
Hebrews 12 - Daily Bible Study - 3/5/2018 

Branch Together
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Branch Together helps you kick start the life-changing habit of Bible reading & study. As Christians, we are called to "branch out" and reach the world around us, but first we must come "together" and develop habits that prepare us for a life on mission. Some people might call this Daily Devotions, or Quiet Time, whatever you call it, it is a life changing habit. We do it TOGETHER.
Readings are from the New English Translation (NET) and read by the pastors of Branch Church and First Baptist Church, Red Bank, NJ.
Consider reading the chapter again in another another translation, here: lumina.bible.o...



1 окт 2024




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@DeniseTrio 6 лет назад
This is one of my favorite chapters in Hebrews. 👏🏼 I’m surprised you don’t have it memorized, Darren! 😂
@BrendaJoi 3 года назад
@sheldonbanks5527 3 года назад
@moradmoses3779 16 дней назад
الرب يبارك خدمتكم يا أخونا العزيز May God bless you're service dear Brother 🙏❤✝🌈
@jewishbride5010 4 года назад
Id rather have the Lords discipline than receive satans foolishness! Lord, I fully receive Hebrews 12 in my life and wish the same for my friends, family, acquintances, neighbours, colleagues, brothers and sisters in Christ and my enemies! In the name, blood and under the feet of Christ yes, amen and hallelujah! Annelies Bakker, the Netherlands.
@williejefferson7825 4 года назад
Thank you''Pastor Darren..what's holding me back is that i have a problem with smoking cigerette and playing lottery..and taking my meds the wrong way..i've been praying and have slowed down in battle with my flesh..i do believe i will over come this battle with my flesh..so i can follow the lord Jesus..by faith i can and i will...see you tomorrow..
@rottazzmuller1753 5 месяцев назад
Hi have you stop smoking yet...
@christinebell8980 6 лет назад
I appreciate that you give us something to challenge us in what we just heard read to us from scripture. I liked the clarification question, "What is slowing you down from following Christ. . ?" I knew in a flash what it was in my life.
@Stebnitzbuilders 6 лет назад
Great message, Darren. That's also one heck of a shirt you're wearing there! :) On to Romans?
@BranchTogether 6 лет назад
One more day of Hebrews!
@DarrenLeBlancx 6 лет назад
I had to wear our very first piece of mail-in swag!!
@Stebnitzbuilders 6 лет назад
Hopefully we've pioneered a movement! Chris
@williejefferson7825 4 года назад
thank you'' for the massage..i must get rid of this weight,that slowing me down. thanks darren..
@BranchTogether 6 лет назад
The comment at 7:30 was referring to the example list in chapter 11...not something we "just read" as in today...but we just read it on Friday.
@lilitorres4753 3 года назад
You don't need nothing absolutely nothing except Jesus put him first then all the other things he knows you want will happen
@rod8989 2 года назад
Hebrews 12/2 (speaking of Jesus)...he has sat down at the right hand of the governmental seat of God. Obviously the throne, so where is the throne? Isaiah 66/1 Yahweh says this: 'The heavens are My throne and the Earth is My footstool. Where is this House that you build for Me and where the place of My rest? So Jesus is in heaven above, for how long though? Acts 3/20...Jesus Christ, 21 whom Heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things that God spoke of through the agency of the mouth of all His appointed prophets from of old. So he has to stay at God's right hand, His throne, away from earth God's footstool until the restoration of all things spoken of by appointed prophets, remember what Jesus said about restoration? Matthew 17/11...Jesus said to them, 'Elijah does indeed come first, and he will restore all things. 12 However, I say to you, an Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but they did in his case whatever they pleased. In the same way, the Son of Man also is about to suffer by them.' 13 Then the disciples understood that he spoke to them concerning John the Baptist. Remember John the Baptist was already dead when Jesus spoke this, he was giving you a type of Elijah a hint he'll be similar to John in his days, so how is he going to restore things? Being as Jesus has to be received in heaven until restoration, any other passages speaking in more detail about this? Yes! (also Deuteronomy 33/17 prophesy) Psalm 110/1 The voice of Yahweh to my Lord: 'Sit at My right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet ' ('Sit on my throne in heaven until I subdue our enemies on earth'...but how) 2 Yahweh will send the rod of your strength out of Zion -(to)exercise rulership over your enemies! (On earth to be a foot stool ).... [that's when it will be restoration of all things when this Elijah subdues all enemies, what else does it say about this Elijah, the rod of his strength, remember all the while Yahweh is still speaking to Jesus] Psalm 110/5 Adonai is at your right hand; He will strike through kings in the day of His anger. 6 He will judge among the nations; He will complete it with corpses. He will execute the heads over a vast territory(sounds like Luke 19 parable); 7 from the brook by the wayside he will drink; so he will be exalted as Head. (Remember Jesus has to sit on the throne received in heaven until all that happens the scriptures cannot be broken) Luke 19/12 So he said, 'A certain nobleman went into a distant country to receive a kingdom for himself, then to return.....(same parable verse)27 But as for those enemies of mine who were unwilling for me to rule over them, bring them here and execute them in front of me.' Now see if you can properly understand revelation 5, it's not Jesus that opens scroll Rev 5/1 And I saw in the right hand of Him(Jesus) sitting on the throne (in heaven where he has to stay until restoration) a scroll, written on the inside and outside, sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a strong messenger proclaiming with a loud voice, 'Who is worthy to open the scroll, and to break its seals?' 3 And nobody in Heaven above (Jesus is in heaven), nor on the Earth (on land), nor under the Earth, was able to open the scroll, nor look in it. (clearly Jesus cannot not be the one to open scroll unless you don't believe the scriptures) 4 And I was weeping and weeping, because nobody was found worthy to open the scroll, nor look in it. (Nobody in heaven where Jesus is actually holding it nor under the earth or on the land....if you read the whole book leading up to it we see imagery from resurrection passage about 2 witnesses rev 11/19 paraphrased lightning flashes and Thunderclaps... a voice told them to come up her in rev 11/12 as they went up in the sky, we see that same lightning and Thunderclaps imagery in rev 4/5 leading into chapter 5.... now we don't know where that strong messenger was who asked who is worthy to open scroll? Is that Elijah couldn't tell you for sure but malachi says he will rise with healing in His wings the sun of righteousness Elijah, so nobody worthy in heaven above where Jesus is nor on earth nor under the earth but Elijah is resurrected flying up to the throne in the sky with healing in His wings as it's proclaimed nobody is worthy in heaven above or on earth/the land & under earth/the land.) 5 And one of the eldermen said to me, 'Do not weep. (They were weeping verse 4 cause not even Jesus was deemed worthy to open it in heaven, he was holding it) See now, (Elijah Finally made it up here with his wings) the Lion who is out of the tribe of Joseph, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and its seven seals.(the lying pen of the scribes Jeremiah 8/8...wrote "Judah" but the truth is Joseph has the birthright and David was the tribe of Ephraim Joseph's son...the curse warning in rev 22 for adding to word is on the Judahites, I'm doing my best to show the truth all the major messiah prophesy show a Joseph connection if you dig deep) Deuteronomy 33 prophesied of 2 murders and resurrections and in OT you were not atoned for until 2 sacrifices book of Jeremiah speaks of David being raised too and a lion chosen man and one having wings. We get the same Elijah with wings imagery in revelation 19/17 And I saw a messenger standing in the Sun, and he called out with a loud voice, saying to all the birds, flying at a high point of the sky: (Malachi 4/2 'But to you who revere My name the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings...5...I will send you the prophet Elijah before the coming of the awesome and terrifying day of Yahweh...Jeremiah 48/40 For Yahweh says this: 'As you will see, he will fly like an eagle, and he will spread his wings over Moab. Jer 50/44paraphrased he will come like a lion make them run who is a chosen man I can appoint over her who will summon Me who is that ruler who will stand before me? Rev 22/16 I, Jesus, have sent My Messenger to testify to you these things in the Ekklesia. - "I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” It's the messenger Elijah type testifying "I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” It's not specifically Jesus saying that, Jesus just told you this Elijah would say he's Root and Offspring of David the Bright and Mourning Star. Rev 2/26 And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations- 27 ‘He shall rule them with a rod of iron; They shall be dashed to pieces like the potter’s vessels’- as I also have received from My Father; 28 and I will give him the morning star. ....you know the 4 horses in revelation are spoken of in Zachariah Zachariah 6/5...'These are the four spirits of the heavens, who go out from standing before Adon of all the Earth......you eventually hear of Joshua and the branch, Joshua interesting enough is tribe of Ephraim who is of the families of Joseph. rev 6/2 And there was a white horse, and the one sitting on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he rode out overcoming, and so that he might overcome. (Kinda like Jesus also what is spoken of for last days of Joseph Gen 49/24 but his bow abides in agility and the arms of his hands are made supple by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, from the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel..paraphrasing 25 & parts of 26 all the blessings are going to Joseph 26...they will be on the head of Joseph and on the crown of the head of him who was separated from his brothers)[remember Jesus already overcame the world see John 16/33] rev 17/14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and those with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.'...he has a name nobody knows but himself (Rev 19/12) John 6/56 He who feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. John 7/37 Now on the last day, the solemn day of the festival, Jesus stood up and called out, saying, 'If anybody is thirsty, let him come to me and let him drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, just as the scroll has said of me, "Out of his inside will flow rivers of living water." ' 39 But he spoke this referring to the spirit which those believing in him [his sheep/his Fish] were about to receive, because the Set Apart Spirit had not yet come, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. Jeremiah 17/12 A throne, glorious, and high from the beginning, is the place of our Sanctuary. 13 Yahweh, Mikveh[Hope of] Israel, all who forsake You will be ashamed. Those who depart from Me will be written in the ground,[perish] because they have forsaken Yahweh, the fountain of living waters.' Which beginning Jeremiah 14/8 OH Mikveh Israel, her Saviour in time of trouble, why should You be like a foreigner in the land, and like a wayfaring man turning aside to stay for a night? 9 Why should You be like a man who is astonished, like a mighty man unable to save, although You, Yahweh, are in the midst of us and we are called by Your name? Do not leave us! A time of trouble for Jacob Israel Jeremiah 30/7...it is the time of Jacob's trouble, but he will be saved out of it. 8 'For it will come to pass in that day,' declares Yahweh Sabaioth, 'that I will break his yoke from your neck, and I will tear off your straps, and foreigners will no longer enslave him. 9 But they will serve Yahweh their Elohim, and David, their king whom I will raise up for them. John 6/40 And this is the will of Him Who authorized me: that everybody who sees the Son and believes in him should have eonian life, and I should raise him up in the last day.'..
@andrewmbuthiagithii7093 4 года назад
This is very important to always listen and live in Christ Jesus perfectly in Him. What a reminder
@marknpeggymosley4646 3 месяца назад
Please use our Savior's name when you pray. "Jesus" says to do this.
@elliotmotimele7486 6 месяцев назад
@lamminlalvyfphyzandre3569 4 года назад
Most people says that, by Jesus blood on mount Zion has erased or omitted the law of mount Sinai so does it means that the 10th commandments is abolished and if we are just Babtiste and reborn spiritually we can find place in Heaven and that's rite🤔🤗,but Jesus said,"I rather came to fullfill the law" and so He added to love your with all your mind,streanght,hearts and soul and to love one another as much as you Love yourself and to obey thy father and mother in the lord and all His teachings are same of the law rite🤔 I mean even pastor's will will say , now their's nothing to do with the law of mount Sinai but was all about the law like ,teeth for teeths and eye for an eye rite I believe but it's most confusing to know teach and compare to the book's of Hebrew 11,12,13, that's it and may God bless us all Amen. Thanks
@jeshurunfarm Год назад
Respect from Africa 🇿🇦
@williejefferson7825 3 года назад
Thank you Pastor Darren''wonderful video on the word of God..what really holding me back''i been smoking, and i just can't stop..i don't know it takes..iv'e been trying..but my soul is in on the line..believe me..i'm going to stop..i really do love the Lord..until tomorrow..
@obedmugiraneza4786 5 лет назад
Awesome video 👍👍👏😃
@firemarioify 3 года назад
Thank you for your ministry it's literally changing my life!
@AngeloRelleta 3 года назад
Thank you!
Amen Great job
@sammanning6178 3 года назад
Why don't you pray in Jesus's name? An authority given to the church?
@rc1952 3 года назад
There is no need to be rigid about praying every single time in Jesus’s name. There is no need to be legalistic about it. But we need to run with unnecessary weights.
@kimmanning2913 Год назад
Vs. 1
@wf.Gomess Год назад
@bonniecarlstrom6014 11 месяцев назад
@williejefferson7825 2 года назад
Thank you Pastor Darren..For Sharing..i look forward to listening hearing all about faith and the hero's of the Bible. stay blessed..see you tonight, chapter 13
@paulrangel5612 3 года назад
What is weighing you down? Get rid of it and come to Jesus Christ - He is always their to guide you....Thanks Pastor
@deborahthompson5041 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing this beautiful chapter, you explained it perfectly.
@williejefferson7825 2 года назад
Thank you Pastor Darren...the believer's race...see you in the morning..
@malishahospital3350 3 года назад
Thank you for Branch Together readings and explanations. You help me grow; which in turn helps me help others to grow.
@wes_vfx Год назад
Thank you for this message and prayer and reading
@vilihoswu7500 Год назад
An incredible Bible study channel... ❤️🔥
@juliewookey8248 3 года назад
Thank you very much that was very helpful
@ericsanchez3366 3 года назад
all love and put god in the almighty
@C.J29 3 года назад
When it says he was rejecting its scary
@desrickgurule2871 2 года назад
@ericsanchez3366 3 года назад
12 great number
@roseboden986 7 месяцев назад
Thank you 🙏🏻
@valerielorenz-daniel5206 Год назад
Thank you
@ericsanchez3366 3 года назад
yes god blesses
@tllittle Год назад
Amen 🙏🏽
@ericsanchez3366 3 года назад
god bless
@lbelle2w87 3 года назад
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