@shawday7911 maybe if you weren't busy enslaving your people then you would have made ships and created colonies around the world. Africa would be even poorer and more junky if it was never colonized. You can't even grow food without the white man to teach you lol
@@smokingjoe9864 I don't live in Europe, they live in trash and infested with mice 🤢 You can watch an episode of Hoarders to see your folk in your natural habitat 🤮
@@Disgruntled_Canadian Policies that superstitious fundamentalists try to pass include jailing those who have same sex relations, banning abortion, sharia law (muslism), teaching creation instead of evolution in schools.
It's the slave master's religion not theirs, and their culture is now Western materialism, little Britishers in a country with less than 0.05% of US GDP 😂
The West & the U.S. has nothing to do with people being gay, lesbian, or bi. I'm sure some in Parliament has had some same sex contact or feelings. It's the same as leaders of a church being LGB; Hypocrites. Let people live their lives. People bring up religion. You cannot be the judge. If someone is following a religion, that is on them. It's not a law of the land. I don't want to see certain things, but who is it hurting? What's next?
Colonizers treated your ancestors like animals, the white man and his form of Christianity looked at your people as non human, not worthy of living free, took away dignity all because you are different! AND HOW YOU DO THIS TO YOUR OWN PEOPLE, YOUR OWN CITIZENS. YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT, YOU ARE NOW OPPRESSORS JUST LIKE THE COLONIZERS. AND YOU STILL TAKE THE LEAD FROM THEM. EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS KEEP BRAIN WASHING YOU.
You're a nice comedian, it's pretty funny that some black people in USA feel discriminated against, but discriminate against another group (LGBT) themselves. No wonder, that most black countries are under developed and poor. 🤣
I can only clap my hands at this 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 The fact that it is unanimously chosen draws a clear line saying: "till here, no further". Much respect for this stance✊🏾
Thank you Ghana. You are not passive aggressive when countering this narrative. Absolute and utter non non non nonsense. Please continue to stand firm against the avowed enemies.
Sanibonani……unjani? WoW, very impressive to hear one of Sout AFRICAN Languages spoken outside South Africa. Thank you so much for greetings in an SA language.
Just do what the conscience dictate ghana. Nothing more. Don't be bullied by anyone. If others want to destroy themselves. That's their choice. If destroying life is s human rights to them,then they have only themselves to blame when they become extinct. . Europeans and America has no monopoly over truths and rights.
@@jegamespeed5399 You are the same ignoramus as before. I already proved youelr religion false. Did you forget the stories ofnadam and noah are physically impossible and all the survivors are family?
@@nsbd90now Nope, it is setting boundaries to keep the lifestyle you choose to yourself. If you don’t like their laws, you can leave. It’s not natural to live that lifestyle, and goes against the traditions in Ghana as well as other african nations. Therefore it is not hate.
@@nsbd90nowagreed, hopefully they will figure out more important things like keeping other countries from stealing their resources right from under them…and paving roads and sidewalks in the neighborhoods that need them, all this hate towards lgbt but not an ounce of hate towards the people who mutilate the genitalia of young girls…leave it to Africa to always “major in the minors” I.O.W. Focus on the wrong things…
Ghana has a right to pass the laws they do, whether we like them or not. The International community also has a right to react however they see fit., whether we like it or not.
Reactions of the international community are of no consequence. It is not as if there is any scarcity of countries prepared to do business with Ghana when the West and US make good on their promise to exit the country upon passage of the bill. The bluff is being called. Ghana and Afrikans countries have no less agency to determine their societal norms than Saudi, Qatar, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Indonesia, North Korea. Those countries have their agency respected, so will Afrikan countries. The most others can do is leave, which also has its own consequences….
I really don't see how demonizing a group of people because of their sexual preference helps the average African. Homosexuality exists and has existed for a long time. Dehumanizing people because of who they are does not change that. Rather you are creating refugees with nowhere to go. I see no point to these bills other than pure cruelty.
Thank you, my GOD , let t it be so & all Afrikan countries be bold & take that stand no matter the consequences . GOD gave us the family , let GOD be true & every man ( woman ) a liar .
@EagleEyesight WOW so your dangling USA aid over their head all because they don't want that ideology in the country. US might need to concentrate and pay their spiralling debt and to that debt to China.
@@narmerx815science proves homosexuality is not a choice but genetic. What harm are LGBT creating in South Africa? Nothing. They are normal people like the rest, not all are sexual perverts. You realize these anti LGBT policies are from the colonial era meaning you are fine with european colonial ideas over africa.
@@jonatand2045sorry buddy, there is no science that supports LGBT. You either male or female, XX and XY chromosones thats biology. Millions of gay people have reverted and become straight or simply celibate. We dont accept filthy lifestyles, men putting penis into the anus,
Do you know that according to CDC lgbt people are 4% of the US population but yet account for more than 50% of all US HIV infections😢😢😢 this lifestyle is filthy
Make your you bring something to Ghana that Will benefit the people and not just for the sake of it because they are hustlers just giving you the heads up.
Braaavoo !! My fellow African brothers Yah will smile upon you !😎 it's not a natural lifestyle choice but a very dangerous one. Those who practice this lifestyle is standing before a lake of fire ... Yah abhors this and it's is a sin.
We took in over 271,000 Ukraine asylum seekers. Ukraine population is 43 million / Ghana 32 million....expect 250,000 new neighbors from Ghana. Maybe you could let them stay with you and God.
@@teoleno4019 Lets be clear, I'm not supporting any known racists with ant-black sentiments, just like the Jews don't support anybody who's antisemitic. Secondly, last time I checked, I don't have any kids and I'm certainly not living under Section 8 housing either. So, f*ck you and those biscuit crumb handouts.