
How did a character in your party die unexpectedly?  

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@Drunken_Monke Год назад
The party was fighting a mercenary group sent by the BBEG on the side of the cliff at sunset. One of the mercenaries, a half-orc barbarian, charges the paladin and grapples him with the intent of going over the cliff. The Paladin fails his check with a nat 1 and off the side they go. After the fall damage is rolled, we find out the barbarian didn't make it, but the paladin just barely does. Paladin is badly hurt but pops superior healing potion (8d4+8) and tries to clime back up to the party. DM decided to have him do an athletics check to make the climb, which is another nat 1. So he falls again. Combat is over at this point, so our barbarian decides to throw down a length of chain to the paladin. The Paladin makes his athletics check with advantage and is successful. The barbarian holding the other end of the chain fails his strength check with, you guessed it, a nat 1. The paladin goes splat, and 2 d20 go to dice jail.
@dizzydial8081 Год назад
Players drank mystery potion sitting on a table. Everyone had to roll d100. One player proudly declared "I rolled 101!!" After the DM corrected his reading of the dice, he informs him he rolled a 1 and his character disintegrated into a fine dust.
@NotThatVinny Год назад
3 Player character deaths and the DM gets a free Sundae! The Cleric gets to long rest until Sunday after reviving them.
@darkphoenix539 Год назад
Our DM had extra rules for wishes, basically he rolled D100 and depending on the result you can have either exactly what you wanted or full monkey-paw experience. Our room-temperature barbarian used wish to “Find Love”, after few minutes nothing happened than he repeated his wish. Soon after that adult red dragon descended on him and flow away caring barbarian in his talons for some … private time. Next day we found his corpse. Yes dragon was male.
@kitsunemoon3005 Год назад
Well, that escalated quickly.
@vibechecker3168 Год назад
Cyberpunk style RP our crew of 6 had the unfortunate situation of being in the same bar as another group that stole top secret corporate information, so when their PMC group came through the skylight half of us got shredded immediately. 0-150 realll quick.
@GymbalLock Год назад
In a My LIttle Pony game, my character attacked a flock of sheep. She sheared all of them, then tried to sell wool sweaters back to them. The sheep devoured her alive.
@genericname2747 Год назад
My Little Pony is darker than I remember
@michaeldayman682 Год назад
My little ponies of the apocalypse.
@GymbalLock Год назад
@@michaeldayman682 That would be Twilight Sparkle:2000
@englishtwister 2 дня назад
​@@genericname2747it always has been. Gen 1 first episode, some gets turned into huge black dragons by the BBEG.
@genericname2747 2 дня назад
@@englishtwister I also remember a villain having their literal heart in a bag.
@saychaysarchive7065 Год назад
Our mission was, in theory, simple: 6 magical guinea pigs had escaped the Mages' Guild. If we find them before sundown, we get a large reward of gold. I, the Forest Gnome wild magic sorcerer and fugitive conman Gully Smurphman, our barbarian warforged wildcard RX who was also the only local amongst us, and our stoic monk Kwai (whose race I forget) had already found five already, and had heard reports that a large hairy beast was seen in the sewers below the coastal town. One of the ginea pigs was the size of a large dog, so we figured it was worth a look. We'd ventured in to the sewers previously and, after I had provoked an alligator that nearly TPK'd us, I was hesitant to return. Yet there we were, mobbed by rats, rat swarms, and vaguely aware that *something* was making it's way towards us. When it was close enough, we realized it was actually two things: a wererat and the guinea pig it had infected. We took the pig down easily enough, but the lycanthrope was pushing us back. Eventually, RX, a typically selfish, rude, and loudmouthed brute made a choice. We had been warned prior to entering the sewers that they had no bottom, instead dumping into the sea, many leagues above the bottom. He grappled the wererat. I don't recall exactly numbers, but he managed to overpower the beast and threw them both into the watery abyss beneath us. We tried to hold out and see if our companion- nay, despite our differences he was more than a companion- would surface, but we had to fall back with our quarry. All I hope is that RX shut down peacefully before the crushing pressure destroyed him.
@otakubancho6655 Год назад
Torxina can't die she's like Rei Ayanami,there are many,many clones.
@matteorossi1172 Год назад
Like palpatine lol
@otakubancho6655 Год назад
@@matteorossi1172 nah,more like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
@leecoffill8425 Год назад
Pathfinder, 1st edition. I was a wizard - first time playing a spellcaster, and my physical stats were all really low, so I played him as overweight and clumsy. In session 2, we entered a cave in pursuit of bandits, and right before the room the bandits were holed up in, was a large cavernous room with a fifty foot drop between us and the bandits, and three stone pillars with platforms to jump across. Our rogue went first, rolled high on his... whatever skill jump was, it was a while ago. Did pretty well, and he decided to hang off the edge of the platform to help my character who went next. Fat wizard gets a running start and... rolls a 1. So, the rogue rolls to see if he can catch me and... he also rolls a 1. My character jumps face first into the pillar, taking some damage, before falling 50 feet. As a level 1 Wizard with low con in a game where wizards still had a d4 for hp, meaning I had 3 hp. I died instantly - but it isn't over! Because the pillars were meant to be kind of rickety and unbalanced, and my overweight wizard had faceplanted into one, DM rolled a D100 to see if the pillar swayed or fell. Rolled a 100. Asked the Rogue, still hanging on, to roll reflex and... another nat 1. The pillar fell, crushing both my Fat wizard AS WELL AS the rogue, killing him as well. The bandits were watching from across the chasm, and laughed so hard that they just let the rest of the party cross with a rope ladder.
*The player that plays Torxina clearly hangs onto the character way to much to be healthy.*
@BreakerX42 Год назад
Actually there's two. The other was my friend's character decided to stay with a old woman while the rest of the party left on a quest she gave us. Unfortunately the old woman was actually a hag, and because we were only level 4, and meant to face her together, the character died. We did revive them in the body of a voluptuous goblin though.
@thatsmuggamer Год назад
6:15 is WILD holy crap
@DraganGrazic Год назад
The Dulahan is the Irish version, of the grim reaper. They have a irrational fear of gold.
@Xenozfan2 Год назад
These stories are always entertaining. Thanks for sharing them, Bryan.
@PSIworld13 Год назад
After narrowly avoiding a TPK, a player character of a player who just joined a couple sessions ago got blackout drunk, wandered into a suspicious garden with a ton of statues and cried until he heard a woman's voice. he looked her into the eyes and... Nat 1 on the con save. Got stoned by a Medusa. technically not dead, but the rest of the party doesn't know what happened to him so he's on ice until someone decides to scry on him for some reason. That player went on to kill off another character by accidentally getting turned into gold. he's on his third character now haha
@convalaria Год назад
my kobold monk was sent to hell by an orb. No saving throw, instant death.
@blakethegreatone2058 Год назад
Sorcerer used disintegrate without checking where the other pc's were. The Ray hit the monk and cleric who were engaged with the bbeg. Both died.
@sebastienbusque2312 Год назад
Spelljammer campaign, 2nd edition. I had to roll a new character after my first one got killed by Githyanki pirates. So, I built a Paladin... though I forgot that most of the group had "exotic" races - including a vampire and a recently-rolled Tiefling Mage/Thief who looked like a succubus. Given that my character had taken an oath of silence as part of his abilities, he wasn't very social and prayed in his quarters. That is... until the Githyanki pirates decided to reappear and ram the ship, which crashed. I had ran out of the quarters just after the enemy ship smashed into ours, and failed a DEX check to avoid falling off. Hours later and over 20d8 fall damage, the group found the rest of my character impaled through and through in a tree.
@JacobL228 Год назад
9:02 That happened to you too?! That numbnuts almost killed us with a Fireball in session one when some assassins we were looking for showed up in the abandoned distillery we were using as a base for our stakeout. We both survived, but it's surprisingly hard to get any useful information out of a pair of charred corpses. If the other members of our party hadn't done better, I don't know what the DM would have done. 10:17 You left out the "han" part of dullahan (which has two "l's"), and the part that you did say was pronounced wrong; The correct pronunciation is "doo-luh-han" (it's Celtic; they have weird pronunciation rules).
@whyuhatan Год назад
9:17 The wizard cast fireball didn't they 😂
@teru88 Год назад
the town the party had chosen to be their like homebase was under siege with the party arriving just as the gates are battered open. in pours a horde of undead and zombies amd the party starts cutting their way to the town center, where the town council were taken hostage. my pc and the party Heart, a half orc/elf monk, was leading the charge and in the penultimate battle was struck down by the BBEG, a cleric of Vecna. this literally caused the entire party to go 'wait, hold up' and actually start rolling better and destroy the cleric - like, literally. the last hit was from the sorcerer who cast some 4th or 5th level spell from the 3.5e spell compendium (i cannot remember the exact spell) that almost literally disintegrated the evil cleric. and then she proceeded to bully every temple in town until they revived my monk.
@Lord-mittens Год назад
Started a Star Wars campaign yesterday… Jedi blew up first session… 😅
@unculturedweeb4240 Год назад
Defeated by his lunch. 🍎 He never saw it coming.
@BeanLord69 Год назад
Playing Star Wars Saga Edition: DMPC was a spice addicted Yoda species who was an excellent pilot named Kunko. My PC was a rotund droid that was a vacuum/soup chef who had the ability to regurgitate anything from his massive storage stomach. Long story short; the DM and I developed a special move where I would shoot Kunko from my stomach using Violent Discharge (special ability) and called it Kunkokaze. The first and only time Kunkokaze was used when the party was defending a base from a ssi- ruuvian attack. I regurgitated a mine (named Stuart, RIP) and shot Kunko at the enemy while he held Stuart. Resulting explosion mildly damaged an enemy but killed Kunko.
@oldwolflogan4224 Год назад
I don't know if this counts since it involves a DMPC, but she was the storyline twin sister of one of my players, and it messed said player up what good, so, whatevs. The party was playing through a homebrew side quest in between missions during our Call of the Netherdeep campaign that had the then lvl 7 party going up against a trio of shambling mounds. The DMPC- a Tiefling wildfire druid named Journey- was engulfed by one of the mounds towards the end of the fight. Her sister, an Owlin Hexblade warlock, used Thunder Step right next to the mound that had her sister inside of it, not knowing that she would have to make a save as well. A save she failed, and the resulting thunder damage knocked her unconscious. Unable to free herself, she then suffered two death save failures from the engulf on the mounds' next turn and failed her final save. It was the first time I had ever dealt with character death, even if it was only a DMPC, and the warlock was inconsolable until the party (the other two members were a bard/rogue and a barbarian) managed to get her to a temple of the Wildmother where they used the fallen DMPCs own revivify diamonds to cast a resurrection ritual on her.
@howardbennett2053 Год назад
First session of a 3.5 campaign. Barfight scuffle from an NPC who immediately ran. Our ranger opened the door to give chase and from the opposite rooftop said NPC crit their bowshot. Ranger lay dead on the floor with an arrow in his chest. Gets revived and they keep the bolt as a necklace charm. Good start to an unfortunately short lived campaign.
@Jessie_Helms Год назад
Not a death, per say, but still removed from the campaign. One minor spoiler for Curse of Strahd. The party were riding in Ezmerelda’s wagon and found an ornate black box filled with hundreds of sheets of white paper… Was it a beefed up Deck of Many Things? Hahaha *NO* It was a Deck of Humanity (Cards Against Humanity and the DM interprets the outcome on the spot). After such rolls as, “multiple stab wounds (4d6 piercing damage), “Free Samples” (1 of each type of healing potion), and “Become a blueberry” (turned into a blueberry for an hour) the Druid got… “Salvation.” I gave the player 2 options- 1 free use of Resurrection or being raptured from Barovia (something even a Wish spell can’t do). They chose freedom from Barovia, and disappeared in motes of golden light from the back of the carriage. No one was expecting a PC to just _leave_ in the middle of the session.
@sabliath9148 Год назад
Two stories. 1. Tyranny of Dragons campaign, i was playing Baeshra, Lizardfolk Druid. Party was in a swamp, figthing a Shambling Mound. I, as a player had nevef encountered this type of enemy before, and tried casting Call Lightning. Guess what damage typeShambling Mounds a absorb. Anyway, the Shambling Mound grabbed and engulfed our Fighter, killing him. As it turned out the Fighter's player was planning on changing characters,and had chosen to fail their death saves. 2. Different group. Was playing an Awakened Deinonychus (long story) Monk. The party was fighting a group of Scarecrows and Mimics. The Kobold Bard spotted a lute lying on the ground, and picked it up. It was a mimic, of course. The mimic quickly latched onto the Kobold's head. The Dragonborn Fighter tried to help him by pulling off. Well, he removed the mimic... and the Kobold's head. We rushed off the the local Druid (strongest source of Divine magic around). The Druid revived him by casting Reincarnate. That's how the Kobold became a High Elf. His first words after this Reincarnation were "oh no, I'm so ugly!".
@immortalmonk2891 Год назад
Stair trap went off, turning the stairs to a slide. I was a warforged and couldn't maintain my grip as metal on metal is slippery. I went down the two flights of stairs, dying to bludgeoning damage. I was in literal pieces, and our barbarian carried me in a net on his back, akin to chewy and C3PO on cloud city after that. The party then spent 5 sessions tracking down a gnome artificer to try to rebuild my character. I have since enforced my death, and a main side quest of the story is finding parts to 'fix' or rebuild my old character. Current character is a human paladin.
@synashilp Год назад
This was in Pathfinder 2E. The party was fighting a small drow encampment. After a few rounds of combat, the wizard is caught out of position and a drow takes advantage of this. I have the enemy walk up to the wizard and attack him twice. The wizard was stabbed in a critical hit which rendered him unconscious. For context, in PF2E, you gain the dying condition when you become unconscious through HP damage. This condition has a numerical value after it, and usually starts at 1 before progressing up to the default threshold of dying 4 (aka death). However, if you get knocked unconscious through a critical hit, you get put at dying 2. You can make flat checks to prevent the progression of the dying condition. If you fail the check, it progresses by 1 stage. If you get hit while you're down, the condition also progresses by 1 stage. I have the second attack go through because I declared it. This drow soldier was blessed by the luck of the devils. Of all the possibilities that were considered, another critical hit was not one of them. Now, for that progression of the dying condition, there's a little wrinkle in that getting critically hit while you're unconscious progresses the condition 2 stages instead of 1. The full play of events was that the wizard was put to dying 2 by a critical hit, and then was put to dying 4 (reminder: death) by another critical hit. I sometimes have trouble remembering all the rules. I thought the wizard was at dying 2, but his player reminded me of the critical hit clause. They could have let my mistake slide and their character would have lived, but they were a real one. They would have been healed by the alchemist, whose turn was right after the drow soldier. Instead, we all had a surreal struggle since it was our first death in a narrative-driven campaign in years. To put the kicking cherry on top of the death sundae that the wizard was eating, this was all on a random sidequest. I'm not talking about the kind of sidequest that you're given by some citizen in a remote village because the party asked them for work. I mean the kind of sidequest where the party goes "ooh, what's over there" because they feel adventurous. It all turned out fine in the end, though. The wizard's body was taken to a healer, and he was reincarnated into a grippli (grung for the D&D players).
@brianensign7638 Год назад
Every time you said “Anima”, I heard “enema.” Makes for a very different story.
@wolvo5441 Год назад
My last character got ripped apart by zombies while singing Jenny from the block :)
@holycrapitsstev Год назад
friends kid who died less than 10 min into first session human fighter. traveling down the road we spotted kobolds. he ran after them alone into their den. everyone told him not to go in because of all the likely traps. went in anyways. like 5 feet in he fell in a deep pit. lived but could not get out. walls and floor was covered in oil so it was slippery and it was too dark to see. so he LIGHTS A FIRE... yeah
@Cabur_Skirata Год назад
Man I remember those statues from DotMM. They made fart noises when me (the ranger) and the fighter went through. As we were laughing at how wacky Halaster was the wizard stepped through and got power word kill. Needless to say the laughing quickly stopped
@jonathanmarks3112 Год назад
1:52 My stupid idea detector just went off. 2:01 What the heck? 2:41 Well, sell one 3000gp diamond, get TEN 300gp ones for Revivify. 2:47 Oh dear. 2:57 What? 4:59 Dang! 5:03 Make a new character, I guess? 5:39 A friend who used to be in my DnD group would allude to the biblical book of Job in this kind of situation: "The dice giveth, and the dice taketh away." 6:10 Druid got what was deserved. 6:30 Poor cleric. 7:02 Don't leave me (or all of us) hanging! What the heck happened in there?! 7:12 My question exactly! 7:37 WHAT THE HECK?! 8:44 HOLY SNAP!!! 8:48 Stupid DM; I hope you never played with that DM again. 8:50 I was wondering, but didn't know how to ask. 9:18 This story is why Fireball is the beer of DnD (yes, I know plenty of kinds of alcohol exist in various realms). Fireball spells, though, should come with a warning: "Please Cast Responsibly." 9:59 I'm sorry. 11:12 Yeah, definite mad wizard. 13:58 Oh no...
@Brabantian Год назад
He fell into cold water and none of us managed the (very easy) check to pull him out
@Atalas5 Год назад
a bit of a gaffe. this was in the first ever game of 5e I played. We were playing at the local game store, after the card tournaments were done (I was playing in those at the time). One of the younger teens would stay and watch us play, and eventually was allowed to join. They rolled up a blue dragonborn sorcerer, who was the younger sister of the party cleric (yes, also blue dragonborn). We are going through a temple where the soul of an ancient blue dragon is kept so we can revive it to help their tribe fight an enemy tribe of red dragonborn. And the party gets separated because the entire temple/tomb is a maze that randomly changes. So, he's there with the cleric and a third player who I can't remember what they played. myself (a bard) and the party paladin are off on our own. And the party wererat drow rogue is off on his own. Rogue turns into full rat to sneak around, and comes across a blue half-dragon standing guard. It does nothing, and the rogue does nothing to it, except try to find a corner to hide in (it doesn't; circular room except for the three entry points). Meanwhile our new sorceress says "I am readying to cast Magic Missile at the first thing I see." Now, the DM could have been truly evil and it be another party member he saw first, but no. They find the circle room, and off goes the three bolts of Magic Missile. Barely phases the half-dragon. He merely turns his head, opens his mouth, and fires his lightning breath at the sorceress. Does 30 damage. Sorceress... has 15. So they died... until we remembered that dragonborn get resistance to the damage associated with their type. Sadly, we only remembered this after the kid had ripped his sheet to pieces in sad frustration.
@darkwarriorprogram6546 Год назад
This just happened last session: I play a fallen Aasimar Paladin/Warlock/Fighter and for backstory reasons he doesn’t connect with people well. The exceptions being the vampire wizard (who died in game and IRL months ago), the orc gunslinger (mostly from having spent over 3 in game years travelling together), and the kitsune sorcerer from the feywild named Fluff. Well we were facing a homebrew monster that had nearly killed me last time we faced one (this is notable because I have nearly 300HP and 25AC). Fluff ended up being swallowed whole by this thing but the party managed to get the creature to throw him up. Fluff ended up on the ground between me and the creature. Due to being in the creature’s stomach for a couple turns already, he had 2 failed saves since he was unconscious when he was swallowed. I was higher in the turn order than Fluff so when my turn came I would be able to heal him. The monster however was just before me and it wasn’t happy so it charged at the closest enemy: me. It bat Fluff’s unconscious body across the room; marking his third and final failed save. And that’s where session ended so I now I have a week to figure out how to utterly obliterate this thing. :)
@Rexir2 Год назад
Seems like our group's bane is critical hits. One game saw two clerics go down in combat due to crits (not the same combat, but session 1 and then again with a different player session two), and in both cases, they failed the first death save and nat1 the second. Ever since, one of those players always asks for adamantine armor whenever an opportunity to buy magic items pops up. For me, MY cleric was fighting a black pudding when it crits me. It rolls very high on all of its dice and just barely instantly kills.
@basvandiepen2772 Год назад
3:03 anima uses a d100 and has a higher learning curf than D&D. has 3.5 magical systems psychic, ki (life force), and magik/summoning. attack rolls are opposed by defence rolls.
@striker18354 Год назад
My brother's character drank from a magic fountain and it absorbed his consciousness and then shortly after absorbed his mortal form
@rogerb4664 Год назад
Bro character had a lot of alcimical got hit with a fire spell and just blew up
@S4ns Год назад
We had a half-orc NPC in our party, Gront. We were working our way out of the Underdark, across stepping stones of rock jutting out from a lava river. Gront goes to make a jump to one of the stones. NAT 1. He starts to fall into the lava. One of the party goes to make a reaction to grab him. NAT 1. Gront hits the lava and begins to burn. Another member manages to grab a hold of him and tries to pull him out. NAT 1. After so many critical fails, we just stood there dumbfounded as he burned and sank into the lava Terminator 2 style ... except he flipped us off instead of giving us a thumbs up.
@hastingsisgood 11 месяцев назад
I joined a 2nd edition campaign as a Half-Elf fighter/mage. The group's other caster, an Evoker was happy( 2nd specialist mages couldn't identify opposite schools of mage.) So I get stuck with identifying. The very first thing I identify was a cursed item. I died from poison, no save. Worst part was the Evoker was immuned to poison.
@demogorghon Год назад
Recent thing. Descend into Avernus. We come upon a dude impaled on a metal tree begging us to take him down so he could die. Our Lawful Good Paladin and Life Cleric are all about helping people so they start climbing. Now I am a Tabaxi Swashbuckler with need to show of so I say "Move aside. Let the professional do this." and I quickly climb up and push dude of the tree. Yay! I'm the best. Suddenly freckin devil riding a nightmare shows up and yells "The one who freed the prisoner will forever hanged in his place!" well... shit. He then makes multiple attacks at me, one of which was NAT 20. I had literally no chance of surviving this. But I have a nice nameplate hanging under me so that's nice.
@GaziShepardFilmsThings Год назад
The necromancer tried to resurrect a zealot barbarian, she killed him instantly
@jettblade Год назад
I have one and it pisses me off so much. It was the epilogue to a game of Role Master that had some much potential but fell flat on its face. So the game idea was the party were just townsfolk(laymen) and we had to use our skills to best a dragon. What the game ended up being was a low-level RM where our skills didn't help at all because we were outrunning a Orc Hoard. I figured this was going to happen so I made the bulkiest dwarf I could make. I literally had health in the hundreds when someone was happy to just get to triple digits. My character survived the trip but died during the epilogue because of a single roll with no modifiers behind the screen. It was such BS. That was the last game of RM I've played and no longer have the DM as even a player in any games.
@BlackRainRising Год назад
We have a thing where we play 'called shots', where if you call your mark and roll a nat 20, you do the thing... i.e. "I cut off his arm" *20* arm comes off, otherwise it's a regular hit and fight continues and the npc's can see what the pc's are trying to do and attempt to counter. Well, during a fight I had the party ambushed by a group of Stingers (think centaur but instead of horse body it's giant scorpion body) wielding tridents. The Cleric who worships the god of death was carrying a scythe because it's the gods favored weapon, Stingers are not dumb mindless monsters... no they are pretty intelligent and really good at tactics, so recognizing a threat is what they do... one of these things sees the cleric cleave one clean in half with a crit separating the humanoid body from the scorpion body, k, big weapon big threat, I, the DM, say "called shot, heart" we all watch my die dance across the table and flop over stopping on 20. We all scoot back and everyone with a resounding in stereo "oh shit!" As I begin to describe this thing identifying the cleric as major threat, lunges forward with his trident and skewers her through center mass and she just falls limp on the end of his weapon as the remains of what used to be her heart dangled from the bloody end sticking out of her back. The fight was a struggle after that as 2 of the Stingers had brought drag nets and the Paladin got tangled and was being pinned to the ground with it. The party wins, the cleric player brought back his wizard necromancer who had hired the cleric to do some tasks for her, deciding she failed her tasks, she then raised dead on the cleric making an armored zombie with the whole "you'll be more obedient this way". Good times!
@cphotenhauer4153 11 месяцев назад
6:12 they took damage that was so high, it was sickening to all the players at the table :)
@LarryJ2022 Год назад
One time I got up to pee and everything was fine. I come back and my friend has a fresh character sheet in their hands. I still don't know what happened.
@felipearriagada6725 Год назад
For future reference in anima beyend fantasy the most common character sheet is an exell with 10 pages Yeah its complicated
@clxckb4it340 Год назад
i walked into a room, i got jumped by 7 ash things i ran, and died cause i tripped and fell in a 5 foot hole, rolled a nat 1 and a 8 on death saves
@graveyardshift2100 Год назад
I hope they stopped playing with the dm who killed their character for being on the phone for a family emergency.
@postapocalypticnewsradio Год назад
PANR has tuned in.
@northernative7659 Год назад
Got sent to a pirate hold got captured and my tabaxi dex tank got into a fight with the main shark captain and got my head bit off, friends got away was a good day lol
@Dabura223 Год назад
My Level 4 barbarian with 4 intelligence decided a poisonous mushroom looked tasty
@whitefox3189 Год назад
To player who got swallowed by underwaterbeast. I don't think the DM was going to actually kill you. The situation actually reminds me of the whale in Finding Nemo.
@riverraven7359 Год назад
Playing Dark Heresy, psyker decides that after a binge on alcohol and stolen drugs from a chaos cult she's going to use her warp powers to make herself pretty. Goes horribly wrong and explodes across every available surface. Not helped when her team assume that the explosion was a counter attack and lob grenades into the bathroom to pacify the remaining chunks of her...
@Demonling Год назад
I'm so glad to hear about Anima, one of my favorite TTRPG
@michaelleader633 Год назад
Pontaniously combusted.
@genericname2747 Год назад
Player asked if they could die of a heart attack. I said yes.
@stantheman9002 Год назад
The best/worst I've seen was our poor Cleric. We were tracking an assassin who had been hired to kill the Queen and found her on the rooftops of some buildings at the waterfront. We were running across rooftops in a thunderstorm with lightning strikes hitting all around us. DM had a random ambient sound track going and every time there was a thunderclap in the track, DM had us rolling saves to avoid getting struck while we ran and had to jump over gaps between buildings. Only rolling a 1 would get us struck by lightning. Cleric goes to jump a small gap between buildings wearing full plate and fails his check with a 2 and falls right as a thunderclap plays on the sound track. Cleric rolls a 1 and gets struck by lightning. Cleric falls 30 feet and DM asks him about weight, does some calculations and asks the cleric to roll again. Poor guy rolls another 1, gets knocked unconscious, breaks through the dock below and drowns before he can get out of his armor. DM kept trying to think of ways that we could have logically saved the cleric but he was doomed. That just kind of stopped us for the night. It was all shitty rolls that killed him. The worst part was that the cleric only needed a 5 to get across the gap and a 2 to avoid being struck by lightning.
@joybubbles Год назад
We were 'subtly' invading a very powerful genasi wedding, phenomenally powerful guests. One player was running a half-orc rogue who thought himself a better businessman than he actually was. I don't recall how it started exactly, but he had pissed off an actual lich in a suit who was there as a guest at the wedding. After trying to smooth things over, and offering a business card, our rogue tried to offer a handshake. The lich seemed surprised that our rogue would volunteer to touch him, and accepted the handshake. And also cast Finger of Death. We were somewhere around 3rd or 4th level. He instantly died, and the lich had his lackies bundle the rogue outside the wedding to his carriage for later use. We had to rush off after them to take his corpse back, and some deus ex machina in the form of a cleric joining the party the next session got him back moving. She found us stuffing his body into my bag of holding. We still give him shit for this, and in a new campaign, that player just failed several insight checks against someone asking to buy drugs and convincing him he didn't need to bring back up with predictable results.
@naomihatfield3015 Год назад
I killed a player character in last night’s game, the first time this has ever happened (I am a fairly new DM). We are playing Princes of the apocalypse, and our party attacked the Temple of the Howling Hatred. Our rogue backstabbed Aerisi and wrestled her spear away. Epic badass move. Aerisi is a 12th level sorcerer, and she casts Chain Lightning for three strikes. Our rogue dodged two of the strikes….but even one hit was enough. She was only dead for two rounds (we have a cleric) but still….now the party knows that I can and will kill them….I get bribes of gummy worms to Stay My Awesome Wrath….
@Ckbtony1983 Год назад
We were playing with an annoying guy in our group he always had a tendency to kick in doors whenever we went into new areas Well he busted into a room and a beholder was there he rolled a nat 1 and the beholder shot him with a disintegration beam with a nat 20 he disintegrated me being a paladin after defeating the beholder I gathered his ashes to resurrect him if I could All the other players rolled to sabotage me one rolled to piss on his ashes... He succeeded Player ended up creating another character got pissed off and ended up being banned from our group
@djlivewire27 Год назад
Party was exploring in simple terms a pocket dimension of some sort and dm made it fairly clear that the realm WOULD end us if we did anything too stupid, few sessions into the adventure our lovely stubborn goblin rogue was bored and looking for something to do when we stumbled across what looked to be a room with a "Medical Service Table" stationed directly in the center of it. Not a single one of us had any knowledge of how to operate the device and as they talked about what to do I said my piece being "Best not to mess with the dang thing" and went to grab a drink and some chips. I was gone for three minutes and came back just in time to overhear how the Goblin was squished to death by the device in a way similar to a trash compactor. We had to carry what was left of his remains in an empty potion bottle.
@shinrafugitives3880 Год назад
We had our drow get black out drunk two times over and start going on a drunken rampage because the tavern cut her off 8% BAC too late. She went strong for a good 10 minutes while neither the guards nor us could stop her. Finally, she gets knocked out and arrested. We visited her in her holding cell and tried casting bears endurance on her to give her a higher chance of surviving, but she croaked of alcohol poisoning regardless. We didn't have enough money to resurrect her, but I did have a spell that let me briefly slip into the far realm to teleport through the material plane (with the chance of never making it out on the other end). So I convinced the guard to release her body instead of cremating it, carried her into my dimensional rift, then yeeted her into the amoebic sea. Not sure what that'll do to her body, but as far as we know, it could break the laws of death... right?
@Umbral_Choir Год назад
We had a trial of combat as the end of the "official adventurer's league initiation" The guy responsible for setting up this portion of the challenges hated us but we didnt take him seriously since we were blazing through the trials and the combat portion was also going smoothly so far... then we came across what he had prepped for us, 3 ancient mechanical creations that had no safeguards and tore one of our party members apart. The dm didnt reveal that the pc had failed the one and only death save, so when I went in for the medicine check, I got to find it out in shock... that he was endeed gone. That one moment changed the tone of the entire campaign.
@clpfox470 Год назад
My party was about to fight a boss that had assassin bodyguards. One of them shot a bolt with manticore poison at our loxadon cleric oolgu. I forget the roll and damage, but we were lvl 3 and 4d6 damage hurts. He was already wounded and the bolt killed him instantly. Hes been the only casualty to occur in our campaign of 2 years.
@morissaedwards7348 Год назад
My Halfling Light foot Bard, Momo Lee Bubbles, Threw a fist-full of baby teeth at a swarm of centipedes......and then got knocked back by a first level thunder wave spell, and cracked her head on a crypt wall. She would have died if my party member hadn't have stabilized my wounds. I was able to get back up, and after laying two ghost children to rest (Curse of Strahd spoiler alert) We all leveled up.
@BreakerX42 Год назад
I was DMing a one shot but I was getting worried it was too short and the boss fight against 2 displacer beasts was too easy. So my friend (who was usually our forever DM) decided to turn on the party and revived the beasts, and slowly kill off the party one after another. Especially the one who tried to eat him (a druid wildshaping) who exploded from the inside. Best ending to a one shot ever.
@---ze8tc Год назад
Back in DD3.5, a biclass Warrior-Wizard failed both save against an imaginary assassin... At level 12... for a trap (DC14) Same edition, different group, GM rolled die in front of us. Level one PC think it is a good idea to insult the guy who is blocking the path, the warning shot was 20... 19, so a crit. Damage 2d10 = double 10, instant death.
@markpowell5228 Год назад
Torxina = Kenny.
@Bentron88 Год назад
Aygaros, the brass Dragonborn paladin, was my first character to ever die, and it was caused by the worse luck ever!! The party was trying to get to the top of this line standing tower, but the main door/archway into the tower had collapsed thanks to the artificer’s upscaled catapult spell launching a pouch full of acid vials dissolving the keystone that was at the top of the arch. So throwing a hook with a rope to the top was our way in. Everyone started to climb up, and Aygaros failed his first attempt to climb. Our other paladin attempted tried to give Aygaros a boost so he would have advantage on the climbing check. Double nat 1. Aygaros fell off of the other paladin’s shoulders and face plants, breaking his nose. After being called a klutz and the other paladin climbed up the rope with ease, Aygaros tried again to climb the rope, this time climbing up onto the back of his horse for a boost. This time it worked… but the DM rolled on the rope’s integrity since so many people wearing heavy armor had climbed it. It was a low roll but thankfully not a critical fail. The rope didn’t break, but Aygaros could hear it beginning to break. In an attempt to get up the rope faster, Aygaros tried to cast haste on himself. Problem is that he needed to let go with one hand for the semantic component, and had to do a strength save to hold on with one hand. And another failure. Aygaros lost his grip, fell like a rock, and landed spread eagle on the ground from a height of 40 feet. Three failed saves later, and Aygaros was gone. That D20 and I are no longer on speaking terms…
@ccshade7294 Год назад
Combat encounter with drow, the assassins were smart enough to decapitate our bard when she went down
@dragonriderabens9761 Год назад
Ok…the DM who killed a player for being on the phone…ok, I get that interrupting the session is annoying, but if THAT is your solution, I hope the entire group left, that the OP shared the info he got in that phone call and it haunts that DM to this day
@brutemouse6024 Год назад
Just had another happen very recently. This is in Icewind Dale, so minor spoilers (but I'll try to minimize it). The Important Characters of this story is My character, the Shadow Sorcerer/Soulknife Rogue, and the Grung Bard/Warlock. The party is on a quest to find an NPC's Brother, and in turn find a magical artifact. This artifact is apparently VERY powerful, and VERY unstable in this setting. We find the cabin the NPC is hiding in, and find it to be barren in the front part of it. Then the Grung Bard walks into the back portion of the cabin, to find skeleton and a very singed journal/book on the table (very hard fore-shadowing). On the table is a frost-covered orb. The Grung Bard, being very curious, decided to pick it up to investigate it. At that same moment, my Sorcerer decided to walk into the same room to check it out, only to be met with a GIGANTIC BLAST OF RADIANT DAMAGE. Both me and the Grung are instantly incinerated. There were saves. We failed miserably. Yeaaah, that orb was what we were looking for. Don't worry though, we lived!
@redmaxxs Год назад
8:37 I don't like that the DM killed him right when he was gone. That feels like he got punished for just being on the phone when there is an emergency. If he was going to attack his he could have had since somebody would let him know beforehand.
@Mimic_Lord Год назад
Not related to the video, but I have a villain line that I want to use at end of my campaign, and here's some context, so the "BBEG" is trying to free everyone from the control of something, and he's powerful enough to single-handedly kill ALL of the gods, which he will in a later session. Once the players defeat the revived queen "controlled" by the "BBEG," they will be sent to a newly created plane, and once they find the "BBEG," he will say, "I've always known I was in this twisted game," and if one of my players try to say something through their character, the "BBEG" will say, "You really think I was talking to what once were your characters?"
@markedforstrike Год назад
I went outside to pee at night and fell into the toilet pit
@SymbioteMullet Год назад
A death we should have expected: At low level (I'm going to say 7ish?) We met an adult green dragon. It's a social encounter, we know we can't pull off a win. Except for That Guy. He's playing a Stonekin, some kind of expanded race from 3rd point 5th edition, and they have Acid immunity. His master plan? Kill it from within. Thus he intones: "Hey, I bet you can't swallow me whole, you fat green bitch" That Guy's That Guyness was rewarded with two claw hits and a rend, dropping him to -4, then followed with a bite attack resulting in him in fact getting swallowed whole.
@damienlipinski Год назад
I decided I was going to walk outside a house I was in and attack a bear. I only had 15 hp. It ripped my fucking head off.
@noguy0829 Год назад
If I had a nickel for every time my friend killed one of his party members with an explosive in one campaign, I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
Lizard tsunami
@gnomes1377 Год назад
I had to behead one of my fellow players at the end of a one shot because he decided to try and kill the entire village we had just befriend, this was a oneshot we didn’t care it was just for sh!ts and giggles but none of us saw it coming and the second he said it I basically roled to kill him
@gnomes1377 Год назад
It was one of the best one shots I’ve ever played
@Menno_3 Год назад
My party infiltrated a cave which was inhabited by a cave troll and his goblinoid minions. The party defeated them quite easily and rescued a gnome. This gnome would not stop asking about his glasses, so the monk got fed up and started running through the entire hideout to search for it. Alone. He ran around a corner to find two otyughs. He immediatelly turned around and ran away. Opportunity attacks. 2 nat 20's. The rest of the party found him just in time to see the two otyughs Lady and the Tramp-ing his lifeless body.
@edamommy Год назад
RIP no Steppy of the Wind
@brutemouse6024 Год назад
Tl;DR - There is none, I am too lazy to actually condense this. Sorry, not sorry. Context: The party consists of 6 players: A Warforged Cleric (Me), a Vampiric (?) Bard, a Half-Elf Warlock, a Human Fighter, a Halfling Rogue (named Callie to avoid confusion), and the one that got away, Midnight the Elven Rogue Gunslinger. The story begins with Callie and our Warlock being kidnapped by an Imposter NPC from an Inn. Now with Context out of the way, onto the story The party realizes that 2 of their friends are seemingly missing. After finding the REAL NPC who Callie was supposed to talk to, everyone runs around to find them. Through sheer luck, the Kidnappers didn't remove the Sending Stone on Callie's body, and we are able to find out they are on a Boat inside the City Port. With the town guards, we go to confront Oni Demons in disguise hiding on a boat with our friends! However (the really important bit), there is one cloaked figure that ran away in the confusion. Midnight tasked himself with tracking down and confronting the runaway. As the battle on the ship rages on, with our fighter quite literally Kool-Aid Man'ing THROUGH the ship to sink it, Midnight is on the hunt in the alleyways of the city. As he turns a corner, he passes a Perception Check to notice the Runaway hiding in the shadows. Midnight the Gunslinger valiant confronts him, but is surprised when the Oni sheds his Flesh Suit. The Oni tell's Midnight, "You are not our target". "Shouldn't have messed with my friend then" He retorts back immediately. Then ensues a battle of... not so epic proportions. The Oni is too much of a match for our lone Rogue, and is easily beaten. When all is said and done, the Demon flee's the scene, leaving Midnight the Gunslinger dying on the cobblestone ground. Oh, but that's not quite the end my friends. My character Vanaris the Cleric, doing his duties, finishes up the battle at the port and immediately goes running after his friend. With a good Perception check, he finds his dear friend that had just died on the floor. But his soul will NOT be taken today! Vanaris flies into action, bringing out the diamond he keeps in his back pocket JUST for such an occasion. He runs to the body of Midnight, casting an incantation, HOPING against hope that the God's help him. As he shoves the diamond into the chest of the dying body, and finishes the incantation, Midnight is now left with a choice. In the empty space of nothingness, Midnight's God Varishka speaks to him. "It seems you still have friends and unfinished business left in your life. You may return to the world, or.... you can take my hand". As Varishka extends his hand, Midnight is left with a choice. A decision that takes place in only the span of a single second, but feels like an eternity to him. Ultimately, Midnight takes Varishka's hand, and Vanaris feels the snap of the soul detaching from the body of his once dear friend. Vanaris the Grave Domain Cleric does not hold anger, or is upset by the turn of events. He realizes that this was Midnight choice, and it was time to accept that his friend was gone forever. There was nothing that could bring him back now. The end. Fun fact: Varishka was actually played by the same player that played Midnight! Varishka is a Wizard that ascended to Godhood in our DM's world. Just wanted to share that.
@terrafirma5327 Год назад
FYI, Anima is not even remotely similar to DnD. My ex wanted to get me into it and join their group but I couldn't even follow the ruleset. Its a pretty hardcore tabletop set with about as much balance as 3.5e DnD.
@ashtongiertz8728 Год назад
14:18 that's dumb. A nat 20 should mean she was able to hit the enemy without hitting you.
@russdarracott395 Год назад
Oh man.
@archellothewolf2083 Год назад
Subtle Spell Disintegrate. That's all I'm gonna say. -_-
@davmccar Год назад
Holy crap another George Carlin fan I didn't think any of them existed anymore
@luxaryon1534 Год назад
I'm sorry if this has been answered already, but why did davemakesnoises leave the channel?
@matteorossi1172 Год назад
Torxina died more than krilin
@WarChallenger Год назад
Call it my short attention span, but I honestly just really don't like the writing style behind the Torxina stories. There is way too much background lore filler before the main topic in my opinion.
@froppy8809 Год назад
What moment in D&D spiraled way out of control? #dnd
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