PBS Terra
PBS Terra
PBS Terra
PBS Terra is the home of science and nature shows from PBS Digital Studios. Subscribe to explore the frontiers of science and tech, our minds and bodies, our planet (and beyond)!

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Weathered: Science Communicator Maiya May investigates why we have more extreme weather and natural disasters than ever before and teaches you how to prepare.

Far Out: Futurist Sinéad Bovell looks at the future of life on Earth from every angle-from de-extinction to the future of dating, fertility, transportation, and so much more.

Untold Earth: In collaboration with Atlas Obscura and NATURE, Untold Earth unpacks the stories behind North America’s strangest, most unique natural wonders.

Hungry Planet: Join host and plant geneticist Niba Audrey Nirmal as she explores how state-of-the-art science is allowing people, families, communities, and industries to carry forth the tradition of food and culture.
How Ants Make Our Cities Healthier
Месяц назад
Carbon Offsets Don't Work. Here's Why
2 месяца назад
Why Bumble Bees Are the Fuzzy Heroes We Need
2 месяца назад
Why It's Time to Stop Saving the Planet*
2 месяца назад
How An Ancient Ocean Shaped US History
4 месяца назад
@sonic-bb 19 часов назад
How are you supposed to change peoples mind, when the 2 most commonly seen by people, you still called them pests and said they cause asthma
@windsongshf 19 часов назад
Science communicator? Never heard of that. Is that another word for pretty girl with nice voice reads script about science?
@Demetrenos 19 часов назад
It was Winter and we had a clear sky. Then it got clouded and within a few hours the temperatures went up by ten degrees Celsius. We all died because the temperature went from minus 15 to minus 5. 5000 years ago Siberia was 2-7 degrees Celsius warmer. This led to an extinction of the Siberian ice man.
@youbewb5581 19 часов назад
WOAH. "The rising tide might be eroding communities of color around the world." What in the-... What does that have to do with-..... Wait lemme keep watching first before I go all anti woke
@Tica5012 20 часов назад
We’ve already extended our lifespan and improved our quality of health. What a blessing it is to be living in these times. I say we keep pushing the envelope! Perhaps 100 will be the new 70!
@AnthonyDuran 20 часов назад
@LastOne155 22 часа назад
Hahahaha no wonder I was watching this and thinking it was a little light on science. It is actually just more black panhandling. Oh well
@PLandPProductions 22 часа назад
Tornado alley is more about the topography than the climate conditions. I agree with your assessment of the shifting climate conditions. But tornado alley will always be closer to the midwest because it is so flat. The powerful tornados get bred on the flat ground. Hills break them up. I live in atlanta, and the whole city is almost constant up and down hills especially to the north side around the river. The hills always felt like tornado insurance to me. It breaks them up. I have heard about some mean tornados toward the south like macon in recent years (where it is much flatter than atlanta) which to me is unusual. However i don't have all the data to make a good judgement if it is. In the last 30 years we have had two tornados in Atlanta i am aware of. Both were weak and short lived. Again, the hills break them up. The flat areas are like incubators for the tornados. But then there has to be the severe weather/climate conditions also. The climate has been really mild overall here in atlanta in about the last decade. There has been some crazy stuff in the 1990s and early 2000s to about 2014. I believe this lull is the calm before the storm. I believe there is some bigger excitement ahead!
@TornadoCatcher 22 часа назад
No it didn't, it has expanded, not moved.
@MrPhillip2 23 часа назад
Vote Republican and this hoax will go away. Who do you trust, politicians or scientists?
@iamfromthegov 23 часа назад
23 states now have in place an active cloud seeding and weather altering programs 500,000 lbs of chemical have been spread in the atmosphere time for you to do research
@TheKayaklover День назад
SICKENING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Off-Grid День назад
To little too late unfortunately. Go 100% green tomorrow and the things will still get worse for decades to come. We still need to do it but we need to realize we're screwed and MUST change and quit just talking about it and letting greed take over.
@3dstaco День назад
And nothing did or will get done about it. RIP
@AnthonyDuran День назад
As an Arizonan, quit moving to Arizona!!!!
@ayooooo7118 День назад
Amber rose 😂
@markmilitant День назад
Florida y’all next 👀
@unigaming9921 День назад
Many people defend companies by saying that consumers validate these behaviors by buying from them. This is more outrageous than implying that everyone should read every TOS. Who has time in a lifetime to research the environmentalism of every company, especially when you then have to account for the companies that sell only to other companies (like mining companies or shipping companies)
@bigsmiler5101 День назад
This helps me know I'm not so crazy after all. I grew up at the edge of where the last Ice Age ice sheet ended. I went on to become a scientist and have always seen possible "Stuff" where no one else did. I believe there is a modern-day cause/effect from that Ice Age. I could never get anyone to take me seriously... or, more so, anyone to Care. My best way of presenting my theory was by putting it into the background of a modern-day mystery novel. Science is freaking fascinating!!!
@jpbaley2016 День назад
To be specific, it is Bacillus cereus and causes two forms of food poisoning. 1) Intoxication - as Bacillus cereus grows (one of the fastest growing pathogens) it secretes enterotoxins that when it reaches a certain levels, causes GI distress - nausea and vomiting within 30 min of ingestion. It’s self-limiting with most symptoms gone within 24-48 hrs. The toxin survives cooking so it can’t be cooked out. The microbe is a spore former and cooking may destroy the living cell but the spores survive and germinate and begin to grow creating the toxins. It’s a hardy bug that grows at temperatures up to 130 deg F and some subspecies grows down to 39 deg F. B. cereus grows very well and very quickly in rice, which is why food people in the know tell you to refrigerate your rice promptly and throw it out if not used in 3 days. 2) It can also cause an infection, which may take a few days to show symptoms of fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Epidemiologists can identify certain food-borne illnesses by the rapidity of symptoms, the type of symptoms, and how long they last. Stool samples from patients are taken to confirm and are either plated on agar plates (preferably if an outbreak is suspected) or petrifilm for a quick ID that doesn’t help in identifying specific markers to identify an outbreak and its source.
@darksoul479 День назад
I live in Northern Wisconsin. It looks like I'm in the right place.
@JesterAzazel День назад
So people are trying to help and they're making it worse? Sounds like the humans we all know and love.
@darthguilder1923 День назад
Counterpoint: The evil Clyde Matt Chang literally walked into my house and melted all my ice
@gfield56 День назад
I find the origin story unlikely, but interesting nonetheless.
@MikeRomano-w2i День назад
Future civilizations are going to be dumbfounded that we used drinking water to keep grass in front of our homes that are purely for aesthetics.
@alexanderx33 День назад
7:20 Is the phrase climate change just a thought stopping cliche for you? No ants eating foodwaste is not inherently better. The best place for it is the sewer (digester fuel that helps to reduce the electrical costs of the plant) But landfills are only slighlty different. Their methane is also used for fuel, just not as frequently. And if its not used as fuel then it is flared to prevent emission as methane. Human processing is on average better since at least some of the energy is recycled for our use. Whereas ants consuming it just increases city-dwelling pest animals foodchain base, which is detrimental both in terms of supporting host communities for pathogens and expense for irradication.
@fabioarias4846 День назад
This video is kinda of prophetic hearing about all the heat deaths that are occurring in Middle East and Indian subcontinent this past week.
@RealDeanWinchester День назад
I've wondered what it was like to live in the Soviet Union, I think I'm starting to get it.
@thehighgroundhimself736 День назад
Oh hey a Burmese Python *yoink*
@laienke7046 День назад
Eat more polystyrene ! 😂😂😂
@danielelise7348 День назад
Ugh yeah I'm sure the real-estate agent asks the prospective buyer "tell me is climate change influencing your decision to buy this house"? Whatever 🙄🙄
@nmreadernmreader9345 День назад
What a travesty that so much of the precious CO River water goes to golf courses! If all the golf courses in the US were made to conform to the "new green" rhetoric, many of the ills of man made blamed climate issues would be far less or even wiped out.
@Paulo44.01 День назад
Any resources you'd recommend to find this kind of information to advise home buying?
@RoySATX День назад
Straight up I will say I think the climate has been and is continuing to be adversely affected by human activity, if you disagree just come and visit me in August here in Central Texas. I'll show you pictures of my beautiful tropical garden from 30 years ago, the cactus/xeriscape garden I replaced it with 10 years ago because nothing else would grow there, and currently the barren, cracked ground where that used to be. Temps are rising. That said, why is it that the most vocal climate crises advocates and the wealthiest progressives are flocking to the very places they say are the most threatened to build their multi-million-dollar mansions? Would you build a $10M or $20M mansion on a beach you thought would be knee deep in the ocean in the very near future? Would you buy dozens of acres, hundreds even, of mountain wilderness, cut roads into it and build a pretentious $10M lodge for yourself if you believed fires and droughts were going to soon destroy it? What type of person does this? Not anyone of conviction, no one who can honestly claim any concern for the environment or the climate. Integrity and candor matters, if you have neither then you are probably a wealthy Progressive.
@mk1st День назад
Golf, a nice walk, ruined.
@Vastfill День назад
Seattle / the area around it is relativity safe, it's just that the earthquake that's predicted to happen will wipe us all out. So...take your chances
@frankblangeard8865 День назад
Some States which are currently devastated by flooding (Iowa, Minnesota 6/24/2024) are shown on the map at 5:24 to be safe from climate change.
@DTD5 День назад
If temps are to climb from today's predictions, in Florida, to the adv. of 100°F by 2053... I'll be in my 80s. I do think inland Florida has a smaller risk in flooding. People need to do their homework and timetables to decide on the optimal living conditions for themselves. I'm from IL.... Florida weather and beauty looks great for anyone!!
@orionbennett776 День назад
I currently have a dirt yard. Watering grass is too wasteful living in the SW desert ... but gravel limiting the loose dirt aids in the rising of temps here in Phoenix, in the same manner as cement or asphalt. There is no clear cut alternative, cut down on loose dirt, save water, limit the heat column presented by a lack of trees in an asphalt jungle.
@kendrickjahn1261 День назад
I like how the places that are the riskiest also just happen to be populated by a huge number of climate change deniers.
@XYZ_Vu День назад
Oh goodie - country clubs getting water while future wars are brewing over it. SAD.
@KenGroth-ts6ge День назад
And then these effects will cascade into other effects that make other things get worse faster than we thought
@andi_pasti День назад
The only concern I have is, would we tolerate mega flocks of these birds enough without wanting to get rid of them? Humans already despise pigeons in cities. I am totally in for bringing these species back, especially thylacines, but would get the rights and protection they deserve. Would we care even less about them when we know how to bring them back?
@davewalker9926 День назад
Please keep moving to FL. I have two beachfront homes. I cannot get insurance and I really need to sell these beautiful homes. So pay no attention to all this liberal climate change talk. It's hard to beat the fantastic year-round weather in southern Florida. It's a retirement heaven; a perfect place to live. Jaw-dropping healthcare, the most beautiful golf courses, gorgeous marinas, Michelin star restaurants, a utopia for any and all Americans. MOVE TO FLORIDA!
@terrlaw328 День назад
Damn too many trumpers ! Screw Florida.
@ShawnLH88 День назад
Click here to download vote…this is purely a go,f course maintenance video NOTHING AT ALL to do with the millions of acres of grass I. General that exist in areas where it’s not native Do better pbs
@Physicsrodrigo День назад
Thanks for the info, but you share color with literal cardboard 😂
@D45VR День назад
fat guy in a golf cart.... what else?
@walterbordett2023 День назад
As they say, luck is the confluence of preparation and opportunity. A lot of discoveries are accidental or failures of other intentions. Vulcanization of natural rubber, penicillin, post-it notes, nylon and many more
@snookmeister55 День назад
One would need to be completely unaware not to know about Miami Beach flooding. I'd play dumb too.
@TheDuckofDoom. День назад
Nice trivia but the video production is near unwatchable, 5 minutes of information haphazardly scattered through 16 minutes of nerotic babbling.