
German vs Dutch vs Flemish | Can they understand the German Language? 

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@chrstiania 3 года назад
I'd love to see a German dialects episode. Plattdeutsch vs bavarian vs. Kölsch vs. Swiss german
@felicious6384 3 года назад
I would not call Plattdeutsch a dialect. Plattdeutsch/Niederdeutsch is a language on its own. At least, that is, what my local Germanists said. But I have to admit that there is no clear border between a language and a dialect.
@fraso7331 3 года назад
Nevertheless it would be interesting. But there are Thüringisch, Bavarian, Alemannisch and Fränkisch as german dialects, which are divided in middle and upper. And there is also a lower Fränkisch, which contains the Region of Cologne, the Netherlands, Luxemburg and Belgium. The other lower german language is lower Saxon, which again is divided into several dialects, e.g. Westfalian and the language around Hamburg. Furthermore there is the Frisian language. And the language changes from village to village with only a few real borders like between Frisian and Niederdeutsch and at some places between Niederdeutsch and, Mittel- and Oberdeutsch. So the older theory of dividing languages doesn't fit. It is better to speak of a continuum, with a few exceptions like Frisian and the more artificial languages of Niederländisch and Hochdeutsch. The last two did not evolve naturally, which means, that, where they are spoken, there is still another dialect. So, I guess, it will be complicated to work out, which dialects to compare with each other. And there are other points to consider: For example the dialect around Hamburg is very popular, but Westfalian has still a lot of words and grammar, which disapeared in other dialects, sometimes centuries ago. And should an endangered dialect be shown or one with many speakers? Well, perhaps Westfriesisch, Nordfriesisch and Saterfriesisch would be a start. (And don't forget the Slavic and Romance languages situated within the german language continuum. Those are interesting, too.) I hope, a solution will be found, since this videos are very interesting.
@fraso7331 3 года назад
Mich hat immer fasziniert, dass die, die noch richtig Platt konnten, recht genau sagen konnten, woher ein Sprecher kam.
@johanneswestman935 3 года назад
Swiss German isn't even a dialect it's just a different language xD. I can't even understand written Schweitzer düütsch.
@georgewashingtom6516 3 года назад
@@johanneswestman935 Lmfao we shouldn't call it Swiss German. We should just call it Swiss language.
@adamelhawari166 3 года назад
As a native Arabic speaker I understood about 0% of their conversation
@nostalgiatrip7331 3 года назад
@@Qwerty-hy5mj the joke
@nostalgiatrip7331 3 года назад
@@Qwerty-hy5mj your head
@maxvera4165 3 года назад
@MrMaverickNw 2 года назад
@elimalinsky7069 2 года назад
It would be interesting to have a Maghrebi Arabic speaker from Morocco or Algeria and a speaker of vernacular Arabic from the East and see if the eastern Arabic speaker can understand Maghrebi vernacular.
@jono_bates 3 года назад
Ahhh, this was great! Please include Afrikaans next time! Flemish, Dutch, and Afrikaans would be fascinating.
@r21167 3 года назад
Yes, I'd love to see that!
@prezze5450 2 года назад
as a flemish person who travelled in South Africa, I noticed if we speak slowly and articulate well we can understand each other. The issue is with some words that are completly different.
@Igorexing 2 года назад
An Wilamovian!
@mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 2 года назад
Yeah I was just gonna say where mah Afrikaans
@niels1755 2 года назад
Dialects from Limburg! There are a mix from alle three. That would be funny! There is a Belgian , Dutch and German Limburg... I live in Dutch Limburg, so I fully understand Flemish, German, and Dutch ( obviously). Sadly nothing learned, buy still very funny tot see this video... I also speak English pretty good. This Idea never occurred to me but could I have a job as a translator?
@raan1887 3 года назад
As a german myself, I think our german friend sometimes explain a little complicated even for german native speakers. But no shaming, was a cool vid nevertheless👍 Was surprised how good I understood the dutch.
@epajarjestys9981 2 года назад
Yes, his communication skills are abysmal. No idea how to formulate something clearly and no command over his own language. Shaming is very much in order. What a potato brain.
@juancalvo3546 2 года назад
@@epajarjestys9981 very polite
@vomm 2 года назад
Dose hätte ich nicht verstanden weil er meinte dass man Konserven darin lagert, aber man lagert doch keine Konserven in Dosen :D
@1ngenaning 2 года назад
Noo? I found him super easy to follow and Im Swedish! :D
@jenm1 2 года назад
@@vomm lol
@wkostowski 3 года назад
Eric spricht ein schönes, ganz klassiches Deutsch, sehr angenehm zu hören. Ich spreche kein niederländisch, aber ich konnte etwas besser Glenn als Rob verstehen, die flämische Ausprache ist mir irgendwie klarer. Ich kenne Deutsch nur als eine Fremdsprache. Sehr interessantes Video, wie immer!
@aht8548 3 года назад
Ich konnte Glenn auch besser verstehen als Rob, glaube aber gar nicht, dass es unbedingt am Dialekt, sondern einfach an der Spracherfahrung liegt. Glenn scheint es gewohnt zu sein, Sprachen verständlich zu machen, selbst wenn er im Dialekt spricht (durch seine Erfahrung in der Film- und Schauspielindustrie), während Rob ganz normal/alltäglich spricht (was ja auch gar nicht schlimm ist.) Ich wohne beispielsweise in Deutschland an der niederländischen Grenze und bin dadurch mit Niederländisch schon ganz gut vertraut (hatte Niederländisch auch einige Jahre als Schulfach) und sollte deshalb mit dem Flämisch deutlich mehr Probleme beim Zuhören haben. Aber das ist ja immer so, es kommt nicht nur auf die Sprache an sich, sondern auch auf die Personen an, die diese Sprache dann sprechen. Das ist Rob gegenüber jetzt natürlich auch gar nicht böse gemeint, aber Glenn hat einfach eine ganz andere, klarere Art zu Sprechen entwickelt. Das soll jetzt natürlich aber auch nicht heißen, dass du nicht trotzdem besser Flämisch als Niederländisch verstehen kannst, aber ich wollte meine Beobachtungen und Gedanken trotzdem teilen und fand, dass das unter deinem Kommentar ganz gut passte. xD
@pascalbaryamo4568 3 года назад
Twój niemiecki lepszy niż mój polski! :o
@mmneander1316 3 года назад
@@aht8548 Genau. Das genau wie ich es sehe (als Niederländer, aufgewachsen in Umgebung Rotterdam). Es ist unabhängig vom Dialekt. Glenn gibt sich einfach mehr Mühe, seine Sprache (seinen flämischen Dialekt) deutlich und nicht zu schell auszusprechen. Ohne aber die Merkmale seines Dialektes zu verlieren.
@UltimateSeduction 2 года назад
Ik als Nederlander vind Glenn ook veel duidelijker Nederlands spreken, Glenn articuleert zeer goed en zijn taalgebruik is beter dan die van veel Nederlanders.
@pascalbaryamo4568 2 года назад
@@UltimateSeduction how do Flemish and (Holland) Dutch differ?
@trancingdeeper 3 года назад
Okay but when is the Old English vs Dutch vs Frisian vs German video coming 🤔
@Caine61 3 года назад
That would be a good video. I remember Simon Roper’s knowledge of Old English helped him understand Dutch pretty well; I wonder if it’s also the case in reverse where knowing Dutch helps with OE
@MoLauer 3 года назад
I could contribute a North Frisian perspective
@amjan 3 года назад
Calm down, enjoy and appreciate THIS first!
@MoLauer 3 года назад
@@amjan I do
@trancingdeeper 3 года назад
@@amjan you think i didn't before typing this comment?
@isimoska 3 года назад
A slavic person listening to this. So different from my language but I am so in love with the germanic languages.
@salsadip7453 3 года назад
austrian here, loving slavic languages! greetings to you :)
@VLASPAR 2 года назад
Here is slav from Netherlands, interesting to see :)
@stellak.5091 2 года назад
As a germanic person im in love learning and listening to slavic languages and romance languages:-)
@scribblecloud 2 года назад
im german and i am in love with slavic languages :D
@VLASPAR 2 года назад
@FichDich InDemArsch There is no complex, when it comes to slavs from Balkans( at least serbs), we only respect german organization, working culture, and consistently etc. But in terms of socialization, intelligence, workarounds, bravery, physical appearance, physical strength, and know how to function in difficult circumstances we think about ourselves as way more superior. I am not fully sure for other slavic nations though. We also consider lack of internal national harmony as our main weakness.
@kodekadkodekad4380 3 года назад
To be fair with our Dutch/Belgian friends, even for a German speaker some of the explanations were quite convoluted. Halfway through his descriptions for "Kartoffelbrei" und "Medizin", I still wasn't entirely sure which word exactly he was expecting from Glenn and Rob, so I can imagine their confusion.
@FetteLatte 3 года назад
I had trouble with the description of Kartoffelbrei too. In fact, for the first half I really thought he was talking about Linsen(suppe), then realized it was not the case and had to think harder.
@CheatahX 3 года назад
I had no trouble understanding exactly what was described. So I had "aardappelpuree" specifically (didn't know the german word "Kartoffelbrei", did know "Kartoffel"), and I had "geneeskunde" for Medizin. In Dutch, we also sometimes say someone studied "medicijnen", which would be studied at a university, not a hogeschool. And then "haai" of course was very easy, I was expecting either "Hai" or "Haifisch", is there a difference between the two? And then I had either "put" or "putdeksel", but I thought that a manhole cover was a bit too specific, and that it probably had to be the manhole. And then finally "blik" was very easy again. I think they both needed to hear "Konserven" to properly understand.
@kodekadkodekad4380 3 года назад
@@CheatahX Then you did very well! But you obviously have some exposure to German, which helps. And in my experience that''s the case with many Dutch speakers. Even if they haven't studied German, they know a lot of German words. Which makes mutual intelligibility quite asymetrical: Dutch speakers usually know more about the other's language than vice versa. "Haifisch" also exists and it can be used interchangeably with "Hai", but I'd say "Haisfisch" sounds a bit oldfashioned and less educated. Be careful, "Hochschule" is a false friend. I think it's a typical example where rather than helping Glenn and Rob, it rather confused them.
@Turbo_Tina 3 года назад
As someone from Belgium, I first thought that the first word was Sauerkraut lmao, because I don't immediately think of potatoes as a vegetable, more as a tuber (which is also a plant of course, but just not my first association personally). But when he said it was easy to eat for someone without teeth or someone old, I knew he meant Kartoffelbrei. Those little clarifications after the first description really helped me guessing all of the words right in the end.
@DJarr216 3 года назад
I totally agree, most of the initial descriptions given by the german guy where too general. The flemish and dutch guy had to keep questioning the german guy to get the necesairy details to actually come to the awnser. There definatly have been better hosts on this show that were better at explaining things.
@ThePraQNome 3 года назад
I can't understand a single word they're saying and yet I'm still here on a Sunday afternoon watching this video. Is that ok? I feel like there's something wrong with me lol.
@fragilemaileagle 3 года назад
There's subtitles in English, in case you didn't know.
@shannimonet 3 года назад
@@fragilemaileagle my subtitle isn't coming up but it's a good thing I am studying German xD
@fragilemaileagle 3 года назад
@@shannimonet Press C on your keyboard.
@shannimonet 3 года назад
@@fragilemaileagle vielen dank ❤️
@Richard_Gonda 3 года назад
@@shannimonet for some reason the subtitle switches to german at the end
@hafizqayib6486 3 года назад
Eric is right! The German "Kartoffel" did make it to Azerbaijani (via Russian but also possibly directly from German as there used to be quite a few German settlers in Azerbaijan since the early 19th century). We use in the form of "kartof", pronounced [kartof] or [kiartof]. If Eric knows this fact he must have some Azeri friends :-) And mashed potatoes are called "kartof püresi" so we use derivatives of both German "Kartoffel" and French "purée" in one phrase (that "-si" at the end is just a form of Turkic possessive).
@tonywoutrs 2 года назад
It made it to Armenian as well. They say կարտոֆիլ "kartofil"
@Kaan._G 2 года назад
I thought you would say "patates" and "patates püresi" such as in Turkish but "kartof" sounds way funnier
@perringassou 2 года назад
@@Kaan._G Some people still use Kartof in Northeast Anatolia. In Kars and Ardahan regions :D
@eli_7295 2 года назад
Mashed potatoes are even completely "german" in your language, the german word is Kartoffelpüree. And in Austrian German it is called Erdäpfelpüree which is similar to the Dutch aardappelpuree (or however it is spelled exactly).
@justme8841 2 года назад
püresi. .... cute 😂😂😂
@Omnatten9 3 года назад
I'm German and I don't know why but even I sometimes couldn't tell what he was talking about 🤣😭
@nordlyselsker 3 года назад
I found the description of potatoes as "yellow-brown" confusing, but got there in the end. And I expected "Büchse" for the last one, but that's just a different word for the same thing.
@pascalbaryamo4568 3 года назад
Er hat einfach mal richtig mies erklärt bzw auch viele Ambiguitäten
@henningbartels6245 2 года назад
I found his explanations pretty obvious. I guess, he was sometimes just concerned not to mention the term by accident they are looking for.
@elimalinsky7069 2 года назад
A German friend has told me that Germans often struggle to understand other Germans if the dialects are different enough.
@Omnatten9 2 года назад
@@elimalinsky7069 his dialect was standard Hochdeutsch, it's just that the way he spoke was a bit confusing.
@riz94107 3 года назад
This one was a real confidence booster - i felt like I understood almost everything, even though apparently I never had occasion to learn 'Hai'. :)
@LuchoPiastri 3 года назад
Me too... Because It has subtitles lol
@lani6647 2 года назад
Der Haifisch is a pretty good Rammstein song
@meadish 2 года назад
Hai. Wakarimasu.
@digitalbrentable 2 года назад
I've been speaking Dutch for about 5 years and did fairly well (just listening, not reading subtitles), considering I've never studied German at all: 1. Mayonnaise (similiar logic as Glenn, 'bij' een hoofdgerecht, then Rob joking that they eat a lot of it in Belgium). 2. Medicijn (not being fluent in Dutch actually helped me closer to the german word here, I didn't know 'geneeskunde' was the Dutch word for 'medicine' as a discipline, so I used 'medicijn' which refers to medication) 3. Haai ("a group of fish that people are afraid of" gave it to me) 4. Goot (Dutch for 'gutter.' Pretty close, arguably correct, didn't know 'riool' was also the word for 'sewer' - domestically it just means the drain). 5. Blik (something made of metal to do with food and water, 'lagen' was a bit of a giveaway because I know lager refers to beer that is stored and aged)
@默-c1r 3 года назад
Thanks so much as always! Your channel is such a unique contribution to the language community, and there is really nothing else like it on youtube! I'm intermediate in German and I did duolingo Dutch so it was fun to struggle along with them, I guessed a few of them haha
@peterfireflylund 3 года назад
There’s a Persian (?) guy who does sorta the same thing but with much less charm.
@默-c1r 3 года назад
@@peterfireflylund I've watched that channel before and I do appreciate it for what it is, but there is no sustained communication: it's mostly just a few words or short sentences. Norbert's channel is truly unique because of the sustained multilingual communication with minimal English interjected, and Norbert pairs genetically similar languages so it's a more interesting experiment than "oh, I see these two languages both borrowed the word coffee from Arabic."
@NantokaNejako 3 года назад
The word "klinkers" for vowels is *so adorable!* I just fell in love with it ♡
@SilverSkySE 3 года назад
For vowels, you mean 🙂 and consonants are “medeklinkers” which is like “co-vowels” or “fellow vowels”
@amosamwig8394 3 года назад
@AmedeeVanGasse 3 года назад
@@SilverSkySE mede-klinkers are con-sonants (the prefix "con" means "with", or "mede" in Dutch), so an English word recronstructed from Dutch could have been sonants instead of vowels. Sonants & consonants - klinkers & medeklinkers Also, the English verb "to sound" is "klinken" in Dutch.
@peterfireflylund 3 года назад
@@AmedeeVanGasse Danish has a similar pair of home brewed words: selvlyde and medlyde. Selv = self, med = with, lyde = sounds. Thankfully, they have gone out of fashion in favour of “vokaler” and “konsonanter”.
@NantokaNejako 3 года назад
@@SilverSkySE Oh, "medeklinkers" is lovely as well 😉 In German we have "Selbstlaute" (self-sounds) for vowels and "Mitlaute" (co-sounds) for consonants. But that kind of vocabulary is mostly used in elementary school, and then switched for more latin-based expressions.
@Mads-do4ht 3 года назад
The problem with this is that Dutch speakers often have been exposed to German a lot during their life, so it's not really a fair experiment. Actually they should do it the other way around
@PkPvre 3 года назад
Especially people in Limbrug, their dialect sounds German itself.
@amosamwig8394 3 года назад
ikr for me it sounds like dutch with a far east accent :PP
@roddersnl8740 3 года назад
And of course we can watch German television (also English, Italian, Spanish, Flemisch, French etc...)
@frszzzbaguette4804 3 года назад
@@amosamwig8394 For us german speakers it sounds like a western dialect, while standard dutch sounds more foreign and is harder to understand for us :)
@BlackHawkNL 3 года назад
Being from the Netherlands myself I can tell that we're not nearly exposed to Germany or Germans as much as other countries mught think. The biggest connection between the Netherlands and Germany I would say is import export because obviously Germany doesn't really have a lot of coast so all big ships go through the Netherlands to enter Germany. Anyway I hope everyone learned something from this video :)
@BeryAb 2 года назад
As a German speaker, I understood almost everything the dude from Flanders said. As for the Dutch guy, I only understood about half. Odd.
@chuckfriebe843 Год назад
Probably a result of the Flemish being such close contact with German speakers in their own country as it is a third national language in Flaams.
@bengeurden1272 2 месяца назад
The person from the Netherlands is actually speaking in the dialect of Limburg. Maybe that's why.
@LellePrinter82 3 года назад
I have good german knowledge and I am self-taught in german. Not fluent, but can I speak basic conversations, but I understand it a bit better when someone else speaks it. I understood the most of it, not everything though. Some of the flemish words actually reminds me of danish. Ich liebe die deutsche sprache und ich versuche mein bestes zu geben. Thanks for this video. Good job. :-)
@misterkami2 3 года назад
It was really interesting to see how easily everyone got the concept of what the others were saying and sometimes even the full complete sentence, as if it was in their own language.. but then every once in a while there's small misunderstandings (like at 15:42 where Eric acknowledges what he thinks Rob said, but in reality saying the opposite).
@flitsertheo 2 года назад
Dutch and Flemish is actually the same language, only as used in different countries. Differences are for example found in the pronunciation (typical example is the Dutch "hard" G against the Flemish "soft" G°), legal and administrative terminology and some other words which mostly can be understood in the other country. Unless the Flemish speaker uses an extreme dialect (such as West-Flemish) then not even one province further anybody can understand him/her.
@mariadebake5483 2 года назад
@@flitsertheo In Noord-Brabant and Limburg we have a soft g as well and we definitly don't speak Flemish! So it's not like the hard g is the only really Dutch g. The soft g is just as Dutch
@flitsertheo 2 года назад
The hard G is more typical for the part of the Netherlands above the Moerdijk.
@mariadebake5483 2 года назад
@@flitsertheo Yes that's what I meant. For the rest of the country therefore it isn't
@tickledpink2244 2 года назад
I understand about 90% of Eric's speech without reading the subtitles, and about 95% when I do read the subtitles. While I don't speak German, I notice that I don't need to translate the German to a second language to be able to understand it, because I speak Dutch. It also helps that I took German in high school, and when I lived in Eastern Europe as a pre-teen, I read a lot of German magazines as they were easily available there. I'm really enjoying these language videos; they are very interesting!
@linzez9637 3 года назад
Finally the episode we Dutchies have been waiting for😊😊
@AmedeeVanGasse 3 года назад
I'm looking for the G E K O L O N I S E E R D comments... ;-)
@itsnemosoul8398 2 года назад
This video was so interesting! As a native German the Flemish guy was a lot easier to understand than the Dutch guy. All three were respectful and seemed very nice.
@Flippityflap 2 года назад
Haha the flemish guy barely used full sentences, so if u understand most of the 3/4 words he says at a time you're already there
@jslice6137 3 года назад
I am a person who’s learning German (B2~C1 level I would estimate) and I understood basically everything what the German was saying :p, and I got the gist of Dutch and Flemish with subtitles. Without them I’d probably be lost!
@XxMUKALIENxX 3 года назад
Im learning it as well, if you estimate your level to be around C1, I’m curious how long did it take you to get to that level roughly? Just to get the gist of how long it would take to be there.
@jslice6137 3 года назад
@@XxMUKALIENxX I started when I was like 11 or 12, but I think I started to do it seriously/every day when I was 13, and I’m now almost 17. So seriously using/learning German for (almost) everyday for 4~5 years. To give more info about my assessment: I understand most youtube videos - documentaries, vloggers, political satire shows - without any big problems, but some subtle things I might miss. I can read the newspaper with some few look-ups of terms, I can read books, though depending on the book, that still takes effort, not super smooth, a lot of new words potentially. I watched a film version of few plays like “Der Besuch der alten Dame” and “Die Physiker”, which were hard with a lot of new words but I could get the gist of the story first time through. And in terms of speaking/writing, because I’ve never been in Germany and I don’t have a community of Germans near me, those might be my weakest skills, but I can still speak/write okay I would say, I’ve had conversations in text and in voice messages/calls in German before. you might be able to do it faster than me though, 13-year-old me didn’t know how to really study a language lmao
@thehobo00 3 года назад
Same with me! Started at 14 but have stopped since I was ~20, so a couple years ago. Getting rusty though! Never stop practicing!!
@pv325 2 года назад
Do not call it Flemish because you suggest it is a different language .... They are the same language Just another accent. Same writing system. Call it 'Belgian Dutch' instead! Saying Flemish is a kind of like calling the language of Austria Austrian instead of German......
@mihaelkYeah 3 года назад
I can't wait for the English captions to be finished ;u; I can hardly catch 1 or 2 words in German at all but Germanic languages sound amazing! :D
@Ecolinguist 3 года назад
The English subtitles are fixed now. :)
@mihaelkYeah 3 года назад
@@Ecolinguist Thanks so much! \^0^/ I'll watch the rest of this this evening!
@MathScience98 3 года назад
I've learned some Dutch for a year and would like to learn German once my Dutch reaches C1. Tried turning off closed captions and guessing along with these guys. I got 4/5 right (I didn't know what a rioolput was) and I think it's a year worth the effort!
@jpdj2715 2 года назад
There were some parts in the conversation where more precise words were required. The German description of the thing that is in the curb ("stoeprand" in Dutch, "Randstein" in German) or the "round thing in the pavement" as the alternative German description translated, is actually not the "rioolput" but merely the lid or cover ("putdeksel" in Dutch) (manhole cover when it is large). The "rioolput" is what is under that cover, but that was not what was described in German.
@TheNiklo88 2 года назад
As both a student of Dutch and German this video was a real confidence booster, I understood almost everything on both sides of the discussion
@raindropsneverfall 3 года назад
Would love to see a video where at least German and Danish occur - and make Danish the main language because we are usually taught German for at least a year.
@peterfireflylund 3 года назад
Rigsdansk or sønderjysk? I wonder which is easier to understand for the Germans. Sønderjysk has more German loanwords and it has articles. Not sure how much that would help.
@svenrichtmann6792 3 года назад
@@peterfireflylund Now that does sound interesting.
@Sebbir 3 года назад
I think danish and german are too different. I can’t really see them understanding eachother at all without prior knowledge of eachothers languages
@lalalalafa 2 года назад
As a German native I don't really understand any Danish. It would be interesting to watch such a video nontheless and try to guess what some words mean
@meadish 2 года назад
Once the writing is revealed, the Germans would likely understand it as well as Swedish - perhaps even slightly better. But before any writing, with just Danish pronunciation, I think they'd be pretty lost.
3 года назад
Zu Krank: Im Deutschen gibt es den altertümlichen Begriff Siech / Siechenhaus, man denkt dabei aber automatisch ans Mittelalter
@NantokaNejako 3 года назад
Oder Siechtum - sagt man auch heute noch manchmal. Oder auf englisch "sick" oder "sickness"
@arthur_p_dent 3 года назад
es gibt noch das modernev Wort "Seuche"
@andypre1667 3 года назад
"dahinsiechen" ist eigentlich heute auch noch geläufig.
@itsnemosoul8398 2 года назад
Danke für den Input! Daran hatte ich gar nicht gedacht!
@catwoman_7 2 года назад
Sehr spannend! Im Schweizerdeutschen wird der Begriff „Siech“ noch verwendet, jedoch in anderen Zusammenhängen. Ein paar Beispiele: „Du bisch en geile Siech!“ = Du bist ein cooler Typ! „De het en Siech!“ = Der ist betrunken. „Das isch en Siebesiech!“ = Der kann etwas besonders gut. „Huere Siech“ = ein Fluchwort, Schimpfwort Vielleicht ist die Herkunft in diesem Fall eine andere, das weiss ich nicht. Liebe Grüsse 🇨🇭
@danziger9996 Год назад
In Dutch or Flemish we also say 'boordsteen' (bordstein in German) / stoeprand / trottoirband. Unbelievable that they have never heard of the word 'boordsteen'. 🙄🤦‍♂I am really shocked!
@mauri1996fs 3 года назад
German is my mother tongue and even I found it quite challenging to guess the first word 😂😂 cool video though, nice to see some German included:)
@jdjphotographynl 3 года назад
The German guy can be understood well from a linguistic point of view for a Dutch/Flemish speaker, but his descriptions aren't always very clear. Seems like the Flemish and Dutch guys have some difficulties with that too.
@hannofranz7973 3 года назад
He sometimes uses very specific words like Bordstein instead of Bürgersteig/Gehsteig. I reckon this makes it difficult.
@mynamename5172 3 года назад
I speak German and Dutch and he had me confused. Not linguistically, it was that his descriptions were amazingly hard to understand.
@georgewashingtom6516 3 года назад
@@mynamename5172 I also speak German and his descriptions were very clear to me.
@lindamaes6454 3 года назад
@@hannofranz7973 The Flemish word for Bordstein is boordsteen 😉
@WiesoNurMistnamen Год назад
​@@hannofranz7973 I never saw a Gully in a Bürgersteig or in a Bordstein anyway.
@RusNad 3 года назад
In Dutch you can also say that you study medicine (medicijnen) instead of geneeskunde, although the latter is the official name of the discipline.
@girljustDIYit 3 года назад
I've really never heard that being used though? In which part of the Netherlands/Flanders do they use 'medicijnen'? To me it sounds like too directly (and wrongfully) translated from English.
@RusNad 3 года назад
@@girljustDIYit I've heard my mother use it, she's from the haarlem area
@RusNad 3 года назад
@@girljustDIYit maybe it's a bit old-fashioned
@girljustDIYit 3 года назад
@@RusNad That's interesting, maybe it is an old-fashioned and/or regional thing then! I am from the Zwolle area but have lived in de Randstad for many years now and haven't heard it yet. Gotta love linguistics :D
@lindamaes6454 2 года назад
The only time I heard it was by the mother of my aunt, she's from Breda, in Flanders I never heard it. Living near the Dutch border we have a bit of a Flemish-Dutch family.
@kaloan999 3 года назад
Hey, Ecolinguist, I suppose a video with Church Slavonic explainer + 4-5 other languages from the family would be interesting. What do you think?
@briangross 3 года назад
“Flemish” is not a language just as there is no language called “Austrian”, ”Flemish” is an accent in Dutch (which the guest is speaking) and there are also of course dialects in Flanders, one type that is similar across Flanders (Standard Dutch with many distinct words and word endings and separate masculine and neuter genders) and another type which varies from town to town and between socio-educational groups.the guest is speaking Standard Dutch (Nederlands) with a Belgian/Flemish accent. The “Dutch” guy has an even stronger regional accent too btw from Dutch Limburg .
@Omnatten9 3 года назад
Well, Austro-Bavarian is what people generally mean by Austrian, it's a different language, a dialect that is distinct enough to be a language. Whereas Dutch and Flemish have almost no difference, just the accent and some different words.
@Turbo_Tina 3 года назад
As someone from Flanders, I thought you could hear Glenn's accent of Mechelen pretty clearly as well. I myself am from the Belgian Limburg, so we share similar sounds with the Dutch Limburgish accent, but without the Dutch sounds of course. But I definitely agree with the rest.
@Omnatten9 3 года назад
@@Turbo_Tina yeah at first I was afraid to hear those typical Dutch sounds that make it harder for me to understand the language, but overall, both guys sounded Flemish to me
@Turbo_Tina 3 года назад
@@Omnatten9 I can definitely see why'd you hear Rob's accent as a Flemish one. I think it maybe has something to do with the 'soft g' sound in the Dutch Limburgish accent (and Dutch Brabant as well), which is shared with almost all the Flemish accents (apart from the accent of West-Flanders, but that's a whole different story). I've also heard that the harder g sound, common when you go higher up north, can be quite jarring to listen to for foreigners.
@timmeh006 3 года назад
Well, we like to think we speak different languages. And there are signs that Flemish and Dutch are seperating. The 2 languages are getting less and less mutualy intelligible. If you compare the news from the 60ies and today for both Flemish and Dutch, you'll notice the difference. The Dutch are undergoing vowel shifts for example: e -> eu "zeven" -> "zeuven", the "n" at the end of the word is getting unpronounced etc. While Flemish doesn't change much. Give it another 200 years and we might see 2 different languages.
@Galenus1234 3 года назад
Coming up next: BOARISCH -- can Saupreißn and Fischköppe understand it?
@NantokaNejako 3 года назад
Da freu ich mich schon drauf. Sacklzement!
@animabianca230 2 года назад
jo freili kena mia des aa 😉 ! Eingli miassat des hoass'n: Kenan de Bayern aa Leid vo Hamburg oda vo Ostfriesland vasteh 🙂
@brittakriep2938 2 года назад
Nicht wahr, die Bayern können auch französisch sprechen: Si dans de fils d' avec, si laquel si d' ami cher!
@Galenus1234 2 года назад
@@brittakriep2938 Das ist sicherlich noch ein Überbleibsel aus der napoleonischen Zeit. Da hab ich aber ein bisschen gebraucht, bis ich das "Französische" verstanden habe. 😂😂😂
@thedude5957 3 года назад
Interesting that I could completely follow the video as an Afrikaans speaking person. There was a few words that I didn't understand but in context it was easy enough to follow.
@Roozyj 3 года назад
I'd love to see one with Dutch, German and maybe one or two Scandinavian languages, to see how well they understand each other. Foreign people often think Dutch and Norwegian/Swedish sound similar, but the words are very different.
@CheatahX 3 года назад
Yes, that would be very interesting too. Although the words are different, the word order in all of the languages is very similar.
@Roozyj 3 года назад
@@CheatahX True, I've been doing some Swedish and Norwegian on Duolingo and some words and sentences are very easy to read, while others are complete gibberish to me xD
@Roozyj 3 года назад
@Kurocoon Föräldrar is weird to me, because "voorvaderen" in Dutch means ancestors, but föräldrar is just 'parents' in Swedish.
@Zesserie 2 года назад
@@Roozyj Its pretty funny because voorvaderen translates in swedish: "voor" = för and "vaderen" =fäder, so it's förfäder which is ancestors :) same with jordgubbe, for a swedish person i think it's a wierd name :D But the same goes for aardappel. aard=jord :P
@meadish 2 года назад
@@Roozyj I guess the second part of 'för-äldrar' is similar to German 'Eltern' (allowing for language unique plural endings). What is 'föräldrar' in Dutch?
@PagoAoE2 2 года назад
As an English speaker I understood about 20% of the conversation in German. I understood Dutch and Flemish better. About 40%.
@bengeurden1272 2 месяца назад
German is a fake language 🤣 Anyone who have seen the Arjen Lubach Trump imitation video understands hahaha
@andonijavierbolanoscaceres5496 2 года назад
Wunderschön Video, Ich verstehe fast alles was Herr Eric sagte. Ich konnte alle Wörter erraten. Super Kanal!
@silverstreettalks343 2 года назад
I enjoyed that, and was surprised at how much of the Dutch/Flemish I could actually understand withoug needing the subtitles. I studied German 50 years ago, so I am a bit rusty, but found most of the German quite clear as well -- probably spoken a little more slowly for the Dutch speakers. I worked in engineering design for a whole after school, so the engineering terms were interesting. Placing of "gully pits" was critical if stormwater were to be appropriately removed! However, we distinguish sewerage (the system in which sewage flows) from the stormwater system, and, of course, try to keep the two separate because heavy rainfall can cause the sewage to overflow from the sewerage system if it leaks in -- a great public health rosk. Very interesting: thank you!.
@Rahjhh5 3 года назад
That was so much fun. Thanks so much!
@lifae 3 года назад
As a Dutch person this is a lot of fun to watch. Especially the fact that we have words that are like German words, but that have a different meaning. Like the word "Meer" in German sounds like the Dutch word "meer" (lake), but it means "zee" (sea).
@NantokaNejako 3 года назад
And with the German word "See", it's exactly the other way round 😀
@NobbiMD 3 года назад
@@NantokaNejako You're half right. Der See does mean the lake. But die See does mean the sea.
@brittakriep2938 2 года назад
@@NobbiMD : Both an english lake and a german Lache are filled with water, but different in size :-)
@kodekadkodekad4380 3 года назад
Startet mit "Moin" und sacht gleich danach, dass er ganz normales "Alltach-Deutsch" spricht ;-)
@cedrickrummes3876 3 года назад
Very North-German indeed. Plus him pronouncing as "Tschüpps" (and not "Tschipps) betrays him as a Northerner too. That being said, unless the Swiss-Germans, Germans are less aware of their own accents and dialects.
@Leo-uu8du 3 года назад
For me as an Austrian, it sounded just like normal German. I heard "moin" even by Bavarians and Franconians, so I guess it became somewhat mainstream within Germany during the last decades. And the g, at the end being pronounced like a ch is even part of the federal german standard pronounciation, like in "König" > /Könich/ (At least the Duden says so). The Austrian German dictionary tells us that the word is pronounced with a /k/ sound.
@kodekadkodekad4380 3 года назад
@@Leo-uu8du g being pronounced as /ch/ at the end is standard after i, but certainly not after a. You'll never hear a News-Anchor or a "Rundfunksprecher" say "tach" or "gesacht". it's definitely considered regional and colloquial.
@kodekadkodekad4380 3 года назад
@@cedrickrummes3876 I'd say that South Germans are aware of their accent, it's the Northeners who don't. In that respect, Eric is the quintessential Northener ;-) That's why I found it so funny.
@cedrickrummes3876 3 года назад
@@Leo-uu8du "moin" used to be Northern German in the sense of close-to-the-sea German. No longer. I notice "moin" is certainly written in online interactions. My own theory is because you can write it with your right hand on the right side of the keyboard.
@KatekyoKen 3 года назад
Can you do this next time but also add Afrikaans?
@hayfalahraoui8361 3 года назад
afrikaans should have taken the place of flemish, that would be way more interesting to watch.
@d0minarix 3 года назад
I think it would be hard for an Afrikaans speaker to understand German. With Dutch he shouldn't have much trouble. Dutch: "We are not going to the Beach. " Afrikaans: "Ours aren't going to the Beach not." (If you would read the Afrikaans sentence in Dutch)
@SinilkMudilaSama 2 года назад
Nobert congrats for yar channel. We learn a lot here.🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂
@martelkapo 2 года назад
23:23 I like that Rob mentioned that "blik" can refer to both the can itself AND its material, sheet metal…it's common in most English-speaking countries (besides the USA) to use the word "tin" interchangeably in the same way. A tin is made of tin. Fascinating!
@beasley1232 2 года назад
In the US we also commonly call a tin a cylinder or receptacle
@EudaemoniusMarkII 2 года назад
This was great guys! I loved learning.
@theresa4740 2 года назад
Ich spreche deutsch und Niederländisch und finde es super interessant und auch ein bisschen lustig wie sie teilweise an einander vorbei reden. So würden Missverständnisse echt oft passieren. Tolle Videos!!
@msgunsmetal 2 года назад
Im danish and i'm shocked that i could understand nearly everything the flemish guy said, but almost nothing the dutch guy said hahah.
@maciejkrol3330 3 года назад
I've been waiting for more videos with Dutch language 🙏❤️❤️
@BillB23 3 года назад
The subtitles changed from English to German around 17:00. This threw me for a loop.
@BATO_BRX 3 года назад
@Ecolinguist 3 года назад
It has been fixed now. Thanks for letting me know. :)
@d0minarix 3 года назад
Limburgish, Luxembourgish, Dutch and German. Would be a cool comparison video. Dutch, Afrikaans and Flemish too.
@cedrickrummes3876 3 года назад
I volunteer as tribute!
@chanpasadopolska 3 года назад
It's doesnt make sence with Flemish and Dutch both because it's basically same language with dialect difference, Luxembourgish would fit more I guess
@shannimonet 3 года назад
They did a video with Lexembourgish
@chanpasadopolska 3 года назад
@@shannimonet not with Dutch
@shannimonet 3 года назад
@@chanpasadopolska oh yeah, true, they should do it
@cedrickrummes3876 3 года назад
As a Luxie, my Dutch is limited to French-Dutch food labels. So if it's not tomato soup with meatballs, I don't know.
@DougWinfield 3 года назад
@@shannimonet The Luxembourg with Swiss, German and Austrian video was very good.
@kunalabhiyanta1814 3 года назад
Please make a video on Uralic language. Invite finnish, Estonian and Hungarian speakers ( test them whether they understand there uralic language )
3 года назад
i can tell you the outcome.. no one understands hungarian. estonians and finns get along
@hayfalahraoui8361 3 года назад
injecting hungrian in a Baltic-finnic language round would be like having a romance language round and letting russian also participate because it's related in the bigger indo-european language picture.
@aleksalazar432 3 года назад
That's an easy one! Estonians understand Finnish better than Finns understand Estonian. Hungarians hardly understand either Finnish or Estonian and Finns and viceversa. Other Finno-ugric languages that are closer to Finnish and Estonian would be Karelian, Saami, etc.
@michabach274 3 года назад
Just yesterday, a youtuber called Daiki Yoshikawa uploaded a video where he talks about Finnish and Estonian mutual intelligibility with a guest from Estonia. He himself seems to be Japanese and he speaks Finnish as a second language.
@andij605 2 года назад
Hungarians could be put together with Manshi/Chanti/etc people from Russia. We do have common vocabulary with them. But precisely zero (and by zero I mean zero) mutual understanding between Finnish and Hungarian. Yes, the grammar and the sounds are similar, and that's it. Edit: even with chanti people the common vocab are stuff like "add ide, vidd oda, a tóban van", but nothing more complex.
@sarahweber2208 2 года назад
Ich bin deutschsprachige Belgierin und habe alles gut verstanden, da ich auch Niederländisch in der Schule gelernt habe. Selber Flämisch bzw Niederländisch sprechen ist schon etwas schwieriger weil ich manchmal deutsche und niederländische Wörter vermische
@HaSSTron 2 года назад
Dat makt nit :-)
@michelvisser3811 2 года назад
Flemish or German me as Dutchie spend 8 months in Germany serving the Dutch Army what i am trying to so love and respect to my neighbours love you all
@psibiza 2 года назад
the Flemish and the Dutch guy just talk to each other - they don't speak different languages, they speak different dialects. But it really is amazing how Germans and Dutch/Flemish can communicate with each other in their languages just by concentrating and by trying to construct easy sentences. Also, nice work on the preparation side and the background information on each of the words. Especially Kartoffel is very interesting. There's the French group and their "apple that grows in the earth" (pomme du terre). Same for the Dutch and Flemish. Also the same for Bavarian, Austrian and most Swiss dialets (Erdapfel). Then there's the Spanish Potato group: Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian (patata, batata) - I believe Austrians can also use "Pataten" sometimes and then there's the German/Russian Kartoffel group, who took the word from the Italians who themselves are in the potato group :). I also found the Gromper / Krompir group which is commonly used in some Eastern European langugages. But this one actually seems to belong to the French group. It's just not "pomme de terre" but "poire de terre", Pear from the Ground / Earth. Ground-Pear. I found it interesting how German assimilated the different names of Fish from the Dutch language (Hering and especially Matjes are another important example) - when most other similar / identical words are used in Dutch from the German word. It's also amazing how you found a Dutch guy for this videos who is not a fluent German speaker ;)
@yt-nx1qm Год назад
Yes you are right ridiculous the title says they are different languages. I will do a report on YT.
@Mignonnn Год назад
@@yt-nx1qm its clearly said „ CAN THEY understand german language“ no one was saying that they are single languages
@123norway 2 года назад
Wholesome AF
@ruawhitepaw 3 года назад
I'm a Dutch speaker and could follow along totally fine without English subtitles.
@danikopter_lp 2 года назад
I'm from Germany, can maybe understand like 35% of dutch
@wodanwandelaar292 2 года назад
@@danikopter_lp The German speaker tried harder to speak more slowly and articulate then the Dutch speaker
@xSunnyDaysx 2 года назад
Leuk om als Nederlandse spreker mee te doen. Dit waren mijn antwoorden: -Zuurkool/pindasaus -Geneeskunde -Haai -Bord waarop de waterpijlstand te zien is (geen flauw idee) -Blik
@JoshuaHere 3 года назад
A video where they have to guess Frisian would be so good. Could be English, German and Danish (or Swedish/Norwegian) facing off.
@jimjungle1397 2 года назад
I studied Dutch in Belgium and learned most of the Flemish from Antwerp. Here in America I recently saw a Swiss movie or TV program on TV and the Swiss German sounded very much like Dutch.
@gabkikop6949 2 года назад
Omg can I join this series the next time? I'm dutch and I love languages.
@Ecolinguist 2 года назад
You'll find the volunteer form in the description box. :)
@ThePaleoCon 2 года назад
Very interesting to hear people speak in their native languages and trying to understand each other. I'm from Sweden and noticed that I had an easier time understanding Florian from the other videos than Eric but I'm not sure if it's a dialect thing or perhaps that Eric is talking a bit faster? If I'm not mistaken Eric is from Hamburg and Florian from Düsseldorf. Any thoughts? =)
@mohamadmosa8116 3 года назад
Awesome content! As a german beginner I understood aproximately 75% german, 55% dutch and flemish. I hope you do comparison of german with scandinavian languages and mainly swedish (they were missed in the old norse video), thank you Norbert!
@northstar2839 3 года назад
I think Danish on the one side, and Dutch or Afrikaans on the other side, would also be interesting ... especially because of the rather peculiar Danish pronunciation ...
@fabiank4396 2 года назад
Ich habe sehr lange gebraucht um Kartoffelbrei zu erraten, und ich bin Deutscher…
@clemenceaugeorge4047 3 года назад
I really want to see "Yiddish Can german,austrian german and swiss german speaker understand it?" :)
@cedrickrummes3876 3 года назад
Fine, let's not invite Luxembourgish to that party!
@NobbiMD 3 года назад
@@cedrickrummes3876 I want to do Yiddish too!!!
@xaverlustig3581 3 года назад
As a German, my subjective impression of Yiddish is: It sounds like a weird south German dialect spoken with an Eastern European accent, but other than the weird pronunciation it's almost identical to German except some grammar quirks, and as such is very clear and transparent. But here and there there are unknown words thrown in (obviously the ones of Hebrew and Slavic origin) that can make understanding surprisingly difficult at times. This goes for "European" Yiddish, if you can call it that. American Yiddish as you sometimes stumble upon on youtube is a different cup of tea. It's quite hard for me, I guess because of the American accent and some more unusual vocabulary.
@lbergen001 2 года назад
This is such a nice game to learn more about languages. Thanks
@DJarr216 3 года назад
I think it would have been nice to have a speaker of Afrikaans included in this specific experiment. I imagine the afrikaans speaker would be struggling with german alot more but then i wonder how close to the correct awnser they can get hearing the questions posed by the dutch and flemish speaker.
@nicolienoelofse-canovi4521 2 года назад
I am Afrikaans and could understand at least 85% of everything.. It felt like German is the more formal language, and Dutch 'n Flemish much easier for me to comprehend 98%..
@astranger448 2 года назад
Lol, I'm from Flanders and I listened to this rather than watching it. The Flemish guy sounded Dutch since he is a teacher Dutch. De Dutch guy sounded almost Flemish since he is from a region in the Netherlands that has its counterpart in Flanders.
@juliesilent 3 года назад
Omg I have A1 in German but I guessed all the words correctly! So proud of myself. But I had to google these words in German because I understood the explanation and the meaning but didn’t know the actual words in German (I’m Russian). But I’m happy af :)
@WolfyLuna 3 года назад
Am a Dutch person that lived in Germany for 17 years so these conversations were totally understandable all ways for me. And yes in the North region of Germany (and Niedersachsen) they use moin all day as a way of greeting but from what I understood it actually is a short way of saying good morning in the rest of Germany.
@gerohubner5101 3 года назад
North German "Moin" is NOT related to the morning time, but a short version of "Moien Dag", coming from Dutch (and northern "low" German "mooi" (pretty, nice, beautiful). Therefore, it's a standard greeting throughout the day. But even most Germans are not aware of that and have the misconception about odd Northerners saying "Good morning" all day long. They don't!
@WolfyLuna 3 года назад
@@gerohubner5101 ah, learned something new ^_^ thanks for sharing Gero Hübner
@gligeti 3 года назад
Ich glaube Eric hat den Stassenablauf (Gully) mit dem Kanaldeckel verwechselt. Der Gully ist nicht rund.
@d0minarix 3 года назад
That makes more sense. In Dutch: "Geul" or "Goot" Kanaldeckel "Putdeksel"
@gligeti 3 года назад
@@d0minarix ​ yep, I was wondering when Eric was describing it as he said both "where the water flows out" (in English it would be the drain or storm drain) or something like that as well as "it is round" (which would be more like the manhole cover) so I was not sure which one he means... Not that I would know either in Dutch :-D
@NobbiMD 3 года назад
@@gligeti Totally agree!
@irfanb4332 3 года назад
A Belgian person from Limburg (especially aged 45+)would have understood everything. In Belgian Limburg we grew up watching German TV.
@gamehero7198 10 месяцев назад
Man this episode was super chill, i enjoyed it alot 👍
@TomWaldgeist 3 года назад
The german aquilvalent for Medizin/ geneeskund is Heilkunde
@imyodr5405 3 года назад
Ich bin Russin und lerne Deutsch seit 3 Jahren. Das Video war super interessant und nützlich für mich :)
@Thewalkingcatpolska 3 года назад
Ciekawa rozmowa, fajny wybór słów!
@bdnugget 2 года назад
Wauw, dat ging verrassend stroef
@qazanbas3995 3 года назад
English subtitles suddenly become Dutch starting from 16:20 Like for Norbert to see!
@Ecolinguist 3 года назад
It has been fixed now. Thanks for letting me know. :)
@kenninast Год назад
I'm fluent at German (and I speak both German AND Belgian Dutch fluently)... and I had to think through what you were saying. :D Gully... didn't even think of that one! :D
@kenninast Год назад
Bordstein is in het Nederlands trouwens "boordsteen". ;) In het Belgisch dialect "borduur".
@kenninast Год назад
Ook best wel verwarrend voor Nederlandstaligen: "Dose" is "blik" maar als je er voor "steck" zet, dus "(in)stoppen", dan krijg je "Steckdose" en dat betekent "stopcontact".
@forsti3716 2 года назад
Fun fact: As an Austrian I wasn't able to get "Gully", as I've never even heard that word. Even tho we get taught "Hochdeutsch" in school it still varies a lot from the "Hochdeutsch" that's taught in Germany. I think most of Austrians would say "Kanaldeckel" which directly translates to the words Rob and Glenn mentioned. Really liked the video and it's insane how I could understand most of what Rob said and a bit of what Glenn said!
@johannes3153 2 года назад
Austrian (or better Bavarian, you are speaking Bavarian in Austria) is Hochdeutsch. You are confusing Standarddeutsch with Hochdeutsch here. Standarddeutsch is the standardized version of Modern High German. Dialects like Bavarian are Modern High German. In contrast to that there also is Plattdeutsch which is Low German. High German/Hochdeutsch is from the Highlands and Low German/Plattdeutsch is from the flatlands/lowlands/Flachland (norddeutsche Tiefebene).
@forsti3716 2 года назад
@@johannes3153 Bavarian isn't even close to most Austrian dialects wtf and there's vast differences even within Austria. I've also never heard the term "Standarddeutsch", but that might just be a difference in labelling as "Hochdeutsch" is the standardized version of German taught in Austria. The "Hochdeutsch" taught in Austria is also not 100% equal to the "Hochdeutsch"/"Standarddeutsch" taught in Germany, as we even have our own "Duden" an example would be "Jänner" which is a valid word for January, whereas in Germany, it's only used in a few dialects.
@johannes3153 2 года назад
@@forsti3716 Mir ist klar, dass es verschiedene österreichische Dialekte gibt, allerdings gehören die alle zum Boarischen. Und nur, weil alle in Österreich zu Standarddeutsch Hochdeutsch sagen, heißt das noch längst nicht, dass das richtig ist. Ich komme außem Norden und hier sagen auch alle Hochdeutsch zu Standarddeutsch. Die Muttersprache meiner Großeltern ist Platt und deshalb haben sie wahrscheinlich Standarddeutsch immer Hochdeutsch genannt, weil es eben das einzige Hochdeutsch war, das sie kannten. Und so hat sich das vermutlich auf ganz Deutschland übertragen. Jedenfalls sprecht ihr in Österreich Boarisch, was Hochdeutsch ist. Falls du mir nicht glaubst, schau dir das Video "Sind Österreicher Deutsche?" auf dem RU-vidkanal Dr. Ludwig an, da wird auch eine schöne Karte der Deutschen Dialekte und ihrer Verbreitung gezeigt.
@forsti3716 2 года назад
@@johannes3153 Boarisch ist nichtmal irgendwie vergleichbar mit den Dialekten die hier gesprochen werden und schon gar nicht mit jenen in Vorarlberg und Tirol. Warum ist Hochdeutsch jetzt falsch wenn es der in Österreich verwendete Begriff für Standarddeutsch ist? Ich hab hier einen österreichischen Duden vor mir liegen, in dem kommt das Wort Standarddeutsch nichteinmal vor. Alleine, dass du sagst österreichische Dialekte sind mit Boarisch vergleichbar zeigt wie wenig Ahnung du hast.
@johannes3153 2 года назад
@@forsti3716 @Forsti 37 Lol, es ist halt einfach ne Tatsache, dass in Österreich Boarisch gesprochen wird. Nur, weil es sich vom Nordboarisch in Bayern unterscheidet, heißt das noch längst nicht, dass es kein Boarisch ist. Im Münsterland wird auch anderes Platt gesprochen, als in Ostfriesland. Ist trotzdem alles Platt. Guck dir doch das Video an, das ich dir genannt habe. Ich habe meine Behauptungen mit diesem Video belegt und fundiert. Du hingegen belegst nichts, sondern behauptest nur irgendetwas ins Blaue hinein. Und zum Duden: Im Duden steht nicht einfach die korrekte Rechtschreibung und schon gar nicht die Bedeutung., sondern auch das, was umgangsprachlich ist oder gerade im Trend. Es stehen im Duden auch etliche grammatikalisch falsche Dinge wie "Gästin" (Gast), einfach nur, weil es die breite Masse heutzutage einem gestörten "Gender"wahn aufsitzt. Österreicher sprechen Boarisch und Boarisch ist Hochdeutsch. Guck dir halt das Video an, das ich dir genannt habe. "Sind Österreicher Deutsche?" von Dr. Ludwig. Nach zwei Minuten oder so kommt die Sprachenkarte zu Österreich. Es besteht ein Sprachkontinuum zwischen Bayern und Österreich. Sind Österreicher ja auch einfach Baiern, die nach Süden/Südosten gewandert sind.
@AdrieAgent 3 года назад
It would be more interesting if they did it the other way around
@victorcb6795 3 года назад
Dutch and Flemish are a single language, you know that, don't you? It's as though the video said "German vs Australian vs English" go figure
@ojgfhuebsrnvn2781 2 месяца назад
I like how they try to guess a word and struggling but then after revealing the word just talk as if there is no language barrier at all.
@arthur_p_dent 3 года назад
11:37 Das richtige nicht-fremdsprachliche Wort wäre "Heilkunde".
@cedrickrummes3876 3 года назад
Heilkunde sounds practically medieval.
@arthur_p_dent 3 года назад
@@cedrickrummes3876 what's worse, it sounds like "alternative medicine", like something a "Heilpraktiker" would do. Which is one reason why I wouldn't necressarily recommend using it if you mean actual medicine. But that doesn't change what I said. If you want an original German word for medicine not derived from Latin or Greek - then "Heilkunde" (or "Heilkunst") it is.
@CheatahX 3 года назад
In Dutch that would be "Heelkunde" and I think that is indeed quite old fashioned. "Geneeskunde" is probably much more common. And when they were discussing "profitieren" I was thinking of "baten" or "baat hebben" or "gebaat zijn bij", or it being beneficial or having benefit but not in a monetary fashion.
@waterdrager93 3 года назад
@@CheatahX Tandheelkunde
@HweolRidda 3 года назад
In that case the English word should be "halecraft". "Healthcraft" might be more modern but "health" replaced "hale" about the same time we stopped using "-craft" to make new words. Would "halecraft" make immediate sense to a German speaker? (Ed: I was wrong. There are more modern words with -craft. They are often Romance/Germanic blends like "statecraft".)
@JoCaTen 3 года назад
Another one of these. Fascinating
@liesbethdevries4986 3 года назад
I speak both languages fluently (native). 1. Kartoffelbrei = aardappelpuree 2. Medizin = geneeskunde 3. Haifische = haaien 4. Gully = riool/put 5. Dose = blik(je) 6. Karton = doos 7. Bordsteinkante = stoeprand
@christopherrensor4780 2 года назад
He could have also said "Kartoffelpüree" instead of "-brei".
@joegee6434 2 года назад
It's kinda crazy one guy is speaking one language and the other two are speaking their own language and they never cross over into the other person's language yet they pretty much understand each other fine.
@PIANOPHUNGUY 3 года назад
A potato in Danish is "kartoffel" and in Swedish "potatis"
@baerlauchstal 3 года назад
In British English, we also call a can a tin.
@HweolRidda 3 года назад
When i was a child in Canada (1960s) a tin would always refer to solids (a tin of fish). Beverages were always in a can, but "can" could be used for either. Now I think we have completely lost "tin" in everyday speech. In British English would you say a "tin of beer"?
@cedrickrummes3876 3 года назад
And a Bri'ish tin used to made out of tin. A blik made from blik.
@leikind 3 года назад
I loved the video, but the title makes it look like we are dealing with 3 different languages and it's annoying. Flemish is just Dutch spoken in Belgium, it's one language. Of course, there are certain differences, but in this video both Dutch speakers speak Standaard Nederlands, plus Rob Bos is from Limburg, and even though I wouldn't mistake him for a Vlaming (I am an immigrant to Belgium speaking fluent Dutch), his pronunciation is far from the pronunciation in Noord/Zuid Holland, closer to Flemish dialects than those Hollanders :).
@DougWinfield 3 года назад
You're not supposed to reveal the secret that Flemish is a Dutch dialect. It could cause Belgium to slide into the sea.
@Turbo_Tina 3 года назад
@@DougWinfield Lmao, funny thing is if you listen to Dutch recordings during 1940 it sounds almost exactly like the current Flemish accent. It seems to be like the American vs British accent, where the American accent is the old British accent, while the current British accent evolved from the London accent at that time (with the current Dutch accent being inspired from the accents of both of the Hollands). The Flemish accent just evolved a lot slower.
@evgenys3220 3 года назад
Norbert became more active on the channel ... sounds nice!
@loskillo 2 года назад
Please include Frisian in a video! Love your content!
@contanta5191 3 года назад
Germany and Austria are my favourite countrys, i love german language 🇷🇺👍🇩🇪🇦🇹
@L-mo 3 года назад
And hate immigration, let me guess?
@contanta5191 3 года назад
@@L-mo no, i want to immigrate to Germany or Nordway
@NantokaNejako 3 года назад
@@L-mo Just for interest: What lead you to that conclusion?
@contanta5191 3 года назад
@@NantokaNejako about immigration?
@NantokaNejako 3 года назад
@@contanta5191 yes
@maali82 2 года назад
as a dutch person who is fluent in german, i found the rather overly cryptic descriptions more challenging than the word itself :P
@johangouws8855 Год назад
As an Afrikaans speaking person I do understand all three … the German guy speaks a bit fast but luckily the printed text makes it easier.
@CouchPolyglot 3 года назад
coole Sache!! I feel like Dutch is easier for me to understand than Flemish 🤔. Subtitles do help for both though 😄
@NantokaNejako 3 года назад
The Dutch dialect in the province of Limburg sounds quite German-like :-) maybe that's why. (Otherwise the two languages are very much alike, i think.)
@briangross 3 года назад
They are the same language just different accents. It’s annoying that he is calling Flemish a language; just as absurd as saying someone is speaking “Austrian” if they are an Austrian speaking Standard German. By the way the “Dutch” guy has a stronger regional accent than the “Flemish” guy who speaks with a very standard Belgian accent in Dutch, such as you would hear on the VRT Flemish (=from Flanders) news programs.
@ymmv99 2 года назад
@Gad Headhunter Just like the Flemish guy was speaking standard Dutch with a slight Flemish accent.
@Tech-Relief 2 дня назад
Has something changed? I left the Netherlands in 1970 as a teenager (Rotterdam perhaps my dialect is different?) but a proper word for Blik (which can be used) is een Blikke Bus, so I chose een Bus or Busje. And the edge of the footpath where the putten are located is the Goot not Riool, a Put is the entrance to the Riool which carries the water away, but it was mentioned to be the entrance, hence Put.
@colincrandal1280 3 года назад
Es ist sehr hilfreich für mich, diese Sprachen nebeneinander zuhören, weil ich ein Amerikanischer bin, der hoffte eines zukünftiges Tages beide Sprachen zu sprechen. Hartelijk bedankt voor dit gesprek!
@spitalhelles3380 3 года назад
*Amerikaner :)
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