
His Yoke Is Easy and His Burden Is Light | J. Anette Dennis | October 2022 General Conference 

General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ
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Sister J. Anette Dennis speaks at the 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on October 1-2, 2022.
Sister Dennis teaches that we should avoid judging others and instead be compassionate and loving toward everyone.
Let us remember that each person on this earth is a child of God and He loves each one.



3 окт 2024




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@sherbear8097 Год назад
Beautiful message. "Practice loving as the Savior loves"
@benabbottw 2 года назад
Thank you so much Sister Dennis for this inspired address.
@emilybailey4283 2 года назад
.....Even if you have the faith to move mountains, none of it profits you if you have not charity. We are commanded to love others, not judge them. It isn't condoning sin to love. Love inspires others to want to change their lives. That's true.
@justkeepswimming6549 2 года назад
Wonderful message, thank you so much.
@davidforbush9819 2 года назад
So many loving actions directed herein.
wonderfull,,,,,,,any abuse causes us to live beneath our starure as his covennatn hicldren,,,wow
@DarrellWeavercom Год назад
A soul so rebellious and proud as mine has the Savior loved and is continually forgiving.
@ilikefood1179 Год назад
Btw this was my favorite talk i was trying to get a message across to my friends and this talk perfectly explains it i willl have to show her
@houstonwells3404 2 года назад
THIS talk wins the internet in 2022
@JT-zt7uq 2 года назад
Next time you feel judged, ask yourself, “Why do I feel bad right now? Because she was rude or because she was right?” It can be easy to fall into a victim mentality when we are really in an unrepentant mentality.
@E-4 2 года назад
Fantastic message, thank you
@swtucker10 2 года назад
Jesus will know you because you are like him. I feel the light of Christ in you and I needed that.
@emilycaballero6052 2 года назад
My favorite talk this conference. Thanks, Sister Dennis.
@patrickrose567 2 года назад
The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. The book of Mormon teachings be Jesus is Christ the Eternal God. The devil does not believe in Sin its not part of his plan and does not know how to correct Sin , and opposition in all things to transgression without making the choice to , partake of the tree of life confounded and deceiving our first parents that they would have to worship him , to the choice that is not his and that is hard to do by death in the choice of doing so by the forbidden fruit and in that day you shall die . Jesus Christ , also over came death by resurrection to restoration salvation as blood sacrifice is unto the new and everlasting covenant the gospel . The devil his plan fails back to a position that has no resurrection and no , Eternal life knowing opposition in all things , by sin are transgression , and that part of the host of heaven be cast out to a place that is confounded to understanding heaven and the earth by Parable teachings work and moves day and night to , bind a person by knowledge that they dont have to be a subject to start over for they know not the love that Heavenly father has to his only begotten to save the world by the law to truth Eternal exaltation a plan. Jesus Christ his way is by the father , as O God the Eternal father. To a covenant that is made by the lord , to the fathers they may know they are not cast off forever. The valley of death be a real subject matter to blood sacrifice for the innocent to answer the sins for thoes that choose wrong to , a Meridian that Jesus Christ is born , fullfiing the commandments to law the truth by serving God a Probationary period so grace is acted apon by the old to partake of the new as the old way be a covenant by the new way in all covenants as we grow by the phases of seasons we be in to understand the Bible Old and New covenants , as testament and book of Mormon is another testament. Nephi talks about partaking of a higher law the sacrament by faith to knowledge something before the dispensation is fulfilled to partake and bless a sacrament that is not commandment living in a higher law and fullfiing commandment by blood sacrifice tell Christ is born and fullfiing the law by commandments to move a dispensation on as the last dispensation is to the eternity the truth to live by time and eternity dispensation to the fullness it brings by opportunity to the Lord , that Lord's be as the scriptures teach by Parables. The Manifestation to all Nations convincing Jew and Gentile. The covenants the lord makes with the fathers to know they are not cast off forever , The old with the new as the dead move on and then the living does to understand how individuals together family groups do by the fullness we live by the desires of the heart and by the teachings of inspiration in doing so as it be by Jesus Christ to the father and being submissive as a child to obtaining the work that needs be done to the articles of faith teachings. The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints and Temple covenants together being One to a season phases that be all in one to be one. Iv trained others and it takes lots and lots of time on time that does not subject the teaching to knowledge work done themselves tell it is and soon as that conection is made it be by them , in they own time by striving little by little to achieve a level that is by code as a commandment is and to negotiate in good faith to a higher law that cant be written because it is not a requirement of the job description procedure and policy to all things but by your choice to excel above the normal and be one . It's almost like saying is it more important than one succeeds and a nation fails by dwindling in unbelief. If the best makes the requirement law to have no grace above the normal they would be no negotiating in good faith as the code to make better the requirements fail the ones learning to grow by the way we do by being subject to a requirement that others can achieve way above the duty in doing so by the difference and talents we be in all things the same as we move to in out of life as a weakness is made strong to achieve more than be required as it be to thoes that be given much is required. It takes effort and time to move a work on by knowledge done to retain the move to do it again over and over and over and over again and by little things great things come and we pray others be paying attention to help they own kind out to lift the load and set a example to negotiating in good faith Giving every day above the requirements of law to relationship to sustaining and magnifying others to a position job description as a calling is to family the tree of life and the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints in all callings we move by the holy Ghost to the glory that makes One , to be as Jesus Christ is. Joy and joyful , the Jubilee. As one in the season the first and last making the last firts strive to be one to retain a remission of sin by repenting and being baptized and follow President Nelson and the General to Stake the Ward Branch authorities and be fullfiing Prophecy by Personal Revelation to a calling that is by how the articles of faith teach to another Witness both One in them all by the testimony lived by life experience to be by faith and all thoes that go through it themselves together another testament of Jesus Christ.
@TheBell0410 2 года назад
Wonderful talk! ❤
@nathanbanks2935 Год назад
Living with gentleness kindness and love, is a simple thing that all of us can do, which can dramatically help this world to be a much better place! It's by, and through the grace of Christ that we can show our love for him and for everyone else, through our faithfulness!
@miainelom1104 2 года назад
Exactly all of this 💛
@ilikefood1179 Год назад
Why was the dog bleeding
@levistone9903 2 года назад
Best talk of the whole conference by far ❤
@ardoario4990 2 года назад
I thought so.
@tadchristiansen 2 года назад
I totally agree!
@ilikefood1179 Год назад
I agree soooooo much
@Kirs.. Год назад
I did really like this one as well!
@jtwoolley Год назад
Thank you!
@healthyfruitarianvegan_stories Месяц назад
I love her talks. We can care about the pain that ALL sentient beings feel. Higher and holier: not eating pigs, chickens, cows, etc. when there are plenty of plants (“wholesome herbs”) that we can eat. This sister also mentioned doing things out of love for our Heavenly Father. And Jesus said that flesh of beasts and of fowls of the air - no mention of fish being ordained - “I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.” #avoiceforthevoiceless
@stephanytaylor4767 2 года назад
Was so touched by this talk, most humbling spirit filled talk I have heard this year! Not alot of lds doctrine truth about Jesus!
@fortheloveofpets4620 2 года назад
Was the dog ok?!?
@lurenacornella6588 2 года назад
@churchofjesuschristgeneralconf 2 года назад
Hi Lurena, thanks for tuning in to the video and sharing your comment. We know healing from addiction can be found through the Savior, Jesus Christ and invite anyone in need to join the Church's Addiction Recovery Program, which supports those recovering from addiction as well as their spouses and family members. Learn more about these meetings here: addictionrecovery.churchofjesuschrist.org/what-is-an-addiction-recovery-support-group?lang=eng
@juliepalmer3126 2 года назад
Was she a pre school teacher
@smiles.n.sunrises7899 2 года назад
Not sure if she was… but she did study Elementary Education in college at BYU… so she definitely worked with/around children 💛
@danthechristian6097 2 года назад
His yoke is easy and his burden light. Just RESIGN your LDS membership and put your trust in JESUS ALONE. For us born-again, Bible-believing Christians, Jesus "himself is our peace", as he saved us "by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances" and he "reconciled us both to God in one body through the cross". Ephesians 2:14-16. We've been forgiven permanently and promised eternal life. "And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross." Jesus is enough. John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9.
@nathanbanks2935 Год назад
Hi Dan, I respectfully disagree with some of what you say. I do agree that his yoke is easy, and his burden is light, however repentance is a commandment from God. If everyone were just unconditionally forgiven, without choosing to repent, no one would be afraid to sin, and someone could just murder, commit adultery, etc. without worrying about the consequences, because there wouldn't be any. This is simply not true. The consequences for sin are spiritual death. This makes us unclean before God. God doesn't merely want to forgive our sins, but he wants us to choose to follow him, so that he can change our very nature, from selfishness and hateful, to loving him, and even our enemies with our whole souls! When Jesus taught the woman caught in adultery, it is true that he said that he didn't condemn her, but he also commanded her to go and sin no more. This proves that, just because we have the gift of Grace that we can access with our faith, doesn't mean that we have a license to sin. "When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." -John 8:10-11 Millions of people have embraced the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and you can see the effects of their love for Jesus Christ, by hearing about millions of people, around the world who are being helped, financially, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and that it is Christ's New Testament Church restored to the earth. Christ taught that by their fruits you shall know them. The fruits of the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is proof of how much we love Jesus Christ, and all mankind! God bless you brother, and I hope you can choose to show more love for Jesus Christ, and all the sons and daughters of God.
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