
Hashinshin's opinion on Janna (Hashinshin loses it again) 

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13 апр 2018




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@camdevtube 6 лет назад
@mojmejl3790 6 лет назад
Yeah, Riot makes a tank with a dash and 4 knockups with %max HP dmg, don't know how they thought regular immobile juggernauts would be able to deal with it...
@jaykeane44 6 лет назад
this is a reference on the last time he loses it if people in the comments dint know
@Mathias-t 6 лет назад
Ornn isnt even that good right now lol
@davidli6931 6 лет назад
Lol that a meme tho. And Ornn seems quite fun tho.
@saladsareninjas 6 лет назад
@JennyJunko1 6 лет назад
I lost it when janna shielded the tower
@ummm4554 6 лет назад
unstoppable btw
@lolwero 6 лет назад
Theres a reason why most diamond players (mostly the d5 ones) are janna mains. Just stating truth.
@desislavhristov5767 6 лет назад
Erik Bertolt Reyes lol exactly what i realised when i play aginst auto-filled top laners in my ranked games
@ChristopherGamington 6 лет назад
They all boosted egirls being shield bots to their elo daddy
@jobislv 6 лет назад
You hurt my feeings
@bigeman 6 лет назад
Christopher Errington God I've never agreed with something more than this
@Sriram-pd1ks 6 лет назад
Christopher Errington Well phrased
@andreasdelacoux1319 6 лет назад
Next update Janna can now shield minions and banner of command is buffed
@mrbutter100 6 лет назад
its funny because they actually buffed the shit out of banner for no reason edit: I had an epiphany where I determined that the owner of this comment wrote it because he thought these things were so ridiculous and so far fetched that they would never actually be implemented into the game
@Nintenguy0 6 лет назад
And now we just wait for her to be able to shield minions
@Polariscious 6 лет назад
Andreas Delacoux Being able to shield minions would be good, the braindead egirls will misclick and shield minions instead of the players prob
@andreasdelacoux1319 6 лет назад
mrbutter 100 im so done with this game
@honorablev2202 6 лет назад
and now banner is gone and all supports got nerfed so
@MT-pz7no 6 лет назад
he isnt lying
@thecrazyeagle9674 6 лет назад
no but he is not telling the whole truth
@MalphasMikaelson 6 лет назад
Was gonna say that, it's 2.3k gold and it gives so fucking much, Riot has that with a lot of items.
@ajikarp2274 6 лет назад
Malphas Mikaelson if riot make it 3k gold above. Then no one will build it. It will be hard to build because supports are supports they dont get the same gold as the carries.
@Zarrakon 6 лет назад
yes he is lol
@T4RHUN 6 лет назад
TheCrazyEagle Yeah, he forgot about the ad on Janna's shield lmao
@Sr.Joe04 6 лет назад
Actually they hate Hashinshin because he's saying the truth. I play janna though and he's not wrong...
@Zarrakon 6 лет назад
he is LOL its a 210 hp shield not 700
@seth7514 6 лет назад
+Zarrakon No, it's 440.2 (so 440) at max level (level 18). This is taking into account the current meta build which gives her 167 AP, shield power and Summon Aery (along with the adaptive AP from runes). Without Aery she is still shielding for 328.2 (328). In earlier stages of the game it's: Level 1 = 131 Level 2 = 136 Level 3 = 139 Name one champion in the bot lane that can actually do all of that damage without auto'ing at least three times (due to base armour). Now, when she uses Shurelia's she goes up to 175 AP due to Celerity (and Zephyr's movement AP scaling). As such her shield increases to 332.41 (322) without Aery and 455.41 (so 455) with Aery. Now that that's out of the way I can tell you why people say it's a "700 damage shield", she buys Locket as well. With Locket and WITHOUT Summon Aery or Shurelia's her shield is 428.2 (428 rounded). With Aery and Locket she's shielding for 550.2 (so 550). With Locket and Aery AND Shurelia's activation she is shielding for 565.41 (so 565). It becomes a "700 damage shield" when she either picks up a Mejai's or she acquires Infernal (+Elder Drake) and/or Baron. With Mejai's she is shielding for well over 800, and if we add Infernals and Baron to this she's likely hitting ~1k shield values. Although that's understandable since she has a Mejai's. So tl;dr: (all rounded) Standard shield = 328 Shield with Aery = 440 Shield with Shurelia's active = 332 Shield with Shurelia's active and Aery = 455 Shield+Locket shield = 428 Shield+Locket shield+Aery = 550 Shield+Locket shield+Shurelia's active and Aery = 565 ------------------- Looks like someone forgot that Janna's shield has an AP scaling and Ardent Censer's shield power passive applies to it! Now then, with that maths out of the way I hope you can see why this is obnoxious. With 45% CDR and rank 5 E it's at a 5.5 second cooldown meaning there's a 0.5 second downtime.......That's effectively perma-shielding someone, and for a shield that big that grants at least 45 attack damage as well as Ardent Censer's bonus stats. that is just plain unfair.
@danilogolubic5562 6 лет назад
Does it matter how strong Janna's shield is? He keeps commenting on every champion instead of checking that he's actually a Jax main, who is super strong, yet all u have to do is right click on him.
@seth7514 6 лет назад
"....yet all u have to do is right click on him." someone forgot about the rest of Jax's abilities which he needs to use. It does matter how strong Janna's shield is because atm she's just a shieldbot. Even if you took away the rest of her skills she'd still be sitting at a winrate above 50%. This isn't even me hating Janna, I just want her to be more than a shieldbot. While Jax is certainly strong right now it's not top lane Jax that is overperforming. Jungle tank Jax is the main issue here. Conqueror Jax is good, but he still loses out to peel and most top laners.
@remzzo 6 лет назад
Jax is strong since 2 patches ago. Janna is broken since her release
Another timeless classic
@Lou-dn1kc 6 лет назад
Yo, i don't really care about your in-game score, your rage, etc. But i agree. This item should have been more expensive for the utility it provides.
@cuntcrusher9546 6 лет назад
Sups dont get cs
@MrStarguy 6 лет назад
Oskar I main nami and I agree, ardent is way too cheap. 8/10 games I have it by about 9 mins in sooner if fed, latest 12 minutes. Futures market makes it too easy to afford, 3-4 ranks in my healing and i'm point and click healing teammates for close to 500 hp every 5 seconds. Ardent/ardent supports NEED to be toned down period. No debate.
@MrStarguy 6 лет назад
This is even worse if you're janna/soraka and can afford to poke more due to low mana costs, spellthief stacks generate even more gold+gold per second+gold from nearby dead minions you didnt attack.
@ApexGale 6 лет назад
He's not wrong about Janna but Gnar actually had a nerf and powershift recently. Q cooldown reset was nerfed, power was shifted into his Mega form and Frozen Mallet slow was nerfed for ranged carries.
@Zarrakon 6 лет назад
he is wrong about janna wtf. 700 health shield???? Its 210 at max rank
@ApexGale 6 лет назад
uh..... Do you have any idea how AP scalings work? Add 70% of Janna's endgame AP to that shield, as well as the bonus shield strength she'll get from Redemption and Ardent (and possibly a Mikael's Crucible). AND she can choose to go into Resolve to take the mastery that increases shield power again. You literally have just shown that you have no idea how champions worked
@kkacskos1688 6 лет назад
And put some aeri on that shite
@necroplastful 6 лет назад
it might be relevant for High elo people. But lets face it. Where all silver here. Gold at best so we have no right to talk. Gnar is obnoxious but you can play around him. Supports on the other hadn are bs. Its not adcs that are op af. its the fucking supports. The mage supports. Janna/Lulu/Soraka being the triplet of hell. Janna Kalista is probably the most gross unkilable piece of shit on this earth.
@Zarrakon 6 лет назад
Zenith Tempest You're wrong sorry
@dweelp3435 6 лет назад
I ask myself what wold have Happened if he realized, that the turret Even gets attack Speed from her Shield due to ardent 😂
@shen7338 6 лет назад
D!WEElp oh fuck i didnt know that wth XD
@obasyrivas2740 6 лет назад
@Boliever 6 лет назад
@christopherfassih1653 6 лет назад
guess who we're buffing next patch xD yeah, Riot loves to fuck with bruiser players.
@redtruck911 6 лет назад
-5 damage btw
@michir6279 6 лет назад
wow 5 dmg, insane NERF, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW, balance team is legit silver
@Bobyang 6 лет назад
They’re nerfing Janna next patch :) Oh wait it’s not even a nerf to shield...
@acho8387 2 года назад
the metal music in the background is perfect
@tensa- 6 лет назад
he’s raging but he’s so right lol he’s right about everything he rages about
@gotopai 6 лет назад
When Riot fucks their game up so bad that the hash meme becomes reality. Hash's latest rants have been pretty accurate and touches on the frustrations most people have about the game. It's not any one thing, like Janna being a problem since forever, it's a cumulation of many bad decisions by Riot. They do nothing to fix the glaring issues with the game and keep creating new problems, or, as said in the video, almost seem to prefer forcing the negative un-fun aspects of the game on the player. I could honestly put up with all of it, except the fact that this season has (worse than any previous season) become more of a lottery of who has the shittiest player rather than finding the motivation to carry said shitter. It's a miserable game, kind of always has been, but now there's not even a point in trying anymore when it is so unrewarding to do so.
@accelerator5524 6 лет назад
why not just enjoy a game? rage comes with experience, when you think you can win but lose because of your own mistakes.
@Iznikroc 6 лет назад
But fun has nothing to do with skill, fun is the gratification you get out of playing the game regardless of the results. if the only time you can have fun in league is through winning then half the time(using my own win rate) you're not having fun. I'm a Support/Top main and the game is not fun when one person can ruin the game for everyone and were then stuck in that game for 15-25 min forced to play so we don't get banned for going afk when we mentally checked out of the game. that high elo "git gud" motivational speak BS does not change the current state of the game where streamer are leaving the game and saying the exact same thing, that the game is not fun anymore.
@512Chrislima 6 лет назад
well said, riot really lost there way this season but im happier without this game so good riddance
@thecopercoper5533 6 лет назад
Riot never even had their way, you idiots. For fuck sake, MOBAs are INHERENTLY unbalanced and impossible to balance. Certain things and certain champs will ALWAYS be broken. ALWAYS! That's the nature of the genre. You cant balance characters that have different stats, scaling and abilities with different effects. It's impossible. There's nothing they can do to fix it, because these issues are unfixable. The only thing they can do is nerf characters into the ground and make them unplayable.
@Zaxstar007 6 лет назад
TheCoper COper u fling idiot we don't talk about balance hear we talk about no skilled based champions being better that skilled based while them being overtuned and having op items... o mean even dopa rants about supports
@ringaudasa 6 лет назад
Hashinshin was the inspiration for quitting league, ty
@zema9401 6 лет назад
Its 3 Months to late to say this, but if one crybaby can manage to convince to quit league, then you didnt liked it in the first place
@florin920 6 лет назад
League is so garbage . Quiting was the best decision ever after reaching d 2 with jungle.
@ypsircxd5814 4 года назад
If someone wonders what is the song playing in background called, it's Amon Amarth - One Thousand Burning Arrows
@Zaxstar007 6 лет назад
Even dopa start ranting about how op support are at a recent q&a
@shinmentakezo4131 6 лет назад
He is right,you know.Everything he said is true.Suports and adcs are the reason i stoped playing league.
@anhhai-rm9ce 6 лет назад
lucky for you i guess;) LAME SHIT
@aminegrid 6 лет назад
Same the meta is pure shit
@anomaly2733 6 лет назад
good thing zed's coming back :)
@zinnia4516 6 лет назад
Anomaly zed is hard countered by janna and lulu
@kaloyanivanov2251 6 лет назад
Adcs?the weakest class lol?
@AgilitYYYY 6 лет назад
When overwatch mercy mains find out about Janna ... PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK PICK
@ehyzen 6 лет назад
Makes me puke
@elgatochurro 4 года назад
Why do cucks always got a problem with such playstyles?
@AgilitYYYY 4 года назад
@@elgatochurro 2 years later and janna one tricks are still malding EZ Clap
@elgatochurro 4 года назад
@@AgilitYYYY uh huh... not like the game itself is supposed to be easy to play and pick up...
@finoanamusic2904 6 лет назад
pls find more of these i fkin luv it
@ChristopherGamington 6 лет назад
They need to add an item(s) that can reduce the effectiveness of shields on target for x number of seconds. Similar to how greivous wounds works.
@FarCritical 6 лет назад
Good sequel but first movie "Right through the counterstrike" was better imo
@maplestory199961 6 лет назад
@EternalDetracting 6 лет назад
Proximus that doesn’t fix the problem, it just makes you become riot’s bitch...
@MrSadatique 6 лет назад
Proximus these champs are more terrible against janna or lulu.
@MrLink4444 6 лет назад
Gnar and gg ez
@ivarksendal6273 6 лет назад
cause they're fucking boring
@SeCoMenXD 6 лет назад
got damn those champions are bored, we are not professional why do we must play champions that we don't like thats is what makes the game unfunny
@sakuraxona 9 месяцев назад
And you thought it was just a harmless breeze..?
@TheSoulReaperGR 6 лет назад
I can watch this all day long
@kaluoli1124 6 лет назад
hes always feeding when he flames ahhahhahahaha
@BetaChri5 6 лет назад
he just starts ranting and doesnt give a fuck anymore and dies and dies and dies
@jdm6029 6 лет назад
'she has the highest pocking winrate' Hashinshin 2018
@anhhai-rm9ce 6 лет назад
that lame noob scream like always so sad
@gladge2665 6 лет назад
I cant tell if he is serious like litterly even when he is mad he still smiles.
@SuubUWU 6 лет назад
I've been advocating shield penetration items. We can counter healing with grevious wounds and burns, but shields?
@FINSuojeluskunta 6 лет назад
Dota does supports so much better. Janna or Lulu late game is just cancer
@khajiit1033 6 лет назад
dota does everything better tbh
@trihard7157 6 лет назад
Pitkä Peura but gameplay in dota is stiff,idk about others but LoL feels smoother
@camdevtube 6 лет назад
Dota has actually become more like League over the years.
@Zarrakon 6 лет назад
@popamihnea6695 6 лет назад
BKB sends his regards.
@TheShaunika 6 лет назад
this is probably the first time in the last year that hashinshin is actually correct about something.
@Zarrakon 6 лет назад
700 hp shield LUL yeah, correct
@garendemacia5760 6 лет назад
Zarrakon get a life dude
@dmzmindcraft5810 6 лет назад
i see you defending janna in every comment , its your right to defend her but defending something that is obviously OP is a stupid thing , just 1 hour ago i almost kill vayne she had like 50 hp left and then boooom a massive shield that covered her whole HP bar for 1.5 sec i was in shock when my ally assasin try to finish her after the shield wears off booom jana ult disengaging the whole fight and adc survived against both a fed toplaner ( me ) and a fizz assasin so now tell me if janna is fair and ballanced after making adc survive with 50 hp against a fed top and mid assasin ....
@matt-ri9tq 6 лет назад
Zarrakon stupid little p1 janna player wants to keep janna broken till he hits d5 to become d5 janna main like the rest XD
@ayyytony 6 лет назад
every time a 'hashinshin loses it' video pops up, i agree with him more and more
@flowgsama4441 6 лет назад
She can fucking shield turrets 😂
@dragojovanovic7561 6 лет назад
everything hashinshin said is 100% true, like always btw
@azzeloth9368 6 лет назад
Realno upravu je za mnoge stvari 100% ja iako sam janna main, ona je super op ako znas da je igras kako treba. Mislim nije sve kao sto kazu pretisnes e i to je to... ja volim da fleshujem u sredinu sa e na sebe i ultijem, ali ako imam retardiranog adc dzaba ti shield i ardent ne mozes opet da budes carry kao support. Moras ipak imati nekog sa mozgom da lejnas... A da kad umre adc naravno blejma tebe posto nisi bacio shield na njega i ako jesi :D
@DinoDiip 6 лет назад
fuck you
@dragojovanovic7561 6 лет назад
hashinshin know history and politics far better than you, be quiet and learn,
@flashorb2707 6 лет назад
He didn't always right. Lmao only about 20% of the time.
@NorthernGaijin 6 лет назад
Only 2% of the players play in Diamond or higher, they're not gonna patch the game around those players, shes not that strong in Gold and below, Brand, Zyra and shit like that is far worse there. Even if you have a Janna in Gold if your ADC is bad it doesnt matter.
@DinoDiip 6 лет назад
this is rly funeh
@turbovicente6938 6 лет назад
Amon amarth one thousand burning arrows in background
@aleo6532 6 лет назад
@lordnazzer 6 лет назад
Make all support items 3k gold. Hashinshin logic.
@joeymungin1734 6 лет назад
lordnazzer his logic is that items that give you the stats as good as ardent censor does shouldn't cost less than a wits end. If we compare the two ardent gives me cdr, movement speed, Mana regen, bonus shield power, on hit damage, and ap. Wits end how ever gives me attack speed, mr, and on hit damage. Even though ardent censor is clearly a lot stronger than a wits end, it still cost 100 gold less. Btw I'm just using wits end because it's the first item I thought of
@orrfintan 6 лет назад
its more what they give for the gold than the price of the items themselves
@Zarrakon 6 лет назад
wits end isnt stronger than ardent. Its all situational.
@davidli6931 6 лет назад
It's actually a right direction. Support item cost to little for now.
@seth7514 6 лет назад
I mean....it's either that or we turn supports into the lower class income earners again, which is probably the right direction. As it stands supports make almost as much as every class in the game up until late game waveclearing and teamfights hit.
@oBouNCeRo 6 лет назад
how is it not obvious they keep champs like this in the game so girls have a reason to play
@thecopercoper5533 6 лет назад
Except women mostly play Misfortune and Lux! Idiot!
@beeka4113 6 лет назад
riot releasing jhin is what made me play, not janna or support champs. Jhin. 3 years strong of maining him :)
@moomimi 6 лет назад
TheCoper COper No skill ult champs.
@duane7278 6 лет назад
you go girl
@trickhairline1052 6 лет назад
+Austin Daringer I bet you really felt like you helped empower her by saying such a brave statement dude!
@xxgoku7774 6 лет назад
What does the anime cat represents there
@CG_INcrease 6 лет назад
Would rly wanna see the reaction of hashinshin confronting rat irl with ardent lulu top strat, but sadly, probably not gonna happen
@mathilub 6 лет назад
Also something that is not funny to deal with in this game beside janna and support items... It's your 1/8/1 BabyRage Toplaner.
@18skeltor 6 лет назад
at least he stays up in farm and pressure... making him useful. i would die to have a player like that in my toplane
@thecrazyeagle9674 6 лет назад
Dude you're missing the point, he is complaining that janna is op meanwhile if hashinshn does bad ONE game "oh you're just bad"
@Parmesan2402 6 лет назад
What? Hashinshin sucks. And that's not because of one bad game. He is incapable of adapting
@Trails3rdFanboy 6 лет назад
Apolena Tech Sarka thats the mindset of a bronzie like you LMAO.
@Parmesan2402 6 лет назад
What's your elo?
@AbyssContent 6 лет назад
playing jax when u get triforce and go full tank still oneshots the ad carry LUL
@Zarrakon 6 лет назад
yep lmfao
@theannoyer2953 6 лет назад
dude triforce , his W and third hit dealt a shit ton of damage also he went tiamat . He got lot of damage . Only tabi was tank .
@MaesterPeemore 6 лет назад
only proves his point that riot balance team is autistic
@seth7514 6 лет назад
*gets exhausted by support* *support shields ADC for 700+ damage* Never mind, can't one shot.
@Nanntektinten 6 лет назад
Really hope they scale down his ulti resistances, that shit gives a decent amount of damage and makes him unkillable.
@ImRoosevelt 6 лет назад
The fact that Hashinshin says that stuff for almost his entire career is really cool. Everybody just ignored him and said he just couldn't adapt to the game changes...boy were qe wrong, this guy is just like Queen in the 80s: years ahead of the others
@mihixx8020 Год назад
More like in the 70s
@dont.be.evil. 6 лет назад
@hedidit55 6 лет назад
The amount of low elo speak in this comment section is appalling
@jennywithaglock3916 6 лет назад
again 90% of the playerbase in in "low elo" and the game is "balanced" around high elo and pro play. what hashinshin is saying is 100% true aswell. it resonates with people and the majority are low elo. so there you go. now go whine about something relevant.
@nielsderyst 6 лет назад
I love how he's meanwhile literally playing motherfucking JAX
@vij19 6 лет назад
How else do you compete with the weaponized autism that is Riot
@googlemeister8459 6 лет назад
Niels De Ryst is jax broken?
@UniquelyAwful 6 лет назад
Google Meister no, idk why this guy brought up him playing jax
@shinmentakezo4131 6 лет назад
You can play around jax.Try countering janna.Oh wait :O
@alexmavroidis4553 6 лет назад
jax aint broken dumbass
@Siedler3333 6 лет назад
@Forky2 6 лет назад
That blitz hook though
@overdose5220 6 лет назад
Imagine complaining about something taking no skill when you only play auto attack champs with conqueror lmao
@martoboomin6985 6 лет назад
AAA bank loan you are probably silver maximum
@thecrazyeagle9674 6 лет назад
When did he say it didn't take skill though, hmmm
@thecrazyeagle9674 6 лет назад
All he complained about were, Summon ahery, Ardent censor and Janna's shield, absolutely nothing else
@thecrazyeagle9674 6 лет назад
And if you're gonna talk about 2:00 He's saying that summon aery takes no skill.....
@thecrazyeagle9674 6 лет назад
So by that logic all adc are " auto attack champs"
@lottelotte6096 6 лет назад
goes 1-6 > blames Janna
@VladDascaliuc 6 лет назад
He is not blaming Janna. He is annoyed by Janna.
@moirasandwich785 6 лет назад
Vlad Dascaliuc judging by how long hes ranting bout it, i think hes blaming janna
@mason3045 6 лет назад
Moira Sandwich how does his length of his rant prove that he is blaming the Janna?
@VladDascaliuc 6 лет назад
Mason Pummill I don't know. Just nod and smile.
@Mrnatox 6 лет назад
ur dumb cause u dont see the difference between the lane on the other side of map and you feeding to jungle and top.
@kyriakos_g3276 6 лет назад
@XIII_Vanitas 6 лет назад
He's right, except for his statement about Dark Harvest (it's possible to play around it only up to the point the enemy reaches 150 stacks: after that, the empowered aa lasts for 5 minutes before expiring).
@SonNguyenLife 6 лет назад
This guy plays 2 champs, Jax and Aatrox. He's not really adaptable to anything
@hastyarchangel21 6 лет назад
Play any champion on top, unless you shit on adc on tf or splitpush you are useless.this applies for everyone and is why he plays aatrox and jax
@SonNguyenLife 6 лет назад
Your writings makes no sense
@hastyarchangel21 6 лет назад
99.9% toplaners are useless, understand it now?
@SonNguyenLife 6 лет назад
They are not useless, but they do have the least impact on the game
@hastyarchangel21 6 лет назад
Well you are right but lets take it like this: you are top, you get counter picked and you get outfarmed and feed the shit out of the enemy laner. The only advantage is that you have kai sa in your team with a good support. Now imagine that she gets fed as 90% of them do, if you were the enemy toplaner, what could you do? you could push the turret but unless you are tryndamere you will get gangbanged and turret will not die, you could go mid and you cant do shit because kai sa can 3v5 with a support and a midlaner(or she will not engage and top turret will fall) or you can outfarm and dont push at all but you will find out that you can get easily dived, kai sa gets free baron and wins game. Now that is toplane in a nutshell. Imo you could play janna top full ap and still be more useful (if you have tanks with engage in ur team) then .. lets say a yasuo or any other top with a pretty big pickrate
@redpred3502 6 лет назад
Bear in mind that Janna is mostly played by females who really bring down her winrate. In reality she has a winrate much closer to 60% when you look at male players.
@shoco2 6 лет назад
Delete this before triggered feminists complain
@googlemeister8459 6 лет назад
RedPred pretty much this. The egirls that cant play but depend on their eboy bring the winrate down
@MechMon3 6 лет назад
no the egirls are the ones making the win rate higher because they get white knights to boost them to higher ranks
@Nereplan 6 лет назад
I quit this game soo this game is dead. lol funny.
@MicroCheese64 6 лет назад
Muzaffer Yigitler riot games is smart, gotta buff those female champs to get egirls on their dick
@illusionist744 6 лет назад
i guess we know who's we're buffing next.... killed me XD
@alirioruedigerjunior7956 6 лет назад
@balriel7229 6 лет назад
Don't know if im gonna trust a guy going 1-6 with jax LUL
@TheStraightGod 6 лет назад
Lol I guess you never went 1-6 in a game ofc if he was doing good he wouldn't be so mad
@DoctorxWalrus 6 лет назад
Don't trust him. Listen to his arguments and see if they are correct, and then make the decision for yourself. This applies to many things in life.
@barney2159 6 лет назад
The Great Ammuraf i don't think his score really has anything to do with his statements, would he be more "right" if he was 6-1? There would be no difference in what he said, and also imagine it with black screen, just listening to him.. you get my point
@ViniciusSilva-zj2mo 6 лет назад
It's funny how people are dumb theses days. If the guy is 1/6 he can't be right and Janna is ok. So if he is 13/1 and is like "no dude, listen to me, full ap Illaoi is the best adc in the game" would you trust him ?
@owdowd5861 6 лет назад
When u play like garbage but still need viewers part 2
@ezioauditore1859 6 лет назад
That’s why he’s in the top 0.06% of players in ranked and you’re hardstuck bronze
@mosabmousa1673 6 лет назад
owd owd too many hashinshin fans, run , they're delusional too.
@ezioauditore1859 6 лет назад
Mosab Mousa oh look another hater who ignores the facts that Hashinshin talks about and just focuses on his toxicity because how could a bronze 5 possibly understand how the game works and thinks nothing is wrong with it o:
@mosabmousa1673 6 лет назад
austin suzuki so how am I bronze 5 ? Or is that the first thing you assume because I disagree with something? He's toxic and always complains about everything, through and through. Yes he tends to be right about somethings, examples are this and bruisers not having a keystone, but considering how he rambles on and on everyday, frankly I would be surprised if he wasn't right once. He's been like this for years, never adapting which is why no one except his fans tend to listen or take anything he says seriously. Try better next time, instead of calling others who disagree bronze 5, it just sounds ridiculous. What I was referring too in my previous comment is how defensive you all got from the persons comment, over joke.
@ezioauditore1859 6 лет назад
Mosab Mousa Never adapting to what? The game? The meta? Because he wants to play top lane, he said it himself he would stop ranting if riot fixes things yeah ofc he’s not always right he’s not fucking perfect ofc he’s mad at the game cause he doesn’t really enjoy it and plays it for the views nowadays so what if he’s toxic and vents, like almost everyone has been toxic in league and yeah I get it’s excessive sometimes and the comment this guy left I’m sure it had some sincerity to it because a lot of people dislike him
@Xcheeseman46X 6 лет назад
But hashinshin, u forgot to mention that ardent censor also scales up your shield
@Dressierter_Seeloewe 6 лет назад
trinity on jax: scale up your oneshot scale up your One shot scale up your oneshot scale up your oneshot.
@RedMoustach 6 лет назад
This guy is still living in season 2 he doesnt want to evolve just like the game did. Nooo he cries and flames his games instead…
@TheFryinPan 6 лет назад
What was so good about the past League? Assassins were so overpowered they could kill tanks. Nidalee could one shot with a Q. Rengar could one hit and you couldn't counter play it.
@ajuric4606 6 лет назад
The role of assassin is to get in, kill fast and get out, if you as assassin go in, fight for 10 seconds then get out you don't play assassins correctly, you are more of a bruiser than assassin, Nidalee was classified as assassin if i am not mistaken, hit Q and take 90-100% of enemy hp, transform, jump in, kill, jump out, transform, throw Q, repeat until you or all enemies die. Janna, Lulu and other shield based supports are balanced as they are, their strength is in their shields, items are not balanced, every champion is OP if you let the player do whatever he wants, but not every champ can nowadays solo carry games, you need to learn to play champions not to counter them, counters mean jackshiet if you don't know how to play champ
@GLOINpl2 6 лет назад
@RedMoustach 6 лет назад
Joshua Dyke lol with the 97,8 % kassawin ban rate ?! xD for me season 4 was the best 👌🏻
@anhhai-rm9ce 6 лет назад
get in kill fast a tank and get out? your brain too mess up
@taylorhetherington745 6 лет назад
Lol ardent censer ms so you can shield bot turret and then shield top turret before the first one runs out
@SolaceV9 6 лет назад
I understand him very well. Riot has made changes to a point where it feels like literally every second champion needs to be completely removed. But I have to admit, they've been doing a lot better in recent patches, the question is how long that lasts. He also has excellent taste in music it seems, I'm just realizing that now. Is that Amon Amarth in the background?
@brookshyde5663 6 лет назад
One of the worst things about the Janna shield that people tend to forget is that it also GIVES AD. Not just a little. At max rank, she gives 40 AD and it scales with AP. She literally gives her teammates a 1300 AD item instantly.
@albertooliboni3046 6 лет назад
Even Dopa said the supports are overpower, just make mpat of the items +300 g or make that the supports item gives less gold
@stupidname15 6 лет назад
How do you play around dark harvest? Not die?
@ratkovac7 6 лет назад
Speaking reality and telling it what it is -----> 99% of the people wont even read what u typed or hear what you said they will instatly yell TOXIC
@DeathlyEUW 6 лет назад
i fucking love it
@redpred3502 Месяц назад
Coming back to this video 6 years later. Amazing how a champ with such overpowered itemisation was allowed to sit at 56% wr for like 2 years. And in reality, if so many gamer girls weren't playing her the wr would be much higher xD
@AirLeZz 6 лет назад
I Love this guy
@nadir2328 6 лет назад
I just lost to a pantheon top as an aatrox just because of the fcking summon aerey he litteray bullied my ass
@edgarjerez7242 6 лет назад
After Riot watches this video *announcemnt for next patch* Janna buffs
@810wasaninsidejob9 3 года назад
According to Hash, you can play around Aftershock when Jax jump stuns you, but you can't play around a 5 second shield.
@CyberAngelYukikaze 3 года назад
I'm curious to see how Janna is 2 years from now when they collect all the data from this video. Also, it is amazing how much the entire world changed in the 3 years since this video was made.
@talxnn 2 месяца назад
she's more broken now
@cata1297 6 лет назад
Hashinshin for president
@KrabbyDude 6 лет назад
It's sad because it's so fucking true
@filipevalente1183 6 лет назад
Hashinshin with the truth as aalways
@5partanzm1lk 6 лет назад
*reads title* Oh boy here we go again Edit: I can see where he’s coming from though. Lulu and Janna are my go-to’s when I’m autofilled support. It feels really dumb.
@Faustian_ 6 лет назад
Best rage -_-
@SumThingFawful 6 лет назад
Regardless of who hash is, hes presenting a case, which i personally agree with. Bring in his score or history doesn't detract from his argument.
@isocooleatit 6 лет назад
Your prayers have been answered hash, 8.12 is here
@TraXXXtar 6 лет назад
Shield™ - the champion
@ypsircxd5814 4 года назад
1:00 song playing in backgrounds?
@kkku4204 6 лет назад
As a janna main i found this funny 😂
@theaxemurder3884 6 лет назад
Riot should hear him
@francisilagan6860 6 лет назад
ive always played janna when im brain dead while playing league and also when I just want too sit back and chill and tbh my boy hashinshin is right im surprised about the shield that janna can put to her allies like when the 30+ min mark starts i always have a 500-700 shield that has like an 8 sec cooldown and its stupid, im not even joking
@KONSACZ 6 лет назад
I fucking LOVE when he loses it xD He's so entertaining.
@repechepe 6 лет назад
pretty unstoppable
@ruslansokolov3156 6 лет назад
i fucking love hash
@phebby6287 6 лет назад
Why so many dislikes? Man has a point
@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa8128 6 лет назад
hashinshin the legend
@ChangeofGravity 6 лет назад
I recall riot planning on making "shield breaking items" WONDER WHY THEY CANT JUST NERF SHIELDS HUH?
@isaac-fk2gb 6 лет назад
I actually agree with his point, I am a peel support main (Thresh and Blitzcrank) and it gets annoying when I literally have to look for opportunities to get a good hook throughout the entire game but Shielding supports (Janna, Lulu, Karma etc.) takes absolute no brain to play that all you have to do this is use your POINT AND CLICK ability that literally saves your dumbass teammates. I thinj riot should do something about that because if they've done that then ADC mains in general would learn how to position themselves to not get in danger because literally right now all they do is go in front line while their Shield Support do their boring jobs.
@lotharschramm5000 6 лет назад
TheRenzoGuy Too bad thresh and blitz are stupid too. Zero risk super high reward. Good design.
@forced2_r95 6 лет назад
respect to this fking guy tho..
@FinalFanboyFantasy 6 лет назад
Feelsgood to be a Janna main
@beasttitan8747 6 лет назад
Gives Janna Movement Speed Buff?
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