
Gender: A Wider Lens | with Sasha Ayad & Stella O'Malley 

Benjamin A Boyce
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#Gender #Therapy #Psychology



10 сен 2024




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@chagal3299 3 года назад
For some reason everyone seems to have forgotten just how much children and teenagers don't know shit
@recynd77 3 года назад
Most “experts” don’t know shit...
@tysparks598 3 года назад
It's hard to believe that anyone would affirm the whims of an adolescent without question. Boggles the mind. This will be one volume of The Decline & Fall Of The West, when it's written in Chinese 100 years from now.
@mandu9520 3 года назад
More like the adults around them have turned into naive children themselves, weak excuses for men and women. So afraid of the online outrage mob they'll literally let their children be stolen of them, instead of doing something about it. They won't speak up when some loopy bullshit artist with a twitter account and a textbook full of made up, official sounding 'science' terms, tells them that 2+2=5, and if everyone doesn't agree then they'll ruin their life too, along with the kid. They'll probably tell us next that in fact, the sky isn't blue, and if you think it is, there is something deeply wrong with you. I don't see why they wouldn't, they already have so many people believing, with a religious zeal, things that are just as ridiculous. Stuff that nobody would have even thought to say even ten years ago. It reeks of a terrible future, a towering and dark storm looming on the horizon. And one day it will have crept far enough forward to rip apart this fantasy world we've built for ourselves.
@davidprince1138 3 года назад
@@mandu9520 It seems that the strength of morality and weight of truth means very little in this day and age. It is all about personal vanity and appearance. I am a man of my word and would gladly present my opinion or make decisions based upon how I could save a soul or stop preventable harm at the cost of my job and "friends".
@liberality 3 года назад
@@tysparks598 Are you sure it's going to take as long as 100 years?
@carmelamillar1670 3 года назад
Three intelligent people talking about a difficult subject in an informed and compassionate way. What more can one ask for?
@Account-mk6fi 3 года назад
Indeed ^_^
@uglysweaterheaven3060 3 года назад
100%, this was excellent
@MrTickleTrunk 3 года назад
I'm glad Stella answered her own question! When she mentioned that the 2 largest groups to identify as trans right now were both Teenage females and middle aged males. Near the end she touched on people "just trying to find a purpose". They are both also the 2 largest demographics currently going through an identity crisis as well as having the highest rates of suicide. It seems she may be on to something HUGE there.
@JeffCaplan313 3 года назад
Generally, our collective purpose is creating happy and healthy children. Not anymore, at least not in the West. We're doing anything BUT that, because we're all just sick children, ourselves. Our society has failed us and we've failed each other. Let's send some more women to college, and maybe they'll eventually figure this out? 🤔
@benjaminlquinlan8702 3 года назад
Take God off the top and all the identities enter into violent rebellion.
@benjaminlquinlan8702 3 года назад
And either pick a telos or Tao out .. but you gotta do something you can't just be thrown around the waves and tides of life.
@Call-Me-Sam 3 года назад
Fantastic.. I pretty much agree with every word that Sasha spoke. As a transsexual post op 20 years, I wish there were therapists of the same mind when I transitioned. We need to be so cautious with labels and over complicating natural expressions of exploration in childhood. In my view at its heart the trans identity is a response to environment. An environment of ideas and confusing and unhelpful social engineering programs.
@chagal3299 3 года назад
"Social engineering programme" Hmm strong words there. I'm interested, could you elaborate?
@Call-Me-Sam 3 года назад
@@chagal3299 There is an agenda to educate the young into a new understanding of what it means to be human. Feelings are primary rather than physical reality. Sex education material in schools. There is censoring of any criticism of trans ideology. There is a drive to change the meaning of language that describes our relationship to reality. Even Debra Soh has said in interviews that she thinks it is about control. Control language and you then control how people think. Crippling peoples ability to think clearly and encouraging them to retreat into their own feelings rather than be in the world does not engender a robust individual, capable of navigating the complexities of life. In my view this agenda is to change how we relate to our bodies. We are on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution. A revolution where tech will be integrated with our bodies. No one of my generation will accept that. Older people are much more rooted in their mind/bodies as themselves. The young are already much more open to viewing their bodies as an object to be modified. Do a search transhumanism + transgenderism and you will find this marriage taking place on the BBC, netflix and YT.
@chagal3299 3 года назад
@@Call-Me-Sam a lot to think about, for sure. The transhumanism thing feels less and less like a conspiracy theory these days. Also, I just looked at your channel as well, it looks very interesting!
@Call-Me-Sam 3 года назад
@@chagal3299 thank you.
@Asptuber 3 года назад
@@Call-Me-Sam What a fascinating reply - I totally misread this: "In my view at its heart the trans identity is a response to environment. An environment of ideas and confusing and unhelpful social engineering programs." First I misread "trans identity" as "being transsexual/transgender". And then I misread environement and social engineering programs as general social norms being overly dichotomous or binary. So I was reading through some kind of historical lens (if 50-80 years can be considered historical), while what you were talking about was a here and now and future. Also: "We need to be so cautious with labels and over complicating natural expressions of exploration in childhood." Now, or when we were children? (I'm guessing I am about the same age as you, born early-mid 70ies) Being born female in the 70ies there was quite a lot of space to explore or occupy (more than today, I feel). I don't think the same was true for male children of that era. Maybe some tiny slivers beginning to open up, but very much more constrained. Boys weren't quite allowed the same freedom to play both the hero and the princess.
@efleishermedia 3 года назад
Stella is such a badass. I love how much her eyes light up when she's exploring big ideas, how deeply her love of exploration and truth shows through. It's a rare and beautiful thing.
@chinaski2020 3 года назад
Stella says she likes the term "pre-gay". That's so funny. I like the term too, and think it's appropriate sometimes, but I thought Larry David coined it in an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. He meets the son of a woman he's dating who loves musicals and is extremely camp and fabulous (incidentally, he also admires the striking lines of the swastika). He buys the boy a sewing machine for his birthday and he loves it but his mother is upset by the idea of sending her son down that road. Larry says that ship has sailed, the boy is pre-gay.
@multitopic1908 3 года назад
It wasn't just good, it was utterly brilliant. What incredible women.
@madelinevlogs5898 3 года назад
Great to see Sasha Ayad back on the podcast!
@Tevildo 3 года назад
A very relevant discussion, when set against the Tavistock judgement you covered last week. It's important to hear from medical professionals rather than acdemics or political activists, from people who actually work in the field rather than just deal with its societal manifestations, and their insight and experience of real cases is a very useful counterpoint to the higher-profile "celebrity" cases we read about these days. (And Stella's comparison with eating disorders in the '90s is directly on point). I'm just concerned that they're at risk of ostracism from their professional community for expressing what, to me, seem like common-sense views and considering other treatment options - let's hope that it doesn't eventuate.
@Call-Me-Sam 3 года назад
I went though the tavistock many years ago. I always felt that I was being studied rather than helped. Strange place with an obvious agenda.
@davidprince1138 3 года назад
My concern is that advice and diagnosis are done out of a personal subjective view, rather than at an objective and proven series of choices with clearly (or more so) understanding of this, in my mind questionable, emotional "gender" layer. It is my belief that this "gender roles" platform has not been created out of true concern of children who may truly have emotional issues. I think it is dangerous and misguided.
@Call-Me-Sam 3 года назад
@@davidprince1138 It seems impossible to separate the motives and intentions of all involved, from the cultural narrative. The question is, is the narrative that there is any such thing as being transgender, correct. No doubt that historically there are and have been individuals that we would refer to as trans but those are a tiny minority of people who's place within culture was always accommodated. Perhaps western culture's inability to do what indigenous cultures have done over the ages, is actually the problem here. What we see now is a cultural phenomena that has colonised the minds of young and old, Drs, surgeons, politicians and on it goes.
@davidprince1138 3 года назад
@@Call-Me-Sam There is most certainly a degree of dysphoria experienced by a small number of the population and it is a legitimate concern. The problem as I see it is when a broad spectrum of psychoanalysis is literally invented and promoted without any understanding whatsoever about this "gender spectrum". Medical and pharmaceutical procedures applied without caution or limitations. As you said, it is almost impossible to separate all of the motives and intentions. It is as if any and all radical promotions on the left are accepted and implemented blindly and by subjective opinion alone.
@Call-Me-Sam 3 года назад
@@davidprince1138 Agreed, an industry of transformation has very quickly become normalised. Re reading your response,I noticed something. There is a distinction between "gender dysphoria " and the idea of " being transgendered " . Yes gender dysphoria seems to be real distress focused on gender/sex identity but this does not mean that transgenderism is real, or a naturally arising expression of human identity. At least not in the form presented now. It seems clear that this is the expression of an idea driven by social contagion. Perhaps, as is the idea of gender dysphoria.
@bencausey 3 года назад
The most powerful hour of RU-vid discussion in 2020? Like, I’m not exaggerating perhaps? WOW!!!!!
@liabobia 3 года назад
I resonate with Stella's idea that this idea stems from wanting to understand where one fits into sex/gender roles. If one looks to media (especially social) it seems impossible that anyone would feel normal. I'm not a plucky, sarcastic go-getter prone to fits of sobbing; am I a woman? Given the option to not become one, I would have chosen that route when I was younger. It takes years, and the wisdom that comes, to truly know that every human is an individual and only things that are broken need fixing.
@pseudonamed 3 года назад
One certainly does see in the stories of detransitioners that many started from a point of feeling they didn’t or couldn’t fit how their gender was ‘supposed’ to act or look, or felt they would’ve been treated better as the opposite sex because they weren’t attractive enough as is. Plus a lot of internalised homophobia, imagining it would’ve been easier to date and be accepted as a straight tran than a gay cis
@catrionanicthamhais 3 года назад
Oh yeah! The wonderful Sasha and Mr. B and now a new one for me, the stellar Stella. Will definitely sign up for your podcasts. Thanks million all around.
@kathrinkaefer 3 года назад
I think there is a huge problem with psychiatry, which is informed also by my personal experience. I had difficulties over many years and never really understood why. I struggled socially, was bullied by my peers, preyed on by abusive men and couldn't hold on to a job. I saw various doctors and they prescribed me antidepressants, usually within one meeting and without asking any questions. The meds came with severe side effects. I was living in an abusive relationship and it got so unbearable I attempted suicide. I spent a lot of time doing my own reading and research because I realised no one was going to help me. Eventually I contacted a neuropsychologist, for a very expensive fee, and I was diagnosed with autism. I value this diagnosis because suddenly so many things make sense... but unfortunately there was no follow-up and I have been left wondering, what now? I don't care a jot about identity labels but I do want to understand myself so I can live well and stop struggling to get by all the time, but it feels like that is a very tall order. Wouldn't it be great if professionals would listen to the patient in front of them and find out what's really going on, rather than putting them straight on meds? I am encouraged that there are therapists like Sasha and Stella out there. Now if only ordinary people could access them.
@liberality 3 года назад
Hi Katherine, so many of my friends have been told they are autistic that I looked up the origins of Hans Asperger's work in 1930s Germany, including his involvement in eugenics and euthanasia of the disabled. In brief, I now consider that a theory of childhood development based on the elimination of the individual and the different cannot possibly be accepted uncritically. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Am_Spiegelgrund_clinic
@JeffCaplan313 3 года назад
@@liberality "elimination of the individual" - this is related to our same-y microbiomes which, due to a lack of diversity, means a lack of appropriate neurotransmitters so that we can use our affective empathy the same as neurotypicals. Without strong affective empathy, we rely on our cognitive empathy and ability to systemize in our heads to create a conception of the world. Simon Baron-Cohen has a very interesting book on evil, empathy and folks with narcissism and autism that talks about this.
@liberality 3 года назад
@@JeffCaplan313 Thanks for your comment. I'm sceptical that people with a diagnosis of autism necessarily have anything different at the neural level from people who do not have that diagnosis. That might be an oversimplification by a medical model that posits behaviour can be 'corrected' with the appropriate medication. I note that at different times in history and in different societies and contexts, the characteristics considered pathological in autistic people today are either praised or condemned, suggesting that autism is more of a social issue than a medical one. While Hans Asperger was doing his research in Austria, and afterwards in the East German regime, individuality was to be eliminated for political reasons. During the same era, those highly-focused individuals who carried out resistance activities were made heroes by the Allied side.
@JeffCaplan313 3 года назад
@@liberality fMRIs do show structural differences in the brain architecture for folks with autism, but it goes back to the gut, first. Recent microbiome research related to microbiome composition and autism show the causal link between the microbiome and personality via a transfer of neurotransmitters in the vagus nerve, and how the presence/lack of certain proteins and neurotransmitters during development changes the structures of the brain.
@JeffCaplan313 3 года назад
@@liberality time.com/3614487/fmri-autism-diagnosis/
@TheBalloonpump 3 года назад
The symptom pool seems a real thing. But also... it seems our society really have more mental disorders than before and I think it has to do with our lifestyle. So it's natural that symptoms of gender dysphoria raise as well. We are more disconnected from our bodies and nature and we have a lot of stress going on. I feel sorry for this young generation, cause this gender stuff sometimes seems like the only way they have to express themselves since they don't have a lot real life experiences.
@MandyJane123700 3 года назад
I can't wait for their podcast. I love to hear them talk about all this. I think their insights and their thoughtfulness could be helpful for everyone, not just people into the gender stuff.
@demetriusmiddleton1246 3 года назад
Your entrance is SOOO DRAMATIC!🤣🤣🤣🤣
@whereweregoingwedontneedey4374 2 года назад
I love Sasha - fantastic mannerism and calmness (and very pleasing on the eye as well)
@gendercriticaldad636 3 года назад
Are therapist referring on because they are scared of getting called transphobes if they put a foot wrong? Its just so much easier to pass them on.
@meretriciousinsolent Год назад
So lovely listening to this in 2023, after the Gender: A Wider Lens pod played such a pivotal role in my current position on gender ideology.
@rhodak2347 3 года назад
One of the most interesting interviews I've heard on this topic. 👏👏👏💯🆒
@benjaminlquinlan8702 3 года назад
Gwan Stella ya good thing! Caught you at Spokes in Philly Grimes. Your a legend.
@censorshipbites7545 3 года назад
*"Client-driven"* I'm trying to give Ayad & O'Malley a chance before dismissing them, but the idea of treatment driven by a client's wants is insane and entirely subjective. That's what leads to plastic surgery disasters in celebrities. If a client-affirming approach was used for other disorders, therapists would agree the curtains were talking to schizophrenics and tell anorexics to lose more weight.
@margaretpepper3550 3 года назад
I write as a Transwoman aged 77, having had SRS in 2004 & was interested in your discussion. One of the points raised was why people are so interested in gender issues. We are in process of exploring outer space, & but the desire to explore our inner space is so much more personal & meaningful. If you want to know about Trans issues, don't ask a therapist, ask a Trans person, preferably post-op. Personally, when asked about MtF Trans issues, I usually refer to the Harry Benjamin scale of gender dysphoria, ranging from 1 to 6, which I think is very accurate. Basically up to 2001 I had never really met many Trans people, but then I started to go to Trans clubs & my eyes were opened to the Trans world where I have made many life long friends. Prior to then I had seen various psychiatrists, but I didn't think that they had a clue as to what I was feeling. What is odd is that I have met people from all walks of life, whom but for being Trans, our paths would probably never cross. Strangely enough most of the people I know well are well over 50, had been married with kids, held responsible jobs & own their own properties, & when we met up, we just don't talk about Trans issues, but anything else under the sun. Before Covid19 hit us, I had been painting pictures, some of which focused on Trans issues & gave occasional talks to groups, one of which being at a medial conference in Birmingham.
@davidprince1138 3 года назад
I am a bit concerned as this discussion seems to indicate an inventive environment that could result in false assumptions or "diagnosis" about child behavior and this has been at the root of many of our concerns. Certainly, severe dysphoria should be clinically addressed, but attempting to create multiple sublevels and degrees of "gender" can lead to more confusion in the future. At the very least there should be years of pure clinical studies by certified clinical psychologists.
@GordieGii 3 года назад
The idea of the symptom pool makes me think of "Crazy Like Us" by Ethan Watters.
@imenso2008 3 года назад
This conversations was much needed, thanks BB! What a comeback for identity as it should be conceived!
@peavy6106 3 года назад
Ha! Clever ending. Great conversation, and I'm really looking forward to their podcast!
@iunderscoream 3 года назад
Absolutely brilliant discussion. I found your channel two days ago and every video so far has been informative and refreshing. One thing: at 53:00 autism might not be the best example of this. Autistic traits, by definition, make it difficult to communicate and have relationships with non-autistics. So, autistics create their own communities where they can understand and be understood. This is different than communities based on identities that come together out of a shared adversity because autism is a social communication disorder.
@jauntycerebellum8445 3 года назад
I cannot WAIT for their podcast! Thanks for introducing them Ben-- what an awesome conversation!
@E.Carbenia 3 года назад
I immediately skipped to the end to see if you would do it. This time I'll listen all the way through.
@multitopic1908 3 года назад
I see BB is in full flirtatious mode. This looks as if it's going to good.
@user-xt8ds2rp2b 3 года назад
Wow, so many profound points made! Very meaningful and helpful, thank you all.
@bearheart2009 3 года назад
@ 15:42 We have to be careful not to assume that the symptoms are appearing more, rather than that people with symptoms are reporting more. Saying that, it could also be that there is an interpretive process happening that is creating a 'disorder', where there wouldnt have been one otherwise, in such a way that creates more problems than it solves. @16:55 I'm confused by the term 'gender dysphoria'. Most people who use it tend to accept that there is a difference between sex and gender, but most people who say they have it describe distress over their primary and secondary SEX characteristics. Why isnt sex dysphoria a thing? @41:25 My understanding is that, historically speaking, and pretty much everywhere, sexuality was not considered an identity, it was considered a behaviour. I'm not sure at what point heterosexual and homosexual became identities in western cultures (or any cultures), but i presume it was for political reasons. I understand why that would happen, but i question how healthy it is for people to feel tht they have to define themselves by their behaviours all the time. @1:00:10 Theres also the problem that what people are calling 'self' is often a highly subjective, unstable set of beliefs subject to (sometimes immense) change over time. Because so few of these social movements are grounded in anything remotely spiritual, they dont push people to do any kind of fundamental questioning, they just require them to accept certain premises and interpetations. Some styles of therapy can encourage people to question thoughts and beliefs on a more fundamental level, with the right facilitator, but they often just shift a belief pattern to one that functions better. Having a set of unquestioned beliefs that works better for you can keep you in a kind of comfortable ignorance. @1:02:21 That reminds me of something Byron Katie once said: _forgiveness is realising that what you thought happened didnt_ (or something close to that). @1:04:03 I think an identity is essentially just a story we believe at any given moment, but I think the vast majority of us clearly need to be attached to some sense to identity for healthy boundaries, and to create a sense of meaning and purpose. I dont think you _have_ to be attached to a sense of identity to have meaning and purpose. Labelling ourselves beyond what is practically needed is not helpful imo. For instance, the words 'female' and 'woman' are only important to me in as much as they communicate practical information. Knowing that i am perceived as 'female' and a 'woman' also has practical implications, but i dont go around assuming every response i have to anyone else, or response they have to me, is based upon our sexes/genders.
@pseudonamed 3 года назад
Good point about potentially creating more dysphoria.. that certainly needs more research. It does appear anecdotally from detransitioner’s stories that some feel their dysphoria grew as they read about it online.. the dysphoria was real but they didn’t feel it as children, only later as they became more obsessed with gender in their preteen/teen years. Also research into autogynephilia does seem to show that some people can develop dysphoria later in life, that grows over the years through positive reinforcement. As for sexuality becoming an identity, I personally think it probably became more of a thing once marriage changed in recent times. Traditionally most people got married, and not for romantic reasons. You weren’t necessarily expected to be attracted to your spouse, the main purpose was to have children and pass on property. Since marriage wasn’t about love or romance, people viewed relationships differently than we do now. Once we started to view relationships as something that 2 adults voluntarily choose through feeling a strong attraction and preference for each other, it enabled us to become more aware how attraction really works, and to conceive of partnerships that weren’t primarily for the purpose of children and lineage.
@bearheart2009 3 года назад
@@pseudonamed Yes that's true about marriage being less about romance and smore about practical matters, although attraction was always relevant. But that has always been the case, and yet different societies throughout history have been more or less accepting of homosexuality (pre Catholic Europe for instance). I'm not aware of it being an identity before the 20th century. Maybe I'm wrong about that; I haven't been able to get info to the contrary.
@kirstinadam9949 3 года назад
Interesting when they both say they’re not ‘gender critical’. I’ve been following the trans issue very closely for a couple of years and I’ve never heard anyone explain what ‘gender critical’ actually means. I don’t really understand it. Does it mean they are critical of gender as a concept? That it doesn’t (or shouldn’t) exist? That only sex exists? Great discussion btw. Love these two women.
@menow. 3 года назад
I'm waiting for ANY sort of agreement on what the term "GENDER" means. It USED to mean the same as "sex", but now I don't think it means anything at all.
@kirstinadam9949 3 года назад
@@menow. yes, exactly. Glad it’s not just me.
@menow. 3 года назад
@@kirstinadam9949 After being informed that "gender is a spectrum" I can only wonder: A spectrum of WHAT? I think they have no cogent answer to that question.
@HkFinn83 3 года назад
Don’t know exactly what it means, but these people are often against the trans activists, so I guess in some way it’s the opposite of that.
@commontater1785 3 года назад
Are therapist quickly referring on gender cases because they lack specific training? Or is it that their training focuses on finding the source of problems, but the current climate doesn't allow one to call it a problem?
@jonathanmitchell8698 3 года назад
I think we need eastern philosophy in order to survive in a world without group identities. "Identity" is what makes the world interesting--it's what gives distinctiveness to all the things we experience--but it is an illusion. "Your" identity does not exist, but you will express and experience an identity if you let yourself live in the world. Also, your identity is not something that you "must" align with your actions, or that must guide your actions; it is only an aspect of your experience.
@benjaminlquinlan8702 3 года назад
Agreed - but to rewrite the cultureal cognitive grammer of the west is a task that the west dont even understand is a thing. People think they're thinking and ways of interfacing with reailty is their own invention. Also the Western individual distinct from the multiplicity has a wonderful dimension to it that culture in the east doesn't care for. I think a faster way to stop the Tower of babble identity rebellion under control is - through participation in Religio - a God - puts a cap on that identity hierarchy and stops the rebellion and chaos. There is a possibility of getting to that personal self / God contact deep within .. that "I am - that- I am" place where yous stop screaming "I am " and accept that you are . I dunno
@abacaxiveer 3 года назад
I forgive Benjamin.
@BenjaminABoyce 3 года назад
@davidprince1138 3 года назад
lol, he is quite the OK fellow.
@Andy-wy7vk 3 года назад
Great interview!
@Democracy_Manifest 3 года назад
Finnegans Woke
@gl00merz 3 года назад
Impossible book
@efleishermedia 3 года назад
Hahaha yesss I love that Stella actually used the term "Joycean" so nonchalantly
@zebbleganubi723 3 года назад
@@gl00merz its impossible if you try to read it like its english. which its not :)
@SeanMach 3 года назад
"Dr" Benjamin I feel as if I am being Mugged watching your Mug with a Mug with your Mug. Cheers, Great interview.
@karinak09 3 года назад
wow, really interesting conversation
@muoneutrino 3 года назад
Middle aged men and adolescent girls mainly the ones transitioning? In Jungian terms, maybe these are attempts at integrating the anima and animus respectively?
@ca6360 3 года назад
When it comes to middle aged men, we are not looking at the occult connection also, what is the catalyst? Demographic? Lifestyle? Class? To see if any correlations exist. Look at celine Dionnes clothing line? Genderless babies clothing line? Her commercial? Honestly we must address this as it's part of the movement. Is our statue of liberty a man or women? The crown and relation to sun worship this same crown appears in the past. FACTS must be all looked at laid out in full context and nuance historically, culturally and yes spiritual practice and see what truth exists from the facts, as we know more than one fact can be true at the same time on anything. Think of plugging in every true or false or varying degrees of accuracy in to a program to see if you get clusters of correlation or causation correlation does not = causation but gives you closer area to study.
@beninbryant455 2 года назад
Stella has a lovely smile!
@guyfromostrava 3 года назад
15:21 symptom pool / cluster - i've had this idea in my head for a long time now, on how diagnosing someone with a disorder might actually make the person worse off because it validates all of the feelings, it bundles them into one neat little bundle with a scientific sounding name and creates almost a self-fulfilling prophecy (if a doctor says I have this, than I must have it and it's out of my control). I actually asked around on the psychology reddit (I know, not the best place, but I don't have any psychologist to talk this through with) and I was shut down, HEAVILY. Great to hear, it's not that much of an outlandish idea as they made me feel it is.
@MrsYasha1984 3 года назад
I think this can be a danger that needs to be discussed. But a diagnosis can also be very... Soothing? I have found out I'm autistic at age 36. Boom! Now I know finally why I always stand outside a crowd, even if I really try to make smalltall and such. I struggled my whole life with this, and finally I know why! So I'm not so hard on myself if "networking" really falls flat. But on my research on the topic I found a lot, of fellow aspergers blame everything that goes wrong in their life on being aspergers, and that neurotypical humans need to accomodate us. Typical victim mentality, which is a dangerous thing! So, I really can see both sides of the coin of a diagnosis. It can lead down a dark path of celebrating the "label", or it can lift a weight because we finally know whats wrong
@BenjaminABoyce 3 года назад
Seminko, Ethan Waters wrote a very accessible book on the matter called “Crazy Like Us.”
@guyfromostrava 3 года назад
@@MrsYasha1984 agreed, it's a topic worth exploring. I mean you can't just NOT give a diagnosis if there is one, on the other hand nowadays there is a diganosis for every possible behavioral combiantion there is... i think it can be best seen with children - i heard countless stories of parents who cannot "tame" their child, ending up with a psychologist who "diagnosed" the child and instead of the parents continuing trying to form and curb the behavior, they accepted it, because in their eyes a diagnosis means there's nothing that can be done about it. And sure, there are diagnoses that you cannot do anything about. But I would dare to say that in this day and age there are more diagnoses which just describe an unwanted behavior which twenty years ago noone would consider a disorder, and hence many more people were able to deal with it instead of "just accepting it as the way they are".
@guyfromostrava 3 года назад
@@BenjaminABoyce Thanks, I will check it out.
@MrsYasha1984 3 года назад
@@guyfromostrava well, regarding the 12 month long waiting period I have to try and get my son diagnosed for autism, I think people are way more aware of different behaviours than 30years ago. This can be positive or negative, it really depends on the attitude of doctors and parents. If the behaviour is seen as problematic and the doctor just pumps the child full of meds to help make it "normal", that is child abuse in my opinion. Or it can be a help, because the pattern of behaviour is known, so maybe we can find a therapy that worked for similar children to help this child also? It's like a psychological trap. It needs to be adressed and kept in mind, so the outcome is more likely to be positive. I'm always for collecting data. So, I'm quite for getting things diagnosed. It helps me understand and looking for solutions. But balance is always important, and we really need to keep the dangers in mind so we can be of the best help to our children
@bee-eu6cg 3 года назад
Brilliant discussion. More please
@briddlefrog 3 года назад
Love the tip of the hat to Joyce! Great podcast 👏
@carsonnations1497 Год назад
This is so adamantly sinister. May god save us
@MrTickleTrunk 3 года назад
I made a couple comment but they appear to be automatically blocked by youtube or held in a pre-approved state by the channel. Benjamin, can you please mark one of the 2 as acceptable? Did they even show up in that manner for you or have they just been memory holed? D:
@BenjaminABoyce 3 года назад
I see you’re previous comment. But nothing else is visible for me.
@MrTickleTrunk 3 года назад
@@BenjaminABoyce Thank you. It seem RU-vid is "memory holing" comments with certain words, or combinations of words, in them. It seems they think that possibly dangerous things can't be discussed in order to keep people safe (in order to keep people safe). The ironic world we live in ...
@benjaminlquinlan8702 3 года назад
@omglol9825 3 года назад
0:26 This is an intervention.
@miroirs-jumeaux Год назад
@bearheart2009 3 года назад
This was very interesting. Thanks!
@vegetator 3 года назад
I am watching this to study English
@miroirs-jumeaux Год назад
All of Benjamin Boyce’s videos are great for that! Let me know if you have any questions! (🇺🇸)
@relaxingsounds1386 2 года назад
There's male and female. There's nothing else. You can't 'transition' from one to the other.
@Chloeayoy 3 года назад
I wanna know what camera did the lady on the left use
@BenjaminABoyce 3 года назад
Logitech G902 I believe.
@Chloeayoy 3 года назад
@@BenjaminABoyce omg thanks Benjamin!!!🙏🙏🙏
@NoCorpoCerto 3 года назад
Please, come to Brazil!!!
@aqueen3122 3 года назад
this adds a very meaningful and "human" element to this conversation, both women were both candid and thoughtful. And Benjamin, I don't like to think of you as a RU-vid star. its kinda diminishes you..
@GordieGii 3 года назад
The Hairy "Benjamin" foundation?
@ca6360 3 года назад
DBT therapy is the best thing you could do for them, yourself and anybody else in my opinion. Is not just for BPD just was initially proved on it. TELLING YOU 100% I feel like all the skills within the modules are so key and need to be worked in to early child hood ed and keep working it in right through college. Most people operating on childhood coping skills mot serving them effectively as adults. Everybody gets a trophy is not working, infact... if you listen to Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB he would explain Ideological subversion and how this has been launched on western culture, for generations by many nations. One thing He talks about at university in 1984 he said the LGB will be used in the future as political and societal weapon. So.... the normalization of beyond the LGB ... T and now 72 genders of Q... We must be honest and true, to truy self realize and realize better positioned society based in truth and honesty. IMPORTANT VALIDATION RULE 🔑 We must not invalidate the valid Erodes credibility & Trust We must not validate the invalid Erodes credibility & trust You can use our MSM as perfect example to the breaking of these rules. I do think Men also have spectrum of masculine tendency to feminine and visa versa.
@ProleCenter 3 года назад
I hate how the conversation devolved into nostalgia for the "good old days" when everyone was religious, overcome with guilt, and bowing before the Sky Daddy. Turns out conservatives aren't really against collectivism, just a non-superstitious collectivism that threatens to put an end to gross class inequality and exploitation.
@markkavanagh7377 3 года назад
Beware the Big Sky Daddy, HE is watching YOU.😉
@benjaminlquinlan8702 3 года назад
Love you prolecenter it's ok xoxo
@Andrew-mv2qb 3 года назад
identity/persona is the problem because it is merely a mask one puts on.
@exlesoes 3 года назад
I would diagnose this discussion as... myriad of assumptions. lol I'm joking. I think anything can be pathologized ? Is that the correct term? I think still community is prioritized and social media shows that. Individualism isn't really 'individualism' anymore.
@TheTialalande 2 года назад
So anybody could literally be a gender therapist? I can go take a couple of courses online to some workshops and there's no accredited course? Hmmm.... That's interesting..
@ProleCenter 3 года назад
What's wrong with having a working class identity? For at least two hundred years socialists have railed against the alienating hyper-individualism of capitalist societies. Workers of All Countries, Unite!
@markkavanagh7377 3 года назад
Socialists can get together and do socialism if they want!!!! Why do they want us all to do it? Just set up a Kibbutz type farm and get on with it, prove it works. I do believe that the unwillingness for socialists to self organise into their own collectives just demonstrates that they don't really want it, they just use it to maintain a stance of rebelliousness while enjoying capitalism.
@AsDeadAsDillinger 3 года назад
Old school socialists seem to be the enemies of the new 'intersectionalists'. One believes that _'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few',_ The other believes that _'the needs of the minority take precedence over the needs of the majority'._ One seeks to unite the working class of all nations, whereas the other seeks to progressively fractionalize the working classes into ever smaller 'silos', into ever more impotent and fiercely competing sub identities, which they cannot wait to set against each other. It seems pretty clear to me whose interests they are truly serving. It appears the 'ruling class' have worked out that it's easier (and cheaper) to 'bribe' the tiniest 'minority' than it is to pay the majority their rightful due.
@ProleCenter 3 года назад
@@markkavanagh7377 Do you think our capitalist masters are going to just sit on their hands while we set up socialist alternatives in the US, or anywhere? The capitalists attack socialism everywhere they find it. That's what the CIA was created for. That's why the only existing socialism are "authoritarian" countries because they need armies and robust security states to defend themselves from either open invasion, subversion, economic sanctions, sabotage, propaganda, etc. Socialism doesn't operate in a vacuum.
@ProleCenter 3 года назад
@@AsDeadAsDillinger Well said!
@benjaminlquinlan8702 3 года назад
Ahhh there it is.
@nivek67cars 3 года назад
The repetitious plug to "buy the fancy mug" distracts attention from the serious content of this video.
@BenjaminABoyce 3 года назад
Buy the fancy mug and the ads will go away.
@nivek67cars 3 года назад
@@BenjaminABoyce You're better than that Mr. Boyce.
@BenjaminABoyce 3 года назад
I may be better than material reality, but I still need to make a living in the material world. Adorn your cupboards and revel in my continuous stream of quality content.
@6teezkid 3 года назад
I feel that Ben has such a very cool way of interviewing. And he’s extremely intelligent, curious and is a great listener. And we could really glean a lot if he had on a very wide variety of guests. Like, when he had Andrew Doyle on. Wow! What a great show that was...so interesting and hilarious at times. But, he’s gone 99% Trans and I don’t get it. Sure, once in awhile. But, it makes me feel he’s immersed in Trans for himself and not taking his audience seriously. It’s his Channel, though. But, his audience would grow crazy if he picked the Top hot issues that are current. And there are so many. Along with that comes the best people who he could interview.
@menow. 3 года назад
Here's hoping they actually define the term "GENDER". Been trying to get someone to do that for weeks now. PS: As I listen, I find that these women seem to subscribe to the notion that "gender" can only mean woman or man, but that is not at all concurrent with the recent claims that there are unlimited "genders". Why do they seem oblivious to this notion?
@BenjaminABoyce 3 года назад
On what is this infinite gender claimed based? Studies, theories?
@menow. 3 года назад
@@BenjaminABoyce Bravado.
@fastfreddy3103 3 года назад
A wide angle lens is required when photographing 3d wave feminists...
@miroirs-jumeaux Год назад
@DR_Neal_Rigger 3 года назад
This "subject" is a complete lark, and has been magnified by activists in academia, early education, and the media..
@ilfautdanser9121 3 года назад
what part is the lark? the cancer drugs given to children to halt their natural puberty? the synthetic hormones? slicing off healthy body parts? exploring one's gender should be a lark but it has been medicalized and turned into something quite insane and damaging, especially to young people who are struggling. it's taking someone's self-questioning and emotional struggles and "treating" them with absurdly invasive procedures and damaging drugs instead of just talking to them to see what it really going on. now we have a generation of young women with men's voices and men who get outraged when we say they don't belong in women's spaces.
@NotADood 3 года назад
A complete lark that's been changing laws and policies and impacting the rights and well-being of women and children and silencing any dissent or criticism. How very droll.
@SkepticalTeacher 3 года назад
Benjamin and Sasha, kissing in the tree! K I S S I N G! 🤣❤
@AndyJarman 3 года назад
If sex is independent of gender, how can you have a general discomfort with gender? Surely it's sex dysphoria? I am not convinced there is such a thing as gender - other than the grammatical convention. I think gender is a French, post modern invention. I think there are people who are more and less sex typical in their personality traits. People who chose to solve their dislike or unease with their sex by pretending to be the other sex has chosen one response to their problem. There are other responses. By creating, and encouraging the idea that we have a gender we are promoting the idea that people who have a problem with their sex are healthy. I don't think this is a good attitude. I think this is a means of conforming with Critical Theory AND typical of the motte and bailey technique they employ.
@exlesoes 3 года назад
transsexualism? I mean sex is in that word and sexuality is completely miss or overlooked... sex and sexuality. let's talk about THAT. if bisexuality is a 'thing' or real then why or how wouldn't transsexualism? I'm not comparing the two, no. Androgyny is real but why? Intersex is real but why? So why is transsexualism so heavily targeted and labeled as "unhealthy" or a "problem"? Why?
@fernyfern5300 3 года назад
" huge numbers experiencing"... They read a document. Just like ADD. Students who want adderall are KNOWN to study the behavior and characteristics of those who suffer from attention deficit disorder in order to get a script for Aderral. It's obvious it's happening with people who think they're transgender. Different agenda, but same line of thought. If you go to ANY MtF forum on reddit, they ALL coach one another, including posting documents on exactly what to say to a therapist to get what you want. But it's not just a drug which speeds you up in which people seek. It's not just a stimulant. This is a scary time to live. In five years, if we continue down this path, imagine what you'll pretend to have and coach yourself to say to get from a therapist or doctor.
@rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr1 3 года назад
"We've lost religion." Christ is still there waiting. The same people who you believe have broken everything are the same ones who taught you that religion is bunk. They're wrong about that, too.
@ProleCenter 3 года назад
There is no God. You just feel small and insignificant in a mysterious world that you cannot fully understand . . . plus you're afraid to die.
@jsgdk 3 года назад
Nonsense, but at this point in time less dangarous nonsense. We are not combatting this new nonsense by going back to the old nonsense that we struggled with before.
@benjaminlquinlan8702 3 года назад
@@ProleCenter lil bita projection. I love you friend. Your just at that arc in the prodigal son anime.
@benjaminlquinlan8702 3 года назад
I lived as these two commenters above. Godbless you both. I'm now "crazy" God fearing Jesus loving maniac!! I used to speak exactly like that. Suicidal, angry, nihilistic, dismissive... But I literally PRETENDED that God exists... And some years later - I ADORE being ALIVE. The most pragmatic delusion I've ever entered into. I wouldn't try sell it to anyone who isn't looking to bug though. Like telling a fish there's something other than the sea. And hey if you refuse to submit to a God as such try Taoism or something. Your assumption that all humans that ever existed who participated in widosm and religious traditions WEREN'T onto anything is demonstrably false given your very own cultural cognitive grammer. It's all part of the same tapestry. What you think you think your thoughts all by yourself?
@ProleCenter 3 года назад
@@benjaminlquinlan8702 I don't think so, but thank you for your kind words. I guess I was pretty harsh there, though.
@jenniferh7297 3 года назад
0:30 Getting flirty with Benny. We ladies just can't help ourselves. ("hello..😏)
@warius1 3 года назад
Why is it almost always women who are so concerned with gender?
@BenjaminABoyce 3 года назад
Concerned, or open about their concerns?
A Preponderance of Gender | with Sasha Ayad
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