
Has anyone ever had their Victoria Cross taken away? 

Norris' History Corner
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A few years ago a certain motoring journalist made a documentary about his father-in-law receiving a VC. In that he said you can never have it taken away and go to the gallows wearing it, but that's not always been the case. These are the stories of the men who has to return their country's highest award for valour.




28 июл 2024




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@wallyreeve3690 2 года назад
An act of bravery cannot be undone
@Ricky_Baldy Год назад
The award can.
@theoraclerules5056 2 года назад
These awards (The Victoria or George Crosses) & their accompanying benefits should never be required to be forfeited or canceled under any circumstances, after being conferred upon the recipient! After all, his or hers gloriously heroic deed(s) were always thus being recognized as such & therefore must continue to be so afterwards for evermore, as a genuine & accredited record of such specific, valorous feats for subsequent generations to marvel at & draw inspiration from them! It’s like later rewriting or redacting records, in order to create a false version of history or of an already recorded event, just because you disapprove of someone subsequently, for their later thoughts, views or actions! No one should ever be officially struck out or canceled for any reason, lest of all a VC or GC winner! I very much echo & endorse HM, the late-King George V’s own view & sentiments on this matter, to quote him as, “that even if a VC were to be condemned to death for murder (NB - In my opinion, also for any crime or misdeed whatsoever, including murder &/or treason!), he/she should still be allowed to wear the medal on the scaffold!” I also believe that all hitherto confiscated VCs (Any GCs or other, similar awards & medals too!) should be thus reinstated & returned posthumously or in-person to all the recipients or else to their families or to their ‘next-of-surviving-or-traceable-kin,’ or otherwise their Units’ museums,’ at the earliest instance!
@Frank_Nemo 3 года назад
Very good video and, yes, no one should ever have their VC taken away.
@rrobb9853 3 года назад
I would agree with the idea of reinstating the awards; the same sort of rashness which in wartime can lead to acts of gallantry, can lead men astray in peacetime. The acts which led to the award of the VC should be honoured, as should the award.
@benwilson6145 3 года назад
Totally agree, the act of bravery was why they deserved the VC.
@nickmcgookin247 2 года назад
Same here.
@grahamt33 Год назад
The VC is not a good conduct medal but instead awarded for a proven act of great valour and that can never be expunged from history and the record, whatever the subsequent conduct of the individual. Shame upon those who robbed these brave men...
@davesherry5384 Год назад
Unfortunately, the wording of the warrant clealry demontrates it is an award for which good character is a condition of the holding of the award.
@ghammo1251 Год назад
All had in some way PTSD and all medals should be reinstated. Valour should always be rewarded
@hellohandsome9875 Год назад
You cannot alter history, a courageous act is just that, no matter what happens later, it cannot alter the fact of a courageous has been performed
@paulbromley6687 2 года назад
I would hope now any VC awarded should never be removed.
@matthewcoleman1485 3 года назад
Edmund Fowler got his VC taken away but Queen Victoria said he could have it back. Edmund was my wife's great great grandfather!
@british.scorpion 2 года назад
How can you deny heroism one it is recognised. All who were awarded the VC should keep them.
@anthonyeaton5153 2 года назад
King George V decreed that a holder of a VC should always keep his cross even though he is going to the gallows.
@Dusyanya Год назад
The deed or deeds for which the decoration was awarded can never be erased so, in consequence, the award itself should be regarded in the same way.
@alastairleith249 Год назад
Bravery is bravery, the medal is awarded for that and should not be dependent on how the recipient conducts himself after. As someone said, bravery isnt undone.
@michaelnunnery6394 3 года назад
It is wealth while remembering That PTSD Shell Shock Battle Fatigue and other conditions affecting the mind were never considered as possible
@mustangmanmustangman4596 2 года назад
@@Johnconno are you saying a soldier with PTSD is a coward? I hope not! Please explain??
@teddyfield62 2 года назад
I agree none should have their VC taken away except FOR ONE REASON, TEASON as that is against the Monarch and country!
@pierremainstone-mitchell8290 6 месяцев назад
The forfeited VCs should all be reinstated.! There has been a recent law case here in Australia regarding concerning a "VC for Australia" awarded to an Australian SAS soldier in Afghanistan. During the court case evidence was given that some of the recipients SAS colleagues thought that he wasn't the "right sort of person", or words to that effect, to be awarded the VC. I remember discussing this with my wife (I'm ex-Australian Army Reserve) and saying that his character, good, bad or indifferent, has absolutely nothing to do with his being awarded the VC. It's solely the nature of the act for which he's been awarded it that matters! And I have no quarrel with what he was awarded the VC for!
@59jalex Год назад
A gallantry award in the face of the enemy should not be withdrawn, unless for treason. Bill Speakman VC seemed a troubled soul who couldn't settle. His service in Korea clearly impacted on him as he donated replicas of his medals to the Korean government and had his ashes buried there.
@willleahy6958 2 года назад
Irishmen take note: don't bother saving your officer!
@Pootycat8359 Год назад
I agree with King George's view. I think the only grounds for revoking the VC should be if it's determined that it wasn't deserved in the first place, that the recipient had not actually performed the heroic act attributed to him. A similar policy exists in the Catholic Church. A priest cannot be "de-frocked." "Once a priest, always a priest." A priest CAN be banned from conducting mass, expelled from his order, etc, but he remains a priest. The only exception is, if it's determined that his ordination wasn't valid, in the first place. That policy SHOULD apply to academic credentials, but apparently, it doesn't. In the 1960s, Harvard University revoked Timothy Leary's PhD, even though there was no evidence he had cheated to get it.
@lib556 Год назад
This video is UK-centric and thus inaccurate. Cpl Filip Konowal of the 47th Bn of the Canadian Expeditionary Force was awarded his VC for his actions at the battle of Hill in Aug 1917 (his was one of 6 VCs awarded in that battle). Following the war, he moved to the Capital City, Ottawa in search of work. One night he had a disagreement and a fight with a German whom he killed. He was stripped of his VC afterwards although it was restored eventually. Konowal is the only Ukranian-born soldier to ever be awarded the VC. VCs are not only awarded to Brits.
@bokvarv1926 2 года назад
the medal should only ( maybe) be taken away if guitly of treason, but nothing else
@lils8111 Год назад
George Ravenhills should never have had his vc stripped great granddaughter (lily Ravenhill) he only had to steal the iron to feed his family. And if he had his vc stripped because of that it is disgraceful
@Absaalookemensch Год назад
"...or he be accused..." In that case, anyone can fabricate an accusation to get the VC revoked.
@howardgem Год назад
Very good, thank you.
@lex1945 Год назад
An act of bravery is an act of bravery. It is all about the deed, not the medal, so it should be never taken away from a recipient. Without the deed, even the VC is a worthless piece of bronze.
@henrybowden9907 Год назад
It's disgusting that anyone should have the VC taken from them - even more disgusting than anyone having to sell their VC to survive. When it is awarded it should be forever and NOTHING should be allowed to take it away.
@stevebagnall1553 2 года назад
The hardest medal to win in the British forces and should NEVER have it taken from them unless they become a traitor to the forces, proven beyond all reasonable doubt.
@user-Orkb186-3 10 месяцев назад
Whatever your position in society, If you are awarded a VC, the letters VC are always the letters immediately after your name, whatever other letters follow.
@bobsutton4791 Год назад
Scandalous decision on people who where miles behind the action
@ant7936 Год назад
The State uses people for its own benefit, but forgets them later, when they are in need. Look at our homeless soldiers on the streets today.
@fatmanfaffing4116 11 месяцев назад
The VC was awarded for an action that can't be expunged. Therefore their medal should not be taken away from them for any action. later committed. A current example is Cpl Ben Roberts-Smith VC. Australian SASR. He has been shown in a civil court case he brought about for defamation to have committed acts of murder separate to his heroic VC action but I don't think he should lose the VC for this.
@robcarter55 Год назад
After this letter from the king King George V felt very strongly that the decoration should never be forfeited and in a letter from his Private Secretary, Lord Stamfordham, on 26 July 1920, his views are forcefully expressed: The King feels so strongly that, no matter the crime committed by anyone on whom the VC has been conferred, the decoration should not be forfeited. Even were a VC to be sentenced to be hanged for murder, he should be allowed to wear his VC on the scaffold.[31] An addition to the warrant in 1931 allowed for the crown to reverse any such forfeiture in line with the Kings wishes and the 8 were returned to the list. Although the rule still applies and exists in real effect once awarded the VC for all intensive purposes it can never be removed. I believe this is right as in whereas a right does not right a wrong also a wrong does not cancel a right !
@nicholasunion7819 2 года назад
I always thought Albert Jacka VC was awarded a bar to his first medal Is there any where that one can turn to flesh out the truth of the matte, please? Thank you
@michaelwilkinson2928 Год назад
He wasn't ordered a bar, although it was widely thought that it was deserved. Only three bars to VCs have ever been awarded: two medical officers in WW I and a Kiwi infantryman in WW II were the recipients.
@paulbutler8037 Год назад
A lot of books say Albert Jacka should have won 3 VCs,bloody brave gutsy man,having said that,anybody who can run into gunfire is courageous...I don't think I could.
@peterdiepenthal4090 Год назад
My oppion is NO ONE who receivse any kind of medal should have to give it up
@hadesdogs4366 Год назад
All right men you go in first in right behind you ready to receive a nice shiny medal
@shaunmarsh7930 Год назад
Norris' History Corner maybe you should start a go fund me (or whatever) to get Ravenhill's grave a proper head stone. Or even get the gov to pay for it out of the unpaid pension.
@travellingjack8960 Год назад
Inordinate amount of Irishman in this list..
@We_Must_Resist Год назад
Good stories.
@peterleigh7485 8 месяцев назад
I thought once awarded it couldn't be taken away and you could go to the gallows wearing it see Jeremy Clarkson what it takes to win a VC
@sopwithpuppy Год назад
19:01 The caption reads that a CIVILIAN named Mr Chicken was awarded the Victoria Cross. I believe that the Victoria Cross can only be awarded to military personnel, and the caption should probably read the George Cross, if a civilian performed an act of extreme bravery.
@michael116welch 3 года назад
Once earned the VC should not be taken away....
@anthonyeaton5153 2 года назад
The VC cannot be taken away. King George V said ‘A holder of the VC can not have his cross taken from him even if he is walking to the gallows’
@davidcunningham2074 Год назад
@sharonrigs7999 2 года назад
Alcoholism seems to be a common thread. No doubt self medicating due to mental/ physical trauma.
@jack_4510 7 месяцев назад
I feel that all should be reinstated on the official record . However the one story I was moved most. Valentine Bambrick V.C. was most tragic 😔 and should be exonerated.
@gazpal Год назад
No Victoria Cross or George Cross should never have their award rescinded and any medals that were forfeited should be returned to the recipient's families - wherever possible. George V (I believe) used to state something like this when awarding the VC..... "This medal is presented in a cardboard box. Each valued at 1 penny. Not because the award is worthless, but because such an act of bravery can never be valued highly enough" In essence, the VC only commemorates the highest act of valour. Such actions cannot be taken away, forgotten, nor dismissed by forfeiture of the medal.
@johnbode954 Год назад
Yes I agree they should keep their medals are all brave 🇦🇺
@peterchessell28 Год назад
I wonder who the INADEQUATE specimens who rescinded these were.
@nickmcgookin247 2 года назад
Some of these guys should have there VC given back to there familys
@keithdavison5578 2 месяца назад
They shouldn't every have their vc taken away They were let down by the government 😢
@chrisallen8651 Год назад
The V,C, should never be sold, and be like the Medal of Honour, of the U,S,A,, but go back to his regiment Musium,I hope people will agree with me
@minimonte1 Год назад
James Collis is my relative. I was under the impression that after his sister petitioned the King he was given the medal back but he still had to pawn it for money. My Nan tried to buy it when it came up for auction but we are just a normal family and the cost quickly got out of control, well beyond our means. It is now in a private collection.
@Colin-Fenix Год назад
Video would have better if the narrator could read.
@Bluebuthappy182 2 года назад
"Indecent liberties with subordinate officers" maybe I'm totally off here but is that Victorian speak for being gay?
@scamdemicusmaximus5109 3 года назад
Scoundrel ex-VC.
@shanedrewbattersby6291 3 года назад
No VC should be taken away save the crime of High Treasen. The VC is awarded for a single act of heroisom. 1 act is not a reflection of the person. It is a reflection of the persons reactions in a petiicular time, situation and ability to get past their own fear. This same person may turn out tobe a criminal. The fact the person is a criminal does not nigate that facts of their heroism during the action the VC was awarded.
@ianlucas7679 2 года назад
Should never ever of had ther medals taken away from any of these poor hero's . And 💯 per cent people who wer in charge of r nation at the time failed these hero's in life massively 😡
@derekbrown3165 2 года назад
And i think that your English teacher failed you.
@imfpredicts 2 года назад
@@derekbrown3165 You beat me to it 😃
@johnanthonyfingleton2954 Год назад
A piece of scrap metal...
@grahamprice3230 10 месяцев назад
I do hope you mean this literally e.g. made from Crimean canon.Any soldier would be proud to win this .
@georgesmith1144 Год назад
Terrible commentary reading. Should of got someone else.
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