
How Danish People View Americans? - Copenhagen 

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8 апр 2016




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@shostycellist 8 лет назад
For those who are offended, remember what the question is, What are the STEREOTYPES of Americans.
@zman9315 6 лет назад
shosty but you can tell that they actually mean it
@coetvooruit 6 лет назад
@coetvooruit 6 лет назад
AidanDaGamer It's okay.....ppl are ppl
@dner75-xh9le 6 лет назад
AidanDaGamer: EXACTLY! A lot of self-loathing Americans here are claiming "they're just stereotypes" like the knob-job you replied to, but you can tell that's what they think. Only a few Danes started off their reply with: "I think people think of Americans as..." rather than "Americans are..."
@imvandenh 5 лет назад
@@dner75-xh9le Although most Danes speak English, it is not their first language, driksett! That would be Danish, which has similar word order in sentence as English as they are actually closely related Germanic languages on different branches of the tree. But verbs are much simpler to conjugate in Danish. So no, that is not what he meant. Nor could you determine what he was thinking based on that. But you'd know that if you had ever considered that a non native English speaker might not choose their words the same as you do. You proffered a perfect example of a stereotype not mentioned in the video! Americans think everyone uses English the same way they do and they have little to no understanding of other languages and how those same foreign speakers will use English in a different manner. You are coming to a questionable (I mean to say bullshit) conclusion based on overthinking what a Danish person said in English. Trust me, he is keeping his English simple. You are reading far too much into it. BTW...I am American but had a Norwegian mother and learned Norwegian from her from birth, English at the same time, both the way children acquire languages. Norwegian bokmål and Danish are mutually intelligible languages once the Danes spit out the potato. So I understand how one might answer the question the way he did in English due to the language he grew up speaking. Sorry for being rude. That's the American side of me being loud and boisterous.
@Ghidorah_Stan64 7 лет назад
Interviewer "what are some stereotypical views Americans have for Danes?" American "what the hells a Dane?"
@michael0155 6 лет назад
This made me laugh so fucking hard!
@zach39mcdonald 6 лет назад
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....; so true.
@crystalmancinas7996 6 лет назад
Lmao swear this is what I said !!!!
@noodlem45 6 лет назад
They're vikings or something right?
@ionthegravity2 6 лет назад
I literally just acted that out lol
@pleaseclap3335 7 лет назад
No matter what, I love Danish people. They seem very friendly and seem like good people. - From an American, specifically a Texan lol
@Tommysimonsen 6 лет назад
Most of Denmark love America as well, and Texas is a given on a America trip. By the way he is in the capital, you know where all the left leaning communists live. The left have all so been loosing most Danish elections, the last many many years.
@bookmilla8616 5 лет назад
Please Clap why thank you :)
@dreamweaver1603 5 лет назад
Texas is a given on any American trip? Hmm, interesting. I got the impression that Europeans hate Texans.
@finvinkm 5 лет назад
Not all dane are Friendly to american a lots of dane do not like american, but they are insecure by saying they do not like Americans and Israelites, but many think negatively and well justified. So American stay away
@roflstomps324 5 лет назад
@@dreamweaver1603 Nah. Just the communists. I am from Canada and I can't wait to get to Texas. For me, Texas represents what it is to truly be American.
@Thrallking 7 лет назад
Our education system is absolutely awful and we do eat too much as a collective.
@renegadescout 7 лет назад
You get out of the educational system exactly what you are willing to put into it.
@jeffpence6163 7 лет назад
We spend more on each individual than any other country. It's called the government trying to centralize everything. It's why private schools outperform public substantially. Plus, we are spending so much on hispanic and black communities that can't get out of that whole no matter how much money we throw at them. Billions upon billions wasted just in this decade alone on them.
@teknowil 7 лет назад
they are putting in sjw bullshit lately I guess that helps you get along with others in the unemployment line. but then you'll get triggered when someone calls you by the wrong pronoun
@mackenziewhethers1257 6 лет назад
MrDylanHM our education system sucks because we reward failure with money and protect incompetent teachers from being fired. We throw more money at our education system than anywhere else in the world.
@shinlanten 7 лет назад
In the States, *_"How you doin"_* in general just means *_"Hi"_*...that's it, no conversation is expected from it.
@jeremiahkerry 6 лет назад
the Greatjon In the UK, asking somebody ‘How are you’ is genuine.
@digital_down 5 лет назад
Generally we follow up with, “good, and how are you”? “Good” And that’s the whole conversation. It’s just considered respectful here, but I can understand how it would be strange to other countries.
@jeremiahswanson3049 5 лет назад
One word replies are all right. Like, if you're tired you can say, 'Tired' or if you're hungry say 'hungry' if and only if you are already friends with the person. If it's like hot out and someone asks you, someone you're not friends with you can say, 'Hot'.
@dner75-xh9le 5 лет назад
@@jeremiahkerry No, instead you have "All right, then?" What's the difference? If you think everyone in the UK is "genuine", you've got an unnatural overestimation of your citizenry, innit?
@johnmcdonald9304 5 лет назад
@@jeremiahkerry Bullshit.
@bulgarianreaper6587 8 лет назад
Do how Americans view themselves that will be interesting episode.
@shipwreck9146 8 лет назад
+The Boss3814 He did an east coast vs west coast.
@bulgarianreaper6587 8 лет назад
james wasda I know I still wanna see how Americans view themselves.
@shipwreck9146 8 лет назад
The Boss3814 I agree.
@candicehoneycutt4318 8 лет назад
My own opinion is that a lot of us are willfully ignorant about the rest of the world, but most of us mean well.
@shanerichardson9568 8 лет назад
+Candice Honeycutt You may be right about some, don't overlook that millions of Americans are struggling for food and shelter. They don't have access to the internet at home and can't afford cable television. Funny that nearly all these interviews are in massive global cities among the middle class. Certainly poor and rural living families can be forgiven for not having global politics at the top of their list?
@ImSNB 8 лет назад
this guy is a great interviewer in a non biased way
@senaitgebremikael2884 5 лет назад
When I arrived in America almost 18 years ago, I loved how people are very well coming and say hi but no one asked me about my business.Now I smile,I say hi and I love it.
@frisco21 7 лет назад
Do Danes typically speak English as well as the people interviewed for this video? I was impressed with their command of the language.
@SamuelHauptmannvanDam 7 лет назад
Most of them speaks it below the norm to be fair.
@lilliankinsman1153 6 лет назад
For over the last ten years English is mandatory in school... Most speak it better than americans because of online gaming... I am not shocked...Americans know virtually nothing about Denmark..
@Tommysimonsen 6 лет назад
Every one under the age of 50-55 do, and a lot of older people, it`s just not a given with elder people.
@Tommysimonsen 6 лет назад
Lillian Kinsman Wrong English have been in Danish schools for 2-3 generations. Now English is just official our 2 languish.
@dawnkish 5 лет назад
Almost all Danes speak English well these days. They learn it in school and hear it everyday on TV and the radio. You will find Danes with less education who have a harder time with English. You might notice that many of the Danes on this video also had American accents. That's because they probably spent some time living in the US. You will also find Danes with British accents for the same reason.
@michaelbrannin9297 3 года назад
I spent time with soldiers from the Danish military is Kosovo in 2001 and 2002. They were great guys well trained and professional. I invited a soldier named Lars to Florida he accepted, we had a great time at a NASCAR race in Daytona Florida, and water skiing on the Suwanee River.
@spr35441 8 лет назад
The interviewees just add to the many reasons why Denmark is one of my favorite countries.
@lilliankinsman1153 6 лет назад
I could hug you right now...
@littlechicken1196 3 года назад
well stop by sometime :D
@kirstenspelmanchervenka9795 7 лет назад
I like that most Europeans say we are friendly. I like that.
@marp795 4 года назад
palerider957 ExcUsE mE!? Jk
@palomat986 4 года назад
actually, all Europeans I’ve talked too say they despise Americans, and I’ve been warned since I was little to tell Europeans I’m a Canadian so we wouldn’t get attacked 🤷🏻‍♀️
@palomat986 3 года назад
Kjaermit France, Great Britain, Greece, & Spain were a few. By attacked, I’ve been told getting mugged, shanked, targeted and kidnapped.
@palomat986 3 года назад
Kjaermit listen dude, it’s literally what Europeans have told me 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk but im just gonna keep caution
@nahnahnah8184 3 года назад
@@palomat986 I live in Germany. I've been treated incredibly well here, despite my fears about being hated. They can be critical and very honest sometimes but it's never meant on a personal level. I actually appreciate brutal honesty. It does bother me that we get labeled superficial but I understand both sides. Eh. Now stabbed and attacked? Not as long as you're watching your surroundings and using common sense.
@kirstenspelmanchervenka9795 7 лет назад
I'm from Wisconsin and have enjoyed your videos. I was in Milwaukee today and ran into some folks from Ireland. I tried really hard to be friendly and genuine. They were so appreciative. They loved America so far.
@hotdan1974 8 лет назад
The thing is, our education is not consistently terrible. You can get the best education your family can afford- that's the problem. You see, in the U.S. public schools are funded by property taxes. If you live in a poor neighborhood with low property values then your school district doesn't have a lot to work with. Conversely, if you live in an affluent and desirable neighborhood and your property values are really high, then your school district will be able to afford the best of pretty much everything. And of course this also means that you can probably afford the betetr universities which also have the highest tuition, whereas the rest of us may have to settle for Generic State U instead of Harvard or UCLA or Duke.
@WistiPurpleday 8 лет назад
Way to help the rich. Good on you guys.
@tarainmo 5 лет назад
Daniel Lunsford Absolutely true! To add to that! We are only allowed to send our kids to the public schools near us, unless we pay for private schools. So that means if the schools near us are sub standard we must move our family to a better school district. Here in Missouri, we moved five miles farther and have top rated schools, however friends near us who can not move, have low rated schools. Not an equal way to distribute money for education in the US. This goes for my teacher friends too. The property taxes fund the teachers salaries, so the higher districts pay higher, this usually means getting more mature, seasoned teachers. It is just a flawed system where even those trying to make a better way for their children are stuck in substandard schools.
@roflstomps324 5 лет назад
Pretty much everything you are stating is just not correct. Sure, this all is good and applies to public school but even here, in Canada public school is shit. It doesn't matter where you live in America. I can assure you that you have access to free, state-funded online schooling that wants you to enroll your kid. They will even send you a new *free* laptop and all the materials (more so than those you would *pay* for in public school) and it is *free!* They will even pay for part or all of your Internet provider bill to ensure you have constant access to their online school. Do some research before you just doom your kid to mediocrity and stupidity. I did. I lived in a crappy place in America. I feared for my kid's safety that they would have to attend a public school. It was that bad. I did a simple search and was amazed at how easy it is to get a better than private school education at an online school. The reports are immediate. If the kid is accelerating at a pace that puts them in the next grade level for their skill in a certain subject, it happens. Boom. No waiting or holding them back because the other kids feel inferior. Everything is smooth and the communication is near instant. Look it up. Stop acting like there isn't a choice.
@kdracona6717 5 лет назад
@@roflstomps324 True 'access' is readily available, but if I may point something else out that is perhaps a factor. To get an online education for your child, you (the parent or guardian or close relative with permission) need to be present. For some, if not many, in America there just isn't a good support system. You will find that both parents or guardians have to work just to get by with the necessities of living, not counting the single parents trying to make it. Not all areas have available daycare or daycare that would help the child(ren) with education. Being able or getting help to pay for daycare is also not easy for some. Also, if you don't follow the regulations that come with homeschooling, you may find yourself talking with a child protection agency, because clearly you don't have "adulting" down quite right lol.
@davidbruce5524 4 года назад
Well that isnt true in Texas. Funding DOES NOT stay withing the school district, it is sent to Austin, and then redistributed to each school based on school attendance. Large schools get more total funds than small schools, regardless of school location. It's called the "Robin Hood Law" (Take from the rich, give to the poor). What make some schools better than others is quality of teachers and involvement of parents. All schools suffer because of wasted time dealing with juvenile delinquents, moronic social indoctrinations, and overall federal government interference. At least down here it works that way.
@bobke114 6 лет назад
I have spent some time in Copenhagen and Aero Island.. Always found Danes to be friendly folks and bit reserved much like area of Texas I grew up in. When I started attending the 24 Hours of Le Mans I quickly learned that the Danes were huge party folks. The wildest bunch each year at Le Mans camping is the Danes and they still are friendly but the reserved part goes away and its party on.Love these interviews.
@littlechicken1196 3 года назад
We are socially stunted until we drink. Thats why we have special beers for every single holiday lol
@1Animeculture 3 года назад
Danes are naturally a countryside folk with quite the respect for tradition but with a modern secular viewpoint on things. Generally we are considered a leftist nation but with alot of conservative habbits lile tradition and family wich is why i believe texans and danes get along well. Aside from the viewpoint of gunrights we are pretty close culturally.
@benjackson7872 2 года назад
@@littlechicken1196 What about clubs? Heard that helps too.
@winterxx1555 7 лет назад
"I've been watching a lot of Michael Moore.." Jesus Christ. I'm not even going to touch that one.
@andrewsanford2020 7 лет назад
Winter xx I know, I started laughing when that woman said that.
@LittleLulubee 7 лет назад
I used to live in France and they were obsessed with Michael Moore films. They would pack the theaters to watch them, and then on the way out I would eavesdrop on their convos about Americans. They sounded SOOOO ignorant!! Ironic, considering how many Parisians love to call Americans stupid.
@winterxx1555 7 лет назад
@Little: My grandfather used to travel to France for business, and my cousin was there visiting when he was stationed in Europe. I've been told in Paris they are not fond of Americans, but if you go farther our near Normandy they actually like us, so I try not to associate Paris with France, the same way Washington shouldn't be associated with all of the US. To be honest, I'm not surprised though. Moore is super liberal, even for liberal standards here in the US. I will be living in Europe soon enough. And I certainly have no intention of going to Paris. A lot (though not all) city dwellers tend to be pompous stuck up assholes, and that's unfortunately not just Paris. Hopefully they don't feel the same way in Luxembourg city, since that's my first place i'll be visiting.
@dner75-xh9le 6 лет назад
Winter xx: Paris is a shithole, and it's only getting worse. They have no business throwing shade at us. They have a lot of homeless "refugess" (read: economic migrant men) camping out in the streets. Any time a Frenchman talks shit about the US (like that sissy Macron did in front our Congress), just remind him of that.
@ericsierra-franco7802 6 лет назад
Michael Moore is a douchebag!
@2mac11 8 лет назад
When they say Americans are friendly and open when you first meet them and they act different later on. They are basically saying Americans are fake.
@All3me1 8 лет назад
butthurt American...
@2mac11 8 лет назад
All3me1 No I am just explaining what they are saying by simplifying it. I actually agree with what the Danes are saying about American when it comes to this.
@All3me1 8 лет назад
2mac11 than I´m sorry :)
+2mac11 I wouldnt say fake as much as i would say quick to judge. If we dont like someone we will make it known
@agness-p4699 8 лет назад
being quick to open up and hard to get in to isn't the same as being fake..
@benjaminschmidt3612 8 лет назад
Nooo Copenhagen is not the home og LEGO. Billund is.
@Tommysimonsen 6 лет назад
England it`s a stolen toy.
@bookmilla8616 5 лет назад
Tommy simonsen denmark made lego..
@Tommysimonsen 5 лет назад
Kiddicraft was a toy company founded in 1932 by Hilary 'Harry' Fisher Page (1904-1957) at Purley in southern England. The company is notable for being the predecessor of Lego bricks.
@Maximus100 5 лет назад
@@Tommysimonsen omg, just see this video, and you can reply. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-qr_dTySMl7s.html
@jeppe921 4 года назад
@@Maximus100 Tommy is actually right, in the video you postet Ole gets a plastic brick that inspires the logo brick. the idea of plastic building bricks is mush older then lego. however I would also say Billund is the home of lego but it is not the home of the building brick also it is not a stolen toy lego and kiddicraft is not similar enough so invoke copy right and the inventor of kiddicraft also said that
@BlueisNotaWarmColour 7 лет назад
America is a big place. Some regions are almost like their own countries. So the stereotypes (like all) are usually rooted in some truth but are almost always limited by geography and cultural diffusion.
@brendanmorin9935 3 года назад
So true
@Mexicobeanpole 2 года назад
Absolutely. As an American, you can go to a different state, or even a region of your own state, and feel like you’re on another planet.
@AlxzAlec 2 года назад
i am danish and i agree, it's very different around america just like it is in denmark but people seem to never really know that so they judge a whole country by what happens in their capital lol
@rogermetzger7335 Год назад
The size of the United States may be impressive but the diversity within the country is even more impressive.
@joshua_wherley Год назад
It's like how many Americans perceive all of Germany to be like Bavaria. Of course, that's because the States occupied Bavaria post-WWII. But still, you are correct. People from outside the States latch on to a particular region and base their perception of Americans off of that.
@emiliolopez1747 8 лет назад
Every person interviewed here shows so much respect! The Danes are beautiful, well spoken and intelligent people. This was a nice video to watch. :)
@harshitmalhotra8285 5 лет назад
These "beautiful and intelligent" people, use to make child porn with kid as young as 7 year. Which is legal in that "forward minded" country from 1969 to 1980. Don't trust me ,check yourself out
@hjemsted4879 5 лет назад
@@harshitmalhotra8285 First to legalize porn, gay marriage, and many more things.
@dream-67 5 лет назад
@@hjemsted4879 the Netherlands was the first country to legalise gay marriage get your facts right
@hjemsted4879 5 лет назад
@@dream-67 The Netherlands: 2002. Denmark: 1969
@dream-67 5 лет назад
@@hjemsted4879 Denmark legalised same sex marriage in 2012, the Netherlands in 2001 .....as I said before, get your facts right
@kindune2112 3 года назад
If they think Americans were stupid for electing Trump, they must really think we're crazy for electing Biden.
@erickdominguez116 6 лет назад
Gonna buy another weapon and cheeseburger after this.
@tippullthemnow9839 5 лет назад
Erick Dominguez Because you’re uneducated and stupid , like the folks say
@commonsense31 4 года назад
Lmao 😂 as a Dane I found your comment hilarious😂
@KikiLivesInMe 4 года назад
The Nikgata - Maybe, just maybe you should start making decisions based in the present day era instead of based upon the second amendment. A lot of school children would be alive today if the American people didn’t hold it so dear.
@nobodyspecial6513 4 года назад
@@tippullthemnow9839 not sure if you're Danish or not, but it was Americans with guns that saved Denmark from the nazis. Those who didn't side with Germany I should say
@goldengreen7763 4 года назад
@@nobodyspecial6513 Ummm actually you did not! It was Canada that liberated Denmark. Learn world history before you open your mouth.
@jacobaallingcallesen551 7 лет назад
As a dane i can coclude, that the biggest difference between america and Denmark, is our will and abillity to take care of everybody in society, and sees it as a gift that the people are more than willing to pay for, for the greater good of everybody !
@cautious1343 5 лет назад
Hello Jacob. In the U.S. we have so many people who are worse than worthless. We don't like to provide for people who just refuse to work.
@quixoticsonnet 4 года назад
As an American, I wish we had that ability as well. Things actually used to be a little better before the current political climate.
@TomWatsonB1 4 года назад
There are many lazy Americans that wouldn't have the Scandinavian work ethic if they were allowed to not work and still be provided for. I find it scandalous that a single person with no children who makes 8,000 Euros a month (high salary) in many European countries will pay 4,000 Euros (or more) in taxes/ social security/ insurance. You are punishing that person for (likely) getting an education and working hard. What is the incentive for working hard in Scandinavia? Paying taxes to help other people? It surely can't be to get more money, because you are going to lose half of the extra money you make to taxes! In the US, we keep most of what we make. It is not good to be upper middle class in Europe. It is very good in the US. Of course, the company owners, royalty, and sports stars in Europe can overcome this high tax, but it is nearly impossible to break into the upper echelon in Europe. If you are uneducated, don't like to work hard or many hours, or if you are not healthy, then I would rather be in Europe. My brother-in-law works as a consultant in Berlin (he's German) and I keep telling him he'd be better off in the US. He can't really argue with me.
@stevengayler8447 Год назад
Freedom means being responsible for yourself and accepting the consequences of your actions. We could probably afford to have awesome social programs if we weren't spending so much money to defend the seas and allow for free trade. Maybe if Europe paid their fair share to defend them. Seriously their military is pathetic other than the UK. The national guard of any state could probably subjugate all of Europe.
@veronicajensen7690 4 месяца назад
although we pay way to much tax in Denmark , we actually pay more than any other country now (for a while the no 1 was France)nobody actually pay 50% of their wage , the average payed income tax is around 34% , people who earn a lot pay a little more, that said with 25% vat, and tax on everything it can end up being around 50% , one thing that you have to include when comparing wage or living standard is how many hours a year does an American work compare to a Dane or German ? , Danes have 5-6 weeks of vacation plus a lot of religious holidays and work 37 hours a week on full time , how much they earn compare to the US depends on the job, a doctor in the US earns more, but a blue color worker in Denmark earn way more than in the US, same with people in the service sector they earn a better living than in the US , and you can't compare one European country to another , things in Germany is very different than Denmark there are way more "working poor" in Germany @@TomWatsonB1
@silencein.theevenblack6769 7 лет назад
I don't even own a gun, but I'll be damned if we let anyone take that right away from us.
@andrewsanford2020 7 лет назад
silence in. the even black good. Europeans have government at every corner of there lives. they don't know what freedom is.
@villumsonne1107 7 лет назад
Andrew Sanford We don't know what freedom is? Why so?
@andrewsanford2020 7 лет назад
Villum Sonne If you too blind and uncultured to know the lack of freedom you have from government in your life in Europe then I don't even wanna talk about it with you.
@villumsonne1107 7 лет назад
Uhm. I'm asking why we don't know what it is. Facts. Why do I not know what freedom is? Because I pay more taxes for free education and healthcare? You can't just say I don't know what freedom is, and then when I ask why, you say that I'm too 'uncultured to know'. And what do you even mean by that? I'm very cultured. I got confirmated in the Lutheran Church (because ut's in Danish culture, not because of religion), I celebrate Christmas every year on the 24th, as is custom in Denmark, I celebrate St. Hans Day to every year and I speak - somewhat - 4 different languages.
@andrewsanford2020 7 лет назад
Villum Sonne lol you don't have "free" education or healthcare, you pay for your socialism. good job you speak multiple languages and celebrate Christmas. most of what I'm referring too in your lack of freedom is government regulations of your life. The lone fact your socialist is a huge blow to your freedom, you run on populist politics. your rights to self defense and self preservation are destroyed. Guns I'm not going to touch because you probably with start trembling if you saw one. I hear of people being fined for "hate speech" I'm your great lands. A free man defends the speech of those that hate him. aside from larger issues like that, you guys have fucking laws about how much alcohol can be in a drink. I mean come on are you adults or no?
@0bsidianO 8 лет назад
The guy with the glasses was spot on!
@1TopGunPaintballer 8 лет назад
A pattern I have seen with a few of these is that they are calling Americans different stereotypes like ignorant, yet all they get this from is television. hmmm.
@elchucofried5683 8 лет назад
+Joe Mentrup in America like 6 people own all the media
@BillColeExperience 7 лет назад
The one even said she was watching a lot of Michael Moore documentaries. Apparently conflating the film style with facts. They also fail to realize that if they see media from US, it is more likely than not under the control of the government is not independent.
@TheCardsfan24 7 лет назад
no shit, we also have stereotypes about people from other countries based on media as well.
@gabriellanielsen2193 7 лет назад
Thats what a stereotype is.
@bangbangs808 6 лет назад
They say we are not educated?! Where did the internet come from?! Or half the technology in the world?! Who was responsible for the majority of our modern existence? I’m sensing some jealousy maybe? Also they think we are fake? Wow...ok. I’m open minded, wish the stereotypes would be a bit more transparent, it’s difficult to understand if you’re not an American.
@Falconlibrary 7 лет назад
God, Copenhagen is a beautiful city.
@christianmendoza8107 4 года назад
which is good
@user-qk1oj3kz5h 3 года назад
@palerider957 lmao
@BigSirZebras 8 лет назад
Fat Danes to skinny American: They're fat.
@queenofstamford3141 8 лет назад
Haha, was thinking the same :D But nonetheless, that's how we think of US citiznes, either they are fat and lazy or fitness freaks - nothing in between ;) No wonder, since every movie and tv series shows Americans portrayed exactly like that..
@norakaaring1541 8 лет назад
Thank you
@the1youlovetohate633 8 лет назад
@carolinekristiansen5181 7 лет назад
BigSirZebras She wasn't fat tho!
@sorrystilltrying5062 7 лет назад
Caroline Kristiansen Great, now you come with facts and nuance. You are writing to americans.
@vaskylark 8 лет назад
I think the woman who said that Americans use the phrase, "How are you doing?" just as a greeting phrase is correct. I say it to strangers all the time, almost each time I go out and in turn they say it to me. The part that gets lost in translation though is the fact that I do really mean it. It's more of a Southern American thing though than it is an overall American thing. I've been to Chicago and NY and nobody asks you how you are doing but where I live it's not uncommon to have a ten-minute conversation on the street or at the grocery store or anywhere with a perfect stranger.
@Hans293 8 лет назад
Lots of people in the Chicago area say "how are you doing?" or "how's it going?", but as you say, it is just a greeting phrase around here. A normal reply would be done within about five seconds.
@happyzombiikitti Год назад
Southern American/Latino here. Yeah I also noticed that about parts of America that are honestly not diversified enough. Like why ask me how I’m doing but be FAKE in response just to appease me? I’ll rather someone tell me how they feel directly and this is something I share with her opinion. Then again, I’m a first generation American.
@shelseajim.2476 8 лет назад
Many of them were very honest and educated while answering the question instead of just saying "ignorant, fat, dumb" they said our gun laws are really bad, our government is really corrupt and that two types of Americans (which I think is all true, as an American)
@candicehoneycutt4318 8 лет назад
Their honesty is kind of enlightening tbh
@jamesread7797 6 лет назад
It’s because they’re schooling is so good they’re all really intelligent 😂
@dner75-xh9le 6 лет назад
There are more than "two types of Americans". You are as ignorant as they are.
@Emma-lz1tb 6 лет назад
Personality and political opinions are complex and I doubt it can be summed up as "two types of americans". Personally, I think the two party system in America (I know there is more but only two major) is rather hurtful as I feel like it take away the careful logical considerations behind choosing the politics you stand behind and instead narrow it down to what opportunist preachers from both sides manage to take the most advantage of vulnerable people. Democratic politics isn't one right and one wrong side, it is about representing and listening to the entire population's wishes and then making a compromise benefitting as many people as possible. Something many americans has forgotten with their "choose which side is our saviour and who is the evil spawn from hell"-politics.
@SusieDK 5 лет назад
dner75 Nobody claims there are only two ‘types’ of Americans. They all talk about ‘stereotypes’ which is not by far the same, and which was btw also what they were asked to do. Just that you know 🙂
@allsmilez13 7 лет назад
I love this series so much!
@roesmith98 7 лет назад
I'm nor American nor European,but from my experience when I had been working as a turistic guide I find Europeans more educated and know much more about the world than Americans,while Americans are funnier and cooler,If I wanted to party I would invite Americans but If I wanted to talk about my problems I would choose Europeans cause they are more serious and they listen to you very well.And I love them both btw !
@Serenoj69 5 лет назад
Because there is an European culture....Right. Best humour is from England.
@mfrosty198 5 лет назад
Good stereotype bitch🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰
@johnmcdonald9304 5 лет назад
Saad Benmansour.That is a very ignorant thing you posted.
@GranolaBars11 5 лет назад
Being more knowledgeable on issues of other countries doesn't automatically make you overall more educated. One can be extremely educated on everything but politics--that wouldn't make them less educated in general
@tetea7257 4 года назад
Danish people are very closed of from strangers. We to not talk to or look at strangers on the street. But when we are drunk we are best friends with everybody! And then the next day we will pretend we have never met, even though we were best friends yesterday. So to really know danish people you have to know them for years, but then they will literally do anything for you and talk all of the time.
@paxwallacejazz 5 лет назад
I am an American expat Jazz pianist living in Copenhagen Denmark for three years now and have been welcomed here more than anywhere else I've been. That includes a lot of places. Boy that middle-aged woman hit it on the head huh? You know cultural stereotypes don't apply much to the people that interest me regardless of what culture we are looking at. Now having said that; except for a few small things, I find Danish/Scandinavia to be very civilized.
@wholeNwon 5 лет назад
Of course.
@alexandriat5929 Год назад
That is such good news. I am a middle aged American also lol, may finally be able to take a vacation. Congratulations on your new home.
@rtelles1127 3 года назад
As an American I like hearing how other people are doing !! One time I was working witha Chinese national .we did not speak A common language. But through pantomime and much patience we got to know each other.
@martthesling 2 года назад
Did he give you a hug and cough?
@rtelles1127 2 года назад
@@martthesling no he traded me some flower flavored gum for some 8 penny nails .
@andyng1209 Год назад
@@martthesling he gave that to ur mom
@martthesling Год назад
@@andyng1209 lol 😆
@meintingles4396 Год назад
@@martthesling They were giving each other hand jobs....
@Mykelfromtexas 7 лет назад
love your videos! I would like to make a video answering many of those stereotypes at least from my side.
@ashleys4263 3 года назад
The guy and his daughter nailed it.
@fraustpunk 5 лет назад
I've watched a few of these. I will concede that our education system is terrible. We are brought up in a system solely rewards competitive capitalism and places no value on life, living or curiosity of the rest of the world. It is sad.
@benjackson7872 2 года назад
It seems recently, that’s been changing a little. More and more Americans are curious about the world outside and are starting to learn about other countries, which is good. But yeah, our education system is shit. Really should teach better life skills, math, geography, and improve the language education. Let’s also do away with hw.
@fraustpunk 2 года назад
@@benjackson7872 homework used too solely be a punishment.
@Fountii 8 лет назад
that tv-ish intro was so cool
@surfpsych 4 года назад
I'm American. There are very good reasons and realities behind these stereotypes. I've always thought of the Danes (when I've thought of the Danes at all) as enlightened and rational. This video has not changed this view.
@kidano5317 3 года назад
Exactly! Not a lie was told in this video. All of the stereotypes mentioned are factual. I was nodding my head the entire time.
@traciannveno 3 года назад
It is interesting how vastly different the opinions coming from mass media are compared to the opinions coming from personal experience.
@JoeBidenSucks42069 2 года назад
1 thing i absolutely hate is when foreigners try to tell us how to run our country.
@Mike-zx1kx Год назад
Denmark are, you probably do not know this, the country USA have the longest unbroken diplomatic relationship with. You know what I hate? I hate when a POOtin puppet of an American president gives my nation a colonial offer to sell some of my countrymen and on top are insulting to the extreme and calls it: "a real estate deal really"! The kingdom of Denmark have given USA a rent free spot on Greenland since USSR began to come close to have capability to send ICBM´s towards US via Greenlandic airspace. SO we have been instrumental in ensuring your ability to defend yourself. And this are the kind of "Thank you" we get? Danes are STILL waiting for an official apology for that AND for Trump afterwards cancelling the official state visit he invited himself to. An official state visit are the highest diplomatic visit in the diplomatic book and when it comes to the Kingdom of Denmark the official host are our Queen. SHE are the official host. The last person that cancelled such a visit in an insulting way we went to war with for it. POOtin are laughing at you and how he polarised your nation even more to the extreme. Now he managed to get you to kill each other and attack your own parliament. We are waiting for an apology and ANY serious ALLY would realise they should give one.
@eloymorales1231 7 лет назад
I didn't know Copenhagen was a place, my whole class thought it was just a brand of dipping tobacco, we love that stuff.
@OikawasDisciple 3 года назад
Yeah we have kind of accepted the fact that most americans have no idea what Denmark is, since you didn't even corporate us in your maps... But its fine we get we are a small country
@snootybaronet 2 года назад
From this group of Danes, I have concluded that Danes hold very uniform and consensus views and believe what is spoon fed to them by corporate and government run mass media.
@7saany 5 лет назад
Hey at least they all think we are welcoming lol.
@elbadil_7553 4 года назад
7saany welcoming but alot of haters 🙃
@TheYafaShow 8 лет назад
People from around the world understand America doesn't need Donald Trump to be great.
@MrMusiclover41 8 лет назад
+TheYafaShow Nice video, Yafa! But I am even more afraid of Ted Cruz than Donald Trump! I can't stand either, though. Most Danes share the same opinions I have about America! We have a lot to answer for!
@shipwreck9146 8 лет назад
+TheYafaShow #FeelTheBern
@shipwreck9146 8 лет назад
Oh yes, that would be fantastic
@yes-par2983 8 лет назад
+TheYafaShow 1 one fact we Danes stereotype each other from wich island we are born in and grow up in
@shipwreck9146 8 лет назад
Jesper Jesnsen We Americans do the same thing, only it's more local, like if two counties are next to each other, then they will probably think things like, "Oh, you're from that county, well that changes thing." We have local stereotypes about each other.
@moorek1967 7 лет назад
Well, how DO you do? Our friendliness in greetings is genuine because it is polite. It is considered rude to not smile during a greeting.
@sophiejonatan2111 4 года назад
moorek1967 It doesn’t seem genuine, when you ask a question and then the person actually replies, maybe in detail, then you seemed confused and bored. If you don’t actually care “how I’m doing” then don’t ask. Danish people (or European people) don’t ask questions that we don’t want honest answers too. Americans are always like “hiiii, how are you todayyy? :-D :-D” and when you answer they’re like: ?????? 😐😳🤨🙄😴 ... Anyway, it’s not polite if it’s not sincere
@kryshnamiller3767 4 года назад
@@sophiejonatan2111 I see where you are coming from, but "How are you" is a very common greeting in America and the most common response is "Im good, you?". Its literally a conversation starter and a good way to catch up with old friends. Personally, "How are you?" is like an instinct when seeing someone I haven't seen in a while, and although it may not seem polite to you, it is very polite here in America.
@emilrogengellschwaner3555 4 года назад
It's all fake though. You don't actually care how the other person is doing
@king_n6991 3 года назад
Emil Rogengell Schwaner Well, like they said. It’s more of a greeting.
@alexandriat5929 Год назад
@@sophiejonatan2111 unfortunately that's true in many places in the USA. I personally get annoyed by fake people, it seems to be big city rat race type people. There are a lot of genuine people who do say what they mean. Our schools forced us to behave that way, shameful imo, even honest people who care are conditioned to be " polite ", so people are not used to bluntness.
@peterrodriguez6029 3 года назад
I'm from California and I have been all over Europe including Copenhagen. As a matter of fact I have been to Copenhagen several times. The main reason I always love to stop by Copenhagen is because of their people, so friendly, polite and kindhearted. When I'm there, its people make me feel welcome and special. I guess it has worked to keep a low profile and not mention America and Americans at all.
@peterrodriguez6029 2 года назад
@@somewherestuckinl.a.3239 But very true!!! hahaha
@savagelychill2858 8 лет назад
Very accurate stereotypes. As an American i actually agree. Sad but true. We are actually very split and polorized.
@anouk1147 8 лет назад
This is where I plan to move when I grow up.
@WistiPurpleday 8 лет назад
see you
@anouk1147 8 лет назад
+Wisti Johnston xD
@user-qk1oj3kz5h 3 года назад
Yo did u grow up?
@CoJampee 4 года назад
"Look at your people..." Wow ok, Karen.
@intriga.realmedia 5 лет назад
Amazing video! Greetings from Uruguay.
@erikg.4217 2 года назад
These people are as misinformed as we are. The whole bloody world has gone off the deep-end of stupidity. "Where did you get your information about Americans?"...."TV and Movies?"....Wow...
@LCPL1322 7 лет назад
i am from Amarillo, TX. i eat burgers but not alot. i ain't fat but i love my guns :)
@Tommysimonsen 6 лет назад
Sounds like most Danse not living in lefty land Copenhagen.
@tippullthemnow9839 5 лет назад
Grim Reaper Your stereo type is being stupid and uneducated asshole
@9y2bgy 5 лет назад
tommy, you seem obsessed with the left.
@ronniebaker4549 4 года назад
I worked a hail storm in Amerillo a few years ago. The wind blows a minimum of 20 mph constantly and they have 1 wind mill and 0 wind turbines. Drive across the line into Oklahoma and you see wind turbines everywhere. I didn't see much thinking going on in Amerillo.
@ronniebaker4549 4 года назад
@@aliceshaw8265 you don't know the definition of socialism do you?
@neymarjr9176 7 лет назад
Right to bare arms is my favorite! thank god
@andrewsanford2020 7 лет назад
Neymar Jr the surfs of Europe haven't been told by the government to comprehend why anybody would want that right.
@helloandgoodmorning3596 5 лет назад
Love this
@krusegunna5791 Год назад
They tend to snap when he asks them where they got the information from 😅😂😂
@gainal9080 6 лет назад
It's like these people have had their speeches prepared since forever ago and have been waiting for this day to come. It's quite hilarious.
@exeuroweenie 5 лет назад
2:48 As a Danish born American,she's spot on.
@chrisholland7367 4 года назад
You're spot on.The United states has a huge melting pot of different cultures. The United kingdom can boast in its ancient history a mixture of viking, Roman, Saxon, Angles,and finally the Normans. In recent times Britain has accepted people from India, Pakistan,and Bangladesh not to mention the west indies Britain is also as diverse as the United states.
@bradley8575 3 года назад
The Education is horrible wrong we have one of the best countries for Education.
@maurelp 8 лет назад
Seeing the question header "How The Danes View Americans" I was about to write that Americans don't know much about Denmark, but having listened to answers in the video I need to add that Danes could learn more about Americans. Americans are very diverse: palefaces, redskins, blacks, hispanics, buddhists, rich, poor, they eat less now ... oh, and they have the greatest women's soccer team in the world, yay!
@TheAirlock 6 лет назад
This channel is very well produced.
@dreads_dead3435 7 лет назад
love the content, but you dont need that,many jumpcuts when editing, It doesnt seem as smooth and it loses a little bit of the natural feeling. This is just my slight criticism for feedback. But keep it up Yafa, must be incredible to travel as much as you do and be able to meet and interact with people and see how diverse we all actually are. I subbed :-)
@winifredsanderson4532 6 лет назад
One thing I love about America: no matter how divided we are; no matter the severity of our low morale and civil unrest; no matter how long-standing our blood feuds and infighting: Americans will *always* instantaneously reorganize from our chaotic nature into a single cohesive swarming hive-mind to fight against whatever enemy may come for us or our allies. 🇺🇸❤🇺🇸
@graciedaniels4833 5 лет назад
Winifred Sanderson you sure????
@Bobby.2k1 5 лет назад
Yeah I think not.
@dillonmichaels6037 5 лет назад
Winifred Sanderson 😬😬😬
@itzelmayoral729 5 лет назад
you mean the enemies you create?
@ashlieneevel9671 4 года назад
You damn right. When it comes down to it we'll take care of our own
@pacerdave7838 5 лет назад
I not sure very many Americans really care what Danish people think of Americans. This is not an attack in any way but just I believe a fact. We are on their radar because of our economic and military position in the world. We are generally not exposed in our educational system to countries like Denmark.
@kevinwoods4724 3 года назад
😂😂😂 Yeah keep telling yourself that.If it makes you feel better
@pacerdave7838 3 года назад
@@kevinwoods4724 Not sure how you found my remarks offensive as it is simply the truth.
@augustjalbertsen3163 2 года назад
@@pacerdave7838 So you basically saying that economic and military power legitimizes ignorance towards foreign cultures?
@pacerdave7838 2 года назад
@@augustjalbertsen3163 No I’m not saying that. I’m explaining it is commonplace to be aware of a country that is a big player economically and militarily on the world stage than a small nation. The Danish probably know more about the United States, China and Russia than they do about St. Kits and Nevis. Personally I think it would be great if every major news service had weekly educational segments on all the world countries.
@augustjalbertsen3163 2 года назад
@@pacerdave7838 Okay, I can follow that :) I hope you can develop an educational system that has a greater outlook on more cultures than only the biggest in the world. As Europe consists of a lot of small and medium nation-states (seen on a global scale) it is a big part of our educations to understand our neighbour's cultures, even the small ones. Maybe you teach the same just centred in the different states inside the US, I don't know.
@supaspydamn 5 лет назад
Danes: I don't think I'd like to go to the United States because they're too friendly🤦🏽‍♂️
@Defferleffer 4 года назад
Keep in mind, personal space is a huge thing in Scandinavia. People mind their own business.
@ralphlogan8661 4 года назад
@Mr._X84 4 года назад
Kong Deffer What’s the correlation between friendliness and personal? Personal space is a big thing here too.
@migmigmig10 3 года назад
I believe your confusion stems from the fact that you hear "too friendly" and think "that's nice" while most danes would consider people being right up in your face as an annoyance. In general terms Danes appreciate long lasting close relationship but detest superficial interaction. A good example is: If a person asks you how you are, a Dane would assume you want to hear how the person actually is, down to the detail. Americans, in general terms, view this form of interaction more as a greeting which clashes greatly with the danish culture. The result is often that Danes view Americans as superficial and overly friendly.
@7919AEM 7 лет назад
Did you do a video in Spain, Portugal, Italy or Greece?
@baconluver3287 7 лет назад
"Who can vote for Donald Trump?" Umm... Enough to get him elected apparently
@robertplant2059 5 лет назад
France was hit how many times a few years back, they are liberal pussies, what is your point?
@f3aok 5 лет назад
Considering the totally biased anti Trump narrative that you get from much of European msm it's no real surprise that some people believe the bullshit.😱
@f3aok 5 лет назад
@@jonlenin9982 What's that got to do with Trump?
@jonlenin9982 5 лет назад
mmm lets see, isnt him that fuel hate towards mexicans? same fat pig how's supported by Nra?
@nopeakingyoungblood4696 4 года назад
the problem is the mass population didnt actually want trump, its just not everyone votes thats the problem
@sunrise2day462 6 лет назад
Again, very interesting!
@MikeBronson515 3 года назад
This comment successfully pissed everyone off. Well done sir!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
@davidh.307 8 лет назад
Based on your interviews, people from all around the world don't seem to know America is a melting pot of many different cultures. I have watched several of these videos & not one mention of America's cultural diversity. I find that strange because the vast majority of people you interviewed were white. Did have you have a problem finding more people of other races or are these other countries just not as culturally diverse as the US?
@davidh.307 8 лет назад
+Stuffedbird That's an interesting point you make. I get the impression watching these videos that Europeans are spoon fed lies upon lies by their media just as in the US. It must be because Americans have more instinctual independent thought, that many are able to see through the lies. People I know are embarrassed by the behavior of groups like Black Lives Matter just as people are embarrassed by the behavior of the KKK. The media would have you believe that those groups represent the majority of Americans views or at least that those views are very prevelent when in fact, those are what's called the vocal minority, a very small minority at that. The media heavily exaggerates the sphere of influence these racist groups have, because the media feeds on ratings for advertising dollars. There's simply not as much money in telling the truth. Also, there's more Black people on American tv than is proportional to they're actual percentage of the population.
@davidh.307 8 лет назад
+Stuffedbird That's true. Just because it's a stereotype certainly doesn't make it accurate. I'm concerned however, that inaccurate stereotypes can lead people to believe that there is truth in them, especially when there's a serious lack of understanding of what the truth really is.
@davidh.307 7 лет назад
Jason Hock Right. America has been a diverse country for a very long time. America has been dealing with the complexities of that diversity, the good, the bad, & the ugly for a very long time. These European countries let in a bunch of Muslims because they want to prove to the world they can be as diverse as America, now the realities of diversity are slapping them in their naive faces.
@militarian9759 7 лет назад
David H. Yes there pretty much making fun of other countries America is like a club a different people not just whites that are fat and dumb we're not at all we're intelligent we're the founding country of the computer and cars and movies are stupid don't listen one 2 out of 6 Americans are fat and dumb
@gjna5143 7 лет назад
David H. We took in Muslims because we want to be like America?? You unbelievable ignorant fucktard.
@JCs-Music 8 лет назад
Love the Danes :-)
@tob.meister 8 лет назад
And we love you :-)
@ChoneyPony 4 года назад
The last guy with the green scarf gets it. A small country with mostly one race of people might view something they get from the media and form one stereotype but the truth is that the US is so complex that the answer to every question you can ask of it is yes and no.
@houstonsrb 5 лет назад
I'm American and I say there's truth in these people's perceptions, but the problem with stereotypes of America is, it's a huge diverse country. America can be whatever you want it to be depending on where you are, who you associate with and what you want out of life, and what you put into life. I live in Texas and other parts of America seem foreign and strange to me. Even other parts of my city seem very different than my local community.
@212025510 8 лет назад
the point was there: no trump, stop violent foreign policy, educate yourself and stop pretending that you have democracy in USA
@matthewbaldwin964 7 лет назад
@mrtron1850 7 лет назад
Last time I checked, the American people decide how to run our own country, not Europeans, fortunately.
@212025510 7 лет назад
yeah. thats what you Americans believe, that you run your country. never mind we dont either
@ezPChelp 7 лет назад
another point, have a culture that has value
@ezPChelp 7 лет назад
Šimon M so America is like rip Van Winkle
@ayishastewart8735 5 лет назад
She right about “Americans being too nice but not always genuine “👏🏾👏🏾
@vellabella1 5 лет назад
I am American and traveled to Copenhagen. They are harder to get to know but they are genuine. Because they are far north, I remember the sun finally set at 10p and rised again at 4am. This was in May
@vellabella1 5 лет назад
This was in May
@thephilosopherofculture4559 5 лет назад
Americans are indoctrinated from kindergarten onwards that America is the greatest nation of the world, the best of the best. So why would they bother knowing about any other country? They are kept unaware that America is LOW on the list of happy countries. Within the USA, there are continuous and massive misinformation campaigns to make sure that what makes the top five happiest countries in the world the happiest, is considered a no-no, like general healthcare. It would be interesting to find who is behind that and why those misinformation campaigns are conducted. It seems especially the Republican Party is participating in that fake idea that America is great and everything else is deplorable. Unfortunately, Hillary was a bad choice to oppose Trump. She probably was the most hated woman that ever lived in the USA. And I agree that putting the importance of lampshades in the apartment of her daughter over the importance of saving American lives that are attacked in Benghazi by terrorists, while all military rapid deployment forces were ready and waiting for her OK, is indeed enough reason to discard her as a good person. So now we have a narcissist in pwer. For the first time in history, a person who belongs in an asylum or on the psych couch, displays his case on a 24/7 basis on all media. Wow! We learned a lot.
@michaelwhite2823 3 года назад
What is missing is the fact that America is so diverse. The same, intelligent and decent Americans appreciate this and know more than anyone not to judge others by race or nationality.
@virtual_edition 7 лет назад
Asking someone how they view the people of another country is not at all the same as asking them what is their stereotypical view of that country's people. It's not surprising you get a caricature like response. If you ask anyone what are their stereotypes of another group you are always going to get this homogeneous response. On top of that, to present this as how Danes view Americans really does serve to drive home the stereotype of American's putting on a facade and not being forthright. You didn't actually ask them how they viewed Americans, you asked them what is the stereotypical view of an American and you made a huge effort to drive home you were asking for the stereotype, not their actually opinion.
@TheTaxburden 7 лет назад
Michael Moore documentaries lol. I died.
@jonlenin9982 5 лет назад
Michael Moore? The one who did the movie about guns? 20 DEAD IN EL PASO LALALALA
@ralphlogan8661 4 года назад
ha ha ha...... fat bastard, lying pos michael moore...... Hey moore, have another doughnut, you fat, stupid ........ they get their views of Americans from movies?..... well, what do you expect? guns, guns, guns..... the left makes movies with plenty of guns and shoot 'em ups.
@charliefoxtrotsky4104 4 года назад
@@ralphlogan8661 lol, nobody gave the Danes the memo that you can't watch a Michael Moore documentary and expect to hear anything close to what people normally call "facts"
@swisscheeseplease97 3 года назад
Bowling for Columbine came to mind lol
@todoldtrafford 3 года назад
Michael Moore is a walking contradiction
@17valley 6 лет назад
“Big salad” did she just reference Seinfeld? Haha there’s always a Seinfeld reference
@eugene6959 8 лет назад
@andrewwilks2147 4 года назад
Many of these stereotypes hold true indeed as I know being born and raised a US citizen. The more I know about other developed countries compared to USA, the more I loathe living in USA.
@ireneg9742 2 года назад
You’re free to leave.
@RyanAustinDean 5 лет назад
Danes: “Americans are greedy.” Also Danes: “These 30 plastic toy pieces? Yes, that will be $130.”
@Barakonyi 4 года назад
Ryan Austin Dean yeah, because Danes in general decide how much Lego should cost ;)
@Cal_Night 4 года назад
5:00 english with a danish accent is so pretty I think, and this man really had that strong danish accent
@user-qk1oj3kz5h 3 года назад
It’s so fucking cringe, the accent is ew
@coolstay85 7 лет назад
I have been living in the US for 8 years and I still hate when people ask "how is your life?".
@johnotto6068 8 лет назад
Did you ever notice that no matter which country he is in the stereotypes are those of American conservatives.
@JS4ever13 8 лет назад
+John Otto cause thats all we see in the news... police brutality, Donald trump, Terrible foreign policy etc. obvs, the average american is not this way but from news and mass media, thats the perception we get
@future4you 8 лет назад
Do you think that maybe he edits his program to be that way? I do believe he is attempting to create a riff between the Danes and America. We need zero antagonism between us. We need each other more then ever.
@IcarusReborn 8 лет назад
Europeans tend to be more liberal than Americans. They really don't tend to understand or like conservatives.
@future4you 8 лет назад
Timothy Bradford Europeans deep down envy America is they understand or not.
@future4you 8 лет назад
In reference to you last statement many Americans who are law abiding people and not necessarily religious find Republicans to be reasonable and Democrats to be "batshit crazy!" To know a place, I believe you must live there. Just my opinion.
@stefano3825 7 лет назад
That opens is an anglican thing. It's not just American. I live in Scotland and I know plenty of people at coffeeshops or bars that are open like that.
@levifowler7933 8 лет назад
I found the fellow at the end to be very intelligent in that he sees the lack of cultural context that they have. You have things that change our politics and may look crazy, while it really is a lack of cultural understanding.
@captainamerica5826 2 года назад
Do they know how diverse and big the USA is there's 330million people from every race on earth we could spend years traveling inside our country and not visit the same place twice Dane's believe America is like the movie's to me that's very narrow minded
@prince2thethrone 6 лет назад
they are spot on about americans
@natashaida11 8 лет назад
just read all the comments and it scares me how generalising everyone is. I'm a dane myself, and we're all different! I don't at all agree with those people in the video. And it really hurts me to read all of your bad comments about Denmark and Danish people, how we don't like black people and stuff... I dont think that Denmark or Danish people is the greatest thing ever, cause no one is perfect. okay i don't even know where i'm going with this, but i hope it got people thinking somehow...
@XYumekoX 8 лет назад
+Natasha Schrøder I've been feeling the same way watching some of these videos talking about these American stereotypes. I love to travel and I've been to 26 different countries throughout my life and have had wonderful experiences with different people of different cultures and it's really shaped me into a, I'd like to think, very open minded and culturally aware person. But watching these videos had me thinking that maybe all the nice experiences I had weren't genuine because maybe those people I met believed these stereotypes. These videos make me sad. I appreciate your comment and you are completely right. I'm going to trust my gut and trust that my nice experiences truly were as nice as I remember and I just want to say to you that you shouldn't listen to the negative comments on these videos. These are comments by negative people who just like to share their negativity online because it's easy to do and probably because they have nothing better to do with themselves. I would love to go to Denmark someday :)
@natashaida11 8 лет назад
+XYumekoX you're an amazing person! i just wanna say thanks for your comment and i totally agree!!😌
@appleo7168 8 лет назад
+Natasha Schrøder your country will be muslim and african in a couple of decades how does that not bother you?
@shanerichardson9568 8 лет назад
+Natasha Schrøder Don't be afraid, fear is what makes people frail. We are all different, you are right. Use that good, strong mind and lead people away from destructive generalizations. Keep your thoughts and don't let corporate media influence them. Be exactly who you were meant to be, you!
@oskar1076 6 лет назад
Apple O what do u mean that Denmark will only be muslims and africans?
@philkossoff9870 6 лет назад
lovely channel
@Wrathofreason Год назад
What I hear here is that people consume far more content about America than Americans consume about them.
@callutt 8 лет назад
Summary of comments: 5 % video suggestions 95 % butthurt Americans defending their pride
@anthonymiller9592 7 лет назад
You should stop asking them for Stereotypes and instead ask them what they really think of Americans.
@kevinwoods4724 3 года назад
It would be better because a lot of Americans commenting are really upset.We have stereotypes of Americans over here but we know they are just stereotypes.The majority of Americans are nothing like that
@racerman7303 3 года назад
@@kevinwoods4724 nah man don’t you get it?All of Europe , Russia, and the Middle East all hate us Americans . I mean just look at this video they just shit on southerners , guns, and fat people lol. They know nothing about Trump other than there shitty liberal media . But Europe is a very liberal society so I don’t blame them .
@happyzombiikitti Год назад
I mean. They ain’t lying. 😂 Also America we gots of cultures meshing their foods and inventing new foods all the time, I will give us that. Our foods are reflective of that.
@ceciliejensen7506 8 лет назад
Dane here. I don't know why, but I just feel like Americans think they're the best country for some reason. I feel like they love being the center of attention, and all the time, they try to become bigger and better than anyone else. I also feel like they don't learn much about different countries and their cultures. I've learned a lot of languages during my years in school and heard an awful lot about how other countries are different and alike Denmark. When I read articles from American news pages on the internet, they are usually only about things happening in America, unless something terrible has happened in another country, like terrorist attack. I don't know, I just think that the Americans feel like they're a different and more interesting and better species than everyone else on the planet... So, that's one of the stereotypes I have...
@derriklee287 8 лет назад
American here, and I agree with most of the stereotypes I hear on these videos. Our government brainwashes it people with ridiculous media on things that don't mean anything. They want to keep us all distracted and stupid, so nobody gets educated on the world beyond our shores, sad really. I could go on and on
@pizdanpula223 5 лет назад
East EU here , I agree they think they are the best country but I can't find any reason for why they think this ?!
@slothnroll 6 лет назад
I’m American and what the Europeans think about us is definitely true. 🤣😭 Loud, fat, dumb (especially when it comes to Donald trump), patriotic, guns, the “hi how are you”, not open to other cultures, etc. I know it all too well lol
@sergioavila2720 7 лет назад
that lady at 2:46 nailed it
@NemoYT22 3 года назад
LEGO is from a city called Billund in Denmark, LEGO was not invented in Copenhagen.
@como5555 8 лет назад
great video...
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