
H2O (Loop) 

Deanna Stinson-Wish Fire
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[the sound of water splashing] [the sound of water in a stream] [the sound of waves in an ocean] [verse]aqua flowers hydrangea fountains scorpion grasses hyacinth water [the sound of an ocean] [bridge] Virginia blue bells cardinal Delphine delphinium [chorus] blue star field meadow Himalayan poet h-2-o h 2 o ohhh H2O whoa oh h 2 o Virginia blue bells cardinal Delphine delphinium [chorus] blue star field meadow Himalayan poet h-2-o h 2 o ohhh H2O whoa oh h 2 o [verse] streams flow flowers from the waters and the ale of tears a saints life amongst the world of weeds let’s plant seeds grow trees [streams flowing] [the sounds of water in nature] windmills holy hills high above the ground a garden made of sound waves and tables of dinners sinners pints full of fruit and pine tree needles to sew together the house with without sin Вирджиния синие колокольчики кардинал Дельфина дельфиниум [хор] голубое звездное поле луг Гималайский поэт Virginia bluebells cardinal Delphine delphinium [choir] blue star field meadow Himalayan poet
Virginia bluebells cardinal Delphine delphinium [choir] blue star field meadow Himalayan poet
h-2-o h 2 o ohhh H2O эй ох 2 о streams flow flowers from the waters and the ale of tears a saints life amongst the world of weeds let’s plant seeds grow trees [streams flowing] [the sounds of water in nature] windmills ручьи текут цветы из вод и эль слез жизнь святых среди мира сорняков давайте сажать семена выращивать деревья [текущие ручьи] [звуки воды в природе] ветряные мельницы streams flow flowers from waters and ale of tears life of saints among a world of weeds let's plant seeds grow trees [flowing streams] [sounds of water in nature] windmills



23 сен 2024




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