
Historian predicts how Russia's war in Ukraine could end 

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As Russia's invasion of Ukraine enters its second year, war historian and University of Rochester professor Hein Goemans paints what a potential end to the war could look like.
#CNN #News



24 фев 2023




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@gretelh3144 Год назад
I wish the interview hadn’t ended so quickly. He seemed insightful, made a lot of sense, and was interesting. Please have him back .
@tobioman17 Год назад
He was going to talk about the end of the afghan war campaign, so he needed to be cut off. He may not come on again.
@ruslankbr5243 Год назад
He did not mention nukes it is some kind of propaganda I think
@smek22071975 Год назад
@@ruslankbr5243 Why state the obvious? But the stupid thing is, that if Russia wanted to stop Ukraine from joining NATO because it would come to close to their borders, then they are failing. Finland and Sweden have since then applied for membership. Even if Sweden is not allowed, Finland will. Thus making the border way longer and Finland have a massive army to defend against the Russians. Nukes are not important. Why? If one goes off we will all die. Some will die fast and they will be the lucky ones, some will survive and die slowly because of radiation, disease, lack of food, lack of water, plunder and killings
@think2146 Год назад
His hypothisis is faulty . WW2 ended with total defeat of Japan and Germany .
@ruslankbr5243 Год назад
@@smek22071975 I think Biden or Macron stated that they will not use nukes if Russia will use it in Ukraine. And you quite don’t understand Ukraine importance for Russia this is not Finland or Sweden. Ukraine consists of territories which were part of Russia and there are as many Russians as Ukrainians in those regions, using these territories as a base for NATO is absolutely does not suit Russian interests. You know that USA stated in 2008 that Ukraine WILL BE member of NATO, how do you think where should Russian naval Sevastopol base should be removed in case of Ukraine NATO membership? That is why Russia annexed Crimea.
@brendatenorio5721 Год назад
Fascinating. Bring Professor Goemans back for more detailed discussion. Need more of him.
@EduardoOliveira-zx4yj Год назад
Worm in Ukraine never end.
@raminkhoshaba3900 Год назад
@Fathersloveforhisson Год назад
@wieslawmaciag2142 Год назад
@Eduado Oliveira . Now try it IN intelligible ENGLISH .
@alexanderl9985 Год назад
@@wieslawmaciag2142 😂
@raulsuazo5015 Год назад
Why the interview ended so quickly? This guy is the man to make a whole segment with. Very knowledgeable. Someone i would love to sit and talk about this war issue.
@HvdHaghen Год назад
Yes, he did not come to the scenario where the citizens come to the conclusion that they are betrayed by NATO, EU, UK, Kolomoisky and Zelenski. That Zelensky promised to make an end to coruption and the troubles in the Donbas, and did neither. That the Minsk 2 accords were much better than this war. That the two "revolutions", the "Orange" one and the "Dignity" one, - sponsord by CIA and US oligarchs, - were done by bad loosers in Presidential elections. That they are much better of by letting tthe pro-Russion parts become independent and stay neutral.
@jpalmiotti Год назад
This man either knows nothing at all or he is paid to propagandize and lie to you. You know that, right? He could not have been more wrong. I don’t think he’s ignorant; just a liar.
@IcedKuraokami Год назад
@@jpalmiotti "My source is that I made it the fuck up" 🤡
@LL-vy5bj Год назад
@@jpalmiotti Few people in the world are better qualified to speak on the subject than him. Least of all you.
@williamdavis5058 Год назад
@@jpalmiotti bot
@omwami9071 3 месяца назад
He was daydreaming his predictions.
@eng3d 3 месяца назад
I think he was right, if he loses the war, then he will be killed. However, it will not be Putin but Zelensky who will jump over the window.
@errarehumanumest3810 Год назад
Too sad that his very important statements were cut short by the show host. He had much more to say.
@BigErnieBrown Год назад
@michaelcorazzini6869 Год назад
I agree 100%
@cosmic_pursuit Год назад
Yeah he only made it past points one and two; what was three and four??
@rickmorgan1441 Год назад
that was frustrating. you could see him getting warmed up then cut short
@rogyn8484 Год назад
Because he told the truth and CNN likes to cut those who speaks about reality on the ground.
@glichjthebicycle384 Год назад
Bring this man back please. Just give us 20 minutes of him talking about this war and his ideas about it because he really seems like he knows what hes talking about
@A45578 Год назад
“Putin is trying to target civilian population” 😂 - what an Idiot should be this stupid war expert to say such a bullshit ?!
@Voidroamer Год назад
cnn would never do that. just like they cut him off right before he got to speak reason, they will never let reason be on air.
@lg8587 Год назад
​@@Voidroamer this wasn't the first time he appeared on CNN 🤣
@andyeroo33 Год назад
It's crazy how well the Manufacture of Consent still holds true. Chomsky and Herman said it 4 decades ago. The gues started laying out how Russia can not surrender, but it takes too long to explain the implications of this so before that can sink in let's go to a commercial break!
@Voidroamer Год назад
@@lg8587 right, have you seen Michael Smerconish "interview" Roger Waters? i do not agree with Walters on everything, but that amount of condescending was unwatchable
@kevcoolkev25 Год назад
Bro studied history so much he became historic
@juansantana8448 5 месяцев назад
and this is what you call a professional, historian, and a man of much experience? Well, allow me to highly disagree
@JustAGuyProduction Год назад
Finally a real historian who understands how wars work and how history repeats itself.
@garycargill64 Год назад
And thats why this war is so fucking tragic. Dictators keep on dictating. Civilians keep on dying.
Why? WHAT EVIDENCE do you have that THIS particular historian has ANY more predictive capabilities than ANY OTHER historian on the planet? There's nothing wrong with the guy, or even giving his informed best decision. But the way UNCRITICAL IDIOTS take his PREDICTION OF THE FUTURE about NONDETERMINSTIC EVENTS - what humans will choose to do - as "absolute gospel" destroys your and his credibility.
@jackbedle569 Год назад
You essentially just want to hear how every war is going to end in a glorious climax like ww2 don’t you?
@JustAGuyProduction Год назад
@@jackbedle569 history repeats itself. Also, Jesus never existed and marriage has never been traditional.
You must be joking here ! This man is an "Ass Hat" he knows nothing about the History of War. How did the western powers stop Imperial Japan in WW2 ? Not by negotiation that's for sure. You stop fanatics who refuse to surrender one way my friend.. Hiroshima. Nagasaki. Next, will have to be Moscow.
@shuriKen469 Год назад
the one time a person speaking about this war isn't labeled an expert and actually knows what's happening.
@GeorgeIllustrations Год назад
How do you know that he knows what`s happening? Please give arguments. What certain part of the interview gave you this certainty? I`m very interested. All folks around here seem interested and give him credits for being phenomenal...only war experts around here, or maybe they like BS? Most probably the latter.
@tubebreguet Год назад
@@GeorgeIllustrationsRight on. Exactly the same thing I was going to write.
@atta1798 Год назад
he is an expert...: )...reason he was interviewed... this is a different angle that is most certainly more accurate and precise due to his academic knowledge
@tubebreguet Год назад
@@atta1798 Degree, not knowledge
@atta1798 Год назад
@@tubebreguet Academics in this case is based on history that is knowledge he acquired through a degree and years of research to develop an expertise gaining the knowledge...... this is a known fact and very distinct Aaa Bbb... just differentiate and learn what I am telling you... the reason he drew the possible outcomes......same for GeorgwV.....it is not about arguments or proof ...this is no different from the financial institutions they have a risk asset department they use math to predict an outcome on finances to make the money..... in this case... to have the ability to give the outcomes based on knowledge .. ...like in Linear algebra and graphs....you take progression of numbers to predict the possible outcome to a certain degree of probability.... in this case based on the knowledge he acquire though his degree, he outlines possible scenarios ... this is a common practice in most professions that rehire a certain level of expertise.... and that knowledge....read the rise and the fall of powers....the book correlates thru the last 200 years+ what took empires to fall down based on common patterns and their policies, spending, systems...etc...... This professor is the best feedback there is so far in the media non biased and based on the facts.....no different from historian...in this case knowledge = based on past history, he draws possible outcome .....I hope this helps you and GeorgeV
@hernanifarias5356 Год назад
I have studied History and economics for 40 years . I greatly appreciate your guest and his summary of what war is. It was short factual non-political and more important accurate. I don't comment on CNN much but you should have this guest back, he is worth the time to listen to.
The brain dead may like it but some of us prefer the truth.
@luly2323 Год назад
He started by saying war don’t end with someone loosing…..I guest Germany didn’t loose or Japan didn’t loose ? He is clearly clueless.
@DjMax-cp8pj Год назад
Why such silence about Putin’s nuclear Arsenal updating, NATO evil plans and Armageddon? i live in the capital of the Federation and iam HONESLTY afraid i do not have a bunker, and iam afraid it can affect the planet iam shocked i think I’ll never feel the same until today after i saw the video ‘NATO and Russia nuclear war’ don’t say all of this is Not Real My heart is broken, but.... I WON’T DIE
@jdickens3005 Год назад
@@luly2323 He said "very few wars end in total defeat...." See that? "Very few wars...." He never said that no wars end in total defeat! Work on your reading skills.
@alexhumble7653 Год назад
I suggest calling to memory and using brains those who have both. The US created and supported Al-Qaeda, “freedom fighters” who fought soviets in Afghanistan in 1980s. The result was September 11 attack when Al-Qaeda destroyed Twin Tower skyscrapers and 3000 Americans in them. Then the US government supported “freedom fighters” in Chechnya. The result was Boston Marathon bombing. Now the government supports Ukraine’s regime “fighting for freedom and democracy against “Russian aggression”. “Freedom fighters” again? There is nothing to do with democracy in Ukraine. That’s nazi terrorist regime. Generations of politicians in Washington DC come and go, but they still have not learned a simple lesson. Terrorists must not be supported regardless how profitable it cold look in regard to your struggle with a geopolitical opponent. Those who assumed to be useful idiots are not so stupid and sooner or later Ukrainian terrorists will come after Americans. A smart man learns from his own mistakes, but a wise one from mistakes of others. Only a fool is not able to learn from own mistakes. So sad!
@ohmss069 Год назад
This is the kind of guy I prefer to listen to for over an hour rather than four minutes. I know that’s not realistic on CNN, but even in a short period of time, the professor made a very sound case.
@SeanD808 Год назад
I love hearing Don lemon talk about women in their prime...
@cchcch-jw9dw Год назад
​@@SeanD808 👍🤣🤣🤣👍
@achacs1 Год назад
4 minutes is enough coz after 4 mins you'll start hearing lies
@ceebee8042 Год назад
He made a case for what? He says it’s going on for years and will end in negotiated settlement but problem is Russia isn’t credible, Russia could go after Moldova, or Putin’s death if he loses?
@peweemorris693 Год назад
But realistic on FOX, didn't know that there were so many JOKERS on earth. Anyways, no SOUND MINDED person would accept going on FOX.
@pauli2169 Год назад
More of professor Goemans please. He is absolutely brilliant and certainly knows his field of expertise.
@pauli2169 Год назад
@@hughbarr8408 also shows that you are an Internet troll.
@doubtingthomas9612 Год назад
"We're still here ... We are not going anywhere." ~ Native Americans 😔 Native Americans: Our Native American population in our motherland, the Continent of America before the European Colonizers arrived, was around 15 millions, while the European population in their motherland, the Continent of Europe was around 25 millions. Today, Native American population is 15 million, while the European population, in the Continents of America + Europe, is a staggering 'TWO BILLIONS'! A shocking sad truth. 😔 Prof Goemans: It's about time to decolonize the Colonized lands, and return it to rightful owners Native American people. Notorious global cardinal crimes the West has committed, and benefited a great deals, such as Slavery & Colonialism had long been over, why on earth is notorious Colonization still lingering on? 😔 Native Americans: We're still here. We are not going anywhere. 😔
@teo2975 Год назад
@@doubtingthomas9612 Your post is NONSENSE. Those deaths of natives Americans were 99% from disease. LOTS of Europeans died from disease transmitted by native Americans to Europeans and visa versa. Do you blame Asians for way more transmitted disease deaths? We already know from ancient that second waves of new native Americans who came to Americas 12,000 years ago decimated populations that came 18,000 years ago
@mysticone1798 Год назад
This guy is nothing more than another Fake News, globalist shill. His lies are now on the record.
@TheToledoTrumpton Год назад
Well he does, but I think he had to say some things in order to get on CNN, which tend to obscure the situation. First of all, while NATO cannot trust Russia, it is clear Russia cannot trust NATO either. It is obvious that the revolution or coup in 2014, changed NATO and Russia's thinking. And while excuses can be made, pretending that the overthrow made no difference, they are ridiculous. Agreements were broken on both sides. But most importantly, Russia fully expected Ukraine to vote pro-Russian. That was why the USSR put Crimea with Ukraine in 1954. To make it more Russian. It was essentially Soviet gerrymandering. Disavowing the large, and very probably majority Russian and pro-Russian people in the claimed territory of Ukraine is nonsense. The idea that Russia is trying to conquer Ukraine is risible; so is the idea that Putin will abandon over 10 million people that are Russian citizens and consider themselves Russian, with no desire to be at war with Russia at a minimum. There is at least one area (Crimea) where these people make up a sizeable majority. The real miscalculation in the war is with NATO. The politicians really thought that Russia was weak and that they could bully Russia into letting go of Ukraine entirely. This was a way of NATO using their vastly superior military to impose on Russia, without a direct war that might trigger a global or nuclear war. As it turns out, a combination of the inefficiency of a proxy war, and the unexpected strength of Russia's relatively low-tech army, has surprised NATO. NATO also somehow miscalculated the strategic and commercial importance of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine to Russia, and failed to appreciate how much the Russian people would support Putin in retrieving it, once it stopped respecting democracy. Russia's miscalculation was the strength of Ukrainian nationalism and the feeling of ownership Ukraine has for the historically Russian territories. They feel that these areas were "given" to Ukraine as a nation and they have every right to kick the Russians out. However, he is correct. The only solution now is a negotiated settlement, and that has to start at a minimum with Crimea conceded to Russia. However, I fear that the USA and NATO need Russian war reparations in order to pay for the war, preferably paid in oil. I don't think there is any way NATO and the USA, can afford to stop the fighting, concede any territory to Russia, and still have the money to rebuild Ukraine and avoid a financial collapse. NATO has put itself in a position that they can't afford anything other than an unconditional surrender by the Russians, and that, as Goemans correctly IMO points out, is historically very unlikely.
@dorianphilotheates3769 День назад
Well, that aged well...
@azhanali1448 4 месяца назад
Fast forward Feb 2024 - Russia has captured Bakhmut and Avdiivka. Other smaller towns being captured on weekly basis. - Western Aid is dwindling. - Internal friction between Zelensky and military commander. Maybe this war will end not very long.
@kristiansandsmark2048 Месяц назад
Yea. Based on the speed of the advance it would take about 25 years to take Ukraine. This was before the aid package.
@kalez963 Месяц назад
@@kristiansandsmark2048 You are literally repeating what the Germans said with the offensives in Italy....
@henukabandara Месяц назад
@@kristiansandsmark2048 Yeah right Ukraine is advancing but backwards 💀💀
@bpd8426 Месяц назад
@@kristiansandsmark2048Not to mention Russians are meat waving defensive positions, So deaths are much larger on Russias side.. It’s funny Russia said no negotiations weeks ago, and now when drones decimate Black Sea Oil infrastructure with massive 102 drone swarm Putina wants to negotiate 😂
@birbboi2986 15 дней назад
@@henukabandara you must be a dumbass to think that the war will end quickly when it has already went on for two years and both ukrainan and russian defense position have been solidified during month and month
@warriorsdynastypart275 Год назад
RIP to all the innocent lives lost because PUTIN wanted more land.
@Fightesst Год назад
Check out russian polls. War support from the ordinary russians didn't change since Feb 24, 2022 and its at 80%
@user-fz6wx2zk6p Год назад
Putin is for ukr demilitarisation, not the land
@warriorsdynastypart275 Год назад
@@user-fz6wx2zk6p to bad that military is stronger and more intelligent then Putin thinks.
@rougemoonchild9429 Год назад
@thalentekhuluse2829 Год назад
Rip to the 2 million civilians in Vietnam who died because US wanted to flex their powers
@nickmail7604 Год назад
Most sense I've heard since this war started.
@eM-ed5pz 3 месяца назад
Another CNN video that has aged gracefully....
@diederickbrauer3938 Год назад
Very insightful thank you prof
@davidmartin2572 Год назад
Why is this guy not on EVERY SINGLE DAY?!?!?!? Give this guy 20 minutes 5 days a week!!! Give him his own show!!!!!
@QEsposito510 Год назад
@okman9684 Год назад
I only want him in cnn
@PlaybackMansion Год назад
I wish cable news was always this informative
@hughjass1044 Год назад
Huh? How was this informative? He didn't tell us anything.
@jeffsuter344 Год назад
​@@hughjass1044 Hard of thinking?
@hughjass1044 Год назад
@@jeffsuter344 How so? The headline reads "Historian predicts how Russia's war in Ukraine might end?" He never told us that. Did I miss something? He told us several things which would never be acceptable to each side; all of which we knew, so what is his prediction? Enlighten me.
@mwfmtnman Год назад
@@hughjass1044 he mentioned a few. You just want a simple, definitive answer. The real world isn't one of your Bible fantasy storied pal.
@hughjass1044 Год назад
@@mwfmtnman My, my, my.... aren't we the bitter, hate filled little person all chock full of assumptions and insecurities? My you don't be sticking your toes into any swimming pools there Sunshine, lest they become vats of battery acid.
@qua_xor3348 7 месяцев назад
He looks exactly like i imagined.
@m3bmuadib 4 месяца назад
Very interesting interview to watch a year later. It clearly highlights how bad your research can be if you feed your academic work with propaganda.
@jurycould4275 Месяц назад
He said it's obvious to him that the war will keep going for a long time. Despite all the emotional news coverage, territorial trades were less than 0.1% over the last 2 years. Russia has steadily held 18%. No change since it went down from 24% in April 2022. At the same time the West is taking it's time to modernize the Ukrainian military, all the while time's running out for Russia. War economies that have the majority of the worlds GPD stacked against don't make it for very long. That's why the Defence Minister Shoigu was replaced by economist Belousov and Russia was forced to go on the offense again.
@jurycould4275 Месяц назад
Clock's ticking. Nonetheless, I do hope Russia manages to pull through and hold on to or even expand it's territory slightly. I just don't see how it can be done at this pace. Russia needs to spend more on undermining support for Ukraine in the West, as well as undermining the power structures inside Ukraine. It's the only way in my opinion. Throwing poor kids from Siberia into the meat grinder just to advance a few kilometres here and there is wrong and doesn't help at all.
@joycenaylor4488 Год назад
Don't cut this man short...he knows this subject!
@shvideo1 Год назад
Very insightful. Thank you.
@brianperkins4155 3 месяца назад
The problem with intellectuals is that they intellectualise. As far as his claim that wars don’t usually end in victory for one side and defeat for the other is about as wrong as you can be.
@desther Год назад
There needs to be a WAY longer interview with this man.
@kylint7683 Год назад
He isn’t saying things CNN wants him to say. 😂
@dgr4277 Год назад
@@kylint7683 the most important thing, which he of course is not able to say is that this war was a long-term american deep government project. First step was to make ukrainians hate russians, raise new generation, who will be grown up in hate to russians, set pro-western government in Ukraine. Next step is to make instigate Putin to start war invasion through agents (treasoners, who still sit in russian government and sabotage to make sure Russia won't win ) and making threats of placing NATOs military bases in Ukraine, the main goal is redistribution of ecomonical sphere of influence , making money on killing people in Russia & Ukraine, the more and the longer the war will go on, the more benefits America will get
@jerradwilson Год назад
This professor knows what he's talking about. Please put him on longer.
@teenahweenah2608 Год назад
However, the professor failed to acknowledge the ageing European continent. The projected age of Ukraine in 2025 is 42.8 years. An ageing population is detrimental to war.
@teenahweenah2608 Год назад
@dan mac 42/43(age) is too old for population replacement.
@warpathforever6071 Год назад
He doesn´t. The Romans and the Mongols targeted civilians and it worked, This guy is an idiot.
@teenahweenah2608 Год назад
@dan mac No, I am not Russian. However, I do love Russians, and Ukrainians. I'm just an old African American praying for an End to all WARS.
@sqnhunter Год назад
@@teenahweenah2608 The only end to war is the end of aggression...Russia is the aggressor state here. Age has no bearing on it....only the will to survive. Ukraine isn't interested in you bleeding hearts, that want to try and force your opinions on them, they are interested in a lasting peace only...for them and all around them for them to survive. For that to happen, then Russia must be broken up into smaller manageable independent states, rather than left as the Great Russian empire, the soviet Union or the Russian federation. The name changed regularly in History, to counter the historical memories, but the actions remained the same through each period.....mass destruction, war and complete obedience to the master race. Why are they like this, simply because they are built on the slav`s..... the slave people who have a burning desire to turn the table on the rest of the world. This is turning into a war to protect Ukraine and will grow to include the EU and or NATO as a means to protect the future for what you claim....an end to war. Heroyam Slava Ukraini!
@marcuskuhnert6191 Год назад
Everyone is predicting but nobody really knows ….
@babadook-qr6pv Год назад
@marielle5893 Год назад
@ Marcus Kuhnert S P O T O N !!
@tjk3430 Год назад
No shiz...
@c.eb.1216 Год назад
Chicago song lyrics spring to mind: "As I was walking down the street one day A man came up to me and asked me What the time was that was on my watch, yeah And I said Does anybody really know what time it is (Care) Does anybody really care (About time) If so I can't imagine why (Oh no, no) We've all got time enough to cry And I was walking down the street one day A pretty lady looked at me and Said her diamond watch had stopped cold dead And I said Does anybody really know what time it is (Care) Does anybody really care (About time) If so I can't imagine why (Oh no, no) We've all got time enough to cry And I was walking down the street one day (People runnin' everywhere) Being pushed and shoved (don't know where to go) By people trying to beat the clock (I don't know where I am) Oh no, so I just don't know (I can't see past the next step) I don't know, I don't know-ow And I said Yes I said (I don't have time to. I don't have time to look around) (I just run around everywhere) (I don't) Does anybody really know what time it is (Care) Does anybody really care (About time) If so I can't imagine why (Oh no, no) We've all got time enough to die Everybody's worryin' (I don't care) I don't care (About time) About time (Oh no, no) I don't care"
@thembastoep733 7 месяцев назад
He didn't answer the question
@parthansubhash8916 3 месяца назад
This aged like Milk😂
@chuleta284 2 месяца назад
@Brandonhayhew Месяц назад
any predictions always ages like milk or bad
@greenc1088 20 дней назад
He's right about almost everything.
@banger2998 19 дней назад
Everything he said is true
@jozefgoethals6867 Год назад
thank you Ukrainian heroes for defending our values and freedom.We will always be in debt to you
@trickpony409 Год назад
... defending your values? ... you mean you want your nation to be the most CORRUPT nation in the galaxy instead of Ukraine? ... hmmmmm ... what a goal!!! ...
@creedbel8328 Год назад
Oh yeah, you and who exactly are forever going to be indebted to them?
@shadowmaster9780 Год назад
@@creedbel8328 🇺🇸
@Ray-kg9gq Год назад
You mean they will be since they owe us money for equipment lol
@easee28 Год назад
Ugly troll pro war detected 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@davosaconti1309 Год назад
They should allow him to have more airtime. He on point in his view.
@RenanMendes-zd8hj 2 месяца назад
Oh yeah, to sp
@clintwright9969 3 дня назад
Good grief. This is the first snippet of CNN I have watched in two years. I see I have not missed a thing. Real insight remains elsewhere.
@marysinclair897 Год назад
I wish she wouldn't have interrupted him. I was listening intently to what he was sharing.
@tombstoned8023 Год назад
*Stay Strong Ukraine!!*
@24james Год назад
You should go fight with them! But please leave my tax dollars HERE
@franzspitterlos4008 Год назад
@EduardoOliveira-zx4yj Год назад
This worm in Ukraine never end.
@bigsexxy1 Год назад
Why should we fund Ukraine it's not NATO
@wlhjr77 Год назад
​@@24james when russia eventually ends up in a shooting war with nato, you'll wish alot more of your tax dollars went to Ukraine...
@LilyBelamare 2 месяца назад
Why don’t say that Palestine suffers! They don’t care!
@Liam-xh9bo Месяц назад
Don’t attack Israeli civilians if you don’t want the fire
@Cleeon Год назад
People on Moldova 🇲🇩 must be prepared
@tombstoned8023 Год назад
*Long Live Ukraine!!*
@NotUrAnTi.SemiTicBOYtoy Год назад
@Randy Watson they do. Their newest job is killing Russians.
@babadook-qr6pv Год назад
​@Randy Watson 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 I'm dieing right now!!! 😆 🤣 😂
@tombstoned8023 Год назад
*Ukrainian Bakers, Teachers, Fishermen, Waiters, Farmers, Students,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,etc!! Have a Job Already!! They're Valiant Soldiers!!*
@suzanneforasiepi3942 Год назад
​@@tombstoned8023 I support your comments ☺️👍💯 Slava Ukraine 🌻🇺🇦
@dandansen571 Год назад
@Randy Watson Pootin approves of your comment
@chectasy1731 Год назад
Glory to the very brave little Ukraine.
@Check-it-out Год назад
Ukraine is NOT little ! It's a huge country.
@Mr.Monta77 Год назад
Little like Texas. 😊
@babadook-qr6pv Год назад
You probably couldn't find Ukraine on a map before they got invaded. You probably still can't 😆 🤣
@trickpony409 Год назад
... yes ... let's support the most corrupt country in the galaxy! ... yay for corruption on a massive scale!!! ...
@tedwarden1608 Год назад
@@Mr.Monta77. Or France.
@triumphbobberbiker 11 месяцев назад
Four months have elapsed, and the opinions of the professor have gotten ever more convincing
@govinda102000 11 месяцев назад
Yep. It's up to the Russian people to rise and remove him. The Russian security service can't wait til it happens.
@user-ze2xo8cw7c 5 месяцев назад
Nobody can rule the world.we keep on living as friend or family or end up dying like an idiot.
@boobopish 3 месяца назад
Where can I get the full interview?
@sheckyfeinstein Год назад
I would willing to hear more from this fella.
@williamwaters4506 Год назад
I'd love to hear more of his thoughts but I cannot find his name on the internet.
@antoniopinto1579 9 месяцев назад
Gee, let the man talk!
@George-on5hi Год назад
A man with nothing to lose is the most dangerous
@artemvergun5053 11 месяцев назад
Yes, thats why ruzzian sympathizers and other scum should be scared
@sophiemarlen Год назад
Very interesting, thanks CNN! ❤But please have a longer Interview with Prof Goemans (4 minutes is a bit short for such an important question). Praying for the people in Ukraine 🇺🇦
@backup_almeknassi9824 Год назад
What about Palestine? Not trying to spread hate against Ukraine but..
@maric7558 Год назад
"But please have a longer Interview with Prof Goemans (4 minutes is a bit short for such an important question)" Did you get bumped on the head? 4 minutes is long enough considering the war started only a year ago. Also idk if its just me but it feels like people like you only support Ukraine because its trending (at the moment thanks to Biden). Let me mind you Ukrainian people are actually suffering, and it's not like the dead civilians can respawn after they die.
@mysticknight5449 Год назад
Protest in Berlin over arming Ukraine against Russia draws thousands..
@michaela4024 Год назад
@@backup_almeknassi9824 Palestine is a another whole kettle of fish that is decades old. Thanks to the British after withdrawing from the area left a bloody mess. Also there is a religious clash which always heightens any conflict.
@backup_almeknassi9824 Год назад
@@michaela4024 Just because how long its been going on doesn't mean it doesn't deserve attention. The commenter probably doesn't care about Ukraine anyway. Or any war. Just a measly reaction ngl.
@proffabiam2945 Год назад
Yes, I was getting interested during the later part of the conversation but unfortunately, it got cut ...please add more of it.
@emmagreen6087 Год назад
I would like to hear more from him.
@garden2356 Год назад
I would not be surprised that it's going to go on for years
@Scottie404 Год назад
Don't you love it when an interviewer interrupts the speaker just as he gets to the point where he is about to state how he thinks the war will end? So damn frustrating.
@humbaba_7730 Год назад
they should’ve let him keep going. 🙏🏼 I love historians.
@colindyer450 Год назад
They're so old school though
@rickmorgan1441 Год назад
@@colindyer450 facts are facts. you want them dressed up and repackaged with a woke ribbon?
@tereterevanakere2132 Год назад
@@rickmorgan1441 no, we want it to wear a maga hat :P
@Mr.Reality Год назад
This smart man is from the Netherlands.
@hondsdol7671 3 дня назад
peace and talk now
@alancx523 Год назад
He hadnt finished answering the question as she buts in and diverts him to another......
@alancx523 Год назад
@Sonomacats yeah, but if you dont let him finish his answer, where the "bite"? Its nuts!!!
@ngqabuthomoyo2672 Год назад
Great analysis!
@humbaba_7730 Год назад
@patm6704because they’re fighting the Russians. The end my of my enemy is my friend ? Not everybody in Ukraine gets along but they’re all Ukrainians fighting against the same enemy.. does it not make sense to join forces ? Are you a thinking person…??? 🤨 such a simple answer.
@humbaba_7730 Год назад
@patm6704also because they started fighting the Russians in 2014.. do you really believe that nobody has the facts ? You’re either a Russian troll or an American Republican.
@dbadagna 3 дня назад
Why not properly credit the host of this segment by adding her name to the video description above?
@harrietkatushllme6960 Год назад
Just wish peace for Ukraine, freedom and democracy not only for Ukraine but around the globe. Victory be with Ukraine 🇺🇦
@supastrika9315 Год назад
shut up.. Russia will win this war
@JemPromatic Год назад
Democracy is a scam. Look at Nigeria, it’s just a means of western manipulation
@skp8748 Год назад
BS you don't wish for democracy around the world
@RG-ld8wv Год назад
Lol 😆 🤣 Ukraine back to the stone age . But victory to Ukraine ahahhahaha
@harryadeclat9607 Год назад
Very good analysis, wishing to hear from the professor more often.
@yahyaelmi8435 Год назад
He didn’t tell how the war will end CNN is biased
Really? As a Dutchman, I am glad that he is teaching in the USA. He really thinks that Putler has the possibility to liberate Moldova? How!? This professor discredited himself as far as I am concerned. Besides this, he didn't say anything new or interesting.
@truthsmiles Год назад
@@dougveganparadisebuilder5808 Did he say Putin has the ability to “liberate” Moldova? No, he said that Putin may _try_ to invade Moldova as a way to sell the war to Russians at home as a victory (and therefore “justify” the tremendous loss of life). If the professor is correct that Putin faces death if Russia loses, it’s rational and makes perfect sense that he’d consider all options to allow him to claim “victory”.
@Frank57gmc Год назад
@etttoo3698 Год назад
This is not a war, this is called special military operation AKA Russian Aggression. An example of war is two or more countries fighting each other by bringing their army into each other's land territory. Ukraine is not taking its army to Moscow or invade Moscow. WW II was a war because Germany brought their Army to other territories and fight England, France and others then US brought their Army to Germany and Japan, and Japan to Pearl Harbor. That's why it was called a "war". I called this a Land Grabbing through military force by invasion. Ukraine is simply defending a territory and is not declaring war against Russia. A boxing match is like a war because two opponents agreed on a fight. A burglary or rape is like an invasion. Consensual f*ucking is sex. Again, this is not a war.
@getstarted7168 Год назад
Good interview, yes, have him back on!
@user-ex2ot2ch4s 8 месяцев назад
You are winning son?
@collen6681 Год назад
The interview is very short yet fascinating
@2012isnear-my-my-my Год назад
take your meds its just propaganda . has nothing to do with reality. gay is a moron with a title
@michaelbarber3450 Год назад
Watching from afar.History has shown time and time again what happens to evil Dictators.
@dubsar Год назад
This time footage must be in 3D, and in high resolution.
@isaacgloria9963 Год назад
In the past, these evil dictators didn’t have Life threatening weapons on standby, by the thousands. This guy could end civilization, or so they say. Really hope I’m wrong tho
@MikeR2111 Год назад
@@isaacgloria9963 unless he gets ☠️ and the next person in the pecking order decides he wants peace
@isaacgloria9963 Год назад
@@MikeR2111 that’s a big what if, who’s going to kill him? Hate to talk so dark man but after all the war crimes he’s committing he deserves it
@dubsar Год назад
@@isaacgloria9963 So, you are not among those invited to the underground bunkers, are you? Fifteen years and everything will be normal on the surface: clean air and water, normal atmosphere....and no other humans or dictators. AI robots will ensure all pockets of enemy resistance are eliminated, just like in the prophecies.
@MassimoBoscoMusic Год назад
"Predicts"and "could" cannot stay on the same sentence.
@kcalderon8 9 месяцев назад
Why interrupt him, the stupid network time limit.
@minoramare5829 Год назад
Interesting point of view. Thanks for your interest in our problems. Greetings from Ukraine
@NewBeginnings413 Год назад
Our (the world interest) is what keeps you Ukrainians alive. If they were only “your” problems Ukraine wouldn't exist anymore.
@minoramare5829 Год назад
@@NewBeginnings413 maybe we shouldn't give up nuclear weapons in 1994 to don't make troubles for any other countries. I hope you aren't suffering so much after this great deal with pr. Clinton and russia.
@NewBeginnings413 Год назад
@@minoramare5829 it was the Russians that made Ukraine give back “soviet nukes” to Russia when the soviet union collapsed and Ukraine claimed independence. Don't try to rewrite history.
@NewBeginnings413 Год назад
@@minoramare5829 if you believe you would stand a chance without the west (training, military equipment, intelligence, money....) then stop begging and protect yourself alone. Write your president if you are that ignorant.
@eulescholz8530 Год назад
Tell Zelensky to go neutral and stop this war before all are dead!
@Kathryn721 Год назад
Really interesting. I'd like to hear more of what he has to say.
@MrMarcoAlvarado 5 месяцев назад
very good analysis!!
@schoderfactory Год назад
How something "could" end is not a prediction. If I flip a coin, the result "could" be head or tail. Every idiot can "predict" that.
@truthsmiles Год назад
It’s great that CNN brought this guy on, but I wish they’d let him talk longer.
@Belshay Год назад
Agreed. CNN wastes so much air time filling dead space. Here you have a real expert. Let him talk.
@philyaboy2235 Год назад
They dont wanna hear more because it is the truth
@danbanrock2 Год назад
"...war provides information..." Such a straightforward statement (amongst others) from him. Realistic or deeply embedded regional security and sovereignty concerns appear to always have been a legitimate enough reason to go to war, sooner or later.
@AirborneMOC031 Год назад
It's a fascinating thought, believing that Putin was terrified of Ukraine suddenly invading Russia. And worse, perhaps NATO nations like Canada sending their armed forces to join in the NATO support for that unprovoked attack. It's clear why Putin had such enormous regional security and sovereignty concerns faced with a threat to Russia like that. Same as in Georgia and Chechnya previously, apparently.
@jasonlatour3403 Год назад
@@AirborneMOC031 The idea that Ukraine would invade Russia is preposterous. No, this is a war of choice driven by greed, misplaced pride and nostalgia for faded glory.
@slavakotelnikov2440 Год назад
​@@jasonlatour3403 it was engraved in the Ukrainian constitution that they would retake Crimean peninsula. So seeing Ukraine being armed and trained by NATO Putin made a decision to intervene before Ukraine gets stronger to attempt retaking the Crimea.
@AirborneMOC031 Год назад
@@jasonlatour3403 You might want to try reading what I wrote again, before whining about what I wrote. I essentially posted what you're now repeating: the idea that Putin actually feared invasion from Ukraine with NATO nations like Canada sending their troops to fight a land war across Russia is indeed ridiculous. But... thanks for coming out.
@danbanrock2 Год назад
Well, not wishing to support nor oppose the viewpoints expressed under this thread, all I can suggest is that most people love a good old scrap (often to the death or the bitter end), especially in so far as it pertains to ideas or belief regarding religion, race, territory, perceived identity, perceived justice or just plain old fear of missing out on something or somebody. Not a lot different to what we see on a day to day basis within so-called "civilized" societies really.
@johnii2100 Год назад
As a former chef assistant at a local restaurant in my town I can confirm this man is a genius
@Koko-ll9sl Год назад
Why so short?????
@DialogsByYozji 8 месяцев назад
Great explanations by the expert professor, however, seems strange that he disregards the fact that Russia already won.
@ilmco Год назад
“Because you can't intervene everywhere, you don't conclude you can't intervene anywhere.” - Zbigniew Brzezinski
@wobu5361 Год назад
thanks Mika
@robertmarmaduke186 Год назад
@@wobu5361 Daughter of a War Criminal, Mika is a $M-heiress Media icon. Wow.
@abrahamdozer6273 Год назад
@@wobu5361 What did your dad do? Drive truck?
Where was BBC & other News outlets when Western Ukraine was bombing Eastern Ukraine citizens for 8 years since the CIA COUP in 2014? The pictures then of the Donbas area and other areas of Eastern Ukraine between 2014 & 2022 are little different from these from Western Ukraine bombing their own Russian Speaking citizens. Western Ukraine has lost their right to govern Eastern Ukraine. Seek Peace. Grant Independent Country Status to Eastern Ukraine States protected by Russia until they are fully established countries.
@murrayhill9000 Год назад
There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. Donald Rumsfeld
@hannajung8612 Год назад
I love listening to professors talk about the possibility of Pootin being thrown out of a window. It's my favorite thing.
@mr.v3061 Год назад
haha 🤣 ... one of the little joys of life
@2012isnear-my-my-my Год назад
i think you should by a parachute and ware it at all times you might be first out the window🤣
@t.v.4551 Год назад
Should be best spelled poo-tin!
@t.v.4551 Год назад
@@2012isnear-my-my-my you would fall out even before poo-tin or anybody else 🤪! At least I hope so!!
@2012isnear-my-my-my Год назад
you might spell Xoxol also
@ben6591 Год назад
Absolutely. Historians know what's up
@elidas1008 Год назад
As a Dutch speaker I am amazed as how well the interviewer pronounced the name of the professor
@ilkernedimoglu2594 Год назад
She is a Dutch citizen of Morrocan origin.
@investornabil8825 11 месяцев назад
They’re both Dutch, you can hear their accent brah
@AndriyDolyus 4 месяца назад
Dat dacht ik ook zij heeft eigenlijk niks van een buitenlands accent
@peyiots Год назад
Why do announcers always ask stupid questions and prevent us from hearing those people who actually have something to say (i.e. the interviewed experts).
@SamSung-jj9fu Год назад
Most announcers are either pretty faces, smart mouths, or a combination of the two. They aren't the smartest people out there and most of the time they do as they are told, which is "Get on with it. Next."
@Alskdoenfkemfnek Год назад
It’s the producer with a stopwatch, nothing to do with the host.
@jkgermany2182 Год назад
Give him more time ! I want to know all his points and ideas !
@a.m.9357 6 месяцев назад
He has NO idea what he's talking about, does he? First, Russia did guarantee Ukraine security and Ukraine was secured. It was the West/NATO that broke the agreement, that started putting weapons right next to Russian borders and even then Putin warned them repeatedly to come to a negotiated settlement. London, Paris and Washington, as usual, mocked him. 2ndly, this historian says NATO is the only part that can guarantee Ukraine safety. Lol...no it can't. NATO is the ONLY reason why Ukraine has now been bombed and destroyed! It was the US and NATO that repeatedly lied and broke the agreement. And now Russia is winning the war. Ukraine is about to run out of money and it also has not many troops left after so many deaths. Ukraine has already lost. Watch how deceptively the liars of London, Paris, Washington and Zelensky now do a face-saving exercise and come to a negotiated agreement within the next few weeks (which is what Putin was asking for in the first place).
@2Dylandog Месяц назад
That assessment bombed alright. 14 months on and still no end in sight. The Professor was absolutely on the money. Only it's too serious to joke about.
@YaganFamski Месяц назад
Yeah you don't just create strange terms for an agreement after an event happens and for you to do aggressive actions after the changes occured
@DTalesMatter Месяц назад
You are the one with NO idea. Ukraine was secure😂. How? By invading and taking over Crimea? By creating problems on the Donbass area with "green people"? You do realize that Putin started the chaos in those areas by putting his own people to create a pretext for war. But yeah West is at fault. Clowns. Ukrainians chose west. Putin couldnt handle losing Ukrain to west by not having his puppet so he started a war to take over Ukraine by force. Simple as.
@Kyoshi23 18 дней назад
@pierrerochon7271 13 дней назад
Russian troll
@joelwolloch Год назад
Really nice and interesting interview, he truly knows what he is talkong about
@shadowmaster9780 Год назад
Arm chair philosophy, nobody can predict how this will end.
@osiris_blanche Год назад
How? I didn't get the ending of this interview
@anobody3803 Год назад
This’ll go on forever then since neither side wants peace
@KristianKumpula Год назад
A historian should be aware that the first anniversary of the war was a long time ago. It's been ongoing for 9 years.
@ivanadresia5720 Год назад
Exactly! Thank you.
@hotsAUc33 Год назад
Not a war special military operation
@StormsparkPegasus Год назад
@@hotsAUc33 No, when one country invades another, it is a war.
@Mendleson Год назад
@@StormsparkPegasus think it was a sarcastic comment
@jjjkkshen2836 Год назад
But It's a historian from USA invited by fake news
@lawpilot8526 Год назад
2/25/2023 In university I learned from my history major colleagues was that historians do not predict.
@alberthmatosrodriguez9523 Год назад
Good interview👍
@modelbashir2365 9 месяцев назад
the type of guests we need on the news.
@andersjensen6120 Год назад
Its so hard to find unbiased media, journalists and experts.
@alexsilent5603 Год назад
Yes, CNN is a failure.
Someone who makes a lot of sense.
@illuminati30 Год назад
They should not have limited this man's time on TV, probably so they can show commercials.
@fcame1 Год назад
Great insights
@olukayodeokunowo4631 Год назад
He is a great war analyst. God bless him for saying the truth.
@raymondg7565 Год назад
Russia's existential crisis is self-made (i.e., Paranoia)
@a0flj0 Год назад
Russia's existential crisis is that of a dying empire. All empires, i.e. states built on the domination of an usually vast and culturally diverse territory by one single culture, where suppression of cultures other than the dominant one is state policy, are eventually dying out. Some decay slowly until they are relegated to the status of a national state, others, most, go down in flames - like Russia.
@tarrasteno Год назад
we have seen that Paranoia crisis in 1961. Exactly, when USA discovered a sovereign country called Cuba had a few Soviet nuclear gadgets on their proper country ! Mr NATO was so paranoid and said that time: no no no, you Cubans are not free to have them soviet gadget on your god dam land, but NATO ally South Korea for sure is free to have 100 US nuclear gadget 😁
@a0flj0 Год назад
@Sonomacats That paranoia is much older. What was there during the soviets, and what Putin inherited and further developed is in fact what Russia has started building from the times of Ivan the Great, more than five centuries ago.
@tarrasteno Год назад
@Sonomacats The US paranoia is the longest ! Do you know how many wars US fought in since its independence because of the paranoia of the need to have an enemy? Today, US is working full time on arming Ukraine to weaken Russia and prepare for the real enemy that is China! USA is paranoid about China. USA officially considers China an enemy and is provoking China to invade Taiwan now rather than wait for another 10 years when China will surplus USA militarily !
@AirborneMOC031 Год назад
@@tarrasteno Yep, that's it! And the flight time of an ICBM from Cuba to Washington DC at that time is???? Versus the flight time from South Korea - still at war with the communists above them being supplied by Russia as well as well as the Chicoms - to Moscow was how much time? Or how about this: Cuba was so terrified the US would supply the rebels to the Revolutionwith arms, just as Russia and Communist China were supplying the DKRP still in a state of war with South Korea, that those nukes they were getting were to defend against a well armed resistance that didn't like Mr. Castro and Mr. Guevera having people doing one time appearances standing in front of a wall.
@matthewmaclean7368 7 месяцев назад
Putin has no designs on Moldova, Putin already has what they want and blocked it off with impenerable. Defense a tank buster.
@JasonBlack66 Год назад
I disagree with him on the part where he said that WWII was not won with the annihilation of the other side. Germany was absolutely annihilated militarily and Japan Was put into complete submission.
Well, so many people got pushed above any 26th floor, that could be his last view and breath on earth.
@chrisrobert5252 Год назад
1 - some wars did not end at a negotiating table. 2 - The Russian army can be defeated in Ukraine, can collapse if morale is low and logistical flows are harassed
@solderdesolder Год назад
3. Ukraine can't win anyway.
@chrisrobert5252 Год назад
@@solderdesolderlol, the GLSDBs are going to thoroughly check the logistic chains, while the Russians are using up their offensive potential for derisory territorial conquests! We can see the result in Vuhledar and Avdiivka ! While thousands of Ukrainians are being trained and equipment is being accumulated, Bradley, Marder, Stryker, Bastion, new Ceasars, new T-72....
@solderdesolder Год назад
@@chrisrobert5252 you will see, Ukraine can't win
@chris4190 Год назад
1. Very very few post fall of Berlin when a nuclear power is involved as a belligerent, the only one I can think of is the South Africa bush war. Yeah that's right, Ukraine was not the only country in history to give up their nukes. 2. I'm not going to say this is impossible, but I will say it's improbable. To disrupt their logistical flows means bombing targets in and behind the Urals. The Ukrainians don't possess this capability and most likely won't be given these capabilities. Furthermore, even if Ukraine is very well equipped with perfect logistics, they will run out of manpower before the Russians. Total Ukrainian victory would likely only occur in the case of Russian government collapse.... there are zero indicators that this will occur. We've tried sanctions, yet their economy grows slightly still this year.... their debt to GDP is a fraction of our own, and their foreign currency reserves are holding, as is the value of their currency. Russians, as a people, do not overthrow governments that offer relative stability in economic terms.
@colindyer450 Год назад
Lots can happen. But that's of the most unlikely
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