
High Functioning Autism, Asperger's syndrome - employment 

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Visit my website at: www.adultswithautism.org.uk
Autism/Aspergers syndrome is a developmental disorder. Autistic children grow up to be Autistic adults. Some people think "how can you be autistic, you are nothing like Rain man" well most of us on the Autistic spectrum are not exactly like him Although I do now Autistic people that share some of his ability to remember important dates and huge amounts of facts and data that can be recited instantaneously. Autistic symptoms are based around the central Autistic diagnosis criteria called the "Triad of Impairments" This encompasses a) Social and emotional difficulties b) Language and communication difficulties c) Flexibility of thought (imagination)
Recognising the Triad of Impairments in my experience is just the starting point, and as many people affected by Autism will tell you, Autistic spectrum disorder can be a hugely complicated condition to understand. And even though there are common symptoms that Autistic people may share, Not everyone with Autism display all the symptoms all the time. Then when you add in other factors such as personality trait's enviromental factors and co-existing conditions then trying to find a "one approach fits all" mentality to working with Autistic people is not going to work. I sometimes think that everyone on the Autistic spectrum is practically a sub category in themselves.



13 сен 2024




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@awomanwalksintoabar954 5 лет назад
PLEASE, keep making videos. I have only recently been diagnosed... I am a 62 year old woman. I need so much to know there is a community of people like me.
@Eristhenes 5 лет назад
I totally understand your points on social situations with people at work: what do you talk about, what are you supposed to say, how do you keep a conversation going, when are you supposed to say something, when are you supposed to stop talking so they can talk? Social situations are a nightmare for me which is why I have spent the vast majority of my time behind a book, the piano or with pen and paper or at the library or museum or lecture halls or concert halls.
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 5 лет назад
I used to think it was only me who felt this way about social situations!
@acanthe3 10 лет назад
This video makes me very happy, I'm 19 year old and undiagnosed but I relate to almost everything in this video, which makes me feel a lot more normal. Especially being able to talk about work but not knowing what to do if invited for a social event, and the anxiety and confusion behind social tasks. Knowing there are people with the same difficulties as me makes me feel less alone.
@acanthe3 10 лет назад
It was suspected that I was autistic from a young age, but this video inspires me to get a diagnosis once and for all, just wanted to say thank you again for putting this up
@steveslavin976 10 лет назад
Hi acanthe3 thanks for your message. I am really glad you found it helpful. Best wishes Steve adultswithautism.org.uk
@nathanwobbe 12 лет назад
I'm 29 and currently on my way to becoming an autism specialist and advocate, I was diagnosed at 16. I gotta say the first fifty seconds of your video really make me happy. Happy because it will be really nice to be able to share the same message I've been trying to get across to so many people all my life from another source. Thank you and I wish you the best in all your endeavors.
@Ratav261 Год назад
your video is very helpful, you find the right words of what I often experience! especially regarding dealing with people at work vs dealing with those people in non-working situations
@sarahmagoon4032 3 года назад
That is very true! And then the assumption that just because you have a lot of anxiety, that anxiety is the CAUSE of all your problems - not the RESULT of it.
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 11 лет назад
Hi thanks for watching. I'm glad it helped. I found that getting a diagnosis really helped as I was able to start to understand myself a lot better. Hopefully it will be good for you as well. Regards Steve
@fourthblock 9 лет назад
hi, im viraj and i had a very bad attack of anxiety and depression recently and a lot of what you mentioned really resonated with me. I have felt much of the same nervousness when entering a room and meeting people and anxiety at not being able to comprehend information. i really respect that you made this video. kudos.
@KimBaack 10 лет назад
Thank you so much for your video. My 7 year old son was just diagnosed with HFA with language disability. It really helps to understand how he may be feeling at times.
@tombstonevulturecommand Год назад
37, male, uk, never diagnosed. Your words are helping me begin to see a more rounded view of my experience with autism(HFA)
@chrissmith12345 7 лет назад
Thanks for the video, I can relate to what you are saying. Good luck in the future! Chris
@stephanieheather790 4 года назад
hi, oh my gosh. I relate to you so much and you are so brave to do this video, I also struggle with finding words I talk exactly like you, especially when i'm trying to recall or explain something, finding this video was great because I felt so alone in a world surrounded b people that could talk fine and understand information so easily, I get so confused, I havn't been so lucky in finding a job, ive only had seasonal work or work that will employ anyone for the numbers because so many people leave. I cant make eye contact for very long and I can'ty talk so in the 50 plus interviews ive had in my life ive never passed one and got the job. daily life is such a struggle and I cant do much that isn't the basics like washing cooking etc, things like filling in forms and organising bills and being able to talk to people and setting up appointments is something that others have to do on my behalf. people tell me I look normal and I am extremely self aware so see what I'm doing but cant understand why I can't do things like normal people can. is this the same with you? it would be know that im not the only one but I would be sad that somone else also stuggles like I do. much love to you, I know this video was almost 10 years ago so I hope life has gotten easier through time x
@naturegirl8248 3 года назад
Hi i was reading your comment and it sounds like me writing it bc i feel and struggle in the same ways. I just recently found out i have high functioning autism and it's such a relief finally understand why life has been so incredibly difficult and painful and confusing and the list goes on and on and on. I hope you're doing good. God bless you💕🤗
@stephanieheather790 3 года назад
@@naturegirl8248 thank you for your reply, although I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone to suffer with autism I find it’s comforting to know that you are so similar and that I am not alone. I wish I could know more about you because I’ve never met anyone like me before. I hope life goes well for you and that it never stops you from pursuing your goals x
@zaminrradiendo4846 2 года назад
I have Aspergers Syndrome for all my life . I am a motion graphics designer . I really struggle in social settings i just hide away . And get so stressed out with heart palpitations . 1 minute in a social setting feels like 1 year in time .
@grae75 11 дней назад
I relate to a lot, especially the bit about not following the teacher's instruction to do something , at age around 9 onwards.
@lewisktownsend 12 лет назад
@adultswithautism I don't mind talking about it. I have lots of the "classic" symptoms: social awkwardness, social anxiety, prefer solitude, repetitive behaviors, focuses special interests: art, computers. I do feel fortunate to be surrounded by good people that don't generally make my life any harder than it has to be.
@sunshinetomato 12 лет назад
I really enjoyed this. My company constantly requires us to socialize with one another, and I cannot see the point, and it makes me uncomfortable, as well as frustrated because I feel I'm being judged for something not work related, but the consequences of that judgement affect my work reputation, if that makes sense.
@Grunchy005 11 лет назад
I've never been formally diagnosed - but I did recognize myself several years ago and was able to improve the quality of my life by diligent studying and practice. I got married! Only to have my son also become autistic/Asperger's. To this day I am very weak socially, but am a lot less shy and withdrawn. The key is to get someone to explain exactly what is expected of you in a particular social situation, then work the plan. My marriage is now failed, but we had got married for the wrong reason.
@sbsman4998 8 лет назад
There is an old saying, "God made the Irish to drink, so they would not rule the world". People say to me, "you seem so normal and social", until they really know me. The difficulties to any achievement are truly magnified when interpersonal relationships are so strained, all the fucken time!! If NT people only knew they would be more sympathetic indeed. Sometimes I just have to compliment myself, good ol me saying to me ~~~~ "good job in spite of it all" ~~~~
@mahbrum 9 лет назад
I find your videos so spot on. I am Canadian and I was diagnosed with Aspergers (High-Functioning Autism, now) in late March 2013 at the age of 54. At the time of my diagnosis, I was already off work for a year on Disability due to my Major Depression. I can't go back to work due to the trauma of doing 2 people's work because of management not wanting to staff our department properly. So, in addition to Aspergers, I also have to deal with Major Depression. Dealing with Aspergers is hard enough on its own with the Major Depression affecting me as well. If it's not one it's the other and sometimes it's both :( Does anyone else suffer from this dual diagnosis as well?
@zaminrradiendo4846 2 года назад
I have Aspergers Syndrome for all my life . I am a motion graphics designer . I really struggle in social settings i just hide away . And get so stressed out with heart palpitations . 1 minute in a social setting feels like 1 year in time .
@davidkellar6732 5 лет назад
Even in a social gathering.... The more you learn the easier it makes that conversation unless very small talk
@karagariglio4013 4 года назад
Omg, I get it. People absolutely can relate to you. I haven't been diagnosed with anything but I feel like I have Asperger's or something. I'm 31 and have all the symptoms of high functioning something or other, and have done a pretty decent job masking it and "fitting in" but never feeling right. I am afraid to get a diagnosis because of all the people who don't understand it and their assumptions. If I were to get a diagnosis, I'd have to keep it relatively secret in the beginning. I have not been able to hold a steady job for longer than a couple years. It's so hard. I feel you man, just remember Jesus loves us and made us this way for a reason, we just can't always see it.
@ianthespaceguy 8 лет назад
Yes social situations suck, I wish there was a work flow or some kind of structures or agenda to it but I guess that would defeat their purpose.
@agunn1231 11 лет назад
I cam across a lot of your videos tonight. They are really helpful for me, finding someone else who..i guess.."gets it" when it comes to Aspergers.. I was recently made aware that i may have aspergers. and I hope to get a formal diagnosis soon, but still I want to say thank you for all of your videos.
@beaus3911 Год назад
Aspergers is a neuro diverse condition in which the workforce doesn't know how to manage and utilize their strengths and abilities to contribute to society. Society needs to change their views on this condition and many other neuro diverse conditions that actually is different ways of thinking that is being under-utilized for the workforce and the world.
@ToniBoucher 13 лет назад
Thanks for sharing that only @ 10% of young aspies are employed in the UK. Many more could be. Research shows that people on the spectrum can make excellent employees in the right job- calling in sick less, showing up on time more than NT counterparts and doing detailed work with precision. Companies love their employees with ASD's. We need to do a better job with vocational supports so everyone benefits.
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi nathanwobbe Thanks for your nice comments. It really is great to share our experiences with other people. In some ways I feel we can learn more about our condition in this way than thinking that we can only learn from the "professionals" doctors etc. I have definitely learned a lot from peoples comments that have been posted on my videos. I also wish you all the best for the future. Regards Steve
@lewisktownsend 12 лет назад
I forgot to mention, I also have some mild sensory sensitivities: light, touch and taste. Florescent lights don't really bother me but bright lights do. Some textures are uncomfortable to touch but I can't really explain it. Some food tastes (like tomatoes) are extremely disgusting to me but it's not that big of a deal to avoid things I don't like as an adult. When I was a child that was a different story.
@spirituality1000 10 лет назад
Only seen video now and I relate very much with what you said. Thank you
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 10 лет назад
Hi James you are welcome. Have you been diagnosed? Regards Steve
@sarahmagoon4032 3 года назад
We are good at being focused with tasks. A lot of social stuff is shallow and pretensive.
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi sunshinetomato Thanks for your message. What you describe is very common with a lot of us on the autistic spectrum. We can be brilliant at our job but when it comes to the social aspect we often struggle with this. I absolutely relate to what you are saying. I now have told everyone that I have ASD and they are much more understanding that I find social situations very difficult. It depends on how understanding the people at work are. Regards Steve
@lewisktownsend 12 лет назад
@adultswithautism yes, I'm reasonably certain I have AS but no official diagnosis. I haven't told anyone in my workplace specifically. I recently was really stressed at work. I told my boss that I was swamped and my duties were becoming too social and that it was painful to me. He didn't question that but offered to help lighten my load. He said I could work from home today on a project that didn't require much communication. I hope for additional improvements but don't want to be too demanding.
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi Napfisk Thanks for your message It seems at long last many adults are now being diagnosed, I was diagnosed in my 40's. I think it is good that we can compare symptoms and share experiences. It helps me realise that I am not alone, and it seems that many people on the Spectrum share the same social anxiety problems. Best wishes Steve
@zaminrradiendo4846 2 года назад
I have Aspergers Syndrome for all my life . I am a motion graphics designer . I really struggle in social settings i just hide away . And get so stressed out with heart palpitations . 1 minute in a social setting feels like 1 year in time .
@fredrickfowler594 10 лет назад
Thank you so much for this Video. It has helped me a lot, to understand a new friend that I have who is a highly functioning autistic adult. Thanks again, Sincerely Fredrick Fowler
@FlickrAya88 12 лет назад
Hi Steve, Your explanations/videos are very helpful & I thank you for that. I understand that you were not diagnosed until you were in your 40's, but wonder what your childhood experience was like. I have a son who has been diagnosed as being on the spectrum and am searching for information which will help us to help him cope. Thank you,
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi UrokiAvalon You are welcome. I totally agree with what you are saying. Perhaps people think that we are all like Rainman !. People have also said to me that I seem so "normal" but it really is hard work socially and I'm never sure If I've done the right thing socially. I'm trying to be more relaxed about it. If I'm around other "creative" people in my work it's easier because I can feel a bit more free and not have to be so perfect and adult all the time! Best wishes Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
I'm sure that you're right in what you say, but I do think that many people on the autistic spectrum will have extra difficulty with the social aspects of the work place and also with following instructions given verbally. These difficulties do seem to be fairly consistent among people with high functioning autism/Aspergers. Best wishes Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 13 лет назад
Hi Cheese4Everyone yes that sounds very familiar. I don't quite understand what the point of socializing and "having fun is for" and always being on the outside of things. I think that the things you describe are some of the reasons why people on the autistic spectrum are very likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. Do you have coping strategies now?
@cyclenut 13 лет назад
Meeting and instructions - I ask for an email with the details to be sent to me. Then I can break it down by each sentence.. Sometimes I have to get more information. In meetings, I just sit very quietly and try to hear what is being said. but I never seem to get it. My job is a computer tech - remote support and repair hardware. I spend much time talking to clients, verifying details. Painful. What really is bad - studying for certifications / tests. Trying to understand the test questions.
@callmecharlottex 4 года назад
I'm 27 and never had a paid job, I've done some voluntary but even that didn't work out for me, but I don't wanna give up because I do have some future goals of getting a job eventually, so when lockdown is over I'm hoping to maybe find some voluntary work somewhere? Like before lockdown started I rode riding school horses once a week (and that was a fear in my life that I managed to overcome so I'm proud of myself for that), and the goal of mine is to get a job up there someday, like I want to build up doing some stable management sessions and then maybe doing voluntary work and then maybe eventually getting qualifications, but in the meantime I could try getting a part time job somewhere like in a small shop, even if I like the sound of the job then even if it does get busy then I would like to at least give it a go first before deciding that I don't like it, but I've never worked in a busy environment before so idk how I'd cope with social skills and that. Like if I get a job in a shop that I'm familiar with then I could do a good job at restocking shelves and that kinda thing? But I feel like a total outcast right now because I'm 27 years old and some of my autistic friends have always been way ahead of me in life, like some of them went to university, now have partners, and houses of their own and stuff like that, I feel like a total black sheep because I've never had any experience and I feel like I can't sit around no more and have to grow up, which I know is what most, if not all neurotypicals would say, but some of them don't understand what it's like for us, but still I do feel like I'm being childish sometimes even though I know you can't have it both ways. I just feel like now I coulda done a lot more with my life like going to university and that kinda thing, and I feel like I've failed and that time's running out
@davidkellar6732 5 лет назад
As long as you can stay on focus with what you know about any topic that's discussed
@pw510577w 10 лет назад
I'm 39, suspect i may have aspergers ( a psychiatrist has mentioned it to me previously ) and resigned from my last job after a new boss came in and decided I had "performance issues" and undermined all of my work. i am wondering if a formal diagnosis would help for future employment - i have been described as not being a team player and speaking with a rude tone. i am a fairly quiet person by nature, and i don't intend to speak with a rude tone. my previous job involved a lot of part numbers, which i really enjoyed, and if i was so bad at it why was i employed for 11 years ?
@finehomemadewine 11 лет назад
Oh yes, it applies to me as well. And yes, they always say I seem so NORMAL (except the times when I want to pretend I AM normal and join them on everyday life level, then they say I am strange person about me) and that they never had any problem with me in all the years. ..Of course I had to give up on everything first and go to really bottom of job pool first !-)...
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi Walarbid. I will do my best to help. Have you thought what your goals are in life? What are your strengths and things you like to do? do you have hobbies that you could share with other people by joining a club etc. Do you have friends and family you can talk to and give you support? It can be hard for most people to move up in the world as you say. I think that feeling happy/good about yourself should be the first goal. Lets talk more and work on some ideas. best wishes Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi DCWhatthe Good to hear from you. That is good advice. It's good to find a way of socializing that feels comfortable for us. I do worry constantly though in case I'm not getting right socially! regards Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 11 лет назад
Hi 19pfk Thanks for watching Regards Steve
@lewisktownsend 12 лет назад
I completely relate. I feel like I'm lucky to have a good job too. My coworkers know that I'm different but they don't know the half of it. Sometimes I wish I could express my anxiety and stress but expressing is even more stressful. Over all I have a pretty good work experience - compared to what it could be.
@mkpleco 5 лет назад
Yes, I go to work to make money to survive but I am also dying every day because I am not one of them, my associates.
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi Kyuuqsoft, Thanks for your comments, do you have any support to help you with social skills and feeling comfortable with other people? regards Steve
@planobunnybob 10 лет назад
Hi Steve - thank you for this video. My 19 year old daughter is on the spectrum and is going through the agonizing process of trying to find a job. She is a very hard worker and a friendly person who has some good social skills. We've had her in a job placement program through the state of Texas since she graduated high school last June but nothing has resulted from it. She's very depressed over it all, so we're going to take matters into our own hands. She and I plan on canvassing the town with her resume and see what results from that. Do you have any advise for my daughter when it comes to interviewing? Thanks for all your helpful videos, Steve, and keep up the good work!
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 10 лет назад
Hi planobunnybob Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, but I have only just found out where the comments appear in RU-vid! I'm sorry to hear about your daughters difficulty in finding work. Unfortunately this is a widespread problem. It's the same here in the UK. Are there any schemes or organisations in your area that specifically help people with disabilities find jobs? We have a couple of these schemes in the UK. One of them is run by the National autistic society. It may be worth checking out if there is an equivalent organisation in your area. Best wishes Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi Walarbid, firstly I apologise about taking a couple of days to get back to you. Do you tell people at work about your autism? Have you tried working somewhere that you can be more open about having ASD? you could then begin to form friendships without so much pressure. It takes time to build up confident socially skills but try to accept that it is something you can practise and get better at. Even many NT's struggle with this. I look forward to hearing from you again. regards Steve
@Gshkent 5 лет назад
I highly suspect I may be high functioning ASD. Life long social skill deficits no friends or long lasting relationship, common sense, social rules, horrible memory and so hard to verbalize any personal thought or opinion but facts are no problem. Still I’ve been a loner for most of my life while my identical twin has had no difficulty noticing social cues, making friends, readjusting easily when changes happen and no problem keeping appearance to society standard. I started working for a company that provides none other than Applied Behavior Analysis for children with an ASD diagnosis, ever since I started I have not felt adequate to peers younger or newer than myself and struggle a great deal with how to present a lesson without having the lesson demonstrated, and allowing me to practice then discuss other acceptable ways to present it. Common sense and vague directions as well as managing expectations, behaviors, etc. Although my employers would be supportive ( there are a few ASD therapists currently employed) I am frozen with fear to ask for accommodations having no diagnosis.I have trouble with word recall and getting my point across without being overwhelmed so I work extra hard during free hours to help myself build skills. But let me tell you the anxiety is overwhelming and communicating is exhausting but I am so motivated to help the kids there gain skills so life isn’t such a hard struggle
@stephenpowstinger733 4 года назад
If ASD perhaps it goes all the way from barely an issue (or characteristic whatever) to severe. I haven't heard any theory yet of what causes it in the brain. Some symptoms (at least) look a lot like depression, shyness, inferiority complex, or (God forbid) low intelligence. A professional psychologist needs to figure it out if you suspect something, but if you see more than one therapist, they may possibly have a different diagnosis. It is a fairly new diagnosis and it has gone through an evolution since Hans Asperger first theorized it in the 30s in Austria.
@barbaraisherwood 10 лет назад
Hi, thanks for your really helpful insights. I am a Brit recently relocated to San Diego. I am a volunteer teacher, currently developing a course for young people 15 -18 with Aspergers to help them with preparation for the world of work. I would like to show them your videos if that's OK, as I think they are good.
@stevemcvicar3062 11 лет назад
Yes I do
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 11 лет назад
Hi Bert That sounds good. I really like that type of instrumental music. It's interesting that you could use your faith as an inspiration for your music. Regards Steve
@dojufitz 11 лет назад
I can talk to people at work, make jokes and make people laugh....but if they said lets go out....i wouldn't want to do it.......Aspies are great when allowed to blossom....
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi greenarubacats12 It's great to hear that you are taking control of your life and doing things that will help you in the long run. I would just advise you not to put to much pressure on yourself and if you get things "wrong" sometimes not to worry or get anxious. You are doing really well and it will take time and no one is perfect anyway. Best wishes Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@jennifersweeps Hi thanks for your comments. It takes some time for those around you to get some understanding and autism is not easy to understand. It can range from being totally non verbal and very low cognitive ability right up to the asperger computer geeks in silicon valley. Try making a personal list of things you struggle with and google to see if those things fit with autistic symptoms. let me know how you get on. best wishes
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi ChrisWorld00 Thanks for your comment. How long have you been diagnosed? How do you feel it affects you in your life. Regards Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 13 лет назад
Hi Toni. I double checked and it is 15% sorry about that but it is still very low. I definitely agree that people with ASD often seem to have very positive personality aspects often linked (in my opinion/case) to a strong sense of justice. A software company in Denmark hires mostly people with AS for the reasons you describe. There seems to be little political will in the UK to offer any support services to higher functioning Autistic adults or to educate GPs/MDs Police and Mental health teams
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@aspietrait101 I think people don't bother asking me to social things any more because I always say no. Now I just tell them that autism makes it to difficult which is not good really. Do you find it difficult to do social things with people, do you have to work hard at being sociable?
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 11 лет назад
Hi devries music Sorry for the delay getting back to you. Yes I was a musician producer songwriter for a long time. It was my job. I do mostly video stuff now. What instruments do you play? Steve
@19pfk 12 лет назад
I understand you I am asperger and i have the same problem
@cindydaggett1290 7 лет назад
I am autistic too I pretty much have all those issues as well with the socializing and trouble understanding things and until i get used to what it is I have to do I am slow as well.
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi DCWhatthe I haven't seen Next Generation is that a program in the US? I guess you are right being different. I think part of the struggle is about trying to feel good about ones self and not like a stupid and worthless person when in a social situation. Thanks Steve
@zaminrradiendo4846 2 года назад
this is all 100% true
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi FeralNelf I'm sorry to hear that. What types of jobs have you been doing? Do the other workers know of your condition as they may be more open to you if they knew about it. It is why I decided to tell people I work with so I don't have to pretend to be "normal" and now I can feel a bit more relaxed in other peoples company. Regards Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 13 лет назад
To cyclenut. thanks for your message. What you are describing Is exactly what happens to me ! I agree about getting the client to email all the details I also get them to do that. But it's in meetings where I have to make notes or follow instructions that I just get lost. Google auditory processing disorder, this seems to apply to us in some way. We are intelligent people but we do have a different learning style.Unfortunately it can lead to us having very low self esteem.
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi Stargazer1111111 Thanks for your message, was it other staff that were cruel or was it customers? would you consider telling people at your next job that you have Aspergers as they may be understanding. I tend to be quite open about it now and have found most people to be quite understanding. Regards Steve
@JohnSlegers 8 лет назад
See also my article "Why the Tech Industry Needs More Autists" : medium.com/@johnslegers/why-the-tech-industry-needs-more-autists-7024a2bcc34c
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 11 лет назад
Hi finehomemadewine It's hard to pretend to be "normal" I also have to try really hard to do it, but I cant keep it up for long. It takes a lot of practice to get good at it! Regards Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@aspietrait101 You make some very good points about us having empathy some on the spectrum are very kind and sociable in the right conditions. Being with people does not come naturally to me although I do know a lot of people. I keep them at a distance. You seem to be doing a good job of being a sociable person. Are you able to "read" peoples body language? I always think people are angry with me for some reason. I find the world a scary place but do my best. Happy new year and best wishes.
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 11 лет назад
Hi suncity9408 The info given during a meeting is generally a big cloudy blur with little bits of clarity breaking through but not always enough to get a good idea of the overall concept being talked about. Strangely after the meeting I am sometimes able to reassemble in my mind more of the information that I had trouble processing at the time. Also I have been lucky to work with a creative director that helps me to understand information in a way that is better for me. Regards Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@aspietrait101 Hi aspietrait101 sorry for not getting back to you sooner but I have been unwell lately. I really agree with what you are saying it all sounds very familiar. I'm tired of trying to be a so called "normal" person, its impossible to work out what we think we should do to "fit in" I tend not to try so hard these days and I feel happier for it ! regards
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi asorita1 "Zoning out" could be down to problems with processing verbal information and/or social anxieties of being interviewed. Many people with ASD have this problem and is why Autism pros use a more visual approach when teaching Autistic children. It is also possible that your eye watering problem could be a sign of anxiety if it's not a medical problem. Have you had an AS diagnosis? Best wishes Steve
@Cheese4Everyone 13 лет назад
I have not yet experienced what it would be like for me in a work place.. but alot of what you have talked about reminds me of school & how when it came to lunch I suddenly had to go out & "socialize" with my peers... I remember spending alot of that time confused while just treading in the background with my group of "friends" & woundering what the heck should I be doing & how should I be reacting to their blabber...
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi Stargazer1111111 I think I understand what you mean, I also find confrontation very difficult. Is there a type of job you could do where people are more understanding and you can feel more comfortable? Steve
@christianschneider5385 4 года назад
hi i want to know, if you know, when you develope, from autism, more to the narzissm? do you know this? in with togetherness? i guess in School times, the Narzissm was not the Problem, is it true?
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@aspietrait101 Hi aspietrait101 merry christmas. That is good advice but does sound a little scary! I can be ok if I'm only talking about work in an office setting but as soon as I'm asked to go out for a drink or a meal the nightmare begins and I just panic and make an excuse not to go. I know I have missed a lot of work by not doing those social things and upset a few "work" colleagues that wanted to be friends. I just ducked out of a trip to Italy because It was to uncomfortable
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi FlickrAya88 Thanks for your response. I'll try to help if I can. Physically:speech delay,severe stomach pains,Small head size initially, not sleeping or eating much. Emotionally: Severe anxiety,depression, ocd type symptoms and separation anxiety,socially isolated. In 1970's thought of as probably schizophrenia. Treated as a"maladjusted" child. But something in my personality/environment led me to be reasonably independent. Does this relate to your son? Regards Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi InterQuarter thats good. What other things do you enjoy doing? Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@aspietrait101 Yes that sounds like good advice I will try to work on how I go about socializing. It is very hard to move forward in life without meeting new people. It sounds as though you have a much better understanding of how socializing works than I do. Did you have trouble with it in the past?
@Ras6200 10 лет назад
Hi Steve, This video is really useful, thank you. Can I ask something? My teenage son was diagnosed as not quite being on the spectrum despite having some traits, because he could identify emotions from a story card, shows affection and has a good sense of humour. Socially he does seem to have some similar issues to the ones you talk about in your video and I'm sure it's no co-incidence that the only two close friends he has have aspergers. Anyway, he is having a lot of anxiety right now about the possibility of accidently causing offence to someone which is making it more and more difficult for him to speak to people in a relaxed manner. He also has a fear that he might inadvertently do something wrong which will get him into a lot of trouble. For example he keeps receipts very carefully. Realistically he always sticks to rules, tells the truth and never dropped a piece of litter in his life but he's becoming more and more anxious. What do you think? Raz
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 10 лет назад
Hi Ras6200 I know you posted your message a while ago, but I only just saw your comment. Actually it does sound like Autism to me. Could you get a second opinion? Regards Steve
@stevemcvicar3062 11 лет назад
Hi, I have been to my psychologist but I have used up all my allowed sessions for the year. From Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@jennifersweeps Hi jennifersweeps I am really glad that it helped you. Sometimes when people ask me what it's like to be on the autistic spectrum I actually find it quite hard to describe.Have you taken the online autism tests which are the AQ an EQ tests by Simon Baron Cohen and are well respected tests. You can do them online and may help you decide whether to ask your doctor to refer you for a diagnosis.Have a look at my other videos as you may relate to these as well. best wishes
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 11 лет назад
Yes that sounds very familiar to me!
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 11 лет назад
Hi Steve I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to have a job or do you find that to stressful? Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 11 лет назад
Hi Steve Have you spoken to your doctor about your depression? They may be able to help you in some way. Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 11 лет назад
Hi devries music What style do you produce? Steve
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@drumsandguitar74 Hi thanks for your message. It really helps to know that other people can relate to what I'm saying. Keep in touch regards
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@aspietrait101 Do you enjoy being around other people? Would you rather be somewhere by yourself so you would feel more comfortable.
@stevemcvicar3062 11 лет назад
I good worker
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@jennifersweeps Hi jennifersweeps Hope you are well. There is another test called the EQ test you can take on line that measures you empathy ability this is also by Simon Baron Cohen. Are you in the U.S? In the UK if you push hard enough you can get a free diagnosis through the national health service as I did. I'm not sure how it works in other countries though. regards
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
@jennifersweeps Hi there. Do you have a family member you can talk to? I think that trying to get as much understanding of autism and how it affects you as possible will hopefully give you a greater sense of being in control of your life. It has helped me. Have you an idea if you may have high functioning autism or aspergers, the difference is whether you had delayed speech development as a child? Please keep in touch and let me know how you are getting on. best wishes
@davie732 4 года назад
You know what? you just described me.
@stevemcvicar3062 11 лет назад
Hi it Steve have anxiety and depression I good at work
@quiettornado1970 3 года назад
being normal is being boring
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi Brian. Do you know what High Functioning Autism is?
@AdultswithautismOrgUk 12 лет назад
Hi NotTheFullTicket Your symptoms do sound very typical of people on the Autistic spectrum although you would need to be formally diagnosed by a clinical psychologist that knows about Autism, not all clinical psychologists are experts on Autism, please be aware of this. Also note that often those with autism also have other mental health conditions. I know autistic people who also have bipolar or ocd, depression etc. Let me know how you get on. Regards Steve
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