
Highfleet 1.14 Hardmode Campaign - Episode 1: The Beginning! 

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Alright! It's time! We are finally ready to get this campaign on the road! There is another video coming out just after this one going over the refits of the fleet ships in this one! Enjoy.
Don't worry, the community submissions video is still coming too!




12 дек 2021




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@swb5816 2 года назад
Survivors alone never cost you morale. It's Kindness only. Morale is only when losing crew, for example to hazards. I can see the combat time on the Audacious becoming a massive problem. Even on these small garrisons you're approaching 30%. e: For ELINT I draw a cone (two lines) at 15 degrees off the reading. So ELINT at 0 degrees I draw one at 15 degrees and one at 345. Then when it changes I draw a second cone. If the bearing change is because my ship is moving, then they're located in the overlap. If my ship was stationary then I know they're in the first bit of the second cone.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Yeah I need to verbalize and show my ELINT tracking a bit better. Mentally I am drawing that cone but I am not showing it in the video. Sadly, I couldn't countenance deliberately shooting down enemy escape pods. It's just now who I am. Even if they are just digital numbers.
@Stillmalfunction 2 года назад
A start of long awaited new series! One reminder though. ELINT does not simply detect any radar signal within, say 1500km or 1050km. They detect signals 2.0x or 1.4x further than the signal source radar's search range. So if the signal source radar is 250km range FCR and you have an ELINT sensor boasting 1500km range(2x), you can detect it if it is within 500km. And ‘danger close’ means you just stepped into the search range(250km) of that radar. The advertised 1500km detection range only applies when the signal source is 750km early warning radar. And another tip is that if you have 1t bomb attached to your ship, enemy ships will take longer time to take off in case you sudden strike them. This trick makes a really good combo with A-220, as one salvo of all 6 rockets on enemy Gladiator turns it into a pile of fine dust.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Wait whhhaat. Having a bomb on your ship means they take longer to take off? Are you for real? I have to try this!
@Stillmalfunction 2 года назад
@@Phrosphor Yup, it sounds like really stupid game mechanic but it’s true. It give you much more ‘playtime’ for your strike ship. And in my opinion, this is the only viable usage of 1t bombs. I usually put it in the core of my strike ship’s hull structure, just on the ceiling of bridge. ;^]
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Going to test this tonight!
@rossvolkmann1161 2 года назад
I've tried playing around on hard mode myself just to test it out. The AI definitely appears to have a reload time on-par with the player and there is much less delay between them flashing the targeting lasers and opening fire. On medium I could solo a lightning against just about any fleet composition, but on hard it's really challenging to rely on evasion alone. I think you're finding the same issue I did, which is that the 57/37mm cannons on those garrison ships are almost impossible to completely avoid damage from. I've actually started bringing bombs on my corvettes, because despite the cost and rearm time, they do kill 1 or 2 grounded ships outright and you end up repairing less in the long run. The thing is, you need to drop every bomb you're carrying immediately at the start of the fight or you'll end up like that poor Courageous at 24:10. Similarly I've found the side-mounted Zeniths are use-it-or-lose it. While on medium difficult I'd save them to allow a corvette to punch up against a frigate, on hard I've found it's better to simply end fights as soon as possible and if that means spending 2 missiles to bring down a Navarin so be it. Better to have an undamaged lightning that'll cost 2k gold and 3 hours to rearm than a busted up lightning with 20 hours of repairs but an unfired zenith. Great stream, I've been looking forward to seeing you tackle this since your last campaign ended.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
The side mounted Zenith's are a problem immediately address. Someone has mentioned that mounting bombs on a ship increases the 'prep' time that enemy ships need to go through in order to take off. If this is true it's a huge game changer. I am going to test it in a video and if so we will be switching to bombs instead of Zenith's on the Audacities.
@marcocesare2526 2 года назад
Hey @phrosphor your first run was the best one on YT in my opinion!! It helped me understand some mechanics about this game that were not very clear. Keep up the good work! 😊
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Thank you so much! Hopefully this one stays informative and I don't make too many stupid mistakes.
@leonardoguilherme4982 2 года назад
His first run was what made the game click for me.
@Spetznaz89 2 года назад
That run was epic, totally worth it.
@Neil1357924680 2 года назад
you keeping the rooster name reminded me of a scene from avatar the last airbender, the one where roku says " I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes. Now I must do it once again". Except for you, its taking khiva
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Leaves from the vine Falling so slow Like fragile tiny shells Drifting in the foam Little soldier boy Come marching home Brave soldier boy Comes marching home
@DiehardMechWarrior 2 года назад
THE ROOSTER IS BACK BABY! Hell yeah! I was expecting this difficultly to bust your butt, given how much you were worried about it pre-game, but it looks like you’re doing great in your opening!
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
We will hit the wall soon, for now we are in the outskirts of the outskirts. There was no way we could go to war without a Rooster to lead the charge!
@DiehardMechWarrior 2 года назад
@@Phrosphor They’re gonna come to snuff the Rooster. *But y’know (s)he ain’t gonna die!*
@keyo3634 2 года назад
hell yea
@Donkringel 2 года назад
Hey my name was chosen! Awesome!
I'm so excited!
@jannese7392 2 года назад
Really looking forward to seeing this one, how you handle hard mode and how the new ship designs turn out! Personally, I find the increased repair times (combined with the fact that harder garrisons usually result in more damage taken) to be the biggest challenge in hard mode.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
It's a big part of why my early game doctrine was built around fast agile ships, the aim is for only light hull to get damaged rather than slow to repair armour and reinforced components.
@ded5351 Год назад
seeing people that are actually good at the game is insanely different than the newbie shit i was doing lol
@Phrosphor Год назад
I was the same when I worked it out
@darykeng 2 года назад
I know its too early for now, but one interesting thing I noticed about planes: It seems sending big groups actually better, especially to deal with small, maneuverable ships. It seems that first group, as we know, triggers ships to dodge, BUT second attack groupm which arrives few seconds after (btw all planes enters the same battle, just few seconds apart, not then first group finish off their attacking run/run out of ammo)m will catch evading ship with dead engines and deliver if not full, but most of their payload. I know main reason to not send big groups is to reduce chance of losing them altogether, but I think on contrary sending big groups is safer because a) more targets means enemies cant focus the same plane, b) higher chances of killing something, so it cant retaliate (optional c) it faster than just sit and watch how 1-2-3 jets doing their attacking run 3 or 4 times in a row, and watching how same small ship keep dodging bombs and missiles)
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Hmm interesting, I stopped sending big groups because I felt that they were missing with the second pass, but it sounds like I need to try them out again.
@PerfectJayDread 2 года назад
Refusing the disaster event seems a mistake to me. This early in the game it’s unlikely there is anything nearby that can capitalize on your ship staying there and and that -3 kindness is going to be tough to overcome.
@JoshWright396 2 года назад
Yeah, but it would have instantly started the strike fleets moving that way.
@PerfectJayDread 2 года назад
@@JoshWright396 Not necessarily. It's just a percent chance for a message to be sent out. I managed to stay there the whole time and no one sent a message to Khiva but ymmv
@Stillmalfunction 2 года назад
Not sure if it happens in hard mode only or not, but sometimes SG spawns on town just right up ahead of Ur. So Phrosphor's frustration looks valid to me.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Comments cover it but I just didn't think the risk was worth the reward. I don't want fleets heading south this early. My flagship hasn't even finished refueling in UR yet and there is usually an aircraft carrier somewhere near the start.
@PerfectJayDread 2 года назад
@@Phrosphor Definitely a toss up on the risks involved. I don't disagree that things could go South real quick if rng is poor but at the same time I know that later "skill", for lack of a better term, checks will be more difficult with the lowered kindness. Same as everything else in the game, its always a trade off lol.
@Summersong2262 2 года назад
I really enjoy this sort of letsplay, where there's all this wonderful system mastery on display. Looking forwards to your next video!
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Thanks, someone described my style as "Long stretches of expertise and competence mixed with moments of handpalmingly bad incompetence." Hopefully this playthrough has more of the former.
@Summersong2262 2 года назад
@@Phrosphor I'm not going to like, your gunnery style is an acquired taste but the rest more than makes up for it. It's like a Jazz player dropping notes, it adds character.
@richardvaldes3959 2 года назад
I came back to watch this again and man. The ai has flawless shooting I wish he implemented a rank system for the ai. So the earlier garrisons and weaker ships had less accuracy... or if he gave us a slightly longer aiming reticle.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Yeah they are all crackshots, and I AM NOT A GOOD SHOT AT ALL!
@Shenaldrac 11 месяцев назад
While I understand your philosophy on missiles at ~8:30, I think it might not be the best one. Saving missiles for when you really need them is intuitive. But I think people often forget the cost of _not_ using a missile. Sure, you could use it for a harder fight but does that restraint hurt you now? For example, you could have finished the Sarma much quicker had you launched a missile at it and likely avoided taking as much damage as you did. Either way you're down a missile, whether from use or from hits taken in a tense situation, but by using it you quicken the fight and avoid damage. I think that's important to consider. And this is especially relevant because choosing to not use a missile doesn't guarantee that you'll still have it. As we've seen many times, they can be shot off. I really think that the best mindset for missiles is "use it or lose it" rather than the RPG mindset of "but what if I need it later?"
@Phrosphor 11 месяцев назад
I do come around to this eventually, I was under the misconception that they were much rarer than they actually are when I started this run.
@Shenaldrac 11 месяцев назад
@@Phrosphor *nod* Understandable. I also think that you take way more hits from the side compared to above or below given your fighting style. And since the missiles are 1x2 sized, they present less of a target from those directions. So mounting them on the top or bottom rather than the sides might be better, or mounting them horizontally if you put them on the sides. Probably the best way is to do it like the Flower (or is it the Paladin?) where they're on the top but also recessed into the hull slightly so a stray side short won't hit them. And yeah I realize this run is _long_ over but hey, I like talking about video games. And someone else might come along and read these comments and it helps them!
@chickenassasintk 2 года назад
Been looking ford to this for a while now. And I don't blame you for not calling a ship "The sausage hunter"
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
There might be room for some sausage hunting down the road!
@Sunfan11 2 года назад
Finally! I'm really excited to see how this goes
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Me too! I really hope I don't screw up.
@wouldyouliketomeetkenbamba9495 2 года назад
It's quite interesting to see how others play and compare their styles to my own. One example, I never really tried to do a multiple Strike Groups approach. I am more of a single squadron guy and rely heavily on reconnoitre and long distance engagements through jets and missiles.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
One of the things I really like about this game is that there are a load of different playstyles possible and they are all really valid. I love seeing how other people play the game!
@topkek996 2 года назад
For some unknown reason, youtube AI overlords decided to suggest me the video 16. of this playlist over and over again. Thanks youtube AI overlords, you truely know what I need to see.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Thank you RU-vid AI overlords! And thank you for watching my videos! Welcome aboard!
@lolroflroflcakes 2 года назад
You may as well use those missiles regardless of the quality of the garrison, either that or just remove them ASAP. Otherwise, you will eventually lose them to gunfire while waiting for a satisfactory target.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Yeah the Zenith's have proven to be a disaster. I really wanted to make good use of them in this campaign but I don't want to mount them internally. I have a plan though.
@EdvandoFilho 2 года назад
In strategy map, ships that have no fuel simple land on the ground for free. So don´t worry that ships will run out of fuel while flying on the strategy map, they wont die.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I know this, but I once lost a ship ~somehow~ that I was expecting to land in the desert - so I always have a fear.
@johncorran6791 2 года назад
@@Phrosphor The ship will land in the desert only if it has legs.
@CinnibarNet 2 года назад
In the landings, you appear to be doing damage to the central structure of the ships when you touch down. I don't know why that is, but it's probably worth checking externally in shipworks to see if there's a structural stress issue that needs to be fixed somehow.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I think it's a combination of stress and the engines brushing the floor. Changing the leg angles should sort it.
@lolroflroflcakes 2 года назад
There could definitely be some more tools for figuring out the centre of gravity and structural stresses seeing as they play a pretty significant role. I was frustrated with a ship constantly rolling while I was trying to land till some bits got shot off and it sort of clicked that I had an unbalanced load.
@kw0134 2 года назад
The communique reads north*WEST* of Ur, which is likely the one you've met at Nagar.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Yeah big reading fail there. Very embaressed.
@mancramps 2 года назад
As they say in the parlance: Let's go
@Nortonius_ 2 года назад
Fantastic start!
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Indeed, things kick off very well in this playthrough It gets hairy very quickly however...
@leonardoguilherme4982 2 года назад
Not a lot of people know this but you can actually sell excess fuel that you recover, by clicking on the right side of the fuel bar in the shop, as if you were adjusting how much fuel you are buying.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I was planning on leaving it behind to refuel couriers in the future, but it is probably a stupid idea. Better to recover the money.
@Schrodingers_kid 11 месяцев назад
1:11 It is "Audacious", but a bit different "Derzkiy" is usually used for someone who is being audacious to get in trouble, someone who starts conflicts
@ThatOliveMrT 10 месяцев назад
Omg the free fuel is the best event. You should have enough to clap the first two SGs before having to stop in a repair town. I beat the game with 100 kh15s and using the Tarkhans as extra ships
@Trifler500 2 года назад
I've noticed the AI actually uses Q and E quite a bit with the Slugger.
@pinpointinaccuracy8223 2 года назад
@theblekedet6467 2 года назад
I'm expecting a lot of suffering ahead
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Sadly the game punishes you for ramming ships...
@CinnibarNet 2 года назад
Also, if you've got excess fuel at a city before you leave it, sell it off. You're just leaving money on the table.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I was planning on leaving it for couriers but as has been pointed out by a plethora of comments this is dumb and stupid so I will be going back and selling it all.
@snoo333 Год назад
@Thermalburn Год назад
In its current state, with your experience is it possible to deal with strike groups using a Beyond Visual Range style of gameplay? So essentially dealing with strike groups via missiles and aircraft only? I don’t particularly enjoy playing with large ships, and the aspect of anticipating where the enemy is then launching missile/aircraft attacks is the most fun for me. Is this a viable strategy or am I wasting my time lol? I do have some groups of light fast moving ships to snatch cities, but overall I enjoy trying to deal with SGs with some BVR gameplay
@Phrosphor Год назад
No this is totally possible. Aircraft are extremely strong in this role. Use the 22mm rockets on T-7s and you will mop up strike groups. The smaller bomb size is also excellent on landed fleets.
@joshuacoleman6245 8 месяцев назад
@commentingpausedtoprotectus 2 года назад
Very odd, I've found myself unsubscribed to you today but I'm 99.99% sure I was subscribed! Thought id mention it in case it's some strange RU-vid thing.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Weird, it shows you as unsubbed to me when I am making this comment!
@commentingpausedtoprotectus 2 года назад
@@Phrosphor That's weird as my screen shows I'm subscribed (I re-subbed of course). Very unusual 🤔
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Very strange! Well thank you either way :)
@formersomethingsomething3273 2 года назад
I have no clue how to play this game but it looks fun :D
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
It really is! It isn't too hard once you get a handle on reading the interface.
@binkyatx3670 2 года назад
Don't forget to post this on the SA Thread.
@CinnibarNet 2 года назад
You've really got to stop mounting missles on the outside of the designs. They're just abalative armor at this point. You're probably better off removing them and stuffing them in inventory to sell.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I totally agree, it's a waste of money and time and honestly I am really frustrated about it. Someone has mentioned that if you mount bombs on your ships the game secretly increases the timer it takes for enemies to take off and I am going to test that in a video tonight. If it is true I will be replacing the Zenith's with bombs.
@tonberrytoby 2 года назад
I lose those outside missiles on the fast ships so easily I just gave up and sell them. Was looking forward to how you handle those in a more efficient fashion.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I will find a solution, I was hoping I could fly with them in mind but obviously not. I need to use them to deal with surprises in garrisons, but I also don't want to waste them if I don't have to. It's a very important goal of the next few videos to work out a way to make them work.
@Summersong2262 2 года назад
@@Phrosphor Could you position them in a more guarded position, like how the Paladin does it? Inside a little dip in the top, perhaps? Rather than straight on the sides where they're hugely vulnerable to incoming fire?
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I want to but the problem is that this is going to turn into a major refit I just don't have time for. I have a new idea that I will record a short video for tonight.
@spamloverislandboy 2 года назад
I feel like you're the only person on RU-vid who knows how to play this game.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Why thanks! There are quite a few different playstyles out there but I think I have mine refined pretty well!
@marcuswilliams3714 2 года назад
1:29 The Taranis... A Fuga: Melodies of Steel reference?
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Actually no, but interesting that it could refence something. It was a vague reference to the Tanis Shipyard in Homeworld 2. I have never played any of the games in that series but looking them up they do look to be my jam!
@marcuswilliams3714 2 года назад
@@Phrosphor yeee : D
@joker_g7337 2 года назад
When in battle, I try never to fire in the direction of the city and civilian population
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I make a point not to target escape craft but I am very guilty of spraying proximity fuse all over cities when attacking.
@Diarmuhnd 2 года назад
Kane lives! For NOD!
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
@zmonchamp 2 года назад
No Wiffle Bat II... I'm betrayed!!
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Next time I promise!
@TheReaper569 2 года назад
im not sure if its youtube upload but please turn off dithering if it is on. RU-vid doesn't like that it looks very pixely. And lowers visual quality. Also try to update your aim setting to max, it really helps.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I will make sure dithering is off going forward, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
@koryakmooseman4756 2 года назад
Is it just a coincidence that Frankston, Brunswick and Collingwood are all suburbs of Melbourne? I know Brunswick is also a city in Germany.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Total coincidence of course. They sound like ship names to me though.
@boon1580 2 года назад
hmm regarding the kindness loss event, cant u like agree to stay 2day with the attack fleet and then make the speedy howler come from mothership and join the attack fleet and then detach the attack fleet from the howler? that way ur attack fleet wont get bogged down at all.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I probably could do that but it feels very exploitative. I am trying to play without taking advantage of stuff like that as it is very easy to just break this game right over if you get into exploits.
@Bankrupt95 2 года назад
How did you create your own Flagship?
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
You need to edit the game file for the ship. In steam go to properties > browse local files > ships folder then modify the .seria file by adding the line m_flagship=true.
@trevorperry3081 2 года назад
I think that message said the Tarkhan was far NorthWEST, not northeast of Nod?
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
It did, I misread and am very embaressed.
@chapman8671 2 года назад
How can you add that effect when your pilot breathes heavily?
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
I love it, but I can totally see it distracting people. It makes me feel like I am in the Zone.
@danielefabbro822 Год назад
I have another question. Do you guys use nukes or regular missiles to strike enemy groups? I know that nukes grants more damages (in theory at least) but after the first nuclear strike then I have to be aware of possible nuclear retaliations and saving my flagship from that end is exactly one of the main points to survive. Frankly speaking I had a game where I wasn't able to find hidden cities and I was forced to move Sevastopol all around the map without the chance to concretize my grand strategy, wasting ships, money etc. That was kinda frustrating. Moreover, if the enemy pursue me and I have no safe hidden cities where to hide, I can hold just against four strike groups before capitulate. After that nukes becomes extremely necessary to survive but also after that, enemy strikes back with nukes too and I end up losing Sevastopol... That is basically the end game. So... It's good to use nukes? And if yes, when I have to use it? May I save them for the times I reach Khiva and enemy forces hides inside the city? Just to obliterate whatever remains outside I mean.
@Phrosphor Год назад
I don't use nukes. One from a moral/rp standpoint and also because if I use nukes then the enemy get nukes and you die so fast once they start slinging them.
@CrabQueen 2 года назад
Hello, how do you set another ship as a flagship? Couldn't find anything about it from cursory research
@emredeniz2 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-x5JPtni_JHY.html this tutorial explains how to turn any design into a flagship.
@CrabQueen 2 года назад
@@emredeniz2 cheers
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Yeah you need to edit the profile for the ship, the tutorial shows it. Thanks for sharing it @Emre Deniz
@danielefabbro822 Год назад
Wait a second. How do you set a flagship?
@Phrosphor Год назад
You need to edit the file for the ship in your highfleet folder. If you give it a google there are a few guides on it :)
@MrZlocktar 2 года назад
Yes, DERZKY would be very close to audacious in Russian.
@sethjones5122 Год назад
How do you unselect the Sevastopol from you selected ships
@Phrosphor Год назад
If you select the ships you want to dispatch in the fleet selection window on the right and give them a new move order they will detach and move away, leaving everything you didn't select behind.
@sethjones5122 Год назад
@@Phrosphor Thank you so much and also I really did not think you were going to respond so thank you again!
@LandoCalrissiano 2 года назад
You can sell excess fuel. Also you read NW as NE.
@Phrosphor 2 года назад
Yes that was pretty derpy. I am leaving the fuel for my couriers, they can top off with very little fuel when they dip down south to get more missiles/planes later in the game.
@Max-qy8hq 4 месяца назад
When I finished a normal campain, I started a hard one. In the first 3 garrisons were at least two paladin/archangel/cormoran. But u always fight vs small ships. Something wrong with my or your game.
@DobbsyLondon Год назад
1 tonne bombz, 1000kg not 1000 tonne. Also was NW, not NE.
@troy5370 Год назад
Look! A 2D Galaga clone has fooled you into thinking this is a game lol...
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