
Ghostbusters & Fascism 

Matthew Colville
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50% 1

EDIT: I've turned off comments MOSTLY because every comment we might ever get is represented below, so just go read those and you get an idea of where this comments section was going. :D
The reception was positive enough that we'll keep doing these. :D
Still working out the kinks with the camera, so the audio isn't 100%.
I want to add, my point about the non-diagetic comedy is that it makes for a weird combination--to me--with the attempt to ground the movie in reality.
Airplane! has lots of humor like this, where it's clear no one in the movie realizes they're being funny, but that's the whole point of Airplane! We're never meant to believe in those characters.



7 сен 2024




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@mcolville 8 лет назад
One criticism I forgot about; there are a lot of shots in this movie that seemed like reshoots. It was shot, or edited in such a way that left me with the impression "The person talking is not in the room with the people she's supposed to be talking to." Lots of inserts that just didn't fit the timing, or didn't sit in the same space as the rest of the shots. It took me out of the movie a *little*.
@1simo93521 8 лет назад
I really liked the deadpan clever humour of the original Ghostbusters but this one looked so unfunny and lowbrow in the trailers. Glad you enjoyed it Matt but a Netflix watch for me I think.
@1simo93521 8 лет назад
+Matthew Colville lol true!! :^) To be fair I only go to the cinema if I'm 95% sure I will like a film. Due to lack of spare time and money. :^(
@Seeric85 8 лет назад
Matt. The fact that nerds do not like things that are different from the things they loved in the first place is not facism. Nobody kicks down Paul Feigs door and shoots him for "ruining Ghostbusters". I will not go see this movie, because the basic idea doesn`t appeal to me in the slightest. That is not my "failure as the audience". It is the failure of Paul Feig as a filmmaker to make a movie that appeals to me and not antagonize me with his incessant sniveling. Is this a great tragedy? No.
@mcolville 8 лет назад
+Seeric85 I feel like someone who deploys the phrase "his incessant sniveling" is the one doing the antagonizing, not the one antagonized.
@Seeric85 8 лет назад
Matthew Colville Have you kept up with the things that Paul Feig put out in the media recently? I`m just calling it as I see it. And I am being honest about my deep personal dislike for Paul Feig. However, since Paul Feig is unlikely to read this RU-vid comment it is hardly reasonable to say that I am antagonizing him.
@ryanmeyer5424 7 лет назад
Did we see the same movie? I just thought the movie was criminally unfunny and it just made me feel uncomfortable the entire time, like I was suppose to laugh but just couldn't. I felt like there was way too much slap stick gross body humor, too much (whatever that big word you used at the start of your video that confuses my tiny little brain) humor, and Chris Hemsworth just made me cringe with just how utterly stupid he was. I've always hated the 'dumb-blonde' secretary stereotype because of just how creatively bankrupt I feel it is, which is why I liked Janine from the first one, because she was so sassy and interesting.
@dan19721121 8 лет назад
I liked your way of reviewing. I do hope to see more of this. Keep making the D&D stuff, but please, if you have time, more reviews would be a great addition to your channel. Thank you for all the effort you put into your videos.
@Fattedtimtamman 8 лет назад
It's good to hear a thought out and coherent opinion on this movie other than "this isn't the same as the one I loved".
@leons.kennedy2747 8 лет назад
I would like to give this movie a chance but the (obviously paid) Sony shills calling me a "man-baby", "virgin" and "misogynist" because I thought the trailer looked bad just puts me off. Great way to advertise your product, Sony :(
@dreadpiratedan 8 лет назад
Not seen the film yet, but the more i hear about it the more i like the sound of it. I was surprised to hear you make the point about none of the characters being compromised for the sake of jokes. Jeremy Jahns, a movie critic here on youtube, made a point of saying that he felt like there was a lot of ad-libbing by the actors, and some jokes that didn't fit the characters made it into the final cut just for the sake of the humor. This was actually the point i thought you were building towards when you were talking about non-diegetic jokes. Also, i'm glad to hear you talk about how some of the jokes that fell flat in the trailer actually work really well in the film. I was watching a video the other day of the director being interviewed, and he essentially said "trailers for my films mostly suck, because of the way i construct jokes". i rolled my eyes at it at the time, thinking it was just a line for the sake of damage control, but hearing you say this has put some of those fears to rest. Another thing i was super glad to hear you talk about is how story loyalty/snobbery/fascism hurts films. I'm a huge nerd, have been for 30 years, and there are some things i absolutely love: the LOTR wasn't one at the time of the films (but it is now), but i've always been of the mindset that each category of art has it's own way of approaching storytelling, and there's no magic bullet that fits all of them (though i'd say the Watchmen comicbook adaption came close ^^), and i'd much rather have a film that works and changes things over a film that sticks to a book's story line for line and ends up a car wreck. The director of Rogue One, Gareth Edwards, said something pertaining to this as well, in the new footage that was released yesterday: "We're making a film that's right touching my favourite movie of all time, but then if you're too respectful of it, that you daren't do anything new, or different, and take a risk, then what are you bringin to the table?" with which i agree 100% :) Great review, please do more!
@gsainsbury86 8 лет назад
I subscribe for your DM tips but I thoroughly enjoyed this. You've got interesting things to say and say them in a compelling way. It would be cool to hear what you thought about some other big Fantasy/Sci. Fi. films from years past.
@Cotopatsy 8 лет назад
Awesome! Looking forward to seeing it, I saw The Nice Guys on your recommendation on stream and really enjoyed it
@Camacho035 8 лет назад
I'm going to see this tomorrow with my girlfriend :D (we haven't seen the originals yet). Loved your review!
@MARSHOMEWORLD 8 лет назад
As much as the humor will probably (as you stated) play much bigger in the shared experience of a theatrical screening; I think I will hold out for the unrated Blu-Ray. Yes, fingers crossed for yet another 80's cameo in the form of implied paranormally frightful felatio (well, in this case I suppose it would be creepy crypt cunnilingus).
@rburt3 8 лет назад
Someone commented earlier that trailers made this new GB look "lowbrow" as if the original was somehow more sophisticated. That's a riot. The original was paranormal fart humor. Funny and engaging fart humor, but I just can't understand this rose-colored view. Still love it because its a fond childhood memory, but lets be honest with ourselves, mkay?
@mcolville 8 лет назад
+Randall Burt I think the original movie is one of the greatest comedies of all time and I don't think this movie will go down in history the same way, but what movies these days do? The fact that I'm pretty sure I've seen the greatest movies that will ever be made doesn't stop me from enjoying new movies.
@rburt3 8 лет назад
Oh, I agree about the original being great, but I just don't understand some of the vitriol regarding this film I've seen online. Sure, I'm getting a little burned out of the remakes of some of my childhood favorites too, but sheesh. I also honestly hope you're wrong about us having already seen *all* the great films. Someone somewhere has that next one in them.... I hope.
@mcolville 8 лет назад
+Randall Burt if I ever see a greater movie than Lawrence of Arabia, I'll eat my hat.
@rburt3 8 лет назад
Fair enough...
@cezarysiemieniewski5502 7 лет назад
Oh, somebody actually liked this film.... It takes all sorts i guess...
@agrumbler2872 8 лет назад
Can't wait to see The Nice Guys
@mcolville 8 лет назад
It's completely brilliant (except it sorta falls apart in the third act). The fact that it wasn't a hit is mentioned in the Book of Revelations as a sign of the End Times.
@wisewerethewords 7 лет назад
So very few people seem to understand the concept of 'adaptation' in even the vaguest sense. The number of times I've heard people complain about the length of the Hobbit movies versus the size of the book is absolutely insane. It was not a successful adaptation, but neither was the (much shorter) animated film. If you like thinking about stories along these lines, I highly recommend all the podcasts from Story Wonks (now Point North). Thanks for your review, Matt!
@kkpikfy 8 лет назад
Ok I had some big problems with this film that I will share in a second but first I was fine with the ghostbuster themseleves being all women and I am not typing this in order to say matthew's wrong or anyones wrong for that matter but just I had a few problems. First off the film didn't feel like ghostbuster as ghost buster isn't really a comdey not at its core it's a scfi movie about four misfits that need to save the world from ghost that happens to have characters that have a sense of humor inacting with characters who also have a sense of humor as well as those characters dealing with people who are completly literal and up tight. This film was writer, diercted and shoot like a comdey which had some good laughs but in the end lack that special feeling I had at the end of the first ghostbuster's movie. The team did feel like good friends that had a degree of chemistry but they didn't have that same sense of four people who have to work togther beacuse their all misfits who no one else would professionally work with beacuse they would get discredited. However my major problem with the film was that it didn't go way from the orginal. The film told the same basic story of the first ghostbuster's film of four people save New York against all odds against. The film had to have three scientists and a black person, it had the "fire hosue", it had the eco1, it had a giant marshmallow man that the group had to save New York from but trhe problem was they weren't their because Paul Feig wanted to put the mtheir but because they believed that the stuff the fans of ghostbusters loved about the first two films. The problem with this is that it does have an effect on the orignal films as before this film if I saw someone wereing a ghostbusters shirt it respresnted what I loved instead of a movie I felt like it was just fine. A good example of this is what happen after Michal Bay's tranformers movies came out, no longer did the shirt with a autobots symbol on it respresnt the stuff I loved but a warped verison of what I loved. Anyway sorry of going on a big rant but I feel passionatly about this shit so forgive me.
@mcolville 8 лет назад
+kkpikfy if you think Ivan Reitman, Dan Ackroyd, and Harold Ramis got together and made a movie that *wasn't* a comedy, then you have objectively never seen Ghostbusters.
@MisterTutor2010 7 лет назад
Summer 2016, who you gonna call? The Answer: HE-MAN! HE-MAN!! :)
@playin4power 8 лет назад
What do you say to the critisizm that the movie was trying to hard to be a femenist message. Every single male in the movie was portrayed as stupid and ignorant and the 'final boss' was defeated by shooting it in the dick. It seems like the movie was far more focused on making some kind of statement on femenism than just making a movie.
@mcolville 8 лет назад
+Attorney Macro As far as I can recall, there isn't a single character in the film, outside our heroes, who isn't portrayed as a boob, and each of our heroes spends some time in the barrel as well. The mayor's assistant is a slimy boob, and is female. I think those criticisms speak a lot more about the critics than the film. The culture is so deeply founded on misogyny that if you have a movie where everyone's a boob AND all the men are boobs, people complain there aren't any heroic male characters. Because of course there HAVE to be heroic male characters, right?
@Matt20074 8 лет назад
Damn it, Colville. You had me hooked at the title. And now I have to watch this movie. I wanted so badly to not care about this remake. (Props to you for actually supporting this movie. There's a lot of hate for this out there. Keep up the reviews, I loved your midnight special review and your nice guys review [wait, did you actually review that or just talk about it in a stream?])
@darrenfox4213 8 лет назад
Loved the review and would gladly watch more! Would it strictly be new releases, or would you be mixing it up a bit by doing some classic movies/your favorites from time to time?
@mcolville 8 лет назад
+Darren Fox (Flatline) I think if the supply of New Movies Matt Wants To See dries up, we can expect some reviews of earlier movies!
@darrenfox4213 8 лет назад
That makes sense, either way I look forward to them :D
@rburt3 8 лет назад
Oh and yes, more movie stuff too if you're of a mind.
@QueenWaspGo 8 лет назад
I would be really interested in more movie reviews!
@krisDaTallGuy 8 лет назад
I'm in the late night Matt Colville club now.
@mcolville 8 лет назад
+krisDaTallGuy this is what happens when I stop scheduling movies for 8am release and just let RU-vid put it out there whenever it's done processing.
@Daltany 8 лет назад
I really loved the part about fascim and movie adaptation, you're so right
@mikecif4123 7 лет назад
Oh I really liked "the nice guys" too!
@Naugway 8 лет назад
You need to go see the new Tarzan movie. It was a brilliant adaptation. I have read all the books and seen most all of the movies and this is by far the best one to date. I highly recommend it.
@ThunderRolled 8 лет назад
I can't believe I'm still awake at this hour to get this early, *tries to blink* can I sleep now?
@mcolville 8 лет назад
@ThunderRolled 8 лет назад
O.O You are my idol. Thank you for filming around during my lowest life-point. I'm pushing through thx to confident people like you. Thank you!
@jasonryder183 7 лет назад
I agree with Mr. Colville. The more I watch the movie, the more I love it. It will never replace the OG in my heart, but it is Waaaaaaaay better than GB2.
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