe.
@GuiltlessGear 8 месяцев назад
Anime fans didn't gatekeep hard enough, and look what happened to them. Now they got robots doing localizations for them because none of the twits at funimation and crunchyroll can be trusted to do their jobs properly.
@dlions9838 8 месяцев назад
Too each is own. I’m just happy there’s so many Star Wars fans nowadays.
@hoos3014 8 месяцев назад
The Star Wars Fandom is almost fifty years old but it still has a lot of growing up to do.
@Roscinante2112 8 месяцев назад
Gatekeeping is necessary against those who seek to use something for an agenda vs. enjoying ANY part of said something for what it is. Period. And shaming someone else for what they enjoy as long as it is not harming physically anyone else is WRONG. PERIOD.
@Magemo7 8 месяцев назад
I understand gatekeeping, but that's why we need debate, I'd like to be able to explain them why Andor perfectly fits in the Star Wars universe. When fans start to call other fans not real fans usually it brings issues.
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