
How Come Afghanistan hasn’t Collapsed? 

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@real1cytv Год назад
A big thing you missed is the Afghan warlords. The last time the Taliban were in power, they were harshly opposed by local Afghan warlords. These were also supposed to help stop the Taliban advance. However for some reason or another they have often actually allied with the Taliban and aren't fighting them and are instead aiding them which makes it far easier for the Taliban to rule the rural parts of Afghanistan.
@sylviamontaez3889 Год назад
that's true. there's some holdouts in panjishir but they control no territory
@TheBooban Год назад
@liltrip6511utter nonsense. The only force used is the taliban who force everyone to their way.
@ExarchGaming Год назад
@@dsff6288 we have zero problem with them doing what they want to do; the problem begins when they're hosting ISIS and Al Queda training camps. Afghanistan was a quagmire created by george w bush, but for some reason Obama didn't pull out of there like he promised, though his VP finally pulled through. There was an expectation that the training the afghani army got would be enough to combat the taliban, but most of them just laid down their weapons or switched sides. Like people in 2003-2004 were saying, we went in with zero exit strategy. The US's position as the sole world superpower at the time made the prospect of fighting the Taliban fairly hard, as they didn't adhere to any form of rules of war. We could have just carpet bombed them to kingdom come like Russia is doing in Ukraine, but that status as the world super power made us adhere to a very strict rule of engagement. As long as they mind their own damn business and don't start training terrorists to attack "the west" let them do whatever they want, they're that region's problem.
@JamesL42 Год назад
​@liltrip6511​ Most Islamic countries are secular idiot. Get an education before you mouth off one about things you have no understanding of
@lambert801 Год назад
I wonder why that is.
@bikkiikun Год назад
People tend to forget a couple of important things... It's not the US retreat that allowed the Taliban to regain power. It was (and still is) first and foremost the Afghan people who allowed it. Just one example, the Afghan forces actually had broad control across the country (not perfectly, but reasonably well)... as long as they were paid directly by the US. Once the Afghan government took over that task, payments to the soldiers vanished... and with it the will to fight.
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana Год назад
Why the Hell would they want an even more moral 😇 fanatical government than the Taliban?
@markcreamer6179 Год назад
I didn't know that.
@CarlosSpicyWang Год назад
Plus, a majority of Afghans wanted to beat their wife's and other women. But the US wouldn't allow that, so the Afghans allowed the Taliban to take over so that they can beat their wives and other women.
@ricequackers Год назад
Very much. Despite 20 years of Western-led nation building, the people turned around and simply let the Taliban right back in without a fight. We shouldn't bother lifting a finger to help anymore.
@markcreamer6179 Год назад
@@ricequackers they like their culture the way it has always been. Since they don't actually threaten us, let's just leave them to it.
@sonneh86 Год назад
It's hard to collapse when you're already broken
@jakedias6123 Год назад
@NewerSwagger-gp3hj Год назад
Any country Can Always go lower. Weirdly, IT COULD BE SO MUCH WORSE.
@CarlosSpicyWang Год назад
​@NewerSwagger-gp3hj If you're a woman, you get beaten and raped constantly in Afghanistan. It's already worse.
@DragonCaptain Год назад
​@@NewerSwagger-gp3hj simply because it can doesn't mean that may usually be the case
@benjamincolon5486 Год назад
The lowest a country can go is Somalia
@thepax2621 Год назад
"Nowhere to go but Up" has its advantages, even if you currently stay at the very bottom. Maybe Afghanistan just can't really "collaps" any further, it will either get better or it won't, but thats it.
@Toe-Mass Год назад
If history is an indication then things can always get worse
@simonhadley8829 Год назад
You can't pop an empty balloon.
@llamaboss1434 Год назад
No. Look at the percentage of Afghans on food aid. It can get so much worse for them, if the charitable hearts of their enemies close.
@mobashshirkareem976 Год назад
There can always be a million percent hyperinflation like in Zimbabwe or Weimar republic. There can always be mass starvation like in Yemen. Afghanistan still has some room to sink even deeper.
@lIsamirIl Год назад
@@llamaboss1434 Allowing them to use half of their money do buy food while stealling the other half. So charitable. Why are Afeghanistan money being taken for suposed "9/11 victims" if the 9/11 was executed by Al-Qaeda, a Saudi Arabian organization, not Taliban or Afeghanistan?
@hfar_in_the_sky Год назад
I remember hearing from a couple of veterans who served in Afghanistan that our western understanding of centralized governments is kind of the wrong way to look at Afghanistan. That Afghanistan as a whole has always been very tribal and many Afgahnis don't really see themselves as members of a nation state like many other countries do. And that the person "in charge" of Afghanistan is more or less just the group that represents the region on the world stage, but otherwise holds minimal authority over how the tribes and clans conduct their own affairs. So the idea of the central government "falling" doesn't really have the same impact in Afghanistan as it would in say a highly centralized western country
@yasminea7149 Год назад
They see themselves as members of a nation state, however, their idea of the govt in Kabul is different. Although most ppl outside AFG think Afghans don't know or want democracy - it is actually quite different. Most Afghans are rural and for centuries have been very active in local direct tribal democracy. They don't care who sits in govt in Kabul as long as it doesn't impact them too much. Kabul govt's arm is too weak and too far away. All politics is local. Afghans are very egalitarian. You don't like something? You go to the weekly or other regular shuras/councils and speak your mind. You don't need a representative. There is no rank or class. A poor person/farmer has the same right to talk as the village elder, rich person, or religious leader. Anyone can become a mullah or a village leader; these are not inherited leader positions. You earn respect only because of old age or you have accomplished something like education, skill, or some achievement. Otherwise, just bc you happen to be the son of the village elder or some rich person, it's irrelevant in the shura. It is only the urban population in big cities like Kabul, who are different. So, the previous govt fell and Taliban took over. What do the rural locals care? Their lives go on, they still rely on each other and their local systems. In fact, life is now safer because there is no war, no constant interventions by foreign and Afghan soldiers, less people dying, etc.
@ashketchum5466 Год назад
Taliban is pashtun group, pashtuns make up majority.
@MrDibara Год назад
So, would consider the Afghanistan a commonwealth or a federation be more accurate? 😕 I think I'm getting the idea you're passing, I'm just syruggling to find a good way to name it or describe it.
@MrDibara Год назад
​@@yasminea7149 VERY insightful comment, holy shit! 😃 Thank you for sharing this knowledge, it was intriguing and fascinating.
@__Man__ Год назад
You can see the difference between people from West/South Asia and Europe. The West/South Asians tend to live and normalise the parallel society, while the Europeans tend to centralise and build social cohesion in their country, in fact some countries who are ethnically diverse such as France and Spain will still be forced by the civic nationalism to build a social cohesion from every community in the country. I argue about this many times with European far-rights why West Asian and South Asian migrants tend to live in a parallel society rather than integrate to a centralised society especially in those who are in European countries. That's why the idea of "adapt and integrate" won't work for people from this region unless their mindset is Westernised.
@theconqueringram5295 Год назад
Afghanistan isn't a modern state, it's more of a medieval polity with modern technology than anything else. The Taliban rule with alliances with the tribal leaders and warlords and from what I understand, an informal economy operates in Afghanistan.
@laughingseal2282 Год назад
Yeah, because being occupied by 2 f3cking decades, having your land plundered of any resource and your infrastructure destroyed and weapons given to the jihadists is totally their fault too. Oh yeah, Biden also stole these 7billion.
@Houthiandtheblowfish Год назад
there is so much internal thongs going on that only people in the know understand and the powers that be remember they didnt destroy talliban they left it to taliban so thats a clue and pakistan is being paid by powers that be who have intrest in afghanistan but dont want be physically their with their own armies instead local proxies and private mercanary groups like blackwater so what you see is surface level thats why few weeks before you were hearing brits wanting to recognise them for other reasons which would long time to explain
@tedmoss Год назад
Operates? operates? Without goods? without a means of exchange, except selling your children? They have nothing, nothing!
​@@tedmossAsk Russian and Chinese Miners and Engineers who are busy 24/7 inside Afghanistan about ur opinion. U have no idea what is hidden under that land.
@tedmoss Год назад
@@গুরুত্বপূর্ণউপপাদ্য O yes I do. but it won't get the Afghan's much, the Russians will take all the profits.😁
@heisenbachofficial9437 Год назад
It doesn't have a state as we know it, so it is really hard to collapse.
@douma3665 Год назад
It literally does 💀
@spicychad55 Год назад
@@douma3665 Afghanistan's full of tribes that don't care about each other and don't think of themselves as "Afghans". The situation's similiar to Somalia.
@samiman5606 Год назад
@@spicychad55 You should way the locals afgan don't won't fight with the talibros because there's the correct hadit from the prophet Muhammad forbid à Muslim kill onother Muslim if someone ment to kill his brother Muslim is going to hellfire that's the reason why the local citizens whatcing from a far
@naveedhasan5365 Год назад
It does 2023
@john2g1 Год назад
​@@DeadManWalking-ym1oo Well in keeping with the analogy of the person you responded to: How much power did Kings have over European feudal lords? In both situations everyone kinda does their own thing, but that doesn't invalidate the sovereignty of the King or the existence of the state. As long as all dukes, lords, warlords, or tribal leaders send money and fighters when requested nothing else matters. Also, in both cases if someone gets too indignant or too powerful a raised army rolls through and management changes are made.
@moritamikamikara3879 Год назад
They haven't collapsed because there's nowhere further for them to collapse to XD The Afghan state is essentially the city state of Kabul because Afghanistan is ungovernable, it's not a country, and the Taliban know this.
@baha3alshamari152 Год назад
Actually Taliban centralized the country more than any other administration since the 70's
@oooshafiqooo Год назад
you mean places that arent just mountains?
@mrligmaball8877 Год назад
so what abot the other citys in afghanistan such as mazar i sharif, Kandahar, bayam and herat is that just a place where anyone can do anything? no its not, this is the first time that afghanistan has centralised
@oooshafiqooo Год назад
@@mrligmaball8877 ye
@moritamikamikara3879 Год назад
@@mrligmaball8877These other cities will have their own vaguely Taliban affiliated governors, but nothing outside of that will honestly care what's going on in the cities.
@gustavkrauspe3991 Год назад
I don't think people understand what sanctions mean. Afghans can import and export whatever they want but on 2 conditions 1- they are not allowed to use the USD, GBP, or EUR denominations, and 2- it can not be from a manufacturing company that is listed in the three countries. Otherwise, everyone else can do business with the Afghans with their own local money.
@solar0wind Год назад
Europe is a country?
@KennyNGA Год назад
So they can import and export everything they want except from and to the nations which sanctioned Afghanistan? Wow thanks for enlighten us Albert Einstein. Btw the EU has 28-30 countries and combined with our allies in Asia africa and round the world it's probably like 70 countries which sanctioned them which is almost half of all countries and probably 90% of modern product manufacturers
@BestOpinionHaver Год назад
@@solar0wind in some ways, yes.
@solar0wind Год назад
@@BestOpinionHaver It's not a country in any way. There's a lose union of most but not all! of the European countries.
@arwinwest2505 Год назад
And that kinda narrows Afghanistan down to the Yuan or Ruble.
@aituk Год назад
It's kindof like asking why the rundown dilapidated hovel hasn't collapsed just yet, it may happen it may not but ultimately it's still a ruin
@maddogbasil Год назад
Yh Probably cos the Americans bombed it to dust 🤦🤦 Imagine feeling proud about bombing a bunch of poor people into the dirt
@drmodestoesq Год назад
@@BlueIvory4 I noticed you left out the Russians bombing Aleppo into rubble.
@jackforman561 Год назад
@@BlueIvory4 are you conveniently leaving out the Russians, who did most of the civilian bombing?
@kimwit1307 Год назад
@@BlueIvory4 Most of the bombing was done by Assad and Putin.
@jackforman561 Год назад
@@americancommunist7633 "The Russian-Syrian coalition committed war crimes during a month-long aerial bombing campaign of opposition-controlled territory in Aleppo in September and October 2016. The Violations Documentation Center, a Syrian civil monitoring organization, documented that the bombing campaign killed more than 440 civilians, including more than 90 children. Airstrikes often appeared to be recklessly indiscriminate, deliberately targeted at least one medical facility, and included the use of indiscriminate weapons such as cluster munitions and incendiary weapons." not false at all comrade. We can see the same MO in Ukraine too
@baa0325 Год назад
I guess if your goal is to recreate the 7th century, you don't really need to be rich.
@randomworld4662 Год назад
Well said lol
@taznurislam8868 Год назад
Learnt it after getting kicked off in 20 long years . 😅😂🤣🤣🤣
@noamansattar Год назад
Afghanistan exports have bounced back to same levels as pre TALIB Their currency has appreciated post TALIB They are making small dams, canals for irrigation, extraction oil, aim to be wheat sufficient in few years, tourism has increased
@akbtrip555 Год назад
The infrastructure investments had started pre and impacted by their attacks
@farahabdulahi474 Год назад
tourism couldn't go any lower, of course it increased. It likely went from 3 digits to 4 digits. not even a million dollars worth of tourism
@killersopgaming4350 Год назад
@@farahabdulahi474Mostly RU-vidrs who risks their live for some views
@magnvss Год назад
The country has been in a state of disaster for many decades, thinking that any "sanctions" can tumble a country that basically is adapted to live by its own and via illegal trade is incredibly myopic and ignorant. You can't miss what you never had. You can't hurt them further and only natural disasters or internal conflicts could make their lives worse, and even then, they will still survive (never turn into "modern" people). Plus the birthrate is high, still a country where high mortality is "solved" with high natality.
@Adierit Год назад
Sanctions aren't meant to tumble them anyways, it's to isolate them from foreign trade. Obviously any country would survive on its own as it did in the past, but with varying levels of comfort and commodities.
@kashmirikk3138 Год назад
What if afghanistan conquers america in near future ?
@louiscypher4186 Год назад
@@Adierit Ah yes isolating them couldn't possibly lead to them being dependant on criminals who help smuggling goods into the country as well as bringing in embargoed currency's. Nor could it possibly lead these isolated impoverished people more susceptible to propaganda about western infidels wanting to harm them and make them suffer. No sir I'm sure this wont end up causing any blowback whatsoever.
@Adierit Год назад
@@kashmirikk3138 Conquering a country that can simply nuke you isn't exactly feasible. Not to mention the entire population of the country having firearms.
BMA I like your understanding!!! (M.A)!!!
@ugot1try Год назад
Talichads somehow stood up to the west by themselves
@iplaygames896 Год назад
You know it says a lot about people when they’re wishing that Afghanistan collapses instead of it prospering.
@MrTux1204 Год назад
It's less that folks want a wasteland and more just want groups like the taliban to not have control.
@fudgen.a1249 Год назад
I don’t think folks want Afghanistan to collapse, but where just expecting it due to the ruling governments nature.
@iplaygames896 Год назад
@@MrTux1204yes that’s exactly the problem who are you to starve a people to impose your views of life.
@katek6808 Год назад
Afghanistan collapsing is definitely preferrable to the Taliban increasing their power, expanding to other countries and convincing weak minds that theirs is the right way. The people there are already suffering and starving, so it really wouldn't make a difference to them if Afghanistan actually collapsed. Not a horrible thing to hope for, then.
@dave_sic1365 Год назад
​@@iplaygames896i dont think you can dictate us to sell you anything, let alone share stuff for free. Exspecially when you hate our way of life,ridicule it or even attack us.
@kamel418 Год назад
People don’t understand that the Taliban is not Alqaeda. Sure they may not have the best laws and some of their decisions are not great but they are the government of Afghanistan. They’re not a fake government that the US put on the country to justify its occupation. They are far better for Afghanistan than any US/Soviet/British or any imperial occupation that will always destroy the country no matter what. It’s better to fix a broken system than broke it even further with war, terrorism and occupation of the country. Alqaeda is not any different than isis or the kkk. They’re not a government or representative of any country. So it’s stupid to justify the US occupation of Afghanistan because they have alqaeda. (Fan Fact: They didn’t even find their leader in Afghanistan. They found him in Pakistan. But Pakistan is a nuclear power so.. they didn’t try their lock)
@melindacadarette3447 Год назад
Maybe for the men but the women, hell no...
@kamel418 Год назад
@@melindacadarette3447 Like I said, they’re not the best But the solution is to fix them not destroy them
@MijmerMopper Год назад
I think you guys could really benifit from making the Brilliant pitches a bit more integrated, by wich I mean mention a connection between a specific course and the work for the actual segment the pitch is in.
@sujimtangerines Год назад
Like the recent TLDR Business video which was basically built on the courses used to make it.
@flubadubdubthegreat1272 Год назад
Idiotic take. It's just an ad.
@rajK29_ Год назад
​@sujimtangerines funny, that was the previous video i watched before coming here 😂😂
@sujimtangerines Год назад
@@rajK29_ Me too! That's why it was so fresh in my mind as exactly how it fit the OP's suggestion.
@Kiririn_chan Год назад
I like it more this way because I know to close the tab when I hear "here at TLDR..."
@rook3313 Год назад
It is hard to break the will of the people in charge (seen in the war in afghanstan VS the United States) so if it does collapse the people in charge would quickly try to regain control Edit:thanks for the 150 likes I didn’t think my comment would get this many
@WackadoodleMalarkey Год назад
It's good to be King - -King Kong- - Godzilla
@tedmoss Год назад
If they could regain control they wouldn't have lost it in the first place. Its a facade.
@rook3313 Год назад
@@tedmoss they lost it due to foreign backing aka the USA but now that the U.S military backed off I don’t think they will lose control
@tedmoss Год назад
Most people don't understand the people that are impoverished, they will do just about anything to eat.
@rook3313 Год назад
But the government has control over the food and would most likely give it to the most loyal so the ppl would probably stay loyal for food
@abdelrahmanhassan7472 Год назад
Can you imagine the guy in this video saying 'independent journalism' while being super biased! That's disturbing.
@joeharris3878 Год назад
When all other nations have disappeared from the earth, the Afghans will still be standing. It's not called "the graveyard of empires" for nothing.
@PatriotMapper Год назад
What all the Western analysts have failed to account for: the Taliban’s immense popularity among the Afghan people.
@kodvavi150 Год назад
They will keep lying to keep themselves pleased for their delusional visions.
@GamingChannel-ic3ng Год назад
Not failed, they it do it on purpose......
@Catherine.Dorian. Год назад
And so all the US has done is let the people have what they wanted. If they later don’t like it then it’s on them cause they actively worked against another option so this is what they wanted
@phillipholland6795 Год назад
Usual yellow journalism and propaganda from neo-Rome lol
@yasminea7149 Год назад
@@GamingChannel-ic3ng Actually, I'm not sure they do it on purpose. Most westerners view AFG through the prism of a few select urban types of Afghans who impart their views and ideologies of AFG. I've often observed that ppl outside of AFG, for years, have been exposed to a curated version of Afghanistan, one that focuses on a very small percentage of Afghans and dismisses the majority.
@marshalllapenta7656 Год назад
QUESTION Which bank holds that money set aside for victims? Could it be the treasury? There has to be a sense of national unity for Afghanistan.
@BestOpinionHaver Год назад
There cannot be a national unity or identify in Afghanistan because the people is basically a mish-mash or various tribes, ethnic groups and religious sects. Modern Afghanistan is a political creation only 130 years old called the Durand-line, made by drawing lines on a map for trade/military influence purposes between the British Empire, Russian Empire, Persia and China. The situation is similar to that of countless African nations and large parts of the middle east. Afghanistan is where Empires go to die. Alexander the great, USSR, British Empire and most recently the USA.
@chicotheballs Год назад
@@BestOpinionHaverModern Afghanistan was founded in 1747 Under Ahmad shah durrani who was a tribal leader. Afghanistan has had several kings and rulers since then, so there has always been an afghan nation state, the myth of Afghanistan being “mish mash” tribes is a myth because America is retarded enough to blame their failure in building a nation on Afghanistan being ungovernable.
@arthas640 Год назад
@@BestOpinionHaver That moniker is a bit unearned. Iran had suzerainty in Afghanistan for a long time, the country was conquered by the Arabs and Mongols quiet easily, and the Arab conquest permanently changed the country, and the British Empire got what they wanted in their invasion of Afghanistan: they invaded to stop raid into British India and to make the country a neutral border state since the Russians had made moves to turn them into another central asian colony. The US withdraw from Afghanistan, unlike the Soviet's withdraw, also has virtually zero impact on the US domestically and virtually zero impact on foreign affairs with any nation except Afghanistan. It was barely even a "graveyard" for the US, only around 24k Americans died fighting in Afghanistan which was about as many Americans that died in the gang wars in St Louis across the same time period as the US presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan borders were set by the Durand-line but it wasnt a "political creation". The Emirate of Afghanistan's borders before the 1880s were still very similar to today, their eastern border was just ill defined. Their modern borders pretty neatly align with their borders following the collapse of the Durrani empire which was when the Emirate of Afghanistan aka the Emirate of Kabul started to take shape. Afghansitan as a centralized state really started to take shape under the Soviets since previously most rulers in Kabul were highly decentralized and didnt have much impact on the tribal, rural parts of the country and mainly just ruled a few major cities and the Soviets tried to change that, something the Americans also later tried.
@phoenixrising8640 Год назад
@arthas640 add the suicide rate of your US foreign invader terrorists onto the number who died in Afghanistan.
@B1_66ER Год назад
I wanted to know which analyst said that the Taliban government was likely to collapse.
@phoenixrising8640 Год назад
The same analyst who said that NATO will win the war 😂😂😂
@معاذمحمد-ص5ل Год назад
الذين كفروا ينفقون أموالهم ليصدوا عن سبيل الله فسينفقونها ثم نكون عليهم حصرة ثم يغلبون والذين كفروا الى جهنم يحشرون.
@Duncan23 Год назад
Afghanistan collapsed decades ago, a better question would be how can Afghanistan create a functioning state.
@andy.8444 Год назад
It's hard to collapse when there’s nothing to collapse.
@MsMRkv Год назад
It could always get worse.
@khanhamid3744 Год назад
As an Afghan I just want to say we will not allow slavery.we are not your slaves. Proud to be from a nation that is ONLY one on the planet that doesn't accept slavery.
@helenpauls1496 Год назад
The women would disagree. Imagine what a wonderful prosperous and functioning country it could be if you just worked together.
@khanhamid3744 Год назад
@helenpauls1496 which women. The 1 percent or the 99. Let me get this straight. I am not saying that this is an Islamic system. Far from it. So yes, some laws are not Islamic. All the news you get is from Western media. Which is not right and biased. I will judge them on Islam. US just removed Pakistans PM. Is that democracy. Its democracy when you like it and dictatorship when you don't. It's that simple. Don't be so blind, little one
@dave_sic1365 Год назад
We dont want to enslave you.
@Hadeel-eq1dl Год назад
​@@helenpauls1496majority of afghan women in Afghanistan are conservative and do not speak as if you know about afghan women.
@ahmedmanzar4575 Год назад
millions of afghans have accepted slavery and have become slaves,both in afghanistan to taliban as well as in USA,UK, Pakistan,and even India
@MrBrockHeinz Год назад
I think we need to stop with the simplistic analysis of whether certain economic sanctions are "only bad for the people." This is essentially never the case, sanctions are pretty much always bad for the government and the people. And removing them is vice versa. When all money filters through the government, there isn't a clean way to help the people without helping the government. The Taliban might maintain control despite the sanctions, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't even more easily maintain control without them. Govs are always limited by the amount of resources they have, the more they have, the more they can do, the less they have, the less they can do. As with anything else.
@baha3alshamari152 Год назад
Just because US and EU sanctioned them doesn't mean China and Russia do
@alexc6926 Год назад
Completely true only idealists who don’t operate in reality believe that sanctions only “hurt the people”. They can say whatever they won’t but the sanctioned government is operating with less space available, which is the point
@domhamai Год назад
Why do you feel the need, or more concerning, the right, to meddle in another nation’s affairs? Different people hold different values and the western need to impose itself upon every corner of the earth is disgusting. The world used to be a magical place of diversity and wonder. Now everyone wears the same clothes and lives a semi conscious life, enslaved to debt and bureaucracy. Let these people get on with themselves.
@tedmoss Год назад
More like the more you have the more you can steal.
@MrBrockHeinz Год назад
@@domhamai It's natural human behaviour that you see all over the world. When Nike said they won't do business in Chinese provinces that include slave labour, Chinese citizens did a march demanding an end to trade with western companies, as they care a lot about national pride. When Europe supported Ukraine during the invasion, Russia cut off gas supply, as they care a lot about the invasion. Free trade benefits both parties, so if you don't want the other side of benefit, then it makes sense to cut off trade. And that's what sanctions are. They're the national equivalent of voting with your wallet by choosing not do business with someone. It's actually the opposite of imposing yourself onto others. Forcing a country to do business with another would be much more concerning, and a violation of their sovereignty. Let these countries get on with themselves.
@Clone683 Год назад
At this point sanctions are basically "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results"
@iplaygames896 Год назад
Genuinely psychotic they should lift sanctions and let their people thrive and prosper ironically this would probably put their woman in education faster.
@loganiushere Год назад
I mean, what else is there to do? Do you just on trying to influence the terrible regime to be less terrible or do you invade again? Don’t get me wrong, I think we should lift the sanctions (ideally in exchange for reforms), but I get why we keep using sanctions. Without money, when diplomacy fails, the only option left to influence a country is war.
@randomuser.6932 Год назад
In your mind, it's better to do business with an extremist authoritarian regime then?
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana Год назад
We were supposed to expect sanity?
@ChinnuWoW Год назад
@@randomuser.6932 Do you expect sanctions will convince them to stop being authoritarian? When has that ever worked in history? It'll only keep the people poor.
@ChinnuWoW Год назад
They've survived on their own throughout their entire history. Why would they collapse?
@02Tony Год назад
They have collapsed a few times before, before the taliban you had the democratic government it took over. The communist government and the monarchy.
@jotarokujo9164 Год назад
As an Uzbek Norwegian, Taliban's conquest of Afghanistan was a horrible new for us. Central Asia is long encircled by expansionist Russia and China, plus an Iranian regime that embraces terrorism. Now Taliban effectively locked us into a position of no return. And it is worth much to say many Central Asians now see Pakistan with deeper disdain due to Pakistan's role in causing such a tragedy to Afghanistan - their selfish desire of having Afghanistan as a raw material state for Pakistan and its greedy authoritarian neighbours destroy all. At some points, I have to clarify that we have nothing to prefer from Taliban. We see them delusional and anti-Islam. But as long as it has enough backers like China, Pakistan, Russia or tacitly like Iran and Saudi Arabia, plus Afghan people's unwillingness, it won't collapse.
@kashmirikk3138 Год назад
Better care about urself in norwegian
@jotarokujo9164 Год назад
@@kashmirikk3138 Better care about your bankrupt Pakistan.
@jotarokujo9164 Год назад
@@snoopysnoops007 I have always been fluent in my birth language. And we care about our country. Do you even care? Look at the chaos in Pakistan.
@solar0wind Год назад
​@@snoopysnoops007Your ethnicity and your nationality can differ...
@bunnystrasse Год назад
Islam is the wrong religion for you bro
@legomovieman2 Год назад
This is like asking "Why was Germany so good at rebuilding their military from nothing?" As other commentators said, they're starting from nothing, with allied warlords, a favourable China. The West will have to recognise them eventually.
@crash.override Год назад
It's the next North Korea, minus the nukes. Authoritarian. Sanctioned to heck by the West. Friendly with China. Lacking any critical commodity that would make it worth the West's while to make deals with them (contrast: the oil-rich Gulf states).
@kashmirikk3138 Год назад
Maybe tomorrow they will conquer west
@phoenixrising8640 Год назад
@NawazKhan-ui6eo Год назад
@@kashmirikk3138 maybe in a decade or so
​@@NawazKhan-ui6eono way lmao The last thing these guys want are 100's of nukes raining down of afghanistan Also Afghan population is concentrated in few cities , so it's relatively easy picking
@rorytribbet6424 Год назад
I lowkey thought this was West Virginia at first out of the corner of my eye 😂
@saltmerchant749 Год назад
It has "collapsed", but it's a decentralised feudal/tribal system with a nominal political centre in Kabul with a nominal government of the Taliban who have a "don't mess with us, we won't mess with you" agreement with the tribal leaders of the various fiefdoms. It has always been that way and will always be that way, because the geography of the land dictates it. It was the height of hubris to imagine that a nation much less a democratic one, could be invented from whole cloth by the likes of Bush, Blair, Cheney and Bolton.
@mohammadkhan7895 Год назад
Wrong. Taliban have absolute power over every single village of the country
@youisstupid2586 Год назад
Something you didn't mention is taxes. Taliban Tax people now heavily. Anyone with a business has to pay taxes now. From street vendors to big companies, all pay taxes now. They have gathered so much money now that they are starting mega projects like big channels, dams, highways and even mega cities. With safety people now have started their own businesses which means more taxes. They also are utilizing mines heavily. Every other day they auction mines to companies.
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana Год назад
Isn't that nice.
@komododragon410 Год назад
​@@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_CyavanaNo, since West isn't satisfied
@moharshad6882 Год назад
Ya and this is all with the sanctions of the west, imagine when the UN finally recognizes them, they’ll start trading with countries like china and Russia cuz of their hate for America
@deaththekid3998 Год назад
Wow, I’ll take whatever drug you’re taking, must be strong stuff 😂
@moharshad6882 Год назад
@@deaththekid3998 I’m not saying the taliban are doing amazingly well but with the tools and money they have they are doing pretty well, a mega project which they started two years ago is halfway down, it was focused on making a artificial water canal and if you see some videos on it, it is promising, and also this is supposedly the biggest man made canal in Asia
@jacobwhite1360 Год назад
I’ve literally booked in the Afghan Embassy at work for servicing on their car. I work for Sytner-Mercedes in the UK.. I don’t get how they can still do this
@cyberverse9141 Год назад
Maybe don't watch too much western propaganda.
@Houthiandtheblowfish Год назад
there is so much internal thongs going on that only people in the know understand and the powers that be remember they didnt destroy talliban they left it to taliban so thats a clue and pakistan is being paid by powers that be who have intrest in afghanistan but dont want be physically their with their own armies instead local proxies and private mercanary groups like blackwater so what you see is surface level thats why few weeks before you were hearing brits wanting to recognise them for other reasons which would long time to explain
@jacobwhite1360 Год назад
@@cyberverse9141 I don’t bud. Just asking how they’re able to operate an embassy that clearly has funds when they’re currently occupied by the Taliban
@MsJubjubbird Год назад
they work under a 5 for me, 1 for you system of distribution.
@cyberverse9141 Год назад
@@jacobwhite1360 They have a fully functioning country
@joelwieland1767 Год назад
There isn't really much to collapse. It was already undeveloped, government services basically non existent and people are split up into different tribes that keep to themselves and their region
@cyberverse9141 Год назад
Source: trust me bro 🤓 Taliban have a well established stable government with complete authority in all regions. Do better research kid.
@thesalandarian3314 Год назад
@@cyberverse9141that’s a crap source lol
@phoenixrising8640 Год назад
But, but, but Afghanistan was heaven under your US and NATO foreign invader terrorists and their Afghan puppets watch, yet here u are admitting that all sectors were a mess amd barely any development was done during the foreign occupation, when the US and NATO foreign invader terrorists and their Afghan puppets say it was heaven! They made it sound Afghanistan was like Dubai Central Asia and we were living in luxury in heaven 🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣
@deidresable Год назад
​@@cyberverse9141 Even in under US occupation nothing much change even backward because all the development are in the large city like kabul/ kandhar,
@yourservice111 Год назад
The West is talking and talking about the collapse of Afghanistan at the hands of the Taliban, and later on they eat what they say. 5 to 10 years from now, you can see Afghanistan is one of the most growing and developed economies in Central Asia. They have resilient people and can manage to be self-sustainable even without the aid of the UN. The Qosh Tepa Canal project is a game changer for the Afghan economy.
@JJ-si4qh Год назад
4:00. So you're saying the ragtag Taliban could do in less than a year what the multi national cooperation of the US, DEA, NATO, etc couldn't do with poppy in 20 years? It's almost like it was intentional
@mohammadabubakar1132 Год назад
Obviously it was intentional, the cia are the biggest drug dealers of the world get with it bro
@ptonpc Год назад
Well the Taliban was getting the farmers to grow poppies in the first place. Then you had the corrupt officials taking bribes to let it happen.
@phoenixrising8640 Год назад
US and NATO foreign invader terrorists soldiers were openly guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan during the foreign occupation
@Me--SaifAli Год назад
Why did you forget the artificial cannal that they are making for farming without any help from (so called super-power countrys😂) i think you should do a deep analysis at ground level so that you will get to know that they wont collapes and one day they are going to be a stone in the neck of so called super powers😂
@Houthiandtheblowfish Год назад
infact if you know too much youll understand they are still getting aid in helping to build the canal there is a geoplitical intrest involved
@kodvavi150 Год назад
​@@HouthiandtheblowfishNo, the aid only goes to the UN-led corrupt western NGOs. Stop lying or believing in western propaganda.
@phoenixrising8640 Год назад
​@@Houthiandtheblowfishno aid for the canal. Which so-called superpower is giving us aid for the canal? None.
@Houthiandtheblowfish Год назад
@@phoenixrising8640 it is a private group militia called blackwater
@Houthiandtheblowfish Год назад
what their aim is basically to ethincally change a locations composition a move a population and remove a population by creating so called farms but they are drugs so they form a psuedo faction within the gov
@Blackdragon1331 Год назад
One small correction, at 6:05. It's nog "Afganistanis", it's "Afghans".
@user-iz3gv5vo6b Год назад
@Blackdragon1331 Год назад
@90skidcultist Год назад
@@user-iz3gv5vo6b Yes, *”nog”.*
@SpartanChief2277 Год назад
@ChinnuWoW Год назад
@@user-iz3gv5vo6b eggnog
@rikuvakevainen6157 Год назад
6:30 rules for rulers is still in function.
@jaredvaughan1665 Год назад
I think people there are desperate for long lasting peace most of all.
@drifta2001 Год назад
Something everyone is missing. These guys have nothing, other than their land and their ways. Many an empire has tried to hold this land and all have failed. These guys are tough, crazy and do not fear anything, especially death. They literally wear their coffins on their head. You’re never going to defeat the Taliban.
@NasirKhan-fx8hq Год назад
Afghanistan is surviving of its own efforts and clean administration. Corruption free ruling.
@abdulali5697 Год назад
40% of food insecurity was always there even during NATO occupation
@markcreamer6179 Год назад
The Afghans have been living at a medieval subsistence level for millennia. They simply aren't interested in having a modern nation. The ones who do want that leave. We should have gotten Bin Laden and left.
@mrslinkydragon9910 Год назад
The funny thing is, if the taliban just handed him over then they wouldn't have been bothered by the US...
@markcreamer6179 Год назад
@mrslinkydragon9910 true but they've never really cared about it anyone else
@markcreamer6179 Год назад
Typo,never cared about anyone else
@olagokeadeyemi4905 Год назад
Lost me when he referred to US embassy I'm Kenya as Africa. This is an elite channel...
@_Sami_H Год назад
The sad truth is that dying starving illiterate and dirt poor people don't make good revolts...that's kinda of a fact....
@baha3alshamari152 Год назад
People seem to forget that
@UmQasaann Год назад
​@@baha3alshamari152They would be fighters because they have nothing to lose.
@baha3alshamari152 Год назад
@@UmQasaann No because they can't be organized enough nor powerful enough
@gideonhorwitz9434 Год назад
Even at the height of the occupation the views of majority of afghans regarding liberal values didn’t chance the most recent poll found majority were in favor of sharia law
@pepelemoko01 Год назад
It's becoming the hot new place for tourism, too.
@timothytumusiime2903 Год назад
As can be said by CGP Grey, they know to hold the Keys to Power.
@xeanderman6688 Год назад
Not just that The area of Afghanistan has been divided into family clans for centuries. The people there won't magically support the idea of 19th, 20th and 21st century concept of a state. They are not used to it, their culture is not used to it and we can't just force it on them since it will not work, unless THEY want it to work
@kurtonela Год назад
You sir, get my upvote.
@infidelheretic923 Год назад
No one around with weapons left to oppose them apart from ISIS.
@user-op8fg3ny3j Год назад
@@infidelheretic923 don't give the government any more ideas
​@@user-op8fg3ny3jCIA backed "freedom fighter" 2.0? Second time the charm?
@albertmisic3876 Год назад
Because they have ideology which keep them strong and together. Talibans are backwards but common interest is above personal.
@conductingintomfoolery9163 Год назад
The backwards group manage to repeal two super power and manage a multi ethnic mountainous state armed to the teeth with insane people every corner and crack heads
@NY_Mountain_Man Год назад
I'm surprised you didn't mention sharia law. While unpopular by current Western standards, it's pretty damn effective in economies such as Afghanistan's. Not to mention how I'm sure the Taliban are considered the liberators over there, so there's a lot of support. They have a good reason to hate the West. Was not mentioning these two things an oversight or just a blind spot of the channel?
@Inkan1969 Год назад
No way do the people consider these fanatics as "liberators".
@NY_Mountain_Man Год назад
@@Inkan1969 This might come as a surprise to some people. However, the American government is the neo-imperialist bad guy in a lot of countries' relatively recent histories. (especially Middle Eastern and South American ones) In short? There are two sides to every coin.
@Inkan1969 Год назад
@@NY_Mountain_Man There's nothing worse than the Taliban. Heck, the Taliban would execute you for being a gay mountain man.
@mrslinkydragon9910 Год назад
​@Gay_Mountain_Man but the day to day live of the average citizen was better. Women could get an education, hold jobs and wear what they wanted. there was more freedom of expression and health care was better. Now they've literally deleted 20 years of social progress. That's why people are annoyed
@NY_Mountain_Man Год назад
@@mrslinkydragon9910Hey. While I agree completely that in our world, those things are good and true. It doesn't change the fact that the majority of people in different parts of the world have different perspectives. They also marginalize different types of people. (including me and you) -- Also if you think about it, we unfairly marginalize people too. (and they call us hypocritical for calling on them to change but we don't want to change ourselves) Moreover, focusing on that one part kinda blinds you to the other realization that lots of Middle Eastern Muslims felt out right religiously persecuted by the USA's rampant wars. To say nothing of how if the tables we turned, they invaded us, enforced their ideals onto us, then called us backwards bigots for not accepting them, you'd be speaking a different story. That's literally what the USA did. Both these things have pushed Afghans further and further into an insistence that they're the "correct ones" causing them to double-down. The world is complicated. So if you only want to hear things that make immediate sense to you, then your understanding will always cause misunderstandings and potential conflict. But as you can see, even our simple understanding of economic well-being as the only determining factor to a country and their citizens' well being is itself a rather one-sided and flawed. There's pride, religion, and liberating their own individual culture as well. They're all extremely powerful ways to embolden the health of a country. In short, change has to come from within. Not from comparatively pampered people who benefit from an empire and who think like Neo-imperialists aboard without realizing it.
@dotsdot5608 Год назад
My bet is that it wont
@dadafgf9360 Год назад
😳😳😳😳 WTF you keep another countries reserve fund for your own people?? While ppl in the said country are dying of hunger and starvation ?? This is just pure abuse of power by the US n this is soon going to change no matter how long it takes. It brings tears to my eyes just hearing that , this is pure wickedness 😩
@zarakzia Год назад
Why should Afghanistan collapse when the Taliban are far more competent than the previous US-backed regime? Taliban for all its faults actually does have administrative capability. Violence has been reduced by almost 90%. That gave the economy much-needed breathing room, especially for Afghan exports to its neighbours. Bribery and corruption have been almost eradicated allowing businesses to save money. The state competently and diligently collect taxes. The formerly informal banking sector has been brought under documentation unlocking more tax revenue. Money at least for now isn't a big issue for the Taliban. The previous regime's budget would be entirely financed by foreign donors. The current Afghan economy is far more sustainable than the previous regime was. That doesn't mean Afghanistan is out of the blue. It's still a pariah state and their ban on women's education and employment isn't helping them. This is causing problems for Afghan businesses to access international markets and financial institutions.
@pjbrown4736 Год назад
I suspect Trump surrendered, but asked them to keep it off the books.
@food4you830 Год назад
Afghanistan Zindabad🇦🇫
@ellenmendoza7246 Год назад
I really like your work ..very nicely done
@christopherwalls2763 Год назад
Great job
@kicorse Год назад
Thanks for an interesting video. Worth adding that Afghans (unlike most commenters here sadly) don't necessarily view their country as a hole that can't be fixed despite the well-meaning efforts of westerners. Rather they want to get on with their lives like the rest of us, and from their perspective successive foreign interference over the last 200 years have consistently increased conflict. We all know how horrific the Taliban are, and Afghans aren't stupid, they know it too. But anyone who thinks things couldn't be much worse knows no Afghan history (or the present state of countries such as Somalia, for example). The Taliban have prestige (to use Tamim Ansary's word) right now, just like past groups who ousted governments propped up by foreigners. Probably the brightest period of recent Afghan history was the very gradual progress from the 1930s to the 1970s, which abruptly ended with the communist revolution that was ostensibly internal but was really just the start of one of those foreign interventions. That positive 40 years saw foreign investment but little foreign interference. And the same family of despots who were enforcing Taliban-like laws in the 30s were later teaching girls science, sending women to university and giving them news-reading roles, and setting an example with public appearances without veils by women in powerful positions. Oh yes, and these despots somewhat voluntarily transitioned to democracy too. We need to learn to stop looking down on Afghanistan. Afghans are the only people who can sort their problems out.
@NineSeptims Год назад
As a somali I hope both our nations can progress and recover together.
@kicorse Год назад
@@NineSeptims Yes, I hope so too. Sorry, I didn't mean any offense to Somalis with the comparison.
@NineSeptims Год назад
@@kicorse None taken, Somalia is making great strides in recovery but tribalism and factionalism is holding us back. We have been very diligent in purging out terrorists but they hide amongst us.
@elgranioltizo7788 Год назад
Taliban is the best government, not horrible. The real horrible one is the american backed government, which is extremely corrupt and inefficient. Taliban manages the economy very good. It's only the sanctions that are hurting the people not taliban
"abruptly ended with the communist revolution that was ostensibly internal but was really just the start of one of those foreign interventions" Just to be clear, the Saur Revolution was 100% internal, the USSR was not involved in the planning or execution of the coup and it was as surprised by it as Western countries. Soviet intelligence was informed about the coup a few hours before it happened and the Soviet news stations described it as a "military coup" which isn't a term they would have used for Soviet-aligned coups (they would have been otherwise called it a "popular revolution"). The US state department also concluded no Soviet involvement in the coup. Soviet involvement only started a year after the coup in 1979 following the Herat uprising where religious preachers rallied the city's population to oppose mixed-gender classrooms.
@Thejericko17 Год назад
Honestly you all are amazing. Please keep doing what youre doing👍🏾
@saqibyounus2459 Год назад
"keeping them at arm's length" ... ! By giving them an office in Doha, Qatar near their CENTCOM and asking the sitting President of Afghanistan to inaugurate that office.
@zalandkhan9414 Год назад
Great detailed video. Although, I would like to point out that people from Afghanistan are called Afghans and not "Afghanistanis".
@zarakdurrani7584 Год назад
It's worse when they say "afghanis" Like calling Israeli citizen "shekels" Or Americans "dollars".
@hanzohattori9576 Год назад
Afghanistan has never collapsed from the inside. It's always been via outside effort. And now there is no outside effort. No one can afford it. Everybody has their own issues.
@militarymoments Год назад
Probably because it's ran the exact same way that it's been
@theoptimisticmetalhead7787 Год назад
A state is just the capacity to do the most violence. And the Taliban still has most of the guns in Afghanistan. Sure, they can't do the work of providing for their citizens. But I don't really think The Taliban give a shit about that. Why wouldn't they still be in charge?
@news26boom Год назад
To those Afghans who refused to fight back in 2021, this was your choice. All I can say is - no refunds.
@user-op8fg3ny3j Год назад
The ones who opposed the Taliban are living over here now, courtesy of our government. The ones still in Afghanistan at worst just tolerate them
@aze94 Год назад
I imagine that the contractors that price gouged the US for their ludicrously profitable contracts are not going to let the US have any refunds either...
@elgranioltizo7788 Год назад
The afghan people need and want taliban, to bring them justice and good governance. The oppressive regime is the American backed regime not taliban
@iplaygames896 Год назад
To the americans that ran away from Afghanistan stop starving the men , woman and children of Afghanistan to impose your views of the world on them.
@crash.override Год назад
​@@iplaygames896Afghanistan has its own agricultural sector. It's now the Taliban's obligation to make it successful.
@moyo2850 Год назад
I'm an American and i dont want 1penny of aid, to go to Afghanistan. If that causes problems for the civilian population, that's their problem for their choice in government.
@Okayge2309 Год назад
You think the Taliban gave them a choice? Hahaha. Stupid Americunt.
@cyberverse9141 Год назад
Typical arrogant muricans saying this after attacking, stealing and destroying wealth of an entire country
@baha3alshamari152 Год назад
Afghanistan had 11 billions frozen money so US is not sending aid they are sending Afghan government money to Taliban They agreed with Taliban to send 40 millions per week if they guarantee that it will reach civilians There's enough of it till February 2027 and then US government will finally start to give money from its budget
@jbshiva865 Год назад
Actually there are reports that the Taliban are starting to break into factions over disagreements and arguments about money and power. It's not helping that there are still a lot of US military weapons all over the country so the Taliban authorities themselves can't keep track of them all or ban Non-Taliban members from getting guns. It wouldn't take much to cause things in Afghanistan to explode into violence and nation collapse... Again.
@iplayfoofee3547 Год назад
even if u exclude the us military weapons, it still wouldnt take much for afghan to explode... again.
@asmrnaturecat984 Год назад
I would have believe you if there exist a source in your claim where i can verify myself... Alas, there's none... And its not the 1st time such claim has been made... Empty claim i suppose
@kodak6433 Год назад
That common problem all over the world
@watahwilly5133 Год назад
Thats just normal in every country especially america
@CrazyYurie Год назад
Let them kill each other.
@sagittariusa7662 11 месяцев назад
Pashtuns make up a significant part of the population and they are overwhelmingly loyal to the Taliban, with exception of those that had left. I met some of those and they are like the Chinese who left China, want nothing to do with their homeland.
@BZAKether Год назад
Why would pundits expect them to collapse just for some puny economic sanctions to a nation that barely makes any commerce? They survived for 20 years against the occupation of the most powerful armies of the world, before that, they had pushed against other warlords and powers and had control of 80% of the country by 2001, and before that they survived the USSR red army. Of course, they were going to survive, I never had a doubt about it. Just like the war of Ukraine and China in general, this is only wishful thinking that doesn't help to resolve the problems.
@keizervanenerc5180 Год назад
Because evil is frustratingly succesful and stable.
@dangin8811 Год назад
the taliban is good. afghans know this
@bigboyman5743 Год назад
i disagree, the US' invasion of afghanistan failed, so evil isnt always succesful
@enggurux3986 Год назад
Like USA
@harisabbasi8396 Год назад
Yes like western civilization and neo colonialism
@ASlickNamedPimpback Год назад
@@harisabbasi8396because China has never done a single evil thing, nor their own style of colonialism. Oh, wait...
@jeffperteet2327 Год назад
TLDR is this the best you can do? I need to stick to the Caspian Report
@doigt6590 Год назад
caspian report is not perfect either, it sometimes presents biased information or information which is not entirely correct. It's not a bad channel, but I really wouldn't recommend relying on it for all your news. Ideally, one is following many different news channels to prevent this affecting our perception of world news.
@bollyfan1330 Год назад
It is at rock bottom and there is no more to collapse to. Also, it was always near the bottom, so there was no shock of the fall either.
@jarnMod Год назад
It's not "Many believe the Taliban will collapse". That's echo chamber of the west. I live in SEA and do business in south America, Asia and north Africa. Most people I met don't see Taliban collapsing. They were there long long way back and their root is deeply in Afghan history. If you at one point thought sanction or whatever will collapse the Taliban, know that you're neck deep in western echo chamber. Expand your horizon simply by watching more anime and Indian comedy, I mean their action movie, and some kdrama. Algorithm will drag you out.
@zjeee Год назад
I think claiming an organization that was born in the 1970s to be deeply rooted in culture is a bit of an over exaggeration.
@osheridan Год назад
"My culture is terrorism" okay honey
@bb9a Год назад
Jarn mmh not necessarily true
@user-op8fg3ny3j Год назад
@@zjeee their way of governance isn't
@dirtyden1 Год назад
20 years and so many lives lost, and for what? The only thing I find controversial about the exit is that it didn't happen sooner.
@EmilyJelassi Год назад
Very interesting video!
@harbinger_1984 Год назад
It depends upon what you consider as collapsed.
@royaloakstudios6022 Год назад
The US should have a full embargo against Afghanistan like in Cuba, we should also have one with North Korea
@miles2378 Год назад
Cuba is a island nation and the US is the nearest nation to cuba Afghanistan borders 6 diferent nations, and is thousands of miles away from the US.
​@@miles2378BMA Moreover Afghanistan enjoys brotherhood of Islamic Countries!! Cuba had with them Corroupt Soviet Failure Regime!!!
@zarakdurrani7584 Год назад
Yeah good luck with your embargo you americunt. In an undocumented economy that gets by through informal and not completely legal means, your embargo makes a lot of sense.
@KishorPasha Год назад
"TLRD all about west propaganda... Believe propaganda please.."
@SamPashmi Год назад
Don’t embarrass yourself Abdul 😂😂
@islammehmeov2334 Год назад
​@@SamPashmihe is not wrong they the GEY west ting that ERDOGAN will lose the TURKIS election but he WON
@KishorPasha Год назад
Abdul get the rocks for @@SamPashmi
@taznurislam8868 Год назад
​@@SamPashmiDon't cry PAZEETs😅😂🤣🤣🤣
@KangaKucha Год назад
Think Afghanistan is too much to keep going and better to leave than stay.
@Eddie_the_yandere_lover День назад
And not fund the taliban further
@Hgkd2 Год назад
If we look at the times sanctions has worked vs times it didn't I would have a hard time justifying any sanctions ever. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour can and should be viewed as a response to economic warfare(sanctions)
@drmajalis1583 Год назад
That's a gross oversimplification of the pearl harbour attack, many within the Japanese cabinet wanted to negotiate a withdrawl from China as even by 1941 they knew it was a losing prospect, but they were stymied by the military, who were basically uncontrollable far before that point. It got to the point where on the day of the attack the Emperor was prepared to negotiate directly with FDR to find a peaceful resolution, but the messages were simply not read in time. If Japan hadn't gone to war with America in 1941, they almost certainly would've eventually had war declared on them by America within another year, or they would've attacked the Philippines and started it that way. Also for one very powerful example of sanctioning working, sanctions played a big part in eventually ending Apartheid in South Africa, and they were at the time a nuclear state.
@VinnieG- Год назад
No historian ever has said that
@Hgkd2 Год назад
@@drmajalis1583 two imperialist nations in the same ballpark will always clash. Arguing that they'd end up fighting anyway doesn't change that the sanctions escalated the tensions to a flash point. I could argue against the sanctions against South Africa having any effect based on the same "it would have happened anyways" I will not though, I'm only arguing that the good that come from sanctions are (far) outweighed by the negatives. For example; the current sanctions the US is doing against China, and China's responses to said sanctions is harming the world economy as a whole. Both parties are to blame, but the sanctions has escalated the situation without any meaningful gain. We could likely argue all day on what sanctions that worked and who didn't. I simply disagree with using them as a whole.
@phillipholland6795 Год назад
@@drmajalis1583 Then the same strategy will end Apartheid in Occupied Palestine too.
@myriri3687 Год назад
Thing you got to remember is the Taliban are popular among the majority of the population. At worst the average Afghan is ambivalent about them. You think an organisation maintains a 20 year guerilla war and wins said war without widespread popular support?
@GraniteGhost778 Год назад
I don't know why anyone thought they'd collapse. They had the country before, why couldn't they do it again?
@jmtradbr Год назад
Didn't watched yet but let me guess: Russia and China
@SamPashmi Год назад
@@toromontana8290well said
@zurielsss Год назад
@@toromontana8290I prefer the buttcrack and the haemorrhoid of Earth
@nntflow7058 Год назад
Actually, it's the soviet who started it.
@osheridan Год назад
​@@toromontana8290 I love watching the three superpowers play the blame game as if they're not all terrorist states.
​@@nntflow7058The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was stable, secular and liberal, albeit communist. It was the US-backed forerunners of the Islamic terrorists that started it.
@osheridan Год назад
Anglos the moment Afghanistan is mentioned: 🇦🇹 🎨 🖌
@BradTheThird Год назад
We start painting?
@OfficialUKGov Год назад
Please elaborate, is the Austrian flag and painting tools meant to represent Hitler? if so, what does this have to do with "Anglos" when Afghanistan is mentioned?
@osheridan Год назад
@@OfficialUKGov Referencing the people saying we should've "wiped out" the Afghan people, or just generally being racist. It's not everyone though
@BradTheThird Год назад
@@osheridan Oh, so you were just being an Anglophobe? Got it.
@osheridan Год назад
@@BradTheThird Yep. I like making fun of my own group cause I actually understand what people talk about.
@les_crow Год назад
The Taliban will likely evolve with time and become recognised.
@zjeee Год назад
If they go back to their old ways harboring and allowing terrorists to prepare terror attacks on the west then I doubt it.
@bababababababa6124 Год назад
Yeah other countries will simply have no choice once they become legitimate. Unless there’s some internal uprising within the Taliban (unlikely) then they’re here to stay for now
@melindacadarette3447 Год назад
They are already recognized - doesn't mean they have to respect them.
@SuperGreatPakistan Год назад
In Sha Allah
@skywalker7778 Год назад
How come Lebanon hasn't collapsed? How come Venezuela hasn't collapsed? How come Zimbabwe hasn't collapsed? MONEY....
@VinnieG- Год назад
I want to know, how many Afghan people actually want freedom instead of Sharia, I doubt it's many We can't seriously see the Taliban as a legit regime, I'm sure they'll be like North Korea and throw all priority towards getting nukes and bombs
@note2725 Год назад
How about you actually look into the projects Afghanistan is focussing on such as the nearly 300km river to improve agriculture and economic growth instead of making baseless claims
@VinnieG- Год назад
@@note2725 You want me to send you videos of massacres, girls being stoned to death or people being whipped in the streets? Cause that's whats happening there every day
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana Год назад
I think a lot do, but they consider it an improvement from even more fundamentalist humanist laws and paradigms being forced upon their country. So are like: Eh, progress in the right direction. At least they aren't infecting national basics.
@MisterTMH Год назад
Water is life( aab zindagi ast) and Iran and AFghanistan are involved in a heated dispute over the water flowing from a major river that starts in AFG. and flows into Iran.@@note2725
@AaronOkeanos Год назад
Afghanistan is a good example why religion can be used to maintain a base-level of order in society. And that is can be a control instrument as it was in Europe with christianity. But it has big flaws and can easily be used to manipulate, grab power, explain class divides, justify injustice, even doing wars and so forth. At some point in the development of society it becomes a roadblock and an obstacle. In Europe his happened in the middle-ages and the Renaissance began the change allowing western society to become what it is today. But we could easily have stayed there but would even today live in medieval-like cities. No electricity, no phones, no internet, no moon-landing or space program, nothing of that. We would be just like 1000 years ago.
@ethandouro4334 Год назад
Such lies...
@user-op8fg3ny3j Год назад
Except during the Islamic Golden Age when they were arguably more orthodox in practicing compared to the modern day Taliban yet they were more developed
@JoeeyTheeKangaroo Год назад
Religion are archaic ideologies. We should not allow them to exist. The idea of 'getting into heaven because you follow certain rules' is stupid. Just be good because that is the honest thing to do. Religious people have been conditioned by a reward of heaven or 72 virgins when instead people should be focusing on improving life for future generations.
@conductingintomfoolery9163 Год назад
The reason why we have technology is because farming, urbanization, exploration, warfare, stability and some other factors that lead up to mass urbanization and the economic/social demand of new technology. It’s a unproven lie that religion holds you back. If that was the case then the Middle East wouldn’t be the beacon of civilization until the last 300 years out of 5000
@CultureCrossed64 Год назад
​@@user-op8fg3ny3jthey were not more orthodox. They actually allowed doctrinal questioning and a lot of other things- that ended around like 1250 or 1300 if I remember correctly- though i can't remember the name of the Imam that caused them to stop allowing other views of the Quran
@Pironious Год назад
Nah I just can't listen to a bunch of Brits express their bewilderment that a country that rejected imperialism hasn't collapsed.
@PhthaloJohnson Год назад
The Taliban defeated the evil west and are now fully concentrating on improving the lives of their citizens. Yeah, sure...
@a.s.5262 Год назад
Lmao, tankies have the shittiest hot takes 😂
@osheridan Год назад
​@@a.s.5262 Who said they were a Tankie? The voices in your head?
@alexpotts6520 Год назад
@@a.s.5262 Anime avatars are a red flag
@a.s.5262 Год назад
@@alexpotts6520 Surprisingly holds true both for tankies and fascists.
@loganeverett1914 Год назад
oh no Afghanistan is trying to start its own government after foreign intervention and war since the 80’s God help us
@trollgegael Год назад
@conductingintomfoolery9163 Год назад
Replaced with what?
@Achmedsander Год назад
The country is held together of the strongest force. Toyota land cruisers...
@krishnanunnimadathil8142 Год назад
What exactly would a “collapse” look like; and where does Afghanistan stand in comparison to that scenario. By most standards of what a stable polity should be, Afghanistan has long collapsed. There is absolute peace in the graveyard by the way. Does not make it a lively place.
@Walker956 Год назад
Why are you insulting our intelligence on how to subscribe to a youtube channel anyway?
@handdoek4442 Год назад
thats some small dick energy right there
@johnallen7807 Год назад
And if we continue to accepts tens of thousands of illegal Afghan migrants, nearly all young men who were not prepared to fight for their own country, the problem will only get worse not to mention the immense damage it does to our own country.
@johnallen7807 Год назад
Correct but until we get a government prepared to protect our borders nothing will change. According to the ONS by 2050 native Britons i.e. white and born here, will be a minority in our own country! I wasn't asked if I wanted that!@@toromontana8290
@johnallen7807 Год назад
My country, the UK.@@UD-sy5ul
@Sanandaj_geo Год назад
Everyone: North Korea is Dictatorship T@liban: am I joke to you?
@mohammedriadh4990 Год назад
Cus they're not, one is ruled by a single guy while the other is a ruled by a hundred tribes
@Sanandaj_geo Год назад
@@mohammedriadh4990 N. Korea is the 3rd most authoritarian regime 1.08 but T@liban is THE most authoritarian 0.32 (by economist democracy index)😊💀
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