
General John F. Kelly: Inside the White House | SALT Talks 

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@TheJulsMan 4 года назад
I'm not a conservative AND these two gentlemen got my respect and probably my vote if it comes to that. And the Mooch ... you just went from Trumps loud obnoxious front-stabbing communications director ... to level-headed intellectually-curious good-husband with a flare of New York bad-ass millionaire. Level up!
@ianmoone316 4 года назад
you only give them respect because you hate Trump.
@TheJulsMan 4 года назад
Cal Prewit tired of winning yet?
@ianmoone316 4 года назад
@@greenf77 tells me that he is the president. Elected not appointed.
@ianmoone316 4 года назад
I will never understand NY Jews. Almost every Jew in Congress holds dual citizenship in Israel , yet they hate Trump. Never mind his son in law and grandchildren children are Jewish. What exactly is their beef. Is it they don't like a strong leader, who in their minds looks like Hitler. He supports Israel and has acted on his support. I am sure I will be accused of being anti-Semitic for asking this question, but I am not.
@ianmoone316 4 года назад
Looks like you tube is blocking me from a direct response to Lev parnas. So I try this indirect method. You did not answer my question. Why do you Jews hate Trump?
@mgellerster 4 года назад
Kelly and Mattis are thoughtful and not reactive individuals. The country is fortunate to have them. Their concerns should be reflected on and not dismissed.
@claudiagarcia939 4 года назад
I believe the difference is the Generals are true leaders
@dougj7295 4 года назад
True Generals don't get political in times of crisis. They are both Democrats playing politics while the country is burning.
@claudiagarcia939 4 года назад
WTF is a “True General”? As opposed to a false General? These aren’t normal times my friend. Military takes an oath to support & defend the Constitution, not to the king.
@THG3 4 года назад
Claudia Garcia leaders don’t go with the flow, leaders don’t sit in meetings kissing trumps ass for two years, leaders don’t sit idle while a president destroys the clout of the presidency, leaders use foresight and vision, if these 2 boot licking ex-generals are your definition of leadership I feel sorry for you.
@nominus1138 4 года назад
@@dougj7295 why do you call it getting political? Sometimes speaking out is just the right thing to do
@certainperson9869 4 года назад
It speaks volumes about the seriousness of the situation when respected and loyal General Mattis and General Kelly feel the need to speak up.
@nominus1138 4 года назад
@Susanne Blankenship why would they want to get out of the deal that was keeping Iran from getting nukes? Doing so has done nothing but get Iran really close to having them. Or am i missing something? What has welching on the Iran deal accomplished again?
@claudiagarcia939 4 года назад
Susanne Blankenship deep state? That’s QAnon koolaid.
@aleksandar1724 4 года назад
@Susanne Blankenship shameful statement
@nimfs2347 4 года назад
@Susanne Blankenship Where is Alex Jones when you needed him most?
@johnspruett6079 4 года назад
Yes, let's bribe other countties not to produce nukes - while they're building them anyway. Makes perfect sense to me :)
@BravoSixGoingDark 4 года назад
I enjoyed this conversation. Feels like going to a lecture hall listening to the course instructors/ professors/ teachers etc. Very insightful.
@luigivincenzo9731 4 года назад
Gotta love the fact that Scaramucci still respects John Kelly, despite being effectively fired as communications director by him. It's good that some people can still separate the personal from business. Our President is capable of none of that.
@Charlotte_TSilva 4 года назад
I always enjoy listening to John Kelly speak on issues affecting our country. Always, Johnny, always.
@cymbalmonkey8455 4 года назад
Military school is NOT the same as actual military service. It's for kids like Trump who went at age 13. No one gets shot at, mortared, rocketed, or has to play Russian Roulette with IEDs (roadside bombs). No PTSD and no mourning of those you served with who died (often horribly), or those who lived but are permanently disabled. With exceptions during the Civil War when military cadets were activated for combat, a kid these days doesn't even remotely worry about being sent into harm's way. Equally important to understand is that it's like a lot of other things - you can learn just enough to give you overconfidence, like a Blue Belt in Karate thinking he knows enough to walk into a bar and kick anyone's ass. That's Trump's mistake. He doesn't really understand the military because he wasn't really in the military. But, unlike others who never served, he THINKS he understands, his military school giving him a false sense of confidence. Being an amateur he should have had the humility to surround himself with those who are both better and smarter than he is - and then listened to them. He should have told his military advisors to always tell him the unvarnished truth, no matter what, to the best of their abilities. He obviously doesn't like those to do that because that includes speaking truth to power, which he doesn't handle very well. Hence, his high turnover. There's nothing wrong with going to military school if you plan on a military career or you're a problem kid who needs additional structure and discipline. Just don't mistake it for actual military service.
@joelhammer3538 4 года назад
He was sent there cos he was already a psycho at 13
@nickh7626 4 года назад
Oh the irony that both of them talk about character and ethics yet both wound up representing the single most unethical one in Trump.
@cellocovers3982 4 года назад
You seem to believe that General Kelly would compromise his morals in order to serve the president. On what grounds do you make such an accusation? Who are you to judge the moral decision making of this great man? I would put much more money on his doing the right thing no matter who is president. He serves the American people first and foremost.
@sashman02 4 года назад
Just an opinion, but I think he was asked to serve a role for the President of the United States, and he did just like he did in the military. I could be wrong. The ideal of service is a good one, but it doesn't always work out.
@judithbeers7598 4 года назад
They didn't know who he really was before they went to work for him and found out he has no honor, no integrity, no concern for USA policy and standing with our allies, nor our standing in the world.
@TTownTim 4 года назад
@@cellocovers3982 He licked trump boots.fkn pussy
@sallymann-cox5312 3 года назад
Kelly is heavily invested in the Homestead,Fla detention center that is collecting $375.00 a day per child per day.AND ITS A GOVERMENT CONTRACT THAT WE ARE PAYING FOR.
@greatray6262 4 года назад
Prior public service should be a mandatory requirement for anyone seeking the presidency.
@henrylee8510 4 года назад
In addition to look at who we elect, their character and ethics, an additional criteria is the orangeness of their skin.
@claudiagarcia939 4 года назад
Excellent conversation. We need to hear more conversations and less screaming & insulting each other.
@tonyjepson6035 4 года назад
The mooch has finally come to his senses. Strong statement by general kelly, who like Anthony, has wised up. Save America, vote Trump out. 🙏
@ghostmost2614 4 года назад
You're going to be so very sad in November. Trump 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@tonyjepson6035 4 года назад
@@ghostmost2614 looking at trumps shocking poll numbers,his pathetic response to the coronavurus and protests, the draft dodging coward, will be gone in January. 🇺🇸.
@tonyjepson6035 4 года назад
@Susanne Blankenship for a president, who only speaks about poll numbers, I find your remarks a bit fresh. Probably thousands more dead, than what's been reported, due to covid. Let's not even mention his other success, his response to the hurricanes in Puerto rico, or his locking up of children on the border, then separating them from there parents, without proper due process. The man is SO CROOKED, he couldn't sleep straight in bed !!
@ianmoone316 4 года назад
@@tonyjepson6035 the polls in 2016 were right on. right?
@nimfs2347 4 года назад
@golfito She's dumb, dumber and dumbest all in one breath just like that infant with a long tie.
@HalfwayJac 4 года назад
John Kelly, you should have spoken out while in the Trump administration but you didn’t. You went along with him.
@piscator2813 4 года назад
considering the Trump administration has gone completely unhinged since he left, i say he did the best he could outside of the spotlights
@judithbeers7598 4 года назад
Jax , how do you know what he went along with. Were you there to hear the discussion of each subject? After, he learned who trump really was he welcomed stepping down.
@samsonsolio4619 4 года назад
Fantastic in-depth honest discussion. Thank you.
@johnspruett6079 4 года назад
It's not a conversation, it's the mooch doing a hit-job on President Trump and he somehow duped the General into going along with it
@beniaminmogovan9504 3 года назад
This man inspires respect!
@SALTTube 3 года назад
Thanks for watching @Beniamin Mogovan!
@kenanklovitch8117 3 года назад
I have such respect for you Mooch!
@colormebrave2231 4 года назад
great great interview...i come from a military family and to see trump in office is brutal. my dad served in Vietnam he was 18 years old.
@judithbeers7598 4 года назад
Athena, it is brutal for all of us who keep up with our government through credible sources and its leadership, or lack thereof. We are sadly in need of different leadership.
@liferay888 4 года назад
The most noble people in out government are people in out military. Thank you for your service to defend our Country and our Constitution from ALL THREATS both foreign and domestic.
@jewellcline1012 3 года назад
It would be a great service to our country if Generals Mattis and Green would serve our country again God Speed to all
@michaelgriswold1809 4 года назад
Just like President Abraham Lincoln's General George McClellan! Lincoln couldn't could get him to do what he was told to do so he had to replace him with General Ulysses Grant! An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” Yes that means you General's James Mattis & John Kelly, and Acting Secretary of Defense Mark Esper maybe soon to be replace!
@kerryperryman3025 4 года назад
Wow, incredible man General Kelly is
@ast453000 3 года назад
Talk about beating around the bush, and trying to avoid the question! I thought Kelly was supposed to be a straight-talker. I sure don't see that here.
@Bronzebk 4 года назад
Wow!!! In-depth interviews I thought were obsolete... "Subscribed".
@johnspruett6079 4 года назад
Some of these replies seem like comments made to bolster the Mooch's ratings. Wonder how many are individuals he's asked to post a positive review - or worse, has paid to post a positive review - or even worse, are accounts he controls himself personally? :)
@judithbeers7598 4 года назад
@@johnspruett6079 , sad you have such a jaded look at our patriotic generals' motives for speaking up for our country. These are honorable military men who took an oath to defend this country against all foes foreign and domestic. Your attitude is disgusting.
@johnspruett6079 4 года назад
Holy Water by We the Kingdom God, I'm on my knees again God, I'm begging please again I need You Oh, I need You Walking down this desert road Water for my thirsty soul I need You Oh, I need You Your forgiveness Is like sweet, sweet honey On my lips Like the sound of a symphony To my ears Like holy water on my skin (hey) Dead man walking, slave to sin I wanna know about being born again I need You Oh, God, I need You So, take me to the riverside Take me under, baptize I need You Oh, God, I need You Your forgiveness Is like sweet, sweet honey On my lips Like the sound of a symphony To my ears Like holy water on my skin On my skin I don't wanna abuse Your grace God, I need it every day It's the only thing that ever really Makes me wanna change I don't wanna abuse Your grace God, I need it every day It's the only thing that ever really Makes me wanna change I don't wanna abuse Your grace God, I need it every day It's the only thing that ever really Makes me wanna change, oh I don't wanna abuse Your grace God, I need it every day It's the only thing that ever really Makes me wanna change Your forgiveness Is like sweet, sweet honey On my lips Like the sound of a symphony To my ears It's like holy water Your forgiveness Oh, is like sweet, sweet honey On my lips Like the sound of a symphony To my ears Oh, it's like holy water on my skin Yeah, it's like holy water on my skin Oh, it's like holy water
@mgellerster 2 года назад
kelly clearly was attempting to follow the Halderman and Baker template for the chief of staff role, generally regarded as the way it needs to get done. Presidents who didn't allow for a central , strong chief of staff are generally not viewed as successful
@waldyhenry1143 4 года назад
Sir, apologize to fredrica Wilson and then we will take your comment more serious...
@nimfs2347 4 года назад
Yes, hope he spoke out long before. I think he's been despicable like Trump too when he was in the WH.
@sallymann-cox5312 3 года назад
And General Kelly how much money are you making on the board of the HOMESTEAD,FLORIDA DETENTION CENTER?
@kruse000 4 года назад
withhonor.org not .com
@maiamckinney4180 4 года назад
Mooch's questions are meant to needle Trump -- funny!
@johnspruett6079 4 года назад
True, basically taking punches. Sad to see Mooch so desperate to try and regain his name. :)
@judithbeers7598 4 года назад
@@johnspruett6079, see it for what it is, it is not to punch trump, or regain reputation. It is a platform for giving truthful information about our government and how it works.
@IlovethesIlovethes 3 года назад
This whole interview was boring
@petekdemircioglu Год назад
@danecaldwell9470 3 года назад
I’m appalled you would post this interview. He’s not an innovator nor great thinker.
@Bloodylaser 3 года назад
Glad General Kelly fired Scaramucci.
@ctwatcher 4 года назад
My dead brother was a Marine, how embarrassing this man makes all that fought war in the Marines look like a piece of shit now.
@sningram1 4 года назад
@PresMonroe 4 года назад
The General is an embarassment. Turns out he is a petulent silly old man. Go home dude.
@bravesandthrashers 4 года назад
@Susanne Blankenship I would encourage the both of you to read the actual Constitution . Turns out, Its easy available online: constitutionus.com/. Not sure what the General says, is incorrect.
@djsolomon 4 года назад
@Susanne Blankenship here you are again !What does globalist shill mean? turn off fox and read a book.
@rickdebella7191 4 года назад
You guys are jilted, is this the right timing for you critiquing our President. You should be ashamed of yourself.
@johnspruett6079 4 года назад
Spot on Rick
@nominus1138 4 года назад
When is the right time?
@malvinacarabas5768 4 года назад
Trump for 2020 .
@judithbeers7598 4 года назад
Too bad you are missing the point of this informational interview on how our government works. IT IS NOT ABOUT TRUMP.
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