
He Who Moans: Doctor Who Review: Flatline 

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Another plesant surprise. I'm really enjoying actually being able to say "I like Doctor Who" for a change..see!! I don't go in wanting to hate it!
"Doctor Who attempts a rendition of the fish slapping dance"
- Stuart Hardy




23 окт 2014




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@slumdogjay 4 года назад
Mummy and Flatline are 2 of my favourite New Who episodes.
@sixstanger00 9 лет назад
"Mummy on the Orient Express" and "Flatline" were my top picks of the season by leaps and bounds. Really hoping Mathieson gets asked to write next season. As far as canning the 45 minute virus, I've been advocating going to a full series of 2 part stories, each consisting of two 45-minute episodes. Counting the Xmas special, each season consists of 14 episodes. 2 episodes per story would mean we'd get seven stories per season. The problem is, Moffat has proven time and again that even with 2 episodes to work with, he still can't concisely and satisfactorily tell a story.
@ThreeLinkProductions 9 лет назад
I like that idea. I think if the BBC wanted to give Doctor Who an extra fifteen minutes each week, they'd have to cut down the number of episodes. Maybe 10 (60 minute) episodes, which are all two parters, giving us 5 stories a year? I'd also prefer to have New Year's Day specials than Christmas ones. Then the writers won't have to be forced to make their stories "festive".
@sixstanger00 8 лет назад
***** Last season seemed to work pretty well, as most of the stories were "two parters." However, as predicted, even when given twice the screen time, Moffat still can't write a consistent narrative. "Under the Lake/Before the Flood" was the best of Series 9, IMO. "Heaven Sent" wasn't too bad - Moffat's best in quite some time, but the problem is that it was meant to be the first part of a 2-part story, and in "Hell Bent," he completely went off the rails. The extra 45 minutes per story doesn't do a lick of good if the writer is incapable of writing a coherent, internally consistent narrative. Part of NuWho's problem is that it spends far too much time trying to be things it's NOT - like "Robot of Sherwood" trying to be a light-hearted "Men in Tights" spin on Robin Hood, "Sleep No More" attempting to be Doctor Who's answer to the Paranormal Activity "found footage" trend, and then "Face the Raven" being blatantly inspired by Harry Potter's Diagon Alley. What made the original DW great, particularly during the first 17 years, was that it didn't try to please everyone by dipping from every genre bowl on the table - it stuck to solid science fiction doing it's own thing, instead of leaning heavily on what's trending for source material.
@jakerockznoodles 8 лет назад
+sixstanger00 I agree and disagree. I think part of the appeal of DW is that it CAN slip into different genres. Looking at the first two Doctors, you have solid Sci-Fi, the more fantastical, straight historicals, even a little Sci-Fi horror. I think to make the most of its premise, it needs to be able to do this. With regards the episode length thing, the two parters are the way to go. Sadly, with such a large American following, a 60 minute episode structure would be too difficult for scheduling. I don't see why we can't have say 5 two parters and 2-3 "smaller scope" stories. Not every Who episode needs such high stakes and it might give characters their own moments to develop, as well as being a good testing ground for new potential writers and such.
@sixstanger00 8 лет назад
jakerockznoodles *_Not every Who episode needs such high stakes_* This is another issue I have with modern Who. Every story always sets the stakes at "the universe will be destroyed forever," or "never will have existed," etc. Major characters regularly die, then are resurrected....Rose, Donna, Amy, Clara, River Song, Jack Harkness..etc. The audience becomes de-sensitized to the concepts of death and universal threats. These days, when I hear the Doctor explain that X could destroy the entire universe or a major character allegedly "dies," it doesn't even phase me. No emotional response whatsoever, because we know universal destruction can never stick, and major characters can apparently never stay dead.
@Chamiliatic 7 лет назад
i did love this episode. I was like "ok this is different I'm interested" it was a surprise to me.
@android65mar 8 лет назад
i'm glad you liked this episode- one of my favs
@Warmishcookies 7 лет назад
Stubagful's reviews are surprisingly accurate. I went to the writer's website yesterday jamiemathieson. com. jamiemathieson.com/flatline-cut-scenes Under the Doctor Who section he released parts of the script that ended up being cut for time. He also writes about how the stories evolved over the writing process and goes into exactly what it was that he was focusing on when writing. The rest of the details he fills in as 'logic' would dictate or he fits to suit the instructions Moffat gave him. Crazy what Mathieson made of Moffat's direction...vs what the writer of "Kill the Moon" made of Moffat's instruction to "Hinchcliffe the shit out of the first half".
@MrBenram 9 лет назад
Most of Moffat's twists, I thought: Nah, that's too predictable. Tempting fate, it would seem.
@AndrozaniCritic1999 9 лет назад
Seeing Doctor Who compared to Monty Python made me happy. Just about my 2 favorite things in one video.
@MrBenram 9 лет назад
Maybe the Beeb could air an hour version, but use an abridged, 45/50 minute version for repeats and other channels.
@sawbonesquad4876 9 лет назад
Great ep, loved to hear the return of the Cloister Bell.
@jackcoleman1222 9 лет назад
The Doctor's head poking out of the tiny TARDIS reminds me of Señor Wences's "Pedro". 'Sallright!
@ChannelYep123 5 лет назад
I really wish there would be an episode where the Doctor and company are sucked into a cartoon. I know it's been done in bookform, but I think that would be an interesting idea.
@Tyranniod 9 лет назад
I couldn't agree more about adding an extra 15 minutes to each episode. After series 7 and 8 being so hit and miss I do think the BBC need to address this problem.
@VividSause 9 лет назад
3:54 "Could you not just let me enjoy this moment of not knowing something?" *4 episodes ago* "I don't know and I hate not knowing"
@quinnsinclair7028 7 лет назад
In Asylum I guessed that Oswin was a Dalek at about ten minutes when she said she'd made a souffle and the Doctor asked her where she got the eggs.
@mythos460 7 лет назад
It was predictable before that. She was stuck where she was and she kept trying to bake a souffle and messing it up and she didn't run out of ingredients? Anyone who cooks or bakes can figure that out.
@jeremyadams1521 9 лет назад
Loving your reviews. You have a unique perspective. I like season 8. Wish I loved it. Feel like something is missing. And it's frustrating, because Capaldi is so good
@MsDoctorWhoFan1 9 лет назад
The 2D creatures, the boneless, creeped me the frack out, No Doctor Who alien has ever managed that. Take that Weeping Angels.
@davidshead1323 7 лет назад
He didn't say she was good though, it was a great line and I thought it concluded the arc that you wanted those extra minutes that weren't needed.
@Yan_Alkovic 6 лет назад
Oh my goodness me Doctor Who AND Monty Python in a single RU-vid video is just too much for me.... Especially when it's the fricking mattress sketch. You framed it so well that I bet a person who'd never seen it would have absolutely no idea of what is going on and be baffled by it, whereas a person who'd seen this sketch a dozen times would just re-live all the idiocy that preceeded this moment and still laugh out loud.
@richsc21 9 лет назад
Another belter, top words Stuart!
@lordinquisitorsec7532 6 лет назад
That and every shot with Oswin was in a circle.
@jackcoleman1222 9 лет назад
Ripping it from Dailymotion as I'm watching this. Can't wait!
@dngn4774 9 лет назад
Pretty much agree all around. Better than what I was expecting, not as good as last weeks, but much more memorable than any of last month's episodes. I like what they did with Clara, it just feels far too late. We need a new companion, that more than one writer can make interesting. I for one can't wait through next season for another Mathieson script to pretend to care about Clara again. I'm really just hoping they break the trend of "modern day earth girl" with the next companion.
@clarissaallan 9 лет назад
dngn4774 And that is why we all like Jack he is the only non-mordern day person that managed to make more then two episodes (not counting two parters).
@GBD1000 9 лет назад
8:53 I felt like that's what she learned in the last episode. The Doctor explained it to her, and then she decides to keep traveling with him. By the way, since they're starting to talk about Clara being "addicted" to traveling with the Doctor, do you think that's an indication that she's on her way out of the show? For some reason this series always feels like it's going to be Clara's last (or at least, that's how I feel).
@bookwyvern5994 9 лет назад
I was surprised when I liked this episode! It wasn't as jammed packed via the 45 minute syndrome as the others were. I've always thought Monty Python were the embodiment of all British Humor...but that may be because I am an American and that's all I ever watched on VHS growing up. The ending could've gone deeper, I agree. You'd think Clara would be more at an understanding of how the Doctor works in those kind of situations; but all she wants is to be pat on the head, never mind that 3 people died on her watch. And the whole thing with Missy is annoying the heck out of me anyway. I think they wrote the ending the way they did so they could throw her in there. I'll be glad when that gets resolved.
@dancross1193 9 лет назад
Here's hoping Stuart comes back to review the last 2 Doctor season 8 episodes. I could totally get if 'In The Forest Of The NIght' left him so nasueous as to never watch new Who again though...
@Heyiya-if 7 лет назад
...So Clara got her comeuppance and a chance to shine, while running around with the Doctor in her pocket in stead of the other way around. Bout bloody time. Also hilarity with dimensions and a plot you don't see coming a mile away. And Banksyreferences. Agreed, thumbs up for Jamie Matheson
@SunniestAutumn 9 лет назад
@ThaetusZain 9 лет назад
even an extra 5 minutes, that leaves 49 minutes for the episode and 10 minutes for the commercials. I think they may keep it under an hour for exporting it to BBC America because I heard you guys don't get commercials but we do.
@ThaetusZain 9 лет назад
BBCA does get commercials :/
@MsDoctorWhoFan1 9 лет назад
I loved The Caretaker, Mummy on the Orient Express and Flatline. Time Heist was ok, it was also a been there done that (Hide from series 7 part 2) Deep Breath and Kill the Moon were my least favorites. I absolutely hated Dark Water. Missy being the Master, shocker. It would have made more sense if she was 'Death' the eternal, from the Big Finish audios. The Doctor used up all his lives and has a new regeneration cycle. He's supposed to be dead so Death is after him like she promised. That would have been more entertaining. I'm getting tired of the repetitive stuff. Mathieson does bring it about in a different way, But I'd like to see more of his stories in the future and see what he can do with a new concept.
@custard_timelord2896 7 лет назад
wait did it actually explain why the Tardis shrank
@TheRoffern 9 лет назад
Please don't stop "He Who Moans"! I REALLY want to know what you thought about the finale ...
@Stubagful 9 лет назад
working on it atm :)
@TheRoffern 9 лет назад
***** Looking forward to it!
@dancross1193 9 лет назад
***** Yay, can't wait until your reviews are in, I have been checking everyday like a sad nerd man
@kurumais 9 лет назад
im liking this jamie more please. i really enjoyed this episode. i thought the boneless looked great.
@roryahconnolly 9 лет назад
1:08 Midnight was first shown in 2008, not 2009.
@paulflint6254 7 лет назад
looking back on this episode i really thought it was a good episode, agree with you.
@michellegiacalone1079 Год назад
If you love stop motion (like me!) you should really do a quick review of Doctor Puppet.
@JamesPlaysGames95 9 лет назад
just watched the latest episode a few mins ago. it was much more worse than i thought it would be. makes me wonder why people at big finish just don't take over :L
@dngn4774 9 лет назад
So was the first half just a Torchwood ripoff (Small Worlds Season 1 Episode 5)? If so, could they rip off a good Torchwood episode next time? Seriously, it feels like my love of Doctor Who just kicked my intellect in the balls. Just two more weeks for Moffat to do something underwhelming with Missy then we're done with Series 8.
@DarthVil 9 лет назад
This episode was clearly made for hallucinogenic drugs.
@ankarstian 5 лет назад
furniture should really *fold* for moving purposes
@respectingdeth 9 лет назад
I really did not like this episode that much. Like i get it and all but.... This is doctor who!!! And i honestly still don't feel like i know who the 12th doctor is. Instead of characterizing clara, i would give 12 more then just " old and sorta-dark-some-times 11th doctor"
@GBD1000 9 лет назад
He's absolutly nothing like the 11th Doctor, though... And what do you mean by "this is Doctor Who"? What about this episode didn't feel like "Doctor Who" to you? The fact that it was more focued on the companion? This isn't the first time an episode wasn't about the Doctor (earliest example would be the first story "An Unearthly Child").
@bookwyvern5994 9 лет назад
The 11th Doctor was more childish than 12 is; and I don't mean that in a bad way, that's how he was written; he was more apt to the silliness. I don't think 11 was all that dark to begin with, though he had those moments where he actually acted his age as a grumpy old Time Lord. Even though Matt Smith was great as the Doctor, he handled whatever Moffat threw at him, I think 12 pulls that off much better. It's TIME we had an older Doctor. We needed to get back to that. THAT'S Doctor Who in my opinion.
@dngn4774 9 лет назад
As of now, Capaldi's Doctor feels like if William Hartnell only did horror scripts. He's more of a mix between 1 and 6 (and a dash of 3).
@bookwyvern5994 9 лет назад
dngn4774 I like "a dash of 3" I also read somewhere that 12 was going to be a shade of 6. He's old and grumpy, that's how it's supposed to be!
@dngn4774 9 лет назад
Lanie Ssel No Doctor will ever be as cool as Jon Pertwee.
@LibraGamesUnlimited 8 лет назад
So is there a stated reason why episodes are 45 minutes or is it a matter of them cutting it back just to have more commercials? What's the deal.
@MrSinxist 8 лет назад
+Chris McWilliams There are no commercials during TV shows on the BBC
@LibraGamesUnlimited 8 лет назад
MrSinxist Lucky them, then I guess that's why they have a TV tax. So why are the episodes only 45 minutes instead of a full hour?
@MrSinxist 8 лет назад
Chris McWilliams I'm not too sure, but it would be good if they were an hour.
@LibraGamesUnlimited 8 лет назад
MrSinxist Yes, it would.
@archive9796 8 лет назад
So when they sell the show over seas they can make it up to an hour with adds Of doctor who wasn an hour then it would be an hour and 15 minutes over seas But the BBC REALLY need to decide if they should be loyal to the British fans or the over sea ones
@dngn4774 9 лет назад
So...no more reviews?
@Stubagful 9 лет назад
soon. I just felt I needed some time away :)
@Heyiya-if 7 лет назад
And yeah the bleating at the end was undignified. Moffat-female-characters.
@WSDigitalArtwork 9 лет назад
Am I the only one who got really irritated with the length/style of capaldi's hair in this episode?
@AndrozaniCritic1999 9 лет назад
@jackcoleman1222 9 лет назад
I noticed the continuity error, but the episode was nonetheless awesome.
@casualcraftman1599 7 лет назад
I thought this episode was meh. A plot hole that bugs Me is that Clara and Rigsy knew the monsters are in the walls after they escape the flat they were in, so why did they took those guys inside the subway tunnels surrounded themselves with walls? That thing were the asshole survives that started in Voyage of the Damned needs to stop. It would of been fine if it happen once, but multiple times makes it a annoying trend. The dude who got grab by the giant hand look like he was smiling when he was being dragged off.
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