
GLASS ONION is Satire Done Wrong 

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Glass Onion exists. Did it subvert all the expectations and come out a masterpiece? Or does it fall flat before it even gets out of the door? Can I even answer these questions?
Let’s peel back the layers and look through the transparency.



12 сен 2024




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@fabianwho9797 Месяц назад
Why would a tech billionaire have to be smart to be succesfull? I think smart CEOs are just as intelligent as the general population, they just got lucky most of the time
@Qqq99969 Месяц назад
Is that a statistic?
@nooneofconsequence1251 Месяц назад
yeah quite a lot of rich people are pretty egregiously stupid. Musk, for example, is above average intelligence for sure but he is absolutely no genius. He can be pretty f'ing stupid. Some of his business decisions have been catastrophically dumb (see Twitter), some of the egregiously stupid things he believes (idiotic conspiracy theories, et cetera, that are easily disproven) are the sorts of things a normal person would be embarrassed to repeat in public, and these and other things prove he is kind of a dumbass and likely the most overrated intellect of our time. And this has nothing to do with politics. I've got friends who are legitimate geniuses working in tech and science and engineering who hate the guy and have been mocking him and his many dumb ideas ruthlessly since the 2000s. And they're always right, too. Musk overpromises all the time and doesn't understand the stuff he talks about. He takes credit for other peoples' work and loves to slap his name on things... swoop in on projects and companies that are already doing well and call himself a co-founder when he did nothing important... sort of like Steve Jobs. I'm convinced the bulk of his success comes down to luck. Most of it early on. And then... in America... once you are rich.. it's very hard to become anything other than that. The system is set up to make you richer. If wealthy CEOS were so smart they would not ever back or donate to Republicans, who are proven to be horrible for the economy, especially not authoritarians like Trump whose policies, if enacted, would be absolutely devastating and end up costing these people much MUCH more than whatever tax cuts saved them. You have to be pretty astoundingly ignorant and short-sighted to think getting a tax cut is better than having a healthy and stable economy and a functioning democracy (not to mention global order that opposes other despots like Putin and supports our allies and international trade, an environment that's not going to kill us all, a pool of workers companies can hire without having to worry about them all being deported, a healthcare system that will keep those workers healthy, infrastructure, security, sensible pandemic response, etc etc etc) No amount of tax cuts is worth giving up all of the above. We could cut Peter Thiel's taxes to 0%... and he would still lose more money under a Trump presidency than under a Harris one. So...yeah... he's acting very stupidly. All of the above being said Glass Onion is an incredibly stupid movie and Rian Johnson is a hack and his movies, especially the writing, sucks. The plot device about the Mona Lisa was so f'ing dumb and just perfectly representative of how Johnson has no respect for the work of artists superior to himself, and so feels the need to try and destroy it (just in this movie quite literally). Same as he's done with other films he's worked on.
@The_Unemployed_Engineer Месяц назад
Evidence: Elon Musk
@Qqq99969 Месяц назад
@@The_Unemployed_Engineer 1 person doesn't account for an entire group
@The_Unemployed_Engineer Месяц назад
@@Qqq99969 Asking for statistics is silly, tech billionaires aren't agreeing to do IQ tests. A lot of tech billionaires have the good sense to not publicize all their dumb thoughts, which makes it harder to analyse their intelligence level. Elon publicizes his dumb thoughts a little too much...
@Nolego Месяц назад
I think the focus on the word "stupid" is a bit misaligned. Miles is not a drooling idiot. The idea is that Blanc calls him dumb because he's used to super complicated and intriguing cases, and he calls the situation dumb because he had to deal with someone who is super straightforward and makes short-sighted, simple decisions that happen to work out in his favor. After all, everyone assumes he is smart when all his success is always because of someone else. I like that it makes us question the tendency to assume the competence of successful people, which leads to a vicious circle of affirming this competence. I don't like your assumption that becoming a tech giant requires competence, that's the whole point of this story. He has stolen and manipulated his way into success. I also don't agree with the assumption that the writing is bad because by creating chaotic characters it leaves no clear idea of what would make a better or worse version of the movie. Why does there have to be a 'good' or 'bad' version of the movie? There are answers to most questions you raise about Miles as well: 1. Why didn't he shoot more than once? - I jot this down to a film-making. He is not a sharpshooter, and probably barely knows how to hold a gun. The film could have shown him shoot more than once, but miss the other shots. Also it's very clear that he did not want to be spotted being shot by anyone, and had to show up in time with the rest of the group. 2. Why did he not reject Blanc and Andi from showing up to the island? - And waste the opportunity to secure the kill on a secluded island without law enforcement getting involved. Which he attempts to do. It is the most obvious thing This is why I think the "stupid" word is not what should be focussed on, but the simplicity of every decision, and how little thought Miles put into hiding his illegal actions. This simplicity always made everyone assume more competence than was actually there. Even Benoit was fooled, believing there to be a greater mastermind, which is why he was so upset. Thanks for the video, this is the most I've ever reflected on this movie haha.
@matthewmoulton1 Месяц назад
Thanks for your post. Better analysis than the video itself, in my opinion.
@somanken Месяц назад
Ironically this is such a surface level read of glass onion that it misses the point entirely, "why does miles do X" isn't "because he's stupid" its because he takes short sighted impulsive actions that to a normal person would backfire, but obvious don't for him because he's had a life protected by wealth and luxury. And the points you point out are actual some of the moment where miles shows he's not just stupid, just very short sighted and self confident. "why does miles only shoot once?" because his target falls over covered in blood and if he takes the time to ensure they are really dead Blanc will spot him. "why doesn't he kick Blanc from the island/make a fuss about seeing a person he murdered?" because that would reveal him to be guilty instantly, the only reason a person would do such a thing is if they had no self preservation instincts at all. "how does Miles spot elements of a crime scene faster than blanc?" because he's the one who did it and is covering his tracks, and just because blanc doesn't say anything doesn't mean he didn't notice these details. I agree anyone who says "glass onion is dumb and doesn't need to explain itself because its stupid" should stop saying it, because while the film isn't up to par with knives out it still has layers if you look deep enough, the whole point is to judge things not based on hype and reputation because if you do, you'll think tech ceo's have to be geniuses to succeed and that details only exist if they are told point blank to camera.
@VeternovaYT Месяц назад
Whether or not a plan backfires has nothing to do with wealth and luxury. His stupidity, as the film advocates for, is the reason he gets away with things (which i find to be poorly justified). He has a right to refuse an uninvited guest. He owns the island and Benoit just shows up by surprise. It might even be more suspicious to allow him access. But who knows because Miles is dumb or something. Also, I made the same point about self preservation. Blanc literally didn't spot that the gun was missing. He even says "oh fiddlesticks". Blanc was with the body for a good minute and yet the fact that he's a world famous (competent) detective seems to have been forgotten by the writers.
@somanken Месяц назад
no his wealth shielding him from negative outcomes is like a core plot point, when his company makes a deadly new fuel and andy tries to reveal it to the world it fails because everyone lies on his behalf in order to stay by his wealthy side. He has the right to reject Blanc sure, but if he did it would be suspicious given Blanc is a famous detective, its also reasonable to assume miles literally thinks someone hired blanc as a prank (he even says as much in the movie) As for kicking out andy, what possible excuse could he use, "I invited her sure but she should be dead so I'm kicking her off the island" if he thinks it the real andy he knows the wrong move ruins him and given how bad he is under pressure his only recourse is to come up with a plan. (killing her when nobody can pin the blame on him) I forgot Blanc says o fiddlesticks, maybe it is a mistake that he doesn't notice the gun, maybe its him playing dumb like he does for most of the movie, maybe we are meant to assume he is preoccupied with the dead body, or its just bad writing for that scene.
@TheMijman Месяц назад
@@somanken "or its just bad writing" There you have it lol
@somanken Месяц назад
@@TheMijman you should be a surgeon with your skill at extracting something so precisely without touching anything around it.
@MrGreaves Месяц назад
Wholeheartedly agree. Especially when the first Knives Out was a genius satire that had a coherent plot and competent character writing. Glass Onion absolutely assassinated the credibility of this franchise prematurely for me - especially because audiences and critics validated its style of "satire".
@Lothrean Месяц назад
Yes the movie is flawed. But the reason it has some strength is in the point that it makes: We normal people think that some rich selfmade tech person must be smart. But actually these people are just randoms that just so happen to be in the right place at the right time. They make it seem like they know things and that they are smart, but actually they are just to stupid to think about their actions twice and by pure luck the actions turned out to be good more often than bad. I think this is a point worth making. Most successful people are stupid. They just don't look stupid because of the surviviors bias.
@VeternovaYT Месяц назад
At that point, we’re assessing the quality of the point it makes. A film in and of itself can be poorly written ans it can still have a point to make. But when the text is bad, then the execution of any subtext, meta reference or irony cannot possibly be good. For example: Suicide Squad is agreed upon to be a bad film. But we can still say it has a message: that working together, despite our differences, can be what is best for everyone involved. That message exists even though the film itself is awful. The execution of the idea is what’s important, not the idea itself.
@Lothrean Месяц назад
@@VeternovaYT yes, but it’s not that bad with glass onion compared to suicide squad. But yes, glass onion was not a good movie.
@davejacob5208 Месяц назад
you just ignore the "because he wanted to achieve x, and y seems like a useful means to that end in the eyes of a stupid person"-explanation.
@The_Unemployed_Engineer Месяц назад
Glass Onion wasn't good as a 'detective' or 'murder mystery'. If Ryan Johnson was trying to do the best murder mystery, he would have just adapted and Agatha Christie novel. Instead I think it's meant to be a deconstruction/parody of the genre. And whilst it may have turned out a bit sloppy, and with a tonne of plot contrivances, it's still a fun ride, that subverts expectations. My biggest issue with modern movies, is the predictability. 10 minutes in, you know the entire narrative. Because of this I'd sacrifice a little character realism, to have a plot that is unpredictable, that can properly build tension, because you really don't know what's coming next. Not that Glass Onion really does this, but it tries to. Knives out did it better imo.
@cliveadams7629 Месяц назад
I didn't get Glass Onion, it was just silly, ridiculous in fact.
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