
Getting your dog to COME every time - Real world RECALL. 

Beckman's Dog Training
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8 дек 2022




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@underduress5761 Год назад
When I had heard you talking about the dog touching your hand as being the completion, I saw the value in that the dog will be close enough to restrain, if necessary, but the grabbing of the collar seems like a much more secure recall completion. This is just one small aspect that improves the value in your training methods. You're constantly adjusting and fine tuning things to improve the overall end results and the balanced methods you use, make for happy dogs and happy people. I really don't get how people can believe that the using of adversity for not okay behavior, somehow "mentally traumatizes animals. It's as if they've never observed how dogs will treat each other, if left to their instincts and natural behaviors. They're beasts! But they can be trained to be best friends and happy! Your videos are really making me consider getting a dog again. I love dogs and love training them.
@chrisscinta1973 Год назад
I didn’t realize it but my dog started backing away when I reached for his collar. Took a few attempts before he realized that was part of his recall. Astonishing what we learn when we do things as instructed! Lol
@adromano6 Год назад
Thank you !!
@brianahearn7754 9 месяцев назад
It depends on the degree of the adversity, as dogs can certainly traumatize one another. Just as a parent can traumatize a child through their own natural behavior
@Axiomatic75 2 месяца назад
Yeah, it's as if parents never punished their kids bad behavior and just did nothing if they lied or stole or something else that's unacceptable. Bad behavior needs punishment (in reasonable relation to the "crime" of course) just like good behavior needs reward.
@Moni-ui5bz Год назад
I'm glad I always used hand signals with my dog(s) because now that my oldest dog is getting deaf it really helps.
@tburda823 Год назад
Absolutely, I got 3 more years of great obedience out of my sweet old girl when she lost the majority of her hearing.
@name.terrie Год назад
My experience as well with one of my dogs and a beautiful, deaf dog I fostered. Also, great when you are in a situation where you need to be quiet.
@TheUnsubScribe Год назад
Underrated comment
@triplewinlin5576 Год назад
Great point!!
@martyduty2598 Год назад
What if they go blind first?
@Mynervas 10 месяцев назад
I don't know why I'm binging your videos, I don't even own a dog... But I love seeing the progress these dogs make when they come to you.
@suzy7301 Год назад
Here's another tip! I learned early on with my pup that saying "come" made one third of the dog park recall to me, so my dog and I have multiple versions of it so he knows it's only for him. If he's far away and I need to get him out of a potentially sticky situation I yell in a loud, high pitch "OHHHH PUPPUP PUP" and he comes running across the field. If I know that a not so nice dog is coming into the park I do "with me!" and walk away with him in a casual heel.
@Lost_souls_lose_freedom Год назад
Ewww! Both ideas are great but I love the "with me" idea a lot as I have always been one to call as I'm on the move and love it when my dog comes straight into a heel! I gonna have to work on that in the morning.
@geoffas Год назад
I use a double handclap for recalls. No verbal cues at all. It avoids the 'cross-pollination' you mentioned 🙂
@suzy7301 Год назад
@@geoffas OH PUPPUP PUP has been useful in another situation. The side gate to my backyard was open, and I still haven't figured out why, but it was. I let my dog out in the yard early in the morning and noticed he was too quiet. I have the back door set up so he can open it himself to come in and he usually does after about 10 minutes. I realised he was gone and yelled that 3 times, ran in to get my shoes and coat on to go look for him and suddenly he came barging in the back door. So the bellowing recall brought him back to me avoiding potential disaster.
@suzy7301 Год назад
@@Lost_souls_lose_freedom Treats. Jackpot the treats when he does and keep giving them as he follows you. Now he does it and gets one treat. Sometimes I'll jackpot to reinforce. His release word is "ok, go play!"
@rico4you Год назад
A 3 way call, collar grab, go get, only Joel puts such original and unique spins to Dog Training...that give results.
@jasmineploetzke624 Год назад
I really liked it. My trainer in Germany said the exact same thing and taught the "go get" to me. She even added a step, that when the dog notices you approaching to get it, you give another chance to come to you willingly /to the place or half to the place where you first called. This insight really helped us. Mine is still young and sometimes so concentrated, he is not yet able to hear me ALL the time (not because he doesnt want to, but brain is full of scent etc). The second chance he is getting reduced the "not able to hear me" extremely and is faster when extremely focused on something to change focus. Great video.
@christopherpardell4418 10 месяцев назад
I used to have a German shorthair pointer. I trained her by simply taking her for a walk along a trail where she could be off lease. She would RUN like a lunatic, every which way, just exploring, looking for birds, reading pee mail. AlI I did was make one kind of whistle noise every time she was running toward me of her own accord. Made a different whistle when she was running away from me, and a third whistle every time she stopped dead in her tracks to look or point. Over the course of a dozen walks like this, she learned to associate the sound of the whistle with coming toward me or going away or stopping and I found making the whistle for coming she would just automatically come to me. Making the whistle for ‘ranging’ and she would feel free to run off… making the whistle for stop and she would stop dead in her tracks. Later, a neighbor’s parrots they kept in an open garage all day learned to make my whistle and get the dog to come to them. They thought that was hilarious. Eventually she figured it out and stopped falling for it. But when my girlfriend tried to make the same whistle, her timbre was slightly different and so when the dog wouldn’t come to their mimic of my whistle, they mimicked her’s and the dog fell for it again for about week before learning that whistles coming from that garage were always bogus.
@lesliewhitson8215 Месяц назад
Wow this was so helpful! It can’t be overstated how important and basic this lesson is. It can be a life saver for your dog.
@kiwidancer95 Год назад
This works! Did it with a crazy Catahoula. She comes now.
@arhansen85 2 месяца назад
Wow this is brilliant thanks! The collar grab makes total sense! I’ve misunderstood what the treat meant to my dog. Rather then how the treat and collar grab work together.
@pmlm1571 8 месяцев назад
I'm bringing home an older rescue dog--neglected, untrained--and I really needed this step-by-step guide. So grateful.
@maryannesantomauro326 Год назад
I do competitive obedience with my dachshunds and in Utility level, Signal exercise, the dogs must follow hand commands only, no verbal. Best thing ever, because my now 14yo dachshund has hearing loss and thanks to all the "Watch Me" & Attention work we did, she watches me & responds to my "Come" hand signal.
@notNights 2 месяца назад
What kind of watch me & attention work did you do? I have a dachshund too, would like your methods that worked!
@zelmalang1695 Год назад
Thanks, Joel. I have used your technique and my 19 month old Saint Bernard has a bullet proof recall. And I never use treats, only love and praise.
@deecee7990 2 месяца назад
Did you use treats when you started to train the recall?
@jennydrumm7223 4 месяца назад
I have a dog that's 9 months old and we had some decent success when I started working with him, but then we kind of plateaued. He's pretty good with sit, down, an "on-leash stay" but he has absolutely NO recall whatsoever! (unless he happens to want to come at that moment). He's also REALLY easily distracted on leash and I find that I'm pretty much always having to drag his attention back to me. After 5-6 weeks working with him it just got SO irritating that I eventually let things slide. I live in the country and have a fenced yard so it was easy to just let it go. It's also been 13 years since I've had a puppy, so I'm totally out of practice. I'm so happy I found your videos! I've watched a number of them already and if it ever stops raining here 🙄 I plan to get back to it and use your videos for inspiration.
@Csoery Месяц назад
OMG same! My dog is 2yo now, I've put a LOT of work into training him, he's been doing great actually for a while. Now that he grew up we're having serious problems with recall. It's super situational. He's doing fairly well 95% of the time but sometimes he just decides he's gonna do whatever he wants, and shoots off into the forest no matter what I do. No way to go and grab him then, he'll run for 10 min and then come back. He doesn't want to escape, I think he just wants to let the steam off but here's the conundrum, he needs tons of exercise yet I can't let him off the leash because he's not reliable, this is super dangerous behaviour (we live in a city, I can't have him run god knows where and maybe in front of cars). I have yet to find a way to solve this. We don't have access to a fenced area, unfortunately.
@msmithlifestyle Год назад
Where have *I* been?? I just found you last week, have been studying your videos, and it has changed my and my 9 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback pup's lives! I soooo jive with your methods. I successfully trained and raised two Rhodesian Ridgebacks (*my* favorite breed). My 10 yo baby boy passed earlier this year, still have his 11 yo female housemate (who is mellow and awesome). I brought my new boy home at 8 weeks back in March. I DO NOT remember training being this exhausting!! My new pup has a more energetic personality, doesn't have a peer playmate, and I'm 10 years older. Lemme tell ya, the head harness is a game-changer!! He's really responsive to training, but loose-leash walking was ag-ra-vaaating (like that Shepherd in your videos...just stubborn)! On his first walk using it, he's a totally different dog and walks are enjoyable. We'll start *this* recall training method tonight. THANK YOU!!!
@msmithlifestyle Год назад
...brought him home in May (that math didn't work). LOL!
@jillsy2815 Год назад
Yes! Joel's the best!! I brought home a street puppy in October 2021 (I'm 57) and yes!!!! I didn't remember new puppy being so exhausting either! But with Joel's vids, the puppy (now 20 months is the neighborhood love junkie🐾🙏🏽❤️
@suzannegordanvu3141 Год назад
I am so glad you posted a video of this technique. 💯 Thank you!
@CMOT101 Год назад
Love it. I love the fact you show dogs training from the beginning and aren't afraid to show dogs failing so that we know how and when to switch methods. You explain well. Its clear. Its obvious you actually know what you are doing and you know dogs. Also love the fact you take on rescue dogs with the serious issues that terrify other trainers.
@kamakazikriss Год назад
I've never seen it taught it this way, but this is truly an amazing way to teach this command! Highly recommend this to anyone teaching this command.
@BarracudaB68 4 месяца назад
Pretty common in the UK when I got my first dog in the mid 1990s. Treats in the hand forming what becomes a hand signal, then add distractions (going and getting the dog if need be) and phasing out the treats.
@perrymason4740 Год назад
Just crazy how you get the owners to do it so fast and easily. Great job 👍 learning a lot from your videos
@bradleyboyer9979 Год назад
We have a unique dog. We got him at four months old as a rescue. He knew how to come naturally. We literally didn't have to reinforce it. He is a very sensitive dog (black mouth cur so this is typical), so I'm not sure if that has something to do with it or not. There are tons of things like that that he either figured out immediately or seemed to already know. We asked the rescue, and she said they did not work on such things specifically. I wish we could take credit for a lot of his behavior, but we were really just lucky. He is also EXTREMELY sensitive to tone of voice, which I've real is also typical of BMC's. If I just lower my voice subtly, he stops in his tracks and looks right at me. He will literally freeze with his paw in the air and look to me for direction. My dad even jokes that we beat him when no one else is around, lol. And I'm NOT claiming he is super intelligent. It really is just around his sensitive nature. He waits for commands on EVERYTHING. Sometimes it's hard to even convince him to come up on furniture or come inside the house. You have to emphatically tell him to come up or he won't consider it.
@sameulljacson9807 Год назад
If think the hardest part in training getting a dog is correcting wrong behavior immediately especially if you have a family. You all need to be on the same page. Problem is not correcting a say consistently from day 1 as a pup. It's tough, absolutely DO NOT be agressive yourself harming the dog both Physically and Mentally. Being consistent is tough especially on families who see the puppie as a cute thing that can do not wrong. Having as much social interaction is a must before 6 months old preferably much younger.
@triplewinlin5576 Год назад
It is all about helping the dog associate your actions with treats (at first) plus your sound, gestures, and consistent follow up. Takes effort but so worth it. I saw my 6-month-old puppy get run over by a car and die, when she wiggled through the slightly open front door of my house. This happened when someone else in the house opened the door but didn't block her from getting out. I ran out after her calling her. She would come near but not close enough for me to grab her, then she would run again thinking it was just a game. Maybe she was too young but if If I had been aware of your methods and had been able to train her beforehand, I could have prevented that tragic event.
@michellewarmath7811 Год назад
This is great and what a grand dog Mia is.
@targetsunshine6060 Год назад
Love watching ❤️🧡 especially when Prince is shown. Such a beautiful boy.
@glennyslindsay6442 4 месяца назад
I got a rescue puppy for Christmas. He is four months old and had a very rough start. I will use your recall method to train and let you know my progress. Thank you
@hi_im_taylor1772 Год назад
I wish I had a trainer like you. The trainer we went to yelled at us and made us feel like horrible people. She taught us things that didn’t work for our dog and now we are too scared to find another trainer
@arnoldlayne9469 Год назад
My dog recalling to me makes me overwhelmingly happy. It's uncontrollable, I can feel my body chemistry completely change, so I can guarantee my dog can sense all that happiness within me as she gets closer...I wonder if that has anything to do with anything. I praise very heavily upon a successful recall, doesn't matter how many years we've been doing it. Getting to me creates happiness for all.
@Msfelixthecatz Год назад
This was super-good. My dog's recall is ok, but not perfect, so now I know what to do differently. Thank you!
@crownofhair Год назад
This was the most simplified and easy to understand breakdown for recall! You're one of the absolute best trainers out there, no doubt 🙌🏻
@usaintwinnin7312 Год назад
Appreciate all the videos and info you give us. Thanks man.
@JenKirby Год назад
I like your advice. I am going to start doing that today (even indoors!)
@asp1213 Год назад
Great video and great refresher for those of us that have been following you for awhile!
@KingsMom831 Год назад
Thanks for another incredible video Joel!!!
@jillsy2815 Год назад
Nice clear vid! Sweet & smart dog with conscientious owners looked like a fun session. 🐾❤️
@annahargrave8309 Год назад
Really helpful! Particularly the collar grab being part of the recall!! Makes total sense 💥
@Christopher-vf6kx Год назад
Thank you again Joel. Pure solid gold. 👍
@blindpro6404 Год назад
Great step by step, thanks Joel
@denniscoyle4791 Год назад
Love the hand signals I teach that all the time and each command has a separate one. After time hand signals are all that is needed. Great job Joel!
@reneloralachapelle8776 Год назад
Love your videos so much. Your training methods have really helped me with my Newfoundland dog
@angelahaines5065 Год назад
Great video, loving the high energy pitched voice for recall, always works better after you’ve reached a point were you don’t always give them treats for doing recall!! Thank you 😊
@cordywitt6400 Год назад
Glad to find your channel. 😃
@jcwolves Год назад
Amazing timing, I've been wondering how to start the training process for recall with our puppy. I want to make sure she ends up with a rock solid recall in any situation and I think this is what I needed.
@reallymedagnabit Год назад
still doing a great job here. I admire your work and commitment
@merilymerily2230 Год назад
You're amazing Joel. This is exactly what I need with my new 1 year old rescue German Shepherd x Malinois. She is absolutely beautiful and gentle but crazy energy and has not learnt any manners. This recall video has helped me a lot. There's so much more to learn. Thank you from Sydney Australia.
@Sonofawildanimal4241 Год назад
This guy is passionate about his work and it shows. Keep it up!
@Kelly1237 Год назад
Love how clearly you broke down the steps, the meaning the dog sees in each step and explained why each movement is so powerful for the owner and dog’s communication!
@fatkidsdontrun9394 Год назад
Joel I LOVE how you did this with a fresh dog that is not yours, that is so true showing not your own dog, I love it. Consistency and repetition does wonders for training, and it's really that simple for commands like this. Another great video!
@joelanderson4899 Год назад
I never would have been able to train my dog to recall if it wasn't for your advice. Thanks so much man
@ptroinks 9 месяцев назад
That was actually moving to watch! Great method, and Mia was the best girl!
@roackyroad585crunch8 Год назад
Joel, you are the #1 dog trainer whose methods that I use to train dogs now. Your methods work. Sometimes I have to tweak them a bit, but to the core, your methods are amazing.
@psupple1 Год назад
This was the best advice from Joel! I finally understood him when he said I had to pay the dog with the "BEST" treats!
@mommaferg Год назад
Beautiful!!!!! Good girl
@AudreyBanz Год назад
I am so glad I found this video and your channel. I used this training method on my stubborn corgi just the other day and then this morning he got out of the fence. As soon as he saw me put my arm down with the treat he came running. He's never done that before when he has gotten out of the gate.
@LaraYAH127 Год назад
Hey Beckman family 💌🐾, There so smart especially when they doing a job no matter what it is, she's so attentive. 😍 Always great video. Oh, the bend the knees we were talking about you today on how that is such awesome advice 💡✅✅
@bpedroza5340 10 месяцев назад
After a few times watching this and the Leader Leash video's, I'm on my way to training my rescue Pit, Thor. He had the leader leash on for 6 minutes twice today and loves the cheese I use for the COME !!!! exercise. Thanks for giving me the tools to better care for my dog and bring more joy in both our lives.
@katcalico9142 Год назад
Love this! Great as always! We are actually really along well for our age but my dog is a foxhound beagle mix - da squirrels da birds da squirrels- given she has some of the of the foxhound stubbornness and prey drive - I eventually would like us to have a very solid recall.
@wonderscall6486 6 месяцев назад
Your videos are awesome 😊
@RLeeVanCamps Год назад
Mia has such potential. Beautiful dog. My dog doesn’t recall always. Need more ideas to help instill it. I use the hand down and treats. Collar grab too but sometimes he just says nope
@Tamara-fb4so 8 месяцев назад
I'm on the (to me) dreaded go get stage. I'm a nanny to an 8 month old Husky GSD mix and I'm old! He's smart and so stubborn! He nopes out way too much. I've become just as stubborn. I hope you and your best friend are doing well. Peace.
@gloriajackson2021 Год назад
These are the videos that help me the most. I'm a visual learner. I'm getting a dog in March/April and I want to learn everything I can to help him succeed and be the best companion possible. Thank you so much for taking the time to make these awesome videos!
@user-jk2xc6tw5j Год назад
Great channel! Subscribed
@joannecolclough823 Год назад
Brilliant video my springer reacts to hand signals almost better if not better than verbal ones. Keep making videos love them !
@kozuehinakura9818 Год назад
I really like watching your video!!!!!! Our dogs are getting better and better !!!!!! Thank you!
This made it easy for her to understand come and learn to do
@Anon_E_Muss Год назад
Great lesson! Thank you for this valuable demonstration.
@name.terrie Год назад
Very good info and modeling! Thanks! Recall is one of the first behaviors I work with with fosters. Since many of them are found running loose, not claimed, not chipped, and many seem to be "runners" and escape artists, IMHO, it's so important for safety to have them get this. Thanks again!
@ThePackDad Месяц назад
This is great. Read a book in 1999 (The Heart of the Matter... I think). It taught me to call me dog and go him from any room the house, bring him to where I was when I called, then reward him. His recall was incredible. My older dogs seem to figure it out and outgrow it in their later years sometimes. 🤣
@sucide4161 10 месяцев назад
best advice ever🎉
@jvjdrn 2 месяца назад
Thanks, Joel! I just adopted a fearful Golden Retriever and need to train him on recall--and everything else.
@cynthiaweber1646 Год назад
Excellent video. Thank you so much
@caseyd3043 8 месяцев назад
I so appreciate you taking the time to give age expectations in many of your videos. So many of the highly choreographed trainers don't discuss literal timelines of expectation, and spend more time talking about how great they are with dogs than actually showing realistic examples of how to do this at home with an untrained dog. Thank you!
@ruthdederich3622 Год назад
Thank you thank you thank you!!!
@heathermitchell2275 Год назад
Great video! Looking forward to working on this with my dogs.
@joellephillips4213 Год назад
When I taught my daughter sign language my dog started responding to it and I saw the values in her complete attention with my hand signals its amazing how she picks it up. Now my daughters both do commands and she listens so well.
@yazminconn1974 Год назад
Amazing! Thank you so much. This really clicked for me! The grab-the-collar and the go-get method really did it for me. I often try to practice recall in high-distraction areas to practice calling him off his dog friends but when he blows me off I haven't gone and got him. I need to begin with easier scenarios first to set him up for success and emphasise the 'C' in 'come'. Thank you Beckman!!
@ozdigg9254 Год назад
Superb. I learn so much. Thank you. I recommend you wherever I see the need.
@ElizabethJW 8 месяцев назад
Omg I am going to start this with my almost 2 year old husky. He has iffy recall and I know he just needs to remember that I am worth coming to. He has improved so much when distracted playing at the dog park but I need it to be better than that to trust him more. Thank you for this video!! Great info! I’m also going to use this for my 3 month old puppy as she gets a bit older 😃
@jakeshuman7167 Год назад
thanks Joel. After watching one of your other videos, I've been doing the "C"ome command and the hand down (give him some instruction on exactly whats expected), and its improved his recall response. I know if I did more go-get, he'd be even better (sometimes i do let him blow me off! :( . but def. noticed i'm getting better responses with just those two pro-tips. thanks so much.
@1212LeoSnake Год назад
I know you've heard this a lot a lot, but your videos have changed my life for the better. It's nothing like having an obedient, loyal, and loving dog. And it truly makes a difference when you become a confident leader. May the Lord God continue to bless you and your family and yes I tell everyone I know who has a dog about your channel. 😎 Thank you so much for putting out training videos and please keep dropping gems on us Otis, Dog Thomas, Otis's Dad 🤝🏾👏🏾👍🏾
@smith12885 Год назад
I know. I recommend Joel Beckman's videos to everyone!
@User7688.--_ Год назад
As do I 👋
@EncinitasBeeCo Год назад
Me too
@jillsy2815 Год назад
@ltpdogtrainingNJ Год назад
@f-juan50 Год назад
Very well done and great information 👏
@_macm Год назад
I love your channel and your videos are very useful to me and my puppy husky. The only struggle now is her and the gentle leader, she absolutely hates it, keeps trying to take it off (we're on the 4th week wearing it), and she still pulls very hard with the gentle leader on (Idk how she doesn't have a neck issue lol). I hired a trainer who told me to rehome her or to give her anti anxiety meds, so I fired the trainer but now I'm on my own...
@spamsucker132 Год назад
Just excellent.
@Doggaz72 Год назад
@apersonal3568 9 месяцев назад
That was a great video. Thanks.
@B.A.Bassangler 3 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing your methods and techniques in EXPLICIT detail! I have programmed computers and verbal/tactile cued dementia patients during therapy. I knew I was cuing my dogs wrong but couldn't figure it out and manage all the (other rescue) issues. We are now making progress, and I review my notes just like in school, lol.
@kategeskin5983 Год назад
An older video using the 'go get method' helped me perfect the recall command with my supper stubborn akita. This is amazing, and people are always amazed when they see her react immediately.
@jacquim5012 Год назад
Hello from The UK! I’ve learnt a great deal from watching your videos. Thank you so much! This method works brilliantly with my young bedlington whippet x cocker spaniel on country walks ... until she smells a pheasant or some such thing in the distance and then she’s off and no longer listening! On these occasions, she’ll always come back ... but in her own time 😅! Please could you tell me where I’m going wrong? I also have my 7 yr old Labrador with me and she’s no problem.
@Kate98755 Год назад
perfect timing…this is what i planned to work on today. My 1 year old dog this week had successful play times with a few neighbor dogs…our houses have a fenced commons area in our backyards. I’ve kept her away as a puppy, but she seemed ready to blend in….I continued to have her drag a long lead, but i’m ready to work more on her come…right now all i have to do is squeak her ball. I think I got the hold hand in front from an earlier video of yours because that’s how I’ve been giving her a reward for coming up to me….I’ve been working to train for her to come to my side every time during fetch. I trained wait months ago, and have successfully trained to be included in fetch so times I send her immediately, sometimes she has to wait and watch the ball fly away. So nice to be out of the early puppy months, she was really bitey…not a cuddly bug…she’s way more fun now. GSP/Border Collie mix….the dog lives to run, my first dog in the working breed. thanks for your videos
@the_real_amir Год назад
this is a great demonstration
@pjenyart Год назад
Oh I am so glad I found your channel. I am female alone and I can not get my cav to pay one bit of attention to me. I have taken him to several classes. And if a male calls him he comes no problem but me no way. You have helped me lots. I am watching every one of your videos. Thank you so much.
@ShaheedMajid Год назад
Good demonstration. Thanks!
@GregSharpMTB Год назад
Show me a dog that doesn't come, work with the dog till she does. This dog came every time she was asked. My 4 month old Doberman is struggling with her recall. Most other training goes really well, sit, stay, potty training, but she has a poor recall.
@cherialex1 Год назад
This is our dog Mia. She was a hot mess when we brought her to Joel. We have had her for about 1.5 months ( rescue dog) She NEVER came when we called her prior to working with Joel. He prepped us with the hand/ arm down signal and we had hotdogs and cheese as a reinforcer / treat. Also the high pitched emphasis on the “Come” was crucial. You’ll notice when my husbands first attempt ( deep baratone voice) she did not respond. As soon as he pitched his voice higher Mia responded. The three key elements to the recall were: high pitch call, arm down and the food treat. This rescue dog is brilliant and responded quickly to Joel’s method. We were flabbergasted at how well and quickly she transformed. We were seriously concerned for her safety and our sanity prior to the work with Joel!!!
@GregSharpMTB Год назад
Your dog Mia is a sweetheart. I can see why you rescued her. From what I saw in the video, she responded very well. I would like to see Joel work with a dog that does not respond, and how to work through that. If Mia did not respond previously, you could not tell from this video. With some dogs a simple change of tone in your voice won't fix the problem. My 4 month old Doberman Rabu is very smart, and very sensitive. We have had her for about a month and a half as well. I have to be careful how I go about my training. Sometimes when I am trying to teach her something, she thinks she is in trouble, and I don't want that. Even the grab of the collar is a little abrupt for her, though I did have a little success with that tonight. Her recall is about 50 percent. It is getting a little better as she matures, and bonds with my wife and I, but like you said, it is crucial that she comes.
@marturquesa77 11 месяцев назад
The best one!!!
@Watcherw1 Год назад
Could you maybe do a video on your journey to becoming a dog trainer? What made you want to become one etc
@brucegonsalves7348 Год назад
This is a great recall I’m doing a one to one training which is going great but this tool with real world training is amazing thank you 🙏 so much for sharing
@EncinitasBeeCo Год назад
We got a visit from the family that adopted a dog we fostered. Our dog Greta is fine, but their other dog denver has become overly protective of our Greta. It was so nice to turn the owners onto your videos. All the answers are there. Thank you sir.
@PawtentialAdventure Год назад
I’ve seen every video of yours and the improvements are notable. Are you redoing your intro? Can’t wait to see more changes because your knowledge is priceless. Thank you for making me a better dog coach.
@fullmetalfreedom Год назад
I was tought these methods by a sanbdiego zoo trainer also and its next level animal training. It's literally like magic. But the magic at it's essence IS the "process" this man is teaching. These videos and this trainer is superior. I'm sure from his experience at the San Diego zoo. I know training as well like a white belt but it works. Zoo trainers are the best trainers! Great video and this is inspiring me. My dog is of course very well trained but I think I'd like to learn to be a trainer.
@tromboneJTS 2 месяца назад
She (the owner) seems to have a bland "come" command and releases the "collar grab" a bit early so the dog goes directly to look for another treat from a different human.
@Deusex72 Год назад
I love your videos, joel and i don't even have a dog.
@kieranthomas2961 Год назад
Nice work, thanks for the help BDT
@t-housetv7580 Год назад
Thanks, Beckman. Your videos are helping me and my puppy.
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