Not a bad observation! Spot on!!! That's why they formed like Voltron and took over the world. The line-up of "Appetite For Destruction" was the PERFECT line up for that album. "Use Your Illusion I & II" are GREAT albums, Matt Sorum was great. Honestly, I don't know it Adler's drums would have fit in on UYI. Such a shame Izzy and GNR parted after that. Izzy sang and wrote some of my favorite tracks on that double album.
Guns N Roses scared everyone when Appetite For Destruction came out in 1987. It's raw fusion of blues, punk, thrash, funk, and hard rock formed a sound that shook glam to it's core. Honest lyrics about child abuse, drugs, poverty, excess, and other issues people identified with. This cd stands the test of time and kicked open the doors for the industrial/grunge/modern rock explosion that would follow in the 90s
Greatest rock album of all time. But it didn't open the doors to anything. It was the last screaming climax of rock and roll. And then you're right, the 90's happened. Then the oughts, then the tweens and teens and we're still waiting for someone to reach let alone surpass Appetite for Destruction.
There's a few songs I can remember the 1st time I heard them. Welcome to the Jungle was so mind-blowing, I was at a party and stopped to watch the video on MTV. Bought the album soon after and played it's so easy, mr. brownstone, my michelle, out to get me, rocket queen over and over. Everyone had that album. Had high hopes for Use Your Illusion but it couldn't come close to Appetite.
it was the savior of rock n roll for that time. It brought back the hard core riffs and dirty, grimy blues driven rock that was so missing for years. The album was gritty and raw. We needed it.
I remember buying the cassette at a local music store, I was 12, I had to make copies as I knew my parents would freak out, this was after all the 80s in South Africa. My parents found and destroyed my copies 😂, but I had my original. Then in June of 2017 my dream came true, flew to London to see them live.
I was a senior in high school in March '88 and my best friend kept telling me about this new cassette where the singer was going "fuck this and fuck that" and of course I was intrigued by that LOL --- I bought Appetite but kinda wasn't into it at first, but after a dozen or so listens it grew on me --- and by June when I graduated I was hardcore into the album and played it three or four times a day while cruising around town looking for chicks before I headed off to college
I got a brand new 'Sony' Walkman & ‘Appetite for Destruction’, in Maine, on a family trip. By the time we drove home, I had _burned out the motor_ of my _new_ Sony walkman. BUT, I knew every single word of that album. (and I still love it, to this very day). I was 10, it 1987 AND it was the best family vacation _EVER!_
@@iwantabikenow3773 I'm 14 and I wish so bad that I could experience the 80s. Guns N' Roses is my favorite band. I can't stand all this mumble rap and pop music that we have today.
Same for me except I was 11! We drove 8 hrs from Georgia to Daytona Beach Florida and I listened to GnR all the way there, the entire time I was there, and all the way home.
I was a senior in high school in March '88 and my best friend kept telling me about this new cassette where the singer was going "fuck this and fuck that" and of course I was intrigued by that LOL --- I bought Appetite but kinda wasn't into it at first, but after a dozen or so listens it grew on me --- and by June when I graduated I was hardcore into the album and played it three or four times a day while cruising around town looking for chicks before I headed off to college
I listened to the album 18 years after its release and it instantly got me into rock music. I wasn't even born when the album came out, yet I consider this the greatest album of all times. I didn't even know that the band I was listening to had already broke up. After they re-united in 2016, I started listening to their stuffs again and I hope they record an album. Happy birthday Appetite of Destruction, great masterpiece of an album.
We used to cruise around town doing nothing but listening to that tape. I remember thinking Finally someone made the total ass-kicking album I wanted, non-stop metal riffs and power chords.
I was a senior in high school in March '88 and my best friend kept telling me about this new cassette where the singer was going "fuck this and fuck that" and of course I was intrigued by that LOL --- I bought Appetite but kinda wasn't into it at first, but after a dozen or so listens it grew on me --- and by June when I graduated I was hardcore into the album and played it three or four times a day while cruising around town looking for chicks before I headed off to college
Every party I went to during 87/88 was either Cranking GNR Appetite for Destruction or the first self titled L.A Guns in Kansas City MO area I remember ..
Looking back, the change from hair metal to grunge wasn't as sudden as popular culture says it is. Because even at its height the message of let's party of the hair metal scene was already changing into "Party's over." And that change went overground with "Appetite for destruction" because although, an LA band and affiliated with hair Metal, Guns N Roses surely weren't singing about the typical hair metal topics. No songs about how many girls they fucked and how big their dicks were. Their album was about poverty ("Paradise city", "Welcome to the Jungle"), the wrong kind of women ( "Rocket Queen", "You're crazy", Sweet Child o' mine) being stuck in addictions ( "Mr. Brownstone", "Night train") resulting in a very dark album, a primal scream for help. And people latched onto that, finally something real, something they could identify with. And in it's wake all kinds of albums came out which tapped into that raw nerve that was laid bare. - "Disintegration" by the Cure - "Uplift Mofo Party Plan" and "Mother's Milk" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers - "It takes a nation" by Public enemy - The seminal albums by the Pixies. - "Vivid" and "Time's up" by Living colour - "Nothing shocking" and "Ritual de habitual" by Jane's addiction - "And Justice for all" by Metallica - "Cowboys from hell" by Pantera. - "Document" by REM Look up the album charts from 1987 to 1990 and you shall see the point, all of those albums were million sellers and this was BEFORE Nirvana's "Nevermind" had even been recorded. For almost four years, the music had already been changing, it was just so gradual that people didn't take notice and when Nirvana emerged, people went "Whoa! Revolution" but the real revolution started when Axl Rose first screamed the words "You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby, you're gonna die!"
The fact is...Music nowdays suck. Just my opinion. I miss the classic rock period. When songs had 0% porn 0% violence and 100% talent and guitar solos. That groove of drums. All this is missing from those shitty rap songs
Rohan Mahendru Oh please grow up. I'm a huge Guns fan myself and I'm 21 years old. There's so much good music from different genres these days, including rap. Maybe open up yourself from your insecure bubble and stop with this "I was born in the wrong generation bwaahaa" bs. Guns literally had a shit ton of violence and porn along with talent in their songs. You're being so ignorant and hypocritical.
Remember GNR started out glam. They wore makeup and used hair spray. Check out all the early photos. I still have many of the local papers from L.A. before GNR got big.
Genius band... this music from the street not from the school!!! Every song in this album got alive soul... best album ever with best line up of the band...
People want to give Axl shit but you do know he's in the top few frontman of all fucking time . At his peak no one had the energy and ferocity on stage no body period
Appetite is the most perfect rock' s album of all the time. Every single song is excellent, over the perfection. Guns and Roses the best rock band in rock history. No doubt about this!
I remember the street fairs when I was like 13 and all I wanted was to win a gnr bandana. I'm 46 now and I noticed that they still have gnr prizes at the state fair this year. Thats all you need to know about that album. Epic. Timeless. Still rocking the streets.
JDL M Not quite sure what the exact definition is but it's like the opening or first showing of something. This was GNR's first album, their debut album. Pronounced dabe-you btw
I can remember to this day. I was on the phone with my girlfriend in middle school. A DJ from the Gainsville, FL rock station played the entire album. I just happened to have a big tape in the recorder. Ironically a couple years later I was living in middle Tennessee. I'd had a crazy antenna that'd pickup the Atlanta rock station and a DJ did the same with the Metallica Black album.
I am so glad that this is Gun N' Roses 35th anniversary from their undisputed hard rock debut album Appetite For Destruction which is still the greatest album ever recorded.
YES!! They also produced and did another Masterpiece Mechanical resonance from TELSA. Never knew that but two of my all time favorite albums . Both are incredible start to finish.
Axl Rose was a great singer, other than the fact he couldn't sing, which is why he kept blowing out his vocal chords. "Appetite for Destruction" is one of the best albums of all time.
My dad listened to a lot of GN'R when I was in my mom's womb. So I've always been a HUGE fanatic. It had been my dream to see them live my entire life and I'm so glad that dream came true , also content half the band members got back. What happened with Steven Adler broke my heart but I'm glad Slash is alive even after almost dying and Axl sounds just as good as he used to.
Adler’s drumming, to this day, is one of the finest rock performances ever. No one, NO ONE, no matter how technically superior, has ever been able to match his feel and groove.
AXEL with the shuffle ,his hi voice , IT WAS SLASH with the top hat, And the sweet child o mine riff...DUFF with the tall rocker look ,that took heavy bass to another level. .And his acoustic talent on sweet child o mine...STEVEN ,made the drum riffs. He is the drum sound of that band...IZZY what can you say...He brings a band the rhythm steady.. He is in tune when others are not.. EACH BAND MEMBER ADDS SOMETHING THAT MAKES GUNS AND ROSES WHAT THEY ARE !!!!!!!!!
I was in 11th grade and had my mom drive me to Middle Earth records in Downey, CA. We were all going to a family function on a Saturday. Yes, I bought the original album cover. No, I more or less warped after seeing that cover. I remember thinking it was strange that I would see a couple of the cheerleaders wearing GnR t-shirts down the line. This was razor-edged rock and roll. What are they doing wearing that shirt?
First cd I ever bought was Appetite in 1994, I was 11 at the time. It is a perfect album just behind Revolver (2) and the White Album (1). Nevermind is great too, Incesticide... Mellon Collie.
I'll never forget my best friend called me /i stole this album from my older sister's room you got come hear it!!/age 9😀 they still got more street cred than 99% of music industry
I was in grade 7 or 8, was a maiden and Metallica type and my buddy loaned me a cassette that was a copy of appetite before welcome to the jungle was even a video. I honestly didn't care for the first track at all but holy shit once 2ND track it's so easy played I was hooked. Our little metal head group had the scoop on a band that didn't even a video on mtv yet. Then sweet child o mine came out and all the jocks and posers came along with it. Appetite , the raw energy, easily in top 5 albums of the 80's. Reminded me of the sex pistols debut album. Just an assault on the senses. And it was fucking amazing. For some reason every time I get a shower I sing rocket queen lol. No idea why just sounds good until I turn off the water. Then I just hum the song lol
Greatest album ever,. Its funny its also a debut,. How is that possible 😅, just an intense album,. It oozes such charm and grittiness and such words hard to explain
Perfect is the only way to describe Appitite For Destruction I cant believe believe 30yrs tho, all my kids have been influenced by every song on that album n what they are listening to today n have thanked me for play the likes of G'n'R while on car journeys ect. Didn't think it would have had such an impact just like it did me at 13yrs of age. What an album N lets face its the best Rock and Roll album of all time. Boooom I said it 🎸✌
if you were young from about 1988 to 90 like i was then these guys had a hold on the music was over pretty fast but it was big while it lasted.
I was 13 years old and listening to this album for the first time, and when the song, It's So Easy, came on and Axl said, "Why don't you just, fuck off?" I gasped, it was the first time I had ever heard a song use the word fuck. Now days, it's common. But back in 1988, it was unheard of. Movies were just starting to use the word fuck in that time. Go back to movies before the mid to late 1980s, you won't hear them using vulgar words like fuck, much less in music.