
He Went Missing Then Showed Up At My Door With No Warning... 

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The team gets another unexpected visitor, but this one, they've seen before. After months of silence, and an ever growing mystery, John Doe has returned. Now, it's time to find out where he's been hiding, and perhaps more importantly, what brought him out of the shadows.
‼️ Would you like to know how these videos are made? Warning! The rest of the description will break the spell and take you out of this story world we've worked so hard to make magical. There may be spoilers ahead!
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⚠️ The following story was created for entertainment purposes only and may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. This story and its characters are fictitious. Certain long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved are wholly imaginary. Do not contact, engage with, or approach anyone or any company not directly linked in the description or confirmed to be a part of the story.



6 май 2022




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@onlyoverkill 2 года назад
You might be wondering about some of the details we discussed with John Doe. After we received the crime scene report from him, we got another email. “I’m coming by. You don’t need to censor my face or voice anymore, I’m done hiding from this mess. By the way, if you haven’t figured it out already, Deborah’s true cause of death was due to splintering. John Doe” The discovery was massive. A confirmed cause of death. The email you can see at 3:08 in the video!
@syphus5905 2 года назад
First reply, mwahahahahahahaha
@lhoo4356 2 года назад
Is this John Doe coming by or garry?
@TheNobodyOfHarambe 2 года назад
@Jesusisking482 2 года назад
Bruh bru bre bra bro brother
@mimirthelegend7836 2 года назад
At first I thought splintering was like disisoshiative personality disorder. Like the story of Jekyll and Hyde or moon knight. But I'm apparently wrong.
@TheNobodyOfHarambe 2 года назад
No matter what he says, remember the threatening email he sent to Deb. It's also suspicious that he's showing up at your studio uninvited. Usually he'd negotiate a location or leave hints or something. Also, "be prepared" doesn't sound very friendly. I fear he might be under Nelson's control.
@sarahburchardt2753 2 года назад
Wait an email from John doe that was threating where was that?
@azmxh 2 года назад
@@sarahburchardt2753 at the end of the vid where they went to Deb safehouse
@W32hyondsxcrickrollhjuit 2 года назад
They shouldn’t trust him so easily
@TheNobodyOfHarambe 2 года назад
@@W32hyondsxcrickrollhjuit agreed
@justcube7879 2 года назад
@@TheNobodyOfHarambe agreed, but he gave his name out so easily, or this could be a witness protection program type of thing where he changes his name.
@aspen5727 2 года назад
This is probably common sense, but at Syntec location 3 you guys were trapped in because of the doors locking. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to bring something to make sure the doors can't lock? Like putting tape over the deadbolt. The last thing we need is to get stuck again, especially with a device that can do to you what it did to Deb.
@parsanasirzadeh2733 2 года назад
Or just bring door stops lol
@dasavage8138 2 года назад
Very true
@Getsmoll 2 года назад
@@parsanasirzadeh2733 u
@bjaberle8626 2 года назад
@@Getsmoll uhm?
@blshootingsports5884 2 года назад
They have already been that’s how they get the next time footage
@trevormay101 2 года назад
I’ve invested well over 2 years of my life into this series and I don’t regret a SINGLE SECOND of it
@Thalia_Grace 2 года назад
sameeeee it’s so addicting
@cassiehaas0691 2 года назад
@aliagha7826 2 года назад
Welcome to fax or cap After further research this is a FAX
@p1csel. 2 года назад
4 years still stayin strong lol
@trevormay101 2 года назад
@@p1csel. wait 4 years👀👀
@frosty8183 2 года назад
I feel like these “lanterns” have something to do with the absalate. Perhaps the absalate is able to undo the splintering? Maybe Gary wants it to ensure that Deb can’t be unsplintered.
@blacklightgaming7626 2 года назад
@meganbrady280 2 года назад
Big brain. I hope this is part of the case.
@kolio4917 2 года назад
Immediately thought of the absolete
@thisisahandlelol 2 года назад
If thats true, Deb was declared dead by the authorities, contact with lantern could also explain why NS was considered dead, but is still causing problems
@enanomalley9986 2 года назад
Find Ben, he is the only person who you can trust at the moment who might know what exactly happened to Deb.
@mightymiggle 2 года назад
But he's behind by like 23 years...
@enanomalley9986 2 года назад
@@mightymiggle Still might know something or have a lead
@thekawaiislartibartfast42 2 года назад
It's possible he talked to Deb before she died. Pretty unlikely, but possible.
@enanomalley9986 2 года назад
Ben could be the lead, and he is also a target, so save him
@andrewrexroth577 2 года назад
Jim kinda looks like the electrician from that Team Edge video where Joey was trying to hide from everyone in plain sight
@LeighaBendele 2 года назад
That’s what I was thinking
@v2LeGiioNzz 2 года назад
That’s because it is. If you make the audio a slightly higher pitch it’s Joeys voice.
@haleyanne86 2 года назад
I thought he looked familiar... I was like oh man, that's Joey!
@pickeW Год назад
@@v2LeGiioNzz he also seems like tanners height
@Jamjamsart 10 месяцев назад
immediately said "that's definitely J fred in that old guy mask." lmaoo
@aaritsharma3911 2 года назад
Everyone: *focusing on the story* Me: Focusing on how Matt's going back to his 2016 hair and no beard style.
@Igfbnn 2 года назад
And we love it🤩
@hidemytangerines8959 2 года назад
so true
@emanabajrovic863 2 года назад
Omg you are so right!!!
@AngelVids7 2 года назад
Another time loop? Lol
@Junyan 2 года назад
Every time Sam calls woods over, it always cracks me up cus it’s like calling a dog over. 😂
@XXPnrpl3Bl00dXX 2 года назад
It's funny cause Tanner keeps calling him Roo...his actual dog xD
@robynrose8572 2 года назад
@@XXPnrpl3Bl00dXX isnt Roo a cat?
@alaijahsims5083 2 года назад
@@robynrose8572 funny enough woods cat is named roo and so is tanners dog
@YoungNinjahh 2 года назад
@@robynrose8572 There's two Roo's, Tanner's dog and woods' cat.
@robynrose8572 2 года назад
@@YoungNinjahh ohh ok
@wrexhammusic 2 года назад
Be careful, Location 7 could be another trap set by Deb's killer
@NeelieLladnek 2 года назад
guys...the first picture of a "lantern" looks exactly like the Absalate!!! Like the Lantern was altered into the Absalate. Wasn't the Absalate stolen the night before you went to go meet Deb? Everyone said it was dangerous! This is why.
@BladeSlaik 2 года назад
Be careful. Even if he knows about the lanterns, we still dont know what happened to him since he went missing. Something doesnt feel right. He could be infected with the serum and active.
@hellchaos9991 2 года назад
Yes! They should check if john doe appears as active on the radiation radar thing
@drewalexander1487 2 года назад
How does the lantern affect the coffee
@BladeSlaik 2 года назад
@@drewalexander1487 good question. Maybe there was serum in the coffee? But that doesnt make sense either lol
@drewalexander1487 2 года назад
Or the serum in the vials. Last I remember they weren't detected as passive or active
@divisuca1849 2 года назад
Theory: The Absalate could be the “energy core” John Doe referred to about the Lantern. If so, I assume that it is unstable, which would explain why everyone keeps saying “don’t wear it.”
@bas_el 2 года назад
Maybe cloe stole it so she could "splinter" Deborah with a lantern. Maybe she needed it to activate the lantern.
@Subject_4 2 года назад
Also the absalate was the "key" to the serum bomb
@zanelaux6743 2 года назад
But on the pass port Chloe had dark hair
@divisuca1849 2 года назад
@@zanelaux6743 maybe she was wearing a wig. I know I would.
@bas_el 2 года назад
@@zanelaux6743 could very well be a wig you never know at the end of the day we are still talking about syntech
@elis1737 2 года назад
Theory: The 'Absolate' is a lantern. Looks like the same shape to me
@emanabajrovic863 2 года назад
That is a great theory!
@ciarrac 2 года назад
I’ve been enjoying Matt’s commentary lately, however sometimes it does feel like it’s too much. Like he’s breaking up the fluidity of the video too much. I like how sometimes he reminds us of certain details about the story, but it does feel like it happens too much, at least for me. Like sometimes it’s hard to be immersed in the story because Matt’s commentary video breaks up conversations too often. I definitely think he should continue to do it, but I feel like they should really think about where they’re adding them in, and if it’s breaking the immersion, so to say!
@emilie1265 2 года назад
I agree! Sometimes it definitely takes away the suspense that was building.
@ciarrac 2 года назад
@@emilie1265 Yes! The suspense can absolutely be killed because he’s interjecting with too much info, too often! There are absolutely certain points where it’s great that he cuts in with the commentary videos! Like to remind of certain points from old videos, but it feels like he’s cutting in immediately after two people somewhat spoke to each other. It just breaks the immersion for me
@Sarah-tn6nv 2 года назад
for sure. Especially as an older viewer its a bit odd to have a flashback or explanation for every little detail that happens. It kinda feels like theyre catering towards "new/ first time viewers" with the new style
@ciarrac 2 года назад
@@Sarah-tn6nv I feel the same way, it definitely feels like they’re trying to fill in the newer audience, instead of attempting to redirect them to older videos. I understand why they would be doing this, but I think they could do it a better manner, so the content is still fully enjoyable for everyone, and not break the immersion of the story!
@Elliott-Kaye 2 года назад
I agree with you hardcore. I can't STAND these stupid commentary/ flashback parts, especially because I've never missed an episode. It makes me want to start skipping episodes because I'll find out what happened in detail anyway. It's so boring and unnecessary. :(
@iampahtashaann 2 года назад
Can someone see when that email to Deb was sent by "John Doe" then look back and see when the email was sent to the team saying it was being burned? That way we can truly see if JD is telling the truth or not? He may certainly be under Nelson's control- that would make knowing about the Lantern super easy- just an idea and thought.
@zanelaux6743 2 года назад
Maybe if he was under Nelson's control he would use them to help him get the lantern to splinter them
@JakeTG.V1 2 года назад
You should ask D3b about lanterns so you can get more information on it
@stephanieg2127 2 года назад
I’m gonna be so heartbroken when this series ends but I so desperately want to figure it out!
@madyholand422 2 года назад
John Doe, low key looks like Matts brother Joey
@ezzandz8534 2 года назад
You need to protect John Doe because last time you got info from someone they got killed, he will be next.
@samuelphillips7369 2 года назад
Just a though, we've heard about the cores, which sound dangerous, and the absalate has been described as very dangerous, so my thinking is that the absalate is the core of one of these lanterns. When was the absalate stolen, because if it was before Deb was killed, then that boosts this theory that the absalate was used to kill deb
@idknaomi 2 года назад
it was stolen the evening before debs murder so would definitely add up
@milesbry5899 2 года назад
I love the accuracy of John Doe/Jim Cult's apparent age in this episode. He would not have been under the influence of the serum back then, so it makes sense.
@ryantedmon4418 2 года назад
The thing GR forgot is that we are all in this together and won't ever back down from a challenge
@kerriproper5843 2 года назад
I’m actually surprised that John Doe/Jim Colt showed up at their studio, who knew that he was still around 🙀🙀🙀
@shadow12black62 2 года назад
I’m so excited for every episode of this series
@npc479 2 года назад
i looked at his face a bit and i came to the conclusion that wait IS THAT JOEY?
@lizzieb.2001 2 года назад
My first thought when I saw him 😂
@mackenziec3647 2 года назад
Theory- Deb was trying to modify “The Lantern” but while she was doing it she accidentally activated it and it killed her. So in theory deb was not murdered but accidentally killed her self. Maybe they thought she was murdered because they did not know she was trying to modify “The lantern” and she had lots of enemies and people out to get her. That would also explain the “splintering” they were talking about. Just a theory I had while watching todays vid. PS love all the videos I have been here since the beginning.
@Lilla_Jatten 2 года назад
I'am still surprised by the fact that the cops haven't caught them yet with doing Illegal tresspassing, or that some random neighbor haven't reported about them yet.
@Dandandandan23 2 года назад
This is giving me flashbacks to the episode when the intruder broke into sams ofice and injected the serum 😬
@Jesusisking482 2 года назад
That was ben
@ironshortstop5685 2 года назад
@@Jesusisking482 But the stalker didn't have the mask that Ben needed to survive
@Jesusisking482 2 года назад
@@ironshortstop5685 idk if this makes sense to you but oh well
@ironshortstop5685 2 года назад
@@Jesusisking482 I mean, it could have been Ben, but I'm just hesitating to believe it because of the mask thing. But I guess we won't really know for sure until it's revealed in the series
@Dandandandan23 2 года назад
Yeah we don't really know, we never saw his face so we have like no idea who it was
@ironshortstop5685 2 года назад
I love this series SO MUCH. It's the best series I've ever seen! The team is so awesome, and I always know that the episode will be great before it even premieres. I can't wait to see what happens in this one! And when this episode ends, I'll be doing my best to form theories! :D
@natalier6327 2 года назад
@haroonmangal1646 2 года назад
Me too iron shortstop
@thethundernetwork1493 2 года назад
@shauryasuri3653 2 года назад
I wouldn't say the best series but ya it's good
@OfficialKman5625 2 года назад
John Doe looks like J-Fred lmao
@GukaGG Год назад
“Splintering - break or cause to break into small sharp fragments”
@clark44corie 2 года назад
But then what did the lantern do to the shadows, coffee, and clock? You guys made the right call seeking more info before fully trusting John Doe.
@oneofakindasmr339 2 года назад
Oh god, we're going to another Syntec location :( At least this time they're all together as one team not like last time...
@matthewschloemp5417 2 года назад
I wish I could give you guys like 10 billion dollars to help with this series,because it’s awesome now,imagine if they had even more resources!!!Another amazing episode,and I will be a fan forever.😁✌🏻
@Me-th3gj 2 года назад
I like how this is going down a path that I'm feeling like I can't predict anymore. Keep up the great work!
@shaunabyrne6112 2 года назад
I’m worried he’s planning something be careful and watch his movements I already have bad vibes
@v0id-590 2 года назад
John doe wouldn't do anything to lie or hurt them
@shaunabyrne6112 2 года назад
@@v0id-590 best to be safe then sorry and after watching the video we may be okay but it’s best to be sure before trusting him.
@livw3978 2 года назад
Oh my gosh!! I cant believe he’s back i was so worried when the video came out about the abandoned cop car that someone might have silenced him, but I’m also a little sus of him bc of that idea be careful!!!
@blacktrooper104 2 года назад
the description of this "lantern" seam simler to the strange divice that was in scot's breefcase
@itssogoodipooped 2 года назад
For a second i thought the mustache was gone. Phew.
@Igfbnn 2 года назад
Tht ain't o mustache
@Igfbnn 2 года назад
It's a an overstache
@itssogoodipooped 2 года назад
@@Igfbnn you're right
@Trista_Stylinson28 2 года назад
The sketches of the different lanterns looks like the absalate
@ZAWZAWZAWA 2 года назад
Amazing how they now upload 3 times a week, and before it was 1 keep up the good work team:)
@baudeliarosales6430 2 года назад
@alexdonaghy5048 2 года назад
They should post on weekends
@TylordYourLord Год назад
John doe looks weirdly like j-fred watching this back imo
@beanznsause. 2 года назад
i love following this series its so much fun cant wait for what the future has in store
@cameronhendricken9419 2 года назад
John Doe looks kind of like Jfred
@swoki7616 2 года назад
theory: since deb was in hiding wouldn’t there be cameras in her apartment so she can check if anyone would come in so maybe if you guys can check the computers files to see if there’s recordings of the room
@astv759 Год назад
that's crazy that Jfred is John Doe.
@FellaToons 2 года назад
Been having a really tough time this week. Thank you for this series because it’s keeping me afloat.
@nuggetleaf 2 года назад
Glad to see the return of Jhon Doe
@User24308 2 года назад
You guys should go through debs computer there can possibly be a lot information. Including videos, conversation, and pictures
@redsled1837 2 года назад
I swear he looks like J-Fred so much
@alyssabourbon5389 2 года назад
Ben was holding a lantern when you were stakingout weses grave remember could that be one of the lanterns?? You need to fine him and ask him about it.
@Pragz257 2 года назад
Matt's look is back from the old time
@Igfbnn 2 года назад
I remember the Mathias Channel 😭
@Igfbnn 2 года назад
Wack apps,cash or trash😢
@Pragz257 2 года назад
That was a great era of the channel
@mimirthelegend7836 2 года назад
At first I thought splintering was like disisoshiative personality disorder. Like the story of Jekyll and Hyde or moon knight. But I'm apparently wrong.
@acethepacifist1041 2 года назад
So did I- as someone with OSDD ive heard therapists equate splitting & splintering, i wouldnt have been suprised-
@pissum420 2 года назад
Splintering may be a time thing. Like the effects of being sent back or forward in time and failing.
@mimirthelegend7836 2 года назад
@@pissum420 I do like that theory🤔
@historycat8152 2 года назад
Thanks for all the hard work!
@tessl1767 2 года назад
I’ve been kinda down this week and have been looking forward to this!!!💕💕💕
@phildunen8204 2 года назад
Theory: This isn’t the same man, when we saw him collect the drop he seemed agile and from what he seems he seems too old to be agile he moves a lot slower, I don’t think this is Jon doe, his body shape is so different in not such a long time
@W32hyondsxcrickrollhjuit 2 года назад
That drop off was over two years ago. People can change alot in 2 years
@pissum420 2 года назад
Woods himself said it’s JD, Woods handed the evidence over to him. If it wasn’t JD the notebook wouldn’t have been in the cop car
@phildunen8204 2 года назад
@@pissum420 oh yh woods met him nvm
@annamaisonet3545 2 года назад
Theory: the absolate is the “key” to the lantern or the core piece needed to activate the chemical in it. This would make sense because the absolate was stolen the night before deb was killed. Or it could have been deb that stole the absolate and she was going to use it to test on the lantern and she splintered herself. Then after someone found out where she was they went to her apartment found her splintered and stole the lantern and absolate.
@allysonhastings3978 2 года назад
I feel so bad for john doe and remember that anything is possible at anytime
@scythe8750 2 года назад
This series reminds me of a book series that i have been reading the past few months. It's similar in the serum aspect. In the book it's called nectar and it gives you superhuman abilities like superhuman strength, speed and durability. Only that you have to be taking the nectar in order to live. Creepy, yet similar.
@jellybean7559 2 года назад
what’s the book series called?
@scythe8750 2 года назад
@@jellybean7559 The series is called Escape From Furnace. The first book is titled as Lockdown: Escape from Furnace. There are 5 books in the series if you are interested.
@darianthomason4672 2 года назад
Oooh that sounds cool
@jellybean7559 2 года назад
@@scythe8750 definitely going to check it out :)
@Bubba_Bunny 2 года назад
Man the story is great but I can’t stop thinking about how John looks like/ is j-Fred 😭
@kaycurran8496 2 года назад
That’s what I thought lol
@aliencat5345 2 года назад
Why does Jim kinda look like a shorter J-Fred
@clabobambam 2 года назад
I will say that Jim looked alot like Joey but with a mustache
@lizzieb.2001 2 года назад
I have been searching for this comment 😂
@ovchydro 2 года назад
does john doe not look like Jfred from team edge in his old man disguise 😂
@mariahkg9139 2 года назад
I thought it looked like jfred too,😆😆😆
@lazorframe 2 года назад
Wait… if splintering DOES mean loss of live wouldn’t it be a category A instead of D? She could be conscious but frozen. We have never been able to check vitals.
@ttvreed1367 2 года назад
😂 the person they had playing John Doe is Joey lmao
@niss519 2 года назад
😂😂😂 mhmmm
@emanabajrovic863 2 года назад
@Duckyuckyy 2 года назад
idk why but it clicked in my brain for a second and "jim/ john doe" looks like joey in the realistic skin mask from the one Team Edge video called like hiding in plain sight or something
@GameTimeStudio5344 2 года назад
I'm wondering if the person playing John Doe is actually Joey, Matt's brother from Team Edge. Because it looks like him
@SamAaa97 2 года назад
I was thinking the same thing!!!! 😂
@tennesseeboy107 2 года назад
We finally get to see who John Doe is
@ninjawarrior1836 2 года назад
Such a fascinating series super intriguing
@natalier6327 2 года назад
Am so addicted to this season!!!!!!!!
@lonewolf3266 2 года назад
I would take John Doe to take him to talk to Ben. Maybe y'all can get information that way as well
@ARC-0606 2 года назад
You need Ben's help! After all he did work on these projects as well! He has inside information
@RawFootLettace 2 года назад
I beg you upload like 4 times a week. It's the only thing that keeps me going
@LightningDragon975 2 года назад
The Serum Bomb looks a little like the first version of the Lantern but in a prototype phase
@FflawedMetalhead 2 года назад
I really hope you guys bring tape, a block of wood, or /something/ to keep any possible doors open when you go searching through lab 7 - We can't have you guys getting trapped again!
@jeannine5711 2 года назад
Theory: Chloe broke into the studio and stole the absalate and used it to kill Deb....
@desireecarrier2929 2 года назад
As soon as I seen her I thought it could be Chloe. I'm so with you on this one 😊
@turtleonair5204 Год назад
This story is one of the best things to watch on RU-vid. This channel some how has sucked you in to this crazy world and has honestly been really awesome to follow. Continue at your own risk of Braking your immersion. Can we just all say a thank you to the prop team. I mean in this episode alone there is countless documents they don’t Evan go over in this video. Not to mention the countless other videos. If you agree put a 🗝 under or in the comments below or in the actual video. This way we can say thank-you without breaking everyone else’s immersion into this awesome world.
@tamilarasu1651 2 года назад
Joey with that old man mask that he used in one of the team edge video 😂
@PenelopesPlayground 2 года назад
@epicjj1873 2 года назад
True OGs remember get good gaming
@Jesusisking482 2 года назад
@scariestchimp0314 2 года назад
Oh yea what about googly eyes?
@the_elite_truth 2 года назад
Or literally anyone that watches past videos, they are still there
@louivbags 2 года назад
He wants you to go to another syntec facility to trap you again
@Jesse-zl8sf 2 года назад
@joshslater4708 3 месяца назад
Did any one think that john doe looked kinda like joey
@Ur_fav_es 2 года назад
Yo, i felt bad for jim / joe. But is it just me or does joe look a bit like j-fred? Can you hear a bit of his voice? J-fred you hiding something?!?!
@haleyanne86 2 года назад
I thought this, too
@Dmoore14 2 года назад
Can’t wait for this so anticipated
@splinterstuart5013 2 года назад
@mialamantia6280 2 года назад
I’m still 9 videos behind 😓 I got this! I can do it in 3 hours!! (Maybe not but I’ll try!)
@ironshortstop5685 2 года назад
You can do it!!
@Sophie-dc8fv Год назад
The way I see splintering working is in 2 categories, mental and physical. Mental could range from looping to a shared consciousness, whereas physical could be described as cell division of the body spliting itself in 2. More explained in a comment...
@sorbbhy5164 Год назад
Jim looks like Joey wearing his old man electrician mask
@ChuckDotTV69 Год назад
This feels like Sherlock Holmes this is awesome
@nert262 2 года назад
I would like to say thanks to all of you, weather you created content that made me laugh, or a silly comment that made me smile you all have helped me through emotionally difficult times.
@taliabarrett9686 2 года назад
I can’t wait TWO HOURS 😩
@Igfbnn 2 года назад
@Igfbnn 2 года назад
Now u can wait 59 mins
@user-im7oe3lf1c 7 месяцев назад
That was Joey as John doe😂
@zxlb 2 года назад
Let’s not forget that the literal definition of splintering is to break apart
@Jesusisking482 2 года назад
Everyone this is crazy listen so you know how everyone is saying history is repeating its self so maybe soon people will start making fun of matt's mustache (!_!) And last time people made fun of matts shiny bald head wow guys this is crazy!! (-:)
@Timetravler_3005 2 года назад
I wonder where Ben went
@ErinElise10 9 месяцев назад
Jim Colt looks like a Home Depot dad 😂lol
@GG-xy2bf 2 года назад
dude thats joey😂
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