
Holy Spirit Baptism and Speaking in Tongues: My Testimony: Q&A 

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@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 7 лет назад
Yes. I was only able to speak in tongues after 11years of being born again, Now He is giving me dreams and showing me that He is about to return!
@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 7 лет назад
Sorry, I meant to say I didn't receive tongues for 11 years after being born again. I had been given two gifts (evangelism and prophecy) first then He adds as you learn to operate in the gifts. I received the gift of teaching without asking. I started asking for the gift of healing and had been asking for three years. Then I had a w woman last fall (2016) come to me and tell me that God wanted to give me the gift of tongues. I didn't want it. I wanted healing. After about two weeks I prayed to God that if He wanted me to have it, that I would receive it. I spoke in tongues and didn't like it. But there was a reason that it became apparent that I needed it about six months later. Now I enjoy it by singing in tongues. He gives me the melody and the words. I am a 12 year old now. By the way, after about two weeks of having the gift of tongues, I met a woman who had the gift of healing and she prayed over me and laid hands on me to receive it. I didn't feel any different, but the very next day, God put me into operation with a woman that I entered the door of the grocery store! She had been in her car praying to be healed!!! God is so good. God is faithful. Great and full of glory! To God be the glory.
@ruacharyeh9655 4 года назад
That is so wonderful! Amen and Praise be to the Lord of the Spirit! He gave me the gift of singing and wisdom when I was baptized by His holy flame last year. Started seeing visions as of late. Wonderful art thou Yeshua our Lord of Lords and King of Kings! ❤️🙏🕊🔑☺️👑🏝
@Von715 4 года назад
@@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways do u still have dreams about return? I feel like it will be soon
@obadiah3675 4 года назад
@@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways hi! so you have the gift of prophecy?
@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 4 года назад
@@obadiah3675 Yes, you can do a spiritual gift test and see what your spiritual gifts are. 1 Corinthians 14. Prophecy is not just hearing from the Lord that something is about to happen, it is being able to apply and preach the appropriate Scripture to a situation. Acts 2:17-18 men and women prophesy.
@TheGoodDoctorSRB 7 лет назад
Thank you for this video. I was baptised in holy spirit a week ago, but instead of seeing i felt the demons in me fighting very hard not to leave, felt fire throught my entire body and pain in lower jaw. After couple of minutes no more pain, only fire. Couldn't sleep that night, i had flashes in front of my eyes. Tomorrow i was a new being, filled with peace, joy, infinite love and saw Jesus in everything. I had this overwhelming urge to read new testament. LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE. I now know that our nature is sinfull because now i know that without Jesus leading us, we don't stand a chance. I love you all! Amen.
@Adam-1984 7 лет назад
Стефан You should be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ ONLY. Read the book of Acts. Does Matthew 28:19 prove a Trinity ? Trinitarians often claim Matthew 28:19 supports their belief in a Trinity. But this verse in no way affirms the Trinity doctrine which states that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three co-equal, co-eternal beings that make up one God. Nobody denies there is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. This verse refers to three entities but never says they are one and says nothing about their personality. It does not say they are three beings, it does not say they are three in one or one in three, it does not say these three are the Godhead, it does not say these three are a Trinity, it does not say these three are co-equal or co-eternal beings, it does not say that these three are all God. And yet some wrongly draw the conclusion that this supports their belief in the Trinity or that the Holy Spirit is another being which is clearly not so. It is just a very bad assumption and a lie that we are so often told. What happened to Matthew 28:19 ? When it comes to Matthew 29:19, one might also ask why the apparent disobedience of the Apostles as there is not one who obeyed these supposed words of Jesus Christ in this verse. Here are all the scriptures relating to baptism in the New Testament. New converts were all baptized into the name of Jesus Christ only. Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Acts 8:12 “But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.” Acts 8:16 “For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 10:48 “And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.” Acts 19:5 “When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 22:16 “And now why tarriest you? arise, and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.” Romans 6:3 “Know you not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?” 1 Corinthians 1:13 “Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were you baptized in the name of Paul?” [Implied] Galatians 3:27 “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” So why the apparent disobedience of the Apostles ? The following dictionary explains, “The historical riddle is not solved by Matthew 28:19, since, according to a wide scholarly consensus, it is not an authentic saying of Jesus, not even an elaboration of a Jesus-saying on baptism.” - (Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 1, 1992, p. 585) Further research revealed all Bible commentaries and dictionaries quoting on this issue claimed that it was added by the Church of Rome to support their Trinitarian formula. The quote below states the origin of this baptismal formula. “The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by the Catholic Church in the second century.” - (The Catholic Encyclopedia, II, p. 263) So how did this happen and what did the original text say if this is true ? It must be remembered that we have no known manuscripts that were written in the first, second or third centuries. There is a gap of over three hundred years between when Matthew wrote his epistle and our earliest manuscript copies. (It also took over three hundred years for the Catholic Church to evolve into what the “early church fathers” wanted it to become.) This is what my research revealed. Eusebius (c. 260-c. 340) was the Bishop of Caesarea and is known as “the Father of Church History.” He wrote prolifically and his most celebrated work is his Ecclesiastical History, a history of the Church from the Apostolic period until his own time. Eusebius quotes many verses in his writings including Matthew 28:19 several times. But he never quotes it as it appears in modern Bibles. He always finishes the verse with the words “in my name.” The following example comes from an unaltered book of Matthew that could have been the original or the first copy of the original. Thus Eusebius informs us of the actual words Jesus spoke to his disciples in Matthew 28:19 which were, “With one word and voice He said to His disciples: “Go, and make disciples of all nations in My Name, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you,” - (Proof of the Gospel by Eusebius, Book III, Ch. 6, 132 (a), p. 152) Eusebius was present at the council of Nicea and was involved in the debates over the Godhead. If the manuscripts he had in front of him read “in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” he would never have quoted instead, “in my name.” So it appears that the earliest manuscripts read “in my name,” and the phrase was enlarged to reflect the orthodox position as Trinitarian influence spread. So should Matthew 28:19 read “baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” or “baptizing them in My name.” And based on your conclusion, which of the following is correct ? Colossians 2:12 “Buried with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in baptism, wherein also you are risen with them through the faith of the operation of God, who has raised them from the dead.” or Colossians 2:12 “Buried with him in baptism, wherein also you are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who has raised him from the dead.” The reason we are baptized in the name of Christ is because we are baptized “into” Jesus Christ. Baptism is a symbol of His death, burial and resurrection. Even if the Trinity doctrine was true, only Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose again. When we are baptized in the name of Christ we become Christians. Paul argued this point in 1 Corinthians 1:13 when he said, “Is Christ divided ? Was Paul crucified for you ? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul ?” The obvious answer to this rhetorical question is, “No. You were baptized in the name of Christ because He was crucified for you.” Consider also “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;” Mark 16:16 And whose name do we call on to be saved when we are baptized ? “arise, and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the NAME of the LORD.” Acts 22:16 It does not say “calling on the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit” now does it ? And what is the ONLY name under heaven whereby we can be saved ? We do NOT call on the name of the Father or Holy Spirit to be saved in baptism. These verses also reveal Matthew 28:19 as it appears to be incorrect and that it should have said in the name of the Lord only. “for there is NONE other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 Whose name did Peter say we were to be baptized in ? “Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST” Acts 2:38 We cannot prove this verse has been tampered with by the Catholic Church but what we do know is: 1) The Catholic Church confess to changing it 2) Most theologians also agree that they did change it 3) No one followed this supposed instruction and all were baptized in the name of Christ ONLY ! 4) Other Scriptures say we are baptized and saved by calling on the name of the Lord ONLY 5) Eusebius who saw the earliest manuscripts when he quoted this verse wrote that it said, “In His name” I think most will agree that the weight of evidence is overwhelming that Matthew 28:19 should have read “in My name.”
@abigailsimpson8088 7 лет назад
Стефан God bless you girl God bless you!!!!!🤗🙏🙏💆💆💆
@kennethredmon8250 7 лет назад
Adam 1984 I have done that research many years ago and agree with you 100%. The Word of God as been twisted by men and the Serpent Seed, that is why we have 45000 Denominations that teach another Gospel, they are the Blind leading the Blind, They believe in mens commandments and Jewish fables. The 2nd Beast that came out of the earth in revelation 13, that had 2 Horns like a Lamb (Christ Like) and speaks like a Dragon (Satan Like), the 2 Horns are the Catholic and Protestent churches of Christianity. Oh how Satan has deceived the whole whole, except the Very Elect (God Willing). Let the Spirit of Truth lead you to ALL TRUTH and come into His Glorious Light.
@abigailsimpson8088 7 лет назад
Kenneth Redmon you are smart and I agree!
@fisherrr333 7 лет назад
deomnation = heresy.
@Janeofbucks 7 лет назад
Came over your channel and my spirit lept with joy. I have recently being baptised with the holy spirit and recieved the gift of tongues. I am gradually growing in Christ.
@aco.212 7 лет назад
JaneMeadows TV I have been baptized and received the holy spirit tonight! I'm glad you have received the holy spirit too. God bless you.
@sl4983 7 лет назад
How did you receive the Holy Spirit?
@sl4983 7 лет назад
janemeadows, how did you start speaking in tongues?
@tpv59 7 лет назад
Dear Jane, May I say that there is no such thing as 'the gift of tongues' in the word of God. It is the gift of the Holy Ghost/Spirit. Acts 2;38 There is one Spirit. Eph.4:4 It is the Spirit of God. Rom.8:9, Rom.8:14 The Spirit of your Father. Matt.10:20 The Spirit of the Lord. Lk.4:18 The Spirit of Christ. 1Pet.1:11, Rom.8:9 The Spirit of Jesus Christ. Phil.1:19 The Spirit of truth. Jn.15:26 The eternal Spirit. Heb.9:14 The same Spirit. 1Cor.12:4 What is the NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost? Matt.28:19 It is the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12, Heb.13:8, Phil.2:9-11 THIS is the name we are baptized INTO. Please search the scriptures. Jn.5:39, Acts17:11, 2Tim.2:15 1 Peter 4:11 - 'If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God, ....'.
@raysimpson4865 7 лет назад
Terry Vincent it is interesting that Paul starts off in 1 Corinthians 12 saying he doesn't want us to be ignorant concerning spiritual gifts. In verse 4 he says there are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit. After that specific examples are given until, in verse 11, the conclusion is given that the distribution (of these diverse gifts) is to each one individually as He (The Spirit) wills. Of course we have received the Gift of the Holy Spirit so that He can manifest and distribute His gifts for the profit of all. To preface "the gift of" or to not do so regarding a specific is a matter of semantics. Folk from Georgia say, "Y'all". People from New England say, "You all". They both are saying the same thing and only pride would argue about it.
@WisdomCalls 7 лет назад
When i received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues, I felt as though I could pour out the deepest cries of my heart that before I wouldn't have known how to utter. It also helps me do spiritual warfare and has increased my intimacy. I also believe I have the gift to interpret the tongues when praying over people so they don't just hear the tongues, which may sound meaningless to them, but are understood by the Spirit. For those who are not familiar, the Spirit doesn't take over your mouth. The gift is subject to you. This is probably the "hardest" part, is that you have to both surrender to God your mouth and your fear of what you think others may think of you and you have to exercise faith that when you pray to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, God is going to give it to you. The scriptures teach us that when we ask for bread, he doesn't give us a stone. The gift of tongues is also showing us how God is restoring all things. He is the one who confused the languages at the tower of Babel, and now, he is giving languages, both earthly and heavenly to point people to God.
@sl4983 7 лет назад
That was beautiful. Did you receive it at home?
@s.m.3608 5 лет назад
Wisdom Calls I cried when I read this. Ministered to me.
@ComeOutOfHerMyPeople 4 года назад
Amen. I received the baptism of holy spirit with tongues a year ago. I agree with everything you said. Praying in tongues gives utterance to the things you aren't able to put into words yourself. God Bless you x
@barrywelsh754 6 лет назад
I feel that I sense God's love in dreams. Last night I went to bed just saying Jesus Jesus over again. In my dream I was in light and felt such love from all around me was amazing. I am going through such turmoil in life right now
@soaringeagle36 6 лет назад
Barry Welsh75 that is the exact moment I gained the holy spirit... I felt the exact same thing
@ronymelgar1129 6 лет назад
Yes I had a dream that I was getting close to God and his presence was so strong but I keep going and wanted to get to where he was sitting so I keep on on but I keep falling but I keep getting up to keep getting up to get to him and I try with all my might to keep going finally I fell to the floor his presence was to strong!!! and I could not keep going I felt so much joy and love in the dream and I woke up and my eyes were wet from crying because of his presence and my heart was racing like crazy!!! In a good way I had just accepted chris what a wonderful dream!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!
@emilielabuda8385 5 лет назад
Praying for all of yall 🙏✝️🙏 💓
@josevelez2418 7 лет назад
When u receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit you will 100% know that you have received it, it's an experience that it will sealed you forever , you will have no doubt
@NotUrAvrg 5 лет назад
What if you felt the holy spirit so strongly before but you dont feel him anymore? Are you still baptized in the holy spirit?
@goodedification1501 5 лет назад
NotUr Avrg hi!! there are two way they Holy Spirit is recorded in the bible. 1. Resting on someone. which mean it is there for a moment. or 2. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit. meaning he lives inside of you and the evidence of this is speaking in tongues. the bible also calls the indwelling of the Holy Spirit the seal. If you earnestly seek God and ask for his Spirit he will make sure you know its him and the presence of God is almost undescribable and nothing like you will experience on earth, literally. He wants us to have his Spirit. reference Ephesians 1:13-14. Acts2:1-4 and Romans 8:26-28 just to name a few. hope this helps be blessed in the name of Jesus!!
@NotUrAvrg 5 лет назад
@@goodedification1501 Since Jesus died for our sins. We should be able to recieve the Holy Spirit right? Someone told me maybe I have hidden sins to repent and that's why I dont feel him anymore. I've been asking for him to be visible in my life but still dont feel it
@goodedification1501 5 лет назад
NotUr Avrg without a doubt if you ask Jesus to guide you and reveal the barriers that may be separating you from him, he will. Going straight to the source of truth is the best option if you feel your in a spiritual drought. Matthew 7:7 KJV Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
@jasonersland5236 5 лет назад
@@goodedification1501 yes,I was filled with the Holy Spirit for more than two weeks but had know idea what it was. Was in a mental hospital for two weeks. Anyway I still am not sure if I still am or not or what to do
@salvationscripture9639 7 лет назад
Your message is getting out to the ones who wish to receive it. Bless You for presenting your testimony concerning the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. You are helping others break though those personal barriers, opening their hearts to be full of the anointed gifts. Hope and pray that you are feeling better. Bless You
@ievaf9333 7 лет назад
God bless you! :)
@tracy5721 3 месяца назад
It’s a prayer language. 1 Corinthians 14:2 ​@NoName-yu7qm
@tracy5721 3 месяца назад
1 Corinthians 14:2 (NKJV): For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries
@mikkimajor 5 лет назад
I received The holy spirit five years ago I have never been the same since that glory to God thank you Jesus I ask for it Faceted for it he gave it to me thank you Jesus
@ailsa2434 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing this testimony :) That's so amazing how the Holy Spirit changed your life! Just want to share my experience. I've been a Christian from a very young age, I was baptised at 11, I'm now 19 and I was baptised in the Holy Spirit a week ago exactly. (Not stating doctrine, just sharing what was my experience). I'd become increasingly discontented over the past few years, because I'd been reading Acts, and a wonderful book by David Pawson called "The Normal Christian Birth," but my Christian walk bore little resemblance to what I was reading and what I heard other people I knew talking about. I knew the Spirit was beside me and guiding me, but I knew I hadn't been filled with the Holy Spirit in the way I wanted. So I asked for my pastor to come round to my house and lay hands on me for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He started speaking in tongues and encouraged me to join in, but nothing happened. I was devastated, and felt helpless and angry at God. It took a long time for me to work through the fear of being prayed for again, and nothing happening a second time. Then I heard a speaker talking at my church who's an evangelist in Africa, and he invited the congregation to step out in faith and experience a deeper relationship with God. He promised that God wanted to fill us all, and that He'd been waiting a long time for us. What got through to me was his description of the hurting people he meets in Africa, and how absolutely necessary it is for every believer to have the Holy Spirit to be able to reach out to them. My pastor knew that I wanted to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, and he gave me a proverbial shove over to "Andrew", the speaker (not his real name) :) So I left the room with him, and my mother came too. That time both me and my mother started speaking in tongues! What was the difference? The first time I was prayed for, I had been too scared to open my mouth. But Andrew had a metaphor that really helped me: you step out of the boat in faith, and the water turns solid. But you have to step out. I had to consciously open my mouth and start speaking. It didn't feel particularly supernatural, it's more natural than that, but I had to relax in order for it to come. I suppose the experience is different for everyone, but for me I feel like a baby Christian all over again! Not like I'm starting over, but just like I've taken a step forward into a new journey, and I'm learning everything all over again in a new light. I feel a stronger sense of the need for obedience. But Jesus has been so gentle with me. He didn't throw me in the deep end all at once. He dealt tenderly with my fears of change, and I just quietly spoke in tongues. But now I've taken that first baby step, and seen that it's safe and Jesus won't hurt me, there's more trust. I guess I just want to say that when my pastor laid hands on me the first time, I received! But I didn't open my mouth, and that's the crucial thing. Now I know the Holy Spirit lives in me and I can feel the difference.
@2028end 5 лет назад
Hallelujah! Go with God, sister! Never give up!
@brianriley9426 8 лет назад
Well said- there are MANY gifts. Each person has their own by God's will.
@MrJuulia01 3 года назад
@robertnieten7259 3 года назад
Speaking in " tongues" is the one manifestation of the Holy Spirit with two applications: 1) The initial evidence that a believer has recieved the Holy Spirit. The born again believers spiritual prayer language for the individual believers edification. 2) The gift of speaking in " tongues" that works together with a believer with the gift of interpretation of " tongues" for the edification of a church body.
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
I think baptism in the Holy Spirit is extremely important for spiritual growth and development.
@andrewemailer4986 8 лет назад
Faith is the best gift/ miracle
@user-ed1mj5zk6f 6 лет назад
Andrew Emailer The Bible say the best gift is LOVE, check out the Bible!
@abiolaolaleye1134 6 лет назад
@tez3349 6 лет назад
L Cardoso The Bible says Faith upholds the law. Your sunday school teacher wont tell you that. Check that out in your Bible! Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
@raysimpson4865 5 лет назад
Tez yes, our faith in Jesus Christ agrees that the law is righteous and good and that we are sinners who by the law can not be made righteous because we are breakers of the law. And we are not under the law by which we stand condemned, but under grace by which the sprinkling of the blood of Christ has declared us cleansed, forgiven, and saved, and that by faith lest any man should boast. It is the gift of God.
@raysimpson4865 5 лет назад
L Cardoso absolutely! In fact, it says that if we have the gift of faith so much as to move mountains, but have not love, our faith is dead. Love must be the motivation and the activator of faith, the love of God poured out by the Sprit through faith in Jesus Christ.
@thenarrowway4730 5 лет назад
Well done dear Sister in Christ. There’s so many proud Christians who can speak in tongues and mis-use it to exalt them selves above others who haven’t received tongues. God bless you
@prudencepensatavi4062 7 лет назад
My personal experience was saying the sinners' prayer some two years after I began seeking the Lord and going to church. I felt I wasn't a christian and eventually at a different church i was led in prayer in the sinners' prayer. My sense of relief and joy was immediate. I believe the Holy Spirit at that moment birthed me into the Ekklesia - the church. I began saying "Halleluyah" quietly; previously i had not been able to say Halleluyah naturally. That went on for many hours, quietly praising the Lord. About 8 hours later in the privacy of my own home I received Jesus' baptism with the Holy Spirit, an overwhelming experience, very different, with power. The two experiences above were different but they were linked. The explanation given by the pastor of Gateway church is what I've taken to explain the difference - in the gospels there is description of the Holy Spirit birthing us into the church, then there is the description of Jesus baptising us with the Holy Spirit and with fire. There was a difference for me between the two experiences. I had sought the Lord with my whole heart for two years at that point. This is my own personal experience; it changed everything for me. I hope this will be a blessing to readers.
@trkrla5113 5 лет назад
Prudence Pensatavi...WOW! and Amen!
@Jesusiscomingbacksoon777 7 лет назад
Amen sister, I've had tongues from a young age after giving my life to Christ, for most my life I backslid but never lost the gift, 1.5 years ago Jesus was pulling me back powerfully and I've dedicated my life back to him fully, repented for all my sins and I'm getting baptized this coming Sunday, can't wait for the onslaught of the Holy Spirit!
@brotherbryan2414 7 лет назад
What a beautiful well spoken young lady. She's very sincere. No one can be saved without the Holy Spirit spirit of truth . Everyone receives the Holy Spirit at the second they are saved. This is the promised one to come. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is a different topic. This is important topic and I encourage everyone to do their research Blessings
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
Brother Bryan You said "What a beautiful well spoken young lady. She's very sincere. No one can be saved without the Holy Spirit spirit of truth . Everyone receives the Holy Spirit at the second they are saved. This is the promised one to come. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is a different topic. This is important topic and I encourage everyone to do their research Blessings My comment *Nothing but lies. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is when a person is saved. Acts.2:4*
@eddiemirtille9294 6 лет назад
Brother Bryan Exactly Brian. Be blessed
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
Eddie Mirtille You said "Brother Bryan Exactly Brian. Be blessed My comment *Brother Bryan is exactly dead wrong. The infilling, which is the baptism/indwelling of the Holy Spirit with the SIGN of speaking in tongues is how a person is saved. Acts.**2:38**, Acts.2:4* *No one can be saved without the Holy Spirit, true, and everyone does receive the Holy Spirit the second they are saved, but..... they are not saved until they receive the Holy Spirit which ALWAYS comes with the SIGN of speaking in tongues, which is when they are filled/baptized/ indwelled with the Holy Spirit same as they were in Acts.2:4* *There is no separate or different thing in the bible, for by ONE Spirit are ye ALL BAPTIZED into one body. Man falsely teach that there is a difference between being saved and being filled with the Holy Spirit, but the bible does not teach that lie and no one in the bible ever taught that lie.* *A sinner is saved whey they receive the baptism/infilling/indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and they KNOW they have received the Holy Spirit when they speak in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance and NOT them uttering silly syllables themselves.* *If a person has said the "so called sinner's prayer" for the purpose of salvation, (which is NOT in the bible, that's a man made false doctrine) and they have not been BAPTIZED with the Holy Spirit, whose body are they in?* *They are NOT in the body of Christ, the bible tells us the BAPTISM of the Holy Spirit puts sinners into the body of Christ by saving them.* 1Cor.12 :[13] For *by ONE Spirit are we all BAPTIZED* into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
@eddiemirtille9294 6 лет назад
I was speaking to Brother Brian not you because i have a good discenrment, go away please. Thank you
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
Eddie Mirtille You said "I was speaking to Brother Brian not you because i have a good discenrment, go away please. Thank you My comment *You were speaking to Bro.Brian and I am speaking to you. Why, you can only speak to others on the internet and I can't?* *What are you so afraid of? The truth will make you free!!!* *How can you have any discernment and you are still a sinner in your sins?*
@robbierice6830 6 лет назад
Thank you for this video!!! I don’t speak in tongues BUT I walk with Jesus I had water baptism,deliverance,repented and I pray daily for the gift 😃! You are the only 1 with a video I have seen in years to help me understand why I don’t yet thanks sister💕
@HERO4EVA1650 4 года назад
I love the sincerity of this testimony
@juliejcayer2804 7 лет назад
me too i recently got baptised at my church TDW and i just able to say a few words in heavenly tongnes but i am a beleiver Alleluia !!!...i am a child of God and learning to walk in the Name of Jesus Amen
@mpiwanankarabang6117 5 лет назад
Best testimony I have ever heard.
@troopcom 6 лет назад
Yes, you receive the Holy Spirit when you’re born again. Some people don’t exercise their prayer language in the Spirit but they should.
@StEvUgnIn 6 лет назад
“I just received the holy spirit when I first believed” - that’s it! No need of being slain or speaking in tongues. The gift of the spirit you received is real
@acts10truth 4 года назад
steve, tongues is a sign to a non-believer, then who is speaking in tongues? the believers1 Corinthians 14:22 Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.
@WisdomCalls 4 года назад
Every time the baptism of the spirit occurred in the book of Acts it was observable by others. They would speak in tongues or prophesy. It’s wasn’t something invisible because all who watched saw it as evidence of the work of God.
@robertnieten7259 3 года назад
The word " recieve" in the original Greek, that the N.T. was written in, means " to take hold of". It takes an effort on your part to recieve the Holy Spirit. When we first believe the gospel message it isn't because we decided to it's because the Word of God has shown that it's true to our heart " Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" ( Rom.10:17(. Now we must choose to either stay in our sinful lifestyle or obey the gospel. John ch.3 has Jesus saying that we must be " born of water and Spirit" in order to enter the kingdom of God. This is accomplished through water and Spirit baptism. The Holy Spirit baptism is how we recieve the Holy Spirit. When this occurs the Spirit bears witness with our spirit by our speaking in tongues.
@robertnieten7259 3 года назад
@@acts10truth Great point Beth !
@robertnieten7259 3 года назад
@ira mcdaniel The Holy Spirit is recieved as a result of the Holy Spirit baptism.
@chriswood7165 Год назад
Tongues is just amazing, to pray and rest in the Spirit. It builds us up and opens the doors to the gifts.
@donovanmoore8355 6 лет назад
After listening carefully, the presenter's content is biblical; meaning as far as her content is concerned it is accurate with scripture. All the Spiritual gifts have some functional value, that bring conviction (to sinners), edification( to saints ) but ultimately glory and honour to YAH
@gregorythomas1719 6 лет назад
Dear sister Ieva you are right on point with your message and teaching. When I became born again I did not speak in tongues. I felt the presence of GOD ALMIGHTY all over me and I began to prophecy. I have prayed for the gift of tongues but nothing yet. I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ when I was 27 and now I'm 55. One day I heard the sound of tongues in my apartment as if angels were singing praises to our GOD. The tongues filled my bedroom. I desire this gift soo much. I will continue to believe GOD for it. GOD bless you and your family.
@Shindler39 7 лет назад
May God Bless You my sister in Christ. Keep the Faith.
@ryanamero9680 4 года назад
Ive just been spiritual baptism and spiritual awakening and i stand with the lords of all lords .i stand for his kingdom i will protect our lord even in spiritual world as he awakening me more in the last month.i am a sheild in spiritual world .this lady just saved me ive been a target .demons in people almost murdered me .i got lucky now i am living in a demon town
@OakInch 7 лет назад
Speaking in tongues is speaking actual foreign languages for the purpose of communicating Christianity to others in their own language. It is not about speaking gibberish. I don't know how something so clearly described in the Bible is so misunderstood.
@DevynLogan1 6 лет назад
Show Me What You Got Agree 100%.Satan always has a counterfit!
@honeybliss1053 6 лет назад
1 Corinthians 14:2- For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit.
@AwesomeDaysAhead 6 лет назад
Honey Bliss GREAT RESPONSE! People don't get it. There is a PRAYER language and diversity of tongues. My gosh!
@AwesomeDaysAhead 6 лет назад
Show Me What You Got Actually you are wrong. Paul made it clear that HE THAT SPEAKS IN AN UNKNOWN TONGUE (not known on this planet- UNKNOWN) DOES NOT speak to men (no man can understand it!) but SPEAKS TO GOD, FOR NO ONE (that's NO ONE) UNDERSTANDS HIM...." listen, read the Word carefully. There are diversity of tongues and the UNKNOWN TONGUE just described by PAUL. Also: 1Corrinthians 14:14 FOR IF I PRAY IN AN UNKNOWN TONGUE MY SPIRIT IS PRAYING....." my Gosh!
@JewandGreek 6 лет назад
Jesus said that believers would speak with NEW TONGUES. He didn't say that they would speak unlearned human languages to foreigners. New tongues would include unlearned human languages, but it would also include tongues for public assembly where an interpreter is present, intercession, and private devotions. The only manifestation where a human language is required would be tongues as a sign.
@m77ast 7 лет назад
Perfect. If you were one way - say new age - and now you are another way - in Christ where all the new age stuff are now binned. Then you are born again. And I don't think one can be truly born again without the Holy Spirit. He is the one at work in your heart making you see and choose the truth.
@m77ast 7 лет назад
The other question how do the tongues come. If I feel Gods presence and set my heart on God the tongues will flow. God is always there but we are usually too busy. But when I redirect my mind to God my stomach starts to move and the tongues start to come out of my mouth. In this case it's 100% the Holy Spirit. At other times I can be doing the speaking in tongues ie saying words but then after a while the Holy Spirit takes over. Both in my opinion are speaking in tongues. If I'm uttering the words or the Holy Spirit is doing the talking directly. Some have one or both. And others have another type of tongue especially when they are trying to minister to foreign people and the persons language just becomes known to you perfectly for that period of time. I only know of one person who has had that experience. Enjoy The Lord, spend time with your daddy - that's the road to more.
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
*m77ast Speaking in tongues is never something you do yourself. When a person receives the REAL Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit actually takes over their tongue and he speak words out of their mouth using their tongue, it's never something you do yourself.*
@Mazel_Tov_888 6 лет назад
@ cooljc26 I agree. John 7:38 Jesus Christ the Son of God said believe on me as the scriptures hath said and out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.
@TheKingsChannelOfficial 7 лет назад
Praise The Lord for the Teaching. 18 People here are hellbent. However Jesus died for them to escape damnation and enter Heaven by believing and receiving Him.
@willpromise3354 7 лет назад
I'm glad you recognize that one can receive the Holy Ghost and not necessarily speak in tongues... It is the Spirit who gives the different gifts, it is not our right to demand any particular gift. Thank you for bringing this out.
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
will promise You said "I'm glad you recognize that one can receive the Holy Ghost and not necessarily speak in tongues... It is the Spirit who gives the different gifts, it is not our right to demand any particular gift. Thank you for bringing this out. My comment *That is nothing but a lie. If one has not spoken in tongues, they do not have the Holy Spirit and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ they are none of his.*
@chandrasutton54 7 лет назад
Finally someone else who knows the Bible. I'm so tired of ppl saying to me I need to speak in tongues and that it's for everyone. I feel like something is wrong with me when I hear preachers and evangelist say these things and try to force me into speaking in tongues. I know I have the Holy Spirit inside me and I have gifts that I don't quite understand yet but if you could pray for me to understand and to hear God because He been silent for awhile which wasn't that way before but is incredibly aggravating now. I found this video because I thought maybe I do need to speak in tongues for Him to speak to me. The torture of not hearing is making me think things I don't normally think.
@fearlesscrusader 7 лет назад
Boring Briecon, I sympathize with you. There was a time when my wife and I were nearly driven out of our minds by the Church telling us there was something wrong with us because we didn't speak in tongues. Thank God, rather than giving up we turned to Him ans asked Him to show us the truth. Now I know that when when church people say these things, there is something wrong with THEM. I survived, but my wife died after the trauma they put us through.
@rgrintx 5 лет назад
Please pray for me to receive the gift of “Speaking in Tongues” and the other gifts the Holy Spirit has to give.
@robertnieten7259 3 года назад
Speaking in tongues occurs as a result of the Holy Spirit baptism.
@rogerlane474 4 года назад
A persons mind, be it through doubt, fear, unbelief or just lack of understanding can prevent the gift from manifesting. The gift will never take your free will from you. All of the gifts are available. Our Father is no respecter of persons. You should expect more as you grow spiritually. This gal is amazing! Thank you for helping others understand! Peace, love and joy to you all
@rogerlane474 4 года назад
Flopping around in the aisle and everyone acting like they've been taken over (possessed) does nothing but confuse and drive rational folks away. When you see these things it's fleshly man getting involved and acting a fool. Everything is to be done decent and orderly in a gathering of believers. To deny this is to deny the gift of holy spirit. To mock this is the act of committing the unforgivable sin. Speaking in tongues is "praying in the spirit." God is a spirit and those that worship him MUST worship him in spirit and in truth. Knowing that your fleshly mind can not please God in any way, speaking in tongues should be the main way that you have fellowship with your Father. We are told that we don't even know what we should pray for. John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. Romans 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Paul stated that he thanked god that he spoke in tongues more than any of them. Speaking in tongues (without interpretation) is for YOU. It edifies YOU. It's your key to having powerful, answered prayers and is how you manifest the power to perform miracles. Building up the body of believers is important but so too is your own spiritual development! Look at this verse..... 1Corinthians 14:5 I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying. Do you see the words"except he interpret?" Prophesy is greater unless tongues are spoken and then interpreted. It's because the edifying of the body is better than just one person receiving edification. Many get this wrong...One person speaks in tongues and a different person gives the interpretation. This isn't how we are told to operate the spirit. Look at this verse... 1Corinthians 14:13 Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret. Do you see it? The person speaking in tongues is the person that believes (prays) for an interpretation. Keep in mind that this is when speaking in a gathering of believers that are having fellowship and worship. ALL of the gifts are available however, one must develop and grow. My Father is no respecter of persons. Should he give you a better gift than he gives me or vice versa? We are babes and require milk. We must grow into eating meat! Speaking in tongues is a sign but so is interpretation. When gathered for worship, let 2 or 3 speak in tongues (a sign for the unbeliever) but let just one of them speak in tongues and interpret. Interpretation is very much like prophesy. It's purpose is to edify the church body. The person who speaks in the tongue will be the person that interprets that tongue. Paul is trying to ensure that everything is done in an orderly manner. 1Corinthians 14:26 How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying. Does verse 26 sound like these gifts aren't given to everyone? It sounds to me like they all have the gifts and all are eager to share. Again, he is telling them to conduct their worshiping in a decent and orderly fashion. How do you interpret? You simply believe to. It's called "speaking in tongues with understanding." Look at the following verse... 1Corinthians 14:15 What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. Speaking in tongues is prayer. Not only is is prayer but it is PERFECT prayer. It is worshiping "in the spirit." It should be the foundation of your worship! It's importance can not be over-stressed! In the above verse, Paul is still clearly speaking about speaking in tongues. The context has not changed. Here he calls it praying with the spirit. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (You MUST worship him in spirit.) 1Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. * no man can say that Jesus is Lord, but by holy spirit!*** Speaking by the spirit of God is speaking in tongues. It is foreign to our fleshly minds! We are the TRUE WORSHIPERS spoken of in the following verse.... John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. This gift of holy spirit wasn't available to believers of the past. It is the Comforting Spirit and wasn't made available until after our Lord ascended. Do you see it? Christ called us the TRUE WORSHIPPERS. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; John 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. Folks, you can not worship your Father any other way. Having a peaceful, loving mind state while praying isn't enough. Your worship can not come from your fleshy mind. It must come from the spirit, the self same spirit that makes groans and sounds that we can not comprehend. I could teach for a week straight on this subject but will end here by asking, "Do you want answered prayers? Would you like to see miracles happening in your life? Do you want to exercise power that can move mountains?" If so, start speaking in tongues! Keep it in your private prayer life if you must, until you feel comfortable and have developed enough to do it in a gathering of believers. Speaking in tongues is your spiritual foundation....PERIOD. You can not worship or claim Christ is Lord any other way!
@lifeandjoyapplications9468 8 лет назад
I like this analogy.......... When we are reborn we are like computers reconnected online constantly exchanging packets of data with The Spirit of God. There are plugins (gifts of the spirit) downloaded to us as God wills. We can also request for (and download) specific plugins we desire. All those plugins are in us and we install them and use them i.e Stir up the gifts 'cos they're there
@caycug1 6 лет назад
That's interesting, I was just thinking about the "computer" analogy the other day, and wrote these words: God is on full-time tech support, so if you need help he will be able to fix you and your problem. He is understanding and forgiving. In this world, you will always need His technical support. If you choose to upgrade to his OS, then you are guaranteed eternal tech support and protection. Your tech support fee has been paid eternally by Jesus Christ. “....if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Romans 10:9-10)
@collinsa8909 6 лет назад
you talk like a programmer/hacker/savvy i.t geek
@venturesintoglory5353 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your wonderful testimony. By way of explanation, the simple difference between praying in tongues and prophecy is that we can pray in tongues anytime we desire. Whereas, we can only prophesy as the Spirit wills (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). One is given to every believer when they receive the Holy Spirit, the other is only given at the direction of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 19:6, they experienced both, And, yes, there are times when the Lord does things contrary to the usual pattern we find in God's Word. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey!
@fredr.6757 7 лет назад
You were not born again because you prayed a prayer you were born again because you repented and put your trust in Jesus Christ. You were saved in spite of that prayer not because of that prayer. There's no a magic prayer to be saved. I'm sure you have been saved but if you fell into that trap of the sinners prayer The Gospel of Jesus Christ is perverted. When Jesus came in Mark 1:15 He said the time is fulfilled, The Kingdom of God is at end Repent and believe the Gospel. He didn't say who wants to pray that prayer and ask me into their heart. Study the Bible
@prawinkmrz 7 лет назад
Fred Djengs sounds right bro
@Godisnotdead1111 6 лет назад
Amen, no such thing as sinners prayer in the bible. In fact I have had to stop watching the video as soon as I heard that.
@caycug1 6 лет назад
We are called to repentance, and there is nothing wrong with asking Jesus into your heart "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love..." (Ephesians 3:17) How people come to Jesus doesn't occur exactly the same way with everyone...there are no magic words, it's a matter of love for God and relationship with Him.
@theoswithme 6 лет назад
Yes, we must repent that is turning from sin and turning to Jesus, but we must pray and call on His name. "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:9,10) Also, We must believe in our heart and confess Jesus with our mouth. (Romans 10:13)
@StEvUgnIn 6 лет назад
I partly agree with your sayings. The reason is that I feel you cannot accept someone could experience such spiritual experience when you put all your soul in a prayer. For sure, the sinner’s prayer isn’t magical but you have to share the gospel and bring those evil people to repentance
@jimmybedding3611 7 лет назад
After many years of study and speaking to lots of people - my present level of understanding is this - people receive the Holy Spirit upon true believing in Christ - the breath of God enters (John 20v22) - then there is a higher or deeper dimension referred to as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - this can come with tongues (preferred) or without or you get it some time later. Either way the prayer language is very useful.
@fearlesscrusader 7 лет назад
Jimmy, after many years of study, I have been unable to find anything in the Bible that indicates there is a higher or deeper dimension referred to as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is also nothing in the Bible about a specific "prayer language". Acts 19, Romans 8:9, and I Corinthians 12:13 show us that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is instantaneous with salvation. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is what makes us part of the body of Christ.
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
Jimmy Bedding You said "After many years of study and speaking to lots of people - my present level of understanding is this - people receive the Holy Spirit upon true believing in Christ - the breath of God enters (John 20v22) - then there is a higher or deeper dimension referred to as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - this can come with tongues (preferred) or without or you get it some time later. Either way the prayer language is very useful. My comment *It's really ashamed that you studied so many years and studied wrong and came to the wrong conclusion and wrong understanding of scripture. People do not receive the Holy Spirit upon true believing in Christ as you have said, without receiving the Holy Spirit as they did in Acts.2:4 with the SIGN of speaking in tongues.* *Jesus said in John.**7:38**-39 he that believe on me AS THE SCRIPTURES HATH SAID out of their belly shall flow rivers of living water, THIS SPAKE HE OF THE SPIRIT, which they that believe, SHOULD receive, NOT THEY AUTOMATICALLY receive, but they SHOULD receive, because the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified.* *When was Jesus glorified and when was the Holy Ghost first given after Jesus was glorified, Acts.2:4 with the SIGN of speaking in tongues.* *Also there is no such thing as a "PRAYER LANGUAGE" in the bible.* *Furthermore John.**20:22** does not say they received the Holy Ghost right then, and they couldn't receive it right then, because Jesus already told them in John.16:7 it's EXPEDIENT that I go AWAY for if I go not away, the Comforter/Holy Ghost WILL NOT COME UNTO YOU, but if I DEPART, I WILL SEND HIM UNTO YOU, and neither was he glorified at that time.* *So the Holy Ghost first came to them after Jesus went away back into heaven and then he sent it down to them on the day of Pentecost with the SIGN of speaking in tongues.(sorry but what you studied was dead wrong)* John.16 :[7] Nevertheless *I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.*
@NethanielHunter 5 лет назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-3ENbc5RheJU.html Watch this brother. He that hath an ear let him hear.
@2ndBirth 4 года назад
This was really informative. Thank you for sharing sister. When you mention seeing demonic spirits leaving you, I had a whole series of dreams after being born again. I think it was God showing me the spiritual battle going on, me casting out demons in Jesus name. I don't speak in tongues, I do believe in the gift though. Not in the sense of what you see on many RU-vid channels though by penticostal types. I do get the quikening of the Holy Spirit and He gives me the right words to say. I'm not sure if that is a particular gift or just having the Holy Spirit. My head goes all spacey, my eyes have that glow about them and the right words come to my lips for the situation. I just pray to God that I am a willing vessel to recieve whatever gifts he has for me. I think at the moment I just have an inner longing to learn more of the word to become more sanctified and be a cleaner vessel. May God belss and keep you.
@sandyguerrero804 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing! It helped me a lot!
@s.m.3608 5 лет назад
I really like your account of how you received the gift of speaking in tongues. I never heard of it being received like that. Wow! I have had different pastors lay hands on me and because I did not speak in tongues I assumed I did not get it. This morning I was telling the Holy Spirit that I really need this gift because I keep hearing from Christians that if I don't speak in tongues I do not have the Holy Spirit therefore not heaven-bound. Even though I have had many many encounters with Jesus and just last night He told me I am His sheep. I've gone through a lot of sanctification and only the Holy Spirit did that, I had no one telling me do that, don't do that, go there, don't go there etc. The Holy Spirit single handedly did that for years. But I DO NOT want to misunderstand this and end up in hot fire 🔥 for eternity. No no. Beside, I truly want this gift for real. As I was telling the Holy Spirit a little while ago how I really need this gift and must have it, it occurred to me that I in fact may already be baptized in the Holy Spirit because for one, I've had hands laid on me to receive the in filling/baptism and was told to receive by faith. I did. But every time I heard someone say I don't have Him because I don't speak in tongues, I doubted and cried and freaked out. This has happened many times. It's torturous really. And I got upset with God for a while for not receiving this gift of speaking in tongues. I had to repent later. I never really pressed into the speaking part though because I thought it had to happen right there and then after the prayer and laying on of hands!!!! I did not try to speak later. Then I watch this video and I am now thinking I probably have the baptism and the gift. I just need to press in like you did calling the name of Jesus until I speak! I am gonna do that and I will let you know how that goes. Yay! I am getting excited at the prospect.
@joshuaflanigan3134 5 лет назад
S. M. I usually don’t reply to comments but I wanted to let you know that you don’t have to speak in tongues to go to heaven. It is a gift and is very helpful and amazing but you do not need it for salvation. It is subject to you. Please do not listen to anyone that tells you that will go to hell if you don’t speak in tongues. That is not biblical
@s.m.3608 5 лет назад
Joshua Flanigan I really appreciate you making an exception to tell me that. So much confusion surrounding this gift of tongues. Thank you and God bless you richly. SHALOM
@raybrensike42 6 лет назад
There is a false teaching that sometimes goes around that tongues is not for today. Whatever excuse they can find, some people will use, and there are no such excuses in the Bible. This world has not outlasted anything Jesus said. He said those that believe in him will speak with new tongues, and they do, even today. If you believe in Jesus, and don't yet, expect that you will.
@Homeboyministries 6 лет назад
Very well explained we should not neglect tongues , but it does not determine our salvation every one can revive it that’s why it’s called a gift.
@kellybatiste1085 7 лет назад
every believer does have the Holy Spirit. but being baptized in the spirit and being filled with the Holy Spirit is something different.
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
Kelly Batiste You said "every believer does have the Holy Spirit. but being baptized in the spirit and being filled with the Holy Spirit is something different. My comment *That is totally not true at all, that is false. Every believer does not have the Holy Spirit. Paul came across some believers in Acts.19:1-6 and they did not have the Holy Spirit until he laid hands on them and they spoke in tongues.* *Being baptized in the Spirit and being filled with the Spirit is exactly the same thing, and that's when the sinner is born again of water and of the Spirit, that is when and how we receive salvation. Acts.2:4, Acts.**2:38*
@edinzerubbebel4657 5 лет назад
Yes, all believers in Jesus Christ does have the Holy Spirit, the difference is, it should be manifested in the lives of all believers as the Scripture stated in the book of Acts 8;14-17/ 19;1-6 in Acts 8;18 Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostle's hands the Holy Spirit was given. Now, if the Holy Spirit does not yet manifested in your life for you believed you does have it, you should seek the true God's people, a true pastor or preacher of the word God who exercised the power of God, ask the Lord to guide you to find His true people and believed, be the member of his congregation, and ask him you want to receive the Holy Spirit. That's it. There are many believer who doesn't received the Holy Spirit yet because of the stumbling block. They are not faithful believers and walk after the flesh nor in the spirit.
@ryanjamesc9996 5 лет назад
cooljc26 I must chime in to clarify what Kelly was trying to convey, because she is indeed correct. The Scriptures clearly state there are TWO baptisms, as Kelly pointed out. The first baptism is unto SALVATION through repentance. This baptism must come from the Holy Spirits leading through a personal conviction of acknowledging our sin. Once we repent, as John the Baptist and Jesus both urged those listening in Matt 4 when Jesus began His earthly ministry, immediately the Holy Spirit Himself dwells within us as a “seal” which the scriptures refer to. This first baptism unto SALVATION comes from our public confession of our sin with water baptism. The Holy Spirit led us to this baptism and remains within us afterwards to transform us personally into the image of Christ. Proof of His indwelling is seen in our displaying the “fruits of the Spirit” like love, patience, kindness, self control, etc! The second baptism is unto SERVICE! This too is clearly shown to us in Scripture, most notably when after His water Baptism Jesus then had the Spirit descend upon Him as a dove and was led into the wilderness to fast and pray as an example of our need for consecration through obedience. After 40 days in the wilderness, the Word says He was “filled” with the Holy Ghost. Jesus was NEVER without the Holy Spirit nor needed to be baptized for salvation, but this was done for OUR example to follow and to preach the Gospel. So, the first baptism unto salvation is displayed through the confession of our sin in repentance when we are baptized with water and the second baptism unto service is confirmed with speaking in tongues...which is just one example of many outward manifestations of the Holy Spirit’s infilling for service like prophesy, healing’s, teaching, etc! What you referenced in Scripture about Paul encountering the believers who had not yet received the Holy Spirit was to show us there are two baptisms...for why would the infallible Word of God call them “believers” despite not having been YET filled the Holy Spirit? Answer: because they had been baptized unto salvation only but had not yet been baptized unto service...the same Holy Spirit had already “sealed” them but He had yet “filled” them...these are two of His numerous attributes that point to an amazing relationship of when we first meet Him and how we grow in intimacy with Him! I hope this has encouraged you, may God continue to richly bless you with His presence, my brother!
@ryanjamesc9996 5 лет назад
Kelly Batiste You are correct! Please see my reply to cooljc26 below for a more detailed reply to him disagreeing with you...I believe you’ll see why I believe you’re correct. God bless you, and may you daily grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him who saved you!
@american11asshole 5 лет назад
I’ve never been baptized and I can cast out demons and summon “UFO’s”.
@Mr40reaper 7 лет назад
Wow! It must be awesome to hear, understand, and speak all languages! HOW GREAT IS GOD?!!? Thank you, Jesus!
@edmundosantos-garza1465 7 лет назад
I think you are a prophet, because prophets can see in the Spirit ground o realm. God bless!!!
@rod65man65 6 лет назад
Dear Sister Melody , what a wonderful testimony ,I was rejoicing because I to had my doubts , until day I cried out to God for the truth and that I wanted the truth from His Word , what I received was what I believe a vision because the pages of the Bible started flipping to scriptures that pertain to the baptism of the Holy Spirit , those scriptures seemed to lift off the pages , as this happening I questioned God about what I was seeing , in one my eyes saw that those who received started praising God , in another I saw that they started worshipping , yes and they all spoke in tongues , the words of the Lord came to mind where He said " and you shall receive power is come down on you " , then I taken back to Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost , and the part that told who could receive the Holy Spirit to the part where it said " and to many as are afar off " my cry out to God was I'm one of those who are afar off , and my gracious Father turned me from a skeptic to believer to a receiver Praise God , again thank for such a Spirit filled testimony of the grace of God in your life , love in the name of our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus , your Brother in Christ Rafael
@upliftinggestures1680 7 лет назад
Hi everyone. My name is Kaleb and I've been growing in my faith. I know prayers are powerful and so as I pray and ask the Lord for the 9 spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the gift to prophesy, may I ask for anyone to also please pray for me? Thank you!
@ievaf9333 7 лет назад
@upliftinggestures1680 7 лет назад
Thank you ieva! Also, your videos have helped me a lot, please continue to share all of your messages from god.
@fearlesscrusader 7 лет назад
Uplifting Gestures, please read I Corinthians 12. The Bible is clear that no one believer should have all the gifts; each individual body of believers has the 9 gifts. Paul said, "For the body is not one member, but many...If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?"
@meekycruz4762 6 лет назад
Wow i feel like i just had an actual bible study today:)My testimony I am Waiting on God's timing, although i have spoken in tongue once, in a 'soaking service'. The pastor said, 'open your mouth/start speaking' and i did and i just fell on my knees and started speaking in tongues. I thank God for that. God is an awesome provider. I seek the gifts but i seek His love first. Love is greater than faith and hope. And there's no meaning if i have the gift but not the love. I will wait on God's timing and love the Lord with all my heart. For now, i seek Him, righteousness and worship God. I thank God for the breakthrough. Hallelujah. I have the Holy Spirit. I will live to please the Lord and delight in His word.
@michaelwhite8031 5 лет назад
Gift of touges is misunderstood. The gift was real languages so the apostles could preach to other nations, not babble.
@user-kq5qp6dh8l 5 лет назад
Correct.... The tongues she has Are demonic
@Js7736 4 года назад
For if you have the ability to speak in tongues, you will be talking only to God, since people won’t be able to understand you. You will be speaking by the power of the Spirit, but it will all be mysterious. 1 Corinthians 14:2 NLT bible.com/bible/116/1co.14.2.NLT
@byhildy 4 года назад
@@Js7736 Of course it says that, you've got the wrong bible. Get the KJV that's where the pure words of God are preserved and kept as God himself said so.
@andrealeduc8551 4 года назад
@@byhildy says the same
@ws7009 4 года назад
@bruceeggleston6073 6 лет назад
Dear precious little one, very well put. Too many people are taught that you are not saved if you don't speak in tongues. You are completely correct and wise beyond your age. God bless you precious one.
@acts10truth 7 лет назад
my husband prayed a repentive prayer , the demons ran, I saw and smelled them. 43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. ( if the holy spirit in in you the demons cannot get back in) after a while of my husband cleaning himself and getting use to accepting christ he was then at his open praise began to speak in an unknown tongue...which is NOT a GIFT. It is the voice of the spirit(john 3:8) it is in this tongue that the spirit prays for us with groanings that we ourselves cannot utter (rom 8:26) divers tongues is a gift and is earth languages that the spirit may insight one to speak that he has not learned. so you are wrong dear . and anyone who thinks you can say a sinners prayer and thats it you are only half born. you are like someone who has gotten pregnant but never delivers.
@ladyinvy3664 6 лет назад
The greatest gift of them all is the gift of LOVE. 🙌
@RenanDeBarros1 7 лет назад
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is awesome! Powerful prayer life with tongues. Some people think that the Spirit takes them over and speaks for them, but that's not always true. You must use your mouth and speak! :) Cool experience you had seeing the demons and receiving Holy Spirit - He's so good. Wife and I are also sharing some things on YT now. Cool to see others doing the same. God bless you!
@joesmith5137 7 лет назад
nonsense the baptism of the holy spirit is worthless for salvation. Only Jesus blood sacrifice has any value= the rest of gifts are nothing compared. Without Jesus the holy spirit can not forgive one single sin.
@keannavidal5606 7 лет назад
Renan DeBarros you said you have to speak. please tell how i could speak or yield?
@RenanDeBarros1 7 лет назад
Pray this prayer that follows and then begin to speak aloud. But don't speak in a language. Speak as it comes to you as the Spirit gives you utterance, meaning whatever comes to your mouth, speak by faith. It may sound strange as you start, but don't wait, just speak! The more you do it, the more you will see its benefits. “By faith, . . . I have now received the Holy Ghost. Thank God, He is in me, because Jesus promised it in His Word. And I say it with my mouth, because I believe in my heart that I have received the Holy Ghost. Now I expect to speak with tongues, because believers spoke with tongues on the Day of Pentecost. And, thank God, I will, too, as the Holy Ghost gives me utterance.”
@catfish1616 7 лет назад
Renan DeBarros When you spoke in tongues did you speak out on your own ? That was my experience. I've heard some people say if you speak on your own it's not real. Can you tell me how God has confirmed that your tongues are the real thing?
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
Renan DeBarros You said "The baptism in the Holy Spirit is awesome! Powerful prayer life with tongues. Some people think that the Spirit takes them over and speaks for them, but that's not always true. You must use your mouth and speak! :) Cool experience you had seeing the demons and receiving Holy Spirit - He's so good. Wife and I are also sharing some things on YT now. Cool to see others doing the same. God bless you! My comment *No where in the whole entire bible does it say a person must use their mouth and speak, that is a lie from satan himself.* *When a person receives the REAL Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will actually take over your tongue and he will speaks words out of your mouth using your tongue, it's not something you do yourself.* *People who speak themselves do not have the Holy Spirit, and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ they are NONE of his.*
@sonburst7 5 лет назад
You handled this topic with amazing clarity. I grew up in a Pentecostal church and they kept saying, "The initial physical evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is speaking in other tongues." And they would point to Acts 2:4. I took issue with that because of what Jesus said in Acts 1:8, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The word for power there isn't just any power, but is the same word where we get the word dynamite from. And the word for witnesses is "martyr". This is the initial physical evidence, the explosive power to die to yourself before a watching world. And if you've received Jesus you get the Father and the Holy Spirit as well. You can't divide the Godhead like that. What I've noticed is some people teach that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for today, and even of the devil. That is so wrong. Others will say you're not saved if you aren't baptized in the Holy Spirit. My Bible says, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:13) Then there are those who get obsessed with speaking in tongues. They begin seeking speaking in tongues instead of seeking God, and that makes their seeking an idol. Sometimes this causes a hinderance to receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit other times it opens them up to a counterfeit. Your video makes the truth clear. Thank you.
@achilles6445 7 лет назад
receiving the holy spirit doesn't meant that you should speak in tongues.. God decides what type of gifts he wants to gv us
@steadfastunmoveable9751 7 лет назад
Yes, God does decide what types of gifts He wants to give us. and it is written in The Bible. I Corinthians 12, speaks of the different gifts He gives to the born again Saints. But Acts the 2nd chapter God decided that The Holy Ghost would be given with the evidence of speaking in tongues! every child born in this world , will speak the tongue of the nation they are born in, and when we are reborn into The Kingdom of God we speak the native language of our Kingdom we are reborn into. you can usually tell by peoples language wherein they were born. so is everyone that is born of The Spirit , we speak our native tongue. but there is the gift of tongues whereas ,which is one of the gifts we receive after receiving The Holy Ghost. This gift is given in order to speak a foreign language they have not studied, and that gift is utilized when in contact with someone who doesn't speak our language. as there are other gifts given after receiving The Holy Ghost.
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
Achilles You said "receiving the holy spirit doesn't meant that you should speak in tongues.. God decides what type of gifts he wants to gv us My comment *If one has not spoken in tongues, they do not have the Holy Spirit and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ they are NONE of his.* *You said God decides what type of GIFTS he wants to give us, but...... as Paul said the GIFTS which are listed in 1 Cor.12:8-10 are NOT for all....... but the SIGN of speaking in tongues which Jesus mentioned in Mark.**16:17** is for ALL THEM THAT SAY THEY BELIEVE!!! There is a difference between the GIFTS and the SIGN of speaking in tongues.*
@amandavillatoro2082 7 лет назад
Thank you so much for making this video. Don't apologize for making it long. You answer a lot of questions, and we are grateful
@thebluegreengoose 8 лет назад
You are likely a Prophetess since you naturally see in the spirit.
@marianaree9967 6 лет назад
Sister please pray for me 🙏🏻. I’ve been a christian since i was a teenager, and i had an amazing relationship with Christ, feeling over 4 years His love and his presence; but when i turned 18 i stopped being in the presence of God. Since then i’ve struggled with fear and axiety. I’ve begged Jesus to manifest again in my life but nothing. I pray to him every day, go to church, teach the children the gospel, been fasting this past months longing for him and nothing happens. I’m very tired and sad, i feel like he doesnt care for me anymore. I’ve gotten to the point of wanting to leave the church and stop believing :(.
@melanierayworth4192 8 лет назад
This deception of all have to speak in tongues to be saved can really mess with a persons mind as it did mine last year , that's what's it designed for because it's not what God says , I had a sister who also had the same. God knew I wanted to be able to pray in tongues , so he led me to a local church, and funnily enough the guest pastor there asked if I wanted to speak in tongues , it's as if he read my mind , so he and others prayed over me , it did not happen instantly, but the following night after googling how to begin believing I had received the gift , I then began to pray in tongues until 3 in the morning . God does give the gifts as he chooses , he also given me a great gift of spirit of decernment, where he let's nothing fool me right down to the last detail. I really hope Melody is comforted by this video and by our comments. I just want her to know that Jesus loves her and she is his.
@ievaf9333 8 лет назад
Awwww :) that was very sweet of you Mel. Very true! Yet it's so clear in scripture.. it says in 1 Corinthians 12:29-30 - Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? The obvious answer is no. If ALL spoke in tongues, then ALL would be apostles. ALL would interpret and teach also etc...
@melanierayworth4192 8 лет назад
Absolutely, this piece of scripture will be comforting to those who don't speak in tongues.
@andrewemailer4986 8 лет назад
The sad thing is ppl worship the gifts rather than Jesus Christ. That is a danger with spirits of deception, the holy spirit is always you can know it is Gods spirit by it pointing worship to Christ alone.
@melanierayworth4192 8 лет назад
That's true, some want just what God can give them and others are the complete opposite. God invites us to desire the gifts of the spirit , but some do go too far the get the gift and forget it goes their head, and they forget God . I personally think all spiritual gifts from God are and honour to recieve and should never be taken for granted.
@isaacsmovies1675 7 лет назад
Mel Ashby :/ yea I know I'm really confused at the moment I'm not sure what to believe I asked my pastor and he completely disagrees he says we all have to speak in tounges he says that there are two different kinds one that is a gift and the other..well I'm not sure he points to what Jesus says in Mark 16:16 ...I'm not sure what to believe
@weezie9843 6 лет назад
FEAR & TORMENT is how I feel right now. I've watched many testimonies and 99% of them describe an instant transformation just like you shared, when they accept Jesus. That never happened to me and nothing changed. I've prayed over and over to be baptized, to hunger and thirst for the Word. I don't really feel like praying, reading the Bible and if I was baptized, it would change all that and change me. I hate to think that I'm not chosen much less saved. I get totally discouraged at times. Plus, I have memory problems so reading the Word and forgetting what I just read frustrates me. I truly want to have this experience! I agree with the examples you gave such as seeing demons leave your body, the Holy Spirit speaking to you, witnessing, etc showed you were saved and baptized. I believe everything you shared and wonder why can I not receive this? I'm not worse than any other sinners. I do speak to the Lord but it's like I'm talking to myself. What is wrong with me??? If you feel like replying to my post, you are more than welcome. God bless you!
@ievaf9333 6 лет назад
Bless you. You say that you don't feel like praying or have hunger for God's Word.. but you clearly are hungry for God because you say you've prayed over and over to God. Keep seeking Him, just share with Him every thing in your life. He is there. We do all have different experiences with God. My husband has never seen demons... I've never seen angels, but other people have. At the moment, I'm not having any crazy supernatural experiences. God is just changing me from the inside - which is more important than having some sort of big experience at this moment in time. I pray that you will know that He is real and be comforted by the fact that everyone experiences God in different ways. There are people like Saul who find him on the road to Damascus, but there are also those who have less dramatic experiences. What is important is that you have a real relationship with Christ and that you are willing to listen to the Holy Spirit when the Spirit speaks to you. You will be convicted when you do wrong, just listen... He will lead you into all truth, just keep going. God bless!
@rafaelmuchanga2681 8 лет назад
Good Video may God bless you.
@greygrey4790 3 года назад
Thank you sister, good testimony. Be enriched forever. There is no other baptism that would do e.g John's baptism, it won't save us or facilitate in indwelling of The Holy Spirit in us. But The baptism in Jesus Christ brings in The goodness of Yahweh EloHim, that includes recieving The Holy Spirit. We maybe ignorant of His indwelling but He is there or He is with us as long as we are baptised in Jesus.
@jeffreydouglas351 7 лет назад
I have the Holy Spirit and I don't speak in tongues. Some that believe do speak in tongues and some don't. I believe you are spot on.
@catfish1616 7 лет назад
Jeffrey Douglas I have been trying to understand the infilling of the Holy Spirit. I just left a church that said speaking in tongues always fallow the in filling in the Holy Spirit. I know the is an experience that's usually subsequent to salvation and it often comes with speaking in tongues. it might be like this woman is saying, that any spiritual gift might be the innitial sign. I don't know.
@jeffreydouglas351 7 лет назад
Hi Angie, We are all looking for one truth that applies to all and I'm not sure it's out there. I was filled with the Holy Spirit in a charismatic church and never spoke in tongues. Look within. God sees our hearts.
@catfish1616 7 лет назад
Jeffrey Douglas I just wanted to help people recieve it. I spoke in tongues but I was never sure that everyone would when they got the Holy Spirit.
@jeffreydouglas351 7 лет назад
You have done your part and God is very pleased. What happens next is not in our control.🙏
@jeffreydouglas351 7 лет назад
Not as a sign of being saved, a sign or manifestation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
@annazhuk4413 6 лет назад
God bless you i love the way you explained the steps for speaking in tongues! I also got the gift of tongues when the holy spirit filled me up during a church prayer meeting. My mom and others in church laid hands on me and i recieved him! The holy spirit guided me for already 6 years. Praise God and don't doubt in his wonderful works and gifts he is willing to give you.just remember, you need and willing, pure and clean heart in order for God to gift you with spiritual gifts and holy spirit.
@petercrutchley6085 8 лет назад
Well said. - you have a wonderful ministry.
@ievaf9333 8 лет назад
Thank you for your encouragement again Peter :) You're always there to encourage me. God bless you.
@pauldonnelly6691 7 лет назад
ieva f good for you some day you will be baptize fire through the life times 1 Peter 1:5-7 . I was baptize holy spirit 2004 speaking spirit and still baptize fire over the years on and off trials it help me grow stronger and trust God more. God bless don t quit with God stay strong act :17-18!
@spiritsciences2012 2 года назад
Wow! Explanation well done. The Holy Spirit is obviously in you and working through you. 😇 PTL!
@weobeyjesus4565 7 лет назад
I've seen people that I believe are not saved that speak in tongues. I've got Holy but I do not speak in tongues, I think God knows it would scare me to start speaking a different language. He gives me wisdom, maybe because that's what I asked for, check it out! "Opinions speak about their owners, not their topics."
@Natesaffordable 7 лет назад
why would it scare you to have God fill your temple that's what it was made for everybody in the entire bible that was filled with the spirit of God had their mouth taken over why would it suprise you if was still happening today all those people just making it up cmon....the wind blows where it wants and you can hear it so is everyone born of the spirit.
@Aussiefan19 7 лет назад
LEAFY GUITAR SOLOS tongues is For all who believe. mark 16:16-17. And all throughout acts everyone that was baptized did indees speak in tongues that was the sign GOD personally chose to reveal that one truely had the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
@Aussiefan19 7 лет назад
Natesaffordable AMEN!
@weobeyjesus4565 7 лет назад
Aussiefan19: According to your logic a person is not saved unless they take up serpents and cast out demons too (Mark 16;17). You learnt false doctrine from a church now you preach it in Jesus' name. You do not understand that God saves people, he makes them believe, he baptises them in the Holy Spirit. He does not care about a water baptism or speaking in tongues. You follow church doctrine, you cannot interpret the Bible well at all.
@harmonyfyfe 4 года назад
Please allow me to clarify one thing. There is speaking in tongues when you are by yourself, speaking to God, which is usually called “praying in the Spirit” and there is tongues and tongue interpretation which is the gift of tongues and the gift of interpretation. While praying in the Spirit is a personal private conversation between you and God, the gift of tongues is a public occurrence which is in all sense a way for God to speak to the whole congregation at one time. The purpose for this gift and the other gifts of the Spirit is to edify the church body. Tongues with interpretation usually happens like this; while in a church service an eerie feeling of expectation will settle on the congregation then all of a sudden someone will speak very loudly in tongues, what ever is going on in the service will stop so that the congregation can hear and when it’s finished you pray for the interpretation. If people are submitted to God then the interpretation will come. 1 Corinthians 12 was written about the gifts of the Spirit and how they relate to the body as a whole not about how we should pray to God. Scripture must be taken in context.
@jasoncrippstruthquest 7 лет назад
I feel sorry for the poor woman who thinks she is half saved, this is heresy. The spirit comes into us the minute we repent and accept the Spirit in our life. Then, we pray each day for the Spirit to renew our minds. Thanks for setting this straight. You do not have to speak in tongues!
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
Jason Cripps You said "I feel sorry for the poor woman who thinks she is half saved, this is heresy. The spirit comes into us the minute we repent and accept the Spirit in our life. Then, we pray each day for the Spirit to renew our minds. Thanks for setting this straight. You do not have to speak in tongues! My comment *True there is no such thing as being half saved. But the Spirit does NOT come into you the minute you repent and accept the Spirit or Christ in your life. The Holy Spirit comes in you when he speaks out of your mouth using your tongue in another language,(speaking in tongues) and that's when you are saved/born again.(You MUST speak in tongues, or you do not have the Holy Spirit, and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ they are none of his)*
@kathyroberts5870 6 лет назад
Tongues can also go Dormant if not used
@kathyroberts5870 6 лет назад
P.S. God doesn't do anything half way with him ,it's all or nothing
@ItsConstitutional 5 лет назад
@@cooljc26 hahahahaha, wow...no where in the bible is that even true. You been lied to.
@cooljc26 5 лет назад
*@totalpkgpainting... It's not true to you, because you have not RIGHTLY DIVIDED the word of truth and neither have you experienced nor received the REAL Holy Spirit. What I've said is 100% true and I can back up what I've said can you?*
@noelles.8019 4 года назад
God gives you the spiritual gifts that you will need to accomplish the mission you came on earth to do. The more more you use your spiritual gift for good, the more gifts he gives you. It's like giving your children responsibilities and if they do well with them, you entrust them with more responsibilities and recompense them for being dedicated and trustworthy by good work.
@Mj28987 8 лет назад
Hi there firstly I want to say that I love you're videos and the reason I Subscribed to your channel, I just wanted to say that I Admire you sister Eva and I love your heart. I'm an 18 year teenage and I wanted to know when you get in the presence of God, do you feel like a tingy sensation I can't really describe it but when every time I get into his presence my body feels all shaky and my hands get really hot so that ever happens to you?. Also when I was watching this video earlier about you teaching on how to speaking in tongues I tried to do it but nothing came out I felt my tongue getting numb is that normal? I want that, I want to be close to Jesus, I seen my mom speak in tongues and I can see how close she is to him, I also have trouble reading my bible as well have any tips (: , thank you so much you're sister in Christ ❤️
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
lindsay leona You said "Hi there firstly I want to say that I love you're videos and the reason I Subscribed to your channel, I just wanted to say that I Admire you sister Eva and I love your heart. I'm an 18 year teenage and I wanted to know when you get in the presence of God, do you feel like a tingy sensation I can't really describe it but when every time I get into his presence my body feels all shaky and my hands get really hot so that ever happens to you?. Also when I was watching this video earlier about you teaching on how to speaking in tongues I tried to do it but nothing came out I felt my tongue getting numb is that normal? I want that, I want to be close to Jesus, I seen my mom speak in tongues and I can see how close she is to him, I also have trouble reading my bible as well have any tips (: , thank you so much you're sister in Christ ❤️ My comment *Yes I have a great tip. Ask God to save you same as how he saved Cornelius in the bible. Speaking in tongues is not something you do yourself, neither can anyone teach others how to speak in tongues.* *When one receives the REAL Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit will actually take over your tongue and he will speak words out of your mouth using your tongue and that's when you are saved/ born again.*
@ericaartofficialn8635 5 лет назад
One time I spoke in tongues I was in my room and suddenly I was just randomly speaking in a different language and I was crying while doing it it was so intense no one was home but me. I felt this warmth energy and couldn't stop.
@readu100 8 лет назад
To be born again, you just need to believe that Jesus died and rose again for your sins, that's it. You are FULLY born again melody. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
@ievaf9333 8 лет назад
@andrewemailer4986 8 лет назад
Continual repentance and brokeness, falling and hiding jn Jesus Christ. You have to test your faith.
@mooneyclan 8 лет назад
When you are born again you have the Holy Spirit but you are not filled with the Holy Spirit until you receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance. There are numerous examples of when receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit you will speak in tongues. I think you can be filled with the Holy Spirit but haven't spoken in tongues just because someone hasn't stepped out in faith to do it. Being born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, baptized in fire. These are separate things. They can come at the same or different times.
@merochero 8 лет назад
this is DANGEROUS "teaching", infact in END OF ENDMOMENTS it can cause ETERNAL DAMNATION to countless foolish... many foolish virgins as Scripture described will soon be scrambling for OIL/ HOLYSPIRIT, as the person that just asked the video maker... you like countless foolish in this hour have fallen victim to what Peter Spoke in 2 Peter 3:16 which is the manifestation of Isaiah 28, foolish snared by Scripture itself.
@merochero 8 лет назад
more error... read Romans 8:9 SLOWLY if necessary.
@acalltoprayer101 6 лет назад
Hallelujah, praise the LORD!
@nitanayak9140 7 лет назад
I want holyspirit baptism want to speak in tongues help me
@eddiemirtille9294 6 лет назад
nita nayak ask for the best gift prophecy please : 1 cor 14
@820matthew 6 лет назад
@chrispina2767 6 лет назад
Ask God to cleanse your heart and tell him you want the gift of tongues then receive it by faith and open your mouth. This video helped me receive tongues tonight!! I couldn't stop praying in my closet!! I am so thankful!! www.pscp.tv/w/bmX1wTF3QkVBa21KQVJaS1B8MWxQSnFwcEVlcFBHYsgavcm84vbw98ZtowGoVvbHLLquPxntb0YKJ4v-0t_H?t=14s
@conanb1735 5 лет назад
Speaking in tongues is nothing to do with being saved.
@godgirl1756 7 лет назад
Beautiful way of understanding the Holy Spirit!!
@omega8861 8 лет назад
How do you specifically speak in tongues?....
@NethanielHunter 5 лет назад
I tend to use google translate myself. Tongues in the bible refers to languages. When believers were first send out to preach the gospel this gift was very important for communicating with foreigners. Charismatic churches have this weird idea it's babbling incoherently. Study hard in I Corinthians 14 King James and you'll find the apostle Paul explaining the purpose and use for speaking in tongues i.e a foreign language. Hope this helps bro.
@Anthony21Morrison 2 года назад
You receive the Holy Spirit when you believe and are saved but the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a separate thing. The baptism of the Holy Spirit endues you with the power to be a full witness, preaching in word and walking in power (healing the sick, casting out devils, and raising the dead). It’s also a prayer language your spirit prays when you don’t know what to pray.
@daniellim4649 7 лет назад
Yes, the sinners prayer is unbiblical. But yet God laid His Holy Spirit this woman. So enough arguing and give glory to God!
@GuyBaldridge54 6 лет назад
Receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit it's a free gift from God accept it today because God tells us we need to worship Him in "Spirit and Truth" so when I'm praying in tongues I'm worshiping God righteously the way He tells us he wants us to🙏🏽✝🕯😇
@XxMrDAVIDA7xX 7 лет назад
Speaking in tongues is the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit no?
@EricLouisYoung 7 лет назад
David Anzaldua speaking in tongues simply means speaking other languages.
@fearlesscrusader 7 лет назад
David Anzaldua, You said it! No. Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons, Muslims, New Agers, Spiritualists, Witches, and VooDooists all speak in tongues.
@steadfastunmoveable9751 7 лет назад
fearlesscrusader you need to STOP and be very careful, because when you speak against The Holy Ghost, its a very serious matter, I"ll quote you Scripture. Matthew 12:31-32 "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come." You dare not group The Holy Ghost Tongues with all those falicies, which are deceptions of the adversary. those people ae in need of our prayer, for they have been deceived by the enemy. and I will most certainly pray for you, perhaps you've done this out of ignorance.
@steadfastunmoveable9751 7 лет назад
David Anzaldua, YES, speaking in tongues is the EVIDENCE of receiving The Holy Ghost every time someone received The Holy Ghost , They spoke in tongues. its the EVIDENCE, that The Holy Ghost has entered in. not only will you speak in tongues but you will also fill the Power of The Holy Ghost inside you. in St. John 3 rd chapter, 4th verse: " Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?" Yehoshua, thats Jesus name in it's original Hebraic form, Yehoshua/Jesus says to Nicodemus; in verses 5-8 " Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the SOUND thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit". We cannot see the wind, but we can feel it and we can hear the SOUND of it. likewise when we are reborn of The Spirit,, we cannot see it but we can feel it and we can hear it, for the tongues that comes forth from us is the SOUND of it! Every child when it is born will speak in their native tongue, thus everybody who is REBORN into The Kingdom Of God, WILL SPEAK in their native heavenly tongue, glory be to The Most High Lord and Saviour. I think the confusion is that many who say that you don't need to speak in tongues when receiving The Holy Ghost, have not followed the prescription for Salvation, which is Acts 2:38. First Repentance MUST take place, THEN ONE must be fully submerged in water, in The Name of Yehoshua/Jesus, not father, son , and Holy Ghost, those are titles, but the power is in The Name, Yehoshua/Jesus, and having done these, The Lord SHALL fill you with The Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in the heavenly language. The Heavenly Language is a private conversation between you and Yehoshua. The gift of tongues are one of the gifts of The Spirit, are earthly languages, which The Lord will gift you with to be able to communicate with people who don't speak your language, some of the other gifts are wisdom, knowledge, interpretation of tongues, miracles etc. just for further clarity of water baptism, just to end the confusion of what name to be used. Yehoshua/Jesus said in Matthew 28;19-20 " Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." take note I said NAME, without an "s" Yehoshua/Jesus taught them that He is The Father, for example , At one point He said" Before Abraham was I AM" now go back and ask Moses who was it in that burning bush, Moses would said God said "I AM, THAT IAM" now go and ask the blind man who was born blind, mening without any eyes, and that blind man will tell you that Yehoshua/Jesus scooped up some clay and put some Holy Spittle and made Him some eyes, now take it back to Genesis 2nd chapter God took some clay, some dirt and formed man, this has to be the same God. so thus Yehoshua?Jesus taught them that He is The Father in creation, and The Son, or (The Word made Flesh) in human form, and then Yehoshua told them in St.John 14th chapter if He goes not away, The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost can not come., Thus these are all His titles, His attributes, but The Power is in The Name of Yehoshua/Jesus. just like you have many titles, son, father if you have children, brother if you have siblings, uncle etc, but your name is Isaac, an in order to give the bank authority to cash your check you have to empower your check with your signature, your name. you cant use any of your titles, for the power is in your name, or else you cant get your money! That is why the disciples came back in Acts and used The Name "Yehoshua/Jesus" when they baptized people. they were following the instructions of The Lord. okay, sorry to be so long winded. David Anzuldua, RECEIVE YE THE HOLY GHOST! Show less Reply!
@fearlesscrusader 7 лет назад
Steadfast Unmovable, instead of being sorry to be so long winded, you need to be sorry for blaspheming the Holy Spirit by equating modern Christian tongues with Atheist/Buddhist/Hindu/Mormon/Muslim/New Age/Spiritualist/Witch/VooDoo tongues. You had also get down on your knees and beg God'd forgiveness for lyiing on Him and claiming that speaking in tongues is the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit. The Bible NEVER says any such thing. I have prayed and fastedd over this issue for probably more years than you have been alive. I am speaking out of knowledge. You are speaking out of ignorance, if not out of deliberate rebellion against God.
@BluheartedGal01 5 лет назад
You are a very wise young lady. Thank you for sharing.
@lisamichelle1659 8 лет назад
There is nowhere in scripture that tells you to say the sinners prayer for salvation. That is a false doctrine. God does all the saving by opening your ears to hear the word of God (the gospel) and opening your eyes to see the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
@brittharmony5126 8 лет назад
Lisa Michelle Prayer for salvatuon is the invitation to accept God as Lord and Savior.
@rossdaboss1959 7 лет назад
You must follow scripture or there wouldn't be a need for scriptures. When we stand before God, we going to be judged by the word. The way to get saved in our time is through Acts 2:38. The gospels shows us what Christ did for us. The book of Acts shows us how the church got started and how to get saved. The letters were written to the church to tell us how to behave after getting saved. Read the beginning of the letters to see who it's addressed to. People are jumping to the letters when they haven't even read Acts to get saved. Once you get saved according to Acts, then the letters are written to you, the church. Don't let the devil have his way. He's already heading to hell. He wants you to come your own way without any scriptures to back it up. It's not about what we feel is right. It's about the word of God. If we put out false doctrines, we will lead many the wrong way and have to pay for it on judgment day. That's why i only go by the bibleway. The exact way they did it.
@jeffrhoades9381 7 лет назад
Kenneth Redmon I agree with you doing research on the original Hebraic names of God and Hebraic tradition, however I disagree with the racism entirely. Jesus was not about racism, simply giving people what they were due, which is why He preached to the Israelites only when He was alive, as they were His set apart nation and were faithful to His word, then had the gospel be spread to the gentiles after. It says in Revelation 7:9: "that there will be "a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands." Clearly this is talking about the gentile nations.
@rossdaboss1959 7 лет назад
Revelation 7:4, And i heard the number of them that were sealed: and there were sealed a hundred and forty and four thousand OF ALL THE TRIBES OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, not all nations. Correct me if i'm wrong. I don't know everything.
@jeffrhoades9381 7 лет назад
rossdaboss1959 Sorry, you're right about that, I had been mistaken with the verse after that describes the great multitude coming from all nations.
@reji505 6 лет назад
I could receive baptism of Holy Spirit after 21 days fasting in 1999,since then I see mighty hand Of God operating through me, by prophecies, Deliverence, casting out demons, God used me in many ways, inexplicable miracles
@71superbee3 7 лет назад
The Apostolic period is over ... the Bible is complete... All new believers are baptized into Christ at the moment of their conversion by the Holy Spirit.... there is no such thing as half born again... the confusion and needless worry of new believers is predicated on false doctrines and teachings that have crept into the church... what passes for speaking in tongues today is gibberish that can not be interpreted as required by the epistles of Paul. Shalom and Maranatha !!
@balipsette 7 лет назад
71superbee3 the Holy Spirit is the one promised to come...not the Bible. It’s not the Father, Son, and Holy Bible-it’s the Spirit! Nowhere in scripture does it say that all this would come to the end once the canon is complete. Absolutely nowhere.
@showyq8 6 лет назад
Don't be deceived. Read the Bible and live in the fullness of life. It's real!
@joedurovey4988 7 лет назад
I saw the holy spirit twice. He helped me cast out a lust demon that plagued me from the 12 to 52. I heard the demon laugh and the holy spirit told me that I had the power to cast him out. In another dream I was told my gifts that Christ gave me when he breathed life into me. I was gifted with great strength and Love. Another gift will be given me at a time in the future. I later had a vision while reading Peter 1. I was looking thru the holy spirits eyes. We were standing in a morgue. The Holy spirit had his arms up in worship. He then Said" wake up and be healed". And all the bodies in the drawers started shouting hey what am I doing in here? He then said go and sin no more. I snapped out of this trance and wept with joy. I do not have the gift of tongues and I can not understand the language. However, my heart is so filled with joy. I had rapture dreams in great detail. But I will tell you that at a later time at the great supper to come.
@DannyPorsche 7 лет назад
Read the chapters over and over again, until you actually understand it. They were speaking in tongues (native languages) of the melting pot that was there. One was speaking Greek to the Greeks, one was speaking Aramaic, etc. they weren't making shit up like you guys do. If you're lost, don't help other people getting lost too because you don't understand what you're reading.
@Natesaffordable 7 лет назад
1 Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal......... what are tongues of angels? hint : they are not tongues of men
@Natesaffordable 7 лет назад
Danny Porsche did you notice peter preached to all of them in the same language so don't think the tongues on the day of Pentecost was for others to hear the gospel in their language because they all understood peter when he said to be baptized in Jesus name .......the languages spoken where from the 120 that were waiting in the upper room and it was a sign that God was talking through this people some thought they were drunk....sound familiar?
@thomasthadisciple5415 7 лет назад
Danny Porsche Speaking in tongues is a language of God not the earthly language... when you are in flesh you can't understand it. And please if you are not sure if someone is speaking in tongues don't be too quick to oppose. Seek discernment from God not from your mind. For whoever speaks against or blasphemies the Holy Spirit of God shall never be forgiven.. May God fill you with his Holy Spirit that you may understand and distinguish between Spirits.
@Natesaffordable 7 лет назад
You can only blaspheme the Holy Ghost if you have received it so if someone has not spoke in tongues they can not blaspheme the Holy Ghost....also if someone has not been baptized in Jesus name.... New Testament commandments really don't apply to them yet.
@SamanthaRuiz 7 лет назад
Thomas Thadisciple amen!
@BeautifullyRewritten 7 лет назад
I watched this all the way until the end and am so glad that I did! When I first got saved I had a lot of people tell me then and still tell me know that I'm not saved bc I do not speak in tongues. But I believe I may have become bitter by this gift as well. I am encouraged to speak to my Father in heaven about this. Thank you! Blessings to you sis!
@cooljc26 6 лет назад
Beautifully Rewritten You said "I watched this all the way until the end and am so glad that I did! When I first got saved I had a lot of people tell me then and still tell me know that I'm not saved bc I do not speak in tongues. But I believe I may have become bitter by this gift as well. I am encouraged to speak to my Father in heaven about this. Thank you! Blessings to you sis! My comment *They told you right, you are not saved if you have not spoken in tongues. Speaking in tongues is the SIGN that you have the Holy Spirit which we are saved by.*
@cynthiaquattrocelli.8941 7 лет назад
Amen girl! She can continue to seek the Lord for "more" gifts, as Paul said, God would not have us be ignorant....these gifts are to empower us to be His witnesses on earth. He most definitely wants her to have them....just keep seeking for them,tongues included! It does help to know that He desires us to have these helps! The enemy is lying to her that she is half born-again. KEEP SEEKING...ITS HIS WILL! PTL! By the way, your experience is similar to mine of when I received the prayer language a couple years after I had been baptized in the Holy Spirit. God Bless you.
@michaelgalvin1246 4 года назад
Im like that lady , babtised year ago out of Catholic church, I've only recently started speaking in tongues when I was repenting on my knees, my friend who started speaking over the phone with me in tongues after 5 year's
@ruacharyeh9655 4 года назад
Many deceivers says that tongue is a must and never talk about others gifts like prophesying which you have pointed out because it’s easier to deceive people with uttering and invokes spirit of confusion.
@kayjobe2018 4 года назад
Everything you are saying is correct. I can feel the holy spirit accompanying you as you speak. May God continue too bless you. Important thing you shared..you have too seek after the holy spirit and his gifts and be obedient when he speaks too your spirit in Jesus name.
@kingdomcosmology811 6 лет назад
Thank God, you have a very clear teaching anointing. I agree with everything that you said EXCEPT...I do believe that if a person has received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit they will speak in tongues. I was born again when I was 7 years old. At that time I had the Holy Spirit because I was born again by the Holy Spirit. From that day on I was and remain a child of God. However, when I was 16 years old I received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and from then until now speak in tongues constantly. The Apostles were born again when Jesus breathed on them and commanded them to "receive ye the Holy Spirit." But days later they were baptized in the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and all began to speak in tongues. Being born again and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit are two entirely separate things that can take place so close together in time that they appear to be the same event or they can be separated by may years. A person could be born again, live their entire life without receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and die and go to heaven or be taken in the Rapture without ever having received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Just as a soldier may go to war with a rifle or without a rifle. In your case, you are in fact manifesting the gift of the discerning of spirits. That is a gift of the Holy Spirit wherein a person can SEE into the spirit realm. Your experiencing this is, I believe, a clear indicator that you have received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. I believe that you have the capacity, and have had the capacity since that day, to speak in tongues. My experience since 1972 is that everyone who is Baptised in the Holy Spirit receives the gift of speaking in tongues as a personal enhancement to their ability to communicate with the Father and is typically referred to as our prayer language. There is also a SEPARATE gift of tongues and interpretation that the Bible tells us is a different form of the gift of prophecy and is why the Apostle asks, "Do all speak in tongues?" Regarding the prayer language received at being Baptised in the Holy Spirit I believe the answer is, "Yes." Regarding tongues and interpretation as constituting prophecy, "No, not everyone." Just my experience. I hope it helps.
@KetoKevin 6 лет назад
Thank you for this teaching. You have help me to receive the spiritual gift of praying in tongues and it has changed my spiritual life. God bless you.
@MrJuulia01 3 года назад
Yeah, i agree when you said, that you received Holy Spirit when even demons ran away. I have not spoken in tongues, but i have felt warm(or hot) when pastor laid his hand on me and i felt like river cleaning me from example on arms and i believe it is Holy Spirit, and also because i heard how bigsister also felt it years ago. And i have felt tingling around my mouth, so if i remember right i was like "This is tongues", like baptizing me in Spirit, but well, i should have been more bold to like let it flow, but i actually miss that. I didn't like speak much out loud, due to being shy, but i'm interested in every gift, and also i do need boldness, but God gives it, and i have become more bold than before if i compare old me vs new creation of me. I mean i'm naturally shy, but ya. And also when i was praying and i teared and i believe it's Holy Spirit. 8:45 This one is hard to answer, because i'm confused, do i feel any teaching or something else, but thank you also for telling how Holy Spirit works.
@thomasthadisciple5415 7 лет назад
Thank you for the testimony. I did also believe that even without speaking in tongues still the Holy Spirit works in us in different ways. So for those who don't speak in tongues i assure you that God has already Planted his seeds in you, Once you accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and your personal Saviour. Grow and bear good fruits by preaching the Kingdom of our Lord and Our saviour Jesus Christ who is God with us (Emmanuel). He is coming as a thief and no one knows the hour or the day or the moment. Pray without seizing because the Spirit Of God will guide you now, even to the end of age. May the Holy Spirit of God fill you and empower you. Amen!
@freegracetoronto3876 7 лет назад
You don't need tongues to be saved, it says Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. It doesn't say "believe and speak in tongues to be saved".
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