
Halo Infinite mouse and keyboard community is COMPLETELY dead... Here is what 343 might do to fix it 

Halo Daycare
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@crispychicken143 2 года назад
id say dont nerf controller cuz that might make the game feel a bit too difficult for more casual players. buff mouse and keyboard instead by adding a very small, calculated amount of bullet magnistism on a weapon by weapon basis. also there are advantages to mouse and keyboard in halo infinite, but theyre extremly specific situations. close range, melee, sword, hammer, rocket launcher skewer, forunner grenade launcher thingy (forgot the name), grappling hook, and repluser. so pretty much just in fiesta modes, id say M&K are objectively better. these weapons dont really have aim assist or need it, giving M&K the advantage
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I'm going to pin this comment simply for the "forrunner grenade launcher thingy" But yes, completely agree. At the same time, maybe an option to turn off bullet magnetism on mnk would be awesome. This was actually a thing in the beta! I for one do not want assistance at all
@scooppoopins7294 2 года назад
Yup. Buff m&k don't nerf controller. I actually find aiming with controller to be frustrating in infinite compared to other shooters (older halos and non-halo). It just feels weird in general and on top of that a lot of the weapons have smaller reticles than we are used to seeing in halo.
@RemedieX 7 месяцев назад
1 year later coming back to say, they 100% should've nerfed controller. It's absurd how much pandering they got and how mishandled KBM was. "Too difficult for the casual player," but made it impossible for more than 10 kbm pros to exist - so imagine the casual MNK player experience against controller in ranked - miserable and outright not even an argument of skill once you're in high ranks and realize you humanely can't do anything about it. KBM community is mostly gone, dead, and I'd bet money there's left than 100 in higher ranks. They should've at least removed the stupid anti-aa that's on the sniper that feels horrendous when no-scoping and being pushed to the outer outline. Then they added inconstent friction (vids highlightinghow stupid it is), yeah that'll keep us in. I'm an Onyx on controller, and Diamond on KBM despite mostly (by thousands) playing on KBM and being a T500 in several KBM games. It's ludicrous how consistent controller can maintain a 60-70% acc, especially with burst weapons never missing a single bullet, but on KBM, alongside the lack of reticle customization so you can be off by a milimeter with the big reticles with plenty empty space and miss (controller would have that microadjusted for them) and you'd lose because the enemy got that 1 burst bullet. It's ludicrous and funny beacuse whenever I get a Bandit, they never stand a chance, actual skill, but nope, most weapons pander to controller or KBM is nerfed around them. The craziest example is the pulse carbine, it's a completely unuasable gun in KBM but at least controller can auto track those shots.
@FoxyWoxy-pc8jj 2 года назад
mnk player here, Personally the sniper nerf is just the final straw for me. Even on mcc where I am generally at a disadvantage, there are some weapons and and situations where mnk has some fun. The sniper is one of halo's most unique weapons, there is really no other game with a sniper like halo's. Even when I am not the best player, I always loved going for the sniper and being that "don't let ____ get the sniper" person. Hitting those headshots is so satisfying. In halo infinite the sniper is purposely rigged to suck on mnk, I can still get kills with it sometimes but I never go out of my way to pick it up. And that is coming from someone who very consistently hit sniper shots in reach, I can only imagine how useless it is for low-avg players. Nobody is asking for mnk to be perfectly balanced but intentionally adding in negative aim assist feels like they are shooting our dead bodies.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I hear you when you say it's satisfying to hit those headshots. I love sniping on mnk as well, the mcc is amazing for team snipers (mnk). By the way, I apologize for the misinformation. There is no anti aim assist on the sniper and that is my mistake. Sorry about that. Either way, thank you for sharing your input with myself and the community
@originDogStar Год назад
Your not good at Reach
@HaloDaycare Год назад
@@originDogStar I'm awful at Reach. How did you know?
@TsarButterfly 2 года назад
I'm one of those people who you mentioned didn't want to quit playing but had to because the aim assist for everyone else is way too strong. While I do have a controller I simply don't like using it for first person shooters because I've become so accustomed to aiming with a mouse and I don't want to switch just to have the advantage in a single game. I also agree that the solution isn't to remove or even nerf aim assist for controller players. I understand that most people don't want to play Halo seriously and that without aim assist using a controller is basically impossible. I think there's a couple of things they could do to make using a mouse feel natural and level the playing field. One of the biggest complaints I've seen is that there's little to no momentum loss in Halo Infinite for strafing. Essentially, controller players can strafe in a gunfight to throw off the aim of a mouse player, while their aim assist makes it so they don't have to readjust their aim at all. I think adding a momentum loss to strafing left and right could be a big help for making 1v1 engagements less frustrating for mouse players. I also think giving mouse players bullet magnetism (not aim assist) would also help. Controller players will pretty much never have a single bullet miss in their bursts because for them it's only a case of being "close enough". I think if the hit detection for mouse/keyboard was a little more lenient so that you don't have to be so precise, it could help a lot, even without aim assist drawing your reticle to the player. Doing these two things, as well as adding back red reticle for people on PC (regardless of input type) and removing the stupid negative aim assist on the sniper rifle would make the game feel much better and not so frustrating. Other games are able to have crossplay enabled and keep both sides of the community happy, so there's no reason to think Halo can't either. I know 343 has a lot of negative feedback and their priority is adding the content that was missing from launch, but I hope that they don't completely disregard this as I agree that they're missing out on a big market if they do.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
You are definitely not the first person to mention strafe accel as an issue and I agree. I really do love fast gameplay though so it's difficult for me to say I wish it be tweaked. MCC feels amazing for mnk because of the slower strafe accel though. If you haven't tried it, give it a shot. Incredible for mouse. By the way, I apologize to inform you but the negative aim assist on the sniper is misinformation. I was told this is incorrect after I uploaded the video. My bad. I've been hearing about negative AA on the sniper for mnk for several months and just now found out it's all a lie. Again, my bad. Thank you for your input though
@TsarButterfly 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare Yeah I've noticed MCC feels much better with a mouse. I do really like Infinite's gunplay though so it's sad that I can't really enjoy it. Even when I'm doing well it feels wrong, don't know how to put it in words. I know PC players are big on raw skill but I think for a game like Halo there's nothing wrong with making the playing field a little more even. It's not a twitch shooter like CSGO so having amazing aim isn't what primarily makes it so fun. Even when watching some of the pros as impressive their aim is what's even more fun to watch is the way they adapt to situations and have great awareness of what's going on, taking control of chokepoints/power weapons, etc. This extends even just to quick play, so anything that emphasizes those aspects and makes aiming not such a headache is a bonus in my book.
@EgoTheSavage 2 года назад
I’m pretty good on mouse and keyboard and the other day warning up with a friend I picked my controller just explain a button layout difference and I thought I was going to be trash but immediately felt like I couldn’t miss a shot. I don’t like control but it’s been hard to ignore the advantage it offered. There is likely going to always be a gap but it should not be this significant. No one who has used both will deny it
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Controller + Halo = DOMINANCE lol
@mikemjb2017 2 года назад
Halo Infinite is already too sweaty on controller, nerfing AA would be a huge mistake. What 343 didn't realize when designing Infinite is that the movement speed and inertia in a game play heavily into m+kb and controller balancing. On MCC, the balance is a lot more even because enemies arent sprinting around, strafing and sliding at high speeds. In MCC, its easy to predict where an enemy will be a split second in the future because movement feels committed, in Infinite, you can move all over the place rapidly and it makes it harder for M+kb players to anticipate and track.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
100% on the money pointing out the strafe acceleration in Infinite is nutty. I actually like the fast gameplay that comes from this but it makes not having aim assist quite a challenge. As far as nerfing aim assist there are obvious drawbacks but some positives still remain. For one, nerfing AA OR bullet mag on controller would increase the skill gap and make competitive play more fun to watch. I personally always want a higher skill gap whenever given the option. But yes, nerfing it would be bad for casual and lesser skilled players which is the majority of players as you said
@mikemjb2017 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare I too like fast gameplay, but with FPS trends going in that direction anyways, I feel like Infinite could provide a more unique experience by slowing things down a bit. Battlefield is fast now, COD is incredibly fast, we have Apex, all sorts of other games bordering on Movement shooters now. That being said, there are other ways 343 could increase the skill gap. Slower projectiles forcing you to lead shots, for example, would increase the skill gap and also help balance out input methods. Although controller is better overall in infinite its also very true that weapons like the sidekick, commando and AR are a lot easier to use at long range on M+kb where you can be tap fired at ranges controller doesnt have AA, and dont even get me started on guns like the skewer where controller has zero aim assist (I literally switch to M+Kb mid game when using the skewer and vehicles because of how much worse it is on controller) I think 343 needs to take an in depth look to balancing input methods because the way the game works right now just isn't balanced enough.
@JohnPeacekeeper 2 года назад
I... doubt that tbh. I have my sensitivity high and so I can swing around and snap onto a moving target. Granted, usually, it means I end up meleeing them or they hit me first while I take half a second to aim.
@rileywilliams4972 2 года назад
Thanks for giving the attention to this topic. I find the disparity pretty extreme. Sometimes its enough to make be question why I play the game. While I hope 343 addresss it, I doubt they will any time soon.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
You're in good hands here. I definitely understand the disparity and made this video out of desire for change. Trust me, 343 has all the data even though they remain quiet. They are aware of what is going on but I would appreciate them shedding some light. They also need to do something. The fact that all my friends (literally all of them) have switched to controller is so unfortunate. 343, pls fix the balancing issue
@blueshadow2059 2 года назад
As an Mid onyx M&kb player in crossplay all we need is Red reticule range, remove the negative aim assist , and nerf the insane tracking controllers have bc you literally dont need to touch your right stick at closs range no matter how good the oppenents strafe is it is broken. I have witnessed family and friends quit the game or just switch to controller bc of the dissadvantages and it need ot be a addressed
@HaloDaycare Год назад
100% Thank you for sharing your experience. Don't give up sharing your story. Hopefully we will see the changes happen
@CraigMcGillan 2 года назад
Im also “astounded at the accuracy” of someone using aimbot on csgo. Aim assist is corny. Proof is when I plug my controller into my XIM unit, then connect it to my m+kb to spoof controller inputs. All of a sudden my m+kb accuracy towers over anyone with a controller. Aim assist is there to help the thumb twiddlers keep up, and its over tuned to help them dominate. It needs an adjustment.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
you use a xim?
@MartinRodriguez-li6xs 2 года назад
I wouldn't say someone is more skilled when their input method has borderline aimbot. I normally did really well with M&KB in Infinite, so my KD wasn't what made me walk away, but controller definitely has advantages that are not warranted when it comes to crossplay. I normally would know when I ran into a controller player because if they had a BR it would melt my face within seconds. I've got video of BR duels, my bursts being spot on, getting the initial surprise burst in square on their head, but they might as well have flipped on me with a scarab gun. Ridiculous. Best thing that helped me maintain a high KD as a PC player was just sticking to the basic pistol/AR combo. Get in their faces and use my crack infused mouse to outmaneuver them while spraying with the BR, finish with the pistol if needed. Most of them can't keep up with the sticks, otherwise they overcompensate. But I seriously doubt 343 will be able to fix this issue.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I completely understand your frustration. Trust me, I know for a fact that 343 is not only aware of the issue but they do care. Active has ties to 343 and he mentioned something along this lines but couldn't give out too much detail. Go subscribe to his channel and follow his twitch. Google Active Halo MNK or something
@jimmyboombox5093 2 года назад
The magnetism is tuned way too high for infinite, hence the performance difference, M&K would def rise dramatically even with a small buff
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Small changes make a big impact. True that.
@cocopuffz604 Год назад
Exactly. I'm not asking for a "buff" or advantage. I just want an even chance... like Don't have negative AA on sniper hip fire. lol. Or A tiny bit of Magnetism on BR/AA/ and Sidekick. People just run around and spam Sidekick cuz they barely have to aim. Not sure if it's easy to implement programmatically, but they should enforce effectiveness by range. Some people are almost sniping with SK... That thing should have a short effective distance. It's a side arm...
@smallestgoober9399 2 года назад
Just give M&K a smidge of bullet magnetism. No need to punish controllers.
@D_Vice88 2 года назад
theres already lots of bullet magnetism even on mouse aim i take clips of it all the time the guns are just generally bad spread at long range where magnetism doesn't work. i think the guns are just more unreliable than people realize and imo most new guns kinda suck except stalker and BR
@jason1619503 2 года назад
I have mostly played infinite with a controller, and I recently attempted to use a mouse and keyboard with it, and after a few days, my scores were roughly the same. I have played with both controller and mouse for years, so I suppose my skill with either is comparable. I found I can snipe better with the mouse, but overall ease of mid range kills is probably superior for controller.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
I experienced the same thing you did. Mouse and keyboard is deceptive in it's ability to make you think you're a better player than you actually are when you first start out. I have no idea how or why this is. My first month on KBM I felt like I was going to be a future Shroud or Tenz but then suddenly I became aware of my errors and realized I was awful. Stick with KBM if you have a gift but it's likely what I mentioned. Either way, happy for ya. Mouse and keyboard is fun and rewarding. It's also punishing. Stick around and you'll see exactly what I mean
@no-barknoonan1335 2 года назад
I play on both, I traditionally prefer M&KB but my wrists and carpal tunnels sometimes push me to use a controller sometimes. I personally disagree, it's my own opinion, I respect yours and everyone elses, but I can't join the bandwagon. I find M&KB is much faster to react with, you can quickly turn and cover all corners of a room where controller is much slower. You can maneuver and respond so much faster. The only situation where controller AA helps is when its a game of 2 ppl aiming at eachother while straffing, the AA helps put controller shots on point. In essence a M&KB player will have much more situational awareness and response generally, where controller seems to be more like a spear, very consistent at hitting whatever is in front of you. Neither is OP, Infinite in general is extremely sweaty, at a certain point they pit you against only very good players and it gets pretty awful. Nonetheless the point remains, M&KB for the type of maps and engagements that are often common in Infinite, is superior. In a narrow hallway or chokepoint perhaps controller may reign, but it large open areas the ability of M&KB to respond quickly is unmatched. Honestly it feels to me anyway, like M&KB ppl (of which I am a part of) often have this view that they need to dominate, and if they aren't dominating, then it's unbalanced. If we win, it's bc we're sigma. If we lose, it's bc it's unbalanced. I've heard people cry wolf so many times over the years, that it's a little tiring. I don't think its a perfect balance, but it is fairly good, at least in my view. Happy to hear anyone elses thoughts, cheers! PS: Someone else mentioned this but I think it is a good idea, allow the option to only play against M&KB.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
You took the time to comment all of this and I appreciate it. I know what you mean when you mention mnk players feel like they should dominate and cry when they dont. I agree to an extent but the data we have on accuracy is proof controller has the advantage. Going off of memory the accuracy delta is 10 - 15% on average. That's quite a discrepancy. To me, it sounds like you're a well seasoned keyboard warrior who might be pretty talented at mouse aiming. Not everyone is a top tier mouse and keyboard aimer and you should try to remind yourself how many years it takes to become a good at aiming with a mouse. I'm a year and 5 months into mouse and keyboard (previously controller for 15ish years) and I can say it is insanely difficult for me. The level of focus I have to have on my aim alone is quite a lot. If you're just an average kbm player, you have no shot against a controller player at the same level or even below in skill level. It really is that difficult.
@FelipeNiclvs. 2 года назад
what they could do for m&k is bump up the bullet magnetism a little bit, I say this mainly because this game is mostly tracking based, unlike most pc games where games consist on who can flick and shoot first to get a kill. I've had a bunch of times where im shooting at someone and half my shots land, where as if i where on controller and i took a shot while getting red reticle it has a 99% chance of landing if you take advantage of AA with your tracking. we don't have AA to glue our reticle to a enemy player (you can see it clearly in this video and its kind of insane at long range i didn't remember it being like that) A little extra magnetism might even the playfield at the average to mid player level im not sure it would do much at the pro level. also remove the m&k nerfs all together man that sniper nerf is just ridiculous. don't want to say it but dont nerf controller just work around it for m&k.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Thanks for your input. Yes, the aim assist test is legitimate and it always makes me giggle when people can't believe the test is 100% legit. I'm not into the technical stuff but I haven't been able to find a range where aim assist cuts off As for the increased bullet mag, this is a popular idea and one that could work
@FelipeNiclvs. 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare im not too sure on this but i think there was more bullet magnetism in the beta idk shooting just felt nicer i really hope 343 fixes the m&k side of things up at some point
@derek9218 2 года назад
It’s a feel thing for me. I will sacrifice the K/D to rock the M/K. That being said so I don’t solely play Halo Infinite so I wouldn’t be nearly as bothered by that as someone who may be working on their rank
@HaloDaycare Год назад
That's a good mindset
@rockyreecey4191 2 года назад
I can say from lots of experience, when you're up close with a controller player and you both have AR or BR, you're not winning that 1v1 even if you fire first. Movement and nades is the only advantage in that losing battle. It's the aim assist and the bullet magnetism even more just makes it impossible to just 1v1 duel with AR or BR close/ mid range. That's the cons of m&kb.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
LOL so true dude
@cocopuffz604 Год назад
100% I try to avoid 1v1 head on as much as possible. I clean up, assist team mates and use distance to inflict damage and stay alive. If a MnK tries to take on a controller 1v1 with a BR/AR ... it's almost a done deal. No way we can track on a strafing player. BUT.. if we do that's a kill well earned. lol .
@LAZYLOFTY 2 года назад
As a MKB player I don't believe that controller is strictly better or worse off. But the way aim assist works in infinite is fundamentally different compared to previous halos in order for controllers to be competitive. Resulting in Controller players feeling clunky and off base and MKB players watching players who aren't even inputting tracking with ease in a game where tracking is king. If 343 move the aim assist to work like it does in MCC or Halo 5 controller players will have to adjust their aim way more on their own instead of a system doing it for them. Also strictly MKB players most of the time either A: Played halo back in the day and don't play consoles anymore and have to readjust to the scene that alot of controller players never left. Or B: Have never played halo before in their lives and are learning as they go since it is a fairly new game and not like other shooters out there. MKB has the most potential of the two both in gunplay and actual game mechanics ( Skilljumps and tight space 180's) but MKB players feel left in the dust when you watch a game over from a console player that is easily a division or two above where they should be because the system is pulling them along. If you don't know how aim assist works in infinite compared to MCC or H5 check out Critical Infinites channel he goes over everything from Aim assist down to bullet magnetism and headshot prioritization. Very informative.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Yo, I have seen that video of Critical Infinite about half a dozen times. I'm deeply passionate about this topic and always get a kick out of his videos. You're right when you mention that the aim assist is wonky in Infinite and could use some tweaking. I mentioned in the video a possible nerf OR tweaking. I think tweaking might be the better solution
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
By the way, H5 was amazing. I miss that game. RIP Halo 5
@korevirus547 2 года назад
Few of us still remain,
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I'm curious to know just how many of us are left. There is no way 343 is going to give us data on that though. I'm sure it's probably 500 to 1 controller/mnk
@josephdias5859 2 года назад
I still dominate on halo infinite with mouse and keyboard adjustable dpi ranked in the top 2000 it’s never been a issue if you can play a game good
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@@josephdias5859 Im impressed. You run mnk open q?
@Nifty_Noob 2 года назад
Sorry for 3 comments BUT THE SOLUTION should be input balance… mnk dominates fps because of mouse aim…
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
All good, I appreciate your input. I'm confused because you say controller is better because of aim assist but then you say mnk is better for aim. Maybe elaborate a little more so I can get your point. I completely agree they should balance the two inputs. As mentioned in the video this is going to be very difficult. Lower level players (majority of players) are going to take the biggest hit. They need all the aim assist available to them if not more. Nerfing aim assist = hurting majority of players. However, nerfing aim assist also = increased skill gap at the higher levels of player. Decisions, decisions...
@Nifty_Noob 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare as someone with 10 years MNK and 17 Years on and off Halo expeirence i would start by saying FPS use to only be on MNK before halo ce and the bungie devs putting in tons of work to create aim assist and aim smoothing for analog control like there is a reason why halo is so big they brought FPS to console. in turn 2 decades later i have played MANY fps on console and PC and i must say aiming with a mouse will always be faster and more accurate. its just a fact but when you have so much aim assist and bullet magnitism with possible smoothing it is incredibly powerful. when someone who is decent at aiming with analog gets used to how the snapping or slowing of your aim, because of aim assist and the benefit of bullet magnitism TBF i agree with some things here like we shouldnt nerf controller.... its in a decent lace but perhaps take all the active nerfs away from MNK so it is fair>? or my favorite fix the desync and take bullet magnitism away for BOT INPUTS MNK doesnt benefit like the controller with aim assist all the same so either nerf both and adjust values or idk nerf aim assist very properly ? either way its tuff but it needs work im really happy you brought this up ! there are only like 57 of us MNK players left! haha im one of em..... also random point but tell me why MNK DOMINATES most other FPS games but not in halo? perhaps the unfair or unbalanced inputs? idk its sad i cant look up to HCS players cause i wanna see what the aim and strategy is like when your not using training wheels as i call it haha
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@@Nifty_Noob MNK does indeed dominate just about every game in crossplay but Halo did a great job ensuring controller players are protected. Thats one way to look at it lol
@Nifty_Noob 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare hahahahaha protected mother fuckers are OP hahahahha 343 did what 343 does best they fucked up. they marketed this game to PC and then SHIT ON MNK players prolly a back door job to boost the sale of controllers. either way. it's gross and you know its bad when the controller players feel bad for the MNK players hahahaha
@tjsoko15 2 года назад
there is bloom on a fully rested sniper no scope on controller.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Yes, thank you for clarifying this. My apologies for not getting it 100% accurate
@tjsoko15 Год назад
@@HaloDaycare no worries!
@VokunVulonPrivate 2 года назад
I dont agree that controllers are just "better", these games have been going for longer on controller, so theres more experience to be had there, and the whole "my crosshair sticks to my target" crap that controller users get is what causes all this shit for mouse players, it was the same reason for the PC playerbase in Splitgate to go to pot. In fact, I feel like its becoming the normal to actually make it worse for us M/K players, which is a disservice as I actually play better on mouse. If this continues then my whole party is going to be abandoning Infinite though.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
True dat. It would suck to see you and your friends go. Almost nobody left on KBM in this game
@wachinichu Год назад
Take out bloom for kb/m, it's annoying that I have to control my fire while controller users can fire away just hold down the trigger only because crosshairs turn red. Or remove ALL aim assist and magnetism, so it's fully analog; that way fire fights are pure raw input and immediately expose who is cheating.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
Man, controller would be very hard if that were the case. If that happened though, I would switch back to controller. Not even kidding. I (in part) switched to KBM because I wanted a challenge. I just didnt realize it would be like this LOL
@arixmotions 2 года назад
Tbh never had any problems against players with controllers, its not perfect sure but except for minor tweaks maybe I wouldn’t change it
@youtubedeletedmynamewhybother 2 года назад
The rest of KBM community hard disagree's with you.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
You're likely a seasoned veteran on the keyboard. The bottom 99% definitely disagrees with you lol
@arixmotions 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare biggest problem i have atm with the game is desync and server lagg (teleporting/package loss)
@Nifty_Noob 2 года назад
Your example of controller being better is like saying hey we have a race between these 2 honda civics but one has a turbo who will win?
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I said console/controller players are better when you look at the data that has come out since crossplay has been a thing. All data points to controller being superior even though I believe KBM is better and is con contingent upon the game. For example, activision said they have data where controller players have the upper hand on average. I disagree. Mnk in cod is better. Imagine activision having data that console/controller players somehow have the advantage when they have every disadvantage possible. The only advantage they have is aim assist. Outside of that, no fov, 50 fps, 60hz, 1080p trash, etc. Awful.
@metpach 2 года назад
Yeah, I've swapped completely a paddle controller.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Unfortunate. Hate to see it
@metpach 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare it is what it is. It's not like I didn't play literally every single Halo up until infinite with a controller. I feel bad for PC players, who only use M&K in this game. They can't compete, even with scrubs.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@@metpach Well thank you for empathizing
@Kaimerah 2 года назад
0:00 yeah and objectively MnK is better and in games like apex and cod imo players on mnk can shit on controller players that being said AA is a factor mnk players didnt really think about and in a game like halo that has long ttk where 1 literal bullet missing can lead to you losing a gun fight its understandable why it feels like such a BIG disadvantage. MCC has stronger AA and it feels a bit more even between controller and Mnk. infinite has decreased AA decreased bullet mag, and unlike MCC the strafe movements in infinite has 0 momentum, 0 weight too it, making it harder to actually track than with controller
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
MCC feels amazing on mnk to me, but that might just be me. As for COD, that one bullet makes all the difference lol. Thanks for your input bro
@Kaimerah 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare yeah def, but id say in a game with faster ttk and a fast respawn time where youre immediately back into it it doesnt feel as punishing. in halo the second you miss a burst of the br, even if you land the next one, the other opponent is going to win. in cod you might just have a chance to live or trade if that makes any sense
@hydb801 Год назад
negative aim assist isn't real, it only happens if your CPU usage is at 100%. 343 themselves said they never implemented it. The bloom of the first no scope is also on controller as well, its not mouse only
@HaloDaycare Год назад
You are 100% correct my bad
@hael6t418 2 года назад
Would giving m&k a slight aim assist, not as strong as controller help even it out? Or would it feel weird
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Me personally, as a mouse and keyboard player would like to not have any form of assistance at all. That's just me though and I don't speak or represent what is left of the mnk community. Thank you for input though
@tremapar Год назад
@@HaloDaycare BTW do you know that mouse already does get some aim assist - it's just so low that nobody notices. I've put a video on my channel about how this could actually be a quick and easy buff. MNK gets 21% reticle magnetism >only while firing
@majo6677 2 года назад
Buddy if we no scope with the sniper we get bloom what are u on ?????
@HaloDaycare Год назад
Not drugs bro, just low IQ. One hell of a drug
@RednekGamurz 2 года назад
Nerfing AA for controller players would be an awful idea. The game already feels considerably worse to aim in on controller compared to MCC. I think both control methods got screwed over in Infinite, partially due to the movement mechanics, and partially due to other under-the-hood nerfs that weren't necessary. I actually didn't know about the negative aim assist on M&KB with the sniper, that's incredibly stupid. The way the game feels in it's current state just makes me not want to play it, sadly. Here's hoping they make some changes going forward that makes everyone on both sides happy.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Cmon man, you don't think Infinite is fun? I think the balancing could use some tweaking but I thoroughly enjoy playing lol
@RednekGamurz 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare I think it can be fun when everything is working well (desync REALLY needs to be looked at), but idk, sometimes it can feel a little too sweaty for my tastes.
@DeadlyKiller54 2 года назад
as a KBM player that hit onyx on crossplay the aim assist on this game is ridiculous on controller, and i have played on controller too. it's sad that i can't find a game for ranked KBM. hoping 343i finds a way to let KBM players have advantages while controller keeps the aim assist.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
We definitely matched at some point. Don't go too far, 343 will hopefully address this soon
@NotThrilling. 2 года назад
Your back let’s goo
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
lol whats good daphly, welcome back brother
@NotThrilling. 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare you gonna be streaming?
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@@NotThrilling. Im holding off for a little while on that. When (or if I do) I'll be playing a variety of games like I used to
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I know the gameplay is laggy. Servers have been terrible for the past few days where I have been getting massive lag spikes to a point that makes it difficult and nearly impossible to play. 343 has addressed this though and I hope a fix is coming soon.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@caf LOL. You said you wanted to see league play content specifically? Cold War?
@GravityTrixter 2 года назад
lately bro the servers have been shit since day one. at this point being killed around corners by magic bullets is a fucking feature.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@@GravityTrixter I mean like packet loss issues so bad I literally lost all my games in ranked lol. But yeah, severs could use improvement
@KhorneMarine 2 года назад
strafing against controller is actually infuriating, I can't man
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Take it one day at a time and breathe. I'm going to start doing group talk therapy sessions with other mouse and keyboard players and you'll get 50% off your first visit. (im joking lol) Don't give up. Download Kovaaks or pick up a controller if you feel you can't hang. That's what everyone else has done anyway lol
@KhorneMarine 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare Well, Im getting tracked either way
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@@KhorneMarine I understand. I started doing an hour a day of aim training and it has helped immensely. If you would like to know my routine, I'd be happy to let you in
@TheBrandonAF 2 года назад
Increase hit box size on controller players.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Rollers are shaking in the boots already‼
@cocopuffz604 Год назад
I agree and have suggested this (in my head and to friends that have zero influence to 343 lol) If they aren't going to give us more magnatism, give my target an invisible fat suit. Not a huge one but one that eventually evens out the number. I'll empty a clip into someones chest and swear they turn around like it tickled and kill me with 2 shots. Makes it very frustrating because with the current state of the game, I'm thinking Desync? Cheating? Bug? Lag? I suck?... no... can't be that. lol.
@computinglemon 2 года назад
Bungie pioneered aim assist with Halo CE and the Halo series in general. Before Halo CE on the OG Xbox, FPS games were unheard of on console in general. However my main point is that Controllers have improved in quality massively over the years. Like the Xbox Elite series 2 and the DualSence Edge. Even the Base Xbox Controller is massively better than controllers from 20-25 years ago. The problem is is there are a lot of Keyboards and Mice that are meant for office use at best. A high end Keyboard and Mouse meant for gaming simply costs to much for the average gamer to afford. If everyone had high quality input devices this wouldn’t be an issue.
@robertlong920 2 года назад
The bottom end of top 50 mnk players are nearly comparable to the 50th percentile of controller players. These top 50 mnk players are for sure going to have a nice set up bro
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
One of the bigger reasons why I switched from controller to KBM was due to the fact that controllers are so expensive and break constantly. I'm gentle with my stuff and yet the bumpers fall out, stick drift, paddle issues, etc. I would go through a controller once every 3 - 6 months even though I babied them. I tried everything from Elite series, regular Xbox rollers to 3rd party options. Controllers are actually more expensive and roughly the same cost up front. I think the better argument for not choosing mouse and keyboard is the xbox sucks with KBM. There is a weird delay (8ms or so) and it's noticeable. Why use mouse and keyboard with no aim assist and give yourself delay on top of that? Obviously, everyone is going to just plug in a controller. But yes, I see your point and thank you for input on the matter
@D_Vice88 2 года назад
Nintendo 64 actually had quite a few shooters other than Goldeneye like Perfect Dark and Turok and Doom 64 and a Quake port and some other Doom clones Sony is the only one who never tried with shooters much other than killzone also decent gaming mice arent THAt expensive you cna get a good one for the same price as a controller
@originDogStar Год назад
M&K players are big mad bc they don't want to lose the edge.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
The edge was never real I guess lol
@guycd1 2 года назад
I've been playing mouse and keyboard on PC this whole time. Maybe I should try controller lol.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Oh no. I just opened your eyes and now you are aware. Pretend you didn't hear or see anything🐃
@lordlaux2797 2 года назад
No one plays M&K on this game let alone anyone actually playing it anymore….they’ve already lost the player base
@HaloDaycare Год назад
Indeed. All my friends are either gone or switched to controller. Now I'm alone
@josephdias5859 2 года назад
Nah they just suck I play mouse and keyboard but I play upfront and close quarters dropping 25-30 kills all day in ranked
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I agree somewhat. I would argue Halo Infinite is one of the hardest mnk games. What's your GT (if you dont mind me asking)
@nagiaoe2434 2 года назад
If any 343 employee happens to be reading this for whatever reason. For the love of God, the only thing you need to do is remove the forced mouse acceleration the game has, please. That's all you need to do
@nagiaoe2434 2 года назад
Also what gives controller players the right to have the advantage? Isn't SBMM a thing to counter controllers getting stomped? I don't like being treated as a second class citizen. If controllers having an advantage has always been their intention, then they should have never and I mean never released the game on PC
@anonymous7564 Год назад
@@nagiaoe2434 SBMM in Halo Infinite isn't actually "skill" based. Part of the point of that concept existing was to move Halo away from it's "competitive" feeling for the Halo Community, as they typically (in social) want a less competitive feeling. However do expect SBMM to be appropriately 'newer' or adjusted toward the end of this year or next year for that side to be correct. For mouse acceleration, there's a reason that exists. There's also a lot more that's required even before upping assists on keyboard and mouse, including performance. However that doesn't really negate the critical fact that keyboard and mouse, at a fundamental level for Halo at least, needs to have a floor at the same as a controller. In some regards, I'd have to even argue that the automatics for controller have far too much assists applied, and the BR needs a bit less of it as well. Outside of that, the actual fundamental "assists" on (keyboard and mouse) needs to have a slight buff to be at the same floor as a controller.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
As for you first comment, removing mouse accel is a great start. For your second comment, I completely understand your frustration. I've had to walk away from the game for a little while to maintain good mental health. It's frustrating indeed
@HaloDaycare Год назад
I'm not going to pretend I know who you are, but you are giving me some vibes my man. Well said by the way
@cocopuffz604 Год назад
@@HaloDaycare There's forced mouse accel??? I heard there was input lag but added, force accel? That's sucks... I'm doing everything I can do go raw with my mouse input. sheesh
@Cosed 2 года назад
0 skill involved with the insane amount of AA on the Br and sidekick. It’s clearly to strong
@HaloDaycare Год назад
You're frustrated and I get that. I too look forward to some changes hopefully soon
@ShiroTheFox 2 года назад
just make a option like MCC that separates the two when looking for matches, not to mention keyboard players have huge advantage when turning in vehicles , witch is pretty much instant , you cant change that speed on controller , so there is a massive advantage for keyboard players.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Definitely. This is also the case when not using vehicles
@hydb801 2 года назад
in the dev update video they reiterated that input based crossplay options would be coming
@monkemode3203 2 года назад
slight fact check 3:32 i dont think thats true, but feel free to prove me wrong
@HaloDaycare Год назад
You are correct and I am wrong, my bad
@D_Vice88 2 года назад
i experience a lot of bullet magnetism with mouse aim.. i have clips of the pistol and BR doing it consistently i dunno why ppl think mouse aim doesnt have bullet magnetism just because the crosshair isn't moved there is still aim assist bullet magnetism on mouse aim i think they made bullet velocity and spread terrible on most guns except BR and stalker probly because they wanted strong magnetism but it happens on mouse aim aswell
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
That's fair. You might just be a good player or quite lucky
@D_Vice88 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare i have clips of me getting the magnetism to work on mosue aim in the weapon drill. it does it most on the sidekick and AR but most common guns do it at least the BR and commando do a little but every gun has different amounts based on the size of the crosshair. power weapons like the sniper dont do have any magnetism but it is super noticeable with sidekick and AR i dunno why theyd make the two spawn weapons do it the most but you can test it easily against a target that isn't moving. ive done it with two accounts with a console and a PC it is super fishy ive never seen a shooter with this much magnetism on mouse aim
@fs96jfj36 2 года назад
Every controller player is afraid of aim assist on keyboard and mouse. They might argue that aim assist isn't too bad, but they will absolutely hate aim assist for keyboard and mouse. But tbh, who gives a shit. Dead franchise, ty 343 for killing one of the best franchises ever.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
I understand your frustration. I look forward to when things can be on a fairer playing field myself
@millkeeko 2 года назад
Ayyyy Halo Daycare glad to see ya uploading again
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Ayyyyy welcome back
@xwarxdogx6664 Год назад
Lol wtf is this guy on ?’ There’s bloom on the S7 if you hipfire the S7 with a controller.
@Farreg 2 года назад
I would say that the Mouse and Keyboard users on console might be the problem. Things like XIM where you convince the console you are using a controller have become a lot more prevalent in competitive play (and you need only look at the way the player aiming in the playback to see this). I stopped playing R6 on Xbox purely because of the number of M&K players that were killing the game (I'm not that great a player to begin with, but I would like a level playing field).
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
You said it best. Level playing field. It is fair to ask for things to be made fair where possible. As for R6 on console, I'm sure you're aware of that controller R6 pro player who played against shroud on the main stage? R6 controller players vvs mnk players on console is probably similar to halo infinite controller vs mouse and keyboard right now lol. As far as xim is concerned, I think they have been phased out. Cronus might be the new xim but don't quote me on that. For $100 I could get aim assist on KBM and that is a huge issue
@alexedge639 2 года назад
Complaining that “mouse and keyboard doesn’t have any advantages” while showing a video of you absolutely melting everyone one 😂 doesn’t look like you need it hahaha
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I played Halo on controller pretty much since the beginning. Also ,thank you for the compliment. If you watch my other videos, I heavily advocate for not having aim assist or even bullet mag as an MNK player. As an mnk player I do no want any form of assistance at all. But thank you again for the kind words
@majo6677 2 года назад
They will not nerf it with tha actual state of the game. Or they might actually tweak it next year after world hcs
@HaloDaycare Год назад
@jaxontodd191 2 года назад
Bruva I love halo infinite M&K feel, but I'm scared if I play Controller I'll never go back D:
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
This. I've heard some complain about input delay but I think mnk feels beautiful on mouse and keyboard. I compared it to CSGO, COD, etc and it feels great. Valorant is one game that is miles ahead of everything I've played but Infinite still feels amazing. I'm not saying people aren't experiencing input delay but I just don't seem to be sensitive to it. Thanks for sharing by the way
@josephdias5859 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare I feel the input delay is from people with 2gb or 3gb gpus having to lock the game to get it playable but then again disabling the framerate limiter makes it so you can see enemy’s through some walls with gpus with less vram
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@@josephdias5859 Could be. I have a 1660 super and I get roughly 165 frames 1440p. What a great card and one that I feel blessed to have
@josephdias5859 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare I had a 3gb 1060 had to upgrade to 1070 to stop latency issues In infinite I was ranging around 22-33 ms latency after the upgrade it went down to 7-11ms and then vram is honestly more important than gpu power in this game and I’ve tested cards with smaller buses than the 1060 and the latency was terrible
@toikoi7711 2 года назад
bullets magnetize on controller and not on M&K the Mangler, Bulldog, Shock Rifle, and BR bullets will magnetize if you watch in slow mo
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I actually donn't want any aim assist or bullet mag on mnk. I'd much prefer to just rely on myself because I can be accurate with a mouse. It's a lot more fun that way
@THEGUARDIANSTACO117 2 года назад
Actually controller has both Aim Assistance and Bullet Magnetism while kbm only has the bullet magnetism. I've seen other videos that point this out with video evidence.
@D_Vice88 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare there's tons of magnetism on mouse aim already. you can go into the weapon drills and test it in 2 minutes. i have many clips and test many guns if you wanna use anything ive found
@iiWhiskey 2 года назад
im also a mouse and keyboard player on halo and i love the game, would love to share notes with you some time!
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Please feel free. You can drop it in the comments right here and I can use that for future videos if you don't mind. Thanks!
@iiWhiskey 2 года назад
@Halo Daycare I'll start with im Not the best player but i can say i top frag occasionally. I think the most distinct evidence i noticed playing with controller teammates is the rate they acquire Perfect Medals. For reference, i have x129 Killing Sprees, x10 Killing Frenzies, x2 Running Riots, x256 double kills. 265 Matches played 51.5% W/L ratio. Only 20 Perfect Kill medals. I don't think any accommodations need to be made for pc other than just give it little aim assist OR lower the assist in controller a smudge. Based on my experience and stats, if they are a reflection of other pc players, this is clear evidence that controller has an assist advantage that even results in objectively easier perfect time to kill fights. Pound for Pound the mouse has to play 2nd to the controller having a higher dps.
@RyanPMJ4907 2 года назад
just remove bullet magnetism for controllers but keep their aim assist
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
That's definitely one possible avenue, thanks for your input
@JohnPeacekeeper 2 года назад
I mean, I still play on Mouse and Keyboard and am actually kinda kicking ass. Like one time I broke a stalemate by dodging squads of people in a winding forest while driving a warthog; guy in my passenger seat got the only cap of a CTF Fiesta. And, driving skills aside, still doing good with both shooting and especially melee. Even got top of the board during Skrocket. Did take practice, but I never needed the aim assist for M&K. And I'm just an ordinary multiplayer guy playing for fun. Imagine how actual tryhards are with it.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Warthog skills go hard
@jjmostdope 2 года назад
mouse and keyboard player 🙋🏻‍♂️
@rayder3543 2 года назад
Halo is dying on PC for two reasons: 1) Terrible port, most people can't run the game 2) Mouse, the main peripheral, is at severe disadvantage compared to controller. Nerfing controller aim assist would hurt the casual playerbase? No, because pro controller players relies A LOT on aim assist, and nerfing it would allow casual mouse players to compete. It's not just a fact of how better controller is compared to mouse, it's also how accurate controller is, in general with aim assist it's currently too accurate. Let's also remember that SBMM is also present, you'll face opponents with similar accuracy as you, and as you can see the average controller player is WAY more accurate than the average mouse player, that's why nerfing AA on controller would be good, on a weapon by weapon basis. Why 343 isn't doing this? The first reason is because 343, they are slow to put out changes. The second reason is "who would agree to loose THEIR advantage in order to let OTHERS have more fun?" the majority of Infinite players are either people who switched to controller to have the advantage or people who played since the 360 days and have always had such an easy shooting experience, they don't want the "newbie" Halo player to be able to compete with them, it would destroy their ego. Take also a look at the competitive scene: 0 HCS mouse players and all pros spawn with the weapon with the highest aim assist in the game by rule, it's always been this way, therefore pros would be pissed if they had to change habits because they don't have such an high aim assist helping them. The opposite would be true though: the competitive scene would take way more skill and it would welcome the mouse peripheral, therefore NEW pros would join the game, this might make HCS atleast a relevant esport, compared to other games such as CSGO, Valorant R6 and so on
@HaloDaycare Год назад
I see what you mean. I still believe 343 nerfing aim assist would be awful for most people. Either way, thank you for your comment
@trilby5223 2 года назад
Does the sniper really have negative aim assist? I can't find any videos proving it
@trilby5223 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare plz link thankyou
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@@trilby5223 I just spoke to a member of the A9 community and was informed negative aim assist is NOT real. He spoke to Unyshek and confirmed it to not be true. I've heard this from so many people that I just believed it. I apologize for the misinformation
@korevirus547 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare correct it's not real, however every hipfire shot has a slight bloom on it where the bullet fr any shot to first or last will not go center unless scoped This effects all inputs Unsure if it has been tested if manetism is on controller that ilm aware of Sorry forgot to mention all or most of this was from the a9 community as well
@hydb801 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare There's videos of the "negative" aim assist on halo subreddit, and 343 said in their blog that it could possibly be a bug, but its not intentional. There's also videos showing that it doesn't happen to some people. After looking into it, it is a bug that occurs to players who are maxing out their CPU, especially when using the sniper since it has a second viewpoint (screen) that it needs to render the enemy/outlines in. You can test it yourself if you max out your CPU above 95% then your aim becomes sluggish
@THEGUARDIANSTACO117 2 года назад
@@korevirus547 I saw a reddit thread the other day debunking the bloom on hip shots with kbm.
@Zodiac. 2 года назад
My game must always be bugging out cause I only feel like the aim assist works like 10% of the time. I play with controller on PC
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
If I were to take a gander I would say you are likely someone who is between silver and platinum rank? I've seen this comment pop up a lot and 100% of the time they are usually between that rank. Nothing wrong with that, but this right here is exactly why 343 shouldnt nerf aim assist at all. Leave it as it is. I can assure you that you do have aim assist though. 100%
@Zodiac. 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare Im low diamond. It just seems inconsistent to me some games it will feel like the aim assist is just gone
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@@Zodiac. All good. Rank doesn't really matter anyways. If aim assist feels wonky to you then that's just how it feels to you. Try using the left stick to aim and only using right stick to make micro adjustments. Trust me.
@bobaktxl06 2 года назад
Lower your dead zone a ton. If it detects input on the analog sticks, it'll give you AA. If you instead, increase it, the less AA you have.
@chadcuzbad7009 2 года назад
they will do NOTHING to fix this this isnt a bug, this is intended why would KBM have aim assist? a goated kbm player would shit on goated controller player if they both had actual aim assist
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I hear ya. Imagine giving kbm the same level of aim assist controller has. Literal aimbot. Literally lol
@chadcuzbad7009 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare ye exactly man so I don’t get why it’s such a bother to some. it would cause more problems than it fixes and yet the halo community is still mad and divided ab yet another topic
@colekonop5034 2 года назад
remove ranked crossplay easy
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I definitely understand where you are coming from but this could actually hurt the mnk community even more so. There simply aren't enough mnk players which would render ranked unplayable unless you plugged in a controller. Which is what all the mouse and keyboard players have already done. This would be very bad
@thomasarmstrong3917 2 года назад
No just buff m&k Add some sticky aim or passive tracking
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Ayooo, I actually made a video just before this one on how to activate aim assist on mouse and keyboard. Check it out. Going to absolutely blow your friggin' mind bro
@tremapar Год назад
I've put a video on my channel about how this could actually be a quick and easy change. MNK already gets 21% reticle magnetism only while firing, and this decays to 0 within 80ms of releasing the trigger. The decay mechanic makes sense because permanent aim assist on MNK can feel clunky, yet would also buff flicks too much. But to improve balance against controller one option is to simply bump up that 21%, at least for non-auto weapons, mainly the BR.
@jadoaesra3011 Год назад
it's hard to say the controller is better when the controller needs so much aim assist
@HaloDaycare Год назад
I understand your frustration my guy. I have a video planned and it's GREAT news 100%
@Kitten-Master Год назад
1k hours mouse and keyboard here. Pain. But also git gud
@HaloDaycare Год назад
This comment is confusing a bit. Pain? Get gud? May I ask what your GT is?
@munkykng416 2 года назад
My dude you're back it! Kbm all day
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
we never left👾👾. are you still using that office mouse?
@munkykng416 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare no doubt
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
@@munkykng416 what mouse are you using again? specific model. are you thinking of maybe getting a good cheap gaming mouse at all?
@Tucker358 2 года назад
cOMplETelY DeAd So sick and tired of people complaining. If you don’t like it, stop giving them free marketing and go play a new game
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
I for one absolutely love Halo/Halo Infinite. Sorry I killed you bro, was not my intent
@Nifty_Noob 2 года назад
How can you say they are good they are letting aim assist play for them mnk uses all skill no assist
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Controller takes skill. The skill gap is different than mouse and keyboard no doubt but there is a learning curve and a skill gap involved. I respect it
@Nifty_Noob 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare yeah no i agree but like i cant say there aim is like demon mood when the game is doing half the work for em
@johnle1723 2 года назад
Nerfing aim assist is the only way and apex legends does fine with low aim assist. Halo players just whine because their they take advantage of it
@anonymous7564 Год назад
APEX has scalable bullets, which is how it really adjusted for it. Halo also fundamentally plays significantly more different than APEX, but I do agree it needs more refined balancing. I would also argue that the scalable bullets concept would also help Halo on KBM. One note that no one wants to admit: The reason controller aim assist is even applicable for the game is due to the overwhelming amount of "bad" players in the Halo community that are average or significantly below average and "expect" Halo to be a game for them to be "the best at". It's part of why we don't have a real SBMM right now, but hopefully with the shakeup in leadership and pierre and sean getting in place, Ranked may be flushed out with more playlists in the coming few months, and we may see balance changes happening like this. We can only hope. It's bad enough that now those people are trying to tell the population that "Halo was the competitor to mario party", whilst neglecting that Halo literally got popular due to it being one of the very first competitive matchmaking experiences to date with the drop on Xbox Live in 2004.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
Apex's balancing of the two inputs has made me want to main the game and stop playing Halo completely. Apex Legends is straight W's all around from everyone. Be it on controller or KBM
@OrangeJambo 2 года назад
Aim assist(controller) AND snappy aim(mnk) aside... Controller players have had a competitive edge by having the mass online population to play w/ since 2004. Mouse and keyboard players are at the disadvantage for only having the mass pop since what.. 2019? I am by no means surprised by this, MnK just needs time in the oven, it'll get there.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
You'd be surprised to know people like myself who played Halo for over 15 years on controller switched to mouse and keyboard. A lot of people did and then they switched right back for the controller advantage. I definitely see where you are coming from though. Hopefully in time things will be rendered mostly neutral
@OrangeJambo 2 года назад
​@@HaloDaycare I'm a grown man myself, I am not surprised at that statement. Perhaps you're missing my point... Just because you have 15 years actively playing Halo on controller, does not ensure it'll be the same on mnk after only 3 years. Shit not only that, chasing your skill for 20 years is a little difficult.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
​@@OrangeJambo I see what you're saying but respectfully disagree to an extent. You do retain a lot of the important stuff such as positioning, game sense, etc. Shooting is one piece of the puzzle albeit an important one. Some say shooting is only 20% or so of the skill gap in FPS but I would argue it's more
@OrangeJambo 2 года назад
@@HaloDaycare Heard. GG
@robertlong920 2 года назад
Bro counter strike has been a thing since 2003
@NuclearNarwhalSquad 2 года назад
Maybe adding very small amounts of aim assist on m&k?
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
This is definitely something I think the community would appreciate +1
@NobleAIan 2 года назад
onyx here. M&K
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
very cool, we probably have matched at some point
@alecmanst629 2 года назад
Mouse a keyboard players are annoying in any game
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Some say we are the rattiest of them all
@gregayiman7446 2 года назад
Lmao you are so wrong, the vast majority of players are on controllers, unless they are incredibly stupid they wouldn’t mess with aim assist on controller but instead do something for mouse and keyboard players.
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Correct, the vast majority of the players are on controller and the vast majority of KBM players have since switched to controller. Not a single one of my friends is still using mouse and keyboard when they realized there was no reason to do so lol. As for your idea to help fix this, I am all for any idea that would help the community
@terrancecloverfield6791 2 года назад
For a Dev team of woke liberals. They're not very inclusive of all Halo players lol.
@Dr.Smelly 2 года назад
Just need to not have pc players play with console players
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Thanks for you input
@yusukeleiva 2 года назад
I use mnk and controller
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Mad respect. Whats your rank?
@Cricis11700 2 года назад
Get clapped 🤷🏻‍♂️ i clap out people on mouse and keayboard like i have lazer aim on halo 3 the skill gap is tremendous they're almost like little childrien picked up a controller, but halo infinite caters to people with no skill, from the time to kill, to aim assist, if they change the game and make the time to kill and aim assist to halo 3, then id probabaly give it another chance lol.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
I understand what you mean. Love playing H3 on KBM as well! The aim assist isn't too strong in that at all
@ItalianRain2 7 месяцев назад
"Controller console players are incredibly talented" HAHAHAHAAHAAAA Yeah. A huh. Sure buddy. 🤣 Game is literally giving them a handy while they play controller.
@HaloDaycare 7 месяцев назад
I handled this delicate subject rather well. Console and PC players both have good and bad players. It's just a fact. To say that console players are inherently worse would be mistaken. If you listen to what I've said in this video, as well as other videos I have talked about aim assist, you would find that I agree with your take on aim assist. It's disgusting in this game and that 15% accuracy delta is not okay. But yes, aim assist does a significant portion of the work for the player.
@rm25088 2 года назад
just plug in a controller. it is a console game after all, originally.
@HaloDaycare Год назад
You probably didn't stick around to the end and I won't hold it against you. 343 deliberately brought Infinite to the PC with Keyboard and Mouse support. So, although people like myself have always played Halo with a controller for well over a decade, things do change. And they did. In by making KBM not able to compete with controller, they killed the game on PC. Steam charts reflect that unfortunately. As far as plugging in a controller, thats exactly what everyone has done.
@toikoi7711 2 года назад
swapped to a controller and game was literally 10x easier, so stupid
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Well, obviously you can choose whichever you prefer so at least you have the option. I went 30 and 10 in solo duo controller and that made me feel good. I still got it on the sticks
@jjmostdope 2 года назад
mouse and keyboard player 🙋🏻‍♂️
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
Yo. You are one of 24 left. Welcome to the club bro
@jjmostdope 2 года назад
mouse and keyboard player 🙋🏻‍♂️
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
me 3
@jjmostdope 2 года назад
mouse and keyboard player 🙋🏻‍♂️
@HaloDaycare 2 года назад
me 2
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