
Hania Rani - Esja (Official Album Video) 

Gondwana Records
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21 сен 2024




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@EnriqueGhijs 2 года назад
Today I got up quite late. Today began as a new-year's bittersweet morning. I was anxious because I'm not being as productive as I would like to be. I was anxious because I'm not resting as maturely as I think I should be. Quite the modern, first-world-problem, conundrum. Took a shower, drank a coffee, ate some left over cookies from last night's celebrations, and sat down in front of my computer. Fidgety, I looked for my good ol' instrumental playlist to get in the zone. But right before clicking, this woman showed up. Half an hour in, I did my work, I felt calm, I felt joy. I forgot about that early bittersweetness. Every insecure thought was washed away as in a lilac and mint scented warm bath. I'm going to get up as soon as I click 'comment', I'm going to cook something warm and tasty for my family. And I will do it slowly, beautifully, as I remember the aura this album imbued my head with. Cheers.
@swimfan5428 2 года назад
Such a lovely comment, I concur on all of your sentiments.
@moniquecavard745 Год назад
Music takes my bad feelings away.. Like this one.. It gives peace..
@lenavassiliu9607 Год назад
Thanks youuuuu for this!
@Its_Renee_ Год назад
And those initial feelings can happen any time of the year. Like today. I got up late too and with the thoughts of all the stress in my life, this came on and I read your comment. I think I'm at the 14 minutes mark, and like you, I'm already feeling the pressure start to float away. Blessings! 🕊️
@clemthai Год назад
Much love bro. Hope you're doing good on the path
@craigt5301 Год назад
I work anywhere from 150 Km out to 900Km out from Adelaide South Australia.I've just turned 60 tonight. Im eating dinner alone and I can think of nothing better the to put on your music to listen to at dinner. It has an extraordinary uncanny undertone to it that I can't quite put my finger onto. Rushes of nostalgia combined with accepting one's fate. I didn't wish to be doing what I'm doing it just happened. But your compositions somehow open up a window of acceptance and at peace. It is what is.
@taorenli6542 8 месяцев назад
Wish you a peace and wonderful rest of life.
@aydojuma 2 месяца назад
quite warm words
@jaivkoltun4948 Месяц назад
. . .The voices in your head disappear and there is an elegant peace and ok ness about everything. . . like nothing really matters. . .
@Gamn745i Месяц назад
@gisteknetworksinc.8930 Месяц назад
I’m reading your comments a year later but I’ve had the same feelings listening g to Hania gor the past few years, peaceful, calmness leading to immense productivity. I travel regularly and when the rigors of travel delays get to me, Hania is my “go to.” I’ve only seen her live in LA, but set my travel schedule to see her in Milan and Copenhagen; it didn’t work out but Seeing her live in LA, it’s on RU-vid, “up close and personal,” is how you get to feel. My wife and I have been lucky enough to see Floyd, YoYoMa, Beatles, Stones and more. Hania just puts you in such a good place and we are mid 60’s and listening to “Glass” just makes everything better than OK!
@FriedhelmStuelen 2 года назад
If the laws of nature show man the limits of his mind, then the laws of music, as they appear here in a substantially new form and improved, lead us listeners beyond the limits of consciousness.
@hazelwray4184 2 года назад
'New and improved' - the language of advertising; of a technological consumer society. How is this a "substantially" new form; and on what previous form has it improved?
@hazelwray4184 2 года назад
'Beyond the limits of consciousness'? Lead us to an elevated/higher state of consciousness, perhaps.
@wildman9922 2 года назад
But. Take away the piano and what do ya got ?
@wildman9922 2 года назад
My point exactly
@wildman9922 2 года назад
@@FriedhelmStuelen any instrument can do that not just piano. Coltrane could do it on a sax as well.
@sjvakser Год назад
Takes you to another place - where the noise dissolves and you're just left floating
@samacsuninjang 2 года назад
잔잔하고 마치 숲속 호수 수면의 파문같음~ 🌸
@Gurl_nnnn 7 месяцев назад
My ex introduced me to her music when we first started dating.. I still feel how warm and friendly it is and it reminds me of how happy and safe we were..music is not made to make you feel bad.. it's here to bring back the warmth of good memories and assure you that you lived a good life
@AVZounds 7 месяцев назад
i can think of plenty of music that makes you feel bad... techno, heavy metal, sting...
@medhicasaurang-vergez1546 6 месяцев назад
Sweet comment, I like it!! Music evokes so many things in our past life and actual life
@alibedjaoui3410 Год назад
Un p'tit morceau de bonheur dans ce monde devenu fou ... POURQUOI ... pourquoi la paix totale la seule vérité de se monde il suffit fermer les yeux c'est de l'autre côté de la vie .
@alibedjaoui3410 Год назад
Un bout de citation tiré du voyage au bout de la nuit. L.f Céline
@a-neo8333 2 года назад
Raniさん、素敵な音楽を届けて頂き感謝しています。遠く日本の地にいても、あなたの音楽を聴くことが出来て、また共通の感覚がある事にとても驚きます。差別発言ですが、女性的な繊細さの上にある、鉱石のような透明さを感じました。それは昔あり、今もある、預言的な、Windam HillレコーズやECMレコーズにある感覚ですね。また意識の下にグローバルノースや世界帝国的な問題が有るからかも知れないだろうか。? 結局の所、世界情勢が不安定なのは、銃や軍民思想だと言う事をあなたの音楽を聴いて、はっきり意識出来ました。ありがとうございます、御活躍を期待しております。Thank to you and.
@carriexi3157 2 года назад
My uncle just passed away this morning. This beautiful music is perfect for bidding him goodbye. He lived a full life, the music helps conclude a journey of a beloved human being.
@asthmaticmonkey1 2 года назад
Very sorry for your loss.
@marina_greti_rose 2 года назад
Thank you for your beautiful words. I, too, feel connected into another realm with this music, with Hania's music, and watch a candle burn. Burning, breathing, we give light and warmth, are connected to all that is and transform ourselves. And at the right time, we go, and are invisible. That is the beauty of life and death and life again, maybe beyond time and space. Present in all hearts and thoughts connecting to that one life. May you be happy, may you know peace.
@asthmaticmonkey1 2 года назад
@@marina_greti_rose You are welcome. I've had a couple of very heavy losses myself this past year, which have taken everything out of me, so I feel your sadness. I wish you well.
@FriedhelmStuelen2 2 года назад
A rarity: an album without weaknesses! A real extension of the musical cosmos around the piano with its own focus on resonance, spatial sound and atmospheric compaction. Hani Rani enables a very extraordinary closeness to the composition and the secret of its creation. Her art creates an inviting closeness that never deceives. She frees the piano from a corset of mendacious formalism. Great!
@alejandroochoahernandez338 2 года назад
well said.
@grantjamieson8807 2 года назад
Well said
@Thumperoo 2 года назад
"mendacious" uh ? Sure.
@mutate34 Год назад
@@Thumperoo the...sheer...MANDACITY of this comment!
@matejpancurak1879 Год назад
@kelvinsbrown 2 года назад
Hania is one of the greatest new musical talents to enjoy. Being Polish I think she has the spirit of Chopin.
@anonunknown7999 2 года назад
I would love to know what you mean! Chopin is so lyrical in everything he attempts, like some kind of disease that he had to simply simply embrace and make the most of (I'm thinking of the Nocturnes particularly here). But this music is much more textural and driven by harmonic motion. I mean, I love both composers, but I'm struggling to find similarity.
@MaximilianRoysenberg 2 года назад
can't agree more! and idk if she's indian, coz she has kind of an indian type of a name, like... you know if you get it- but anyways, she's practically the only artist i have been listening to now, for almost like a month now, since the first time i discovered her art works ^^ even my girlfriend likes her works !
@kelvinsbrown 2 года назад
@@MaximilianRoysenberg great comments. Enjoy.
@squeakeththewheel 2 года назад
Hania Rani is a Polish pianist, composer and singer. She studied music at the Music School Feliks Nowowiejski in Gdańsk and the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music. from Wikipedia
@kelvinsbrown 2 года назад
@@jaivkoltun4948 I'm not talking music of Chopin please note.
@jolajudo61 2 года назад
Pani Haniu Nie pobieram nauki gry na pianinie,lecz staram się dobierać dźwięki,które ratują moją duszę,me obolałe chore ciało,mą walkę o jutro,a może jeszcze dziś. Panią odkryłam rok temu,tyle trwa moja walka w cudnych oparach,mgle,deszczu, słońcu, w morzu,na ziemi,słyszanym spod palców istoty zwanej Hanią. Dziękuję za Pani dźwięki,są dla mnie inspiracją nie tylko do odkrywania świata tak cudownego, lecz także do poznawania siebie samej ,mocy w jakiej drzemiemy. Dziękuję Pan,i za fakt istnienia wśród nas,z nami. Pani postrzeganie świata,to lot Anioła z nieba na ziemię i obdarowywanie swym ciepłem,bezpieczeństwem, miłością, muzyką płynącą spod skrzydeł,inaczej zwanych dłońmi,tak ja postrzegam ,gdy słyszę Hanię. Dziękuję za dar dobroci,spokoju,pojmowania świata , wśród zasad i norm, tak cudnie przekazanych w dźwiękach muzyki skomponowanej w sercu,umyśle w postrzeganiu natury czasu teraźniejszego i przyszłego. Dziękuję za wrażliwość i podzielenie się nią z nami. Dziękuję za wszystko co czyni Pani,aby człowiek ,istota tak niedoskonała,najgorsze zwierzę wśród zwierząt,mogła zatrzymać się przez chwilę,aby docenić piękno jakie nas otacza i aby wyciągać błędy z okropności myślenia ludzkiego gatunku. Dziękuję Pani za wyrozumiałość dla nas,poprzez dźwięki,tak przyjazne dla ucha i tak piękne ,iż dech w nas zapiera. Dziękuję za całe dotychczasowe jestestwo Pani Haniu. Kłaniam się nisko. Serdecznie pozdrawiam. Do ponownego usłyszenia,tego sobie i Pani życzę,wszak ludzkość naszego rodzaju,jest pyłkiem tu na ziemi i w Wszechświecie. Jesteśmy warci zapamiętania tyle ,ile wniesiemy dobra i gdy będą o nas pamiętać ci inni ,byty, tak złożone jakim jest człowiek na ziemi. Dziękuję ❤️❣️🎼🎶🎵
@Anne234ful 2 года назад
Such a beautiful and emotional tribute to a very gifted musician. Your words moved my heart
@januszwasak3217 Год назад
Jolu niewiele mogę dodać ponad to co napisałaś poza tym, że zjawiskowa osobowość Hani to kosmiczna częstotliwość harmonii wszechświata.
@adamwojciechowicz2036 Год назад
Wzruszające, piękne w swej szczerości słowa. Tak samo jak ta muzyka, Do bólu prawdziwa, a zarazem w jakiś niewypowiedziany, subtelny sposób lecząca umysł i ciało z ran, zmęczenia, zwątpienia, rozpaczy... Pozdrawiam.
@annakavan1869 12 дней назад
czesto yt rekomenduje. Artysta z nad Wisły. Wow.
@sinonome-ny6wp5wz2q 2 года назад
仕事終え 長い通勤時間から解放され  我が家に。。。やがて何時もの私だけの時空が始まる 誰も入ることができない 私の時 Hania の世界観に身を委ねる 下界から解き放され  絆されて また流されて・・・・
@stephkarma4961 2 года назад
You ve a really beautiful way with words. You should write....
@FelixSamulevich Год назад
It is very directly from heart . Without pretending to be best . Only to be himself. And it born feeling to be the same . How much people lose in try to be some one .
@poopoodash9363 2 года назад
Algorytm mnie naprowadził na Panią o 3 w nocy jak kończyłem pracę. Nie ma przypadków Nie ma. Dziękuję. Bardzo mi tego brakowało. Teraz widzę to wyraźnie. Kłaniam sie nisko
@eadamic17 2 года назад
I just randomly found this, and it is stunningly beautiful. Greetings from Kiev, my Slavic brothers and sisters!
@spotflydog2794 2 года назад
same story for me, cheers from Piedmont, italy
@Ruza.Liza. 2 года назад
@allegro9441 2 года назад
@lunareclipse0446 2 года назад
How are u? I hope you're still in good condition and stay safe in Ukraine 🙏🏻
@rameshsnayar 2 года назад
I wish someone would stop that useless war the US forced on Europe. Regards from India
@helleyonni1596 2 года назад
Sometimes algorithmes are just so right !! It made discover Glass which I fall in love with... and so of this beautiful beautiful artist which I will never tire of as his music is extraordinary of endless richness and delicacy.. Forever Love ❤
@Recordings-ov4hv Год назад
I was taken here after listening to Sam Ryder ☺
@msfire- 2 года назад
This is one of the greatest albums of all time.
@TheGreatConstantini 2 года назад
After watching her mesmerizing recent concert in France, she may be one of the greatest musicians of our time.
@myrtilledesbois-bo8qv 5 месяцев назад
je suis française. J'écoute votre musique en ce moment souvent et de longs moments. Votre musique me parle à l'oreille comme à une amie. fine storys. Le fil de la vie en musique. These essentials talk to me. I'm not alone, helo I'm here near from you. Like a friend.❤
@pezushka 2 года назад
Hania, Nils and Olafur are the neoclassical trinity.
@annakavan1869 12 дней назад
So right.
@isabellehale3793 Год назад
This album is a masterpiece. Her music makes my heart breathe.
@marksims9223 9 месяцев назад
That's such a beautiful thing to realize , and say
@lihy1 10 месяцев назад
Krążek Eseja będzie dla mnie bardzo osobisty juz do końca życia, zawsze bedzie mi sie kojarzył z powolna jazda w środku nocy przez opustoszałe miasto. Jazda za karetką, która wiozła mojego Tatę do szpitala - następnego dnia już nie żył. Kocham Cię Tato i tęśknię za Tobą
@jonathannarainne2054 2 года назад
Saw her live in Paris last year, she blew my mind off. Since then not a day have passed without listening to her master pieces.
@kristinak7 2 года назад
Yeah Same here, once I found her, I listen to her misic everyday!
@dariuszczajczynski7376 Год назад
Supcio Hania. Tak Trzymaj. Duma mnie rozpiera Polska Artystka.. BRAWO TY
@christopherlaskoski189 Год назад
At the Invalides gig?
@GinWI283 Год назад
The concert at the Invalides? Saw the RU-vid piece many many times and wished to be there 🙏 immediately searched the next concerts - live in the USA, where nothing was offered- luckily will be in my home country soon and travel now to her Vienna concert with a dear friend in October - can't wait 🤗
@judedec Год назад
Magnifique, Magique ! Merci !
@michaelcarlos2064 2 года назад
So beautiful - dark, sad, light, happy - all at the same time. Your music makes the world a better place.
@carlossantana7763 2 года назад
Free Ukraina!💛💙
@user-zh1ts9qm2q Год назад
When I was doing my work with this music, I feel peaceful. It gets rid of my worries.
@aydojuma 2 месяца назад
it's true, I listened to Hanias' album while reading and it actually helped me to read it
@remerandmargaux3111 2 года назад
C’est tellement beau… Tellement aérien et léger. . .
@nonamebrand2974 Год назад
This music reminds me of what the buddhists call "prajna paramita." The primordial goddess of wisdom and emptiness. A reminder, as my head swirls with dramas of the day, i turn on Hania and receive the message, like a glorious exhale: "whew, none of it truly exists. Thank god"
@Ellier215 Год назад
What else can you tell us?
@MFJoneser 2 года назад
We are greater than our superficial differences. We are more similar than we are different! We have a right to reason for hope. We are right to reason to try. This is worth it.
@blancet3495 2 года назад
I’m in so much pain.Your music makes me crying. A redemption to me 🙏♥️😭
@andreamarchioro5698 Год назад
Hope better now ciao from Italy
@zamamngadi7873 2 года назад
Hania Rani is such a prolific musician it blows my mind every time I hear her music. HAWAII OSLO is like one of the best thing I have ever heard
@Schutz783 2 года назад
Ich bin auch fasziniert von so viel Liebe zur Musik, zu Tönen und eine unbeschreibliche Vielfalt, Klänge zu erzeugen. Ich höre es seit Tagen und es berührt mich so vielfältig. Einzigartig ❤️
@JonasDanish1999 2 года назад
You are so right. It’s one of those pieces you can just listen to again and again and still discover new details every time..
@JD-hi8qx 2 года назад
Oslo Hawaii for me is Haley's 5th Concerto from Atlas Shrugged... The driving song of the productive renegade setting out to dance the world to the shape she wants it to be.
@OphiuchiChannel 2 года назад
It reminds me of Wim Mertens and Alexandra Strelitzki.
@TimothySweeney 2 года назад
listening to her play, I have heard this music before, in my head, its not that she didn't compose it as much as it is the under tone of a symphony, of a concert band, the singing of children, the cooing of infants.
@nickparkison977 2 года назад
Incredible album. I can see Icelandic landscapes when I listen.
@fiuttello 2 года назад
I can see just by looking thru the window haha
@nickparkison977 2 года назад
@@fiuttello can I stay at your house? haha! I love Iceland, I've been there 4 times and all around the ring road. What area do you live in?
@arkun_finish Год назад
Its like homecoming. To jak miłość za granicą, rozgrzewający ogień w arktyczną noc.
@arkun_finish Год назад
This nervous finger makes me crazy;)
@niksmith1780 2 года назад
Beauty & Grace ~ The World is a better Place with Hania
@andrzejwesoowski9503 2 года назад
Hania...podoba się dla mnie. Dobre to stukanie w klawisze. Podzielę się z innymi. Widzieliśmy Cię na żywo....Panie i Panowie warto to mało napisane.
@patchoulighoul 2 года назад
Found this and immediately started sobbing. This pulls at your heartstrings immediately
@waitingchen1553 Год назад
Not only me, even my cat calmed down after I played this album, so relaxing and beautifully composed, thank you!
@ingridcrosser3870 2 года назад
So very beautiful. The algorithms knew I'd love your music. Such a creative flow of beautful sounds like a crystal stream of consciousness.
@Juwan-g8k 9 месяцев назад
So organic “wiggles” , life giving and yet perfectly timed. Inner and outer world are one with her. What a pleasant surprise. Thank you very much Hania Rani❤
@eliselippert9953 2 года назад
Some of the most beautifull music I have heard in my 59 years long life !!!!!
@TheGreatConstantini 2 года назад
I was listening to her newest album and went into an otherworldly state. It was like I was meditating. It is difficult to explain but her music is transformative.
@pabloenriquetirabassi7060 2 года назад
Beautiful, beautiful and deep. It has something that reminds me of Philip Glass .......
@TheKOREK75 2 года назад
Pani Haniu...dzieki Pani jestem tam, gdzie zawsze chę byc........
@samuelverstraete4695 2 года назад
Merci, mon âme respire.
@heartisplastic 2 года назад
Thank you so much RU-vid algorithm..😭 this is the music that heals my soul! Sending lots of love from South Korea 🇵🇱🫶🏻🇰🇷
@elenacadelli6630 Год назад
Ho incontrato Hania Rani grazie al suggerimento di un'amica. La sua musica esprime con precisione la vastità che percepisco in ogni respiro, in ogni battito d'ali d'uccello, in ogni onda del mare, nel sussurro del vento. ogni ascolto è un'immersione in un mondo che mi assomiglia. grazie I met Hania Rani thanks to a friend of mine. Her music express with accuracy the vastness I feel in every breath, every bird's wing beat, ocean's wave, wind's whisper. every listening is like going deep in a world that looks like me.
@Juwan-g8k 9 месяцев назад
She is up there really high Amazing talent.
@shin-i-chikozima 2 года назад
At the enchanted Metropolitan twilight you may feel a haunting loneliness or sorrow sometimes while listening to these music, but you must have an inner resource against loneliness or sorrow
@erniegutierrez1942 2 года назад
Just found this...CRAZY AWESOME!!!
@mi-rf2pw Год назад
J'adore cet album alors j'ai acheté la partition de suite! Grand merci à Hania pour ces beaux morceaux de musique!!
@Saucisse_Praxis Год назад
She isn't actually a pianist, she plays with the strings of my soul.
@norahmaclean8467 Год назад
Wow, how beautiful and refreshing!!! love her music.
@omarsalkamusic Год назад
Very very good album. Listen to it nonstop.
He escuchado este disco cientos de veces mientras escribía o dibujaba. Es como oír una emanación directa de la naturaleza. En su música descubro un modo de caminar. Pura inspiración
@ThePereubu1710 Год назад
I need to listen to this a number of times to work out why "Hawaii Oslo" stood out for me.
@nazmiyera3071 2 года назад
She shows that playing the piano is like rain and notes are just rain drops.
@sergio4679 3 месяца назад
That's really poetic, I am sure she would appreciate
@luiscantarellgregori4566 2 года назад
Hania os One of the greatest composers. She breathes a especial sensibility to create worlds, spaces. From a broken piano (Luka) until beyond everything. ZanksFromTheBottom
@sakirtapsavosudef1382 Год назад
first two chords had my heart trembling
@eastonmackay3058 2 года назад
I have fallen in love with "Eden" and have to hear it over and over again like reacquainting myself with a lost love.
@miikespence5990 2 года назад
Thank you, Hania! Feeling the healing all the way in South Africa! 🇿🇦
@WhisperingPeace 2 месяца назад
I love you, precious Hania, always and forever. You are simply, utterly, and timelessly amazing. ❤
@superd222tube Год назад
So Amazing, I bought the CD. It's great. What a treat for the ears!
@paulhoughton5164 2 года назад
I just stumbled across this and can’t believe how glad I am that I did. From the first few notes I knew this was special and as I have listened more I am completely captured by this music. It feels like a watercolour backwash for my thoughts and imagination to explore and add detail to. Thankyou hania you have made my day
@Recordings-ov4hv Год назад
Same here!
@louiseshaner6024 Год назад
Eloquently said 👏💓
@FelipeLeaoBalthazar 2 года назад
This album is only 45min but the jorney it takes you is so deep that it bends your perception of time. In other words, musical wizardry. And this is so rare...Thank you!!
@juancarlosmarinlozano1046 2 года назад
uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaooooo que talento.ESPECTACULAR. te felicito hania. Esta hermosa musica es como un gran arbol en la pradera, y los que la apreciamos somos pequeñas aves,que se posan en sus ramas a descansar,de tanto ruido en la ciudad. gracias por tan maravillosa musica.que bello espiritu tienes. GRACIAS POR COMPARTIRLO.
@unmeshl.6708 2 года назад
All hail Gondwana Records.
@blifx 2 года назад
I have never wanted to pay to get rid of ads more than listening to this album
@adean4146 2 года назад
you could also buy the album and support the artist
@rameshsnayar 2 года назад
Beautiful. Speaks to something in you. Addictive
@aleksanderbasiorek6407 2 года назад
Na codzien nie słucham takiej muzyki. Wczoraj przypadkiem usłyszałem w radiu Trójka. Kozak to wyszło. A z tej listy eden... Coś pięknego. Tego brakuje na scenie. Pozdrawiam i życzę sukcesów
@SleepRelaxDream 2 года назад
She's one of our favorrite composers!
@martyna.kabulska 2 года назад
Thank you everyone for one of the most beautiful music in this world. 🙏❤️
@garrythomas5958 2 года назад
Beautiful and straight from the heart
@slick3858 2 года назад
I am very thankful to have found this composer. God has blessed us all with the talent of Hania Rani! 🥂
@user-gobira 2 года назад
beautiful. Now Japan is in bon festival. It's the week when the ancestors of all people return.
@GGlatornade Год назад
très chnoupours cette musique , je valide
@bethanykarnopp9508 2 года назад
Listening to this for the 4th time in a row while watering and giving my yard some attention. Such lovely music. Soothing and inspiring.
@lauraschaeffer9376 2 года назад
This is the unsayable. We hear a language in Hania Rani's music that the soul knows. One feels the notes can be touched. One knows the landscape. Thank you for this incredible gift.
@aydojuma 2 месяца назад
so true
@kelvinsbrown 2 года назад
I'm talking innovation hence the spirit of Chopin. Hania displays this clearly in the uniqueness of her style presenting a new, creative music experience.
@magorzatasanchez736 10 месяцев назад
Piękne melodie wypełnione głębią duszy i serca wprowadzają w stan wyciszonej modlitwy. Dzięki Ci Haniu za używanie swojego daru grania. 🙏🏼
@bennypepshmier9188 2 года назад
Beautiful Beautiful just beautiful. Thank you for your music and the moments I can spend with it
@박해인-p1q 2 года назад
It feels like cold, fresh wind, but also warm and bright light.😍 Thanks for beautiful music!
@javi_person8053 2 года назад
This is absolutely amazing. Now, Run. That's otherworldly. Perfection. It truly speaks for itself. Absolutely amazing.
@pianowoman Год назад
Brilliant album❣️❣️❣️
@burja1 2 года назад
Angel's sounds ❤
@SyntetikVision 2 года назад
What a soul ... what a genius we have the pleasure to hear! Thank you so much Hania, your music is what World needs most right now. Love from Portugal
@carlossantana7763 2 года назад
Regards from Ireland.Slava Ukraina💛💙
@NoNiechITakBedzie 6 месяцев назад
​@@carlossantana7763 Hania is from Poland.
@jumpinjackxs760 2 года назад
GENIUS AGAIN!!!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
@louiseshaner6024 Год назад
This album is easily my favorite (of all time) to write poetry to. The inspiration I feel when listening to this ethereal, passionate music is truly beyond words (better than words, just like the music itself.) Thank you for creating this timeless gift to humanity.
@nbrettoner Год назад
@escdelesp 10 месяцев назад
Hi. Where can I read your poetry?
@aydojuma 2 месяца назад
This album of Hania Rani is full of different and warm melodies: nostalgia, sadness, reflection about shortness of life, thoughts about transient time, inspiration, quiet joy and happiness. This graceful album calms my mind and soul, it has a warm psychotheraupetical effect for me. Seize the moment, carpe diem
@marie-claudecaplette6905 2 года назад
Une douceur pour le coeur! Merci Hania!
@ezekielmahuka1543 2 года назад
3 seconds in and wow!, this is beautiful. I love how the notes breathe into the wind dancing outside my window in the palm leaves. I feel the soul of the music, what a joy! even in my tears, what a joy!
@laurentpetit4368 Год назад
je t'aime comme tout le monde !!!
@juanvega5725 2 года назад
Hania is one of the best promises of good music for the next years,beautiful playing and arrangements in solo and with Dobrawa Czocher
@momatarotruny 2 года назад
Each time I listen to Hania, I stay longer with her music, than I planned :). Absolutely beautiful and touching. Thank you
@bourdihhiba292 Год назад
je suis amoureuse de cette pièce!
@raymondirvine7068 5 месяцев назад
Soundtrack for the Universe...a force of life. Most grateful ❤
@NAE333 2 года назад
Beautiful work. Keep it up Hania.
@annec7693 Год назад
Thank you Hania
@demuhlifestyle4495 2 года назад
I fell in love with this wonderful and beautiful music. Actually this masterpiece is so amazing and fantastic, I’ve never heard something like that before. It touched my heart and soul. Thank you for inspiring us with love, peace and harmony. Life is so fast changing and interesting at the same time.
@serseriherif9530 2 года назад
at times cliché sounding, the chord progressions take unexpected turns and develop slowly... feels like a natural process and blends in nicely with almost any nice view (nature, city, river, sea, sky, ...). Great music to momentarily forget ones troubles and float inside a world of nuanced feelings.
@ngdsmedia8189 2 года назад
beautifully said
@eastonmackay3058 2 года назад
'Nuanced feelings' is exactly what it evokes, a new treasure trove of them.
@careycarter2477 2 года назад
If you could ever smile with tears, such a beautiful composition
@ashleybrown4015 2 года назад
It touches the ATMAN
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