
Historic Premillennialism | With Dr. Michael Shultz. 

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@methodministries Год назад
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@jsong8282 Год назад
Will do
27 дней назад
The very dispensational idea that the 2nd coming of the Lord occurs 7 literal years after the Rapture has convinced me that there is no Rapture as a secret event. If a secret Rapture were to occur, the number of people who would disappear, even if not that many, would be enough for some people to realize that the Rapture occurred. This means that it would be really easy for those left behind to calculate when the 2nd coming of Christ will occur: they would only have to add 7 years to the day the Rapture occurred and that's it. Example: if the Rapture happened on June 10, 2028, his 2nd coming could be calculated to happen on June 9 or 10, 2035. But that would invalidate what Jesus said in Matthew 24:36 "But of the day and hour knoweth no man, no, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only." From the Rapture onwards that Word would no longer be true because it would be known when Christ's 2nd coming would be prior to him returning. (As long as Matthew 24:36 does indeed refer to the literal 2nd coming of Christ to Earth.)
@gerard4870 Месяц назад
Dispensational theology dod not start recently, as is evidenced by the book "dispensationalism before darby". Scholarly and persuasive. Also, not hung up on a secret rapture.
@LilacDaisy2 Месяц назад
Thanks so much for that - I'm going to get that book now!
@tentmaker2254 10 месяцев назад
Do you believe in animal sacrifices in the future as per Zechariah 14:16? Or are these spiritual sacrifices of praise and prayer as the new testament teaches? What do you believe about the abomination of Desolation in Matt 24:15? future or past? Literal temple in jerusalem or temple of "the church"? [how can a temple built by antichrists be considered temple of God?]
@methodministries 10 месяцев назад
I believe what Zechariah 14:16 says will happen when Christ returns. Not all do though. I believe Schultz doesn't though. It varies from Premil to Premil on this. I believe Matthew 24:15 is a double fulfillment: Once in A.D. 70, then again in the Great Tribulation.
@AidenRKrone 10 месяцев назад
The very early church was a Jewish religious body. One of the worst things contemporary Christians can do is rip the Book of Revelation (and the entire Bible as a whole) out of its Jewish theological and cultural context. The earliest Christians were steeped in Jewish apocalyptic thought. They understood the apocalyptic and millenarian sections of the Hebrew Bible, especially the books of Isaiah and the minor prophets, literally; they understood the Old Testament to be teaching not only a Jewish Messiah, but also a restoration and worldwide rule of a reunited Israel. (The idea that the Gentile "Church" replaced Israel in God's plan would be rightly seen as a totally foreign idea injected into the text.) The earthly millennial reign of Christ is a thoroughly Jewish kingdom. That said, the Book of Zechariah absolutely does tell us that the kings of the earth will travel to Jerusalem to bow down to King Jesus, and that they will observe the Feast of Tabernacles. Animal sacrifices will also return and will be conducted in a reconstructed Third Temple. (The Antichrist will set himself up in the Temple and commit the abomination of desolation; he won't construct the Temple himself, nor will it be built under his auspices.) Make no mistake, the blood atonement of Jesus Christ on the Cross is sufficient to cleanse the sins of all persons; the purpose of animal sacrifices returning in the Millennial Kingdom is to commemorate Christ and the ultimate sacrifice He performed for us. (The animal sacrifices of the Mosaic Law were never meant to atone for sin; they were always meant to be a type/shadow of the coming Messiah. This is the purpose those sacrifices will serve during the Millennium.) The nations and kingdoms that participate in the celebrations during the Millennial Kingdom will be blessed by God.
@Jus4kiks 9 месяцев назад
@@AidenRKrone Few questions if you don't mind. Where do you get that there will be a 3rd abomination of desolation, also where do you get from the text there will be a 3rd temple? And when God says he doesn't desire the blood of bulls and goats, why would he desire it for 1000 years?
@Rdrunnersac 11 дней назад
The front end is atrocious. The build quality is cheap and everyone wants the V8 back.
@RyanMiller-m6b 9 месяцев назад
Could one be a PARTIAL presterist and hold to historical premill? Meaning, the Trib and such occurred in 70 (maybe with ongoing tribulation until Christ comes), but literal 2nd Coming, Mill Kingdom, and Great White Throne judgement.
@methodministries 9 месяцев назад
Yes. I would read John Gill for this. What people don't understand is that having a single fulfillment view of the Olivet discourse does not mean you must interpret the book of Revelation in that manner. Historic Premils never made that assumption.
@bobbyadkins6983 4 месяца назад
Good question.
27 дней назад
@ChristopherAlsruhe-si9ff Месяц назад
When numbers are to be taken as symbolic, they always represent a period that is longer than the number. When John said it is the last hour, it was much longer than an hour. Jesus used the word hour in the same way. What day is not used as a literal day, it is an extended period of time. And 1000 would represent a very long period of time longer than 1000 years. I take this symbolically, but I do believe 3 1/2 years, 42 months and the certain number of days something like 1335, are literal because they are used as a detail. There's another word I'm looking for but can't remember at this time. I would also add that I have yet to find anything about a seven year tribulation. But then again, Lk. 21 matched up with the other gospels show that the great tribulation was from 66AD to 70AD.
@TurtleTrackin Месяц назад
About time markers - a reason to take things non-literally is that it completely undermines date setting schemes. However, not that it COULDN'T be literal, I just don't think it's necessary for the historic premil view.
@TurtleTrackin Месяц назад
Doug Van Dorn's book "Rings of Revelation" has an interesting take on Daniel's 70th week.
@Deacondan240 2 месяца назад
Historic pre-mil does have a chialistic and future view. Have you run into a historic premil view that embraces a historicism view of Revelation?
@bobbyadkins6983 4 месяца назад
The part that has me confused right now is verse 20:13. If this is the wicked, how does it tie into verses 5-9 which is the wicked who were resurrected and used for the devil's army?
@Deacondan240 2 месяца назад
Inconsistent! You can’t say Matt 24 is across 2000 years and then say it is at the end! Establish your frame!
@jsong8282 Год назад
I think the lack of distinction between Israel and the Church vis a vis Dispensationalism is a big selling point of Historic Premillennialism. The distinction between the two is what necessitates the secret rapture in my opinion
@methodministries Год назад
I would say no. You can hold to a Post-trib and be a Dispensationalist, or some hold to a Pre-wrath rapture. Robert Gundry is a Post-trib Dispen to my knowledge, and he has a book on it.
@sammcrae8892 7 месяцев назад
What? Most of the Dispensationalists I know of make a distinct difference between Israel and the Church. I don't see where you get that idea. That's pretty much the whole basis of Dispensational Hermeneutics. 🙏✝️👑✝️🙏
@jesusgeek7680 Год назад
I'll look at Revelations not chronological because you can see in the beginning of Revelations it's also matching the end so it's recapitulating to me I personally Cima premillennial I think everything is going to pan out whether we like it or not but I am different I stay to the true authentic scripture of a Middle East Beast replace Ezekiel 38 with Zechariah 12-14 which is yet future I don't see how preterists can put all this in the past I have made so many people stumble by going through the full context and it just amazes me what God is truly saying is really coming to past
@TrinityTruth05 Год назад
Yes 3:35 !!!
@matthewjohnson6360 3 месяца назад
7 churches 1-3 4 & 5 saints in heaven, 6-18 hell on Earth 19 Yeshua The church is the bride and body of Yeshua. He WILL NOT beat his bride before the wedding. & years Daniel's 70th week.
@Deacondan240 2 месяца назад
He beats Mystery Babylon, who is the apostate bride.
@Jamie-Russell-CME Год назад
I wondered if you could suggest a good reference for studying the different Historic Pre MIllenialism variations and developments in Protestant history, and church history.
@methodministries Год назад
This book is fantastic! www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1938239059/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=
@ThomasThiemeJr 4 месяца назад
Bro Shultz, out of curiousity why can't we understand the 3.5y, 42 mo, 1260 days, time+times+half-a-time as literally as the 1000. If it is simply a matter of frequency, then have we reduced our trust in God's Word to a confidence interval?
@mntidy 2 месяца назад
Can you be historic premil with a preterist reading of the olivet discourse?
@methodministries 2 месяца назад
Yes. Historicist Premils were. I have a double fulfillment view.
@Holestic_Honesty Месяц назад
Of course Eckhard Schnable does i think
@truthtransistorradio6716 3 месяца назад
I am Historic Pre-Mill. However, my understanding is that Post/A-Mill believes that Revelation 19 precedes Revelation 20. They believe that Jesus on a white horse was a Spiritual event that destroyed the old covenant system on 70ad
@TrinityTruth05 Год назад
8:46 yup
@jesusgeek7680 Год назад
Yes sir. He says this in a much nicer way than me 😂😂 just you and your bible is all we need ❤❤
@DTzant 10 месяцев назад
His view of the resurrection of unbelievers to fight with Satan is far fetched.
@brycerogers5050 9 месяцев назад
To be fair, the resurrection of believers to do anything is naturally far fetched. We do have a God who deals in those types of things. "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet". "This is what overcomes the world: your faith."
@DTzant 9 месяцев назад
@@brycerogers5050 doesn’t really have much to do with my statement, bro.
@brycerogers5050 9 месяцев назад
@@DTzant oh, sorry, I read your comment as 'believers' (as in, those that are surrounded by Gog and Magog and witness their destruction at Christ's hands, Rev 20:9; in that sense, they fight 'with', i.e. against, Satan), that is my bad. As to the unbelievers, yeah, I suppose it can feel like that, but I also see the Great White throne judgement right after this purported resurrection of the dead (Rev 20:11, two verses later), and it doesn't feel like too much of a stretch to say these are unbelievers are raised to be defeated in battle, and then cast into hell, body and soul. But yeah, totally different comment in that light!
@onesavedvoice 8 месяцев назад
I’m afraid this position was poorly explained and defended. In addition, the way you presented the other positions was very inaccurate.
@ReyChurchill 6 месяцев назад
You don’t have to necessarily be premil if chapter 19 and 20 are a continual story.
@jacobsilverberg1329 9 месяцев назад
_"The rest of the dead are raised only to be sent to hell so the elect may have some subjective sense of security in the presence of God. I think that as the image of God we are endowed with our creators morality, and that's the voice in our heads telling us that such a proposition is contrary to His nature."_ The rest of the dead are the resurrection to judgement, and will be judged by the judges seated on thrones of authority during the millennial judgement. After instruction in the truth of God free of deception, many will choose life and others rebellion. Matt 24: 31-33 Look: _"They came to life (immortality) and reigned with Christ a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life (immortality) until the thousand years were ended."_ Did the meaning of life change between 24 and 25, one sentence later? In 24 we know life is immortality because it is stated directly: _"the second death has no power over them."_ In all of John's letters, John, 1John, 2John and Revelation, zōē in all of its forms means eternal life 72% of the time. That is compelling evidence.
@jacobsilverberg1329 4 месяца назад
@Scribeintheink _"For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law..."_ Well I agree in part. Not sure how that ties in to my post though. I think there's probably confusion. Apparently I forgot to isolate the quote taken from the video. I made an edit for clarity.
@jesusgeek7680 Год назад
And yes I am in agreeance that Paul Peter and them was a premillennial everything else has been added and that drives me insane lol
@petromax4849 Год назад
It's not clear how seeing Revelation 19 and 20 as a continuous vision could be problematic for non-premillennialists.
@methodministries Год назад
Because if Revelation 19 is the 2nd coming of Christ, then it means the 1,000-years happen after Jesus returns. Which mean, Pre-millennialism is true: Jesus comes before (pre) the 1,000-years.
@petromax4849 Год назад
@@methodministries But it might not be the 2nd coming, and even if it is that doesn't mean that all the chronological details of the vision need to match the chronology of the real events being symbolized. I can see how not having a break between 19 and 20 might favor premillennialism, but it seems like it could work for other positions too, albeit less neatly. And couldn't a premillennialist interpretation work even with a break? The presence or absence of a break in the vision doesn't seem absolutely decisive either way.
@methodministries Год назад
@@petromax4849 Rev 19 talks about the marriage super of the Lamb. It shows the heavens opened and Christ coming with the armies of heaven following Him. He’s defeating the antichrist army of Rev 13. The battle talking place is the final war Satan is preparing for in Rev 16:14. It is the 2nd coming. Which means Jesus comes before the 1,000-years and the 1,000-years start after He returns. Notice, the resurrection happens in Rev 20:4. That only happens when Jesu returns.
@petromax4849 Год назад
@@methodministries As far as I can see, all you're saying is that if you interpret it like a premillennialist, premillennialism is correct. If you believed that the rest of the new testament was clearly amillennialist or postmillennialist, would you have any difficulty reading Revelation that way? I'm not trying to sound hostile, I just think it's a weak argument, and weak arguments shouldn't convince anyone who isn't already convinced.
@methodministries Год назад
@@petromax4849 Would you say the marriage supper and the great battle already took place then?
@preachtheword1689 Год назад
@seanchaney3086 Год назад
The problem with historic premillennialism is also the early sexta/septa-premillennialism. And no, Polycarp, and especially the Didache is not demonstrably premillennial. We do not see Chiliasm before the certain interpretations of Revelation 20:1-10.
@methodministries Год назад
Premillennialism is the earliest form of Millennialism in Church history.
@seanchaney3086 Год назад
So, you are saying that misrepresentation was the first interpretation? You know what was prior to Millennialism? "This Age and the Age to Come."
@Mr.Fotingo-qf9hk 6 месяцев назад
Hello, my question would be. When Christ comes, what will happen to unbelievers that will be alive then? I ask because when Christ comes, the dead in Christ will rise first..and then the rest of believers alive at the time will meet Him the air...but what about non believers that would be alive?
@bobbyadkins6983 4 месяца назад
They are cast into Hell.
@Mr.Fotingo-qf9hk 4 месяца назад
@@bobbyadkins6983 what about the 2nd resurrection after the 1,000 years? isn't that when they will al be judged? Why are they sent to hell before getting judged?
@bobbyadkins6983 4 месяца назад
@@Mr.Fotingo-qf9hk The Bible doesn't give us all the answers. But here's what it says about the angels that sinned or at least some of them. I believe demons that are roaming the earth are fallen angels as well: 2 Peter 2:4 [4]For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; Jude 1:6 [6]And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. They have already been judged in part you could say. But one day all of them and all wicked people will be receive their judgement in full on the same day it would seem.
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