
George Will's Libertarian Evolution: Q&A on Obama, Syria, & the Power of Choice 

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"I've lived in Washington now for 44 years, and that's a lot of folly to witness up close," says Washington Post columnist George Will. "Whatever confidence and optimism I felt towards the central government when I got here on January 1, 1970 has pretty much dissipated at the hands of the government."
"In part, I owe my current happiness to Barack Obama," continues the 72-year-old Will, who "so thoroughly concentrates all of the American progressive tradition and the academic culture that goes with it, that he's really put the spring in my step."
Branded "perhaps the most powerful journalist in America" by the Wall Street Journal, Will received the Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 1977 and is the author of numerous books, including Statecraft as Soulcraft: What Government Does, Men at Work: The Craft of Baseball, and One Man's America: The Pleasures and Provocations of our Singular Nation. A regular panelist on ABC's This Week, Will has the distinction of having been attacked in the pages of Doonesbury and praised in an episode of Seinfeld (for his "clean, scrubbed look").
More recently Will has become a champion of libertarianism, both in print and on the air. "America is moving in the libertarians' direction," Will wrote in a 2011 review of The Declaration of Independents, "not because they have won an argument but because government and the sectors it dominates have made themselves ludicrous."
Will sat down with Reason's Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch to discuss his libertarian evolution (2:16), how Sen. John McCain spurred his political transformation (4:07), Ronald Reagan (4:29), the tax code (8:45), why the Republicans are becoming more interesting (19:30), what the government should be spending money on (23:14), war hawks and foreign policy (25:19), the benefits of judicial activism (34:49), gay marriage (37:55), marijuana legalization (39:04), the importance of Barry Goldwater (40:28), Mitt Romney (45:45), the 2016 election (46:37), Medicare (48:52), how Everett Dirksen's untimely death changed his life (50:42), why President Obama makes him happy (52:06), affirmative action (53:07), and his optimism in America's future (57:31).
Approx. 60 minutes long.
Shot by Meredith Bragg and Todd Krainin. Edited by Bragg.
For links, downloadable audio, and more, visit: reason.com/reas...



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@klrdotorg 11 лет назад
This video's a keeper. Excellent interview. I hope Will lives to be 100.
@libstomper4238 10 лет назад
There seems to be a misunderstanding about libertarianism. We simply want to respect & protect personal liberties. How is this bad?
@str8dominican 5 лет назад
It bothers them that they can’t put us in a box. They’re so used to hearing one of a person’s positions and correctly assuming all the other ones. That doesn’t work with libertarians and they hate it.
@Vveljac 10 лет назад
This interview is gold.
@Bsmiley7988 11 лет назад
Fascinatingly fun interview! Mr. Will is knowledgeable and good humored while our interviewers can volley with great questions and points. I bet all involved enjoyed it
@FreeTheAnimal 11 лет назад
Nick and Matt. Wow. Wonderfully constructed, and I'm glad you too have something to do in terms of continuing to be a voice of Reason.
@PilgrimLad 11 лет назад
Does it take two interviewers to keep up with George Will?
@sleedolfine15 11 лет назад
Principled libertarians are already with us. The way a movement achieves victory is by moving people who are not with us in our directions. All victorious movements are composed of a small core of true believers--Albert Jay Nock's remnant if you will,and a larger civilization one hopes to influence. If a person of Will's gifts and influence is taking our beliefs more seriously I am happy to see it as a good omen.
@lordshell 11 лет назад
"If you could tax cognitive dissonance you could balance the budget." Great quote. I'm using that.
@nathankinman7753 3 года назад
You spelled "TAXING" wrong! Lol 😆
@RonAtor 11 лет назад
I truly enjoyed this video. George Will is an awesome American.
@nildeen 11 лет назад
Informative and enjoyable! Thank you Nick, Matt, and the reason team.
@TheBest-ff8zz 11 лет назад
His political insights are priceless, great one by ReasonTV.
@JamesStrock 11 лет назад
brilliant. thank you.
@ScottFerguson7 11 лет назад
Thanks for this, great one!
@JamesStrock 11 лет назад
thanks Scott
@RealityStar9 11 лет назад
George Will and Thomas Sowell are the two most level-headed and brilliant minds in modern day.
@TruthRevoltNews 11 лет назад
Great video and nothing less then what I expect from Reason TV :)
@sylvanpeursum1264 9 лет назад
He doesn't say he's a strict libertarian. He only says that his positions, more and more, are putting him in the camp of libertarianism -at which he seems to be marveling.
@thomaslytle4823 5 лет назад
A man who believes his own lies, and exists in an exclusive strata from birth that prevents the comprehension that he's lying in the first place. No one knows it all, but some pretend they do, and while they're on their way they manage to do a lot of damage. I once believed this gentleman was a clear thinker, but over time he manage to disabuse me of that thought by demonstrating such bright and broad glaring blind spots that they could swallow an ocean of reality that George Will is oblivious to.
@DylanRoth1860 11 лет назад
better than voices in my head, something you clearly know quite a lot about.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
Just think of the sectors of the economy where the government has always been most active trying to make things "more affordable". Thats their catch phrase. But when they try to do that, the prices always skyrocket. Housing, heath care, and education. Where the government leaves things pretty much alone, prices come down. Computers and consumer electronics, household appliances, clothing, food (though ethanol subsidies are countering the trend), adjusted for inflation, the prices have fallen.
@chegadesuade 11 лет назад
I wouldn't forget Mises and Hayek, I was just staying with the mentor/student theme of Friedman to Sowell like Buckley to Will. I do think Friedman did the most to educate the general public's understanding of economics.
@HSR107 11 лет назад
"You must be really dumb" Because THIS is the sort of reception and encouragement everyone who is opening their eyes, using their mind, and coming around to our point of view needs.
@NotUrBiz 11 лет назад
Quite an enjoyable conversation. Thank you!
@MyGarrett1996 9 лет назад
The only part that I saw wrong with this is the fact that he said the ship is slowing down, not sinking. The ship is obviously referring to the planet as a whole, not just the United States. This in turn means that the ship is obviously sinking, because what good is a ship if there is no water?
@MyGarrett1996 9 лет назад
But then again, I could only watch 10 minutes of it
@gatersaw 11 лет назад
0:33:18 "Culture is our operating system." Terrance McKenna
@GrimrDirge 11 лет назад
So do this; reject his wrong arguments, support his right arguments, and embrace him as an intellectual ally.
@richkibble9688 10 лет назад
54:00 "It was a moral gesture with high explosives" lol
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
The real world corporations whose example makes you fear a totally free market are ones that have been built up with government support: government subsidies, protectionist trade barriers, exclusive licenses, heavy regulations that stifle small upstart companies, price controls, central bank lending policies, bailouts, crony capitalism. Without all that, these corporations could only survive by serving the needs of consumers, in which case, what would be the problem?
@xcvsdxvsx 11 лет назад
his voice and the way he speaks sounds exactly like doug casey. its uncanny.
@egrip45 11 лет назад
George Will is at his best in this interview. And Goldwater was Cool .
@samtaylor3115 11 лет назад
The difference between accumulation of capital in the private sector vs the state, is that the private sector doesn't have a military to enforce legalized theft. In a real free market, a corporation has no power over you and it would be much much harder to become a giant corporation, because you wouldn't have your crony friends in government creating barriers to entry/competition in your industry.
@hannahblaze233 10 лет назад
. He is only a elitists for those who don't believe in the American Revolution which he truly believes it. He truly is a son of liberty and the American way
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
Every single example of collusion that did not involve government enforcing the collusive agreement fell apart. It is said that price fixing schemes never lasted longer than it took for the ink to dry. Every party has VERY strong incentives to break the agreement and charge the market rate. Is today's oil market a free market? Strong limits on the building of new refineries, government restrictions on drilling for oil, alcohol mandates, different fuel blend rules in each state, gas tax...
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
If its a competition of who can serve the needs of consumers best, why is this accumulation of property a problem?
@TheScourge007 11 лет назад
I think I'm going to steal the phrase "a moral gesture with high explosives."
@skysiz 11 лет назад
Probably in your head, because you can't imagine how anyone can survive without the government. I immigrated to this country 30 years ago at the age of 24. I only had $2000 in my pocket when I came here. I never used a single government handout. I worked hard and made sensible decisions in my life that brought me to where I am now.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
Its not just hidden information. There is so much information out there, even out in the open, that nobody can assimilate enough to decide if businesses are being properly regulated. Everyone can't know everyone else's business. Just try to read the entire Internet. That would be an impossible job, yet its microscopic compared to the information we would all have to have to properly regulate the economy.
@JonathanG94 11 лет назад
This is exactly what I've been singing of late.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
What do you mean I didn't have a response? I posted numerous comments on the subject. Did you read them? Did I accidentally post them in Latin or Swahili?
@agnewtj 11 лет назад
Wow!!! Outstanding!
@bourgeois4494 Год назад
"I would double the NIH's budget." - George Will That comment did not age well.
@Reasonandfaith 11 лет назад
Nice show
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
Public sector workers make more because their wages come from taxpayers by force so there is no way for the actual value of the services provided (if they are services at all) to be reflected in prices. Their wages are not the result of voluntary exchange, so they do not have anything to do with the real value of the services. Government officials and public unions can collude to raise wages above the market value, thus reducing real wages in the private sector. So, yes, the government did it.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
But in industries where there is little government intervention, or less, real prices have fallen. Check out the work done by Russ Roberts and Don Boudreaux have done on consumer prices using a Sears catalogue from the 60's. Wherever government spends a lot of money, prices increase, reducing real wages. Where the government leaves things lone, prices cme down, raising real wages.
@MikeBushman 11 лет назад
To grow as a society, we should each spend 80 percent of our research time trying to learn why we might be wrong, and only 20 percent searching for evidence that we are right. Unfortunately, Americans most in need of listening to this interview will dismiss it as unworthy of any time before they even listen to and contemplate its contents.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
Yes, from the businessman's perspective, competition looks like a sin. But Rockefeller so was good at it. And nobody has ever actually produced any evidence that consumers were harmed. Yes, other oil businessmen were harmed by the competition. In the process, Rockefeller increased the production of kerosine (and then other petro byproducts), lowered prices, improved quality, and generally served consumers very well. Read "Vindicating Capitalism: The Real History of the Standard Oil Company.
@Tsnore 10 лет назад
Did George Will ever apologize for his Iraq War cheer-leading (Salman Pak lies etc.)? Just wondering...
@besotoxicomusic 11 лет назад
The Federal Reserve is an agency independent of Govt control and has rights not granted to the private sector by our massive regulatory regime. Their structure is very top down with 12 regional banks headed by the biggest people in their respective industries.
@samtaylor3115 11 лет назад
@JonathanG94 11 лет назад
#StandWithRand in 2016. I don't care whether he's a senator or governor. Though I don't mind him getting a governor on his ticket (maybe from New Mexico or Nevada).
@roastbeefdinner 11 лет назад
this is awesome
@skysiz 11 лет назад
Yes, each of us pays for the infrastructure and the wealthy pay more than anyone else. So they do have the right to say "we built it", especially those in manufacturing, construction, energy and raw materials. Besides they could have done an even better job if we had strict property laws and the state did not mess up with our economy. Also, like everyone else, the wealthy pay for using that infrastructure. The state does not let us use it for free.
@mersk100 11 лет назад
The same reason John Locke used to describe our natural rights.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
And anyway, health care spending in all those oter countries is still increasing. The government spends more money, the prices increase. Thats what happens in EVERY country, in EVERY industry where government spend a lot of money, whether it is a universal health care sytem or not. America just spends more, so prices rise more, giving the government more reason to spend even more, in a vicious circle. The same thing is happpening everywhere government pays for health care.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
No, I doubt anyone does. Every serious thinker in economics, no matter how absolutist in their support for laissez-faire, believes businessmen can be good or bad, and need to be kept in check by the market itself, and government fails to do so. In fact, government enables them. WalMart makes RAZOR THIN profits. In the low single digit percentages. It makes goods more affordable for everyone, thus raising REAL wages. If not for welfare like foodstamps, real wages would be even higher.
@marna_li 11 лет назад
The government should not do anything from an economic perspective as it don't do what people want and nor does it do it efficiently. It is almost completely detached from the economic reality and by that I mean the effects of external economic actors (voters). The government rewards itself by taxing the ones it is supposed to serve. It is the opposite of what serving really is as you as a citizen can't fire this "servant".
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
And they get less than we do. American doctors and hospitals perform more angioplastys, mammograms, and other procedures than other countries. But YOU are deflecting. The argument is about real wages. Do you deny that the government is spending massive amounts of money or diverting massive amounts of credit into these sectors? Did you read all my replies? I couldn't limit myself to 500 characters, so I posted multiple replies to your question. Did you read them?
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
About Democratic Alliance: "Rob McKay, a San Francisco-based philanthropist and chairman of the group, said the vast majority of the estimated $500 million distributed so far has gone to help finance such organizations, including the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank; Media Matters for America, which aims to debunk conservative claims; and Catalist, which maintains a voter database used to help campaigns target potential supporters."
@Larkinchance 11 лет назад
George Will is more intelligent, clear headed and well grounded, but he is still part of the talking head society and represents only one position that is needed to be well informed.
@Larkinchance 11 лет назад
In a perfect, libertarian world, the vacuum created by no government will not be filled by free thinkers like you and I, it will be immediately filled by a huge corporate oligarchy that is answerable to no one and will become a tyranny worse than government because it's bottom line is profit at all costs. I will admit that government has lost it way but its primary purpose should be to mediate between the individual and the large interest in order to provide a productive balance for both.
@Lisarata 11 лет назад
At aqbout :25:20 Wills was talking about how the new regulatory class thought they could "fix" Bedford Stuyvesant. This is the kind of illustration I can understand because I grew up watching the news on TV in the seventies. Of course they messed up Bedford Stuy... This is the kind of thing that informs me that conservatism feels more right to me. I would like to have points like that expanded more. These forty years later, I'm able to see distinctions like this.
@deesroll 11 лет назад
so you're saying the wealthy business owners and corporations would invest here more if they were taxed more? please explain...
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
If they can't get care, they should come to the hospital where I work, and they can get free care. Its a charity hospital, and a very good one. And still, if you cannot afford to pay for yourself, or don't have insurance, there IS medicaid. But then, that's one of the causes of our problems. In effect, we DO have universal health care in America.
@sams.1597 9 лет назад
Well George you sounded pretty good until you completely contradicted yourself by stating that you'd want someone like Scott Walker, or Bobby Jindal, etc... simply b/c they are governors. Most of what you say you stand for now, these guys disagree with.
@Dbusdriver71 10 лет назад
Mr. Will is a brillant journalist and author. The only thing he said the caught me off guard is when He accused Richard Nixon of being more of a 'New dealer' then the New Dealers. The only thing I strongly disagree with him about.
@bobsmith1142 8 лет назад
take a shot every time he slaps his knees
@COCOPUFF093 8 лет назад
@666Nietzschie 11 лет назад
Your right....the founding fathers looked to them for their economic model...they would puke if they saw the state we are in now with government subsidized corporate welfare and a megalithic banking monopoly protected by the government from accountability. Thomas Jefferson's warning about a central bank is today a living breathing reality.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
"How does the company manage to make so much money then?" Volume. WalMart makes razor thin profits, just a few percent, in the lo single digits. Only a few cents of every dollar they take in is profit. They just sell A LOT of stuff. Andthe workers ARE productive. Its just that their productivity is fairly low.
@Larkinchance 11 лет назад
I wish it were true but I not so sure. You are speaking of ideals.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
I see a problem, its just that I don't see the profits as the cause.
@daddyleon 11 лет назад
That would be nice.
@dneuens 11 лет назад
It's not the libertarian's fault that republicans wants to use it to be more "fashionable", much like liberals hiding behind "progressive". It's a true philosophy, and if it takes the republicans getting trounced enough to open their eyes to the liberty movement, I don't see any wrong that can come of that. Plus, libertarians are a particularly diverse group. It's an ideology that prides itself on not being as organized and hence homogenized as the agenda-riddled party politics. It's sincere.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
But if I live in a libertarian society, they WON'T be able to impose their will on me. They will only be able to offer me goods and services I want in exchange for my money. If anything, I would be imposing MY will on them, because the only way to get my money is to please me. But in fact, nobody is imposing anything on anyone.
@Larkinchance 11 лет назад
Whether you agree with the comments or not, they have value because they offer perspective....Or is George Will God?
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
Apparently, you didn't read all the comments I posted. I will re-post them for you privately.
@matthewelliott9188 11 лет назад
I know it is the tendency of libertarians to resist conservatives commentators from jumping on the "liberty" bandwagon. But, George Will, while not without fault, is a serious and influential thinker who would be nothing but a great ally for the liberty movement. Him joining the liberty cause will only serve to hasten the GOP's retreat from social and neo conservatism.
@Ragnarokgn 11 лет назад
Your statement requires a very peculiar definition of work, one that excludes writing,editing,managing,researching, or any other skill that is required to keep a magazine with regular video content going.
@gskibum 11 лет назад
I bet Sesame Street has a youtube channel with videos appropriate for the short attention span crowd.
@Larkinchance 11 лет назад
The reasons you have given me not to fear corporations in a libertarian society are theoretical. Corporations spending huge sums dismantling government and heralding the virtues privatization, not for you and me, but by corporate power in its quest for more. Like you, I believe in freedom and less government but if you would please Google the Trans-Pacific-Partnership you would see that trans-nationals are bent on superseding and even replacing government.
@EderikSchneider 11 лет назад
Anyone who wants to know what a Conservative is. You have to look no further than George Will.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
But nobody thinks business is all good and government is all bad. The fact that there are bad businessmen is the very reason we need free markets. Instead, with governmet intervention, the bad businessmen get bailed out, protected from competition and subsidized. In a free market, they would tend to lose the competition and go out of business. And government is not all bad. I am a minarchist. When the government catches a murderer, rapist, or thief, and locks them up, it is doing good.
@invisibleaznDJ 11 лет назад
me too!. Actually I did I did register as rep to vote Ron Paul. But no more.
@hagbard72 11 лет назад
Mises was the greatest economist of the 20th Century bro.
@egrip45 11 лет назад
hey ytube your soundtrack is not working!!! I guess it will take 10 years before you fix it .
@Knight_Kin 11 лет назад
This is an hour long interview. It's well detailed and thought out. Ignore the comments and just watch.
@Larkinchance 11 лет назад
I did look up voluntaryism and this impresses me as being an ideal to be sought by libertarians. A worthy means test for individuals but never reached in a society of 1/3 of a billion people. ? I don't like overbearing government anymore than you, especially this current one but perhaps you should see what corporations have in store for us in the Tran-Pacific-Partnership. I fear government but I fear corporations more.
@ccaammiinniiito2 11 лет назад
Whatever the political persuasion, it certainly is refreshing to see an erudite and professorial figure such as George Will take center stage again on Fox. Bill O'Hannity, throw in Juan Williams, are just now commanding enough figures for me. O'Hannity, for instance, sounds like a broken record with the same drive, the same tired themes, that is, attack dog on Obama. Neither one could go the distance in a debate with the likes of Noam Chomsky or George Will, if Will were a liberal.
@WillaLamour 11 лет назад
I've read 'reason' for quite a while ... the advocacy of politics is the issue.
@skysiz 11 лет назад
Where do you think those profits go?
@skysiz 11 лет назад
Wrong! A corporation only has any power as long as it's able to exert influence via the Government structures; as long as it is able to lobby for it's interests and curry favors via the gov. Take the government out of equation, and corroborative powers would deflate. Remember that corporations do not have the monopoly on using force. They can't, unlike the government does, force you to do anything.
@jaredadams3531 11 лет назад
22:45-sorry kemosabe, but people in california should not be paying for your escalators in penn station. that's the definition of taxation without representation. the people who should be paying for your escalators are the ones who are using them.
@PixelDansIronFist 11 лет назад
Right-wing Bush and centre-right Obama aren't both extremes, they are incredibly near each other politically. But you right-libertarians are correct on one thing: neither corporatist Democrats or corporatist Republicans are good for this republic or it's people.
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
Yeah, right. The voters CAN'T be vigilant. How many people even understand what derivatives are? Or any economics, or anything about any industry they don't personally work in? They will ALWAYS be poorly informed, even if they somehow become well educated, which would be a miracle in our public education system. How much do you know about plastic formulation? Or oil refining, or any subject you would need to be an expert in to know how to regulate the industry in question?
@NOLAMarathon2010 11 лет назад
The fact that you have to ask the question suggests that you aren't capable of understanding the obvious answer. Therefore, I will decline to offer it, and I suggest that others decline also.
@Ragnarokgn 11 лет назад
Is that a canard or do you have an argument? Words like distorted, reason, and reality have definite meanings, but that does not prevent a person from imposing upon them their own meanings. If you have an argument present it, but be warned this is not the empty headed vistas of the progressive-sphere. That echo chamber will not prepare you for any serious conversation.
@skysiz 11 лет назад
Does Walmart force anyone work for them? Can people who don't like the pay and lousy treatment physically stop working for Walmart and go to work elsewhere. The answer is no for the first and yes for the second. So what kind of exploration are you talking about?
@WilliamColeForChrist 11 лет назад
So, Will is moving toward libertarianism, FreedomWorks realizes that the American public is moving toward libertarianism. Yet he is resigned that people are in love with a big state. It doesn't add up to me.
@JonathanG94 11 лет назад
There's no Republican establishment, there's only a DC establishment.
@mersk100 11 лет назад
Check one of her comments on another vid, found by looking at her channel "This is the problem with libertarian clowns, they think they're talking to someone who hasn't heard their bullshit before." All that needs to be known comes from her own mouth.
@Muonium1 11 лет назад
"THEE George Will??"
@StaffordChristensen 11 лет назад
OK - you expect me to believe that Mr. Will is a "libertarian" now? The guy who was championing Huntsman over Paul in 2011/2012? The guy who says Iraq needs the monarchist, pro-central bank mentality of Alexander Hamilton?? Please.
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