
Hank Hanegraaff Addresses John MacArthur's Comments about the Eastern Orthodox Church 

Bible Answer Man
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Hank Hanegraaff, the host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, addresses John MacArthur's comments about the Eastern Orthodox Church.
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#hankhanegraaff #easternorthodox #johnmacarthur



27 сен 2024




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@fernandoalarcon8534 4 года назад
Hank, as someone that has been searching for God. I thank you. I m a confirmed Lutheran but attend a nondenominational church. I have felt lost and have wondered into agnosticism. I cannot become atheist, I feel God is still there. I feel compelled to join the Orthodox Church. God is pulling me in that direction. I ask for prayer. Thank you. God bless.
@evans3922 3 года назад
you are on the right path...God bless you
@jb021006 3 года назад
Galatians 1:6-11 KJV I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: [7] Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. [8] But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. [9] As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. [10] For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. [11] But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
@tomdoan9644 2 года назад
Hey Fernando..I felt the same way..I tried Orthodox around 30 years ago and I'm still going Welcome!
@deebater5711 2 года назад
Hi Fernando - so wonderful to hear your honest testimony. I too have wandered - I have even been a pastor but have had in the last number of years that same 'pulling' toward Orthodoxy. I find the teachings deeply spiritual - something I dont think I can say I have experienced before. May God bless you richly!
@Americanpatriot-zo2tk 2 года назад
Show by your only mission you don’t know Jesus on a personal level why don’t you talk to Jesus about that forget about Hank Hannah graph who cares what he does.
@TheChiesa 4 года назад
Martin Luther went so far that he wanted to remove St. James's letter from the New Testament since it embarrassed Luther's conception of 'faith alone'.
@Mark-yb1sp 4 года назад
TheChiesa Wow. I didn’t know this.
@HerveyShmervy 4 года назад
Thats a myth
@randomperson-gp8ph 4 года назад
@@HerveyShmervy not a myth at all its well documented and lutherans admit it.
@ericjustice8303 4 года назад
Links and proof?
@randomperson-gp8ph 4 года назад
@@ericjustice8303 *note i said luther wanted to remove apocrypha i am not sure that is accurate my understanding now is that he didnt find them equal to holy scripture but still profitable to read. lutheran called epistles of james "epistle of straws" because james said faith without works is dead. Look it up even lutherans admit this. Early church did not teach once saved always saved doctrine. Luther wanted to open the canon of the new testament and remove books. He was not successful with altering New Testament canon it scandalized his followers. Protestants follow tradition of luther. Originally apocryha was included in kjv(again not new testament apocryha) Eventually the apocryha was removed from kjv bible. What adds to confusion is protestants dont distinguish between new testament apocrypya and other writings that catholics call apocrypha and orthodox call deuterocanon, again the church universally rejected new testament apocryha when the books of the bible were canonized and no eastern orthodox and no catholic and dont think any protestant believe in new testament apocrypha. In Eastern orthodox we call certain books deuterocanonical second canon not given as much emphasis as other books, catholics and protestants call these book apocrypha.The deuterocanonical books were rejected by Jews after the time of apostles because it made them look bad. Dont understand the reasoning to look to unbelieving Jews to set the canon 1600 years later, but thats protestant tradition.
@tonyjames9016 3 года назад
Another convert to Orthodoxy here. Thank you Hank for representing what Orthodoxy is as loving and living. You are an example of your faith, through your acts. Humble righteousness. Again, thank you 🙏🏻
@Americanpatriot-zo2tk 2 года назад
I’ve met eastern orthodox people they seem nice to me that’s not the question but what they teach is under biblical and it goes against the whole point of the word God wishes the salvation of mankind is not defending our actions or our works you cannot lose your salvation because it’s given us a free gift Ephesians 289 you need to look at the water God and quit worrying about with the patriarch or Hank and a graph says what you asked Jesus what he has to say about it.
@salvation4all313 5 месяцев назад
​@@Americanpatriot-zo2tkYes you are correct!
@vashonmonks 6 лет назад
How truly grace filled are your words, Hank. A beautiful, gentle answer that comes from a life long walk with the Lord Himself.
@zinnia3684 4 года назад
Your walk shows works and is the shining light of your faith. You walk in a life of works which is what makes you separated from the rest. Your not chastised into certain behaviours called works. True works are not a to do list of behaviours that prove your faith they come with focused faith as a natural part of your walk. I also believe unlike Calvin that we have free will to choose our path. Focusing on Calvinism detracts from a focus on our saviour and a deviation of biblical text. Bless you for your carefully measured words. I also love John McArthur. Being wrong is a human frailty and so is passion. We have not been made perfect yet but should be increasing in knowledge from biblical text 2Timothy 3:16-17. Bless you
@dansysoman3391 2 года назад
Bless! It is a delight to see your comment here, Father. I was discouraged by MacArthur's words because of how many people I know he will lead astray. I pray more people come to the faith of the Apostles and see the humility and love in Hank's words. Pray for me and my family.
@martykroenecke4273 Месяц назад
Pretty easy to see he is reading from a well prepared script! I us3d to love listening to Hank in the 80's. But he lost me when he says there was no immaculate conception. The Bible clearly states in many places we are saved by grace through faith. And this brings about good works which is wonderful. But to deny Christ was born of a virgin and to deny the written word of the bible is heresy and God will judge Hank and his like minded fellows. I pray Hank sees the error of his new beliefs and comes back to Jesus Christs teachings.​@dansysoman3391
@martykroenecke4273 Месяц назад
I'm so sad to see that Hank has lost his way. I pray God will help him find his way back.
@bobhackendorf5560 6 лет назад
A gracious, careful and thoughtful answer to a hasty accusation. Well done!
@henrystanley1516 3 года назад
I'm a Pentecostal and thinking about becoming a Greek orthodox please pray God will lead me in his perfect will for me
@Jesuswithlydia 3 года назад
It’s not about becoming what denomination. You must be born again to be able to enter into the kingdom of God.
@cata2215 3 года назад
You can be born again and Orthodox. Orthodoxy is the fullness of the faith.
@henrystanley1516 3 года назад
@@Ninos-j2c thank you for your reply my only question about orthodoxy is praying before images of Mary and the saints aren't we forbidden to do this maybe you could help me
@henrystanley1516 3 года назад
@@Ninos-j2c thank you for your reply it gives me something to think about
@MJS2376 2 года назад
@@henrystanley1516 the scripture says we are "surrounded by a cloud of witnesses"....the saints are still alive, they are like friends we ask to pray with us and for us...we do not worship them. We give them honor (venerate them). Look for Fr Stephen Freemans blog Glory to God for All Things....he writes about all of these topics (and is a convert himself).
@gunnerbakke5020 3 года назад
Pastor McArthur has been important in my character conforming to Christ. He appears to be wrong here. Thank you, for being respectful in your response.
@Americanpatriot-zo2tk 2 года назад
No hand cannon graph is going against what the Bible teaches and you know it the Greek orthodox even reject eternal security. Another words salvation is dependent upon your own actions. Instead of the sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary.
@j.athanasius9832 2 года назад
@@Americanpatriot-zo2tk The Apocalypse of John makes very clear that one’s name can be struck from the Lamb’s Book of Life. Consider how Esau chose to sell his birthright; can we not do the same with our Baptism?
@danielletracyann Год назад
@@Americanpatriot-zo2tk of course you can fall away. He can cut away the dead vines that produce no fruit. We can lose salvation. Hence the “saints need to persevere”People can abuse God’s grace period.
@danielletracyann Год назад
@@Americanpatriot-zo2tk do you think you can call yourself a Christian and still live like the world with its filth?
@salvation4all313 5 месяцев назад
No. MacArthur is quite correct. It is Hanegraaff who is wrong here. Apostle Paul writing on salvation: 'If by grace, then it is no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.' (Romans 11:6) 'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.' (Ephesians 2:8-10) You *cannot* be saved by BOTH grace and works since they are contrary to each other. The Eastern Orthodox Church’s doctrine is therefore incorrect.
@grahck4391 3 года назад
When I was in college where I got my BA in Biblical Languages, John MacArthur was highly revered by nearly everyone. Some to the point that if he didn't teach it, they didn't believe it. I didn't make many friends when I handed them my bible one day and told them to turn to The Gospel According to John MacArthur.
@HickoryDickory86 3 года назад
They quote John MacArthur as an authority, and we're all supposed to happily and gladly accept it. It's John MacArthur, after all! He's a preacher of the Word! But the moment you quote John Chrysostom as an authority, they gasp, clutch their pearls, and forever regard you with suspicion. That's man-made tradition, you see! That's not _Sola Scriptura!_ 🤦‍♂️ Hypocrisy and irony are strong within Protestantism. Even as an evangelical Protestant (for now), I readily see it for what it is and no longer hold back from calling it out for what it is.
@timothy9434 3 года назад
I've always found him to be a bit pompous. As if he's a calvinist Pius XII.
@williamgullett5911 3 года назад
@@HickoryDickory86 you arent debating McArthur, you are debating GODs word. Don't get confused about who McArthur is quoting. He isnt quoting himself. He is just tge messenger
@williamgullett5911 3 года назад
McArthur is quoting GODs word. I would be careful of mocking someone quoting GOD.
@grahck4391 3 года назад
@@williamgullett5911 It's one thing to quote God's word. Teaching from God's word is something else entirely.
@Tytheband Год назад
Thanks for your response Hank. My wife and I were Chrismated and brought into the Orthodox Christian Church one year ago and all 7 of our children were baptized the same day. It’s the greatest decision I’ve ever made.
@prestonbrigham 6 месяцев назад
My younger brother, his wife and 7 children were also recently Chrismated into the Orthodox Christian Church. The similarities of your comment caught my attention.
@salvation4all313 5 месяцев назад
Apostle Paul writing on salvation: 'If by grace, then it is no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.' (Romans 11:6) 'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.' (Ephesians 2:8-10) You *cannot* be saved by BOTH grace and works since they are contrary to each other. The Eastern Orthodox Church’s doctrine is therefore incorrect.
@Tytheband 5 месяцев назад
​@@salvation4all313 This is my take as a forever-student of the Faith. This is simply my perspective and is more just me relaying what I'm learning. Don't take it as authoritative. Eastern Orthodox do not have that much "dogma" or systematic theology on salvation in the way the west does. Orthodox simply say to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling" - as the letter of Philippians says. Point me to the Eastern Orthodox doctrine you are talking about denouncing, because the majority of tightly-held dogma that we have are contained in the Nicene Creed (written by the Orthodox), that 95% of all Christians in the world follow. Everything else is held pretty loosely and not elevated to dogmatic status as you are holding your Romans & Ephesians verses to. Even with our two thousand years of stacks and stacks of canons, Orthodox still have infinitely less actual *dogma* than Catholics and Protestants. Eastern Orthodox simply don't find the need to pit Faith and Works against each other. It's a moot point that is unnecessary and a product of the western need to hyper-analyze and dissect everything. The verse by verse thing that you are doing in the last comment gets complicated, as many Christians understand. The book of James 2nd chapter makes it clear as day for everyone when he says: "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way? For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.."" In short, according to scripture, "faith without works is dead", "works perfect our faith", a man can be "justified by works", and James says point blank "by works a man is justified, and NOT by faith alone" - sola fide doctrine that many American Christians including myself for most of my life is directly renounced here. This seems crystal clear clear to me and most people who read it. But it does not negate the scripture you posted, it just complements it perfectly. But from a western point of view it is definitely seen as contrary which is why Martin Luther petitioned to have the entire book of James removed from the canon entirely, 1500 years into the history of the Church. Orthodox don't see Faith and Works as being at odds. Why would they need to be? They are holistically one in the same from the Eastern point of view. There is no need to surgically dissect the two and put them against each other. The east never saw the need to have the Faith vs Works debates and simply just weren't part of those debates in history for geographic reasons mostly haha. I see putting 100% weight on belief or 100% weight on works as extremes and the Orthodox Church holds the paradox in balance as they try to do with all of the tricky extremes and heresies the Church has fought for 2000 years. This is also why the Orthodox who canonized the bible believe that Holy Scripture IS a work founded by the Church and not the other way around - the Church is not something founded by Scripture alone. "Sola scriptura" was an impossibility for the church because the Church existed for 300-400 years or so without a "new testament". The new testament and canonized Holy Bible was one of several of the Orthodox capital T Traditions including the Mysteries of Holy Communion, Holy Confession, Holy Marriage, Holy Ordination, Holy Unction - all founded by Christ Himself and passed to the disciples in one "Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church" as we say in the creed. Sorry for the novel. And no need to take anything I say as authoritative. This is just my perspective as just a simple dude who was protestant for 20 years and has only been Orthodox for 2 years (not long at all). Forgive me if I was unclear or heavy handed in any of the above. And please take anything I said with a huge grain of salt.
@bobbyadkins6983 4 месяца назад
​​@@salvation4all313You are taking something that Paul said to refute what James said. They didn't contradict one another. You act like we must accept what Paul said, but totally reject what James said. That's not how it works.
@salvation4all313 4 месяца назад
@@bobbyadkins6983 Jesus Christ said, *"I am telling you the TRUTH, whoever believes in me HAS eternal life."* (John 6:47) Furthermore, *'For the wages of sin is death; but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.'* (Romans 6:23) Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is a gift ever worked for/earned. Both the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church are DISOBEDIENT Churches and should be avoided at all costs.
@GJKRodgers 2 года назад
Well done, Hank. John, I imagine, was not trying to sound like a Pharisee, but he did. This is the godly, Christ-like way to respond the comments that were as vitriolic as John's. Thanks for this powerful example!
@salvation4all313 5 месяцев назад
Apostle Paul writing on salvation: 'If by grace, then it is no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.' (Romans 11:6) 'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.' (Ephesians 2:8-10) You *cannot* be saved by BOTH grace and works since they are contrary to each other. Therefore Hanegraaff is wrong and so is the Eastern Orthodox Church.
@jack1969monrovia Год назад
I am an ex Jehovah’s Witness and I bless you brother Hank. I am so loving your expositions as I am looking into orthodoxy. Takes a bit of wrapping your head around.
@SavedSealedByGrace 5 лет назад
Justification comes by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, and that saving, justifying faith wrought by God in the heart will always be evidenced by genuine good works done from a completely transformed heart (2 Corinthians 5:17). As a believer, I do good works not to BE forgiven, but because I AM forgiven - praise God for the finished work of Jesus and the free gift of salvation.
@John5TwentyFour 4 года назад
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life." John 5:24 NASB
@dansysoman3391 2 года назад
Faith alone is unbiblical and a shameful doctrine of man. What we do have in Scripture is the exact opposite being taught: James 2:24 "You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only." But why is that Protestants (mainly Reformed) simply ignore this? This is not simply my own interpretation. This is the interpretation which "has been believed everywhere, always, and by all (Christians)". Salvation is not a one time thing. Orthodox speak of salvation as life, it continues, it must be "worked out". We don't simply apprehend a factual event and think that will transform us. We are athletes...training, racing, fighting the good fight. This is in keeping with the words of Apostle James in his epistle (quoted above) and of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 5 among dozens of other places in the NT. It is abundantly evident that works are required for salvation (because salvation is more than a one time event). We are saved (Eph. 2:8). We "are being saved" (1 Cor. 1:18, 15:2, Acts 2:47). We “will be saved” (Matt 24:13). We continue not in works of the OT law, but in faith which itself is "working through love" (Gal. 5:6). I pray for your eyes are opened to the truth that has been clearly taught in the Scriptures and held by the fathers of the Church.
@johnpeavey1196 3 месяца назад
The answer is in Ephesians 2:8,9,an 10
@graceoverall 4 года назад
It's not that our works play any part in our salvation, indeed we are saved *by grace* _through_ faith, (Ephesians 2:8) but that our works are evidence of a living and saving faith. This is exactly why Paul asks the question in that way, "can 'that' faith save him?" (James 2:14). He further implores us to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling." (Philippians 2:12). Let's also not forget how oft Jesus responded to faith (not works) saying that a person's faith (in Christ) has saved / healed them: Luke 7:50, Mark 5:34, Matthew 15:28, Luke 23:43, etc. So what's faith? "'Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 NASB (see also Romans 8:24). "Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed." John 20:29 NASB.
@CJohn33 4 года назад
Perfectly said in the first few lines.
@CJohn33 4 года назад
@@dimitrispeiraias Thankyou, but there is no need to convert me. I am already orthodox and always have been.
@CJohn33 4 года назад
@@dimitrispeiraias You Too!
@Tommy-wq4ow 4 года назад
No. God says only those who obey Gods will go to heaven.
@graceoverall 4 года назад
Wow!! One of the "Report" options on RU-vid should be for heresy, lol. Rotten carnal platform.
@omnius28 4 года назад
That is why I left Protestantism. I'm with my Orthodox Brothers and Sisters on this.
@kinglear5952 4 года назад
If this trash is representative then I don't blame you.
@wishyouthebest9222 4 года назад
I will always be grateful for the many martyrs orthodoxy has produced even if I'm neither orthodox nor catholic. Who of us has such faith nowadays? Deep respect for such a conviction.
@rodpruitt8926 6 лет назад
Wow! My heart is wormed by the grace and peace and love that was so evident throughout this video. God be praised for his gift of humility given to this brother. Many guys would have been defensive and angry and insulted and vindictive. Thank God for his help manifested in the words I just heard. THIS IS HOW WE TREAT EACH OTHER PEOPLE. I feel like reading my Bible now; so, have a great night.
@Joshula337 5 лет назад
Me, my wife, and daughter were baptized and Chrismated this past Holy Saturday. Thank you for the part you played Hank!
Welcome home brother.
Welcome home brother
@NadaVerse 5 лет назад
@Willis Talks 337 ...Amen My Brother!
@MrMfloor 4 года назад
Αγγελική Κοσκινά this is not a good thing. I urge you to read the Bible and understand that we are saved by Grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone! Traditions of men do not do anything for you but damn you to hell! Let me ask you - what is your faith in? What are you trusting in for salvation?
@marysunshine2027 4 года назад
@@icxcnika2037 they aren't worshipping them. They were literal writings on the wall a memory of the past. There are no statues like in rc church
@katierucker2870 5 лет назад
We can be confident in knowing that God cannot contradict His holy Word the Bible. We are not saved by our works, but saved unto good works which Paul and James agreed on
@kinglear5952 4 года назад
@Josh I was about to say practical compassion is of no consequence to these Evangelical loud-mouths whose expurgated Bibles have deleted the Sermon on the Mount.
@jck936 3 года назад
Katie, you're absolutely right.
@jb021006 3 года назад
Only by the works of CHRIST on the CROSS of Calvary
@theunknownone2189 3 года назад
@@jb021006 so you believe that we don't have to do anything once we are saved?
@blade7506 2 года назад
@@theunknownone2189 no, protestants (mostly) and orthodox have almost the same theology with a few differences and we both believe that salvation came from Jesus’s crucifixion and that belief in it brings salvation (John 3:16, faith- belief) and that as Hank says in this video that the book of James affirms that faith through works is needed to justify a believer
@samanthagirikhanov2796 3 года назад
This reminds me of The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I really liked that book because it said you must practice obedience if you have faith and something in that concept felt right to me. Refreshing in a way.
@NickVTA 5 месяцев назад
Obedience to scripture. Not necessarily tradition. Look at the Jews even in jesus's day, they had oral Torah, and even today Jews will say well the oral traditions were passed on a Moses just wasn't written down for like a thousand years or so and then they finally wrote it down. How can you trust that? Even Jesus reprimanded the Jews because of their obedience to man-made traditions but not the commandments of God
@garymills8417 6 лет назад
We are saved through faith by the grace of God. We are not saved by works but we are saved too work !
@rsissel1 5 лет назад
MacArthur's caricature of Orthodoxy is not surprising. His Calvinism has blinded him so that he can't even correctly understand us. I would appreciate him if he avoided straw-men arguments, explained our doctrines accurately, and then simply disagreed with us. That I could respect.
@lake3176 5 лет назад
I am from Orthodox Christian family now evangelical. I think Jhon McArthur is right as there is very little difference between Orthodox and Catholics. In contrary to Hanks comment, both share & practice the priesthood celebacy doctrine. Orthodox Pops do not get marry. Both Orthodox & Catholics believe in immaculate conception of Jesus i.e. Marry is sinless as a result of her virgin birth of Jesus. Both also believe salvation as a result of deed & faith. On the surface it looks correct. However, according to Ethiopian Orthodox Church, one of the esstern Orthodox which I am familiar with deed is not merly defined in James 2 or good deed as Hank tried to explain. It rather include water baptism, holly communion, special intercessory prayer for the dead, generosity to the poor... and faith. The list of their similarity goes on and on..... Hank need to do his home work.
@sydneyskinner627 5 лет назад
I agree. Just the tone of "a RAG" was placed on his head, was enough for me to see that his comments were way off base. That was uncalled for and I love John MacArthur. HIs commentaries on the Bible I love. I have the full set and many other of his books. And I am Orthodox.
@Bakarost 5 лет назад
@@sydneyskinner627 I find protestants do that alot, pronunciation and with their tone of a word like he did with 'rag' to imply that it is dumb or stupid.
@juancotton2 5 лет назад
Calvinism has nothing to do with it
@Howhardisittofindausernamebruh 6 месяцев назад
​​@@lake3176as a recent convert to Orthodoxy, there are several inaccuracies in your comment. Responding 4 years late just in case someone sees this and assumes it is fact. Orthodox priests are not celibate, only the Bishops and monks. In fact, marriage is a requirement for both practical purposes (ministering to married couples) and because a life of celibacy is a heavy burden. Orthodox do not believe in the immaculate conception of Mary. They do not believe she was born without sin. Orthodox believe that the sacraments are required for salvation, each of which are performed with a foundation of faith and obedience to Christ. Baptism and crismation, confession of sins, and holy communion. Intercessory prayers are NOT a requirement for salvation, nor is there an endless criteria of good works that must be performed. Rather, a Christian who professes faith in Christ must seek to live a life in which they keep His commandments daily to love the Lord and love their neighbour. The Orthodox view of salvation via faith and works can is best illistrated by Ephesians 2:8-10 It's worth noting too that these beliefs are shared among the oldest (apostolic) branches of the Christian, many of whom have not been in communion with one another for 10-15 centuries
@jonsykaluk915 5 лет назад
How can one Christian curse another? Is that what Jesus taught? Thank you Hank for responding in a way that shows the true nature of Orthodoxy.
@davidbermudez7704 5 лет назад
He’s NOT a Biblical born again Christian
@jewess8755 5 лет назад
Galatians 1:8-9 (NKJV) But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
@philagon 5 лет назад
He cursed the doctrine not the person. Secondly, the matter of whether EO is Christianity is the issue in question. So in Mcarthur’s view he is not talking about another Christian but a heresy adding works to salvation.
@jewess8755 5 лет назад
This verse clearly says "let him be accursed" in fact it says HIM twice any the word anyone added which means don't give respect to a person. How you can twist it to just the doctrine is beyond me, but it is the false doctrine that curses the person. Paul even includes himself and to drive the point he adds an angel.
@philagon 5 лет назад
Richard Byrnes Although true, we are not talking about the verse, we are talking about what M. said. At 2:38 you can clearly see that he says the belief is to be cursed.
@anamariarodriguez5466 5 лет назад
I still love you Hank Hanegraaff because you opened my eyes about our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Orthodox church.
@kennysouthwel4127 2 года назад
Bro. Hank, thank you for that eloquent and loving rebuttal to John. I want to ask you to consider a new book where you make a list of the fathers who wrote commentaries, treaties, histories, and foundational truths of our faith. I love hearing you read or quote their works and I have found some of them to read.
@el_denk 8 месяцев назад
St Vladimir’s Seminary Press have an excellent series of books called Popular Patristics where you will find many many Church Fathers teachings in fairly short books. I have read many. I would start with St Athanasius “On the Incarnation”. The series covers all the pertinent aspects of Orthodoxy. Enjoy the journey. As CS Lewis writes in the introduction to Athanasius writings, stop reading modern books and go back and read the original ancient Church Fathers. They’re much easier to read than you would think. Happy reading :)
@marybarrett9902 4 года назад
As an Evangelical, Hank, you are such a gracious man of God. Blessings my brother, in all your travels. (John B)
@jimedward8908 2 года назад
Hank Hanegraaff you are a great ambassador for Jesus. Been tuning in since the mid 80's (off and on) and I still have confidence in CRI.
@visibilitypointcorp 5 лет назад
Thank you, Hank. Great explanation of the age old debate between Faith vs Works and great illustration of love towards another of the body of Christ.
@georgeciarrocchi2833 6 лет назад
When i looked at what was supposedly a orthodoxy error, I immediately thought of James, even before Hank Hanegraff spoke. I see nothing wrong with works as a byproduct of faith. I do because I am; I am not because I do.
@ovimm5724 4 года назад
Brother, I live in a country where 90% of the people are Orthodox - I was one - and believe me when I say, for them works are not the byproduct of salvation. Is salvation by works. Plus countless other problems. It is an idolater man made religion.
@Nobo35 4 года назад
I’ll show you my faith by my works.
@ovimm5724 4 года назад
@@Nobo35 that is not what they teach. They believe you will be saved if your food works surpass your sins.
@Nobo35 4 года назад
Ce Spun Scripturile every group of Christians believe things others don’t. If you give the Bible to ten different people you’ll get ten different doctrines. Dispensationalism is a theology that is not very supported by scripture and is very new which tells us it’s probably not very accurate.
@djnv4702 4 года назад
George Ciarrocchi Orthodox teach what the Bible teaches, yes. A living faith leads to fulfilling our calling as image beaters of Christ-people created to do good works and to grow in holiness, to become more like Christ through obedience and all by His grace.
@Cormac2023 6 лет назад
Thank you Hank for being instrumental in ministering to me. I needed to hear this entire message.
@granjmy 5 лет назад
I could listen to this man recite scripture for hours! What a gift from God- to be able to speak God's word so clearly, with such expression, force, and emphasis! Sheer pleasure! He makes the Word of God come alive!
@kevinbarton1661 5 лет назад
Read your Bible yourself out Loud . The scriptures will do the same thing for you . God bless you.
@michaelmerck7576 5 лет назад
I feel he is not only very knowledgeable but also very patient and kind hearted,you can see and hear Jesus in his speaking
@Amick44 4 года назад
@@michaelmerck7576 I agree. You truly can ( hear Jesus) in his voice & soul.
@BibleAnswerMan 2 года назад
For more information, see Hank's book Truth Matters, Life Matters More: The Unexpected Beauty of an Authentic Christian Life. amzn.to/2Ycd3CX See also these articles related to Eastern Orthodoxy: www.equip.org/articles/what-is-eastern-orthodoxy/, www.equip.org/questions-answers-orthodoxy/, www.equip.org/article/left-christian-faith/, www.equip.org/articles/whats-the-difference-between-eastern-orthodoxy-and-roman-catholicism-and-what-is-wrong-with-purgatory/, www.equip.org/article/what-is-the-central-mystery-of-the-church/, and www.equip.org/articles/what-can-eastern-orthodox-and-evangelical-christians-learn-from-each-other/
@israel_connection 2 года назад
Do all Orthodox in Russia know Israel is the revived second earth beast and why does Puttin worship the Image or Idle wailing wall of stone?
@kiryu-chan577 2 года назад
Hank he is no friend to you. He is the meanest judging stone throwing hypocrite I have ever heard.
@Sleightman3D Год назад
I missed the part where Chrismation is in the Bible. Did Jesus place a cloth on the heads of the diciples? Justification through Faith and the resulting fruits of faith (works) are two separate things. A person who professes faith and yet you see no fruits is a warning about the person standing in front of you. Also noted that the Orthodox love to say they aren't Catholics, and yet they still hold into many Catholic (heretical) traditions and rituals that are not Biblical. The orthodox read their church fathers like they are scripture.
@richardmohr9428 Год назад
@@Sleightman3D There are many non-Protestants that regard Protestants as heretics. So? We do rely on the Church Fathers, just as today's Protestants rely on Calvin, Darby, Chuck Smith and many others. You believe what you've been taught by those you trust or else your own private interpretation, don't you? I'll take Sts. Athanasius, John Chrysostomos over Darby and Smith, thank you very much. Without Darbys marginal notes in the Schofield Bible, what would your eschatology be? Get a copy of "The Orthodox Church" by Kallistos Ware. Read about the liturgy in Dom Gregory Dix's "The Shape of the Liturgy." A common assumption of Protestants is that the Early Church was just like theirs. This is impossible, given the vast variety of Protestant ways of doing things and interpreting Scripture. You can't all be right, can you? That wouldn't be "biblical," a word that has been abused so much that those who use it can't agree with one another. That's a problem, isn't it? Tonight is Holy Pascha. Find an Orthodox church and attend and stick around afterward and ask questions. You might be surprised.
@andrettanylund830 Год назад
Why doesn't Hank talk about the Orthodox church teaching that you don't receive the Holy Spirit unless you are baptized in their church. Also you teaching is confusing because you changed the way you taught for years. I do believe that is you are a Christian you do produce works that show your saved but we are saved by grace. You act like you are angry when I question this. Why don't you address this. I've supported you over the years and respect you but you need to address this.
@philmonk4159 4 года назад
Thank you Hank for loving God and man and showing respect to both.
@williamakinso2762 5 лет назад
Wonderful comment from you, I don’t know you but I love your comments. I am a regular listener of John’s teachings from gty. Listening to you , I could see that both of you have the same heart for the gospel of our Lord. Thank you for your explanation of you believe and God Bless
@BlazingLove316 6 лет назад
I have read scripture and it clearly says we are saved by grace through faith not of works, but works are the evidence of saving faith. Thank you Hank.
@PaDutchRunner 5 лет назад
Precisely. Therefore, Hank is misguided.
@saludanite 5 лет назад
Do the scriptures have anything else to say?
@PaDutchRunner 5 лет назад
Bill Sterling yes....if you engage in eisogesis.
@PaDutchRunner 5 лет назад
Richy Rich a misunderstanding of that verse.
@robertwhatley2825 5 лет назад
BlazingLove3:16, then if you believe as you say, you clearly haven’t read your bible.
@wisdomlovespirit 6 лет назад
Extremely impressed by the Christ-like spirit in which this message is delivered, praise God! O how beautiful when (in Christ) brother speaks to brother with respect, even if they disagree. The bible teaches christians to communicate to each other with "gentle"ness and heart-felt love, not by attacking, mocking, etc. I greatly appreciate and commend Hank's biblical communication skills here.
Amen completely. Doesn't matter who is right in the issue - but thank God for the proper communication of his viewpoint. if you communicate improper, you have already lost the debate.
@maryhilker7526 6 лет назад
I feel the same. Really hear Christ spirit in his message. I love John MacArthur too! He helped me come out of the Roman Catholic faith. I don't feel our Lord wants us to condemn each other. Thank you Hank! I listened to you for a long time on 101.5 Word FM.
@bolshoefeodor6536 2 года назад
Of course, when there are genuine wolves that have broken in among the flock, are they not to be reviled in the tradition of how Jeremiah did?
@MrJazzeman 5 лет назад
John MacArthur recently said “Christians can receive the mark of the beast and still receive salvation”. There is not one scripture to support his claim.
@donchristianmusic9353 5 лет назад
I would love to know where I can find that statement. That would be very disturbing to say the least though I have been expecting many pastors to begin to say such things.
@whatever9042 5 лет назад
Jazzyman where and when did he say that?
@MrJazzeman 5 лет назад
whatever9042 I posted the link to it on this thread
@The_Bule_Boy Месяц назад
He has clarified this several times. Stop spreading silly rumors to dismiss a great man of God.
@indigenouspotliquor3546 6 лет назад
Father God please protect Hank from all of the curses of the enemy's camp. I have noticed that when people are wrong with their doctrines they can just not stop talking about somebody who they think is wrong in their doctrines. Please keep him safe from the repetitive curses coming out of the mouths of such people. I asked for this in Jesus name Amen
@wlonsdale1 5 лет назад
His doctrine so wrong though
@heels-villeshoerepairs8613 4 года назад
Totally and unequivocally concur whole heartedly!!!! Well said Hank! Gracefully balanced! We are justified by faith alone, but what sort of faith do we have?! Our works demonstrate our salvation.
@nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 4 года назад
Thank you Hank. I teach original Antiochene theology online. I have been blessed to receive some ancient documents (Greek) from a 100+ year old Antiochene teacher three years ago. I invite fellow Christians to check out our findings. Thanks again for all your work for the Lord. ~ eric
@CodyWeidner 6 лет назад
Faith without works is dead.. works without faith is useless.
James was already talking to Christians...not telling them "how" to be Christians...James was the Pastor in Jerusalem and was talking about Christian walk and works as a Christian...read the whole book of James...I have taught it several time Context is king. Always ask, "who is speaking; to whom is he speaking; when is he speaking". All the bible is for us...not all the bible is about us. Learn to rightly divide the word of truth! Cody, do your works always match your faith? Exactly...guess you are lost!
@cv378 6 лет назад
True brother, James also says this interestingly enough. Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. James 1:21. James just said that the word, is able to save your souls! Our righteous works are like filthy rags, and cannot gain favor with God. The works James refers to is the natural outflow of true faith. Also James is contrasting about general faith in God, i.e. even demons believe. This is not the same works of the Law that Paul talks about, which is mosaic law sacrifices etc.
@kirilhristov9024 6 лет назад
Yeah but works are ordained by God for the saved people to do, not for carnal people to do them, thinking they will be saved.
@mythologicalmyth 5 лет назад
But you can’t exercise “true religion’s” works without faith.
@lake3176 5 лет назад
I am from Orthodox Christian family now evangelical. I think Jhon McArthur is right as there is very little difference between Orthodox and Catholics. In contrary to Hanks comment, both share & practice the priesthood celebacy doctrine. Orthodox Pops do not get marry. Both Orthodox & Catholics believe in immaculate conception of Jesus i.e. Marry is sinless as a result of her virgin birth of Jesus. Both also believe salvation as a result of deed & faith. On the surface it looks correct. However, according to Ethiopian Orthodox Church, one of the esstern Orthodox which I am familiar with deed is not merly defined in James 2 or good deed as Hank tried to explain. It rather include water baptism, holly communion, special intercessory prayer for the dead, generosity to the poor... and faith. In other words if you fail to get baptised or take holly communion you will get lost or go to hell. That is exactly why I left Eastern Orthodox. The list of their similarity goes on and on..... Hank is dancing arrround and need to do his home work.
@MrKneeV 6 лет назад
"A rag infused with divine life"; "decree 13 from their dogma". Etc. I am Orthodox, and MacArthur has no idea what he is talking about. There are no "rags infused with divine life", nor is there a "decree 13" from "our dogma".
@evilswingythingy 6 лет назад
MrKneeV Decree 13 We believe a man to be not simply justified through faith alone, but through faith which works through love, that is to say, through faith and works. But [the idea] that faith can fulfill the function of a hand that lays hold on the righteousness which is in Christ, and can then apply it unto us for salvation, we know to be far from all Orthodoxy. For faith so understood would be possible in all, and so none could miss salvation, which is obviously false. But on the contrary, we rather believe that it is not the correlative of faith, but the faith which is in us, justifies through works, with Christ. But we regard works not as witnesses certifying our calling, but as being fruits in themselves, through which faith becomes efficacious, and as in themselves meriting, through the Divine promises {cf. 2 Corinthians 5:10} that each of the Faithful may receive what is done through his own body, whether it be good or bad.
@justinmeasday8930 6 лет назад
MrKneeV the way MacArthur says this in a derogatory and dismissive way, speaks volumes.
@MrKneeV 6 лет назад
Firebird, "Decree 13" from what? There is not simply a book called "Official Orthodox Dogma" which is full of decrees.
@MrKneeV 6 лет назад
I am not trying to say that this isn't from a legitimate Orthodox source. My point is that he didn't cite a source other than "their dogma", and that doesn't mean anything and is not a source.
@PINGANTU 6 лет назад
I know, that just betrays his complete ignorance of Orthodoxy, which is surprising for such an erudite man. "Degree 13 of their Dogma", what a joke. This is from a Greek council in 1672 that directly denounced Calvinism as it sought to encroach into Orthodoxy. Using the language of Protestantism, that's why it's the only one McARthur can understand. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synod_of_Jerusalem_(1672)
@ericschmit5911 6 лет назад
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9.
@strugglingathome 4 года назад
What a blessing to see theosis at work in this response!
@Sam-rx4ik 4 года назад
As a Protestant evangelical when I watch this video i see the fruits of the spirit patience, love and gentleness. This alone for me allows me to see the spirit of truth in Hanks words. Thank you Hank God bless you and I pray that we all may all enter into his fullness 😊
@amiller5885 2 года назад
I use to listen to Hank Hanegraaff in the 1990s all the time. I moved to the liturgical side of the church about 20 yrs ago. Even though I raised my kids with knowledge of church history, the beauty of liturgical services and the meaning, monastic lifestyle etc. It is only formerly now we all decided to get conformed in the Roman Catholic church. My adult kids need a deeper, fuller understanding of the Christian faith than the protestantism I was raised in. Funny thing is, I haven't considered myself not Catholic for over 15 years, just making it official. However, I love all liturgical traditions, Coptic, Eastern Orthodox, (I say The Jesus Prayer regularly.) Ect. I'm delighted that Hank and his family found the Eastern Orthodox church. I believe God is going to use him to introduce many Evangelicals to the historical and liturgical side to their Christian faith. ✝️ God Bless all Christians everywhere in God's good 🌎 earth.
@catlover229 6 лет назад
Thank you Hank for that clarification. Faith does work through love, and thank you for quoting Ephesians 2:8,9. People are so quick to judge and point out the faults of others on RU-vid and other social media. "Faith without works is a dead faith because the lack of works reveals an unchanged life or a spiritually dead heart. There are many verses that say that true saving faith will result in a transformed life, that faith is demonstrated by the works we do. How we live reveals what we believe and whether the faith we profess to have is a living faith.". We are saved by grace, and there is nothing we can do to earn our salvation because it is a gift from God, and we are no longer under messianic rule because Jesus came to fulfill the law. I believe that your words were twisted by John to mean something else. There are many false prophets today, but you are not one of them. Shalom
@annemiepretorius6443 6 лет назад
Faith alone save, this brings the new person and spontaneous good works follows worked through the Holy Spirit.
@chrisv.noire.6388 5 лет назад
what is faith? Is it a noun or a verb? Its rendering is a verb...its an action. How did Abraham believe God? By leaving his father's house when told. The act of leaving(work) was the expression of his faith, as was the act of offering Isaac(work). Thats why James said Faith without works is DEAD(a non-existant thing). Its in your Bible.
@TheRev1011 5 лет назад
@@chrisv.noire.6388 But many times if not recorded more abraham failed to believe God. Yes faith is an action... But that also is a work of God. A gift. It is not our faith OR works that justify alone. Rather its the object of our faith which good works flow out of that we are justified. Christ justifies ALONE. One is justified by having faith in the One who justifies. But that faith is created by God not conjured up by man. God prepared good works before hand so that we would walk in them. For it is God who worls in us to both will and do His good pleasure.
@TheRev1011 5 лет назад
@@chrisv.noire.6388 If our salvation was based on works alone God would require perfect works to be justified. If on faith alone which is a work then we would have to have a perfect faith to be justified. We are justified by the object of our faith/works alone.
@mauricewilsondaddybob1307 5 лет назад
@@chrisv.noire.6388 Paul teaching the Gentiles the church the body of Christ Romans the 4th chapter.
@TruthSeeker52342 5 лет назад
If this was true then James inspired by the Holy Ghost wouldn't have written "the faith is not able to save him" (James 2,14) or "we are justified by works and not by faith alone" (James 2,24).
@DeborahTimmonsHill 2 года назад
An excellent, thoughtful, and grace-filled response to a brother. Thank you so much.
@robertnewell4054 5 лет назад
“A RAG was placed on his head...” typical McArthur ad hominem
@robertnewell4054 4 года назад
@Robert Shipley .... my thoughts entirely
@tyd3407 4 года назад
Robert Shipley down to a tee.
@michaelcobb7097 4 года назад
Yeah, I was kind of annoyed by that too.
@jamesb6818 4 года назад
Ya for someone who is always saying grace and grace alone, he has a hard time showing grace to others.
@kinglear5952 4 года назад
The ugliness of these minds is beyond depressing.
@Jordan-hz1wr 2 года назад
I’m sorry Hank, I don’t have as much patience with the Macarthurites as you do. Please pray for me. Many blessings.
@plumeria8357 5 лет назад
Thank you Henk for all of these years of ministry. Bless you. Carol
@mamabear5289 5 лет назад
I really enjoyed this short lesson on faith! Something you said really spoke to me! Thank you!!
@7Nahshon 5 лет назад
I truly appreciate this video Hank. There’s nothing like hearing about an issue straight from the source. That was wrong for John to call you out like he did. He should’ve reached out to you instead for insight and clarity. Thanks for demonstrating what a Christ-like attitude really is. ❤️
@jackvaniciaadams4089 2 года назад
Very well said Hank I did understand what John was trying to get at and I think those that maybe aren't far along in there learning that it may get confusing I believe we are very blessed to have both of you teaching I've listened to both of you for years thank you
@blakewidmer 4 года назад
Really thankful this popped up in my recommended video's. I've just watched Francis Chan, Hank and M Yohan discuss unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, and charity in all things in a podcast series. These judgmental words by John MacArther were handled with such grace and truth and love, thank you for your continued testimony Bro Hank. Coming from an anabaptist tradition, I'm starting to think we might have more in common with the Eastern Orthodox brethren than we do with our "fellow western protestants / evangelicals". I recently read Scot McKnight's book "King Jesus Gospel" and I would have to agree with him, that western evangelicals have traded in the true evangelos for a soteriological gospel which focuses on "abstract theology" of the method and process of salvation than it does in how to live out our theology; love for God, love for neighbor. May the God of grace help each of us to bear His image.
@nishisingh227 5 лет назад
Very well put, Mr. Hanegraaff!
@islamrevealed3698 5 лет назад
hank was very sneaky and cherry picking READ what PAUL wrote in Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
@MrMfloor 4 года назад
I just can’t trust Hank. Something doesn’t sound right. I see a deceiver here- wake up people and read your dusty bible
@richardmohr9428 Год назад
@@MrMfloor C'mon. The Bible isn't the issue. The interpretation is the issue. If reading the Bible were sufficient, would there be so many different points of view in the Protestant world? Would there be Pentecostals that believe in the Trinity and Pentecostals that don't? Would there be Christians that believe in eternal security and Christians that don't? Would there be so many different eschatologies? Would there be Christians that believe that the Ancient Church teaching of the Eucharist is true and other Christians that say it's just a memorial? See what the Church Fathers have taught since the beginning. Read "The Orthodox Church" by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware and "The Shape of the Liturgy" by Dom Gregory Dix.
@brandonberryhill5527 5 лет назад
Keep up the good work. It's been awhile since I've looked you up, happy to see you looking healthy and continuing to share orthodox truth in a loving manner. Continued blessings
@ltlarrow1 6 лет назад
Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you.
@Ggeg0000 6 лет назад
well Hank has been persectued as Potestant and GO so he's more holy than most I guess
@ltlarrow1 6 лет назад
Since we Orthodox believe the same as the Apostles, how is that false Christianity?
@Ggeg0000 6 лет назад
yes, we all believe the same as the apostles, the question is who is right
@ltlarrow1 6 лет назад
who has not altered the faith since the time of the apostles?
@Ggeg0000 6 лет назад
Not the GO or the RCC. I don't know as much about GO as I do about RCC. But GO does believe in works needed for salvation and confession to a priest for the removal of the guilt of sin? If so, the answer about who changed the faith since the apostles is obvious
@haroldholmyard5597 5 лет назад
Much love to you, Hank. I loved your words.
@paulclaringbold964 4 года назад
Thank you Hank. I too have struggled with this type of teaching but you very graciously brought loving correction. Thank you
@Andrew-sj9tr 4 года назад
I love how Evangelicals are so obsessed with "faith alone" when that doctrine was not ever taught for the first 1500 years of Christianity, until Luther came along.
@sammalek4339 4 года назад
Andrew D I think this is an extreme position due to the extreme focus of the Catholic Church on works and indulgences and so on. If you noticed every extreme view the Catholic Church took , was opposed by another extreme view but in the opposite direction by Protestants.
@tammylazarovitch1794 4 года назад
Sam Malek it’s the Eastern Orthodox not the Roman Catholic
@sammalek4339 4 года назад
Tammy Lazarovitch I know he converted to Eastern Orthodoxy. That’s not what I meant. I meant most current extreme position from our Protestant brethren is not against orthodoxy but mostly against the Catholic Church because of the latter’s extreme positions on many issues.
@Dulcimertunes 4 года назад
It WAS. In the Bible though
@Andrew-sj9tr 4 года назад
Maureen Barnes Martin Luther added the word “alone” into the German Bible. He also tried to remove multiple books, like James and Revelation.
@johnpublica2809 6 лет назад
Hank, another way to consider it is that works are a barometer of faith, but not the essence of salvation. The two work intimately together with faith being supreme. Blessings.
@BigLivingNow 4 года назад
I agree
@paulhudson4254 Год назад
Hank, We love ya Brother! Haters gotta hate it’s what they do! We pray for ‘em and keep moving! 🙏🌺☦️🌺🙏
@clxt6413 6 лет назад
Hank, we love you. Welcome home.
@lifeprinciples 6 лет назад
Thank you Hank for honoring Christ the Lord as holy and providing an explanation for the reason of the hope that is in you.
@jeffhughes9851 6 лет назад
Satan comes as an angel of light and so do his human ministers. HH is Satan's minister.
@alexanderduvall2567 6 лет назад
Jeff Hughes // Nice quality argument you’ve made there. I can also accuse you of looking pretty and being Satan’s minister, and I would have just as good and reasonable of a statement as you made two months ago.
@lifeprinciples 6 лет назад
Jeff Hughes Thanks!
@4givenembracd618 4 года назад
I have loved the teachings of John MacArthur for years, and believe we need his passion for the truth, but that passion sometimes tilts him to expressing himself in an unkind way. The love with which Randy Alcorn addresses his remarks about Paula White was so balanced and loving. You, here, are doing the same. I am so grateful for Christian leaders who sharpen each other without cutting. May our dear brother, Dr. MacArthur, learn this from you.
@loveispatient0808 4 года назад
4Given Embracd thanks for your affirmation, when I first heard JM years ago, I was impressed with his solid preaching but was put off eventually by his aloof, cold and unloving approach in his presentation! It repels me instead of attracting me, so that’s a criteria that I take to which preacher I can listen to. This is just my personal feelings, I have no animosity towards JM and wish him the best in his ministry , may the Lord leads him to the best way to glory only God Himself!😀🙏✝️
@4givenembracd618 4 года назад
Joseph Lee, I think he seems cold and aloof at times because he is so focused on speaking the truth to the error that’s so rampant in the heretical messages within Christendom, that he gets caught up in correcting it, and doesn’t express the tenderness he does have in his heart. I’ve read and listened to his teachings most of my 50 years on this journey with God, and I’ve seen so much deep, authentic tenderness. It seems to get lost somewhere between his heart and his mouth, though. I can be the same way. For me - I’m not inferring it’s like this for John MacArthur - I get so indignant when I hear someone misrepresenting Jesus, or Christianity in general, or when someone gives a message contrary to biblical truth, touting it as God’s word, that God often has to remind me, “let the love come out.” It’s okay to correct lies, but we need to keep in mind that though Jesus was harsh with the Pharisees, He knew whose hearts would never turn to Him after correction; we don’t. Harshness turns away. His “kindness leads to repentance,” and I think that’s what we’re commissioned to show. But when unbelievers say that Christians aren’t like Jesus because they aren’t nice, or because they call out sin, it proves that they prefer we are sugar, not salt like Jesus called us to be. They forget that Jesus turned over a few tables, made a whip ... and used it. Even He wasn’t always The Nice Guy in the world’s eyes. JM reminds me a lot of Paul, who often sounded harsh in his messages. If you read one of Paul’s epistles in tandem with one of John’s epistles, the dichotomy in tone is palpable, and yet, which one was speaking the truth in love? Both, right? What would we do without each of them? Without both together? Thank God He didn’t use just one person to write all the epistles; we’d surely be idolizing him! 😆
@huntejt 5 лет назад
Oh the Irony of MacArthur rejecting this formulation of the "gospel". This is, from what I can tell, the exact formulation that MacArthur proposes against Free Grace proponents.
@HickoryDickory86 3 года назад
Reformed Theology is self-contradictory in numerous ways. This is one of them.
@copetweets1678 4 года назад
Easy to tell who the Christian is isn’t it? Hank you are loving and kind in your words God Bless you
@evans3922 3 года назад
Eastern Orthodox Church is the ancient Church that Our Lord Jesus Christ founded with Apostolic Succession till nowadays,keeping intact the doctrines without inventing new ones and thousands of martyrs and saints...there is no gap till the Reformation(!) as the protestants wrongly believe. Bravo Hank,you were brave and humble enough to accept the enlightment of the Holy Spirit that guided you to Lord's true and Only Church...Thousands of protestant and Roman Catholics convert to Orthodoxy,even whole cogregations with their pastors...Re-Evangelism of America ...Glory toGod...Δόξα τω Θεώ
@justinmeasday8930 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for this video. I myself was raised in an evangelical protestant background. I have discovered the Orthodox view on salvation, faith, mans role in the world , and our relationship and interaction with God. It is beautiful and refreshing, and there is no turning back for me. The Calvinist based doctrine of double predestination that consciously or unconsciously permeates so much protistant thinking, is something I find especially repelling. I find the bigotry and unchristianlike hatred I often see among so many directed towards their fellow Christians to be disgusting. Often the most vocal are also subcribers to such insanity as pretribulation rapture, premillinial dispensationalism and all that goes with that. It is hard to know how to reach out to someone like that in a way that brings together, rather than reinforcing thier walls.
@alexanderduvall2567 6 лет назад
me myself and I // State plainly that you don’t disagree with Romans 9-11. We want to leave Protestants off-balance and unsure of themselves. What Paul taught is true. God is completely Sovereign (without forcing Himself on people or being the ultimate source of evil, or desiring people to suffer separation from Him.. as He desires that all would repent and live) and man definitely has free will, without conflict and without confusion. The realty of the Eternal Now... It does prove double predestination... but that’s not double predeterminism. God doesn’t destine arbitrarily without purpose... but is good. Complex reality... hard to describe. Congruism is helpful and has the right idea. God relates with all of human history from His eternity. Tomorrow has already happened to Him as yesterday is now, and tomorrow is tomorrow, and tomorrow is today and yesterday. God experiences it all, and is omnipresent in it all. Time is a creature which God is beyond, even as He is imminent in it everywhere. Complex thing... There was never a ‘moment’ when God decided to create besides the ‘eternal moment’ which God in Trinity always exists outside of mutable moments.
@saenzperspectives 6 лет назад
me myself and I your comment is spot on
@saenzperspectives 6 лет назад
Alexander Duvall what are your thoughts or the Orthodox Church's thoughts on Molinism?
@rebekahgonzalez8409 4 года назад
Thank you 2 years later! It is true that His word goes forth living and active and accomplishes what it sets forth to do! You shared the Word and it answered my prayer!
@PastorScottIngram 6 лет назад
I am curious. What is your explanation for other differences between protestantism and orthodoxy (Such as praying to saints and Jesus literally becoming the body and blood in communion)?
@sparkmagea99 6 лет назад
You might be very interested in a book called Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy that details those exact things (as well as covers the differences between Orthodoxy and many other faiths) store.ancientfaith.com/orthodoxy-and-heterodoxy-finding-the-way-to-christ-in-a-complicated-religious-landscape
@PastorScottIngram 6 лет назад
I will check that out when I get a chance
@justinmeasday8930 6 лет назад
Pastor Scott Ingram I would also like to suggest a book that I have personally got a lot out of. It is an older book that gives a lot of insight into the Orthodox view. It is FOR THE LIFE OF THE WORLD by Alexander Schmemann. I think it is valuable for any Christian, orthodox or not. I have found, as I have traveled from an evangelical background to orthodoxy, that my mindset has fundamentaly changed in many ways.
@AlmondWillow 6 лет назад
Read the book suggestions. But I can fofer a tldr. 1. Prayer to saints is intercessory. We do not see death as nonexistance, but that the saints live on in Christ. They remain human, but ask that they interceed to God for us. 2. It is a mystery. By blessing the host it becomes the body and blood of Christ, as he said. We do not have a doctrine for it as we do not know how and will not pretend to have an answer. We simply teach and honor it as commanded. If you have any questions i'd be glad to clarify.
@PastorScottIngram 6 лет назад
I have a question on your first answer. How can anyone pray to anyone other than God when the bible states in 1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" If Jesus is to be the only mediator between us and God, why would we contact anyone us spiritually? Also, the bible forbids attempts to contact others in the spiritual world. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 states "There shall not be found among you any one that...(is) a consulter with familiar spirits... For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord" King Saul actually died for the sin of seeking to contact the dead according to 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 "So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the Lord, even against the word of the Lord, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to enquire of it; And enquired not of the Lord: therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse." How does the Orthodox deal with these passages in the Word of God?
@lukasmiller486 2 года назад
What I would like to ask John MacArthur is "What about all the Catholic and Orthodox people who lived hundreds of years ago and never heard of the TULIP? Where did they go when they died?
@believein1 5 лет назад
Hank, you are a class act. God Bless you.
@Amick44 4 года назад
If more Christians had Hank's patience, respect for those who differ & kindness .... Man, what might the Lord accomplish thru us! Thank u, Hank
@KurtLytle 5 лет назад
Amen! Faith without Works is DEAD. Last August I went to Mexico to build a home with Project Mexico. The first day, Fr. Nicholas said Mission Work without Prayer is merely Social Work. I will never forget this.
@Logiconfire 5 лет назад
Too wordy of a response. He saved us not because of any righteous thing we had done, but because of his Mercy. He opened our eyes and brought us from darkness to light from the power of Satan to God. Works has absolutely nothing to do with it.
@michaelszczys8316 5 лет назад
Heard Hank Hanagraaf on the radio over many years. Never really liked listening to him as his answers mostly sounded to be that he was the ‘ Bible Answer Man ‘ and nobody knew more than him so don’t argue with him
@robertwhatley2825 5 лет назад
Thank you Hank for your kind response to Protestant arrogance, I welcome you to the true faith!
@williamgullett5911 3 года назад
You call Protestants arrogant and then arrogantly talk about the "true faith"
@Saghorse1978 6 лет назад
"Christ is the END of the LAW, that all who have Faith may be justified." "He who believes is not condemned, he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God."
@Tytheband Год назад
John MacArthur is the guy who published the age-old heresy of Adoptionism in his own official commentary Bible. This heresy was addressed in the 2nd, 3rd, 8th and 12th centuries but I’m guessing he doesn’t know much about that. When I became Orthodox, that heretical “Bible” was one of the first things I purged from my library.
@steventhury8366 5 лет назад
There are only TWO kinds of religion in the world. 1) Religion of grace 2) Religion of works The latter has far more members than the former.
@Amy-be6ed 5 лет назад
You forgot religion of faith. That is a conjuring up of belief.
@abulufia1977 6 лет назад
God bless men like this who teach the truth lovingly and clearly.
@Amick44 4 года назад
Exactly. Lovingly & clearly. Many christian leaders need to learn such characteristics from Hank.
@gregorybeavins738 4 года назад
Ephesians 2:10 speaks about our ability to do good work because we are created IN Christ Jesus for them.
@Ортодокс-э2у 4 года назад
Questions from Orthodox to non-Orthodox (heterodox): 1. When did believers like you appear? 2. Who founded, laid the foundation for your creed and created the first as your community? 3. Who so believed (like you) in the 1,2,3 and until the 16th century ? Name at least one person for every century. 4. Does your creed resemble the teachings of the Apostles and their successors? 5. Do you have any succession from the Holy Apostles or some kind of connection with the ancient Christian Church? 6. How many times and how has your creed changed? 7. Is there evidence that a soul who professes and believes like you was saved after death, that is, escaped hell and was rewarded with the kingdom of heaven? 8. Who are heretics? (Tit. 3: 10,11; Gal. 5: 19-21 Give examples of heretics). 9. Who are the sectarians? (Matthew 18: 17. Give examples of sectarians). 10. What is your teaching on the Church of Christ? (Tell us about the properties of the Church. How do you interpret the second hemisphere of the Gospel of Matthew 16: 18 “... I will create My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it”) Interesting your view on the history of the Christian Church, so give a very brief overview of the life of the Church in history .
@tyd3407 4 года назад
Назидательный канал. Very Wise man, great discernment also. I’m a catholic convert myself. Blessings.
@claydoyle6649 4 года назад
Oh. I'm just SO impressed by your incredible depths of understanding and your cool lettering (I mean, if you wrote your name in English it would just be SO shallow) Your such a scholar of heaven! Have you vacationed lately??? I guess Greek is the language spoken in the 3rd and the rest of those in Christ better catch up! Stay home and beat your kids in Scrabble or Risk in order to get a fix of your HUGE ego addiction.Don't slather it around in public!
@claydoyle6649 4 года назад
So you are sending a questionere representing the entire Orthodox community to all other believers (?) I'm not sure if your comment is a comment or a declaration or a satire of a guy with immense hubris (???) If it's a satire you have done well in your role as the ass.
@michaelcobb7097 4 года назад
I'd like to call you by your name, but I don't know it. I'll answer one of your questions: Believers like me first appeared in the first century. You read about them in the Bible. Every person who believed in Jesus and followed Him (as opposed to a small minority of same) was called a saint. And every one of those believing-followers was a priest. There was no special priesthood beyond that one--which is why you never see one mentioned in the New Testament. We did not offer prayers to Mary of other departed spirits, but only to God. We did not believe that Mary was a perpetual virgin, but that she did not know Joseph until she had given birth to her Firstborn. We did not view anyone but Jesus as being any kind of a mediator between us and God. All of this is in the New Testament. So the real question is when did believers like YOU appear? And the answer is, "Sometime after the apostles died."
@kenzeier2943 4 года назад
Most of what you asked doesn’t matter. What matters is are we lined up with what the word of God says. A fourth century creed is not the word of God. A so-called church father of the fifth century is not an apostle. Saint Paul wrote that even in his time people were teaching false doctrine. Therefore it is highly likely that subsequent generations were teaching false doctrine. For example I get my understanding of the nature of God from the baptismal formula which says go and baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And also I look at what is recorded when Mary was told she was going to conceive and here she has understanding of God who she knew as an Israelitess as Father she knew she would birth the anointed the Messiah of Daniel 9, and it was by the Holy Spirit who gave her the information so she had understanding of the three persons the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. It didn’t take until the fourth century for The nature of God to be understood in the sufficiency that God wanted us to understand it it was there in the first century. The Holy Spirit opens the word of God to believers. Many of the so-called church fathers did not write with anything that approaches the clarity of Saint Paul in essential matters.
@h54h52 Год назад
I experienced the conviction of sin and then forgiveness and the infilling of the Holy Spirit over 50 years ago. That simple Gospel of Salvation has stayed with me. It has guided, protected and changed me over the years, and I am so grateful to God for sending the Son of God into the world for us rebels and sinners. Nowhere in Scripture did our Lord endorse or recommend any church/synagogue/movement or denomination. He said, "Follow Me," and that's all we are required to do. If you want to know how the Body of Christ is supposed to behave and represent Him to the world, read the Gospels and the pastoral letters.. We shouldn't get caught up in anything else except our Lord Jesus.
@daviddinsmore6428 6 лет назад
Thank you Mr Hanegraaff, for your grace filled words and very accurate discussion of Mr. MacArthur’s points. The distinction is made from Eph 2:8 that we are saved by Grace… yes. We are saved by what Christ did for us on the cross. What gets occasionally lost in these discussions is that (St) Paul is referring to the works of the law. What becomes the question is after salvation. The Orthodox believe that salvation is dynamic and is a process from the Incarnation to the Cross to the Resurrection to death. It is beautiful. Just as I would seek to know my spouse or my friend better and better every day I choose to want to get to know my Father more and more each day. His love and comfort is too great for me not to pursue him and to follow his directives. Is it work? Yes it is; but that work is imperative to grow my relationship and to heal from my sinfulness and to aid in remembering God constantly and praying unceasingly (an attempt). Additionally, my human tendency to sin remains ( from the fall) and fleshly passions (as the Orthodox call them) are also great and are in the way of His Grace and healing ( that is always available) that He has for me and each of us. Then we can begin to understand James’ exhortation that “faith without works is dead.” In Orthodoxy the Church is viewed as a hospital. Their view is based on healing and cleansing from our tendency to sin that remains (from the fall) and spiritual death. God doesn’t force us to grow to Him or towards Him. In Orthodoxy, God grants us an amazing free choice and free will. God asks us to feed the poor and to love our neighbor and to use our spiritual gifts to build up the body rather than to sit, watch and remain idle- which the Orthodox literature views as despondency and will slow our journey to the ultimate joy that I/we all crave. This is all growth that contains a real spiritual and physical struggle in this life. It is a struggle/work that is optional but one can choose to do out of craving to know His love or “wounded by love” as some of the literature refers to it. My hope is that we not fight or accuse in these interfaith discussions but seek to understand each other’s terms and the goal of these terms. Life is a process for all of us. I pray that further dialogue will be forthcoming between all three main Christian denominations and that a fire will be lit in the hearts of all the faithful to follow deep questions of the heart and that each of us can simply listen to the other with brotherly love as Mr Hanegraaff did. Glory to God!
All people following the false doctrine of reformed protestant theology need to read: Hebrews 5:8-9 James 2:24-26 And then humbly come to Christ the way HE says to come to Him.
@justchilling704 Год назад
It’s not false doctrine.
@@justchilling704 Yes friend it is. Read the verses I provided and seek the Lord in Truth
@kellymontgomery1293 2 года назад
brilliant, loving, reasonable response. Great job, Hank!
@seanrathmakedisciples1508 5 лет назад
Salvation Faith is always accompanied by works. . The whole key to this debate is that you think that a church is saving you. Salvation is not found in any church but in the person of Jesus Acts 4:12. We all have to do business directly with Jesus by calling on Jesus directly and asking him to forgive us of all our sins past present and future sins and to fill us with His Holy Spirit and then water baptism follows immediately after believing and being filled with the the Holy Spirit. Baptism is always full immersion as we are united to Christ in death burial and resurrection Romans 6:2-6 Colossians 3. Acts 2:38-46. No church saves neither Protestants nor Catholic nor Orthodox Church saves . We then become living stone of the spiritual temple as we renew our minds by God’s word and becoming disciples of Jesus as we go out preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples of Jesus Christ as we be transformed by the renewing of our minds
@ElasticGiraffe 6 лет назад
I'm actually surprised to hear that MacArthur has non-Calvinist friends in ministry, given his flamboyant hostility to Arminianism, Catholicism, and (now) Orthodoxy. Anyone even slightly familiar with Orthodox theology would recognize his description as a Reformed fundamentalist straw man.
@rjreader7755 5 лет назад
That is because his friends are all sola fide and you are not . You need to read the WORD and stop following the traditions of men. Once again all the pro orthodox comments on this thread put" tradition and history" above the WORD. That is why we will never have agreement. The Roman Catholics do this. Make up your mind-God's word or "history" Stop beating around the bush that is the sole dividing point. His Word or tradition. YOur soul rests on it.
@ElasticGiraffe 5 лет назад
RJ reader Christ is the Word of God, and he said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." A living faith is an active faith. An inactive faith is a dead faith, and a dead faith is no way to eternal life. Sometimes Protestants focus so narrowly on what salvation is "from" that they neglect what salvation is for.
@verompakanyane7892 3 года назад
May we all be committed to the essentials of Scriptures and unity in the body of Christ. May we also continue to be kind to one another as we continue to engage for the benefit of the Gospel of Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Thank you for this well and kindly articulated response to a fellow brother-in-Christ 🙏❤️
@curlyschons1969 6 лет назад
You are a true gentleman Hank! It sounds like John MacArthur needs to dig a little deeper and really find the truth. God Bless you!
@lake3176 5 лет назад
You are wrong. I am from Orthodox Christian family now evangelical for the last 25 years. Jhon McArthur is right as there is very little difference between th Orthodox church that I know and Catholics. In contrary to Hanks comment, both share & practice the priesthood celebacy doctrine. Orthodox Pops do not get marry. Both Orthodox & Catholics believe in immaculate conception of Jesus i.e. Marry is sinless as a result of her virgin birth of Jesus. Both also believe salvation as a result of deed & faith. On the surface it looks correct. However, according to Ethiopian Orthodox Church, one of the esstern Orthodox which I am familiar with deed is not merly defined in James 2 or good deed as Hank tried to explain. It rather include water baptism, holly communion, special intercessory prayer for the dead, generosity to the poor... and faith. In other words if you fail to get baptised or take holly communion you will get lost or go to hell. That is exactly why I left Eastern Orthodox. The list of their similarity goes on and on..... Hank is dancing arrround and need to do his home work.
@greglaprade7507 5 лет назад
@@lake3176 Amen. What MacArthur quoted from this Eastern Orthodox Article 13 is the problem that Hank danced all around. Believers are justified by FAITH ALONE. Faith + Works like it reads in both Eastern Orthodox Article 13 and the RCC Council of Trent ARE heretical doctrine. Works are a natural outgrowth of true faith, but they in no way save or justify men. Faith in CHRIST ALONE saves. You, sir, are absolutely right. God Bless Hank and I pray for his current health struggles. But John MacArthur and you are right about this CRUCIAL doctrine.
@hollyfanatic8686 4 года назад
Just reading your book “Counterfeit Revival” can’t put it down! Brilliantly written, a page turner👌
@fernandoalarcon8534 4 года назад
I will have to read it.
@backinmyrightmind 3 года назад
Dear Hank…. I just listened again and have to laugh because I re-read my comments to you 2 years ago (I have since deleted them) and am sorry that I was arrogant in my comments. I have actually, in the past two years, had my eyes opened to the very real truth of the Orthodox Church, and by God’s mercy and grace made my way back! Thank you for always being kind and humble in your responses to comments on your page. May God grant you many years! ❤️☦️❤️
@richardmohr9428 Год назад
Terrific! How are you doing now? Are you looking forward to Lent?
@convertandbeorthodoxpls 6 лет назад
"Decree 13 of their dogma" It's so interesting that I've been Orthodox for years and yet never have heard of this so called decrees of our dogma. I'm very curious where he found such a thing- if it even exists.
@unvaccinatedmgtowfitness 5 лет назад
Doctrine matters very much. I don't care how "nice" someone is or sounds. Satan's a really nice , sincere sounding person.
@BigLivingNow 4 года назад
Repentance, turning away from sin and asking forgivness on the blood of Jesus Christ and asking him to come into my heart to heal it has been tranfirmational. Been given a new heart and renewed mind. Repentance and faith reconciles us to God. Works are the fruit of a new crearure in Christ. Its simple and its what god wants and intended.
@brianbeddell5843 6 лет назад
We are Saved Unto Good Works. Not Saved As a result of Good Works.
@greglaprade7507 5 лет назад
Succint and spot on, Brian Beddell
@Mr.Anugraha 6 лет назад
Sir, as much as I have been blessed by your work, purchased your products and as a Christian, believe there is much in common between Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy (more so than with Roman Catholicism), there are some irreconcilable differences which you just attempted to reconcile. The Eastern Orthodox church has even deposed Bishops for holding Calvinistic views. Therefore, in the pretence of unity and love, let us not set aside doctrine. Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria!. Apologies for mentioning that in Latin.
@fernandobarreto9494 4 года назад
what a humble answer... God bless you
@dal2888859 5 лет назад
Well said, sir. I also like MacArthur, and appreciate his ministry and heart, though I feel he falls into various senseless dogmas with disproportionate zeal. Enjoyed very much your quotations of Scripture. I could listen to you quote long sections of Scripture as you did here for lengthy sittings. I do disagree with you on some major points regarding eschatology, but you clearly have a heart for the Lord and a compelling grasp of Scripture, and I have been blessed by your service to the Kingdom. One day we will all be one. Today however, I thank you for your balanced, nuanced and tempered response to a somewhat reckless comment. God bless you, Hank.
@greglaprade7507 5 лет назад
How is MacArthur reckless in his comments here? Do you believe in the 5 solas of the Reformation or not? Faith ALONE saves. Good works are simply a sign of faith, like it says in the book of James. Christ ALONE saves us, lest any man should boast. We have nothing to do with saving ourselves. Salvation is a gift. This eastern orthodox article 13 is the major, vitally important heretical statement that MacArthur rightly points out. I respect both men, too, but the 5 solas are clearly doctrinal truth. Truth is truth. Both eastern orthodox and Roman Catholicism(In their Council of Trent statement) say that works are part of salvation. This IS heresy. Article 13 is the crucial point here. And Hank dances all around it in this video.
@PaDutchRunner 5 лет назад
Greg LaPrade amen Greg. Well stated. I also find Hank’s response here to be awfully flimsy.
@thexpozer5389 5 лет назад
@Dallas Wesley isn't it interesting how you casually and carelessly knock off a true christian minister of distinctive work for the kingdom of God in order for yo to be hailed as "gentle" to! This is the problem of the so called 'all-things-goes' church attenders or Sunday-only christians(?)! All I am hearing is how Hank handled John's observations very 'christianly' but totally devoid of whether the observation is true or not?! It must never be about "I like someone ...." it must always be about whether so and so biblically right! So this is a weak commentary try FAIRLY better next time!
@johnflorio3576 Год назад
Reformation? It was a deformation!
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