Check out Hubspot's FREE resource on how to use AI for data analysis! In this video I summarize the 8 hour Google AI Essentials course in 15 minutes. So stop procrastinating and watch this to save yourself 7 hours 45 min and $50. Afterwards, watch some anime to reward yourself and donate to Blue Lock to have better animations.
I started watching/listening to your videos mainly to practice my English listening skills, but now you made me take an interest in AI and ML. I just love the way you review and explain things. Thank you for sharing a little of you with the world, Tina. 🙏
This was great; I find the way you deliver the information very accessible. I think when looking for informational videos for any subject or industry it's best to shop around a bit; rarely are you going to be able to search up something and have the first video be the most effective for you. That's the important part; you want to find a channel or presenter/ creator that your learning style is compatible with. And Tina, your informational output has been compatible with my central processing unit and my front-end UI/UX is very appreciative.
Good one Tina! Keep up the good work 💜 I find the first question to have been the most challenging, this is because that actually it's like this: AI > ML > DL (AKA "AI" haha). This might be confusing at first because one might mistake AI to be a subset of ML and not the other way around (And like I stated above, It's indeed the other way around e.i. ML is a subset of AI). The confusion stems from the buzz word AI being used synonymously with DL (Deep Learning). I hope someone found this distinction helpful (:
I use AI tools mostly for my writing requirements. I would want to know what else I could use it for without getting deeper into the technical aspects of AI and ML. In fact I wrote my first E book co authored with Gemini and it has been an amazing journey. Will keep exploring more to arrive at the answers I am looking for. Thank you for giving the detailed descriptions of the Modules to make it easier to make a decision.
Impressive- I'll be sharing your review of the course with my friends and family as well as my staff. Thank you for taking the course and sharing your findings!
Thank you, this is was useful. Appreciate the effort taken to produce this kind of review content. I've done it in the past and I know how much effort is required to produce "a few minutes" of summary information. Anyone who hasn't done it themselves may not appreciate it fully.
the tip "write a single prompt in order to get the output that we finally have" at 9:50 is pretty good but you have to start a new conversation for it to really make sense, if i am not mistaken? because case_1: having the whole converation in the context window + the target prompt is a lot more likely to give you what you want from the target prompt than case_2: where the LLM knows nothing about the previous conversation & only gets the target prompt but yeah if you manage to get your desired answer with only the target prompt in the context window than you learned a lot, while creating this target prompt