
Geoengineering: The Riskiest Way to Save the Planet 

PBS Terra
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How do we reduce the impact of climate change, and could geoengineering be the solution? Host Sinead Bovell is joined by sci-fi writer Kim Stanley Robinson and other experts to examine the goal of Global Net Zero Emissions, direct air capture strategies, and why geoengineering is a risky strategy - that may be our only hope.
Thank you to Romany Webb, Maria Lopez-Nuñez, Gregory Nemet, and Ugbaad Kosar for contributing to this piece.
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Curious about the future? With the help of a diverse cast of innovators, researchers, and dreamers, FAR OUT explores the future of humanity on this big, messy planet called Earth -- and maybe beyond!
Hosted by futurist Sinéad Bovell, Far Out invites viewers to get informed about what’s to come. The series is produced for PBS by PBS North Carolina, the team behind the award-winning PBS series Overview.
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8 июл 2024




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@Linkous12 7 месяцев назад
I find it odd the lengths that we may go to minimize the effects of climate change. Some of them seem to be more difficult than weaning ourselves off of fossil fuels.
@Someaddress555s 7 месяцев назад
While I agree, try telling that to Trumps supporters who's entire self worth is derived from how big the truck nuts are on their diesels that at most move people and pets not construction equipment.
@sowmindful1501 7 месяцев назад
Doing away with animals agriculture, especially on an industrial scale is one of the easiest ones we can do, but people just aren’t switching on quick enough.
@stephaniewilliams6756 7 месяцев назад
Literally. Like this isnt Rick and Morty please stop being so comedically lazy humanity
@Timmycoo 7 месяцев назад
Because it's never going to be "instant". As you said, weaning. Innovations are needed to reduce the effects of the mass extinction period we are currently in.
@dragoonzen 7 месяцев назад
God created man, so man can destroy the planet and all of God creation for $$$$$. It's in the Bible!
@chinookvalley 7 месяцев назад
Save a step. Rather than pulling it out of the air and putting it in the ground, just don't take it out of the ground in the first place.
@vinicy78 6 месяцев назад
Or at least stop burning fossil fuels when there are way to produce electricity using things like pentane(or neopentane) in geothermal systems. It's probably just too profitable to burn gasoline, diesel, oil itself and coal for some people
@RealMTBAddict 5 месяцев назад
You first
@Pottery4Life 7 месяцев назад
Direct Carbon capture will be great IF we can manage it at scale with a green (solar/wind/hydro) energy source with deep permanent storage.
@ryuuguu01 7 месяцев назад
IF we did that and eliminated fossil fuels at the same time it would reduce the damage we are doing to the planet.
@Algormortis9 7 месяцев назад
I think direct carbon capture from the air is a terrible waste of funding, energy, and materials that could be spent on developing energy efficiency, renewables, and alternative carbon capture methods. The "direct from air" carbon capture process is massively inefficient compared to other methods of carbon abatement. It also reeks of the "clean coal" propaganda machine, and IMO it's the only reason we know / think about it at all.
@clehaxze 7 месяцев назад
I agree with @Algormortis9. DAC is horrible at being efficient. IIRC the last number I read is 1% of the amount of the captured CO2's binding energy combined . BECCS is much more possible in this regard. DAC will only work if we have a ridiculous surplus in green energy production.
@jonmontan6589 7 месяцев назад
I am deeply skeptical of large-scale geoengineering experiments due to our historic failures to predict unwanted collateral effects. Beware of simple solutions.
@adpirtle 7 месяцев назад
The obvious appeal of geoengineering is that it gives people a straw to grasp, since people, governments, and corporations aren't, by and large, willing to do the hard work that is otherwise necessary to stop climate change before it becomes an unmitigated disaster. However, the risks involved with intentionally monkeying with the planet's thermostat (as opposed to what we've been doing, which was, at least at first, unintentional) may be higher than just adapting to climate change.
@rebellucy6200 7 месяцев назад
They are already doing this. They fly over the US (almost daily). Those stripes in the skies are NOT jet exhaust. My brother lives in Mexico and they have no chemtrails. Drive north a few hours and geoenginering all over.
@b_uppy 7 месяцев назад
We could mitigate much of the harm of excess atmospheric carbon by changing farming,. This also means changing our buying habits to force big companies to change how and what food is grown. Eating foods from biome appropriate, polycultured, alley-cropped (because alley-cropping makes better use of soil depth, sunlight, minerals, etc, and it mimics the most productive places on earth, savannas), food and biomass-producing (livestock feed, etc) perennials and grasses alternating with interplanted trees, vines, and shrubs. This reduces chances of crop failures due to droughts, heat waves and flooding, builds soil, increases nutrition, localized food, and builds resiliency. It sequesters a lot of carbon for free while also helps reduce grid strain from pumping water. It helps aquifers to recharge, relies on natural pest control, increases diversity of food available to the world market instead of relying on a fewer food varieties. Instead of managing it with shipped-in inputs like petrochemical fertilizers, weed killers, pesticides, dumping culls, burning crop residues, etc, manage it with livestock instead. This mimicks nature. It turns production costs into production profits, while producing even more food in a wildlife friendly way. Animals pastured on diverse plantings and weedy pasture have higher nutritive value than grain fed animals, deepening nutrition for both livestock and the nutrition of their products. Thus is simple, highly effective and much much cheaper than pumping carbon into the ground, ax well ad more useful. Carbon sequestered into the soil by plants improves the soil, making it easier for more regreening, as well as increasing water sequestration, reducing the need for irrigation, plowing, and high tech, high cost, low return solutions. Look up Mark Shepard for more detailed information on restoration ag. If we accompany this type of agriculture, called restorative ag (not to be confused with the more general term regenerative ag), with highly localized (onsite) rainwater harvesting through detention ponds, swales, onsite materials, etc we increase the opportunities for food production, regreening, carbon capture, reclamation etc, at very low cost as these can be quite durable when well placed, and well built. India has regions that are implementing this at scale and transforming huge swaths of low production land, while avoiding the need for pumping water. Look up Brad Lancaster's books on Rainwater Harvesting in Drylands and Beyond, latest editions for best info on building water resiliency. Andrew Millison has done a lot of work documenting rainwater harvesting projects in India, they are good videos to watch. The third thing to do is put in a lot more rail especially publicly owned rail (though the companies can remain private). This is will make moderate long distance travel easier, cheaper, increase accessibility, reduce the costs of shipping goods, etc. If you make rail something the rich want to travel on, it will mean better rail service overall. Rail can have definite advantages if it is dense enough. Restroom breaks, internet, napping, avoiding driving, air travel anxiety, and TSA lines are all excellent reasons for trains to ge our best future mode of travel. Rail is something we need to push our politicians towards, instead of dubious electric rebates for rich people... High tech solutions are just a money grab to further enrichen and empower globalist elitists.
@W1nd3yWHISTL3 6 месяцев назад
@nordy- 5 месяцев назад
​@@rebellucy6200this is funny because Mexico is the only place in the north America's who's done cloud seeding, especially recently
@Aeronor2001 6 месяцев назад
I'm a fan of geoengineering in theory, but the recent Sci Show video about it gave some great perspective on the risks associated with it. Not just about if it goes wrong, but potential massive diplomatic/ethical issues even if it goes right.
@alexanderstone9463 7 месяцев назад
What many in this comments section are ignoring is that we are rapidly reaching the point of no-return. Extreme measures would be needed for us to avoid this; measures that are not politically realistic even in the most optimistic scenario. Geoengineering is therefore an inevitability, and environmentalists must accept that if they want to have any say over how it is done. Thus they would do better to ensure that geoengineering and carbon sequestration projects are coupled with de-carbonization, rather than lobbying against all of it.
@brawlercaeryck3913 7 месяцев назад
I have zero faith in politicians and conglomerates/corporations being able to 1.) Agree that their is even an issur, and 2.) Enact changes that don't directly profit them or give them more control.
@quickmythril2398 7 месяцев назад
1.) there isn't. 2.) they won't.
@b_uppy 7 месяцев назад
We could mitigate much of the harm of excess atmospheric carbon by changing farming,. This also means changing our buying habits to force big companies to change how and what food is grown. Eating foods from biome appropriate, polycultured, alley-cropped (because alley-cropping makes better use of soil depth, sunlight, minerals, etc, and it mimics the most productive places on earth, savannas), food and biomass-producing (livestock feed, etc) perennials and grasses alternating with interplanted trees, vines, and shrubs. This reduces chances of crop failures due to droughts, heat waves and flooding, builds soil, increases nutrition, localized food, and builds resiliency. It sequesters a lot of carbon for free while also helps reduce grid strain from pumping water. It helps aquifers to recharge, relies on natural pest control, increases diversity of food available to the world market instead of relying on a fewer food varieties. Instead of managing it with shipped-in inputs like petrochemical fertilizers, weed killers, pesticides, dumping culls, burning crop residues, etc, manage it with livestock instead. This mimicks nature. It turns production costs into production profits, while producing even more food in a wildlife friendly way. Animals pastured on diverse plantings and weedy pasture have higher nutritive value than grain fed animals, deepening nutrition for both livestock and the nutrition of their products. Thus is simple, highly effective and much much cheaper than pumping carbon into the ground, as well add usefulness. Carbon sequestered into the soil by plants improves the soil, making it easier for more regreening, as well as increasing water sequestration, reducing the need for irrigation, plowing, and high tech, high cost, low return solutions. Look up Mark Shepard for more detailed information on restoration ag. If we accompany this type of agriculture, called restorative ag (not to be confused with the more general term regenerative ag), with highly localized (onsite) rainwater harvesting through detention ponds, swales, onsite materials, etc we increase the opportunities for food production, regreening, carbon capture, reclamation etc, at very low cost as these can be quite durable when well placed, and well built. India has regions that are implementing this at scale and transforming huge swaths of low production land, while avoiding the need for pumping water. Look up Brad Lancaster's books on Rainwater Harvesting in Drylands and Beyond, latest editions for best info on building water resiliency. Andrew Millison has done a lot of work documenting rainwater harvesting projects in India, they are good videos to watch. The third thing to do is put in a lot more rail especially publicly owned rail (though the companies can remain private). This is will make moderate long distance travel easier, cheaper, increase accessibility, reduce the costs of shipping goods, etc. If you make rail something the rich want to travel on, it will mean better rail service overall. Rail can have definite advantages if it is dense enough. Restroom breaks, internet and napping are train travel plusses. Avoiding slow rush hour driving, air travel anxiety, and TSA lines are all excellent reasons for trains to .e our best future mode of travel. Rail is something we need to push our politicians towards, instead of dubious electric rebates for rich people...
@one_field 6 месяцев назад
@b_uppy 6 месяцев назад
@@one_field Thank you.
@jaymacpherson8167 7 месяцев назад
As Dr. Robinson stated starting at about 5:15 “geoengineering” is too broad of a term. So the question at the end of the presentation “what are your thoughts on Geoengineering?” is an overly simplified question.
@MapacheOculto 7 месяцев назад
Even if we had a magic solution to climate change, it's not the only existential threat to humanity right now. Besides climate change there's biodiversity loss which gets worse with climate change but there a more important causes such as direct destruction of ecosystems, invasive species, pesticides, etc. There's also the microplastic problem which's consequences are not even completely understood yet. Super-bugs and viruses because of animal agriculture. And well you can include the ever-existing threat of nuclear annihilation. The good thing is solving this other problems help solve climate change too!!!
@huldu 7 месяцев назад
The scariest part is the last thing you mentioned. We could be looking at ww3 during our lifetime and that will not be pretty this time around, nukes will be used.
@tracyrobinson9442 7 месяцев назад
Hear! Hear!
@wgoode97 7 месяцев назад
Not to mention PFAS! The stuff is everywhere now and we don't know how to clean it up.
@teleroel 7 месяцев назад
Stop emitting CO2 as much as possible, period. They know it, but it's just about profits. 'Apres nous la deluge'.
@Erikulum 7 месяцев назад
Good news then! Green energy has been more profitable than the alternative in the recent years. Texas is currently the number one green energy producer in the US. Yep, we may not have to science our way out of this clusterfuck after all.
@blender_wiki 7 месяцев назад
Then stop breathing. And also avoid repeating useless phrases that don't mean anything in a context outside BS driven propaganda. Simplifications like "stop emitting CO2" are so dumb in 2023 that it does more damage than the real environmental cause. Phrases like this one are promoted to make more profit not to understand what environment protection is.
@distantmind956 7 месяцев назад
Too late for that to be the only solution. The aerosols already in the atmosphere will cause the world to warm by another 0,5-1℃ once we clean up our emissions. Like it or not, it's geoengineering or collapse at this point.
@Democraticcivilization 7 месяцев назад
rights to emit CO2 = roles in sequestration CO2
@bobm3477 7 месяцев назад
How about SMALL electric vehicles rather than converting our now oversized gas powered ones? Kept away from moisture, biomass will easily store for 60 or more years, actually 100's but that would give time for better ideas.That beats blowing air through filters to remove CO2 and storing it deep underground. There are simple solutions but the economy is far more important. Direct air and geoengineering are there to make money. They will work but at what price and who gains?
@AvangionQ 7 месяцев назад
The trend line leads to global meltdown. We're going to see a rapid escalation in the number and severity of extreme weather events. The American southwest is already seeing dry heatwaves leading to droughts, wildfires, changes to planting regions, states in conflicts over water and electricity, possible abandoning of desert cities. The American east & gulf coast will see intensified hurricanes, changing rain and tornado patterns, flooding, tropical disease spread and deadly wet bulb temperatures. The famines, wars over water, uninhabitable earth, climate refugee crises and biodiversity crash that global meltdown is affecting in much of the rest of the world will come here as well. These problems are only going to get worse as climate meltdown accelerates. If sufficient action isn't taken now to bring atmospheric carbon dioxide from 420 parts per million to 350 parts per million, the primary cause of global warming, and I mean the kind we're not even considering, it's out of humanity's hands by 2027.
@RevShifty 7 месяцев назад
And once global albedo starts really changing, the problems are going to become even worse almost overnight.
@FelipeKana1 7 месяцев назад
@DrSmooth2000 7 месяцев назад
Friend you are in the Doom Loop
@DrSmooth2000 7 месяцев назад
I have to make a vid not time effective to triage people singly. The American Desert aka southwest is widely known as a desert. In fact last time it was de-desertifying was the Eemian (PBS has vid on it) 116kya Was +1 over 2020 Temps and trees pushed into west Texas American desert has been drying for most of the last century. And a desert. No one who moved there expected Ozark ecology. Last years monsoon was just above average at 8" There will be droughts. GW causes more aggregate global rain. In NorthAm it will mostly precipitate in winter and summers be hotter. I'd prefer agroforestry as low tech solution since their roots can go further than any annual grain or Table vegetables. Irrigation improvements to be both Israeli point-drip and tractor friendly for 1st world and really cheap for 3rd. California started getting farmers to reverse wells and suck water into aquifer with all the rain they've been. Getting. Ended drought in America's Salad Bowl. 1930s dust bowl and FDR was destroying oranges 🍊 in mass Graves will malnourished kids looked on. Every farmer was producing much as they could to get money in case drought got them next. We had oversupply, as far as capitalism is concerned. Give away oranges to poor then no one buys them... separate convo As is general environmentalism. We'd have not two trees in eyesight of each other if had steam engine but never made sense of coal. Continents be all perennial switch grass or something. Clouds of a few species of birds. If we'd done biodiesel as basis for everything we'd still be overfishing and teak furniture. It's not all one thing. No premier Polar mammal or bird is critically endangered as a taxonomic family. 13/18 🐧 species are solid. Polar 🐻‍❄ is solid for now. 2 types of puffins are Vulnerable. Rest not listed. Beavers are a menace expanding so fast into Arctic little more as the summers grow. No longer need trees; use taiga shrubs. Nothing bad has happened, yet, at least. Adaptation steps to do, yes Fill active minds for for centuries I'm sure. If civilization collapses its due to political choice not Christmas once every four years on the patio.
@ryanpaez 6 месяцев назад
Well let’s not freak out, we can be smart about this and I think we can think of more safer alternatives to lowering emissions
@pn2543 6 месяцев назад
Geoengineering is essential to buy time, while we ramp up nuclear and solar. It is an essential technology we should master and implement whether or not we really need it as it is so cheap and simple to implement, and it would be a critical tool if some other emergency would happen such as a Solar CME event or a sudden methane clathrate eruption. We need some adjustable knobs on our global temperature, it is an inevitable stage on the way to being a truly advanced civilisation, as the 50s golden age scifi authors envisioned.
@0HARE 7 месяцев назад
All of it. We need all these technological ideas to be put to use.
@jamesdavis8532 7 месяцев назад
The cover art for this video looks like it was conceived from a fanboy of the SPACEBALLS movie! LOL❤❤❤
@ogcaveman8120 7 месяцев назад
Carbon Capture has to be done directly where the CO2 is produced not somewhere in the desert or whatever
@johnnyearp52 6 месяцев назад
Doesn't seem like it would do much to stop climate change even next to where it was produced.
@0HARE 7 месяцев назад
We can do this!
@study12636 7 месяцев назад
More about geo engineering
@nickmcconnell1291 7 месяцев назад
The answer is to stop burning things! Also to implement massive govt programs (not just offer incentives) to have the govts make and give away solar panels, along with developing the supply chains needed to do so. Thegovts need to declare a State of Emergency and use imminent domain and take over private businesses to make this happen. Govt loans or grants to install solar in private homes and the converting of all homes to use electric heat pumps. Overall this would be much cheaper to implement than to finance multiple bandaid solutions to remove CO2 from the atmosphere all the while continuing to belch out carbon from fossil fuels. Sure we also need to remove CO2 from the atmosphere if possible BUT putting as much of a full stop on emissions as is possible is priority number 1.
@mathystheart 7 месяцев назад
How are you going to mine the minerals for the solar panels without fossil fuel?
@nickmcconnell1291 7 месяцев назад
@@mathystheart There is full size mining equipment that use only electric motors including the massive dump trucks. Most people don't know that most underground mining equipment is already using electric induction motors as it removes the problem of exhaust and lessens issues with hot engines causing vapor ignition. But even if some fossil fuel is used to do the mining, as the end solar goes online there will be a corresponding reduction in fossil fuel burns in power plants that will offset that used to do the mining. Eventually the fossil fuels will be completely replaced as everything becomes electric using the solar as the source. Overall this will result in less fossil fuel burning quicker and will ultimately end most of it for good in the power generation industry.
@mathystheart 7 месяцев назад
@@nickmcconnell1291 I stand corrected.
@nickmcconnell1291 7 месяцев назад
@@mathystheart Nothing to correct... you had an intelligent and legitimate concern. 🙂
@infinitemonkey917 7 месяцев назад
"Thegovts need to declare a State of Emergency and use imminent domain and take over private businesses to make this happen." That's comical. The gov uses imminent domain to secure land for pipe lines to transport fossil fuels. By private businesses you must mean oil and gas companies. That ain't gonna happen when the companies own most politicians. Oh yea, the US military has a larger C02 footprint than most countries. Good luck convincing them to scale it back. Entertaining idea though, even if it is totalitarian.
@davefreeman6928 7 месяцев назад
You could have the miracle solution to the climate disaster on a silver platter, but if the majority of people are dull, unaware, and controlled, you may never find the support needed to implement it.
@PigeonHoot 7 месяцев назад
We had it 50 years ago, nuclear power plants did it then and could help now
@dphuntsman 7 месяцев назад
@@PigeonHootCareful. As an engineer who is pro-advanced nuclear power, there is no panacea. For example, nukes in Europe- which, after all, have to be cooled- regularly have to be throttled back, because the river water used to cool them is too damn warm - Dave Huntsman
@PigeonHoot 7 месяцев назад
@@dphuntsman interesting, then i guess large scale reactors are not the way to go then?
@dphuntsman 7 месяцев назад
@@PigeonHoot They are all still heat engines- unfortunately. With MOST of the energy lost as heat- not even converted to electricity. As as heat engines still ends up adding to the warming of the planet. More appropriate tech solution long-term is something like space-based solar power, collected in orbit and beamed to the ground- most of the heat/inefficiencies remain in space.
@PigeonHoot 7 месяцев назад
@@dphuntsman i mean its the same problem with fusion but considering the nuclear reactor we orbit is out over heating us already could we not try? Yeah you said it yourself we can throttle them to control the temps, or are you saying the water that's used itself is the issue? Couldn't we use it as a stopgap in curving the greenhouse gas production and pollution caused by it?
@d4n13lsd 7 месяцев назад
Geoengineering captures the faith in 'technical' solutions, but the nature of the problem demands an ethical response. We must guide the technical by the ethical aspect. But IF we think that our relation with the Planet doesn't need to change and we can solve this mess by virtue of technical skills... Well, we're not going to far.
@Pottery4Life 7 месяцев назад
@PBSTerra Please get content like* this to the K - 12 crowd for the next 20 years or else in 20 years we will be in the exact same spot.
@quickmythril2398 7 месяцев назад
that's funny because people were saying the same thing 20 years ago, and we're in the same spot: endlessly "on the verge" of impending crisis that never seems to arrive...
@RevShifty 7 месяцев назад
@@quickmythril2398 It's only not happening if you haven't paid any attention at all for the last few decades. As every objective measurement has shown for literal decades already. You not having a clue doesn't actually change reality in the slightest. I absolutely love you sideshow clowns and your adorable delusions.
@Pottery4Life 7 месяцев назад
@@quickmythril2398 ...is arriving the data shows. The point of the post is that it is a never ending task of having to convince (teach) adults (the masses) enough basic science to the degree that they can look at climate data and be in agreement with what is necessary to do. Let's stop that.
@quickmythril2398 7 месяцев назад
@@Pottery4Life yes sure make up a crisism then blame the consumers right? it's not at all the corporations who are responsible for the actual mass destruction of the environment, let's blame normal people for exhaling too much... if you don't see that YOU are the carbon they want to reduce, then you are missing the bigger picture.
@monicareid8858 7 месяцев назад
How about a TREE TAX? For every plot of land owned, trees MUST be planted and or present-lest a tree tax be charged. Farming might have exemptions, but can get tree tax breaks if they add trees to their farmland somewhere. Having X # square feet requires X# of trees-whether full grown or newly planted. If someone has vast fields of treeless land, they must add trees to it. Factories and buildings must plant trees ON their land, parking lots and/or buildings or IN their buildings-lest they pay a TREE TAX. Homeowners can no longer have vast lawns with no trees. A percentage of native species must be planted, and remove invasive species like Japanese Knotweed, asiain honeysuckle, multiflora rose, bamboo and clematis.
@bheanfhiain218 7 месяцев назад
That doesn’t work in a lot of places…scrublands, grasslands, deserts. Tree planting isn’t a catch-all. And a forest vs plantation have different amounts of carbon capture
@tracyrobinson9442 7 месяцев назад
If they filter the sun, how are we to grow nutritious food? Get precious Vit D ? What if it's too cold after? Some animals use the sun to help them remove parasites. I just don't know if it's going to be helpful for the whole.
@RevShifty 7 месяцев назад
It's an attempt to stop global albedo change before it's too late. It's already happening, already having a detrimental effect on all sorts of crops, animals, even insects and fungi. If we don't do something about the increase of light (and therefore heat) in our atmosphere, global albedo will keep changing. Once it hits a tipping point, the worst effects of global climate change with increase almost overnight, get worse exponentially faster, and we'll be even less prepared for it than we already are.
@AmonTheWitch 7 месяцев назад
there's a limited amount of sunlight anything can absorb, it would do as much as a few tiny clouds in the sky
@DrSmooth2000 7 месяцев назад
​@@AmonTheWitchhardly worth doing then There's a true finite Command Economy sense where we run out of Sulfur from coal plants. We can order them to burn more so we get more precious Sulfur. There must be masses of it backlogged. Few crops need acidic fertilizer. Makes inferior construction paneling to mined gypsum. It was almost worthless til now. We can dim 10% to start if you'd like that. Is it 1978, 1880, 1750 or 17,000BC climate you wish? 2 miles of ice over Philadelphia will take time but we can start your order
@distantmind956 7 месяцев назад
We only need to reduce rolar radiation by around 1% to get back to pre-industrial temperatures, which could be acieved by injecting just 5% of the sulphur that has been cleaned out of coal and shipping emissions into the stratosphere. It will last longer (a couple years) before having to be replaced, and cause considerably less health issues and acid rain than the unintentional emissions ever did. % reduction will have very little effect on plants and solar power. The added cooling will also be beneficial since solar panels are more efficient when cool, and photosynthesis is more efficient when the plants are not on fire.
@rueburch2856 7 месяцев назад
Colonizers brought mongoose to Hawai'i and cane toads to Australia, with devastating results. Geoengineering likely will just be a more technological version of that since it's based on the same tendencies and motivations.
@jessl1934 6 месяцев назад
It's not some abstract "motivations" that caused these ecological disasters. This is bizarre, idealistic thinking.
@VeteranVandal 7 месяцев назад
Soon to be our only reasonable choice, outside of ending capitalism.
@markmuller7962 7 месяцев назад
We need both carbon emissions reduction and carbon trapping because it's an emergency
@davidmccarthy6061 7 месяцев назад
It isn't an emergency until it effects the rich and powerful. Then there will be actions that mostly just help them.
@thefallenone7988 Месяц назад
So what we like it cleaned up and we like the energy. We subsidize wind solar and alternative energy all the time anyways. 😮
@Apollyon1325 7 месяцев назад
Some good ideas but without slowing emissions we're throwing a bandaid on an infected wound.
@sirensynapse5603 7 месяцев назад
sUre, dO thAt sO I cAN keeP dRIvInG My SUV tO tHe GolF CoURse
@Baraka_Obama_ 5 месяцев назад
GeoEngineering/cloud seeding caused San Diego to get flooded Monday thank you government!
@ilcugginocanadese 7 месяцев назад
Sounds like a great idea. With the best of intentions. What could possibly go wrong? 🙄
@HeathenHammer8 7 месяцев назад
Hey... so I agree with what you are going for here in this video, but if you want to convince people don't use a science fiction novelist as contributor (or pick almost any other title). You could be speaking 100% truth, however, if you are backing that truth up with a "well known conspiracy theorist" (as an example) then it is hard to take you seriously. A bad move to decrease the public trust for the Public Broadcasting Service.
@Lance-lightning 6 месяцев назад
There is enough Co2 in the atmosphere now that even if we completely stopped this minute , it would last something like 100 years. The governments around the world should have forced oil companies long ago to develop the technology to clean up the mess they created instead of taxing the helpless consumers who really don't get any choice. Another problem is the methane that is being released due to thawing. It is a much more potent green house gas and will cause a much faster rise in global temperature.
@jeanmichel4630 7 месяцев назад
Sil faut construire des mines et utiliser des produit chimique pour venir a bout du rechaufement c’est peine perdu, il faut reduire et cest facile. Sinon on remplace un probleme par un autre… il ny a pas que le rechaufememt il y a aussi la polution
@DrSmooth2000 7 месяцев назад
Bit behind affairs. Sulfur is waste product of coal burning. We can buy it with no mining. 2 Pollution, air pollution anyway I'd good for climate. You don't know what you're saying if argue that. Reduced smog since 70s causes more hurricane than higher temperatures Sun pounding on water is more important We for sure would have hit 1.5 were it not for the Canadians and their proclivity for fires. (Half every year are manmade. Not intentional or intentional for a structure... I can't read minds just quote statistics Bon joure
@samtef8703 6 месяцев назад
@jaylodewijckx2898 7 месяцев назад
i feel like we are destroying the ocians ecosysthem and we dont even now how it works
@cheweperro 7 месяцев назад
What does Geo engineering to for biodiversity loss? For ocean acidification? For chemical pollution? Nothing.
@distantmind956 7 месяцев назад
It doesn't solve everything, but the biggest problems we face today are rooted in the increase in temperatures. Climate change effects will piledrive our economies to the point where decarbonization just doesn't happen. Climate cooling methods like solar geoengineering can buy us time to get things under control and change our ways, but none of the problems you listed will be fixed if we don't do it. We're gradually realizing just how badly we've shat the bed, and we need these solutions despite the side effects, since the side effects of not doing it is so much worse.
@cheweperro 7 месяцев назад
​@@distantmind956I was more along the lines of, this deals with only a few of the symptoms. How about we deal with the causes? Energy and material overshoot That won't happen and dealing with only some of the symptoms won't change the outcome. In fact, this is one of the things which will probably make it worse. It'll be sold as "the solution" but in reality it's so we keep business as usual
@distantmind956 7 месяцев назад
@@cheweperro Haven't seen anyone proposing it as 'the' solution yet. But let's say hypothetically that if you were terminally ill, and the illness would take time to cure, and there's a medicine that can keep you alive until the illness can be cured. The medicine itself will not contribute to curing the illness, and carries unpredictable side effects. But since the alternative is certain death. Wouldn't you be willing to make that gamble? Shouldn't this medicine at least be a 'part' of the solution, as a package deal, like how they use chemotherapy to kill cancer. Nobody 'likes' chemotherapy, but it's either that or death. A lot of people are waking up to the climate crisis these days, and due to el nino, there's gonna be a heck of a lot more of that next year, and nowards. We won't be able to geoengineer the climate at scale for a few years, and by the time we've begun, there's gonna be a huge amount of people pushing for actual change in our system. I admit, it's possible I am too optimistic here, but you have to believe in a better tomorrow in order to put in the effort to make it so. And right now I'm unable to see another option than doing geoengineering if we want to have any kind of future.
@hans-uelijohner8943 4 месяца назад
Why did you change your Name?
@125conman 7 месяцев назад
Save the planet so i can snow ski more often. My local ski resort is opening later and later each season :((((
@acutechicken5798 7 месяцев назад
@michaellanoue9156 7 месяцев назад
Best guess is that geo engineering the planet and the long term effects may be as unsuccessful as the army corp of engineers trying to “tame” the Mississippi River. It’s probably an all of the above answer. But if the party of drill, drill, drill wins next year you can kiss all your hopes and dreams of an eventual return to carbon neutral goodbye.
@jessl1934 6 месяцев назад
Joe Biden's administration issued 6,430 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first two years, outpacing the Trump administration’s 6,172 drilling-permit approvals in its first two years. You say that if the party of "drill, drill, drill" gets elected next year we are all doomed but I'm having trouble figuring out which party you're referring to here. Would you mind clarifying the point?
@michaellanoue9156 6 месяцев назад
@@jessl1934 I’m just quoting trump. It’s what he said he’d do as dictator for a day. Regarding numbers of permits: it’s not just the number but the location of those permits.
@jessl1934 6 месяцев назад
@@michaellanoue9156 And Biden is planning to sell up to three oil and gas leases which is going to increase oil and gas production by the US over the coming years. Even without those additional leases, oil production in the US is predicted to reach record heights at an estimated 13.1 million barrels per day by 2024. Trump would tell you that he has never committed a crime and that he's one of the most intelligent and successful people to have ever lived. Do you really put so much stock in his words that you'd take it more seriously than real-world actions? I'll ask you again, which is the party of "drill, drill, drill" because, as cute as it is that you take Trump at his word and think that he's an honest and reputable person, it still isn't clear which party you're referring to here.
@Baraka_Obama_ 5 месяцев назад
No one talked about Climate change during the Pandemic...now its an issue 😂
@FelipeKana1 7 месяцев назад
Sorry guys, but a bad bad video. You guys actually glossed over the HUGE problem that geoengineering, in most of its forms, can represent. It can make climate change looks like childs play. It can bring big and small wars over some simple aerosol releases. And don't get me starting with the mad idea to start something that needs to be upkept every month/year (like nuke plants) to them have the fund stop because of a magabrain getting in power or something.
@DrSmooth2000 7 месяцев назад
Suppose can call methane 'toxic' though I'd probably tone it down to hazardous or noxious CO2 is effectively as inert as Nitrogen. We evolved to be bathed in CO2. Plants bodies are made of Carbon and Nitrogen and we eat those and thus Carbon and Nitrogen ourselves (N is protein) You can't call CO2 toxic. What then are toxic GHG?? Water vapor? FFCs the rellacemrn of CFC propellant? Only be issue in chemical processing industrial plant. Never find it concentrated enough to be toxic
@RevShifty 7 месяцев назад
Yes you can absolutely call CO2 toxic. Safe levels are comparatively small, and we're already approaching levels where it'll eventually start collecting in the ocean and poisoning fish. It's also obviously toxic to people and plants in high enough concentrations, and that's extremely well known, so I'm really not sure why you're pretending we're supposed to be bathed in it.
@rattle-can-resto5893 7 месяцев назад
You can try to give the children hope but I think they understand that there is none, sorry people, greed, won and destroyed our planet.
@dphuntsman 7 месяцев назад
“Never give up, Never surrender….” !!
@Someaddress555s 7 месяцев назад
Humans won't change, so risky all or nothing solutions is all we have left.
@anthonyrussano 7 месяцев назад
"only a Sith deals in absolutes,"
@Someaddress555s 7 месяцев назад
@@anthonyrussano please finish school so you can understand that Star Wars is a fictional movie, not reality.
@AmonTheWitch 7 месяцев назад
​@@anthonyrussano liberals when we get genocided "this is literally just like harry potter woah"
@Someaddress555s 7 месяцев назад
@@AmonTheWitch 🤣
@user-cy1pu9tf1v 2 месяца назад
Jet planes contribute almost half of carbon emissions
@distantmind956 7 месяцев назад
Geoengineering is inevitable now. It's quite disgusting, but I prefer to view it in a 'Glass half full' kinda way, that despite our tremendous f*ckups, we can still have a future on a habitable planet. Fortunately geoengineering is quite cheap, so I'm personally not that scared of the fossil fuels industry having monopoly on it and keeping us 'hostage' essentially.
@THEOneAndOnlyDOCTORofHUMANICS 7 месяцев назад
I just did a vlog to respond to this, it is about to be loaded onto my own RU-vid Channel and it discusses the forms of mental illnesses that affect MAJORITIES. To a person with my own expertise into the "human-condition," and also into the Earth System Sciences, I actually know what "The Anthropocene" means!!! This video of yours, to me, a TRULY self-actualized "Homo sapien," sounds like asking cancer-cells to be part of the treatment-team. The cancer-cells would say, instead of having less of us, let's bring more healthy (non-cancer) cells into the system instead! At this point, the cancer-cells make-up 99.9999% of the system's cells, so they certainly ALL agree that this sounds like THE most brilliant and revolutionary Super-Metastaticizing idea of the ages and that it should be done!!! You silly, SILLY, "Homo communia!" :( Professor-Marty.
@LupinoArts 7 месяцев назад
Funny: We struggle to cope with the effects a tiny molecule we pumped into the atmosphere has on the climate, but think we could control that very same system with technology that is, at best, in its infancy. Sure...
@dphuntsman 7 месяцев назад
Caution is urged; but not cynicism. History shows that problems caused by inappropriate use of technology are generally only resolved by intelligent use of even more advanced technology. - Dave Huntsman
@RevShifty 7 месяцев назад
Well, only because we collectively refuse to stop using fossil fuels, cutting down forests, polluting the oceans, or building giant things. If we had done that ~40 years ago when we first learned all this, we'd be having a very different conversation at this point. On the other hand, modular algae farms can suck 50x more carbon out of the air than a tree can, and it doesn't take decades to grow enough to have that effect. We could be doing much simpler things that could have a larger impact, but people are collectively pretty stupid and many can't stand the slightest inconvenience.
@LupinoArts 7 месяцев назад
@@dphuntsman which begs the question if that advanced techology was necessary if the lesser-advanced technology would have been used more wisely or not at all... But in a world where quick profit is paramount, caution is merely a cost factor. How can you not be cynical about all that?
@alexandracarrico1765 7 месяцев назад
No to this method
@juandrod8 4 месяца назад
However we decide to move forward, we have to do it quickly? Is that really the moral of your video? This is not for the sake of taking actions; this is an emergency on so many different areas of the web of life, that we can't be distracted by doing whatever comes to your mind as long as we do it quick.
@dologongpoloponobonotongpo235 7 месяцев назад
wonder why equity is even mentioned in this? Remember the issue is never the issue. its always about the revolution
@dasstigma 7 месяцев назад
Yea, let's play god. What could go wrong?
@jessl1934 6 месяцев назад
I bet you aren't singing the same tune when you're admitted to the emergency department
@dasstigma 6 месяцев назад
@@jessl1934 🤦‍♂
@jessl1934 6 месяцев назад
@@dasstigma Communication: "Give me the most cutting edge technology!!" Healthcare: "Intervene to save my life. Heck, intervene if it's just going to make me feel slightly more comfortable!!" Climate: "Whoa there, slow down now! We shouldn't go against what God intended..."
@manifestationnation 7 месяцев назад
I love how everyone in the comments knows the REAL truth. lol shut up. that's why you're leaving comments and not actually doing anything.
@boathemian7694 7 месяцев назад
@UATU. 7 месяцев назад
I heard General Disarray tell Professor Chaos that the Simpsons already did it.
@mascadadelpantion8018 7 месяцев назад
Let's just hurry up and get to the mad. Max distopian future where we're all dressed at cool looking blapocalypse. Gear driving dune buggies
@Svid1701D 7 месяцев назад
We can't technology our way out of this mess. The only solution is reducing the human population.
@Darkmattermonkey77 7 месяцев назад
Government motto: “There’s no problem we can’t spend our way out of!” = higher taxes.
@samuele9922 7 месяцев назад
What about making a huge machine that rotates the earth's axis from 23.5° to 22°? This would cause summer to be cooler and ice in glaciers would fix over time, of course, the energy required is huge (something like 10^19 joules) and we don't know exactly the consequences, the fact is that in a situation like GW, we should consider every possibility in its risk and benefits, maybe there's one option which would be good for us.
@samanthanewport6709 7 месяцев назад
Horrifyingly, I can't tell if this is sarcasm
@DrSmooth2000 7 месяцев назад
​@@samanthanewport6709barely known theory has lunar volcanism 34my made earth a ringed planet (lunar ejects even from far side would fall into our orbit) Opposite orientation to our sarcastic friend In the start of cooling terminating in our ice age... the Summers were normal-standard say +8C over 1880. However winters collapsed as cold as today... doesn't get much colder than today. Elegance of theory is ring decayed into meteorites long before Sapiens could depict. No proof. Confirming geologic activity on the moon now would then include possibility 34mya. Ringed planet is sexy and maybe worth freezing planet just to see it
@jessl1934 6 месяцев назад
Maybe if we got everyone in the world to jump at the same time we would be able to shift the earth's axis
@infernoking7504 7 месяцев назад
Make more nuclear power plants or the fission reactor get those working lots of power with barely any emissions other than everything it takes to make it.
@dphuntsman 7 месяцев назад
I’m giving you a Thumbs Down- even tho I’m a proponent of advanced nuclear- because nothing is a panacea. Nuclear plants in Europe often have to be throttled back or even shut down because the river water they are cooled with is too warm, OK? - Dave Huntsman
@infernoking7504 7 месяцев назад
@@dphuntsman Have they ever heard of chilling the water ik it takes power but means the reactor can still work.
@quickmythril2398 7 месяцев назад
@@dphuntsman well, i'm so glad we have you here in the comments showing us which ones are approved and which are not, lmao
@graphixkillzzz 7 месяцев назад
if this is considered a viable solution for combating climate change, then my idea of building kilometer diameter concrete islands to combat the lack of livable land doesn't seem so farfetched anymore 🤔🤷
@RealMTBAddict 7 месяцев назад
Huh? There's plenty of livable land all around the world. And the sea level isn't rising. If it was the Statue of Liberty would show signs of sinking. But it's not.
@SSNewberry 7 месяцев назад
No, it will not. How much money are you being bribed to say this? It is not enough. There is no alternative to Earth at the present time. Get used to the idea that everything has to be a battery.
@rodox_sk8 7 месяцев назад
Fart loud?
@garypennel5171 7 месяцев назад
@drain_001 7 месяцев назад
Deceptive thumbnail.
@anthonyrussano 7 месяцев назад
@RevShifty 7 месяцев назад
You're d-e-l-u-s-i-o-n-a-l.
@AmonTheWitch 7 месяцев назад
I'm sure your sources that are propped up by oil lobbyists aren't lying about something that could harm their profits
@RealMTBAddict 7 месяцев назад
FYI: the sea levels don't rise when ice melts. Try it yourself at home with a glass of water and and ice cube. That's 4th grade science. Why isn't the Statue of Liberty sinking? Because the seas aren't rising.
@johndemeritt3460 7 месяцев назад
You've missed the point entirely. If we were just talking about a few icebergs here and there, there'd be nothing to talk about. When we're talking about the entire ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica that's another thing entirely. The reason is that those ice sheets AREN'T currently in the water. As they melt and that water heats up beyone 4 degrees centigrade, the water expands. And there's a TREMENDOUS amount of water locked up in those ice sheets. So why hasn't the Statue of Liberty sunk already? Because it takes a pretty long time for those ice sheets to melt completely. But the process takes on its own momentum once it's been started. And the process is well underway. Live near the coast? I hope you like swimming . . . .
@JoshJones-37334 7 месяцев назад
It IS sinking (relative to sea level) and your science experiment is flawed. Sea water has salinity. Fresh water is more dense than sea water. So, when floating ice melts and becomes liquid, it takes up more volume than the seawater it displaced when it was ice, raising sea level. This has about 3% the effect of grounded ice-melt and raises sea level.
@RevShifty 7 месяцев назад
There's a difference between sea ice and land ice. Melting land ice will absolutely cause the sea level to rise, as they already *clearly* have been for years.
@nordy- 5 месяцев назад
You do realize the majority of sea rise will come from the water *expanding* from increased temperatures? Like if you put a lid on boiling water it'll rise up.
@infernoking7504 7 месяцев назад
Have you ever heard of just letting the planet do its thing like its done for millions of years???
@Linkous12 7 месяцев назад
It's trying to. But we're getting in it's way.
@screamcheeese7175 7 месяцев назад
Before the industrial revolution, this wasn’t much of an issue for the flora. They just did their thing like they always did. But now, there’s way more carbon dioxide than all the plants can keep up with. The only way to let the planet “do its thing” is to either come up with solutions to help tackle the extra carbon and help out the plants…or we eradicate humans. And I don’t think a majority of people would go for the second option. Though if we don’t do anything, then I suppose the planet would just do its thing anyway by making this place so uninhabitable for humans that we go extinct. Eventually, the planet would bounce back, but we most likely wouldn’t, and it would be a new era of a new dominating species.
@RealMTBAddict 7 месяцев назад
​@@Linkous12Its way*
@CardiologyGuy 7 месяцев назад
Tell me you've never looked at a climate graph without telling me you've never looked at a climate graph
@infernoking7504 7 месяцев назад
@@CardiologyGuy I don't need a climate graph to know the weather is changing.
@RealMTBAddict 7 месяцев назад
Ahh yes more propaganda. Wouldn't expect anything less from PBS.
@RevShifty 7 месяцев назад
I love you morons. Always accidentally hilarious and too stupid to understand why.
@dphuntsman 7 месяцев назад
Thumbs Down. Turn. Off. The. Fox.
@RevShifty 7 месяцев назад
@@dphuntsman Seriously. The only good thing about that sideshow network is that its fans always reveal themselves quickly. It's like they're all deathly allergic to objective reality.
@dhaag 7 месяцев назад
I for one am glad that they had the guts to call it like it is. The big US oil companies are doubling down on fossil fuels and their ads imply they're trying to be "green".
@RealMTBAddict 5 месяцев назад
@@dphuntsman Secure the border first.
@mattmccallum2007 7 месяцев назад
Direct air capture is the biggest scam I’ve ever seen
@user-od2bb2if9u 7 месяцев назад
As Dr. Robinson stated starting at about 5:15 “geoengineering” is too broad of a term. So the question at the end of the presentation “what are your thoughts on Geoengineering?” is an overly simplified question.
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