
Hilarious QI moment - Giant Tortoises 

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A hilaroius discussion on giant tortoises.
The beginning is a bit slow, but the punch-line is terrific.
Taken from QI G episode 10 - Greats




14 сен 2010




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@hyzenthlay7151 8 лет назад
"Any food or drink to declare?" "Not any more..."
@nakiwarai1 12 лет назад
it’s adorable to see how much fun they can all have with just the simple fact that tortoises taste good :)
@JoshSweetvale 7 лет назад
I like how Mitchell somehow drags Sean Lock into his confusion. ^_^
@emilianosantos1 10 лет назад
I've watched this video over and over again and I don't get tired of it :)
@lewisdorling3559 8 лет назад
This is quite possibly the greatest moment in QI history
@TheBassHeavy 8 лет назад
+Lewis Dorling Just slightly behind 'what do they say of the acropolis...'
@dnizabhad 13 лет назад
I could spend my entire day listening to david's laugh and still be a happy woman in the evening.
@Rikk303 11 лет назад
This is my favourite moment ever from QI. David was in tears at the deliciousness of the tortoise and why it never made it back to be categorised. They all cracked up in the end...classic!
@IvarrtheSpineless 12 лет назад
David Mitchell's regretful sigh; "We are twats..!" Priceless.
@A-Duck 10 лет назад
I really want to try some Giant Tortoise now...
@Clint945 8 лет назад
4:35 Clearly Tortoises are programmed in 8-bit... he was able to live until 255 then rolled back to 0 and died.
@milosmatits8026 6 лет назад
@NeoWolf07 13 лет назад
Davids Laught at 3:09 is amazing XD
@junbh2 11 лет назад
Totally. There's something contagious about watching someone laughing so hysterically.
@aaron8862006 12 лет назад
Therein lies the brilliance of the show. And the British gameshow phenomenon in general. A snarky intelligent host playing counterpoint to a bunch of ordinary comedians.
@Schmidtelpunkt 7 лет назад
I love how David Mitchell talks for the studio audience only, because he is convinced this will be edited out anyway, and the weirdly hilarious moment resulting from it just made it impossible to leave it out.
@ciaoukulele 13 лет назад
Probably The best clip from this show.
@littlemissmello 11 лет назад
I love how much Mitchell loves this..
@Hobzicle 12 лет назад
The only show that can talk about Tortoises and keep the audience entertained.
@IoEstasCedonta 10 лет назад
By the way, if anyone's curious, "chelonoidis nigra." (And also, "pistachia vera.") (And incidentally, it's a bit unfair to say it took three hundred years to give it a scientific name, since although it's three hundred years from its discovery, it was within seventy years of Systema Naturae.)
@D3w10n 12 лет назад
Alan is always acting like he is a representative for general ignorance, but he gives the correct answer most of the times O.o
@DukeOfKidderminster 13 лет назад
We should start up an intensive giant tortoise breeding programme NOW!
@DodderingOldMan 13 лет назад
I'm convinced that a good part of the reason that this show is so brilliant is because it's just a delight to see other people enjoying themselves so much. Top Gear's the same; I've always slightly mistrusted people who say they don't like Top Gear, because I suspect they don't have that simple human capacity to enjoy seeing other people having fun.
@ShadesOfKnight 13 лет назад
I love Alan's bit... "I don't know what they're called, but you gotta go get one, they're delicious." :)
@thrillynewt 13 лет назад
I love how Stephen Fry can wear anything he likes and still look good in it.
@InsertNameHere803 13 лет назад
This may be the best QI clip ever.
@KingNik1994 8 лет назад
They probably ate the 255-years old tortoise when it died...
@flyoverangel 13 лет назад
Never get tired of QI, even a bad QI episode is still pretty damn good!
@KurtMcGowan 12 лет назад
you drop this bombshell of a historic fact on a bunch of comedians, you are going to get MAYHEM x
@Schmidtah 12 лет назад
I really am in the mood for giant tortoise now.
@mandelstuvning 12 лет назад
I love seeing comedians laugh!
@whyisthisrequired 13 лет назад
Stephen's genuine laugh at 3:54 is priceless!!
@SonOfFurzehatt 11 лет назад
If some bright 19th Century explorer had thought to start farming them on the mainland, we could now all be tucking into delicious, non-endangered giant tortoises. It would have been a long-term investment, sure, but his heirs would be raking it in.
@muthesquirrel 10 лет назад
Hmmm... so old age increases taste... I think I may have a solution for all those retired people over 80...
@COREkarz 10 лет назад
@ArtypNk 9 лет назад
Soylent Green "Traditional"
@MurcuryEntertainment 7 лет назад
@ChrisJaanes 13 лет назад
This was so incredibly funny, my stomach muscles were sore afterwards, and my eyes were streaming with tears. Jesus christ that was amazing.
@bobdolesrevenge 11 лет назад
Okay, I'll give it a shot in about sixty years or so. My calendar's all booked until then.
@DurpBox 12 лет назад
I'm paused at about three minutes in at the momemt. I had to take a break from watching this to prevent bodily liquids from escaping.
@superquintendo 13 лет назад
i almost died waiting for this to buffer
@ThePhudD 11 лет назад
This is my favourite QI moment! Thank you.
@misterhamez 12 лет назад
best one segment evar :P
@understand0001111 12 лет назад
This sketch and the driving licences sketch are my two favourites in qi :D
@bigman25plus25 11 лет назад
this is brilliant
@califlover49 10 лет назад
Simply hilarious.
@ravenhousegaming 13 лет назад
"Come over here my lovely, were trying to find a name for yo... GETH YAAA FOK...!!!"
@Cliffjumper24 12 лет назад
Reminds me of a joke: Bloke goes to a funfar, has a go on some rides and get a bit bored so stop by a stall to shoot targets. Pays his money and shoots down the targets. Stall owner says "Congratilations you've won a prize, what would you like?" Man points to a tortoise and goes of happy. An hour later he comes back, pays his money, shoots down the targets. "Congratilations you've won a prize, what would you like?" "I'll have enother one of those crispy sandwiches please!"
@Pletzmutz 11 лет назад
When Stephen said "255. He was born before Mozart, before the French Revolution and his death was announced on CNN" I expected someone to say "And it tasted delicious!"
@freethis222 13 лет назад
@MsCookieJonas 12 лет назад
@Hobzicle Also the only show that can go from giant tortoises to maltesers and back again with incredible ease.
@andywonline 9 лет назад
QI rocks.. educational and hysterically funny. yes please.
@neos1234125 12 лет назад
This is why we need cloning. We can get heaps. I don't know if I can go without ever having tried one now. Such a tease
@ExhaustedElox 11 лет назад
Still hands down the funniest part of any QI episode as far as I'm concerned. :D
@OffMyKeys 10 лет назад
I've seen this part countless times and I still piss myself laughing every time...
@CrusaderZav 11 лет назад
AN EXCELLENT SUGGESTION. Though i bet they'd be expensive.
@thecassman 11 лет назад
That's exactly the point of satirical panel shows like this... They have separate material for their stand up work, and this sort of comedy only works in a discussion format. That's why these shows exist; to allow this form of comedy to be done.
@ProducShuns 13 лет назад
only qi can make the topic of giant tortoises funny
@neos1234125 12 лет назад
Anyone else really want to go back in time and try one of these things?
@fenhen 12 лет назад
God I could go for a giant tortoise right about now...
@OnnoSlot1988 12 лет назад
Dear viewers... Don't try to analyse it, don't try to diss certain people. I've watched all series of QI, and I think this is my favourite moment! Five minutes of brilliant comedy! :D
@spr66 12 лет назад
Mitchell's Laugh at 3:10
@morthasa 13 лет назад
@Sarandib22 It is called QI, it is a british comedy panel game. More information can be obtained from wikipedia. Incidentally, just about every QI episode is available on youtube.
@holdemehha 11 лет назад
We almost got through the whole clip without it, and I felt that something was amiss. Then along comes Jo Brand with a buzzer beater
@purpleshamrock17 11 лет назад
"and you can list his achievements on the back of a stamp" :)
@Myskomunken 12 лет назад
5 minutes of pure hilariousness. How to achieve this? Have the woman shut up.
@Emophiliac2 12 лет назад
@artstuX There IS an intensive giant tortoise breeding program in the Galapagos right now. Lots of little tortoises on most populated island. I never did find out how they taste.
@leeway5555 12 лет назад
Now, these cows are small, the cows out there are "Far Away"…
@DukeOfKidderminster 13 лет назад
I've got a sudden craving for Kentucky Fried Tortoise.
@flibbertygibbet 11 лет назад
There is a huge enclosure in the the local Zoo with quite a few Galapgos Tortoises and up until a few years ago the wall was really low and you could give them a scratch. They loved it but idiots kept feeding them crap and so glass was put up so that no one could get to the cute tortoises. In the Spring. the damn things mated and they moaned, loudly. We started avoiding that area at a certain time of the year.
@funboy7979 11 лет назад
You're a fine human being. And quite brilliant. Really. Keep up the good work. A grateful nation will one day mourn your passing.
@killadog84 8 лет назад
No latin name for malteasers...
@CzechMirco 12 лет назад
Jo Bran: "He lived for 255 years and isn't funny. I mean, I've achieved 50 percent of that."
@Hamletstwin 11 лет назад
I'm sure somebody did, and then "dammit I cant wait ANYMORE!!!!"
@saveusmilkboy 12 лет назад
david mitchell possibly has the best laugh in show business.
@soundslave 12 лет назад
She only has 2 jokes bless her.
@thecassman 11 лет назад
I'm also a great fan of sarcasm ;-). Good day to you good Sir.
@Wickerbasket 12 лет назад
@TheBrigantii 11 лет назад
"We are TWATS..." Comedy gold.
@adronias 10 лет назад
Happy to know that David is a fan of Pistachio nuts. Love those little bad boys.
@DDslinky 13 лет назад
The only time I ever want Alan Davis to shut up is when David Mitchell's on QI, just so that I can hear more of his genius...
@LeoRikimaru 11 лет назад
So true.
@morthasa 13 лет назад
@artstuX and a restaurant... *grins*
@jmdatwhtjtj 10 лет назад
@xSkitZx 13 лет назад
@artstuX yea nobody thought of that. Thing is they don't breed in captivity, and maybe once every few years in the wild.
@SpartanM621 12 лет назад
Yeah, I'd imagine so.
@chailizard 13 лет назад
Lock, Mitchell, Davis and Fry in a room together.... miracles happen
@iceman1731 10 лет назад
I was surprised how well this clip lived up to its "hilarious" title.
@TomFynn 12 лет назад
Giant Tortoises. The popplers of the 18th century.
@rayonismvideos 12 лет назад
Stephen, Alan, Dara, Rob, Bill
@dragonforce525 12 лет назад
Letting Jo Brand get the final joke in, that's like Jedward closing an Iron Maiden gig, what a letdown.
@Paul-A01 11 лет назад
And in 2006, his owners just couldn't help themselves anymore.
@junbh2 11 лет назад
I checked and the latin name for the pistachio is 'Pistacia vera.' Shame, I was hoping that was true :).
@morthasa 13 лет назад
@jsabbath01 Was there such an episode? If there is please tell me, I am SO watching it!
@whade62000 10 лет назад
I wonder if this perhaps inspired the "Flightless Birds" sketch.
@annalouisekennedy 12 лет назад
@jungleboyuk Me too! No idea what it tastes like, but if it's better than Chicken, Beef and butter, it's got to be amazing!
@Lesserthannone 12 лет назад
@artstuX Yeah why not, its sure to kick off say, when the stocks are filled in another 200 years or so...
@funboy7979 11 лет назад
I did not solicit your attention and purport to challenge you or anyone else directly; I merely made a random observation, as one does. I suppose it was analytical about why the show is so genuinely entertaining. I doubt the professionals in the video need your protection, but if you must, troll away, we're all fascinated.
@666deadman1988 12 лет назад
It's a shame they neglect to use the phrase 'taxonomic nomenclature' in this, as it is probably my favourite thing to say ever.
@JDLupus 10 лет назад
I REALLY want to eat some giant tortoise now...
@oliveswind 12 лет назад
@phoenix511 no!!! that is definitely NOT wrong!!! he IS adorable! :D
@thecassman 11 лет назад
My friend, i have seen all sorts of folk on these comment sections... I have seen similar posts to yours, responded in a similar way, then been told that they only use comedians who can't do stand up. Seriously. I apologise for assuming that your post was in any way similar to that scenario :)
@elvenator 11 лет назад
"There's no latin name for Maltesers". That's how you turn 5:09 into 0:03.
@Chariset 13 лет назад
@jsabbath01 I'm amazed David hasn't been on that show. A panel show ABOUT ranting? It's practically a Mitchell Trap.
@daddyleon 12 лет назад
Can't help but wonder... the giant tortoise that grew so old and died in 2006... was it also delicious??
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