
Godless Engineer dialogue debrief (with Jimmy Akin) 

The Counsel of Trent
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In this episode Trent sits down with fellow apologist Jimmy Akin to give a broader overview of the themes and issues raised in Trent’s recent dialogue with Godless engineer on the historical reliability of Luke’s Gospel.
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@cosmiccatholic2838 3 года назад
Would love to see Trent do more work on the reliability of the gospels and the bible at large. Realy good stuff.
@hhstark8663 3 года назад
In the meantime, there are the channels "Testify" and "inspiring philosophy". :)
@disguisedcentennial835 3 года назад
InspiringPhilosophy has an amazing series on Reliability of the New Testament
@bman5257 3 года назад
The God Fearing Plumber seems like the logical choice as next dialogue partner.
@keatdawgz 3 года назад
Can we make these discussions with Jimmy a recurring thing?
@leonardobarbieri1292 3 года назад
@joet7580 3 года назад
From personal experience, the engineering profession makes way more sense when creation and design are framed by belief in God
@jhoughjr1 3 года назад
There are certainly parallels.
@antezulj4453 3 года назад
@Fuzzawakka 3 года назад
If one looks at the many flaws produced from evolution one can easily design a better homo sapien if a designer was not held back by the limitations of evolution.
@RedWolf5 3 года назад
@@Fuzzawakka evolution is a flawed theory; we are crated in God’s image
@RedWolf5 3 года назад
@The Catholic Integralist I understand that, I’m referring to Darwinian evolution suggesting we all living things have a common ancestor. The Cambrian explosion was inexplicable for Darwin and he said it himself that if his theory has a problem it was there; the scientific method is incompatible with any theory that has a problem in it’s beginning stages.
@markbrunini9297 2 года назад
The debate/conversation with Mr Gleason was great. It demonstrates how two gentlemen should engage in conversation when there are disagreements. Civility is a lost art.
@namapalsu2364 3 года назад
37:10 Jimmy says "Does Luke use his sources reliably" then answered that we could see this by looking at how he treats his written source, Mark's gospel. Good point.
@smedrano1964 3 года назад
Trent Horn and Jimmy Akin two people I respect. I like them because they're almost as smart as I am.
@Serquss 3 года назад
Thank you for the honor to reply to you :)
@brendansheehan6180 3 года назад
Then you must be almost as smart as me. (Lol)
@smedrano1964 3 года назад
@@Serquss I wish I was you so I would have the honor of speaking to me.
@ironymatt 3 года назад
Well, I may not be as smart as you all, but I'm way more humble, and that's far more glorious
@brendansheehan6180 3 года назад
@@ironymatt I didn't think to include that I was the most humble. Touche.
@marcelinajohn5766 3 года назад
Excellent Jimmy. Love your mind. God bless you both. Go Catholics🥳🥳🥳
@stevemartin6267 8 месяцев назад
Thank you! This was very helpful!
@joelmontero9439 3 года назад
"Godless Engineer" is a really cool name btw😂😂 Keep the good work Trent😊 ¡Viva Cristo Rey!
@jockobeans 3 года назад
Going with names having meaning in ancient times, there are certain ironies we can see in our modern hindsight, like... for example, Diocletian. A variant of Diocles or "Glory of God".
@Silvia_Arienti 2 года назад
Technically, "Diocles" means "glory of Zeus" (in Greek, "Diós" is the genitive of Zeús)
@paradisecityX0 3 года назад
GE is pretty much low-hanging fruit. Debating one like him is tantamount to debating a young earth creationist or flat earther, but dialogue is always a better substitute. Surprising that a mean-spirited village-Atheist like him was up for it
@billyg898 3 года назад
I wouldn't be that harsh. He clearly has a knowledge of the historical analysis of the gospels. His bias just makes him put too much weight on certain things and not enough on others, so he comes to the wrong conclusions.
@TheCounselofTrent 3 года назад
When he offered to dialogue with me I watched his previous exchanges and felt he had a track record of conducting himself in a way that was conducive to good dialogue. He can be a tad sarcastic in topical videos but when he dialogues with people he's quite congenial.
@paradisecityX0 3 года назад
@@billyg898 My analysis is pretty tame in comparison to his gratuitous blasphemies, trust me. I guess he's knowledgeable...in the same way that Standing For Truth is in regards to evolution (being totally wrong in his conclusions).
@paradisecityX0 3 года назад
@@TheCounselofTrent l guess he seems to have matured recently in that regard.
@namapalsu2364 3 года назад
At the very least Godless Engineer was respectable.
@stephensander3061 3 года назад
this is awesome
@VACatholic 3 года назад
Jews today continue the tradition of changing their names, like Jon Stewart.
@joedwyer3297 3 года назад
@GGLTM P i always wondered why they use to call John Kennedy "Jack"
@st.michaelsknight6299 2 года назад
@Glogderp Glogderpson Steward is not a common shortening for leibowitz
@joelmontero9439 3 года назад
Btw we need a debate about the Kalam cosmological argument between you two😉
@matthewvelazquez2013 3 года назад
@bandie9101 2 года назад
49:16 was not Antipater actually Herod the Great's father?
@eb.3281 3 года назад
Icon on the thumbnail kinda looks sus, reminds me of Monastery Icons
@PatrickSteil 3 года назад
Where’s the debate link?
@NickOeffinger 3 года назад
Just look at trents videos it was the one before
@Mike-qc8xd 3 года назад
This is why I think debating atheists is pointless; it's like putting the pearl of great price in front of a pig you wouldn't do it. there is no common ground. For example at my University I created the free thinkers Society a small group that debated God believers our primary goal was to ridicule under the guise of debate. it's my opinion that most atheist our of this caliber
@hhstark8663 3 года назад
When you was an atheist, were you aware of the consequences of atheism´s logical conclusions in the 20th century (as well as its metaphysical inconstistencies)? Or was that something that you were unaware of?
@halleylujah247 3 года назад
Debates are not for the individual Atheist being debated but for the larger audience. It is not pointless for us plebs.
@stcolreplover 3 года назад
Sure, but Trent spanked him and he wasn’t even trying. Also you can always keep things light and do some ribbing of atheists who tend to be very self serious.
@TheJelanii 3 года назад
@@stcolreplover I don't think Trent does this to spank people in public. Rather it's to put a rock in the viewers shoes about some unjustified presuppositions or double standards they hold.
@stcolreplover 3 года назад
@@TheJelanii I was more just commenting on the original comment. I think you’re right about Trents intentions but what ended up happening is that GE was way out of his depth, stuttered and fumbled around, couldn’t make a cogent point, and embarrassed himself.
@nate9331 3 года назад
Always love when Jimmy is on.
@michaelhansell1116 3 года назад
Have you guys considered Brant Pitre's theory regarding synoptic problem? Found in "The Case for Jesus". He says that it's an ancient tradition that Matthew was the first written Gospel and his basic explanation for the writing of the Gospels is that it originated out of Apostolic preaching in pericopes that were preached day in and day out by all the apostles. Some apostles naturally retained some that were more meaningful to them and not others, but the bulk of them were retained between all three. Minor variations would be accounted for by their simply going to other areas of the world, but largely they had been checked and rehearsed early in their preaching careers, keeping them so closely related. When they began writing their gospels, then, it would have been largely from memory with their own special preaching simply being recounted. They didn't, therefore, use each others' written material. To me, this solves a lot of problems and does not complicate things with our anachronistic questions such as needing to copy each others' material. Any opinion on this theory? He obviously describes it better than I do!! Thanks for your excellent work!!
@whatsinaname691 3 года назад
Is it bad that I skipped to the debrief since I’m so tired of GE?
@namapalsu2364 3 года назад
The debrief is much more informative and helpful.
@jamesarmani4066 3 года назад
Jimmy Akin and Trent Horn God bless you
@tesschavit3009 3 года назад
God bless you both
@mariacisneros6114 9 месяцев назад
@jamesernest2976 3 года назад
Hey Trent, are we justified in believing in the papacy given the fact that there are a lot of papal forgeries leading to proclamation of heretical dogmas like papal infallibility and was papal infallibility in line with the teachings of the church fathers as I have seen a lot of Orthodox deny and the site evidence
@thepalegalilean 3 года назад
I would say no. That's because the people forgeries had nothing to do with doctrine. That's because Papal forgeries were more political than religious.
@intersabellos2482 3 года назад
There are no “papal forgeries” which have anything to do with the Vatican I dogma of the papacy. Usually when Eastern Orthodox bring up forgeries, they refer to the Donation of Constantine, which was a surely forgery, and it has been duly recognised as such by the Latin Church since the 11th century. They also bring up forgeries with regard to the Council of Florence, but that problem is neither here nor there with regard to Papal Infallibility.
@eyay2839 3 года назад
Hey guys quick question. Can someone please just explain to me why Ephesians 1:13-14 and Ephesians 4:30 are NOT actually talking about once saved always saved? I feel like this is a basic question for some Catholics but can someone please explain it to me cuz idk really
@ronaller5209 3 года назад
How You Can Know for Certain You’re Going to Heaven - John 5:24 “Most assuredly, I say unto you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.” (John 5:24 One passage that stands out as clearly and irrefutably teaching this is John 5:24. Jesus said that all believers have already passed from death to life. That is, before faith people are spiritually dead. They lack the life of God, eternal life. However, at the moment of faith, at that very moment, one who believes in Jesus Christ gains eternal life and ceases to be spiritually dead. Jesus also indicated in this verse that believers will not come into judgment. That is, once we believe our eternal destiny is sealed and there will be no future judgment which will determine where we go. [While all believers will be judged at the Judgment Seat of Christ (Matt. 16:27; 2 Cor. 5:10), that will not be to determine our eternal destiny.] Jesus made this same point earlier in John’s Gospel in John 3:18 when He said that he who believes is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already. In other words, based on John 3:18 and 5:24 anyone on earth who accepts the authority of Scripture ought to be able to say with certainty where they will spend eternity based on whether or not they have come to trust in Christ alone as their only hope of heaven. I shared this verse with someone recently and they asked, “Why does Jesus say that he who believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life’ instead of ‘he who believes in Me has everlasting life’? Don’t we have to believe in Jesus, not the Father, to be saved?” The answer is that in order to believe in the Father one must believe in Jesus Christ since the Father sent Jesus that people might believe in Him. Jesus said, “He who hears My words and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life.” To believe in the Father one must hear and believe Jesus’ words (i.e., about His substitutionary death). The preceding verse, John 5:23, says: “He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.” To a Jewish audience this would have been an especially powerful statement. By rejecting Jesus Christ one was ultimately rejecting the God of Israel since Jesus and the Father are one in essence (cf. John 5:18; 10:10) and since the Father speaks to us through His Son (Heb. 1:2). There is a strange teaching about today which says that no one can know for sure that he believes in Christ. This teaching effectively cuts the heart out of verses like John 5:24. Many today act like Jesus said something as incomprehensible as “He who frumpigollips bormocidal has eternal life and has passed from death to life.” Assurance is annihilated if I can’t know whether I have done what it takes to pass from death to life. The Scriptures are clear that we can know that we believe in Christ from the moment we trust in Him. John 3:16, 5:24, and 8:24, to name but a few verses in John’s Gospel, all are meaningless unless a person can know if he believes in Jesus or not. In John 9:35-38 Jesus asked the formerly blind man to whom He had restored sight, “Do you believe in the Son of God?” The man responded, “Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?” When Jesus identified Himself as the Son of God the man didn’t say, “Lord, I think I believe.” He said, “Lord, I believe!” He knew he believed. It is interesting to note that Jesus does not rebuke him for saying that. Indeed, it is clear in context that Jesus was pleased by his statement and that He found nothing wrong in someone knowing that they believed in Him. Likewise, Paul said in 2 Timothy 1:12, “I know whom I have believed.” He didn’t wonder whether or not he believed in Christ. He knew. So did Peter and the other apostles, Cornelius and his household, and many others (Acts 11:17). Any person who is conscious knows whether or not he is trusting in Jesus Christ alone as his only hope of heaven. That’s why we can ask people what they would say if they appeared before God and He said, “Why should I let you into My heaven?” I praise God that He has told us clearly in His Word that whoever believes in Jesus Christ has eternal life. I know with absolute certainty that I’m saved. I have come to see that God has given the last word on the subject and to doubt my salvation is to doubt God. My life isn’t what I would like it to be (i.e., perfect); however, I know that I have passed from death to life and that really encourages me and motivates me All the Glory to God
@ajamusic7322 3 года назад
Sure! Ephesians 1:13-14 (RSVCE): In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance. The inheritance being salvation and eternal life. Put in context of the time, the greek word Paul uses for "guarantee"- ἀρραβών- means "earnest" (like earnest money). Strong's Definition: Of Hebrew origin (arabown); a pledge, i.e. Part of the purchase-money or property given in advance as security for the rest -- earnest. It's like a buyer putting earnest money to buy your house, putting your house under contract: They've made a commitment to close the deal and pay for the house in full, but you haven't completely sold the house yet, and you could still choose to abandon the deal, losing that earnest money and the "inheritance" of it, that being the sales proceeds. Same with our salvation. You can recieve the initial justification of salvation in Baptism, and you stand to revieve the inheritance of that salvation in eternal life. But unless you remain faithful to the Lord to the very end, you still could lose your "earnest" should YOU choose to abandon God through grave sin. So whenever The New Testament talks about "believes in Jesus" it in the context is more appropriately translated as "he who is believing." It really means a continuous act of believing, remaining and abiding, not just one moment in time. That's why Jesus said when he called himself the vine and his disciples the branches in John 15:6 (RSVCE): "If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned." And why Paul also said in Romans 11:22 (RSVCE): "Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off." Does that help?
@ronaller5209 2 года назад
@@ajamusic7322 There is Difference between Eternal Salvation and Temporal Sanctification/Discipleship . Are the words/concepts “Believer” and “Disciple” synonymous?. Questions: Are all ‘believers’ disciples? And: Are all ‘disciples’ believers?. Many say - and strongly advocates that ALL “genuine believers” are “Disciples”. If someone genuinely believes, he will go on to become a “FULL FLEDGED” FOLLOWER of CHRIST. IN FACT, for most say, a person has to “COMMIT” to BEING A DISCIPLE in order to be SAVED. And subsequently has to live a life of “SIGNIFICANT DISCIPLESHIP” in order to PROVE that he/she “REALLY MEANT IT” or “SINCERELY AND GENUINELY COMMITTED TO DISCIPLESHIP” at the time of “coming to Faith” or it was not “SAVING FAITH”. But, actually the correct answer to both questions is “No” or the answer to NEITHER QUESTION IS “YES”. Not all believers are disciples AND not all disciples are believers. The word “believer” simply means a person who holds something to be true. In this context, a “believer’ is someone who believes in/on Jesus, The Christ and therefore has Eternal Life. The word “disciples” simply means ‘learner’ or ‘follower’. In this context a Disciples is someone who learns from Christ and follows Him (i.e. obeys the commands of the Scriptures). Of course, we know from Scripture that there were lots of people who believed in Jesus but who did not ‘follow Him’ or ‘learn from Him’. The “Thief on the Cross” would be the classic example. He clearly believed in/on Jesus but had no opportunity to become a “disciple” of Christ. For a larger context example, one could look at the Christians in the Church at Corinth. Many of those “believers” were clearly not ‘disciples/followers’ or had any interest in ‘learning about Him and/or how to follow the commands of Jesus. They were believers in Christ. They were not disciples of Christ. John 8:28-39 describes “Believers” in Yeshua who had not YET become “disciples” of Yeshua. Judas Iscariot is the classic example of a Disciple of Christ who was not a Believer in Christ. John 6:60-66 explicitly describes ‘disciples’ (followers of Yeshua) who were not “believers” in Yeshua. The entire FOCUS changes if one realizes that Eternal Salvation is “SEPARATE” and “DISTINCT” from ‘Growing in Christ/’maturing Sanctification’. (The older classic Dispensationalists used to teach that “sanctification” had three ‘phases’. There was ‘initial sanctification’ which was the ‘setting apart’ that occurred at the time of ‘faith in Christ’. Secondly, there is ‘ongoing sanctification’ which is the long term spiritual growth to maturity that ‘SHOULD’ take place as a NORMAL PROCESS in every believer’s life. Finally, there is ‘final sanctification’ that occurs at a Believer’s physical death and subsequent reception of his/her resurrected body. Paul Enns called these ‘phases’ Positional Sanctification, Experiential Sanctification, and Ultimate Sanctification in his Moody Handbook of Theology, pp. 329-330). Often used terminology is that of “Justification” versus “Sanctification”. It's best NOT to use these terms for the simple reason that these terms are used biblically in both Eternal Salvation contexts and spiritual growth to spiritual maturity contexts. The term “justification/justified’ has been particularly troubling because the Apostle Paul clearly uses it in Romans to talk about Eternal Salvation and James clearly uses it to talk about being “justified by works” (spiritual growth to maturity). “Progressive/Ongoing Sanctification” is the TERM “DISCIPLESHIP/DISCIPLEMAKING”. That is a great term and the “disciplemaking’ terminology is what YESHUA Himself used in the Great Commission - Matt. 28:18-20. Thus, this is PERHAPS the BEST TERMINOLOGY. It is the “DISCIPLE” terminology that YESHUA uses in the John 15 too - “If you abide in Me… you bear much fruit; so that you will be My Disciples.” (Jn 15:7-8). Eternal Salvation and Ongoing Discipleship are separate “categories/aspects” of our Christian Life. Yet, most views them together - as one in the same thing. AND thus, they make the REQUIREMENTS of being a DISCIPLE of CHRIST (which are many and set at a very high bar) also the REQUIREMENTS FOR ETERNAL SALVATION (which is a FREE GIFT received by ‘faith alone in Christ alone) Many proponents view the conditions for discipleship as a condition for salvation. Shalom
@suburbanbanshee 2 года назад
Well, look at Judas. He was a disciple - even an apostle. He cast out devils, raised the dead, healed the sick, and so on. But his name, which had been in the Book of Life, was blotted out afterwards, when he betrayed Jesus and did not ask for forgiveness, even though he repented. Again and again we are warned that we have to persevere till the end, and not just start the race but finish it. There are plenty of people who will say, "Lord, Lord," and be told that "I never knew you." This isn't supposed to make you insecure; it's supposed to make you understand that you can't just sin as much as you like and expect not to have to respond to Jesus at all. If you love Him, obey His commandments... or at least try, and ask for forgiveness when you sin.
@kory9790 3 года назад
Hi Trent have you seen the new videos from Holy Koolaid? He has like 10 nothing fails like Bible history since you last did a rebuttal.
@hhstark8663 3 года назад
I would recommend just going to the channels "Testify" and "inspiring philosophy", and watch their videos pertaining to the reliability of the New Testament and existence of Jesus.
@paradisecityX0 3 года назад
@James P Dr David Falk destroyed that village-Atheist apologist
@frederickanderson1860 2 года назад
These guys are parroting like the Roman Catholic dogma's. A parrot can repeat human words, amazing ya,yet you think the parrot understands what the words mean. These guys like parroting without any understanding at all. Isaiah 40: 13-14& chapter 55: 8-9.
@verum-in-omnibus1035 3 года назад
I cannot believe I actually heard around the end of the six minute Trent say “it can be difficult to debate between Catholics and Christians…“ God bless you Trent, I was a Patreon supporter of yours previously and appreciate the awesome work that makes up part of your discussions. However, there is no Catholic versus Christian debate on anything. Catholic and Christian are synonymous. The term “Christian“ was used to describe those in the Catholic church. Protestants, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Muslims - are not Christians. Even though all of those religious traditions venerate Jesus Christ, to varying degrees. That does not make someone a Christian. Being a Christian, regardless of the modern interpretation from recent decades, means you are a part of the body of Christ and his church. You cannot reject his Church and be a part of him. 2000 years of teaching illustrates this, not to mention 500 years of recent papal teaching (minus the modern heresies of the last 50 years) teaching this truth specifically about Protestant sects.
@geoffbuj1647 3 года назад
Shut up he didn't mean it like that
@Jimmy-iy9pl 2 года назад
Normally I avoid arguing with Roman apologists, but every once in a while I'll see a comment like this and remember why advocates for The One True Church™ need to be habitually put in their place and reminded that it's them, not Protestants, who deny Scriptural teachings in favor of their man-made traditions and dogma.
@angelmacas1774 2 года назад
I think Trent is referring to the differences between Catholics and "other Christians" which is true that there are differences on how we interpret some passages. Is this supposed to be a "gotcha" moment?
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