
Guillermo del Toro on At the Mountains of Madness 

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Director Guillermo del Toro talks about why he wants to make At the Mountains of Madness and hints at his plans for filming H.P. Lovecraft's monsters. Recorded 9/30/2010 at the Experience Music Project | Science Fiction Museum in Seattle. www.epmsfm.org www.thestraintrilogy.com/




2 окт 2010




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@pramderooy7037 5 лет назад
Come on netflix give this man the budget to make At the Mountains Of Madness.
@tiaaaron3278 4 года назад
Somebody starts a petiton!
@REVOisMYname 3 года назад
A full series of movies would be great
@FancyTophatDude 9 лет назад
Great to se a director who fully understands the implications of the lovecraft mythos and how to portray it. Showing the gods described in lovecrafts stories right away would greatly ruin their impact.
Chris Auer hey... John Carpenter does that as well
@nicholasbrown5013 3 года назад
I think that’s part of the problem. The god in this story can’t even really be showed. Inherently hard to do in film. After watching the orphan, I have full faith he can do it right, but he might have to fight a lot of studio pressure.
@JosephDillman 2 месяца назад
I'm so thankful you guys got this. I worked at the museum for ten years and was there that night as Security, just outside the doors to the JBL Theater. I remember having to chase off autograph scalpers (at the client's request), but always wished I could have attended this appearance. 💖
@DoctorPretorious616 11 лет назад
It's a shame that the major studios may never be willing to take a chance on Del Toro's adaptation of "At The Mountains Of Madness". But then, it's also a damn shame that "Pacific Rim" is currently getting its ass kicked at the box office by "Grownups 2" and "Despicable Me 2"; I saw PR on Friday and loved it!!!
@pocketsesmcflurry2146 5 лет назад
"I want to make a movie where you both see the creatures and don't." Any and all skepticism I could've had about this project is gone. Make it happen.
@soubgio 13 лет назад
the perfect director for lovecraft's stories.the only one that can really manage to transfer the books atmosphere to the big screen.
@LovecraftianLEGO 13 лет назад
I started reading Lovecraft at 13 and I instantly became a fan. I think this movie has the perfect director, and it's going to be amazing. Hopefully this will inspire more Lovecraft adaptations.
@HitchcockJohn 11 лет назад
I actually just started reading Lovecraft myself, and I think in part because of my love for The Thing I quickly found myself drawn toward the ideas of At the Mountains of Madness (after having already read the strange The Hound and then read the rather interesting Call of Cthulu), and in fact as an amateur screenwriter I'm actually taking a shot of my own at adapting it.
@hiveofficial9855 8 месяцев назад
I am sleepless right now, imagining the marriage of these 2 masters. What an exceptional proposal, such a damn shame that this film won’t see the light of day 😢
@kutuluu 13 лет назад
Del Toro has to be the best choice for a big budget Lovecraft film, his visual style is just perfect for it. Damn I haven't been this excited to see a movie since Terminator 2 as a kid.
@godazathoth147 10 лет назад
ive loved pretty much all of his movies, so i hope he makes this movie and many more H.P lovecraft movies
@Yakuza1341 4 года назад
Awesome. Thanks for uploading
@louisbennett7709 10 лет назад
I've read the book and have heard the Richard Coil audio adaptations of the epic, and the lurking fear read by Wayne June. After seeing del Toro's version of Mignolan's Hell Boy there is no doubt in my mind he's the guy to pull this off. H.P. is in very good hands.
@nightwishfan1991 13 лет назад
We need to let the studio know that we will see this movie and support it. Let your voice be heard. I want to see this and I know alot of other people do to. Toro and Cameron working together 2 of my favorite directors. We must let the studio hear our voice!
@franciscof6969 5 лет назад
"Tomo mis tentáculos muy en serio" ... No esperaba menos. Saludos a todos desde México.
@kzinful 6 лет назад
Let us be honest here...as with Blade Runner 2049 just give Guillermo tons of money and let him create his masterpiece. It wont be a box office runaway, what it will be is this mans dream of a story that set him off on the journey that has lead here. Can Lovecraft be truly filmed in conception?...yes, I know of those other films, but really?... really? 'The case of Charles Dexter Ward' would be my choice for a movie, it contains all the dread and horror of his Elder Gods mythos wrapped up in very cool story; oh and yea, leave room for imagination: let the audience ponder..hehe Anyway...just a thought, Peace
@VernHestandIII 8 лет назад
Almost EVERYTHING Del Toro has produced so far has a tinge of the 'Lovecratian'. Some of his sets, designs and creatures seem to leap right out of a Lovecraft story. Its obvious that he has a love for and (more importantly) an understanding of what makes this classic American fiction work. After many decades of embarrassing film fails in the quest to bring Lovecraft to the screen, here at last, we have hope for something truly terrifying!
Vern Hestand well he is a mexican
@Aaronreacher 5 лет назад
Gilberto Ignacio Aguirre Vargas ?
@rfjtfhfthtfhtfhtfh 11 лет назад
Absolutely! French people that I've known have shown the admirable trait of being interested in a variety of different forms of art from different cultures, they are very well versed in the prose of the world. I just get annoyed when a person says "This film needs to be made in France; Americans are simply too stupid of an audience for such a project." when we created the original source material.
@seeingsights 13 лет назад
Del Toro IS the man for this job.
@areformingamadon 13 лет назад
I am encouraged that Del Toro is taking a turn at bringing Lovecraft's mythos to the screen. There have been many films loosely based on his work that were just terrible to watch. I think Del Toro will bring the skill, focus, perspective, and enthusiasm necessary to visualize Lovecraft's world effectively.
@Luka1180 12 лет назад
Now they should definitely bring this back again!
@MossieLeZurche 2 года назад
And now we will finally get it
@ilovepanslabyrinth 13 лет назад
A Wonderful Talent Indeed
@nathancampbell06 3 года назад
It's amazing that he has accomplished so much and his greatest passion is making this movie/streaming series and he can't get studio backing...
@ZarathustrasCrown 13 лет назад
@93johnk I started reading Lovecraft when I first started listening to Metallica as a kid...their song "Call of Ktulu" was one of my favorites and then at the library I saw Call of Cthulhu...the names were just too similar and I had to pick it up...fell in love with the stuff. I'd have been around 8 or 9 then. And yes, a big Websters Dictionary was often involved. I'd actually been a fan of Poe through my mom reading the poems so far back I can't remember being introduced to him.
@r3not5 10 лет назад
I fuckin love this guy
@zombap 7 лет назад
You can thank Ridley Scott for this movie never getting off the ground. I love that there are comments from 7 years ago on here all excited. Ugh. I still don't see why Del Toro couldn't make this film in 2018.
@Droogie128 13 лет назад
They should go to Lion's Gate. Universal obviously doesn't know a masterpiece in the making when they see it.
@chocodoco4855 11 лет назад
I started reading Lovecraft at 11...
@toh786 4 года назад
10 years later...
@NightsMuse 3 года назад
Can we just kickstarter this and let him run wild with it?
@bealtown 12 лет назад
I read Poe at 8, Ciardi's translation of Dante at 9 but only discovered HPL a little later, in those mass-market softcovers with the horrid faces on the covers. It's no big deal to be early literate. I even used to watch a lot of TV then, but it never stopped me from reading.
@boardskins 13 лет назад
@93johnk I read "The Dunwich Horror" at twelve, and by sixteen, I had read virtually his whole catalog.
@Maximillionaire666 13 лет назад
I think Tom Cruise would be a good choice for the role of William Dyer, as much as people make fun of him, I think he's a good actor. I can't wait for this film, besides Re-Animator, Lovecraft movies are actually pretty rare on my opinion. Sure there's tonnes of films inspired by hi, but direct adaptions aren't very common.
@OroborusFMA 13 лет назад
Doing Lovecraft before CGI effects was next to impossible - the technology took decades to catch up with his imagination.
@arandomzoomer4837 4 года назад
I'm happy some people at least understand the benefits of CGI.
@oliverebbing6637 3 года назад
Lets create a Petition
@DoveCalderwood 13 лет назад
I really hope they keep the design for Smaug. It sounds amazing
@goncaloferreira6429 4 года назад
still waiting
@allaboutdmagic 11 лет назад
The idea that Prometheus is thematically identical to ATMOM is a bit much. There's some subliminals in both sure, given that Alien screenwriter Dan O' Bannon was a huge Lovecraft fan, but they are markedly different fare.
@jjobie 13 лет назад
@93johnk I think he actually says he was 7 years old! That's pretty young to be able to even read Lovecraft's kind of writing.
@SciFiFanatic101 13 лет назад
I hope the movie turns out good,though I hope he would consider adapting The Shadow Out Of Time.That is my favorite Lovecraft story.
@mdurna3810 5 лет назад
I wanted watch that before i die.
@ilovepanslabyrinth 13 лет назад
@lordtufty Hehehe I would not disagree I love the idea...btu many would disagree with us I've always been a fan of Tom Cruise, and Guierllmo Del Toro is just sensational
@dadavoodoo 13 лет назад
@Bestial1985 13 лет назад
Well, maybe now that he cant do Mountains of Madness, he can finally make Frankenstein, which is a project I was much more interested in
@RaisedxFist 7 лет назад
Cesar Rodriguez Mountains of Madness>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Frankenstein.
@1Heretic 13 лет назад
@93johnk So when did you read lovecraft for the first time?!
@1Heretic 13 лет назад
@93johnk I mean at what age?!
@Goatflower99 12 лет назад
@Nature9355 It is, Universal dropped it after Scott Pilgrim bombed at the box office. Feels bad, man.
@inlife9 13 лет назад
@xXviejas22Xx I have read and re-read Lovecraft, and I do not see why his work is avoided. It only needs a good director and a good budget. Will it be like reading the stories. No, it never is, but it would be good to see an actual talent put toward the purpose making Lovecraft movies. I can not understand how Call of Cthulhu has not been made in Hollywood. We have 2 good King Kongs, a great Cloverfield, and a fantastic LOTR. There is no reason good and talented directors should avoid them
@robo042 13 лет назад
@kradobes I'd love to be deep inside this movie.
@danzigvssartre 6 лет назад
I like Lovecraft, but let's face it, there is not much that happens in ATMoM to build a whole movie around without significant embellishment, and many movies have done this, such as the Aliens franchise and John Carpenter's Thing. My person favourite ATMoM inspired work are the "Dr Who: The Seeds of Doom" episodes. Gave me goose bumps when I was a kid.
@TheXenoSphere 13 лет назад
The Outsider is very good
@HELL77 12 лет назад
bullshit i dont beleive he started reading lovecraft at that age..he is a good director thought.
@Nature9355 13 лет назад
Gullermo del Toro directing an H.P. Lovecraft, R-Rated, monster movie with James Cameron? TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
@lordtufty 13 лет назад
Is Tom Cruise actually playing William Dyer? I think that this would be perfect! but I'm sure others disagree
@darkness442003 13 лет назад
I mountain of madness when i was 14 to make sos-goth is written to be impossible to understand visually doubt anybody can pull this off
@seeingsights 11 лет назад
Lovecraft is known is France. The controversial French writer Houellebeq wrote a brilliant study of Lovecraft. The French science fiction twriter Roland C Wagner (may he rest in peace) wrote a novel which had Lovecraft as a character. I think it more accurate to say that a Frenchperson interested in science fiction and horror is well aware of Lovecraft.
@Mrcryptidsarereal 13 лет назад
he better make the shoggoth look good
@Sixstringman 13 лет назад
ask Bill Gates to fund the movie, maybe he's a Lovecraft fan?
@ShadowinaCave 13 лет назад
OK, being completely shallow for a moment: is Guillermo going bald? Is that a significant bald spot that he's kinda combed his hair over at the crown of his head?
@KazuoKiriyama666 13 лет назад
This movie has been cancelled! The man himself said so :(
@flagascaro That's very ignorant of you. You forget which country Lovecraft originates, where he earned his fame, where he is to this day celebrated. Lovecraft is American. France knows nothing of the genius of his writing. Americans would love this movie, if by some miracle, it gets made.
@JoJoMadara 12 лет назад
@flagascaro I find your claim Ironic considering an American wrote those stories. Seriously what is racist about Lovecraft's writings? I've read through most of his collection and he hardly ever hints at any social aspects other than Shadow over Innsmouth
@jjobie 13 лет назад
@pfl95 Cowardly bastards. He should take it to a different studio, make it exactly how he intended to make it, watch it earn a bajillion dollars and then go "nyahh, nyahh, nyahh" to the heads at Universal...
@mujerado 12 лет назад
@flagascaro How's about you be a little more specific. What, in this novel is racist, and what would prevent such racism being left out? What in this story would require NC-17 or X rating? Finally, your gratuitous anti-American insult says more about you than about Lovecraft or his story or anything else.
@tiaaaron3278 4 года назад
Meanwhile Universal has spent 175 million on a garbage movie Dr.Dolittle. It looks dreadful and Robert Downey Jr sounds terrible. Embarrassing.
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