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Bionicle may have ended again, but that won't stop Chronicler from tying up the loose ends, or should I say 'Connecting the Joints'? (which is the name of the show btw, wasn't really made super clear in the video :P)
Music from the Bionicle Quest of the Toa NP
- Earth & Air, bit.ly/2df5rsY
- Lewa Vs. The Swarm 4, bit.ly/2e0wF9n
Credit to Jonathan Kaplan
Hey, thanks for reading the description bud, here take this ;
It may look like a plain old semi colon, but t'me, it represents my undying gratitude for your support.
So here, take another ;
You look like you could use s'more ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(pfft, little did they realize the semi colon actually symbolized their level of weirdness- only weirdos read descriptions, everybody knows that :P)




9 окт 2016




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@jmashups6804 7 лет назад
Not to mention that the leader of Okoto, Ekimu, is that world's Toa of Light, so it being Takanuva's star makes even more sense.
@jackfrost4686 7 лет назад
I don't think lego would make a connection like this. Bionicle G2 seems to have a pretty simple story line and I find it hard to believe that they would do something this deep. Still a good theory Thanks for all the semi colons though
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Haha, thanks ;
@geekinc3293 7 лет назад
This is the best bionicle theory EVER!
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Not sure if I'd go that far, then again I haven't seen many other Bionicle theories.... Regardless, ;
@CaptainVece 6 лет назад
I think they'd do it for the original/older fans.
@neitherlink6612 4 года назад
Let's be honest here, Bionicle G1's story was deep because it was given time to mature. The first year was literally about six elemental warriors fighting corrupted animals controlled by an evil master mind, why is he evil you say? (Incert stereotypical jelousy reason here)
@MaksDudekVA_main 7 лет назад
Greg mentioned that the Toa Stars on the surface of the island of Mata Nui were projections from the Red Star
@alextw2877 7 лет назад
Toa stars were shot into the sky by the Kestora of the Red Star, they weren't just mysteriously there.
@makutamiserix5612 5 лет назад
Lewa is on Bota Magna at the end of G1, but he's on Spherus Magna. Let me explain. Before the shattering, the great forest region of Spherus Magna was named Bota Magna, and the same for Aqua Magna as the great ocean. When the shattering occurred, Bota Magna was mostly removed from the rest of the planet. It was then considered a moon along with Aqua Magna. After the battle of Bara Magna, the two moons reformed with Bara Magna to reform Spherus Magna. Bota Magna was returned to where it was before the shattering. Lewa is then teleported there by Vezon. So really only Kopaka and Pohatu are stranded out in space.
@emphorepolpatinedasenate 2 года назад
That sux that my fave character is stuck on the stupid red star forever :(
@ltb1345 7 лет назад
G2 could be a prequel to G1, with G2's Makuta being the spiritual predecessor/prototype of the Makuta species, and the Brotherhood of Makuta being named after him.🤔 I like your theory though.
@AKAIOOFFICIAL 7 лет назад
the stars outside of the robot are projected by the red star....
@chase1146 3 года назад
@Draedon126 3 месяца назад
@Dargonhuman 7 лет назад
That makes a certain amount of sense. My personal theory about Makuta's origins on Okoto is, since Teridax's true form was just free floating energy, when Bota Magna destroyed the Mata Nui robot's head, the impact ejected Makuta's essence into space, where it eventually ended up on Okoto. Either due to the trauma of the impact on his host body, the long travel through space causing his energy to dissipate or both, Makuta lost most of his memories when he reached Okoto. Ekimu found Makuta's essence and built him a body to inhabit, then crafted a backstory of them being brothers that he taught to Makuta. But Makuta, who still had the drive and ambition he possessed when he was the leader of the Brotherhood, started making Okotoan masks with multiple powers, and we all know the rest from G2. I've got some other head cannon about the island of Okoto, the Vahi and such, but those contradict your fan canon so in the interests of not starting an argument, I'll leave those in my head.
@Modularity 7 лет назад
That is an interesting idea, honestly I'd want to hear your head canon :D
@Dargonhuman 7 лет назад
Well, my headcannon is Okoto is part of Spherus Magna, and in fact, the Arena in the Mask Maker city (where the Toa fought Skull Slicer to get Lewa's mask back) was the great Arena Magna from Bara Magna. After Mata Nui reunited Spherus Magna and used the Kanohi Ignika's energy to restore the shattered planet, the water of Aqua Magna formed into a vast ocean over the sand sea. The areas of the Bara Magna desert that the Agori tribes inhabited were above sea level and became known as Okoto, with the greatest city - the City of the Mask Makers - being built around the Arena Magna, which became a central part of the new cultural identity the Matoran, Agori, Toa and Glatorian built together. Eventually, after defeating or allying with the lingering threats of the Skrall, the Skakdi and the other various foes of the world, the four groups stopped thinking of themselves as separate species and started (for lack of a better term) interbreeding to the point that they eventually were all one people, the Okotoans. The Toa Nuva, who until this point had been too busy defeating the threats to the new joint civilization to actually participate in the merging, realized that their final purpose had been achieved - peace, at long last, had been realized on Spherus Magna and there was no longer any need for Toa, Nuva or otherwise. With fond farewells, the Toa Nuva went to the Red Star with the intent of finding the Great Beings who had abandoned the world so long ago and show them that their ultimate vision for Spherus Magna had finally come to fruition. The Turaga, ever wise and cautious, still knew that new threats could rise from almost anywhere and formed a pact with the Toa Nuva - if a new foe were to threaten the inhabitants of Spherus Magna, the Turaga would use the Kanohi Vahi to summon them from their journey to defend their people again. Of course, realizing that the Toa's mission itself was fraught with peril and that their legendary heroes may not be able to return, the Turaga took additional steps to protect the Okotoans by forming the Order of Protectors. Equipped with advanced armor and specialized tools, then trained extensively in the art of combat, the Protectors would serve to safeguard their regions from lesser threats and maintain the peace. The Turaga even went so far as to install the Protectors as de facto leaders of their regions, giving them the latitude to make the decisions necessary to protect and guide the people of Okoto, while the Turaga took on roles of a more spiritual nature by teaching the newer generations about Mata Nui and his lessons. Eventually, as the millennia passed, the Turaga succumbed to old age and the teachings of Mata Nui fell out of Okotoan consciousness, though the Protectors continued to serve their roles of leaders and defenders. Ekimu eventually rose to power as overall leader of Okoto due to his extraordinary intelligence, wisdom and mask making skill, and as such was in the perfect position to find the essence of Makuta (the back story of which I already fleshed out in my original post). During his wanderings as a cloud of energy, Makuta found he could sustain his essence by feeding on the life energy of other beings, but part of him felt it was wrong to do so even if he wasn't sure why. He eventually stumbled upon a forgotten Glatorian graveyard and discovered that he could use his energy to revive the bodies, inside which he could reside for a time and preserve his energies. Makuta made a mistake, though, and revived an ancient, ruthless Glatorian named Kulta, who saw what Makuta could do and, seeing as Makuta's essence was still inside his skeletal body, tapped into Makuta's energy to raise himself an army of skeletal warriors from the Glatorian bodies. Makuta was simultaneously appalled, horrified but also intrigued by this new development, but long millennia of existing as mere energy, not to mention the massive expenditure of his dwindling reserves, caused Makuta to lose not only whatever memories he still had of being Teridax, but also all the memories he had acquired since then. Kulta, having no more use for Makuta's essence, expelled Makuta from his body, ironically, much the way Makuta had expelled Mata Nui from his robot body. Severely weakened, frightened and nearly feral, Makuta's essence fled from Kulta and was soon found by Ekimu. At first, Makuta was grateful to Ekimu for saving his life, but as Makuta started to gain his strength back, fragments of memory started to also return - dream like flashes of being Teridax, of ruling the Matoran Universe, several more coherent memories of Kulta's skeleton army. Makuta eventually realized that, since it was his essence that raised Kulta's army, he was still connected to them and Makuta still had some control over them, as he had with the infected Rahi on the island of Mata Nui (not that Makuta had many memories of that time, just some strange deja vu-like impressions). But, he realized that Kulta's will and spirit were far stronger than Makuta's diminished form, and so he began planning. When Makuta came into possession of the Mask of Control, he immediately used its power to assert his dominance over the Skull Army, but he could sense Kulta resisting him, and every day was a struggle of wills between the two, though the power of Makuta's Mask usually won out, keeping Kulta in check. Makuta knew he needed something more to completely enslave Kulta to his will, and his real jealousy of Ekimu's superior skill gave Makuta an idea, which eventuall led to the creation of the Mask of Ultimate Power and the start of G2.
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Makuta's connection with Kulta seems rather intriguing. I recall he had more significance in the first chapter book. I haven't read it yet, so I'm not entirely sure- but the dead glatorian thing is quite an interesting idea. I had never thought about the parallels between the arenas. It is really fun to speculate about stuff :D
@Dargonhuman 7 лет назад
The chapter books say that Kulta is a servant of Makuta, but doesn't explain how that situation came to be. So if Makuta is Teridax, and the Zamor spheres used by the Piraka to enslave the Voyatoran was from Makuta Teridax's essence, then it's plausible that Teridax could bend others like Kulta to his will by "possessing" them, as it were.
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Hmm, I suppose so. It is a shame G2's story never got that deep or intriguing (aside from the Vahi since we never got to see where that story thread was headed). I guess it was to avoid convolution, but it seemed like they took it to the side of oversimplification.
@burstflame9945 6 лет назад
I don't know if anyone saw this but at the end of the current one of tahus eyes turns green.
@OonieandCacola 7 лет назад
This was fun, regardless of whether or not I think it fits. I particularly liked the part about planet Okoto as the spirit star, that's some thinking outside of the box. Nice work!
@c0nceited822 7 лет назад
it makes sense that Lego would do this. A simplistic storyline to please younger consumers and a connection to g1 to please the die-hard fans.
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Yeah, since passed all of the specifics the idea that the G1 and G2 toa stars could be one and the same is fairly simple. Okoto being Takanuva's star may be a stretch, but I think it's the kind of retcon Lego would make to satiate both types of fans.
@deathly5140 6 лет назад
also in g2 we see the second part of the mask of time
@Legoguylol4ever 7 лет назад
This is a solid theory, and it also could tie in with other franchises like Halo. I can't wait for you to elaborate on this!
@heyheyitsjae2475 6 лет назад
Nice theory, but I remember reading somewhere that the Toa Stars were projections/sattelites of the Red Star, so they probably aren't the Toa's home worlds. It is, however, entirely possible that Okoto, Spherous Magna, and the Toa's planets all come from the same binary star system (Solis Magna.) We know that there were aliens in BIONICLE, as Mata Nui studied them, so it's not that far fetched, and 8 planets would match well with the Solar System we live in.
@dr_alex0422 7 лет назад
and also in the scene at the temple of light we see a planet just like spherus magna with plant life
@HunhowsShadowStalker 6 лет назад
I always considered G2 as one of many alternate dimensions one could visit with the Kanohi Olmak, masks of interdimensional gates. And now I'm imagining Vezon arriving there to cause chaos.
@francisco4benites 7 лет назад
there never should have been a G2 they should have just carried on with G1 and that way you could share it with your children like I played with the toys when I was 12 I am now 26 and my son has almost all of G1 sets
@lucasgondreau7880 7 лет назад
After all the negativity, I'm glad to see a fan theory again. Interesting what you have going here; I'll stay tuned.
@lucasgondreau7880 7 лет назад
BTW Thanks for the semicolons :P
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Thanks bud. I'm honestly really surprised at the sheer amount of people that liked the video. Glad to see there are still people out there pining for Bionicle content ;
@DARKON219 2 года назад
It's either Red Star or GSR itself projecting information in the sky in a form of stars.
@CTen-Cumbread 5 лет назад
Looks like the Great Beings didn't have more ideas for their new project, after they decided to leave their first Universe.
@adactuslvox2150 6 лет назад
In one of the episodes of JTO, you get a view of the "Okoto Planet" from above, where you can see Bota Magna and Bara Magna, with Okoto being in place of Aqua Magna. It's not confirmed, but I'm gonna have to say that G2 is just an alternate universe, maybe one that has already been explored by G1 inhabitants, with all the hints about the Vahi being two parts. That's just my opinion though.
@LeoxandarMagnus 7 лет назад
That's pretty out there. But this all hangs on the fact that we simply know next to nothing about the formation of Spirit Stars.
@eclivonianwarrior3558 7 лет назад
Wow. I never thought of that.
@dr_alex0422 6 лет назад
4:45 you can see on the top sferus magna with vegetation as it was at the end of g1
@SilvuddyPkmnMusic 7 лет назад
Wouldn't it make more sense if Okoto took place on Bota Magna? I mean, it's a freaking jungle planet and Okoto is heavily inspired by jungle aesthetics, imo.
@jonasnurnberg2215 7 лет назад
Very Nice Theory
@Modularity 7 лет назад
@mhitm67777 7 лет назад
Okotoans can't possibly be GBs, as GregF confirmed that the latter are part of the Glatorian species on the LMBs (page 823 of Chat With Greg Farshtey), and Okotoans look nothing like Glatorian
@calebgoodman2076 2 года назад
Great theory! I actually just assumed it was one of the many alternate universes where Mata Nui had a more humanoid size replacing Takanuva and the Toa of Plantlife (which were mentioned I think only once in Gen 1) replaced the Toa of Air.
@Modularity 2 года назад
Thanks. Glad you liked it :)
@zephyrinfinity2082 7 лет назад
G2 now seems much less pointless.
@dacronk7178 7 лет назад
Yay it's finally done. Feels awkward now that G2 has been done for a while though.😛
@DragonBornClan4 11 месяцев назад
I thought Okoto was the island of Mati Newi, yeah I messed that up. Anyways it all makes sense now.
@dereinzeller2691 7 лет назад
Great video and great theory with the stars! I hope to see more videos like this one. Great job i really like it :D
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Glad you enjoyed it! I had a blast editing it. There'll definitely be more videos like this in the future! :D - Waj
@dacronk7178 7 лет назад
Thanks! I appreciate the kind words.
@popularhistory6118 7 лет назад
The toa stars are projections by the great spirit robots
@Benegoo 7 лет назад
I like this theory and I Support it!
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Thanks :)
@onua3963 7 лет назад
Awesome theory. Adding it to my head cannon. Total genius.
@geek7734 7 лет назад
I don't know if someone had already put the light on it in the comments, but I find a major weakness in your theory. It concerns the thing that you point out as the link between G1 and G2 (the alignment of planets/stars above Okoto and the island of Mata Nui), largely based on the argument "stars' alignment outside the Matoran Universe is oddly unexplained and seems supernatural". We actually have a canon explanation for the alignement of Nuva's Spirit Stars in the sky of Mata Nui: they are projected from the Red Star (as you can read it on BS01: biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Spirit_Star , from this source: www.bzpower.com/board/topic/7583-gregf-answers/ ), handled and moved by it. And it's the same for all the Spirit Stars of all Toa outside the Matoran Universe: we have already seen it with the Toa Inika, during the creation of their Spirit Stars. So, yeah: the alignment of stars above Okoto seems to be nothing more than a reference to G1, since there are a priori no correlation between the two alignments.
@TobyEchozap 7 лет назад
intersting theory.
@elmer2475 3 года назад
Personally I think the g2 toa are different toa who for some reason have the same names
@rocky.sroger8855 5 лет назад
1:21 awww
@konraddrygalski2480 7 лет назад
Subbed because of the "remains"
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Like, the remains of the franchise?
@konraddrygalski2480 7 лет назад
0:58 I love those terrible puns, aspecially when they're considered morally incorrect
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Oh yeah, haha I totally forgot I put that there :P
@kentaraproductions9991 5 лет назад
If ur saying that okoto is takanuvas star then they should see mata nui so then does that mean it's a STAR OR EVEN BETER A TOA STAR OH MAN I HAVE SOME THERIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@cgrayart9006 7 лет назад
There making a new series of sets for the next idea
@kennywnorthkennorth6579 7 лет назад
I'm just going to continue to wage the war instead
@Modularity 7 лет назад
What war?
@kennywnorthkennorth6579 7 лет назад
Modularity​ to declare the "Makuta takes over Mayoral Universe" story arc non-canon and continue from that point of the time period similar to how the Star Wars Expanded Universe was declared non-canon
@kanohiofdovah1114 7 лет назад
@Modularity 7 лет назад
@dacronk7178 7 лет назад
Guys I'm trying to NOT be Matpat.
@WajeehKhan 7 лет назад
But Cronk, Matpat invented the modern theory video, everybody knows that, so you're obviously ripping him off :P
@dacronk7178 7 лет назад
I didn't do this to rip him off. I did this so I could just get my thoughts down. If I really wanted to rip him off I would make all the fans of G1 angry.
@kanohiofdovah1114 7 лет назад
Cronk we're joking :b
@WOLKsite 7 лет назад
Wait, wait, wait, hang on a second, did you say Aqua Magna was destroyed? Did you call Bota Magna another planet?... Ok, listen, Aqua Magna and Bota Magna were moons, not planets, big diffrence. Secondly, they were not destroyed, they were merged with Bara Magna to reform Spherus Magna. Lewa and Co. was teleporting into space, orbiting Bara Magna, and then teleported to the moon, Bota Magna, which was not far away. The Red Star wasn't far away either, it was most likely closer than Bota/Aqua Magna, and was, like the moons, a satellite (an object orbiting a planet). Lewa and Co. was teleported into a large vacuum which was literally empty for miles, and thus were guaranteed not to be teleported into, let's say a mountain. Had they been teleported to Bota Magna using those same powers, the case might have been diffrent. The reason they survived the jump to Bota Magna was because it was caused by diffrent teleportation powers, being that of the Olmak and worm holes. The history of the Olmaks... That's a story for another day...
@dacronk7178 7 лет назад
I believe I did mention fragments of them. However, they are technically destroyed. I'm also pretty sure they lost their round shape, since they would have been pulled apart. The actual canon makes this confusing, since it was also written at such short notice and was shoehorned in there, like G2's ending.
@Biohaloxboxtranfor 7 лет назад
Do you think Lewa is dead since Bota Magna merged with Bara Magna?
@WOLKsite 7 лет назад
Biotrek Lewa is alive.
@dacronk7178 7 лет назад
Lewa is definitely alive.
@Biohaloxboxtranfor 7 лет назад
(Sorry but i don't remember very well) He is captured by the intelligent Vorax tribe, Is it before or after the reform of Spherus Magna?
@toatahu2003 7 лет назад
I *LOVE* this theory! It all makes sense. There's only one problem... Lewa. Lewa is the Toa of Air. Not the Toa of "Jungle". That would seem to disprove any link between Gen 1 and Gen 2.
@Bullboy_Adventures 7 лет назад
I'd like to think g2 is a different universe, or an alternate dimension. But is still connected to g1. G2 has the top half of the vahi. Coincidence? I think not
G1 also had toa with jungle as their element, it just wasn't common. Often called toa of the green
@RandomPeasant2467 6 лет назад
What if the protectors become toa
@Imran-bw7tn 7 лет назад
And what about makuta? I thought al the makuta were killed?
@volcanicthekingoffire 7 лет назад
dude not to be rude but you're mike keeps om spiking through out the video
@SlimeBeast-xp7xf 7 лет назад
guess I'm subscribing
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Much obliged!
@The17thChronicler 7 лет назад
Me like
@Modularity 7 лет назад
Ayy, thanks :D
@jazz7908 7 лет назад
yeah what a lame ending
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