
GR churches in opposition to CRC's stance on sexuality face discipline following synod 

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On Thursday, synod ruled that churches, officebearers and members "in protest" with the denomination - particularly related to beliefs about sexuality - have "entered into the process of discipline" defined earlier in the week.
Read more: www.fox17onlin...



5 окт 2024




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@andrewternet8370 3 месяца назад
About time churches showed some backbone
@Matt-fl8uy 3 месяца назад
And yet they defend donald trump, one of the biggest sinners of our time.
@andrewternet8370 3 месяца назад
@@Matt-fl8uy The CRC? No shot brah
@seymourbutts4654 3 месяца назад
Being hateful and fearful is what they do.
@mananimal3644 3 месяца назад
As a Christian I really do not have an opinion on this. But, I do find it odd that the Catholics find the CRC an abomination, THE CRC find the Liberal church an abomination. Other faiths do not have the same level of interfaith challenges.
@thymekiller 3 месяца назад
@@Matt-fl8uy Not even close. What's wrong with you, troll? He's is not perfect, nobody is, but the biggest sinner of our time is a huge reach. You cant be that blind. Turn off that tv, it's got you twisted.
@hdrake1000 3 месяца назад
Don't give into Satan, follow the Bible.
@johnwattdotca 3 месяца назад
Satan is a poetic device used by shallow people. It's not about the Bible, it's about the words of Jesus of Nazareth. I can tell you're not following them.
@SevenLlamas 3 месяца назад
You mean follow some leaders' interpretation of the Bible.
@bigtobacco1098 3 месяца назад
​@johnwattdotca we don't follow only Jesus words
@bigtobacco1098 3 месяца назад
​@@SevenLlamasI follow a hermeneutic principle and 2000 years of church history
@SevenLlamas 3 месяца назад
@@bigtobacco1098 Christian history is replete with error sin wrongheadedness ignorance backwardness repression viciousness and hypocrisy. Screw hermeneutic principle.
@RaymondHng 3 месяца назад
The Christian Reformed Church in North America has 1,000 congregations and *189,753* members. It had the most members at 316,415 in 1992. It was founded in 1857 in Holland, Michigan. It has had three separations: 1924-26 Protestant Reformed Churches; 1988 Orthodox Christian Reformed Churches; 1996 United Reformed Churches in North America
@Migwelp 3 месяца назад
Good. Do not pervert the faith. These people have been advocating for apostasy. The bible doesn't mince words about this subject-it's an abomination.
@johnwattdotca 3 месяца назад
Any chance you can supply Bible words to back up your statement? I doubt it.
@toddmiller7876 3 месяца назад
You are separating it by choice, and pretending somehow, that your sins are better. Best of luck with that.
@christisgod3354 3 месяца назад
@@toddmiller7876 Remember what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah?
@toddmiller7876 3 месяца назад
@@christisgod3354 you mean the entire story, or just the part you were taught. Most homophobes only tell half the story.
@christisgod3354 3 месяца назад
@@toddmiller7876 I like the homophobe comment, that's funny. Read the first chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans. Lest you dare...
@danooth22 3 месяца назад
I agree with the church
@johnwattdotca 3 месяца назад
It's more than too bad that you're not agreeing with Jesus of Nazareth.
@Archimedes616 3 месяца назад
@@johnwattdotca Didn't Jesus of Nazareth say that marriage was between a man and a woman?
@bigtobacco1098 3 месяца назад
​@johnwattdotca we don't follow Jesus words alone
@MemphisBBQ640 3 месяца назад
There is a difference between being welcoming and turning a blind eye to sin.
@Clement-gl4mz 3 месяца назад
We all love our acronyms, but what do CRC and GR stand for? You may know, but many others don't.
@conscience-commenter 3 месяца назад
Grand Rapids, Michigan Christian Reformed Churches
@RaymondHng 3 месяца назад
The Christian Reformed Church in North America has 1,000 congregations and *189,753* members. It had the most members at 316,415 in 1992. It was founded in 1857 in Holland, Michigan. It has had three separations: 1924-26 Protestant Reformed Churches; 1988 Orthodox Christian Reformed Churches; 1996 United Reformed Churches in North America
@truckubuddy 3 месяца назад
Taking a stand against sin. Good for them! We all sin, but Christ calls us to turn from sin. Sodomy and debauchery is spoken about very harshly in several scriptures.
@toddmiller7876 3 месяца назад
What's their stance on adultery, fornicators, liars, and the sins that God hates.
@Archimedes616 3 месяца назад
I'm a fornicator, and that's the way God made me, and I'm wonderful for being a fornicator, and the church needs to affirm me and accept me!
@kaionski1105 3 месяца назад
On paper pretty strict, however this side of eternity decisions are made by humans......
@perryweeks9577 3 месяца назад
You need to understand these people believe Jonah was in the whales belly for 3 days. 😂And god destroyed all the wicked at Noahs flood only to allow incest long enough to repopulate earth again with what we have now. The bible was stolen by the niceans from egypt and changed into christanity in order to pay the church in order to make it to heaven. Look up the 10 comandments in the book of the dead 700 years before their fake bible stories😂
@Lauren-vd4qe 3 месяца назад
according to the progressives, those are no longer sins, theyve progressed into simple misdemeanors now, sorta like newsums new softcrime laws, what once was a crime, is now just a naughty johnny prank, wink, wink etc.
@christisgod3354 3 месяца назад
God hates all sin.
@johnlavender242 2 месяца назад
Romans 1: 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.
@buckyoung4578 3 месяца назад
It is NOT about what the "CRC considers sinful". It is about what GOD considers sinful. Who can give counsel to the Lord? Who can questions any of His words?
@andrewtwietmeyer2158 3 месяца назад
Great job CRC! Stick to the Word of God. Next do women's ordination!
@majorlaff8682 3 месяца назад
No such thing as women's ordination.
@Zulonix 3 месяца назад
All sides… upstanding citizens of C.S. Lewis’ Grey Town. What a sad story.
@nilsalmgren4492 3 месяца назад
You mean the Bible's stance on sexuality.
@DuBoisLynn-k2r 6 дней назад
3088 McLaughlin Centers
@davidstout6051 3 месяца назад
It will be interesting to see if the outlying churches eventually become Fountain Streets, which was originally a Baptist Church and today espouses no religious belief at all, at least in the normal sense of the word.
@Memememe-is1yn 3 месяца назад
Christianity is a spiritual pursuit, not a pursuit of material things or experimentation in the flesh. The flesh wars with the spirit and the goal is to live a selfless life in service to others.
@AlexanderDroski-z2j 14 дней назад
Block Trail
@johnprendergast1338 2 месяца назад
Well , It's either right or wrong ..God made it simple ...
@PatriciaBodnar-s2c 29 дней назад
Annie Valleys
@DullesSapir-i9r 9 дней назад
Marion Course
@GenevieveZipse-o6q День назад
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@HillAlberta-e2t День назад
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@BoswellCharlotte-d8b Месяц назад
Ryan Plain
@ThomsonYetta 6 дней назад
975 Everette Islands
@TheresaClayton-o7y День назад
Ashtyn Shoals
@BirdJeremy-n3b 16 дней назад
Maryjane Road
@EmmiePaddy-d8b День назад
Nathanial Plains
@OConnorCarr-b7l 11 дней назад
Kessler Prairie
@SamanthaBlackshear-p8v 29 дней назад
Botsford Estates
@cchfhhhfgh-o9x Месяц назад
Loraine Orchard
@LonnyClammer-g8s Месяц назад
Aileen Island
@ChristRalap-w7x 25 дней назад
Serena Crossing
@WallaceBennett-k8l День назад
Gennaro Plaza
@NhyirabaSeymour-g4i 18 дней назад
Carroll Stream
@TomCatherine-k6j 7 часов назад
Amina Knolls
@southerngent716 2 месяца назад
God's Word says that it is wrong and your nor my opinions matter. In other words "God said it and that settles it"!
@DixieJones-q2n 3 дня назад
Donato Plains
@HuntingtonPrice-x5t 12 дней назад
Josianne Pine
@FranklinWade-n1d 6 часов назад
Anissa Circles
@MarioSpector-x4x 15 дней назад
Lowe Parks
@ElainaElsner-v2c 21 день назад
Rath Ridge
@YoungSid-x8r 18 дней назад
Dallin Road
@InaPyburn-y4c 22 дня назад
Shanahan Isle
@MillPullan-q6x 21 день назад
Cheyenne Centers
@WillodeanHolthus-q4m 8 дней назад
Schowalter Ports
@MatthewMattingly-p4f 10 дней назад
Albina Curve
@MicheleMcKinney-g2u 11 дней назад
Fisher Shoal
@AntoniaWilson-n6m 10 дней назад
Abigale Park
@TeresaCox-p5d 9 дней назад
Mac Passage
@WoolleyFrederic-n5k 25 дней назад
Kautzer Ferry
@HuttRoosevelt-w2v 25 дней назад
Adalberto Shore
@bettydekorte2077 3 месяца назад
God says it’s sinful!
@DarioEagleson-n8m 17 дней назад
Davon Mill
@MacEvan-c7k День назад
Rowe Spur
@ClaireTaylor-f5n 18 дней назад
Barrows Dam
@JenniferSommerville-g8u 8 дней назад
Timmothy Path
@WebbThomson-p1x Месяц назад
Nienow Shore
@OscarHubery-i4p 23 дня назад
Luis Crest
@ThomasBowers-r3r 29 дней назад
Hyatt Vista
@EdgarMathurin-t9d 18 дней назад
Brook Garden
@TaylorMark-u1e Месяц назад
Walker Ranch
@EleanorMichelson-z6g 15 дней назад
Brandt Village
@HodgsonViolet-i9c 18 дней назад
Marjolaine Mill
@LondonJames-p5p 11 дней назад
Niko Manors
@ShawMandy-m7f Месяц назад
Torphy Views
@WallisLincoln-c1y 25 дней назад
Mayert Mountain
@SharonDavis-s9k 4 дня назад
Torphy Villages
@HiltonPopularis-u3x 23 дня назад
Pfeffer Springs
@WolfireGaming 2 месяца назад
This is a cult.
@AnnCotton-k9z 14 дней назад
Elnora Mountains
@LarkinHilary-z9d Месяц назад
Corkery Trace
@CharlotteTracy-m7u 28 дней назад
Baumbach Ford
@GeorgeHarding-e6e 22 дня назад
Lueilwitz Fords
@DorisReid-z9l 9 дней назад
Kulas Ramp
@HartRichard-w1j 18 дней назад
Wehner Canyon
@JudsonBorg-p3q Месяц назад
Zella Throughway
@HoraceCornell-i7z 16 дней назад
Anissa Rue
@GeorgeHoover-c9p 24 дня назад
Kutch Ramp
@WallaceClare-v4b 23 дня назад
Dach Row
@BarbaraMoore-z6j 12 дней назад
Loy Land
@HouseMatthew-s2z 10 дней назад
Zieme Overpass
@GosseMaurice-l4x 4 дня назад
Stamm Via
@RhondaDevaughn-g3u 18 дней назад
Nikolaus Pass
@EdithGriffith-n8l Месяц назад
Haag Center
@HarringtonDominic-q4b 3 дня назад
Torp Summit
@AntonioWarren-s1r 10 дней назад
Randi Mountain
@ChurchillWycliffe-e8u 10 дней назад
Cremin Streets
@Lauren-vd4qe 3 месяца назад
2 Thess 2 the great falling away, next comes the ID of the ac, keep your eye on macron...
@johnwattdotca 3 месяца назад
Why are you trying to compare a history that's over 2,000 years old with modern news? Where do you go to feel the Great Spirit of your land, as God made it?
@Lauren-vd4qe 3 месяца назад
@@johnwattdotca bc the Bible IS modern news, AND a history book AND a future map for mankind! have u not read the bk of Revelation? where do i go to feel the great spirit? you mean God ie Jesus? why wd i have to go anywhere? HE INDWELLS US, the Holy Spirit connects us to God, dont have to go anywhere. INVITE JESUS IN to your spirit space and OBEY the NT Bible, thats how u connect with God. John 3:3
@awatchmanonawall6188 3 месяца назад
trump is your antichrist
@chrisoneill3999 3 месяца назад
You cannot discipline a True Church. God won't let you.
@Lauren-vd4qe 3 месяца назад
wrong, read the bk of Revelation; the beest will overthrow the trib era saints....for a while....
@johnwattdotca 3 месяца назад
@@Lauren-vd4qe Revelation happened already, just like the rest of that over two thousand year old book. If you're such an expert, why doesn't the Holy Bible use the words heroin, morphine, opium, hashish, marijuana and lotus eating? That's a serious question.
@Lauren-vd4qe 3 месяца назад
@@johnwattdotca why are you on this thread or this page to begin with? u are wasting your time focus energy on being pugnacious. why dont u wait until u find yourself left behind in the tribulation era, you will need it.
@Matt-fl8uy 3 месяца назад
I'm not going to be lectured about sin by people who support Donald Trump and excuse his cheating on all 3 of his wives.
@josiahselectricgaming1566 3 месяца назад
It’s okay to call out sin. Two things can be true at once, Trump is a sinner, and homosexuality is a sin. Both need forgiveness when standing before God.
@seymourbutts4654 3 месяца назад
@@josiahselectricgaming1566 I learned from conservative Christians one doesn't have to repentent or attend church to be considered a good Christian.
@ThethomasJefferson 3 месяца назад
Also to add on to what @josiahselectricgaming15 was saying a lot of us Christians are supporting the policy from the office from Donald Trump which is a bit different than actually supporting the man himself. Donald Trump was never my first choice for president of the United States, but there is no way I could vote for the democrat party.
@seymourbutts4654 3 месяца назад
@@ThethomasJeffersonYou make no sense at all. Christians judge everyone based on their their morals and ethics.The exception they have for Trump is simply hypocrtical.
@mananimal3644 3 месяца назад
Thomas Jefferson, I agree with the Church’s stance. If Donald Trump was gay would you still vote for him?
@davidbible1469 3 месяца назад
Discipline churches that don’t affirm a man made doctrine, a doctrine that doesn’t include the love we are told Jesus taught.
@bigtobacco1098 3 месяца назад
Where did Jesus teach us to love those who commit adultery ? 9
@SM-Flyers 3 месяца назад
Religion ruins everything!
@Lauren-vd4qe 3 месяца назад
what? you wd rather have sin and debauchery run the nations into destruction?
@mmtoss6530 3 месяца назад
*100 million killed by atheists, more than any other group, even Christians and Muslims*
@PInk77W1 3 месяца назад
Atheists dictators kllld 100M people in the last 100yrs
@SM-Flyers 3 месяца назад
@@Lauren-vd4qe Sin is a disease made up y religion who then wants to sell you the cure.
@PInk77W1 3 месяца назад
Protestants Sola Mea Sententia Only My Opinion
@perryweeks9577 3 месяца назад
The council of Nicaea stole all the knowledge from egypt and changed Serapis Christus into Jesus Christ if you look it up . 👍
@derekatkins4800 3 месяца назад
The Nicene Creed, which summarizes much of what the Council of Nicaea affirmed, simply states the plain teaching of the Bible.
@johnwattdotca 3 месяца назад
You can lose your soul by chasing translations to determine your truth.
@buckyoung4578 3 месяца назад
Idiotic babbling!
@PInk77W1 3 месяца назад
Jesus started one church The Roman Catholic Church
@johnwattdotca 3 месяца назад
@@PInk77W1 That's an incredibly stupid thing to say. But, in case you don't know, Jesus had left a long time ago, hundreds of years, before the Roman Empire became the Holy Roman Empire, And then Romans created the Roman Catholic Church, making up their own version of Christianity. What those Romans did was invent a word, paedophile. Americans spell it pedophile.
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