
"Groaning in the Spirit" and one of the most underrated verses in the Bible: Romans  

Mike Winger
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Studying the idea of the Holy Spirit interceding with groans and whether this is tongues. We also finally get to Romans 8:28, a greatly underappreciated verse. Romans 8 is the gift that keeps on giving!



12 сен 2024




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@InspiringTheology14 7 лет назад
Interesting how you brought up " Train as a child..." verse. It's easily explained when looking into the genre of Proverbs. Proverbs are general truths not promises. We as Christians should read the Bible not only as an inspired sacred text but also as literature to avoid taking verses out of context or taking them beyond what it is intended.
@AnonHeirs 5 лет назад
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old *it* will not depart from *him* I think it's better understood this way. If you teach a child truth he can choose to deny it but he can't choose to forget it.
@TOBYD7 4 года назад
So refreshing and so comforting to hear well balanced and "logical" understanding of God in whole context without making doctrine out of single verses etc. All I can say is I am a firm believer in "if you abide in me, I will abide in you". I do not speak in tongues, but I believe in it and fruits of the spirit manifested correctly. How can we pick and choose what gifts cease and continue? I do groan in prayer and appreciate the Spirit interceding for us and the blessed assurance when our soul cries Abba Father. It melts me. So comforting to hear Pastor Mike respect parts of Calvinism and other beliefs. I believe the truth is in the middle and combined as a whole. We have to apply Old testament and New testament principles as a whole and balance them out to where it all leads us to Jesus Christ, repentance and redemption through His blood, by grace and mercy with fruit of the Spirit and Holiness in our life separating us from the world while being a light in it. Pastor Mike, I do have one question or thought. I know there is pre trib, mid and post etc. If I am not mistaken you believe in pre trib rapture. I am not well versed in any doctrine in any topic and I am relieved that you state that some doctrines are not important enough to cause division or determine salvation. I lean more towards a possibility of "mid trib" rapture. Partly so because it seems to me as some Countries and or Christians seem to be living persecution/tribulation and we definitely see "birthpangs" already. My thought is we should all have a "Plan B, exit stage right or left directly to Jesus" reserve belief just in case we are wrong about pre, mid, post or whatever belief we have. Reason being is "what if "pre trib" doesn't happen and we start to suffer tribulation? We must stand fast. We mustn't lose faith and think, oh no.. Our belief in the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior wasn't real.. What if we pass "Mid trib" ? We must keep the faith. What if we pass "post trib"? We must keep the faith. One recent "mid trib" sermon I heard did mention something about the "tribulation saints" where it seemed to refer to believers that survived the tribulation. Can you expand and teach us on that please?
@lightlover33 4 года назад
@@TOBYD7 "Manifested correctly" is a tricky business subject to Biblical prejudice and limitations. People who commit to actual practice will find insight into Scripture unavailable to those who don't. The Bible is designed to be much more than a Petri dish analyzed by the brain. It was intended to inspire people into PRACTICE, acts of faith, and to understanding FAR surpassing Christian theory.
@peterthepakeha2799 4 года назад
So none of the proverbs are promises of God. Incredible,
@donkemp8151 2 года назад
Biblical Proverbs are wisdom. Wisdom is truth. Truth transcends time.
@cf-r3488 4 года назад
I found this video because a few years ago I read this scripture for the first time ever (baby Christian) and I made it my own! I was new on my walking with Jesus after we lost our daughter, I didn’t know what to pray or how to do it, so I started to pray: “ Please Holy Spirit pray and intercede on my behalf, I’m in pain and I don’t know what’s best for me right now, God I want to make your will, but I need so much help” one day After praying on my couch in my living room, after so much crying I felt tired and began to fall asleep, I think it was a vision because I wasn’t sleep or awake, and I saw a Gentleman in a suit and so so gracious, walking across my living room and sat next to me, never saw me directly but He let me know he was there for me and with me, I wasn’t alone, then I asked: Is that you Holy Spirit? I immediately felt I could rest because he was taking over, he lifted up his arms to the heavens as he was praying and started to intercede for me 😭😭 I felt so much peace that I couldn’t resist to rest, I felt deeply asleep but before that I only said “Thank you Holy Spirit” since that day I know I’m not alone, I know I have a guide, I know he is my companion, Jesus is my lawyer and my God is a fair judge, I know I have an accuser but I have the Holiest by my side.
@LIGHTBEARER4JESUS777 4 года назад
How sweet. You are also sealed and filled with His presence. Amen Bless you.
@robertcarey6952 3 года назад
Praise God. Keep with teachers like Mike Winger and you’ll get accurate scriptural teaching. My wife went home to the Lord over a year ago. There is a church counseling program called Grief Share I found it to be very helpful if you find you need more comfort.
@graftme3168 3 года назад
I wonder what being in a suit means and that he "never saw me directly."
@KM-zn3lx 2 года назад
CFR thanks for this! Idk if you'll see this but your testimony was so beautiful! Bless you!
@KM-zn3lx 2 года назад
@@robertcarey6952 I pray the comfort of Jesus be with you!
@ronosborne6855 3 года назад
I used to have an aunt of Osage and Cherokee decent who was deeply into Christian evangelism among various Native American tribes while she was still alive. She once told me of a time when she was evangelizing among the Navajos when strange noises came from her mouth that she did not understand. The Navajos listening to her, however, heard her speaking in perfect Navajo. Mind you, my aunt couldn't even speak very many words in the languages of the tribes she belonged to, but she was speaking in a tribal language of which neither Osages and Cherokees have ever had much contact; so, I believe in the speaking of tongues as described by Bible. I, however, do not believe in the speaking of tongues as taught to me in the Pentecostal and Charismatic churches I was initially raised in.
@jdude7650 3 года назад
Exactly, it's not normative! The early church had many more and more common miraculous events than today. There was more reason for a language gift to be given to an apostle going in harm's way to a people who didn't speak Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek! I don't doubt that the Lord often in the last four or five hundred years has used miraculous hearing and speaking of languages to facilitate the spread of the gospel in the far corners of the earth. But is it normative for today? No, no one can say it's normative! I believe many true Christians want the gift so bad that their mind fakes it! Obviously a life surrendered to Christ is what the Holy Spirit truly desires to produce more so than any outward sign gift that usually only edifies one's self! I like Mike but he can say all he wants He doesn't see any reason to believe in cessationism and I agree with that to an extent. If the cessationism says that God can't do something or doesn't do anything today that like he used to do. But yes walking on water for the most part has ceased, raising of the dead for the most part has ceased, many things have ceased primarily! How about talk about every pagan culture on Earth practically has had and still has ecstatic gibberish!!!! That's still going on that hasn't ceased!
@shereewolfe5337 3 года назад
Exactly. Ty for this clarification.
@kevinschaefer3945 2 года назад
That's sooo cool. BTW, you might want to consider being more specific when you refer to "Charismatic churches", as there is a propensity for many to misunderstand and tend to merely throw the baby out with the bathwater, thinking that every church that acknowledges the present day validity of the gifts of the Spirit is connected to the hyper-charismatic fringe represented by Hinn, Copeland, Hagin, et al.
@freegracerevival 2 года назад
@@kevinschaefer3945 well said, I wouldn’t throw out speaking in tongues (the heavenly language not the world language one) just because charismatic churches use it wrongly. They’re both definitely gifts that are still received today.
@Lydia_grace_l 2 года назад
@@freegracerevival there are NO verses in the Bible that state “heavenly language”
@beckysampson9965 5 лет назад
I feel like the groaning that can’t be uttered is like this situation. You’re just crying and on your face and all you can manage is God help me and you just cry to God. You’re not talking, or praying, you’re just crying. I think that’s what this verse is about. Many times I’ve found myself here where I cry at the feet of God and His presence comes bringing peace. God is so good ❤️❤️❤️
@salvatorecapaccio8760 3 года назад
Completely agree.
@bxjr93 3 года назад
@osuk1 3 года назад
All crying is not groaning e.g immature Christians emotional prayer. Groaning is simply that, and we know it.
@epairoyahushua4314 2 года назад
What about shouting extremely and crying and it's like labour in your bellies? I breath a little bit and shout and cry and the only word comes of my mouth is father forgive me. Dear Siblings in Christ Jesus if you have similar experience please share? God bless you all!
@TKsKitchen 2 года назад
I had this happened to me shortly after returning to God. I didn't understand what was happening i was overwhelmed i Started to worship then i felt a powerful thing in my body and i heard a groan it was strong and powerful. When it was all over i was told i spoke in tongues. I only heard the groaning. So i thought that's all that happened. So i did some research and found out it's a thing. I don't have the answers that's my story.
@melodianicole 4 года назад
"We can pray as weak people, and still have strong prayers" -- COME THRUUUUU WITH THE WORD PASTOR !!!! You're right it is such a blessing
@ruthvansandt9713 3 года назад
“God used bad things for good, but that doesn’t make bad things good.” - Mike Winger Such a balanced perspective all theological extremes could learn from!!
@natashamudford4011 4 года назад
"Groans that words cannot express" is one of my favorite phrases in the Bible. And in the times since I started digging in to The Word, I have experienced a strange bodily spasm, in which I involuntarily groan. It happens when I am laying in bed, at the end of an emotionally trying day. I absolutely know it is the Holy Spirit praying on my behalf. It makes me smile... and whisper, "thank You, Holy Spirit..."
@champaingne1 4 года назад
I love Jesus. Was that your only experience?
@DianaGarcia-rp9gp 6 лет назад
Yes please pastor! Do that study on speaking in tongues! And maybe on Jesus genealogy as well? And maybe on every single biblical subject? Your sermons rock 💪🙏
@jennifersanders4837 4 года назад
@spiritualrearmament3266 4 года назад
The genealogies through Mary and through Joseph are both fascinating not only showing Jesus' connection to great figures in Judaism but even the unexpected lowly and even foreign people, showing how God has already started to extend the promises given to Israel to those who weren't originally in Israel.
@spiritualrearmament3266 4 года назад
@Dr. Alan Hales So, everyone who is saved must be baptized of water and of the Spirit, so are you trying to teach that no one who does not speak in tongues is saved? And you say that there are 8 operations of tongues but you don't say what they are. What are the 8 to which you refer? most of us just have the 3 to give the gospel in an unknown language, to give a word in church which should be used alongside the gift of interpretation of tongues and for private edification. How do the other 5 not fit under one of these categories?
@arnoldfernandes2672 3 года назад
@Dr. Alan Hales in 1 Cor 14 Paul's usage of language is clearly sarcastic!
@kevinschaefer3945 2 года назад
@@arnoldfernandes2672 Interesting thought. How do you arrive at this conclusion?
@Reyes78 5 лет назад
Amen! Especially at 38:20 "If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair." CS Lewis And how wonderful a comfort we have! It is also logically consistent 🤓
@blueberrymuffinscottage 5 лет назад
"the Holy Spirit assisting us in prayer, the Father knowing the mind of the spirit" - that gave me chills. That is just so awesome.
@acrazyeagle1 6 лет назад
Thank God for you, Mike Winger. Your hunger for God is truly inspiring!
@shanemccausland958 5 лет назад
Yeah I had to go through a group that fell short on their theology. They taught that I needed to recieve the holy ghost via evidence of tongues. They didnt make the important distinction that tongues is just a gift and did not speak clearly that its not a salvific gift. Also they didnt obey to not invoke the gift in public rather keep tongues as a private prayer thing. Had to deal with paranoid schizophrenia thinking I was not saved as a result. So yeah its super important to correct this falling short in theology. I still dont speak in tongues but I am saved and have eternal life with my savior!!! Love you Jesus!!!
@brando3342 4 года назад
@Shane McCausland I don't think the kind of "tongue that no one understands" is weird gibberish. I think it means understandable language, just things that are being said don't seem to make sense. Just like people heard Jesus tell parables and they were like "What? We don't understand you Jesus".
@topsui 4 года назад
Same here. Considered myself separate from God because I couldn’t speak in tongues. The deception is so real. Luckily I found the truth, and I’m grateful you and many others have too. This false doctrine needs to be revealed because it really does deceive.
@spiritualrearmament3266 4 года назад
Yes, unfortunately another poster, Dr Alan Hales, seems to be teaching that error saying that everyone baptized in the Holy Spirit has to speak in tongues, but as far as I am concerned the teaching of Paul contradicts that. When Paul asks, "Do all speak in tongues?", he is clearly expecting a negative answer, and he speaks of the Spirit giving different gifts to different people as the Spirit sees fit. This teaching that you have to speak in tongues has to be weeded out of pentecostal and charismatic minded churches just like those who want to blame a sick person for not having faith of a poor person not believing that God wants to make him rich. Let us not throw the baby out with the bath water, but make sure that the dirty water IS thrown out.
@beckybeebe 6 лет назад
I just up loaded this and 4 other of your sermons on my mp3 for work this week. I have listened to one of your sermons before and I'm back to listen to more. Your one of my favorite preachers. Thank you very much
@alfredgomez3906 6 лет назад
I attend a church that openly speaks in tongues during service. When I first started to hear this I thought it was silly. My hypothesis was that she were faking it in the attempt to look spiritual. But I overlooked it because I was having real experiences with the lord. So, we participated in a week long fast and prayer for the church. During this time, I was in deep prayer when my mouth started to shake and move. It scared me and told it to stop, which it did. On another occasion, I was praying for a brother in the church and I heard, “pray in tongues”. I said I don’t know how to speak of tongues. Then again “speak in tongues”. I felt something like water flowing from my belly up through my mouth. There was a holy power around us and I know it was the Holy Spirit. It never happen to me again but I think god let me experience that so that I wouldn’t doubt the phenomenon.
@fromdeathtolife2076 6 лет назад
Alfred Gomez how do you know it’s from God if it contradicts the Gospel?
@alfredgomez3906 6 лет назад
From Death to Life I’m not the guy to say you must speak in tongues or you are not saved. I know that I had this experience. I know it was from the lord because my life has changed so much. I used to be a liar and now I only tell the truth. I used to cuss now I don’t. I used to drink and god took that away from me. I used to do many other things that must people would call evil. So, I know he is helping me. He is helping me to live a holy life, which I never cared about in the past. Speaking in tongues did not change my life, Jesus changed my life. But, I know I spoke in tongues. I’m not trying to convince you my friend. The only thing that I would try to convince you of, is believing in Jesus.
@fromdeathtolife2076 6 лет назад
Alfred Gomez Brother I’m not saying that the Lord isn’t sanctifying you, what I mean to say how do you that specific time/s you had that experience it was from the Lord and not deceptive spirits. The reason I find it concerning is Apostle Paul teaches us not to speak in tongues without translation in public or the church. Nothing wrong with it if it’s done privately directly to the Lord.. just seems suspicious to me, because the public use of Tongues is specifically for the unbelievers to come to faith as stated in the scriptures.
@alfredgomez3906 6 лет назад
From Death to Life it should be suspicious because it’s an odd thing. I don’t have all the answers my brother. I’m learning how to be a Christian. I was born again only 3 years and 8 months ago. But I am confident that he who began a good work will finish it. Thank you for your feedback brother. Pray for me as I will be praying for you! Be blessed!
@polskigirl8547 5 лет назад
We have not because we ask not.....not everyone speaks in tongues however, if if you ask for tongues God will give to you...and rivers of life will be coming forth from your belly...that was my experience in asking for tongues...you DO NOT NEED TO BE TAUGHT......ask and ye shall recieve...
@dawnlowery2398 4 года назад
Dear lord I’ll say it again I miss judged you now I’m so thankful for your teaching. As soon as I gave my life to the lord I went into word of faith movement I see so much solid balanced teaching it’s what I need it’s good. I can see the good I received through my word of faith years it worked for my good yet even better that my doctrine be purged . I’m in a place where I’m afraid to go to church because of wacky stuff. Too much woohoo then other churches I go to no word or others feed ego self me me me not him him. I’m struggling here so thank the lord for now I found your teachings until the lord leads me to a good fellowship.
@rebeccabarrand5132 3 года назад
You should join NAR heresy recovery group on Facebook
@brooke4608 3 года назад
What do you mean word of faith worked for you
@KM-zn3lx 2 года назад
@@rebeccabarrand5132 I think they need one for recovering Catholics too!
@infomercialguy 6 лет назад
once again....spectacular !!! this guy uncovers so much great information. and, you walk "all around" the subject in a kind/respectful/honest yet gutzy way. as you should!!! keep it going Mike !!!
@kgilkey65 2 года назад
Thank you for your teaching on this subject. There has been a great deal of controversy over the tongues. I personally was first used by the Holy Spirit during a prayer meeting years ago at church. We were praying for needs in the body of Christ and all of a sudden a gut wrenching groan came over me and tears flowed. I wept and groaned for about 20 minutes or so. What a blessing and honor to be used by the Holy Spirit to pray for Gods will. Praise the Lord for His grace, mercy, and love. God bless you Mike!!
@kulep7646 3 года назад
Romans is probably my favorite epistle, and Romans 8 is definitely the standout!! Thank you for your teaching, Pastor Mike! So awesome 🙌💕
@graftme3168 3 года назад
I absolutely love Romans also! It has been considered "the Masterpiece of the Gospel." I read Romans a LOT!
@glory1ministries734 3 года назад
Let me share my spiritual experience concerning the scripture in Romans 8:26. After I got born again in my spirit when I received the Salvation in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, within few days the "groanings" manifested in me. I did groan heavily when I am so touched in my prayer especially when I prayed deeply. It became part of my normal prayer life whenever I was so moved while praying. It always manifest when I am praying in the spirit, and sometimes when I worship in the spirit. At its first manifestation I wondered why it happened, for I never heard of it before nor read of it in the Bible (at that time I had read only small portion of the Bible). But later on, I was amazed with exceeding gladness when I found it in the book of Romans. How I was so thankful to The LORD that He gives me such gift of praying in the spirit with groanings. For I know that the Spirit makes intercession for me with groanings when I know not what I should pray for as I ought. And that, I am sure that the Spirit is making intercession for me according to the will of God. This gives me a blessed assurance that The LORD hears my prayers. Thank You so much Father. Thank You. Each time I prayed with groanings, the burden that was in me before is released, and I became refreshed after the prayer. And I know that our merciful and gracious God is doing something good to whomsoever it is due, though I know not what I had prayed for. This kind of prayer had a done a major part when the Lord Jesus raised up Lazarus from the dead. ( John 11:33-44 ) I hope this testimony will give a light of truth, wisdom and understanding to these scriptures. To God be the glory! God bless and graces to all.
@TKsKitchen 2 года назад
I was worshipping and i started to groan deeply and my body felt strong I couldn't control it i was told I spoke in tongues. So guess when we groan we speak in tongues. It's beautiful feeling, felt connected to God. Hope it happen again. 🙌🏽
@glory1ministries734 2 года назад
@@TKsKitchen That is also what I experienced when I groan in the spirit. I just let it flow until it stopped. It is different from speaking in tongues, though similar in chemistry. It is the most effective prayer on intercession. That is why Paul explained this differently in Romans 8:26-27. In groanings the Holy Spirit joins with our spirit to offer a supplication that God wants us to pray though we don't know it, so that by way "righteousness" the LORD our God may execute the good work He intended to do. Another purpose is that our spirit together with the Spirit of God may truly express what is in his mind and heart before God, which is beyond our human comprehension. So be glad that God has endowed you with such wonderful grace of "groaning in the spirit". I have been with it for many years until now. You can read the whole of Romans 8. God bless. 🙏📖👑🕊
@TKsKitchen 2 года назад
@@glory1ministries734 God is good i will read it ty🙌🏽
@TheBlubunni 5 лет назад
Yeah, yeah. Preach!!! I have shared this series of videos with a couple of people. These teachings have been such a blessing to me so far and I haven't finished them yet. You mentioned doing something like this for the books of Hebrews and Galatians. I hope that Our Father helps you to do so. That would be another awesome blessing. Thank you so much brother Mike for doing the work of The Lord. God bless you and your family always.
@ramieyaharris 4 года назад
Wow, another great message on Romans 8. I'm so glad to have been delivered from Pentecostalism and to see the actual truths of the bible. Thank you, LORD for using COVID-19 to help me escape 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿😇 I am so happy. The Joy that I have, is of the Lord.
@epairoyahushua4314 2 года назад
What do you mean pentecostal Spirit?
@belmadai94 2 года назад
Please share about pentecostalism?
@kevinschaefer3945 2 года назад
@@epairoyahushua4314 If you're referring to Danielle's remark, I don't see the term "pentecostal Spirit" anywhere within it.
@candiceknuth-winterfeldt2922 4 года назад
Why do I watch you? You’re balanced and fair with the scripture and allow it to say what it says and speak to it’s validity whether you agree with it or not. Then you teach those who are living in a manner which is opposed to that truth to turn from it. Thank you for loving truth and loving the body of Christ enough to offer them honesty and humility.
@jeanatwood1421 7 лет назад
"And all the people said Amen! And all the people said Amen! Give thanks to the Lord for his love never ends, and all the people said Amen!"
@basictoblessed4506 5 лет назад
My Pastor just taught on Romans 8:28 today. Beautiful confirmation Mike Winger.
@jenniferwenger6925 4 года назад
I want you to know Pastor Mike that I am doing the verse by verse study through Romans now with you and I just have to say it truly has and is blessing me.. What powerful trues are coming out when we go slowly through scripture and allowing all the goodness to come out of it.. thank you for being obedient to the lead of the Lord.
@BigDawgCleveland 3 года назад
I thank and praise God for you Pastor Mike ... You strengthen my desire to follow my Savior and live my life for Him.
@elaineeike5363 5 лет назад
I just don't believe that tongues are for today. I received Christ as Lord and Savior in 1972 at age 25 in a Christian Missionary Alliance Church. 2 years later I visited a Charismatic Church and went forward to receive the "baptism of the Spirit" and was encouraged to "stop speaking English and speak whatever comes to your mind." The word Abbadon came to mind. I left the church that night perplexed and a bit depressed. Later I then had difficulty praying and reading the Bible. I later found out that Abbadon is the Hebrew word for the Destroyer. A demonic spirit had given me that word. it took a year for me to be delivered from that experience. There are pagan religions that practice tongues. It is just too dangerous for me.
@gullwingstorm857 4 года назад
Elaine Eike You’re so right. There are voodoo ceremonies on video where their tongues babbling is identical to Charismatic churches.
@KM-zn3lx 4 года назад
@@gullwingstorm857 I believe you. When I was Catholic and praying the rosary once I became in a trance and heard someone babbling which I realized was me and it freaked .e out!
@jayharry2237 3 года назад
I am currently struggling with this issue at my church. My wife and I were talking about how I am to bring this up with my Pastor. We love our church, but it's to the point now that I am actually considering showing up 45 minutes late just to avoid all of the tongues and prophesying that are occurring during worship. Please pray for me to be able to make a sound decision on this matter, as it is vexing my heart.
@ruthvansandt9713 3 года назад
@@jayharry2237 I believe the gifts are for today. I do have questions about what is tongues and what is not. At any rate, 1 Cor 12 gives examples of what it looks like in the church. If the church is not following that, then no matter what they believe about tongues, they are out of line and I would be very cautious and on guard.
@jayharry2237 3 года назад
@@ruthvansandt9713 I have tested the congregation against 1 Cor 12 and they definitely break the rules of tongues. I believe that God has the power to do anything today that he did in the times of the early church, however, I am also of the belief that the canon is closed, so there isn't a need for prophesying, or tongues, because the gospel has stretched to nearly all places on Earth, and God already gave us the ending in Revelation. God clearly gave the give of tongues for those in the early church to be able to communicate to others who spoke a different human language. I just don't see why the holy spirit would have someone speak in a different language when the entire congregation already speaks the same language?
@corinneperegrini6003 4 года назад
I truly appreciate your teaching and humility and desire to teach according to scripture and thank you for sharing through youtube.
@lanaebarb5280 5 лет назад
There is much speculation and discussion about speaking in tongues, including here. I used to think this way as well, that this phenomenon has no value. Then, I began to see that It is used quite often when people do not know how to pray! I prayed a lot about it for quite a time, after which the Lord began to slowly give me tongues to speak. Slowly at first, then finally more fluently. When I speak in tongues, I am so blessed of God and I stand in such profound peace! I now believe in the Gift of Tongues and pray quite a lot in God's own gift! I don't know how Mike Winger can teach about this gift when he has not spoken in tongues and does not understand it! He did not do the Gift justice! This is so unfortunate, because his parishoners still do not believe in this powerful gift of Gid!
@Irene77545 3 года назад
@Lana Mike does speaks in tongues!
@jimweatherly5738 2 года назад
Yep, Mike does speak in tongues, heard him say it. So you might want ask God for the greatest gift of love, which is far greater than tongues.
@TheDesigns1002 5 лет назад
Hello Saints It deeply grieves me to hear so many pastors, teachers, and Christians distort, misquote, and misinterpret these scriptures on tongues. I don’t take it personal, but it hurts me because it increases the confusion and division in the body of Christ. I sincerely appreciate Mike Winger’s efforts, but I have to respectfully challenge his doctrine on the following: Paul NEVER-EVER makes any statement validating an authentic “language of angels.” So we should NOT attempt to associate 1Corinthians 13:1 with 1Corinthians 14:2. 1Corinthians 13:1is widely misinterpreted. Paul used a series of 4-5 HYPERBOLES - extremely exaggerated statements, mainly to stress the importance of putting love first in everything we do, even in the things we do that may be classified as extreme. 1Corinthians 13:1-3 If I - speak in the tongues of men and of angels… If I - have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries… if I - have a faith that can move mountains… If I - give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames… HYPERBOLES - are exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Paul’s choice to reference TONGUES OF “ANGELS” in one of his extreme examples above “just might” have been in response to a superstition or false teaching that had the Christians at Corinth excessively misusing the gift of tongues/ETHNIC LANGUAGES - believing that they were speaking in some angelic language and/or communicating with God or the gods. The Corinthians were greatly influenced by a number of pagan religions. Keep in mind, Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was NOT to commend them on their spiritual maturity, but the opposite - to chastise and correct them on several matters - to address their enormous degree of spiritual IMMATURITY, including a misuse of the gifts. Below, Paul used hyperbole again, this time to stress the importance of unity in the body. Paul no more proclaim a language of angels than he proclaimed that feet and ears talked. He often used this style of writing to make greater points. 1Corinthians 12:15-17 If the foot should say… …if the ear should say.. If the whole body were an eye… If the whole body were an ear… So many of my brothers and sisters in the faith have built a doctrine on the TONGUES OF ANGELS based on 1Cor.13:1 and perhaps 1Cor.14:2. 1Cor.14:2 is another scripture often taken out of context. Most if not all of 1Cor. 14 deals with the need for clear communication and understanding among our brothers and sisters in the faith - the church. Verse 2 follows verse 1, which says: 1Corinthians 14:1 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. Why follow love? Why eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy? Here is the answer: Because those who speak in an UNKNOWN language are not understood. Only God understands what they are saying. Note: an UNKNOWN tongue is simply an ethnic language that you don’t speak or understand. Verse 2 needs to be compared and balanced with verse 9. 1Corinthians 14:9 So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air. Verse 9 says essentially the same thing verse 2 says, but with different words and a different outcome. He who speaks in an UNKNOWN tongue is just speaking unintelligent words into the air. So, verse 2 says you are speaking to God, but verse 9 says you are JUST speaking into the air. We must reconcile this difference. God is a Spirit. He does not need or require an audible sound to know what we want. If we could not speak at all, we could still communicate effectively with God. Paul uses practical reasoning to explain the problem when speaking languages that people don’t understand. We become like a foreigner and vice versa. Acts 2 Gives perhaps the clearest picture of the gift of multiple ethnic languages (OTHER TONGUES) being used on the day of Pentecost. Paul gives no definitive reason to believer that tongues is anything other than ethnic languages. Even the gift to interpret TONGUES (plural) is talking about more than one language. 1Corinthians 12:10 to another miraculous powerS (plural), to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spiritS (plural), to another speaking in different kinds of tongueS (plural), and to still another the interpretation of tongueS (plural). Too many Christians over spiritualize these scriptures and end up with a distorted teaching. Peter wrote this about Paul’s writings: 2Peter 3:16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people DISTORT, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. Paul’s claim that he spoke in tongues (plural) more than all the Corinthians is once again referring to multiple ethnic languages, not some special prayer language (singular). It would have been a strange claim for Paul to suggest that he prays in “his prayer language” more than everyone else, especially since the Corinthians seemed to be having a field day misusing the gifts when the church gathered. They were speaking out of place so much so that Paul felt the need to place a restraint on them. The verse where Paul says, “I wish that you all spoke in tongues (plural)” is again referring to the ability to speak in multiple languages, not some special prayer language (singular). Nevertheless, Paul was using a figure of speech, not to be taken literally. See the similar statement Paul makes, earlier in the same letter (chapter 7): 1Corinthians 7:7 I WISH THAT ALL MEN WERE AS I AM. BUT…….. each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. 1Corinthians 14:5 I WOULD LIKE EVERY ONE OF YOU TO SPEAK IN TONGUES, BUT…….. I would rather have you prophesy. The New American Standard version reads like so: NOW I WISH THAT YOU ALL SPOKE IN TONGUES, BUT……. [even] more that you would prophesy; I also wish that I could speak in multiple languages, especially Spanish. Then I could communicate more effectively with my assistant in my Home Improvement business. However, I would prefer that we love one another. If nothing else, I hope this challenges us to examine the scriptures more carefully. To God be all the glory.
@vruste5360 4 года назад
At last, someone I can agree with on this subject! I came out of a denomination that teaches such a distorted view on this matter, and it is difficult to break away from ingrained doctrine! "But", when one sincerely seeks truth, you will be set free!
@lightlover33 4 года назад
1) "Tongues of angels" is a statement by Paul that absolutely acknowledges the unintelligible, mysterious nature of tongues, hyperbole or not. 2) "Speaking to the air" is clearly about the fact that no one understands. This is ANOTHER validation of unintelligible tongues, 3) Your "note" that an unknown language is "ethnic" is YOU, not the Bible, 4) There is no indication that ANYONE in the the Corinthian church understood ANYTHING. This would not be true if it was an "ethnic" language, 5) Paul is very clear that unintelligible tongues is for PRAYER, PRAISE, and THANKSGIVING, all communication directly TO GOD, not to men, 6) PROPHECY is Paul's preferred intelligible option to the church, and most anti-tongues teachers won't acknowledge this gift either, 7) No interpretation for a tongue was needed in Acts 2 because it was an extraordinary event. It was NOT the normative display of tongues explained by Paul in I Cor 14.
@susanANDron 5 лет назад
The part about speaking in tongues especially brought peace to me. I have been listening to American gospel and strange fire and it has left me with so many questions about the churches I grew up going to and what I have believed and experienced. I was wondering if my speaking in tongues was wrong. Thanks for sharing this.
@christsprodigaldaughter2439 4 года назад
I just watched strange fires too, and was really torn up about the clear divisions and judgements expressed. My prayer was for Jesus to show me who I should watch on RU-vid to keep being fed and Winger is it! Sola Scriptura! My heart is settled on tongues being biblical, and I shudder at those who teach it's not! No one should add to or remove from the gospel. Not watching anymore of what is not edifying/builds up and totally not touching anything that has been re-worded.
@gullwingstorm857 4 года назад
Salma Cherono Tongues in the Charismatic Movement is not Biblical at all.
@lleange363 4 года назад
if your gift of tongues was acquired following the guidelinea given by paul in organized ans decent way and you have self control then i doubt that it is noy from God..
@megamatt1915 3 года назад
@@christsprodigaldaughter2439 amen to that!
@way2girly 2 года назад
@@gullwingstorm857 no. People have misused it in the Charismatic Movement. Some even fake it. Read 1 Corinthians 14
@biblicalchristtv5717 5 лет назад
I simply love Mike Winger, his knowledge and humility amaze me. I enjoy studying the bible and it is always a joy to share with others. Thank God for the gospel. One debate that is ongoing, though, is that a woman who preaches the word in the church is committing sin or going against biblical injunctions (1 Tim 2:12). Does it mean I should know and share with only women? Can you shed more light on this?
@fukukyun78 2 года назад
17:05 I grew up in Pentecostal churches, members of my family struggled with this soo much... I can't speak in tongues, neither can my mom, or my oldest brother... Many of my other family members can. So, to the Pentecostal this must mean there's some unrepentant sin in our lives or something, but if there is God's really taking his time to show us lol. I've been a Christian for some 19 years, I know for a fact I have experienced the baptism of the Holy Ghost, been spiritually high many times, and I have been baptized in water(though I don't believe it's necessary for salvation). But I have not once spoken in tongues. Yet, the Pentecostal ignores Paul when he says "Can everyone speak in tongues?"
@bobbiabram799 2 года назад
I agree with you! I’ve not ever spoke in tongues but I have Moaned and groaned in the spirit
@fukukyun78 2 года назад
@@bobbiabram799 I've never done that, but I have been filled with the spirit(AKA, spiritually high, but I don't like the term lol) several times. I think it's ridiculous to think I could be filled with the Spirit but not saved just because I never spoke in tongues. And your experience as well. God touches everyone in different ways.
@spiritualrearmament3266 4 года назад
I thank the LORD for the Lord, the Holy Spirit, who accompanies us and guides us in prayer even in groans and expression that we can't express without His help. Hallelujah!
@mikeh6583 3 года назад
I can not tell you how much I have been enjoying your teaching! I have a Baptist background and have never fully understood tongues. I do believe the Spiritual Gifts exist and are given as the Spirit wills. I have charismatic friends and knew their use of tongues was not Biblical, now I feel I fully understand what and why. Now I feel I could have a better ability to talk to them about this issue. I feel like it gets thrown in my face that I'm not a true Christian because I don't force myself to speak in tongues. I have never found in Scripture where that is a sign of salvation. By the way, this is the best video I have found on RU-vid regarding this issue, I know that was not really your focus.
@jayakare 5 лет назад
"Christian you cannot offer Romans 8:28 to non believers" @36:40 thanks Pastor Mike!! I made this mistake many times, trying to comfort friends who are distressed. Lord, if it is thy will, help me correct this mistake.
@tammylennon5822 2 года назад
I love the way you teach and delve into about each passage that I've read but did not totally understand but took at face value not knowing the True meaning of that verse!! I just found you and I love and want This kind of teaching. Thank you for what you do and I hope God blesses you abundantly!!❤
@redlethe8679 7 лет назад
Upon skimming through Romans 26-28, I can see the Holy spirit listening to our groans, especially under the understanding that God knows more about our situation than we do. Even as someone who does quite believe in tongue speaking.
@ginny1517 4 года назад
These verses have meant so much to me, but you've helped me understand on a much deeper level. Thank you.
@djwilliams1240 2 года назад
God will is for us to be healed but on his time and so he can get the glory
@megamatt1915 3 года назад
What an amazing video. Been watching your content for about a month now and you preach scripture in such an engaging and godly way, AND you do apologetics as well. Just so much good content on your channel and you always do it in a humble way, it's so inspiring and I'm more motivated than ever to read the Word more and more every day.
@lindyellinger920 5 лет назад
I love your teaching!!! I want to be apart of your church, I so pray God leads me to a place that teaches the true gospel! THANK YOU MIKE, I COME AWAY FEELING FED SPIRITUALLY!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!
@deborahruthtrotter2154 4 года назад
"...would love to teach Hebrews some time." Do it! Do it! Hebrews is awesome and very important and foundational in fighting against the deception of cults- as is Galatians.
@LizziLilley Год назад
"powerful, beautiful, impactful prayer life" God is so very gracious to us. He has given us all we need for life and godliness ❤
@redlethe8679 7 лет назад
I'd agree that it doesn't make a lot of sense to say that these gifts were around for a time and eventually went away. I still think it's more likely that tongue speaking isn't what the Pentacostals/Charismatics think it is though. I'm sure there are moments today where people speak a language foreign from their own (I even heard of a scenario where it may have happened), but it needs to be done around said foreigners as the foreigners are the interpreters. Those who do it away from foreigners are only speaking to God, as God is the only one in the speaker's vicinity who can understand what what the speaker is saying (i'm refering to 1 Corinthians 14). And Acts 2 sounded even less like ecstatic tongues to me upon reading it recently. It sounds to me that the Charismatic movement didn't start up until recently and that the pagans, Mormons, etc. were doing ecstatic tongues before the Christians were. Not sure I trust this, especially with the extra things like ecstatic laughter or slaying of the spirit that the Pentacostals like to participate in.
@spiritualrearmament3266 4 года назад
The enemy is a counterfeit. The fact that the enemy has counterfeits of healing, words of knowledge, tongues does not mean that we should deny God's ability to work the genuine. May God bless you whether you ever speak in tongues or not. As Mike says there are many great men of God who didn't speak in tongues but were greatly used by God for His glory. Above all I pray that He give us discernment of spirits and the ability to recognise His voice so that we understand the difference between what is fake and what is genuine and follow that which is true. May God make His face to shine upon you and yours.
@redlethe8679 4 года назад
@@spiritualrearmament3266 There are no "counterfeits of healing", when all of the healing outside spiritual reparations are fake. It's really just a, lie built by institutions to siphon money out of people by making them think their congregation is magical. That is a vile way to worship God.
@djohnson3736 4 года назад
But why would you need to speak in another tongue when God is the only one in the room with you.
@fidelamoah9115 2 года назад
God bless you Pastor! You really do a fantastic job of explaining the beauty of praying in tongues and yet, how it's not necessarily the passport for believers. However I'll urge everyone to desire praying in tongues, it is truly edifying. My spirit life has never been the same.
@ShoshiPlatypus 4 года назад
Romans 8:28 has been my watchword verse for over 30 years. I have always understood it to mean how you describe it. The number of times something bad has been happening, and then with hindsight I could see the Lord using it for good. Through it I have learnt that very often we cannot see the wood for the trees but if we trust God throughout, we get to see how He uses things for good. “All things” means just that - ALL things, good and bad. A prime example of this is getting cancer 5 years ago - so many times this verse came into play! Looking back, yes, it was awful of course, and it was simply terrible for my hubby to have to go through all that worry, but there were countless times when so much good came out of it, and continues to do so. From where I stand now, looking back, I would not change a single thing. My life, and the lives of others, have been immeasurably blessed by what happened and the person I have grown into now would not exist were it not for all the sickness I have experienced (including the cancer). You are so right - this verse does not make bad things good, but if we let Him, God can use them powerfully in our lives. I think this is all tied in with faith, which in itself is a gift from God and not of ourselves. It’s win win all the way.
@slamrn9689 5 лет назад
This is my very favorite plaid shirt! It is perfect. ;-) P.S. Being blessed by your videos.
@Jacksonluv81 5 лет назад
THANK YOU!! PRAISE JESUS! Ive been grappling with the Pentecostal doctrine I was indoctrinated with at 21 in 2001. I know what the spirit did in me I KNOW unbelievable noise came from me, I know from bible study that is NOT the gift of tongues. I put this on thr back burner for the least decade until THIS WEEK. My sister, mom and Dad ridiculed me for being Christian 15yrs ago, but praise God in the least 5yrs have all started their walks. My sister is struggling with what to do she's not baptized and not sure if she needs to and a litt of other things she asked about. I didn't know some answers to guide her as I backslide until I realized I needed to answer the questions my family had because they havn't joined a church but are still searching I'm thr only person they know who had in fact studied the bible, the only Christian they know and trust so ive been praying for jesus to help me to guide my walk and give me direction to help them. And thus is the answer to prayer for me. Thank you thank you a thousand times.
@karricompton 4 года назад
Pastor Mike, I don’t believe tongues is ever a prayer language. I agree with you about everything else.
@gullwingstorm857 4 года назад
Karri Compton I agree.
@graylad Год назад
I would say that it isn't that God is all knowing that He can make things work out for good, I would say that God has ordained ALL THINGS to happen to bring about His good purpose and bring about His Glory. Love your channel brother. Good to hear your teaching.
@brenda8506 2 года назад
I fell away for awhile. I deeply prayed again from the heart about the Holy Spirit. Before this I was falling asleep and catching these strange, evil voices saying things to me as I fell asleep and I was also having scary, evil dreams. I started playing spiritual warfare (on youtube)all night when I went to sleep and the voices and bad dreams stopped. Then I started noticing as I was waking up everyday these groans coming out of me and I forgot about this teaching. I was feeling embarrassed about it. Then I remembered that The Holy Spirit groans because we don't know what to pray for and that's how I ended up here. So, I believe when it says groans ot really is groaning.
@tiisetsovioletmalgas4100 2 года назад
What sounds come out.... I am really interested in finding out because someone close to me always makes strange sounds and they scare me deeply, I even began to think it's evil
@megatroninventor Год назад
I been hearing moaning or groaning while asleep. Sound so real that I wonder where it coming from . im trying to return back to my Jesus since I been sliding but now trying to return back to him.
@vruste5360 4 года назад
Paul says that every tongue has a meaning, it is understood by those who know it, and of course, God knows every tongue ( He's the author of language)! When Paul says, "of men and of angels", he is using it as hyperbole, to express a point! When angels delivered a message from God to their subjects, would they have not spoken to them in the language they understood? To think that they spoke in some "unknown tongue", and then sent an interpreter, is simply nonsense! Paul says he speaks in tongue more than you all, because he was sent to minister in several different cities, of which he would not know the language! God blessed him with the ability to reach them with the gospel through the miraculous gift of tongues; the native language! Paul says, the gift of tongues is the "least of the gifts", yet too many place so much emphasis on this gift, as though it is the ultimate height of salvation!!! I am not saying there is no longer a place for the gift, but tongues ( unknown or unlearned language) is not as much a barrier now as it was then! For me to speak to God in a different language, does not benefit me, because I have no idea what I am praying for our about! As far as groaning in the spirit, the scripture says, the "Spirit groans for us"! We, at times, have a heavy heart and don't know how or what to pray for, and that is when the Spirit intercedes for us!
@spiritualrearmament3266 4 года назад
@in777sight Your cup is too full of your own imaginings. Jesus clearly speaks of HIMSELF as the Lamb of God. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Without the blood of Jesus there is no forgiveness of sins. Baptism is baptism into Jesus and especially identification with His death and resurrection. When you are put under the water it is unification with Jesus in His death, and when you are raised out of the water it is unification with Jesus in His resurrection. PAUL DOES NOT LIE TO GLORIFY GOD. Paul believes that God is the God of Truth. He believes that God can use some OTHER PEOPLE'S fakeness and lies can still be used by God to get people speaking about the gospel and then the truth can have a greater impact when it comes and shows the falsehood for what it is.
@ComeOutOfHerMyPeople 4 года назад
@in777sight What do you mean Jesus never called himself a lamb. JESUS WAS THE LAMB. Who ordained Paul? Who blinded Paul? Who gave Paul his eye sight back? What gospel are you reading?
@ComeOutOfHerMyPeople 4 года назад
in777sight hey mate. I don’t have the time to unpack all this. But Jesus himself for told his death. The Old Testament fortold Jesus death on a cross thousands of years before he walked the earth. Jesus himself ordained Paul. Jesus himself is the lamb and the shepherd. He is the Passover lamb. You are forgetting that. He died on Passover, first fruits etc. symbolically he is the fulfillment of all these feasts. God did accept the death of Jesus on the cross because God put him there because Jesus is God manifest in flesh. It’s not a “human sacrifice” when he’s God as well.
@ComeOutOfHerMyPeople 4 года назад
in777sight where are you getting all this crap from? Acts 15:25 2 Peter 3.15 I don’t know what books you’re reading. But you’re not reading the same book I am. All you’re doing is copy pasting garbage with no scriptural references to support your herecy. Repent.
@ComeOutOfHerMyPeople 4 года назад
in777sight Jesus was a circumcised Jew. Again. You’re just vomiting a word salad. Everything you’re saying is pure conjecture if you aren’t supplying bible verses. Are you just copy pasting the same response?
@SlavicUA 4 года назад
Hey Mike, thought I should mention here what I have come to learn 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 is talking about. I don't believe Paul is trying to say that there is an actual language of angels, in which men can speak, ex., (tongues). Paul here is speaking in hyperbolic fashion. If you take that Paul "speaking in tongues of angels" part literally, then you're also gonna have to believe that Paul "understands all mysteries and has all knowledge, has all faith to remove mountains, gave all his possessions to the poor, and gave his body over to be burnt", all of which he didn't have/didn't do. Just thought of clearing that up. Therefore, I still believe that tongues in an actual known language of the world, however, it is not known to the person that the Spirit is operating the gift through. Blessings!
@Alaytheo 5 лет назад
I pray in tongues, but I also pray with weeping and groaning. The beauty of tongues for me is I often find myself without words in English to express all of the things on my heart, or I find myself without the understanding of what is needed or how to bring things to pass and so I pray in tongues. My experience with weeping prayer and groaning prayer is very similar to other tongues but the emotional expression is different. For me, the groaning prayer is analogous to labor pains; it's like giving birth - I'm praying it all out, or I'm praying all out. I never feel compelled to pray like this for my own needs; it seems to be an identification with the heavy things that are on God's heart - the lost, the state of the world, waywardness in the Church, etc. Things like 2 Peter 2:8 and Matthew 23:37 come to mind. Or watch the evening news and see the things one man does to another and it can make you sick. God groans. God grieves. At times I pray with such intensity that I will break tiny blood vessels in my face. I truly believe this to be a God-given gift, a tongue if you will. From time to time I have seen others break into this kind of prayer and I can identify with them. Sometimes people will want to comfort me, but I am not in need of comfort. I would rather have them sit down alongside me and pour out their heart as well. I think the problem is that much of the Church knows so little of travailing prayer. And I think for many they don't get past their personal laundry list and onto the things that are on God's heart - "Lord, what do you want me to pray about?" This takes time, and it has an emotional cost to it as well. I'm just sharing a testimony of my experiences. Blessings.
@marleneholloway7775 5 лет назад
Patrick i agree ihave had groaning which can be very deep in The Spirit which over flows on to the body it can be like giving birth we are giving birth in the Spirit
@rumzzorz 5 лет назад
wow totally agree its seldom this happens to me but its so intense
@tiisetsovioletmalgas4100 2 года назад
Are these groanings perhaps tears, screaming or....? I am trying to understand what is happening to someone close to me
@Alaytheo 2 года назад
I've never had an experience of what I would label screaming, but heavy sobbing, weeping, sometimes like an ache, emotionally draining like the loss of a close loved one. You could ask them what they are experiencing. If it is grief over something in their life (loss, hardship, sin), they may want prayer. Otherwise, I would say they are just praying in a less common prayer language. It is emotionally exhausting, though. If I have the luxury to nap afterwards, I find it very helpful.
@way2girly 2 года назад
What emotional cost have you experienced?
@Jokl92 5 лет назад
I'm more of a cessationist because of 1.Cor 13, but I really don't mind if somebody isn't, as long as the gifts are practiced according to the scriptural rules. Thanks for the teaching, that was helpful!
@biblicalchristtv5717 5 лет назад
Pls what verse in 1Cor 13 proves that gifts are not for today? It says if I do all ...these and do not love, I am nothing. I doubt if that means we should not demonstrate the gift......or God cannot continue to reach out to us. Matthew 25 suggest people people will still manifest these gifts.
@topsui 4 года назад
IjGold U. If the gifts continue or not, I think the essential work of the Holy Spirit is sanctification. Not denying the gifts.
@Irene77545 3 года назад
@@topsui I totally agree with u! If somebody manifest the gifts but are not edified at all, I would doubt that!
@Nunu-_985 4 года назад
I was prophesied over that I would speak in tongue.. Yip I was out of there. I don't think they fully understood what they themselves believe.
@soupcoup3912 4 года назад
I think theres not a full biblical picture of tounges in this sermon and if you want to understand the whole biblical picture of tounges I can talk to you about it
@joytheresagrigsby4941 3 года назад
you dont understand....if you have an issue w tongues you dont believe the Bible and have a bias.Your cesationist theology is unbiblical
@ellennoll2839 5 лет назад
Thank you for your indepth teachings. I learn so much every time. 😊🙏
@theconservativechristian7308 4 года назад
Thank God for Mike Winger. You have helped me learn and grow in my knowledge SO much. Thank you and thank you God.
@karricompton 4 года назад
The Conservative Christian I feel the same way. There are so many apostate teachers on RU-vid along with so many fundamentalists who bash everyone else. This guy seems for real.
@janeroberson4750 Год назад
Growning,is a deep sorrow,in spirit, so painfull, words can't express it ,you can't cry,or pray,it hurts so deep,like my father in the flesh left me at the age of 5 and I cryed ,year after year,for him untill I got sick,in body and my spirit groaned,within me,that words could not even express, that's how Christ loves us,but much more!
@stace7169 Год назад
Thanks Pastor Mike for another great video and clarification of such an important topic!!!🙏🏾
@lisa-le2ou 4 года назад
Thank you very much for this lesson. I have had many questions and you have helped answer them. Two and a half years after you posted this video and it is still being used.
@TheFrankMayTeam 3 года назад
Thank you! Specifically about the groaning not being tongues. I have been told it is but it just didn’t sit right. Bless you heaps!
@osuk1 3 года назад
I speak in tongues but no longer do so overtly in church. I've also struggled on it's authenticity having personally abused the gift when I was a part of the Pentecostal movement. By the grace of God I have found better teaching among fundamentalist. I am at peace now n able to hear out contrarian arguments.
@cathykushner8903 5 лет назад
I needed this message. Thank you.
@jlengete8929 6 лет назад
All I can say is if its God's divine plan for a person to speak in tongues for His holy purpose then that person will thus speak. I don't believe anyone can or should even command the Holy spirit to grant tongues just because they feel like it. He is part of the trinity and thus we are to treat Him as God, with fear and love. It is dangerous practice by many christians, it makes me feel uncomfortable just listening to the babbling, for I do not know what spirit is in them. God bless to everyone, may all understand the that Holy spirit is there to guide us in all truth, which is Yeshua, once we are focus on God''s word then we are able to stand against all tribulation for nothing is impossible with God.
@merrittascott3323 4 года назад
Hi, I can see you are still not grasping what scripture is teaching concerning the gifts. We never command the Holy Spirit to grant the gift of tongues. It is the wisdom of God that we should have it because of the God purpose that is accomplished in it. It is not a command nor necessary for salvation. Scripture does not verify such teachings. It is a gift, period. Hope this helps clarify what scripture actually says, rather than a teaching a minister gives that is not written.
@topsui 4 года назад
Merritta Scott I think he’s referring to some charismatics who command the Holy Spirit like He’s a genie in a bottle
@nataliemuhl-gibbs3872 5 лет назад
Thank you brother Mike. You are an anointed teacher of God's Word and truth,be strengthend in the power of the Holy Spirit...God bless you! So much.confirmagion from what I've seen from you...who could it be but Jesus?
@brendenberry352 6 лет назад
Thank you. That is by far the best teaching on these verses I've ever heard. 😊😊
@redlethe8679 7 лет назад
I found this to be an interesting sermon to listen to so far, even if I disagree on much of it. I might go back and listen to it some more later.
@christinamorales6887 2 года назад
It’s like when David cried out in pain to the lord in the psalms
@Mcfirefly2 6 лет назад
Dr McGee used to quote a favorite teacher, either Lewis Sperry Chafer or G Campbell Morgan, when he was talking to a crowd which included Pentecostals. Someone pointed out this verse, saying just that, that the tongues of their movement were "groanings, that cannot be uttered". "Then don't utter them," the teacher advised.
@renesamkoshy7364 4 года назад
I respect the example you've given, but I hope you've read the actual verse it says, that "the Spirit Himself will intercede for us with groanings too deep for words" (Rom 8:26, NASB). It's not us who are to make the choice to/not to utter, the entire context is that the Holy Spirit helps us in uplifting such wordless groanings. Therefore I kindly urge you in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ to not be persuaded by human interpretations of Divine Scripture and encourage you to approach His word without any presuppositions and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you through this process. God Bless.
@jeffsomogyi8199 Год назад
John 10:11 KJV - I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. He is the GOOD SHEPHERD WHATEVER HE IS LEADING US THROUGH WE CAN BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN HE IS LEADING US TO A GOOD PLACE
@Betcaligarcia 7 лет назад
Wow that was really powerful pastor
@Deacondan240 6 лет назад
Pastor Mike, About ACTS 2. If the 120 disciples were all speaking different real languages , wouldn't that make it difficult for people to hear their own and understand? I know it is not a common interpretation, but perhaps the 120 at ACTS 2 spoke the SAME thing, in the SAME heavenly tongue, BUT GOD gave understanding to each person to what? "Hear in their own language." the scriptures say they heard it....could have been a supernatural feat for supernatural tongues. This idea is more consistent with I Cor 12-14. It also is a makes it a sign for unbelievers.
@Deacondan240 5 лет назад
Answer my question : How could they hear their own language when the 120 were all speaking different languages at the same time? It would sound like garbled speak, which is what the REAL unbelievers heard...and accused them of drinking at 9am! God is able to give understanding as a sign to the unbeliever...why can't he allow that. A Mike says, per 1 Cor 14, if done in a church corporately, then an interpretation should be given. I leave room to be wrong, it could be real, audible languages, but it is MORE consistent to believe tongues is ALWAYS a heavenly, spiritual, language used for : a supernatural sign to an unbeliever, and for personal edification thru prayers to God.
@Pentecostal-provisionist 5 лет назад
I agree 100% I believe that the miracle on the day of pentecost was in the hearing not the speaking I did an experiment at my church where only 5 people reading out loud different portions of scripture and try so we may we could follow Now think of 120 people creating enough ruckus that the people thought they were drunk
@Deacondan240 5 лет назад
Bobby - good example at church. I am going a step further. I'm saying the miracle was in the hearing and spiritual interpretation. The 120 spoke "regular" spiritual tongues, not a known language that was somehow amplified to the particular ear. I think the 120 spoke powerfully in unison and the holy Spirit gave the understanding in their own language. Some object that non-believers can't have a gift of interpretation because they don't have the HS, but that could be why it is a sign to unbelievers, while some hear gibberish. The gift of interpretation is for when the unbeliever is not present nor understands and the tongue should not be ignored. But better to prophesy!
@Pentecostal-provisionist 5 лет назад
Hi Dan, I was a calvinist cessationist for many years and used the same old 'it must have been earthly language' argument The upper room was on the middle if the market place the people were going about there normal business when SUDDENLY there was a disruption Even if everyone was saved that means there were at least 3000 people there The only logical explanation is what you have stated and the first time in 20 years I find someone who agrees with my hypothesis 😁
@Deacondan240 5 лет назад
Bobby Baker - what brought you out of Calvinism?
@Crazychickenlady448 4 года назад
I have shied away from tongues because of the obvious abuses and, dunno how to say it, the fakeness, of some who claim to speak tongues. I have learned that tongues still really exist, but almost concurrently I was told that if I don't speak of tongues, I'm not really saved. I prayed fervently, feverishly even, for that gift and have yet (years later) to pray in tongues....I thought I was somehow less because of it. Thank you very much, Mike! Thank you, God for sending Mike my way!
@worshippers3590 4 года назад
OUR HEARTS MUST BE IN THE RIGHT PLACE - BROKEN AND HUMBLE Yes, there are many misconceptions about tongues but it does exist today. I will encourage you not to demand for tongues itself but for closeness to God through the Holy Spirit. Tongues should not be your focus. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are NOT received intellectually or by demand but by Faith, in Humility and in His time. God is not commanded to give a gift. But He desires that we receive the Holy Spirit. But if anyone does want anything, God will not impose it. I remember when I prayed for tongues, I didn't receive because my heart was not even ready to receive anything. Then one time in a church outing years later, it happened during prayer. I remember this time I was praying with all my heart to know God more and to love Him more. Before I was prayed upon I knew something was going to happen but I didn't know what. Immediately the person laid hands on me I began speaking in tongues as it brewed from within. The more I prayed that I was not worth it, the more God filled me with His love. I didn't pray to receive tongues nor did I even know much about it. May we be humble and broken before God.
@jackiywalsh1246 3 года назад
My tongues are Arabic A person say behind me T a meeting who spoke Arabic
@jackiywalsh1246 3 года назад
Tongues are some language but not one you understand. They are not just moanings if no one understands them at a prayer usually someone has the gift to understand.
@jackiywalsh1246 3 года назад
I pray in tongues often. I f. I really have a bad problem the Spirit prays for me and solves my problem
@jackiywalsh1246 3 года назад
Pray for other gifts. to lay hands on heal. I have experienced this gift many times. My son was in an accident. Not expected to live through the night. I laid hands on and prayed all night. Next day he was healed. Doctors said someone up there likes you. I laid hands on a woman who has to have Carpel tunnel operation. Went into surgery. Was already healed
@jacobbianculli3982 Год назад
You at 8:51 talking about how you’d love to do a study on Hebrews together and here soon it’s gonna begin. I’m stoked . Especially as I do my best to read and study all I can as I right a book about the Angel of the LORD. P..s gonna send it to you when I’m done for peer review ;)
@dorothysittler8120 Год назад
28:27 Hebrews 4:12 really gives a new way looking at it because of the sword being double edged in other words one is being cut while the other ones being cut and Proverbs 27:17 as well iron sharpens iron so one man's face sharpens another.
@janeroberson4750 Год назад
God is waiting for you to come to him with all our trouble,trust him ,with all your heart ,lean not to your own understanding,in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy paths,.
@domblack6288 Год назад
Hey Mike. Thanks for this teaching. While I’m not a cessationist myself, I’ve heard cessationists make the claim that early church fathers like Augustine claimed that the gifts have ceased. You might want to represent them better if you’re going to critique them.
@afribear 5 лет назад
A thought... ‘his spirit prays...’ 14 minutes into the video... as per 1 Corinthians 6:17 those who are joined with God is one spirit with Him.
@patticarey9016 4 года назад
Hi Pastor Mike! Enjoying all your Romans 8 teaching videos! Question about the tongues thing: How do you reconcile 1Cor 14:22 with your statement that tongues can be a personal, private prayer thing? "Thus tongues are a sign not for believers but for unbelievers, while prophecy is a sign not for unbelievers but for believers." It seems to me that Paul is contrasting tongues with prophecy in 1Cor 14, raising prophecy above tongues, and also making the point that tongues, if not done with interpretation, is useless since he is overall talking about building up the church in 1 Cor 14. Thank you for your ministry! I am being greatly blessed by this line by line study of Romans!
@nathanburgett1599 5 лет назад
27:00 it is a beautiful verse. Two points that come to mind. First based on the context it's about all things being used to make those who love God like Christ. Second, that Jesus said if you love me obey my commands. His commands are Matt 5-7 summed up in 1john 3. So it seems, in context, to be a beautiful conditional promise that those who love God will be conformed to the image of his son, which is the calling and purpose. That Jesus might be the first born of many siblings.
@bevclark8511 4 года назад
Acts 2. Some think it was a miracle of hearing their own language, rather than speaking all their languages. Kinda hard to hear one person talk, when another is talking at the same time.
@jdude7650 3 года назад
Well it actually days that in the passage doesn't it. Nice comment
@raymondhoefs472 4 года назад
@Mike Winger, when are you gonna do a three hour exhaustive survey of tongues :) ? I enjoy and value your thoroughness and intellectual honesty; even on topics we currently disagree. Do the Spiritual gifts have precedent in the Old Testament? Where are the private prayer language and the intermediary language in the Old Testament? I currently only see the first definition in Scripture, and I see precedent for it when angels speak to prophets and the people hear in their own language and when Balaam’s donkey speaks and Balaam hears in his language. Anyway! Not a cessationist. Thanks for this encouraging teaching. The Holy Spirit’s intercession for us is so encourgaing
@CC-2020 Год назад
Sometimes the people who make spiritual proclamations are wrong but sometimes they are right because God led them to utter those proclamations. Ours is to discern wether or not the proclamations are led by the spirit and not to "Not like that very much". God can work through the spirit and he can also work through other men at any given time.
@Tsidyannamohapi2381 3 года назад
For God is eternal all that He did, he still does, and will still do.
@sergbolt1 3 года назад
Thank you Pastor Mike, really helpful to me ❤️
@lightlover33 4 года назад
"Too deep for words" is not a statement that nullifies the possibility of tongues. The intent may be "intelligible words" or words that make sense out of your situation.
@matteuslucas4223 4 года назад
@Mike Winger as I understand it cessationists believe only the apostolic gifts have ceased, not ALL gifts of the Holy Spirit.
@way2girly 2 года назад
Can you explain the difference?
@EvelynGonzalez11 Год назад
awe man, this was sooo good! thank you pastor Mike Winger! Jul 24, 2017 wowowow
@redlethe8679 7 лет назад
You can pray for anything that comes to mind. You don't need to speak ecstatically just because you can't think of anything at the moment.
@lleange363 4 года назад
you dont need it yeah you are saying that you are better than Paul who speaks in tongue
@jdude7650 3 года назад
Do you pray in tongues, Mike Winger?
@farahbenadam8625 4 года назад
I loved it, informative, and full of relief and laughter too.
@shawnarider916 4 года назад
Mike **On 'speaking in tongues but my mind is unfruitful': I Corinthians 14:14 "For 'if' I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful. What am I to do?" - Asking the question 'What am I to do 'if' this should happen. Paul making his point in the following verse he answers his own question 'I would pray with my mind'. In other words 'this wouldn't make sense 'if' I did this - my mind would be unfruitful. As was the case when the people in this church were elevating speaking a language when no one in the congregation knew the language they were speaking - it wouldn't make sense.-- I Corinthians 14:2 "For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for 'no one understands him', but he utters mysteries in the Spirit." 'No one understands him', not even himself - would be like taking Paul's "'if' I pray but my mind is unfruitful. What am I to do?"answer, "I would pray with my mind", meaning it wouldn't make sense - and use it in a way to try to make it make sense. We should always understand everything we speak to God - If we wouldn't want to speak to an earthly king without knowing what we're saying - how much more a heavenly King.-- I Corinthians 13:1 "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love..." Paul plays down their elevation of tongues - even if you were to speak the language that angels would speak. **Love your ministry and gift of discernment and that you can cover so much in a clear and understanding way. I do a chapter a night through the bible study at 8:00 p with my girls 14, 12, and 9 except on Wednesdays and Sundays, and I use your videos and some testimonies on different religions that we study afterwards. Important for them to know to be discerning. God Bless, Love your brother in Christ, - Kevin Rider (Catawba Baptist Church, Catawba, VA) -- P.S. You look and talk a lot like our youth pastor
@worshippers3590 4 года назад
What is the conclusion then? (1) I will pray with the spirit, and (2) I will also pray with the understanding. (1) I will sing with the spirit, and (2) I will also sing with the understanding."
@kallyjon 4 года назад
God spoke, and in all the dimensions of the Bible, never has it been said, put to paper or passed on vis the Angels, that there is a secret type of language, or heavenly tongue we will speak in Gods kingdom or here on earth, nor do we need that tongue here on earth, for if so, then Jesus would been the demonstrator and teacher of that tongue. For the Speaking in Tongues, has to the Christ, always been our human language, with all speech ever recorded used by God in the Ages past and now, God expects us to pray in our own understanding, with the tool of choice our native tongue, nothing can be more pleasing to God, than our Praises with our understanding.Withal praises, Speaking in Tongues, of your own language, is the leading instrument by which the praises of God are proclaimed. Never has the speech of mighty men of God, from Noah Jesus and Moses, ever been any thing but their natural native tongue. Men must offer a worship corresponding with the nature and attributes of God and your understanding in your own language
@dorothysittler8120 Год назад
38:54 Isaiah 55:11 HIS WORD will not come back void.
@terrylaplante3157 3 года назад
Thank you Pastor Mike...
@theprodigal7143 5 лет назад
Hello, tongues was languages, not gibberish. Paul was the apostle to the gentiles, and this is why he spoke in tongues more than all. He supernaturally spoke in foreign languages. Tongues was also a sign of judgement to the Jews because, the gospel went even to the "dogs" the gentiles, which would make them jealous (Isaiah 28:11). Tongues as in languages started at Babel, this is why I believe studying about the divine council is important, because angels were principalities over the nation's too. This is why I believe Paul mentions tongues of men and angels. There was also a mixed multitude that came out of Egypt, and according to Galatians and Acts 7, many angels were also present. Even Jews of today believe that everyone at Sinai heard the covenant in their own language. Tongues is for edification of the body, an interpreter is needed, so everyone can be edified, not only for the non native speaker. I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous. Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be! But I am speaking to you who are Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, if somehow I might move to jealousy my fellow countrymen and save some of them. ROMANS 11:11‭-‬14 NASB bible.com/bible/100/rom.11.11-14.NASB If then I do not know the meaning of the language, I will be to the one who speaks a barbarian, and the one who speaks will be a barbarian to me. So also you, since you are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek to abound for the edification of the church. Therefore let one who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. What is the outcome then? I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the mind also; I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also. Otherwise if you bless in the spirit only, how will the one who fills the place of the ungifted say the “Amen” at your giving of thanks, since he does not know what you are saying? For you are giving thanks well enough, but the other person is not edified. I thank God, I speak in tongues more than you all; however, in the church I desire to speak five words with my mind so that I may instruct others also, rather than ten thousand words in a tongue. 1 CORINTHIANS 14:11‭-‬19 NASB bible.com/bible/100/1co.14.11-19.NASB
@voldmerot 3 года назад
This teaching was bananas!...Bravo well done!!!
@Liminalplace1 6 лет назад
The Greek which is translated "groans which cannot be uttered" is not correct...but more "inexpressible groans" NEB and NET...see Gordon Fee's solid case for this in his theological opus "Gods Enpowering Presence: Its hard to displute it is vocally heard since ancients knew nothing of silent prayer nor silent reading (eg Acts 8 eunuc was reading Isaiah and Philip heard him) .. Once i saw that case i had to move over into seeing tounges as available to all.
@johnnyjohnson1370 2 года назад
Mike I appreciate you and follow your videos. Jesus never refused to heal anyone , so I think that is shown in scripture for a reason. He could do no mighty works in his home town because of unbelief but scripture shows Over and over that he healed all who asked and believed
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