
'How I came to the realisation that space time is an illusion' 

Simon Mundie
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@freethinker3131 Месяц назад
“ There is no time and space outside the field of thought, thought create the time thought create the space” UG Krishnamurti
@renko9067 Месяц назад
If you approach curiosity and inquiry correctly, as with Zen or Advaita Vedanta or non duel, the effect can be the dissolution of the thought filters that create the illusions of time and space. This is very subtle, but very obvious, and when it begins happening you 'see' what is actually here. When you see this, a shift in identity and reactivity occurs which won't happen with a thought concept or math formula of a lack of space & time. Intuitive, direct experience changes one fundamentally.
@jessewallace12able 24 дня назад
I think Robert Spira just nailed it.
@phk2000 Месяц назад
All is one, there is not two. You know it already, you know it’s true. You can look and look but there’s nothing to find The truth’s just been hidden by the chatter of your mind. Oneness is here, now - not somewhere above Oneness is All, oneness is LOVE. See it and a smile in your heart will appear Your life filled with JOY and nothing to fear.
@sampoornamkannan Месяц назад
This is precisely what Adi Sankara said and called it as 'Maya' translated as illusion, the actual meaning being 'as one thinks, it is not ".
@user-rc2xs5ti2w 28 дней назад
I was born knowing that space-time is an illusion. Although my experiences with linear individuals shocked me, I never changed.
@onlyrick Месяц назад
Simon, you seem to have a knack for picking my favorite people for your show. I'm curious to hear what you're gonna ask Dolly Parton! Thanks again and Be Cool.
@danielpaulson8838 6 дней назад
And I also want to say, Donald talked about this becoming main stream as we learn. But these two have been out there with these theories for at least twenty years. No one else is getting on board. It’s still fringe.
@RobBegg Месяц назад
Hi Simon - thanks for all you do…it would be super helpful if you could link to the podcast episodes here on RU-vid as I’ve struggled to find them on your podcast. I acknowledge it may be my limited knowledge of how to search!!
@aarrvindmbd1974 Месяц назад
Realistic illusion ..that's all real you've got
@tixch2000 Месяц назад
I intuit what Rupert is saying here. Spacetime is not an illusion for the mind, it is real and this is what we have to work with every day. How come the finite mind which lives in the illusion can intuit the space-less time-less dimension-less stuff? Also, pure awareness is in 0-d let's say. Then how dynamics (energy) 'emerge' if time and space are not already present in the 0-d? Who/what initiate the process of dualization? Does pure awareness is a self-ignition system? As one says below in the comments: Buddhists would say the relative and absolute are one undifferentiated whole (and even this phrase is wrong in a sense).
@shawnewaltonify Месяц назад
Oops, by the time I finished watching this video i somehow forgot that Rupert began by admitting that space-time exists even if our experience of it is illusion. That's exactly what i was asking meditation experts to start doing. Thank-you. Lol
@danielpaulson8838 6 дней назад
To suggest consciousness is a dimensionless existence which time and space are conceived within and are merely illusory, and we can never know this unless we build instruments that see beyond time and space doesn’t seem to be clear thinking. It seems like religious thinking. Live now while you know you’re alive.
@MM-dh3wr Месяц назад
Space and time are not causal with respect to consciousness. Cannot destroy space and time.
@adamkadmon6339 21 день назад
Of course we can conceive of something with no dimensions. It is called a point. It can be sitting there by itself, or be embedded in another space with extension.
@ROForeverMan Месяц назад
For anyone interested in consciousness see my papers like How Self-Reference Builds the World author Cosmin Visan.
@dayanidhi9391 Месяц назад
And even harder to conceive of, is that beyond the non differentiated plane of dimensionless, formless Brahman, there are forms 'made' out of pure consciousness. That's what theistic (rather than Advaitic) Vedanta tells us. See my video of Satyanarayana Das Babaji explaining the Achintya Bheda Abheda tattva of Sri Jiva Goswami.
@TheMg49 28 дней назад
So far, I don't think that Hoffman's or Spira's stuff has helped or will help us understand our world/universe any better than mainstream science has or will. Though it's important to at least consider other approaches.
@holgerjrgensen2166 Месяц назад
Every Child know what Time-Space is, and have no problem of explain it. 'space-time' is a dead mantra, because it give NO meaning, Penrose and few others know it, and also Hoffman know it, and it is Doomed, but the most used word in many videos, Spira, also know, but have trouble to add the logical explanation. So, one thing is the Intuitive experience, the other thing is to add the Intelligent analyse. The Stuff-side of Life, is a Motion-Ocean, the three Dimensions is Micro- Medio- and Macro-Cosmos, Perspective-Princip is the Limit, of our perception. Motion become time, and Time become Time-Spaces, in our Consciousness, Memory. So, the Motion-Ocean is a Real Illusion, based on Cosmic Order, and Creator-Principles. Contrast-Princip and Perspective-Princip, make Feeling into Sensing. Feeling/Sensing is our Window to Reality, all experiences, is Feeling-Experience, first hand, the Day-Consciousness, is the stream of Thoughts, Day-Consciousness Never sleep, it just goes in Circuits, Day/Night, and Larger. We have NO memory from the Night-Bodies, Deep-Sleep, all Night-experience is via our Couling-Body, REM. Dreams, NDE, OBE, visits, messages, warnings, Coma. Well, they is both pioners in the Above physical reality, but there is still much to learn, about the Mathematic of Life, and Consciousness. So, Feeling/Sensing in the Day-Consciousness, is what Hoffman, call our head-set, perception of reality.
@ZeeshanAkram1976 Месяц назад
matter is an illusion ...so this world its worldly life is too Quran said this 1500 years before And this worldly life is not but diversion and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the [eternal] life, if only they knew. 29-64 Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children. This is like rain that causes plants to grow, to the delight of the planters. But later the plants dry up and you see them wither, then they are reduced to chaff. And in the Hereafter there will be either severe punishment or forgiveness and pleasure of Allah, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment. القرآن - سورۃ نمبر 29 العنكبوت آیت نمبر 64-64 شروع الله کا نام لے کر جو بڑا مہربان نہایت رحم والا ہے اور یہ دنیا کی زندگی کچھ نہیں ہے مگر ایک کھیل اور دل کا بہلاوا اصل زندگی کا گھر تو دار آخرت ہے، کاش یہ لوگ جانتے ۞ القرآن - سورۃ نمبر 57 الحديد آیت نمبر 20-20 شروع الله کا نام لے کر جو بڑا مہربان نہایت رحم والا ہے خوب جان لو کہ یہ دنیا کی زندگی اس کے سوا کچھ نہیں کہ ایک کھیل اور دل لگی اور ظاہری ٹیپ ٹاپ اور تمہارا آپس میں ایک دوسرے پر فخر جتانا اور مال و اولاد میں ایک دوسرے سے بڑھ جانے کی کوشش کرنا ہے اس کی مثال ایسی ہے جیسے ایک بارش ہو گئی تو اس سے پیدا ہونے والی نباتات کو دیکھ کر کاشت کار خوش ہو گئے پھر وہی کھیتی پک جاتی ہے اور تم دیکھتے ہو کہ وہ زرد ہو گئی پھر وہ بھس بن کر رہ جاتی ہے اِس کے برعکس آخرت وہ جگہ ہے جہاں سخت عذاب ہے اور اللہ کی مغفرت اور اس کی خوشنودی ہے دنیا کی زندگی ایک دھوکے کی ٹٹی کے سوا کچھ نہیں ۞
@shawnewaltonify Месяц назад
Yes, this is the truth about moving from self, to consciousness, to what precedes consciousness, which is evidence for space time being an illusion. Since its discovery by early Buddhists, the tradition has been to teach meditation using this knowledge; and it is knowledge, just like it is knowledge to know that the 3d experience broadcast by a TV is a 2d representation. However, up until now, no expert of meditation is willing to add to this tradition by describing the reverse process where after complete dissolution of self there is a return to the same awareness, consciousness, self, body, world, and illusion. I know this is considered to be irrelevant to the teachings, because the teachings are only concerned with attaining a larger % of the population to have learned how to do this - complete dissolution of self into what precedes consciousness and precedes awareness. Since, the population continues to grow at a rate that exceeds the necessary proportion that Buddhist traditions hope for, another strategy may now be relevant. The strategy I am speaking of is one where meditation experts acknowledge the evidence of the world they return to. For example, even in this example of the TV, it is possible for the experience of the TV to provide evidence for a 3D world that is represented on the screen. The 3D world exists and causes the experience of 3D by a 2D representation while watching the TV. I am not arguing that the physical world exists. I am suggesting that if the teachings allowed for this to happen, or a school of experts in meditation allowed for this to happen, then a conversation would be possible that the teachings have always disallowed. They did not disallow it because of its falsity or lack of utility, but because it was thought to be an obstacle to achieving more and more experts in meditation. By analogy, if meditation was physics, I am saying that Buddhist teachings disallow applied physics and engineering because this will cause selective pressure over the generations to one day have a sufficient number of the smartest people on the planet doing physics to calculate the deepest mechanisms of the universe for the benefit of not just them, but the entire globe. Well if in the West we were able to achieve the right number of physicists to get the job done without disallowing engineering and applied physics, then surely the same must be true for dissolution of self, and applied states of consciousness. Everything meditation experts report about the experience of dissolving the self into what precedes awareness and how this proves that our individual self, consciousness, and awareness is an illusion is correct. It doesn't prove that the physical world doesn't exist in a way that contributes to each individual illusion in a causal way just like the 3D world contributes to the individual 2D illusion on each individual TV in a causal way. In this analogy I am equating each individual consciousness to each individual TV. Yes the illusion exists but a physical world that emerges out of what precedes awareness can still contribute to forming the illusion in a causal way. There seems to be different levels of potential ability to attain all the different states of consciousness on the way to becoming an expert, just like there are different levels of intelligence that stop everyone from being a physicist. But just as you do not have to be a physicist to do applied physics or be an engineer or even a technician, or an end user of technology, you do not have to follow the teachings of the Buddha or attain states that precede awareness to be a practitioner of other states of consciousness or to be an end user of the services these practitioners can provide; but the false belief that the physical world doesn't contribute to each illusion of every individual consciousness in a causal way is stopping experts in meditation from verifying the validity of what are the equivalents in psychology to the "applied physics" and "engineering" of physics. It is likely that the teachings of the traditions that have lead to there being a group of experts in meditation is the most efficient and best practice. It is likely that unlike applied physics and engineering, practitioners wishing to apply the teachings of Buddhism did not verify what they were doing in the same way that engineers and applied physics rigorously verifies what they are doing with physics. This happened because the technology made possible by applying physics had utility in economy that the technology made possible by applying "awareness"/awakening has not yet accomplished. If we are interested in accomplishing the utility of such application of the Buddhist teachings, then we must allow for the physical world to contribute to the "illusion" in a causal way, and for the collection of data of all of the individual illusions that everyone experiences, to contribute to an epistemology of psychology.
@tixch2000 Месяц назад
too long. summarize/crystalize your thoughts.
@shawnewaltonify Месяц назад
In summary, while the illusion is correct for those studying that which precedes awareness, the application of states of consciousness requires an explanation of the illusion. The illusion can be explained by saying that it is a representation of, and caused by, a physical world; and each individual illusion experienced by each individual consciousness, as well as the physical world, emerge out of that which precedes awareness. If the teachings of Buddha permitted this, then "applied Buddhism" would be permitted. The world needs more "applied Buddhism," in the same way that the economy over the past millennia found utility in "applied physics."
@tixch2000 Месяц назад
@@shawnewaltonify the cause and effect story is hard to establish. Kind of chicken and egg pbm: if the illusion is cause by the physical world, how the physical world manifested in the first place? The nondual state of recognizing the ground of being as non-separated from its illusory manifold manifestation is non-trivial and this is where the nondualist practitioner gets lost most of the time. Seeing the empty source (as Buddhists would say) and its energy manifestation as unseparated is the grail and the starting point of all spiritual seeking. How about using the illusion (Maya) as the path and this is what you may hint at?
@shawnewaltonify Месяц назад
@@tixch2000 The problem is in language only. The concept, "empty," is similar to "zero" and its the absence of anything finite. But that doesn't mean it's the absence of anything at all. There is still something there, and this enables both the physical world and the conscious agents to emerge out of it. There's a distinction between the physical world and the conscious agents because they have awareness. The chicken and egg problem is resolved when you say that it's possible to have a causal relationship between two things that are emerging from "empty." The language of Buddhism is perfect because it is not intended to be applied by concious agents; its designed to help conscious agents exit from the physical world. If you want to use the language in the physical world, then we need to agree to new terms that no one has agreed to yet. I intend to apply the language, but if you share the intention of traditional Buddhism, then you and I don't need to, nor should we, agree. But if we understand the context of each other's statements, then we can agree.
@tixch2000 Месяц назад
@@shawnewaltonify A lot of misunderstanding comes from language I agree. For example, do you agree that emptiness is synonymous with dependent origination? That the physical and conscious agents (what are they?) 'emerge' from something deeper. What is it and how it can emerge from something which is timeless ( I mean without time dimension). I avoid this term emergence because of this, rather use manifestation or revelation .. to our consciousness (and may be by our consciousness?). "But if we understand the context of each other's statements, then we can agree." Agree :)
@MM-dh3wr Месяц назад
Realization requires illusion( body)…therefore without illusion realization is impossible. Cause for realization is your body( illusion)
@PGB74 28 дней назад
Reality is informationbased = the base of each particle is information. As long information isn’t gathered, it stays potential. If the base of each particle is information, every human body is just an avatar, part of the immersion, not a realization gatherer of information itself. The gatherer must be outside of this realityframe = fundamental AND nonlocal. The gatherer is consciousness. That means realization doesn’t need the body. Consciousness is not a fuction of matter. Reality is a function of fundamental consciousness. Why reality is informationbased? Because in QM whichwayinformation collapses the probability wave. Extended Copenhagen interpretation: Consciousness for measurement but measurement for Information. Information is the key to understand reality. And there is no cosmos rendered if no active player consciousness gathers reality. In the single player VR „dream“ we realize information without the body as constraint of the physical ruleset. More to find when studying and experimenting with the brilliant work of Tom Campbell
@MM-dh3wr 27 дней назад
@@PGB74 thank you. Reality is information based but information is what is being perceived through the 5 sensors….then what is real and what is illusion. ?
@PGB74 27 дней назад
@@MM-dh3wr we were taught just matter is real, but in real there is nothing more real than information . All virtual realities are we can access are real, even those without physical ruleset. E.g. the single player VR we call a dream. The experience we have here is as if we were human in this cosmos. But without the absolut conscequences, we think it had. So there is potential to learn consciously when we start to let it happen.
@MM-dh3wr 26 дней назад
@@PGB74 we are making decisions on our own….therefore our consciousness is separate and different from the universal consciousness
@PGB74 26 дней назад
​@@MM-dh3wr Your are righ. But within an nonlocal informationsystem the seperation is just locical. Each "passive" piece of consciousness of the whole consciousness-system does have all the information over all the done life-experiences, for each new lesson, a new partition out of the "passive" part is being started ("active part" => player"), just with quality over all lessons, but without (intellectual) memory. After a lesson the "active" partition transfers the hoepfullly gained quality, the memory itself is stored by the system (needed to keep reality consistent "Past and probable future database") and than the partition gets erased. When ready the passive part of your consciousness says yes to a new challenge, a new parition will be generated and the new "player" logs on on a new avatar. We are not really structural different from the system itself but not nearly that evolved, sadly. We can start small virtual realities ourself by imagination.
@No2AI Месяц назад
If this reality is an illusion then so must be the self …. I’ll go with the real but our sensors are limited to understand the full scope of this reality. You got to include the animal kingdom in this scenario, they are a relevant reference. Our consciousness may be the intruder in this physical reality.
@ΑΣΔΦΓΗΞΚΛ Месяц назад
What a load of bollocks
@indef93 Месяц назад
What do you know?
@user-pc2dz3bd3u Месяц назад
It seems to be a theory designed to ensure academics are paid to write a career of theories which cannot be criticised by anyone not already a fan of the idea. It's almost a self fulfilling eternal funding cycle!
@oldboy5001 Месяц назад
And I'm guessing you won't be explaining why ;)
@ΑΣΔΦΓΗΞΚΛ Месяц назад
@@oldboy5001 it would also be a load of bollocks Comes down to semantics if you ask me, which, unfortunately for you, you just did What exactly do they mean by "illusion"? I can't see any way that can be objective John on the one hand is riding in a newspaper taxi while Ringo is trapped in his yellow submarine This just descends into solipsism If you want to do that, then while you've got your illusion of space time, the one constant thing is that wherever your illusion is, it will be to you, subjectively, here And whenever your marmalade sky sunrise is, it will be now Sure, I can accept that the conceiver is bound to the experience of linear sense by conditioning, that fleeting universes may arise and cease from beginning less time and into an endless future, and that the changeless remains the same after not different before But this has already been said And even the Buddha couldn't really care less As he said to Shariputa, It's irrelevant, he teaches two things: suffering and the end of suffering
@oldboy5001 Месяц назад
@@ΑΣΔΦΓΗΞΚΛ Cool. I don't really agree but I appreciate the explanation. I would say that Rupert also teaches the end of suffering, but when people ask him specific questions he has to get into this kind of detail, even if some would consider it irrelevant.
@James-to3kf Месяц назад
if u take mushrooms you will see the real world 100%
@oldboy5001 Месяц назад
You may get closer to it, but your state of mind still influences what you experience.
@NicholasWilliams-y3m Месяц назад
Time and 3d space are real, but what we tend to call time and space is actually thermodynamic processes, that need to be define as thermodynamic processes cubed. Any where you have a curvature in perceived time and space, you can then know that you haven't accounted for all the thermodynamic processes at the small scale that define that perceived curvature. Remember space is actually dimensionally agnostic, where we define the dimensions of space by right angles, as proportionality measurement factors for scaling thermodynamic processes, therefore if you continue to use those right angles as proportionality factors, than any curvature in your 3D space is thermodynamic processes that you are missing in your calculations. This same thing would be true if I defined my space by 30 degree angles, then I would have to scale the thermodynamic processes by that fraction of 30 degree/360 as my scaling factor, what's important is the thermodynamic processes and consistent scaling factors towards small scale or large scale, therefore just simply use 3D right angles, account for curvature with more thermodynamic processes to maintain a non-warpable time/space, because relative time/space = speed/inertia, and inertia = intersecting velocity differentials over real volume (whether I choose to use right angle vectors to describe the volume of space, or 30 degree angles, you would scale proportionally to that specific spatial scaling proportionality factor, therefore use 3D because 3D gives you hypotenuse where you can track direct proportional constancies (hypotenuse slope constant), and direct tradeoffs (hypotenuse length constant). Therefore 3D right angle vectors is just simply better, as it tracks thermodynamic tradeoffs in a simpler way. I don't know, but think about it, maybe you can do better.
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