
Help Me Defend The Christian Faith 

Apologia Studios
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Have you struggled with understanding how or why you should defend your faith as a Christian? Do you feel inadequate or not prepared? Do you desire to start living a life in which you know what you believe and why?
Listen to this message from Jeff Durbin at the READY Conference in Iowa. This is the first message from the conference where Jeff teaches the fundamentals of Christian Apologetics. We hope that it blesses and equips you. Let someone know about it!
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@1988TheHitman 5 лет назад
Quite possibly the best video I’ve ever seen on RU-vid. I have a Sunday School class of teenagers and I’ll be using this to teach them over a couple of months. God Bless your ministry 🙏🏼
@jazminsvlogs6884 8 лет назад
thank you , I have such a hunger to learn more . God bless you .
@bengalsgrowl 5 лет назад
I live in Florida and would love to come to a sermon. Where can my fiance and I find this congregation?
@friendlyfire7509 5 лет назад
@@bengalsgrowl Tempe Arizona
@JustinPDX Год назад
Part 2: How to Completely Refute Atheism: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cv6JHGfB9Sk.html
@lepidoptera9337 Год назад
I was hoping for evidence, all I got was bullshit. ;-)
@19nineteenthirteen19 Год назад
​@@lepidoptera9337 Open your eyes. Your surrounded by it. Swimming in it. And yet you pretend to need more information . Why dont you just be honest with yourself, admit that God exists....and you just can't stand it. I'm guessing it's morality you really have a problem with. I pray you find your way.
@keywestconchchroniclescons4585 3 года назад
Pastor Jeff about your early days God , from the foundation of this Earth has chosen set us aside even before you accepted Christ or made your proclamation you were his.
@JoseMartinez-pl2nu 7 лет назад
thank you jeff for posting these videos! i have learned allot from watching your videos !! i have watched many of your videos and by watching your videos my passion for apolgetic and the unsaved has increased,
@TillTheyMurderMeEvangelism Год назад
@MarieMacify 7 лет назад
What is it about this man that people hate? I think compared to preachers who flaunt their riches and proclaim false prophecies, he's way better? I don't see anything wrong also with being an apologetic because his disciples at some point needed to defend the faith while preaching the gospel...
@JMUDoc 6 лет назад
He tells others what they know and believe - that's what's offensive about presupps.
@jayyoung973 5 лет назад
​@@JMUDoc Hes not telling them what they know and believe, he is teaching them what they should know and believe as Christians. Presup or evidentialist the objective gospel of Christ is paramount
@JMUDoc 5 лет назад
@@jayyoung973 He's telling ATHEISTS what ATHEISTS know and believe. "When the atheist says he believes X, ignore him because the Bible says he believes Y." THAT'S what's so offensive about him and his ilk.
@jayyoung973 5 лет назад
@@JMUDoc i understand..my mistake. However, I do believe he is correct about what he says scripture says about the humanist or obviously he wouldnt be a humanist.
@JMUDoc 6 лет назад
How does Jeff tell the difference between a) a correctly-identified revelation from an all-knowing, always-honest god and b) an incorrectly identified one? That's the problem - the buck stops with Jeff's perception whether or not there is an all-knowing, always-honest god.
@friendlyfire7509 5 лет назад
What do you mean by that? I dont understand what you mean; in the first part you make issue with identifying God, then it seems like you bait/ switch in the second part whether theres an existence of god.
@TheGoogleChannel 7 лет назад
Pastor Jeff is awesome, and you should listen "pity the fool",
@gilestv4557 8 лет назад
Appreciate your work this how I now u have faith, God Bless
@-learningaswegrow3396 8 лет назад
Amazing teaching!
@VigilanteMian 4 года назад
Actually, neither the word nor the concept of Trinity is in the Bible. The concept was slowly evolved by early Church fathers from Subordination, to Modalism to Trinity. It was finally enacted in Christian Faith in 381 CE. This is because some of the early Church Fathers did not understand the idioms or the language used in Aramaic in the time of Jesus (Peace be upon him). This concept of deification of Jesus (Peace be upon him) started very early - generation right after Polycarp. On the Day of Judgement, the early Church Fathers will not come to rescue. God gave us brain to think, ponder and find out the truth. God sent thousands of Prophets and Messengers and they all taught the mankind that God is One and Only One. There is only One God not three in One. Exodus 20:1-3 And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me. Deuteronomy 5:7 You shall have no other gods before Me. Luke 4:8 Jesus answered, It is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only. (John 17:3) "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." (John: 20:17) Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" Quran 20:14 Indeed, I am Allah. There is no other god except Me. So, worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance. Qur'an 21:92 "...I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore, serve Me (and no other)..." Qur'an 2:163 "And your Allah is One Allah: There is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful." Quran: (5:73) They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them. Quran: (5:72) They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers. Quran 20: 14 Indeed, I am Allah. There is no other god except Me. So, worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance. Quran 21:25 And We sent not before you (O Muhammad) any messenger except that We revealed to him that, "There is no deity except Me, so worship Me." God revealed the following verse in regard to the factions of Christians who fought each other of having differing views after Jesus and the Disciples left the earth And God knows best. Quran (2:253) Of those messengers, some of whom We have caused to excel others, and of whom there are some unto whom Allah spake, while some of them He exalted (above others) in degree; and We gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty) and We supported him with the holy Spirit. And if Allah had so wiled it, those who followed after them would not have fought one with another after the clear proofs had come unto them. But they differed, some of them believing and some disbelieving. And if Allah had so willed it, they would not have fought one with another; but Allah doeth what He will.
@jonathanaldana4941 2 года назад
Are you saying the father, the son & Holy Spirit is not in the scriptures (bible)?
@VigilanteMian 2 года назад
@@jonathanaldana4941 To Whom you call the father is the only true God. The person whom you call the son is a prophet and a messenger of God. The holy spirit (Ruh al Qudus (Arabic) / Ruach Ha Kodesh (Hebrew) is a creation of God.
@jonathanaldana4941 2 года назад
@@VigilanteMian Jesus himself in John 10:30 said “ I and the father are one”. And all over the book of John & the rest of the Bible Jesus claims the same thing. The Jews themselves understood that Jesus was saying he is God. So what are you saying sir?
@VigilanteMian 2 года назад
Dear@@jonathanaldana4941, That "one" is one in purpose. Most of the children of Israel did not want to believe Jesus (peace be upon him) to be the Messiah and they were finding ways to falsify him. We cannot take the words of those who disbelieved in Jesus to be true. See how Jesus corrected their misunderstanding Gospel John 10:30-42 I and my Father are one. The Jews picked up rocks to stone Jesus. Jesus answered them, “I have shown you many good works from my Father. For which of these are you trying to stone me?” The Jews answered him, “We are not stoning you for a good work but for blasphemy.You, a man, are making yourself God.” Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’. If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came-and Scripture cannot be set aside-what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? This is what Jesus was referring to: Psalm 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods(elohim); and all of you are a children of the most High.
@ElleeZee289 2 года назад
At 41:47 he says that Jesus addresses the issue if genocide in scripture. Could someone please provide some scripture references so I can review them?
@muffinlordghoti1 2 года назад
Luke 13:1-9 The passage is about another travesty that afflicted Galilean Jews but Jeff asserts that it is applicable also to the Canaanites who God sent Israel to eradicate.
@grigoriyshcherbina9374 4 года назад
Where can I find that book you read at Starbucks?
@K-Wiles 4 года назад
Always Ready: Directions for Defending the Faith www.amazon.com/dp/0692124187/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GYPnFbC745M1N
@RipShears 7 лет назад
Triune God- I tried to visualize that concept in my mind. To be able to explain it to others if they ask me. I think a lot of people and even teachers have trouble explaining it. How do we explain the old estimate statements that state things like "there is only One" then put the concept of Jesus's deity or the Holy Ghost in a model they can relate to when Jesus was praying to the Father? If you are going to explain it, an example of a Commit might help. You see this heavenly body streaking through the sky you look up and say "what is that?" You realize it is a commit. (It has one nature acting as the whole) When you look closer it you ask what does it consist of? Dust, Ice, Rock... 3 individual parts of the same thing with a nature working in concert.
@marymckinney4472 5 лет назад
Not only this. JESUS said upon this rock I will build MY church, and the gates of hell will not prevail. And you have two or more in HIM, HE will walk among you. The devil is supposed to take a beating from the church. Shalom and Agape.
@JMUDoc 6 лет назад
TELLING somebody they need Jesus is pointless unless you DEMONSTRATE that they need Jesus. That is, demonstrate that 1. There is a hell, 2. There is a Jesus, and 3. Faith in the latter keeps one out of the former. And by "demonstrate" I don't mean "quote the Bible" - the Bible MAKES the claim, it is not evidence FOR the claim.
@kimberlyr5858 3 года назад
You missed the point...
@sha0071972 2 года назад
43:00 is misquoted, its Romans 1:20
@frankjames1955 7 лет назад
YES **I have a question... what what you think yuor a christian?
@rbwinn3 2 года назад
I'll help you. Doctrine and Covenants 130:22 The Father hath a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's.
@bubbajohnson3402 6 лет назад
wait...what about Lutheran Methodist Episcopal Congregational etc!?!?! lol
@bradyspears2723 6 лет назад
EXODUS 6 : 3 , ISAIAH 12 : 2 , ISAIAH 26 : 4 , PSALAMS 83 : 18 ... THE SUPREME GOD OF THE UNIVERSE IS ...( JEHOVAH ) AND HIS SON IS , JOHN 17 : 3 , JOHN 20 : 17 .. JESUS ...
@bubbajohnson3402 6 лет назад
1John 5:19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
@MALLYGEEZ1 6 лет назад
Presenting evidence for God is not playing neutral. I love Jeff. But the transcendental argument for God, is evidence for God. And all the arguments for God strengthen my faith in God. No one can Escape giving evidence for God. The transcendental argument for God's existence doesn't lead you to the guy the Bible. Just because presuppositionalist say it does, it doesn't they are going to have to give other evidences for the God of the Bible once they establish that there is a God. Even though I know that the atheist know that exist already. The Bible affirms itself. It is self attesting.
@rickdavis2235 2 года назад
Ads every 5 minutes.
@playzfahdayz 6 лет назад
There are so many passages that explain how a righteous man can lose his salvation. I like your videos but I have to question if you believe in the false doctrine of "once saved always saved" -- I mean, even in the Old Testament we see references to the loss of salvation... *"But if a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and practices wrongdoing according to all the abominable practices the wicked carry out, will he live? All his righteous acts will not be remembered; because of the unfaithful acts he has done and the sin he has committed, he will die." Ezekiel **18:24** ✞*
@Classic_Travels 5 лет назад
Sin Slayer you have to understand the context of those verses and especially Old Testament verses in general because Jesus had not been born to redeem the world and also if you believe that you can lose your salvation their would be no one in heaven it doesn’t make sense
@bigsterms 5 лет назад
@@Classic_Travels I agree.
@Godestification 6 лет назад
Can u recommend me books to read to defend my faith as a new believer
@fayelewis5476 6 лет назад
More Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Josh McDowell D. A. Carson Google which one is the best. John Piper Ditto Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus Nabeel Qureshi There is a second book that is even deeper. Cant' remember the name. Sinclair Ferguson Dr. John Snyder Behold Your God
@kaleeb24 2 года назад
Anything by Greg Bahnsen
@jeanmariechopin5080 6 лет назад
Love love love this sermon! I'm new to this type of Apologetics. I have one question, is there a focus at all on sanctification???🤗
@coldwarrior21 6 лет назад
who taught jeff apologetics?
@miniwars123 3 года назад
Cornelius van Til, Greg Bahnsen, and James White. The main book he recommends is “Always Ready” by Greg Bahnsen
@chad969 7 лет назад
How did Durbin determine with certainty that god hasn't fooled him into thinking he's certain about things that are false?
@jaxup1985 4 года назад
Pretty sure he covers this by saying that if Jesus wasn't telling the truth about who he is then he is the worst person to have ever existed.
@friendlyfire7509 5 лет назад
Wierd edit around 59:00
@anguswallace5548 8 лет назад
Why have faith when you can have proof?
@friendlyfire7509 5 лет назад
Do you have faith in the proof?
@kimberlyr5858 3 года назад
@@friendlyfire7509 yesss, apply the claim to itself!
@adamtucker1900 8 лет назад
There's a fine line between arguing vs defending. I love all your videos but wonder at times when you personally know when you have to just pull the cord on an argument and not go against scripture?
@adamtucker1900 8 лет назад
(Romans 16:17-20) Thanks in advance for an answer.
@sammybelskus1534 8 лет назад
Adam Tucker You didn't even ask a question. Use just put a question mark after a statement. You weren't asking for any answer.
@adamtucker1900 8 лет назад
yes...I did. Read it another time my friend. Asking "if" or when he has to cut ties based on scripture, which he should know but put it in parenthesis just in case.
@alexwilli 8 лет назад
I'm sorry but Jeff makes a not quite true statement right at the start. (or at least after all the introduction and personal history stuff, beginning at 32:00). Jeff says, "I have a revelational epistemology." Wrong. What Jeff has is a "because the Bible says so" epistemology. It is a lie, or at least a completely unproven claim, that god has revealed anything to you. Jeff was never a Christian until Billy Graham read the Bible to him on T.V. That's _not_ the same as a divine being coming to you and revealing something directly to you. The key to a "because the Bible says so" epistemology is to demonstrate that your source (the Bible) is reliable. And we know in the year 2016 that it is a very _unreliable_ source for knowledge about the actual, physical world. Then he gets completely disgusting at 40:00 when he claims that only believers are allowed to be upset about death. He literally says that mourning death belongs to only Christians. That is the most tribal, dehumanizing B.S. I've heard in a long time. If you love your mother and she dies you are allowed to be sad, even if you are not a Christian, no matter what Jeff Durbin says. When 8,000 Bosnian Muslisms are wiped out in an attempt of genocide and ethnic cleansing by their Christian neighbors... you are allowed to be upset by it even if you're a "lowly" non-believer.
@RichardIddings 8 лет назад
How has the bible been demonstrated as a "very unreliable source" for knowledge?
@thetruthnothingmore 8 лет назад
i don't think he implied that non-believers are "lowly" as you suggest. i heard him say that the only difference between a believer and a non-believer is the grace of God. i think what he's saying is that an atheist cannot logically justify things like truth, logic, love, etc... apart from a biblical world view. I think he's saying that he has received revelation from God, and the proof is in that any world view apart from starting with God is demonstrably absurd. and any worldview that starts with another God besides the God of the bible is demonstrably false.
@alexwilli 8 лет назад
TheTruthNothingMoreNeverLess you are well within your opinion to think he did not imply that, but his words clearly show that he did. Jeff said, "When the unbeliever says to you 'what about all this genocide'... First and foremost ask the unbeliever to stop tugging at your heart strings because that belongs to us. The emotional response of being upset with death belongs to Christians not unbelievers." Then he later claims that people who sincerely don't believe in god... no _worse_ people who don't believe in his version of god can not even love or find transcendent beauty in the birth of their own child. This is dehumanizing people outside of your tribe, plain and simple. You _do not_ have to be a Christian to have a transcendent, "spiritual" experience witnessing the birth of your child. You _do not_ have to be Christian to know love.
@alexwilli 8 лет назад
Richard Iddings I am not going to get bogged down in disproving the fallacy of an inerrant Bible. If you have access to the Internet in 2016 and you still believe that, there is nothing I can say that will change your mind. What I will do is ask you 3 questions to see if you are consistent in your world view, as Jeff likes to say. 1- Imagine your child, or mother or someone else you love is desperately ill. They have a fever of 103, aching body, and have not been able to keep down food for over 3 days. Do you (pick 1 only): A: Rush them to the church so that the oldest members can pray over them and for them until they [hopefully] get well (James 5 : 14), or... B: Rush them to the hospital where, with the benefit of the germ theory of medicine, the study of genetics/evolution and science in general, they will be given medicine and [hopefully] get well. 2- Imagine this time you realize your backyard needs some TLC after a long summer of neglect so you go out and pull weeds, trim back the bushes, etc. That evening, on top of being exhausted, you notice a burning and itching on your arms. Three days later and its only getting worse, with welts, bumps, insane amounts of itching and burning and it seems to be spreading. Do you: A: Rush out and slit the throat of a bird... pouring its blood onto a 2nd bird as it bleeds to death. Then take the bloodied, live bird and use it to sprinkle the blood from the slaughtered bird onto your arms (Leviticus 14) or... B: Go to the urgent care, get diagnosed with a poison sumac infection and a prescription for oral steroids. 3- Why is there 0 geological evidence of a _worldwide_ flood occurring 6,000 years ago?
@sigguy1361 8 лет назад
Alexander Williams - There are so many things wrong here, it's hard to know where to start. First of all, the Bible never says "pray for everything and do nothing else" for your particular situation. We are called to pray yes, but God also calls us to use wisdom. If wisdom says there is a hospital with medicine down the road, then use it! There are some weird branches of religion that believe in prayer only for healing, and refuse medical care. Nowhere in the Bible does it advocate that, and those people are fools for letting their children die. Heck, even the apostle Luke was a doctor!! Second, under the new covenant (the blood and death and resurrection of Christ) we no longer sacrifice. So don't pull Old Testament rituals into the argument, because they are not applicable. Prior to Christ, sacrifice for sins was necessary, according to God. With Christ, He IS the ultimate sacrifice, and that practice is no longer necessary. Lastly, as to your claim that there is no geological evidence of the great Flood, I challenge you to do a little research on it. SCIENTISTS, not Christian article writers, have found all sorts of evidence pointing to a worldwide flood. Look for terms like coal seams, sediment layers, conglomerate beds, fossils of aquatic life in mountains, etc. There is lots of evidence, you just have to do a little research, and be willing to accept the possibility you are wrong about it. ;o) Good luck!
@solidskirk 8 лет назад
The act of murder is rampant in the Bible. In much of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, there are laws that command that people be killed for absurd reasons such as working on the Sabbath, being gay, cursing your parents, or not being a virgin on your wedding night. In addition to these crazy and immoral laws, there are plenty of examples of God’s irrationality by his direct killing of many people for reasons that defy any rational explanation such as killing children who make fun of bald people, and the killing of a man who tried to keep the ark of God from falling during transport. There are also countless examples of mass murders commanded by God, including the murder of women, infants, and children.
@scorpionnemo 8 лет назад
You missed a few things in your understanding mr. solid. 1. God is holy, righteous, just, and perfect. He created everything good. When that which was meant to be good is perverted and decides to do even one wrong thing. God judges that and says death is necessary. Eternal punishment for committing a crime against the eternal God. Problem is we don't commit just one but thousands of crimes. Therefore, when God acts in the Bible a certain way he is 100 percent justified for doing it. It may seem immoral to you, a hater and enemy of God, but your opinion on God's eternal and perfect decisions is insignificant. 2. God is creator. He can do whatever he wants with his creation. If I make a paper airplane I can choose to fly it around or burn it. I made it. God as the ultimate creator has has more right over us than I do over my paper plane. Psalm 135:6 (NASB) 6 Whatever the LORD pleases, He does, In heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps. 3. All of those situations you outlined are immoral to you.. they are wrong to you. I would ask you mr. solid, Romans 9:20 (NASB) ...who are you, O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, "Why did you make me like this," will it? 4. Before questioning God's decisions, question your own heart and motives before you point your finger at the eternal God of the universe. That is just foolish.
@lukeassande7792 8 лет назад
without starting with the God of the Bible you have no justification to be upset about murder.
@alexwilli 8 лет назад
+Luke Assande you, like Jeff, are seriously claiming that only people who believe in your book have a justification to be upset about murder? Jews don't (not enough books in their library), Catholics don't (added too many volumes to their library), Mormons don't (added an entire other library), Muslims don't (plagiarized your library), Buddhists and Hindus don't (weird hippy library before the ultimate hippy was even born), deists don't (library too impersonal), agnostics don't (too afraid to pretend they know things they obviously can not know), atheists don't (basing belief on evidence is for nerds). Nope, the _100 billion_ or so people who have lived not ever having even had an opportunity to read your book have 0 justification to be upset by murder. If that's not the definition of egocentric thinking, I don't know what is.
@lukeassande7792 8 лет назад
that's a strawman. listen to Jeff, presuppositional apologetics can't be refuted.
@Yesica1993 8 лет назад
The act of murder is rampant in the Bible. And? Show me where God condones it. In fact, the 6th Commandment is, "You shall not murder." You know nothing about the Bible. Please stop spouting off such ignorant things. It makes you look foolish. Now, address the CONTENT of this video. Give any time stamps.
@tissasenanayake4189 8 лет назад
If Jesus existed then it has to be history. And history means evidence. So lets have the evidence . I am waiting.
@AndyfromPBG1 6 лет назад
Really? You doubt that a historical Jesus existed? You haven't bothered to look. No honest scholar, skeptical or not, denies that. There are lots of hostile witnesses to that.
@JMUDoc 6 лет назад
I doubt that a water-walking, resurrecting Jesus existed. Some rabbi-carpenter - who may or may not have been called Jesus - on whom the Bible character is based? Fine.
@ProMaxElite 5 лет назад
JMUDoc Why do you doubt that?
@JMUDoc 5 лет назад
@@ProMaxElite Because I would doubt that a person apparently walking on water before my eyes was actually walking on water. And so would you, I'd bet.
@jaxup1985 4 года назад
@@JMUDoc If people say they saw him walk on water would you believe them? Obviously no right.... What if you then killed them all 1 by 1 asking them to confess they are lying to save their own lives, and they all refused. ALL OF THEM. Would this make you consider that they may have seen something?
@saludanite 7 лет назад
Hi! Just wanted to jump in. God has not called us to defend the Christian faith. God has commissioned us to go into all nations and preach the gospel. He has empowered those who obey Him to be witnesses, to heal the sick and to cast out demons. He doesn't need heroes. He needs ALL believers to get up and go out quickly into the streets and compel them to come in (to the Kingdom, not the church building! Lk 15). I think it's time for these long, fireside Sunday chats to be over!
@saludanite 7 лет назад
Andrew, wow! Thanks for taking up the thread! No, you're right in principle, except that hearsay gets around. Unbelievers depend on it, too! You can't name one philosphy that anyone hangs onto today, except it has its roots way back, "ancient" as you would say. Everybody has some philosophy. I don't care how much they deny it. They're lying to themselves if they say they don't. People have made names for themselves analyzing all this stuff. Don't do some nihilistic trick now and claim that we can dismiss all knowledge. I apologize ahead of time, if you weren't gonna do that, anyhow. The apostle John wrote that a believer in Jesus has no need that anyone should teach him ANYTHING, because the anointing that abides in him is teaching him all things. Jesus said that this would happen, when the Holy Spirit came and people received him. It's a real thing! It is, and you can find out about it. Just like I did.
@jaxup1985 4 года назад
At the beginning of this sermon you have commented on he literally reads scripture where Peter demands that you have a "reasoned defense" for what you believe what you believe.
@Psalm119-50 Год назад
Defense in Greek is apologian(verbal defense as in law court! 1 Peter 3:15. Be ready to "defend" the gospel!
@saludanite Год назад
@@Psalm119-50 Good for both of you! I too, defend the faith! So I mis-spoke. WE ARE to defend. But we should all be taking the message to the world FIRST. The problem is not the few who can defend, but the many who cannot portray in the first place!
@nicholasflamel1134 7 лет назад
Defend it yourself. Just provide some EVIDENCE that ANY of the supernatural claims it makes are true. Then you wouldn't need to "coach" believers how to pretend to defend the indefensible.
@jaxup1985 4 года назад
I think you are missing the point entirely. The point is that there is NO NEED for evidence for you to accomplish your goal. Jeff is actually teaching here to STOP trying to point to evidence, "you are building an unnecessary ladder". The truth is already in the non-believer, so all you have to do is make the unbeliever understand why their current worldview is incorrect, and then the correct one naturally comes to the surface.
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You Must 'Preach' the Gospel
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Jeff Durbin on Baptism Part 2
Просмотров 16 тыс.