
How I'd buff Sadako in Dead by Daylight 

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Here are a few ideas I had for potential Sadako buffs, hope you enjoy.



8 сен 2024




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@heronik79 2 года назад
I heard many people want Sadako to just walk through pallets and windows when demanifested cause she is literally ghost and can’t even attack when in this state
@SOC 2 года назад
thats a cool idea
@MrBlackmore_ 2 года назад
That’s my idea as well
@strangegoat9487 2 года назад
While I do think this idea has good intentions it's a bit busted
@Nzzertral 2 года назад
@@strangegoat9487 yea but like wraith there is time inbetween demanifesting and manifesting. Requires survivors to really pay attention to her when she is nearby and be absolutely careful with the pallete management, kinda like how part of legions "pressure" was supposed to. Either way it wouldn't really be broken since in chase it would be easier to brake the pallete than to constantly manifest and demanifest constantly. It gives more mindgame potential for both sides and it makes walls something to be anxious of
@michelleh1464 2 года назад
@@strangegoat9487 If she had to walk throw a droppet pallet and window, then they'd need to change her movement speed from 4.6 to 4.4
@link670 2 года назад
Personally, I'd get rid of the sound cue when sadako moves from TV to TV, making it so that survivors have to look at the TV if they want to make sure she isn't coming, but while the TV screen is in the survivors FOV, they take on passive condemnation as they watch more of the tape. Perhaps even a burst of condemnation when you initially look at the screen after not looking for a time, just to discourage people from constantly flicking the camera to avoid condemnation.
@SOC 2 года назад
I like this idea a lot
@pimpsterpidgeon4502 2 года назад
Also it might be good to get rid of her terror radius when she is undetectable, or at least make it less obvious. Ghostface had it when he came out and he was trash. She still has a loud manifest sound cue anyways like's wraith's bell so there's that. Only thing with wraith is you can hear him gargling when he's too close, and maybe that's okay since, he is mostly or completely invisible, and sort of has a speed burst when uncloaking. He moves faster than you so the gargling doesn't affect him too much.
@theslavicrat3784 2 года назад
Wassup Fellow Rat
@BARelement 2 года назад
If so they gotta make a MORE obvious animation like Freddy, and Dredge :} when she TP
@link670 2 года назад
@@BARelement I don't think that's needed, since her tvs aren't nearly as numerous as lockers, nor are they guaranteed to be useful places to go like generators. It would also defeat the purpose of the condemnation while watching the TV if there is too obvious a tell. Feel like there's room in the game for another killer who is capable of pulling off consistent jumpscares.
@itzme_ben1hime 2 года назад
Devs: we hear your cries for a Sadako buff therefore we are removing pigs ability to use RBT and making her a 110 killer to balance her out.
@hinamiravenroot7162 2 года назад
That stealth so op tho! Make it so her heartbeat is 20% more quiet instead!!! 😭
@oliverthedum2129 Год назад
@@hinamiravenroot7162 that’s still too much, survivors will have a hard time hearing? Make it so that it decreases her terror radius by 4 meters!
@oliverthedum2129 Год назад
@@hinamiravenroot7162 oh and remove the dash attack, it’s so op!!!
@yurifanatic2518 2 года назад
While I do agree with this video, there are many past comments which suggests that whenever a survivor put a tape into a TV, it would give all other survivors a point of condemnation; as that would fit in line with the curse being spread through the survivor's choices. Also I want that addon that has healing survivors spread condemnation onto themselves to be base kit. This would bring out the selfishness of survivors and make them seek out to keep only themselves alive while condemning their teammates to their inevitable demise.
@hinamiravenroot7162 2 года назад
But that would mean a teams global condemnation can never reduce and eventually they'll all die. If tapes spread 1 condemn to all other survivors then a tape should remove 4 condemn from the one inserting it instead of 4
@eclipsedarksouls6036 2 года назад
@@hinamiravenroot7162 it should remove 4 instead of 4?
@jonwicked7031 2 года назад
@@hinamiravenroot7162 not if you are doing it right , cause if you remove for then you are clean and will gain 3 every time so your net is -1 Condemn
@suffering8948 Год назад
Grabbing a tape gives one condemn but putting it in takes away 3 so total is -2 stacks (not counting the natural progression from just having the tape Assuming all survivors are alive that is 3 condemn stacks gained for a total of +1 stack for every tape so it’d be a terrible idea to ever put tapes in because it would actively benefit the killer to do so
@Bonjemus 2 года назад
Very good ideas, I really like the idea of having to avoid TVs. If only bHVR would care...
@braytonewell 2 года назад
I mean, BHVR has REALLY been working their butts off recently. Maybe they'll buff Sadako soon and rework Freddy.
@GenericUserName443 2 года назад
@@braytonewell They did next to nothing for 6 years, them "REALLY been working their butts off recently" was only because they were hemorrhaging players like crazy and real competition was sprouting up. Them doing a good job has in the grand scheme of things only been a very small time frame, i would wait a lot longer to see if this was a genuine change for the better or them just not wanting to lose their jobs because of external factors arising.
@braytonewell 2 года назад
@@GenericUserName443 It's better to focus on the good over bad. Keeping grudges ain't the best thing to do.
@Obrisevac 2 года назад
@@GenericUserName443 Real competition? Where?
@pale_hispanic2429 2 года назад
I also think her ring drawing add-on should be basekit. It has synergy with her hit-and-run playstyle and opens up more perk builds. This also makes her wayy more interesting to face as survivors have to decide if healing is worth the condemn.
@ethan1969 2 года назад
These would be my ideas for Sadako changes: - increase invisibility times to 1 second when manifesting and 1.5 seconds while demanifested - increase projection movement speed bonus duration to 2 or 2.5 seconds - decrease tv cool down to 60 seconds after projecting and 80 seconds after a survivor turns them off (to encourage tv turn offs) - remove ring on survivor HUD when there’s no condemned stacks - make survivors exposed when fully condemned - survivors gain passive condemned when cooperating with condemned survivors I feel like these changes would help to increase the strength of all 3 aspects of her kit. Stealth, teleporting, and condemnation. She doesn’t need to have a chase power, but the other things need to be better to make up for it.
@mommywhythatmansohorny9120 2 года назад
Something which could buff Sadako is the ability to walk though breakable walls, windows and dropped pallets when demanfiested. Maybe this could come with a very rare addon that instantly breaks pallets and breakable walls when walking though them but nerfs the teleport a bit
@simonrieuwers514 2 года назад
Lmao what can survivors do then just stand still? God the way u killers want it handed over to u on a plate….
@mommywhythatmansohorny9120 2 года назад
@@simonrieuwers514 merely adding an idea, could be fun, no other killer can do that so it might buff her a bit if it was on a cool down. Also the game is about survivors and killers, they need to be balanced but strong on both sides, understand that before you go crying in the comment, go complain about dead hard or something Simon.
@feilkate5892 2 года назад
@@mommywhythatmansohorny9120 Killer main detected
@HoLeeSheet117 2 года назад
​@@mommywhythatmansohorny9120 How would you even counter that, add a burn effect to sadako while she's demanifested? Add a longer cooldown when switching from demanifested to manifested? Idk, we don't need something that'll behave similar to nurse imo
@dianamunoz4296 2 года назад
@@simonrieuwers514 girl go somewhere, why tf are you watching a killer video when you're an Ash rank survivor...embarrassing
@DillonMeyer 2 года назад
As of current, Onryo/Sadako is my third 'main', behind Nemesis and Pyramid Head. A thing both the killers I main above Sadako have within their powers is interactivity with their 'power objects'. For Nemesis, he can hit his Zombies with basic attacks to respawn them faster, or hit them with tentacle slam to generate some charge towards his next Tier of power. (The Zombies do not respawn any faster one way or the other, but basic attacking has less of a recovery time, so you'll spend less time in animation.) For Executioner/Pyramid Head, you can stand around a cage to force it to respawn somewhere else on the map, which can dramatically change priority of survivors it respawns nearby to, forcing them off of other objectives to go for the save that might have almost been done by a survivor nearby across the map from them that you just interrupted. For Onryo/Sadako, I'd like to see her have the ability to manually turn on a TV again if she interacts with it at close range. This would allow her to force pressure in zones that she needs it the most in a match, but acts as an action like breaking a pallet or kicking a generator that stalls the killer and gives survivors time to react. The Iridescent Video Tape add-on does this to FOUR TVs at once after hitting a survivor within a few seconds of projection already, I can't see her manually taking time to turn on a TV again be imbalanced for any reason. In addition, I believe Pig/Amanda could be buffed in this way too. She should be able to tamper with her boxes around the map in some way with a manual interaction; have it be on a cooldown since the red bar around her power's portrait has no function as of current, or be that it charges with successful Ambush Attacks to incentivize more use of the ability. When she interacts with a box, she disables that box and removes the key from it. While the box is disabled, survivor reverse bear-traps timers are paused until she places the key into a different box. If she places the key into any box, survivor timers begin, even if no generator was completed. The box that she has placed the key into will now have two keys in it, and thus two chances for survivors to get the correct key from the box, however they will have to search it up to two times to get that second key. Boxes with two keys would have their auras changed to yellow for both Amanda and Survivors, and boxes that are disabled will show their aura as Red. Amanda can remove a key from a box with two keys and place it somewhere else, following the same rules as normal, however she cannot put three or more keys into one box. She can't put the key into a box that has been disabled. (As per normal, Amanda has no way of knowing if the key she's grabbed is one that's useful for her cause, she's just repositioning it to change the rules of the game. A new strategy that might come from this is literally just grabbing the key and never placing it anywhere so that Survivors can search one less box to remove the trap on their head even though it will never be active until she replaces the key; it could be used to permanently afflict survivors with her Add-On effects.)
@braytonewell 2 года назад
What you said about Sadako could be good because it'll prevent her from accidentally wasting TVs when she teleports to the wrong ones.
@not-even-a-real-blacksmith 2 года назад
i'm no balancing expert but I really like your idea for amanda, because balance aside it's extremely fitting for her character
@memshad_ 2 года назад
Pyramid heads cage always moves if he stands in a very close radius of it for about 5 seconds, it has nothing to do with basic attacking it
@DillonMeyer 2 года назад
@@memshad_ Fixed, thanks for the reply. I mistook it because every time I go to force its location switch, basic attacking it twice is the timeframe it takes for it to force respawn.
@memshad_ 2 года назад
@@DillonMeyer yeah thats no worries, it used to confuse me for a while until i looked up exactly how it works. Im pretty sure how close you have to be to the cage for it to move is like 5m so its incredibly strong to camp the cage, especially since survivors cant use BT, DS or OTR coming out of it
@Mann_Person 2 года назад
All of this sounds more than acceptable! I'd love these changes, along with a buff to passive condemn aswell by increasing its speed.
@TheVoidWanderer 2 года назад
I would lean into her stealth, remove the lullaby, and make teleporting completely silent, instead of the loud screeching sound a TV makes. Then as a quality of life I'd make it so 7 stacks gives you exposed, as well as making the times to interact with the TV's a bit longer.
@UnstableAlpaca 2 года назад
Just make the condemn on heal base kit so you can play hit and run so if they decide to heal they start stacking condemn and have to stop doing gens to remove condemn. If they dont heal then hit and run becomes more effective. It wont ensure you get condemn kills but it will make it a better tool to slow the game down.
@alpha-tomahawk532 2 года назад
Either that or teleport adding 2 bars of condemn - one is usual, and the other one is over time just like with the tape, but only once untill that bar finally fills and can't be stacked, meaning you can't just tp over and over in a chase to stack 2 bars each time.
@Oxygen1004 2 года назад
One thing I'd like to buff is her condemnation, give every stack a minor debuff (with the 7th one still making you moriable) so survivors would actually want to put in tapes at even lower condemnation levels
@braytonewell 2 года назад
Problem is that this would make it even HARDER for Sadako to mori them. I like your idea, but I just feel like it will lead to being worse in the end.
@Oxygen1004 2 года назад
@@braytonewell That's the point (a bit), it forces survivors to constantly think about their condemned levels and makes them ask the question "Should I stick on this gen with these debuffs or spend time removing these so I can do it faster". Right now Sadako players need to go out of their way to get the moris away, so making it a constant time sink for the survivors would help in the end imo
@braytonewell 2 года назад
@@Oxygen1004 We have to test it out before we know how the survivors would react. Sadako's sort of like Pig, and the debuffs would influence that: Trap Not Powered = Middle Condemned, Is it worth it to get a tape/go to take it off?; Trap Powered = High/Fully Condemned. With the debuffs, it would probably urge survivors to remove condemned earlier IMO, sort of like removing the trap before it turns on.
@Johnnywiki 2 года назад
I loved the editing! Definetely should be recognized.
@SOC 2 года назад
Thank you!
@janLilin 2 года назад
I play Sadako quite often, and I'm pretty decent. I'd buff her as follows: Obviously remove the lullaby TV range increased from 16m to 24m The sound cue for teleports are now only played outside of the TV's range For 5 seconds after teleporting, hitting a survivor will give 1 stack of Condemned Teleporting to a TV turns it off for 60 seconds, and a survivor turning it off turns it off for 80 seconds Sadako gets a loud noise notification at the location where a tape is inserted Ring Drawing, Old Newspaper and Bloody Fingernails all made basekit
@theonetruecatalyst283 Год назад
I love this ❤ great ideas. Sadako main here. I would only suggest not increasing the cooldown when a survivor turns it off. Needs to be a heavier penalty for shutting tvs off.
@sebastianhardy4304 2 года назад
I feel like a buff they should add is when you have the killer instinct they are also exposed
@braytonewell 2 года назад
Honestly, yeah. A lot of the time is that when you hit them, they just run to a TV and put in the tape before you can hit them again.
@martacecchetti3236 Год назад
I'm a Sadako main and want to share a couple of ideas for a nice buff :) Her condemned mechanic could work like plague infection. So when a condemned survivor do every cooperative or altruistic action with an another, they get a stack. Also to add a twist this effect can be applied to chests and bones, (for example if a condemned survivor touch a totem, it becomes cursed. Then if another survivor interacts with it, receive a stack or if he rummage an already opened chest by a condemned survivor). For the Mori mechanic to be a bit challenging, I thought that if a survivor is fully condemned, has to go on the furthest TV from him, and the killer gets a faster teleport as long as the survivor doesn't get rid of the tape. An adjustment to her audio cues also should be that when she comes out of a TV, the current sound is replaced with a low pitched static interference and when demanifested she's completely silent. Edit: I love your videos and your ideas to the game improvements, keep it up
@makernaut2135 2 года назад
My only two cents on the topic is to make the ring drawing base kit, make survivors exposed when they reach their 7th mark, as well as make it an irreversible change, and finally just make being around the TVs give you a passive condemned. Sadako’s the queen of hit and run and pressure, her power should reflect that.
@johnmendez9392 2 года назад
I think a cool buff would be to have a well in the middle of the map that acts a a stronger tv by giving survivors two condemned but has a shorter area of affect. And possible even a shorter cooldown before she can teleport to it again
@yigitbadanoz2642 2 года назад
I have some ideas that would be good for a sadako buff 1-get rid of her little lullaby she doesn't need it 2-when she is manifasting make her coming out sounds muffled and scattered like the add-on wraith has 3- If a survivor isn't condemnted, make sadako give them the first condemnt by manifesting 4- survivors take one point of condemnt when they save someone from the hook 5- When someone takes a tape, they get 1 point of condemnt, when they put it to another tv they lose 5 condemnt but give the survivor with the lowest condemnt 1 point of condemnt 6- when a survivor is fully condemnt they get exposed 7- when sadako downs (or hooks) a survivor, the latest tv she used will open back 8- when she is manifested, she crawls the windows %20-30 faster 9-survivors can't see her when she is away 24m, make it 16m so she can sneak more easily
@braytonewell 2 года назад
I do like many of these ideas. I feel like putting a tape back into a TV shouldn't take away FIVE though, even with your idea. I feel like they should keep it at three. If it gets abused on Sadako's side of things, maybe nerf it back to four like it was in the PTB I think.
@iknorn9494 2 года назад
Make her condem ability easy to apply but also easy to get rid of imagine something like pig with infinite traps but you always take them of first try so basically constant second objective you need to manage
@braytonewell 2 года назад
Decent idea, but then I feel like it makes it a little too simple. Maybe some would prefer this simplicity, but it's nice for a killer having a bit of strategy in my opinion.
@iknorn9494 2 года назад
@@braytonewell ok whats your idea i believe that simple but effective power is enough they can make it that you see auras of everyone looking at the tv they can make it that you get passively condemed over time there's a lot of options
@braytonewell 2 года назад
@@iknorn9494 I was specifically talking about the Pig. With Sadako, you could give it a few more ways to apply condemnation, but not SO much easier to get rid of. And sorry if my comment sounded rude. I did not mean to argue against your idea; that's why I said "decent" over "sucks". We both have our opinions.
@iknorn9494 2 года назад
@@braytonewell it wasn't rude neither unpleasant don't worry its just the way im talking or in this instance writing
@owenfillak9976 2 года назад
honestly i’d make the ring drawing green add on basekit, it spreads condemned to survivors you heal and it really helps counter boons and generally slows the game down.
@MutatedAmerican 2 года назад
1. Teleport: I think what you have works out just fine. If anything, maybe spawn in more TVs around the map. To do this, maybe have them near key objectives, like gens, hooks, etc. 2. Condemned: This seriously needs a rework to make it actually scary. Personally, it should apply debuffs onto a survivor based on tier level. Whether something like the Doctor or actual debuff, this is up for debate. However, it should eventually reach to the point where when fully condemned, they are exposed until removed. I also like the idea of having a way to spread the curse to save yourself. (ie. VHS can personally cleanse 3 tokens, but also gives everyone one out of those 3) 3. Chase: I just don't her chase to act like the Dredge, your change does sound good. Maybe also decrease the demanifesting charge to 1 second? BONUS: Give her an add-on that allows her to strike while manifested, but it doesn't do damage. Rather, it adds an additional Condemned bar. Meanwhile, Sadako, will then manifest while having an extended melee cooldown. This allows her to play with her stealthy nature and gives her more ways to add Condemned.
@stevenobrien7686 Год назад
Honestly I think that there should be more ways to give people condemned stacks just in general. That and I agree the global sound effect alerting survivors of TPing is pretty dumb. The high cooldown on TP makes sense if it gives her the ability to get a good sneak attack off using it.
@turtwigproductions9928 2 года назад
I love these kinds of videos. I really like what you have going on here. It’s just so interesting to me.
@b.bedhead4531 Год назад
I literally had the exact same proposals. Except within 8 meters of a TV, you take a very slow condemnation (1 bar ever 20 seconds). As gens are usually that close, it compels them to interact with the TVs. Either one survivor grabs a tape and takes active condemnation so the others can work on the gen, or anyone on the gen takes passive condemnation.
@zachtemoro2116 2 года назад
The fact that putting a tape into an already turned on TV turns it off just tells you that BHVR was way more focused in making her aesthetically pleasing rather than actually making her a balanced killer
@mrsuzan533 2 года назад
Most of the changes you suggested were also changes I thought of. The lower cooldown on the TV after projecting to is is a no-brainer, since why do survivors inflict a 60s cooldown on the TV when turning it off, but the killer inflicts a 100s cooldown? That just a punishment for using your power in a correct way. Another way to passively build up Condemnation is also good. My idea was for survivors to passively gain one stack of Condemnation every 50s when within 16m of a turned on TV, but I prefer requirement of having the TV in your FOV, cause, like you also explained in the video, it makes her power even more true to the source material, but it also makes her Tvs more threatening and puts them into this dilemma where they can either build up Condemnation for wanting to be aware of their surroundings or ignore TVs, but be at risk of getting teleported onto. Other changes I though of were: - all TVs turn back on again if they're all turned off (According to the DBD wiki, that's an unused feature, and I'd say it makes sense to use it.) - 1-3 more TVs should spawn per map (Sometimes, the TV spawn locations can be awful, so some more TVs per map should help with that. The amount of extra TVs is determined by the size of the map.) The only thing I'd worry about is how overwhelming it could get with the build up of the stacks, but that could get tweaked if necessary.
@abursha 2 года назад
I'd give these buffs to Sadako: -Projection TV cooldown from 80 seconds to 60 seconds (same as you). -8 meters close to a turned on TV slowly gives a singular condemn stack, has a 120 seconds cooldown for it to happen again at a different TV, just 1 stack per TV per trial (similar to you). -Reduce 24 to 16 meters the intermittent invisibility when demanifested, so Clump of Hair add-on is more enticing, and for her to be even more sneaky. It might be overkill though. -I'd change it so when you insert the tape back and lose 3 condemn stacks, all your teammates will get 1 condemn stack because of that. Following passing on the curse from the movie. Maybe if this isn't base this should definitely be an add-on, probably purple or red. -Speed while manifesting from 3.68 m/s to 3.9 m/s. -Post-projection speed boost duration from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds. If you know how to currently condemn with her, using the Ring Drawing and Iridescent Videotape add-on, slugging and turning TVs like crazy, you'll see that she's actually a huge menace, you can 3k-4k with 1-3 gens left and 1-0 hooks, even when survivors try to return the tapes. But it's another type of game, you basically have to herd survivors like a shepherd dog to TVs, if they have you figured out you're a bit screwed for condemn killing, so condemning can become broken if you're a good Sadako and if it gets buffed. Funny enough only No Mither fully counters Condemn Sadako, then again you just hook them out of the game.
@dajokaman759 2 года назад
Imo another change that would be good is giving survivors who have certain amount of condemation certain debuffs like mangled first at 2 bars, exhaustion at 4, oblivious at 5 and exposed at 6 to have a more oppressive punishment for not maintaining low condemation.
@wonderhealer9665 2 года назад
i main sadako so i've often thought of how i would change her and after hearing a ton of people's thoughts i think i've came up with her best change (in my opinion) Her current issues Condemn system is terrible No Chase Potential TV teleport mechanic is extremely weak Manifesting/demanifesting not strong (With wraith you get a movement speed bonus and can body block which makes his ability so much better for mind games) How i would address these problems Condemn System is terrible: i would rework the Condemn system and tape itself, to make condemn more of a noticeable problem i would make it function like a mini version of unnerving presence so gens would take a little longer and skill checks would be a little harder and show up more often per stack of condemn, another issue with the condemn system is how long it takes to get 7 stacks and how easy it is to remove those stacks, a good fix that someone recently told me is that whenever a survivor puts a tape in a tv it should remove all condemn gained from the tape + 1 stack so if a survivor had 6 stacks of condemn 4 from the tape and 2 from sadako, placing a tape in a tv would remove 5 stacks of condemn (which sounds stronger but with my tv teleport buff it isn't much of a problem it now enforces gaining stacks through teleporting.) No Chase Potential, there isn't really a fix to this directly but read the manifesting/demnifesting problem for the closest fix possible for this TV Teleport Mechanic is extremely Weak, I couldn't agree more 100 seconds is way too long, it's borderline insane i would change it so she can teleport every 30 seconds but once she teleports all tv's are switched off and each time she hits a survivor the cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds, this fixes the problem of survivors abusing the long tv cooldown while rewarding players who can properly utilise her ability well, also the sound sadako makes when teleporting should be global similar to demogorgon she's supposed to be a stressful killer to go against also like demogorgon sadako should get 3 seconds of undetectable while teleporting. Manifesting/ Demanifesting not strong, most people would disagree with me about this but to put this into perspective imagine playing nemesis but the moment you get in a chase with a survivor you have to leave your tentacle up, pretty hard right?, guess what, you'd still be moving faster than sadako while manifesting, due to it's loud sound and the abysmal movement speed of 3.68m with no speed increase as well as being visible and no movement speed bonus, there's no reason to use this as a good way of mind gaming a survivor you're punished for doing so, i would just remove the movement speed decrease.
@hydrex6819 2 года назад
I generally think that Sadako's power should focus more a Condemnation over her teleport ability. One idea I had that would be pretty basic, would be to make it to where for each stack of Condemnation it increases the range of gaining another stack by 2 meters. This could be balanced by putting a short 10 or 15 second cooldown on her teleporting, so she can't spam teleport and get an easy Condemned kill in the first minute of the game. Another way could be to add certain other debunks per stack of Condemnation, like decreased repair speed, decreased healing speed or maybe even status effects like broken or exhausted when hitting the 4th stack.
@Cheshire_Heart 2 года назад
I like your idea on making the condemned timer start if survivors look at the tv that’s brilliant. But with her teleport what I think should be done is make it where when she teleports to a tv it stays on. That way it would force survivors to interact with the tvs to turn them off. They could make it where there’s a cool down on survivors getting condemned stacks from the same tv so if a survivor gets stuck in a loop she couldn’t just keep teleporting to the same tv and stacking condemned.
@braytonewell 2 года назад
I like the idea, but this MIGHT make it harder to condemn them in the end.
@javierpupo8042 2 года назад
I tried doing some math for this watch-tv-to-gain-condemned mechanic and I think if a survivor gets condemned 4.5% per second after viewing a tv at 6 meters, and 100% is the amount of condemned a survivor would take to get one full stack of condemned. It would take 22.2 seconds each for continuous stacks (originally was 25 seconds), but if the survivor is actively looking at a tv the amount of condemned they acquire, gets bumped up to 9% or 11 seconds for one full stack of condemned. Replacing a tape at a designated tv would remove 3 stacks of condemned from you as a survivor, and taking one tape also grants one full stack of condemned. If you have any comments about my math, go ahead and let me know (I am not a game designer or a mathematician lol).
@ImNotScotish 2 года назад
my idea for the changes would be everything you said and also when a survivor gets condemned sadako would get a flamethrower for 15 seconds and when your it by it your set on fire for 5 seconds then after that you instantly die (not be put into the dying state) this would be more faithful to the movie because deez nutz
@Dr.Slaughter 2 года назад
One small thing I would like is letting her look around sooner when she leaves a TV. Since you dont pick where a TV faces, it can be disorienting when emerging from a TV, not knowing where a gen/ survivor is.
@joshuaway 2 года назад
This buff pretty much covers everything! It’s easy to do on Behaviors part and would boost her power to a decent status. I love it.
@riitasola2373 2 года назад
I'd like it if sadakos teleport spawned a phantom instead which would slowly walk out and if it detected someone would walk towards them which sadako could then choose to replace the clone with her own presence. Id also prefer that holding a tape slowed down the rate of which her condem built up on you but her condem would be a constant and slow build up through the match forcing survivors to choose between between being moriable and getting that final 10% of the gen done or cleansing the condem at a tv. I think these would be unique enough to differentiate her from most of the killers and add a source of pressure like pinhead.
@matthews4424 2 года назад
I like how you think in these change idea videos. I love killers that make survivors have to make choices like pinhead and plague, and most of you ideas seem to aim to make survivors choose more.
@ju4mpii_159 2 года назад
That is a pretty good buff, i would love if they give her more anti-loop though, the demanifest and manifest thing is kinda meh, i would make that so if she is demanifested she can go trough walls, pallets and windows.
@Hellstromknight 2 года назад
The biggest thing is make the survivors exposed when fully condemned. Then maybe an Iri add-on that makes it so you can't return the tape if you're fully condemned? At least for a certain period of time.
@luissalvadorangulolira9759 2 года назад
I think there should be effects based on the amount of condemned a survivor has. Right now it's only purpose is to kill you at seven stacks which isn't really an issue since stacks are easy to get rid of. Something similar to Doctor's madness.
@quartzskull8772 2 года назад
Haven't watched the video yet but my idea for a buff would be that the static area around tvs causes condemned and similar to how noed is now when left turned on the static increases in size making tvs much more of a priority
@rubymaestas9762 2 года назад
great video the idea with her chase power is great and pretty original but something I wish was covered was that someone can carry a tape till condemned and moriable then get rid of all of it in like 1 second during chase and in the blue moon when someone get condemned and I chase them its so frustrating to watch them undo all that progress so fast ps at 0:55 u misspelled Sadako and the original pronunciation is SAA-D-ahKow you pronounced it the American way great video and keep it up love these
@CoriandertheFox Год назад
As a new Sadako main my favorite thing in chase is to tap the manifest button to bait dead hard, also I think that fully condemned survivors should suffer the exposed status effect for the duration they are fully condemned
@GemKnightRuby 2 года назад
I like the idea of looking at a TV starts passive condemnation but due to where TVs are mostly placed I think you could go for an easier solution on the programming side with being in the radius for x amount of time (I'm thinking 5 seconds?) begins a passive timer like the pig's RBT.
@hi-jinx2100 2 года назад
One idea I had which may or may not be too overpowered is that lets say survivor A takes a tape from TV A then Survivor A puts the tape into TV B and all the condemnation progress which was gathered on survivor A while he was holding the tape is transferred to the tape in TV B so now if Survivor B grabs the tape from TV B he starts off with the same amount of condemnation left by survivor A when he grabs the tape so if survivor A gained all 3 bars of condemnation then survivor B will now start off with 3 bars of condemnation when he grabs that specific tape, this may lead to survivors turning off TV's faster but hopefully it urges survivors to try to not touch TV's as much.
@PsykohsiX 2 года назад
I think building condemned by looking at TVs would be great but the TV placements would (even without this change) need to be looked into since I think that's another thing that cripples her power. Also building condemned while in chase wouldn't be so bad either
@AnonyJest 2 года назад
My idea for buffing her is to make it where pallets don't affect her while demanifested. Meaning pallet stuns don't work, she can walk through dropped pallets and breakable walls while demanifested. Also speed out of a TV add on base kit
@Scooby-Doo_Villain 2 года назад
Hey man, just wanna say that I'm loving these vids. Recently got into Dbd thanks to my gf and your content is really interesting!
@SOC 2 года назад
thanks man appreciate it
@lucaknack8657 2 года назад
You are the one of the best dbd channel and I just want to say I got my first win💗
@Blu3Sc0ut11 2 года назад
Sadako: You're Just a cheep fucking knockoff. Dredge: Oh no, I'm the upgrade.
@Lucerys890 2 года назад
Great video. I agree with everything you said. I feel I wasted money on her chapter seeing as there are way stronger killers to use and with the release of dredge, she's seriously underwhelming
@braytonewell 2 года назад
I mean, she's fun though! At least for me. Sometimes you got to enjoy a killer just because of what their power is, not how strong it is.
@pikelboi9674 2 года назад
I think the way sadako should get a buff is that when invisible you are 2% faster so after uncloaking you are faster more consistently and it’ll make you a lot harder to predict so invisibility actually does something movement/mind game wise
@gavynbrandt 2 года назад
Subbed because you have some good ideas and I love the art direction
@rakeshsspiceclub5554 2 года назад
You should make an buff idea video on the least updated killer in this game‘s lifetime, Michael He needs a complete revamp for 2022‘s gameplay, a full addon rework and perhaps add 4 tiers instead of 3… His tier III should be more oppressive and scary, giving him a base enduring pallet kick speed that can‘t be stacked, also making his terror radius map wide like that old legion addon, so survivors are always on edge, additionally play Michaels breathing around the survivors like in halloween 1… Incorporate his tombstone addons as tier 4, which only triggers if you tiered up to 3 x amounts of times, rewarding you for stalking , also changing his chase theme and giving the survivors audio cues (perhaps the allyson chase theme from halloween 2018) Give him new fun addons so he’s not forced to run the same 4 addons and remove the busted tombstone iris Stalking should be infinite and not limited to a survivor, perhaps make it so he stalks faster from further away.. And lastly, tiering up should be a manual keypress (ctrl) , so accidentally popping tiers wont happen anymore
@zombieboss5178 2 года назад
Keep making this very unique and entertaining content man, it doesn't matter if you've only got a few hundred subs, they're just numbers look at the comment section to understand if your audience enjoys your content, (the like button also isn't really that important since a lot of people watch youtube without being signed in) Also I liked all the changes, I do appreciate that you aren't giving ridiculously overpowered buff ideas but I do think that her chase power would still need a slight buff (unless her condem game was upped)
@averageamerican7384 2 года назад
I'm still sticking with the idea of being intangible while demanifested allowing her to walk through breakable walls or pallets and for the people who are concerned this might be OP you have to remember she can't attack while demanifested and has to wait a bit before she can attack after manifesting If that's still not enough for you how about the manifestation bar pauses or resets when walking through an object
@lovecookiesncream5302 2 года назад
I have an idea to make her condemned more lethal to survivors. survivors will get condemned based on how close they are to the tv sadako is teleporting on. 30 meters will give You 1 stack of condemned, 25 meters will give You two, 10 meters will give You 3 stacks, and 5 meters will give You 4 stacks. if survivors wants to remove they're condemned they need to go to the tv furthest away from them. if the tape is retrieved Your condemned will spread to all other survivors. doing objectives will also speed up the condemned bar
@afonsomonteiro2003 Год назад
I got Sadako today and my first six matches so far have all been 4ks, maybe I got lucky but regardless Im having a lot of fun so far. She definitely could use some qol improvement tho. A lower cooldown for teleportation is practically necessary at this point and there should be a bigger incentive for survivors to interact with the tapes
@Sheamop 2 года назад
Really enjoying this series. Your insight on everything is very entertaining.
@emoneestep 2 года назад
My recommendations for buffing Sadako: 1] The TV timers -TVs turned off by Sadako should come back in 30 seconds -TVs turned off by Survivors come back in 90 seconds. This gives survivors more incentive to turn off tvs themselves while also increasing the chances of condemnation stacking for the Killer. 2] Condemnation Survivors who become fully condemned should be exposed until they get rid of their tape. 3] Demanifestation Sadako should be able to walk through dropped pallets, window vaults and breakable walls while de-manifested.
@Doncroft1 2 года назад
At least Sadako's teleport is much faster than Dredge's, technically has no cool down, and applies and potentially lethal effect. Obviously he's the stronger killer, but Sadako has her own merits. One Pump Willie has recently shown how powerful she can be.
@BizarreAdventuresFM 2 года назад
How do you only have 1.5k subs this content and editing is amazing
@thiccpotatopupper4277 2 года назад
Amazing video can’t wait to see what u have next
@smuckers7899 2 года назад
The only issue I find with the condemnation buff is that some tvs spawn on the other side of walls like in 4 lanes when doing gens, ideally the most common time to get condemnation stacks. Obviously BHVR could change TVs to spawn next directly next to a gen but I feel TVs would then feel more like Freddy's power, its a little change, but its a little identity...idk
@RicardoAlmeidatm 2 года назад
Sadako being able to teleport without having to demanifest first would be a MASSIVE QoL change. Wouldn't make her that much better but just by being 1 second faster and less annoying to use would already be great.
@pricer1707 2 года назад
I think a slow gradual condemnation build-up akin to the VHS on demanifestation would be nice, even as an add-on.
@Entitusschule Год назад
These changes are great! I really hope the devs will buff her someday.
@nicholaslewis862 2 года назад
It blows my mind that with all other killers, there's a trade-off for getting rid of an effect on you. With plague, you can cleanse but it gives Plague her red puke. You can get rid of the chain hunt temporarily, but in exchange Pinhead gets the option to immediately initiate a new chase, and you're constantly harranged by chains. With Sadako however, you must reinsert the tape into a TV and remove your condemnation. However, this ALSO shuts the TV off. I don't understand this. Surely when you put the tape in a TV, you save yourself from condemnation at the cost of "spreading the tape" so to speak. The Devs' decision was so counter intuitive I thought it was a bug at first. This needs to change, preferably switching on both the TV from which you took the tape and the one into which you inserted it.
@TheMegazonyx 2 года назад
I would make it so every 1 minutes gives one stack of condemn to all survivors... 7 days = 7 minutes
@alicenull807 2 года назад
You know how everyone wants to expose and look for Ghostface? Make Onryō the opposite! - While demanifested looking at onryō builds up condemned on survivers (Only while demanifested) fast enough to proc often. - As a way to balance this condemned now triggers exposed instead of mori unless they are on deathook or holding the tape. - Holding the tape slows condemned gained greatly (Enough to make it so the insta mori at 7 stacks makes sense) but applies hindered and makes the surviver give up the item they are holding for the tape. - Tv manifestation speed is slightly increased and rather than showing exactly where she's coming from 3 random tvs play the animation and are highlighted instead of the 1 she also gets a speed increase after tv manifesting (Making turning them off much more important). - Tv Cooldown reduced to 45 seconds and downing a surviver turns back on 1 random tv. I believe this would make Onryō a much more terrifying opponent than the joke she currently is, it would also give her anti loop and chase potential as viewing her demanifested is likely to kill you faster. Not to mention make her unique as she would be the first killer you don't always want eyes on~
@xx1TuK3r1xx 2 года назад
I personally think the easiest solution to Sadako is adding your buffs to everything else except the TV's and hear me out on this one. Personally I think the looking at the TV thing is a fun concept however seeing how Ghostface has a reveal mechanic and it's hella janky I wouldn't expect/like to see that implemented into DBD again until it can function perfectly and to be honest I don't think it's worth the effort to them to make that work. So the EASIEST fix for Sadako is something I never see anyone recommend. Take a look at the condemned effect if you get it fully stacked for a sec and REALLY think about it. The issue is that it's just way to strong to be something that you can obtain without making survs be just outright careless throughout an entire match. Allowing someone to be just outright killed is just insane. Sure Pyramid Head can mori but they have to have "the ick" as my group calls it and also be on last hook anyway. Fair enough right? So the change is to make condemned A LOT easier to obtain but just make the reward impactful enough to actually make survs want to take time to interact with TVs but not be too oppressive. Honestly make Sadako be able to see auras of condemned survs giving her some info and expose them. You could tweak the numbers to be whatever but in my mind it works like this. "When a survivor becomes fully condemned Sadako receives a loud noise notification and sees the auras of survivors for 45 seconds or until they retrieve a tape from a TV. Removing a tape and transporting it to another TV will remove the condemned status effect. While transporting a tape from one TV to another while fully condemned the survivor suffers from the exposed status effect." Sure there is some tweaking to how survs obtain condemned like make them gain stacks upon hit, turning off TVs, teleporting near survs and carrying tapes. Make it a trade off where a TV stays off longer if a surv does it but you gain less condemned if Sadako teleports near you. So the trade off is Sadako will get to tele to that TV easier but give you less condemned or you gain more condemned but shut her ability to teleport down longer. Any thoughts?
@cityrat3237 2 года назад
I’m a sadako main and tbh I prefer her over the dredge because the dredge is super clunky, yes it has more lockers but when you’re in a chase and you teleport it will automatically send you to the locked locker giving survivors enough time to get away. Also the amount of times I quickly need to go to a specific locker only for the arrow to change to a different locker last second and I end up somewhere else is annoying to say the least.
@MrScraap Год назад
Dude these videos are the best! U need to make more!
@squid-ink2628 2 года назад
For the chase power, i actually would like the idea that you are in full control of your invisiblity, so i would give her a token based system when she manifests, each token will make it so that she instantly turns invisible for 1 second, and to refill them, you would demanifest. she would still flicker in and out of sight while demanifested though
@NotRenjiro 2 года назад
I think that the TP coldown for the TV's should be 15 seconds and maybe she can walk through pallets at a slower speed while stealthy.
@pyroronnie2473 2 года назад
One idea i had was making survivors gain condemn when near a tv thats turned on, and make it impossible for survivors to put tapes into tvs that are off
@Mazerwolf 2 года назад
I wish she had a better mid chase power She has cool psychic powers, there could be some sort of attack
@Loxu69 2 года назад
I don't think making it easier for sadako to instantly kill you is the way to go. The more you do that the more sadako just turns into Pig and I don't think the community really likes Pig's playstyle. Otz has already kinda proven its fairly simple to tunnel stacks on a survivor very early into the game (if you use the addon that spawns them with a tape) and just kill them at 5 or 4 gens. All that being said spawning with a tape is probably the way to go if we aren't just completely changing how her power works (even though it contradicts what I said) with sadako its fairly simple to tell who the killer is very quickly once the TVs spawn so I don't think it matters that survivors instantly know what killer they are up against.
@Upsetkiller456 2 года назад
The TV change would be hard to code right, you should just make it to where being within an 8m range of an active TV you passively gained condemned. Not sure why it wasn’t there to begin with. This alone would make her better. The condemn add ons would need to be tweaked. Her chase power is complete ass, i main her and I don’t even use it, making stuff like mirror and newspaper Basekit would make it at least useable.
@dedox6749 2 года назад
I feel like once you're fully Condemned, you shouldn't be able to get rid of it. The survivor that's fully condemned should also become exposed for about 60 seconds. Bloody Fingernails, Ring Drawing, and Iri Tape becoming basekit are no brainers as well I also think it'd be cool if a survivor that's been fully condemned could have a special mori animation once grabbed off of an interaction or found in a locker
@stinkypoopoo388 2 года назад
Another thing Sadako desperately needs is the removal of her lullaby. A stealth killer that tells you when they are nearby is just dumb design. I’d also make her flickering permanent but that’s just me.
@kordaling Год назад
As a new player with 1 month of experience, she's the most difficult killer to play against. She's; Invisible, silent, mobile, short. Plus she has the perk: Merciless Storm that is nearly impossible to succed with the Nintendo Switch poor framerate. I know i must be wrong, but i can't wait to find out what i so bad about her. (and yes as soon as they implement cross progression, if they ever do, i'll switch to PS5)
@wowitsportal5225 2 года назад
I had an idea of making condemnation only take three stacks to get but instead of a mori the survivor would be exposed and or hindered
@brag363 2 года назад
Here’s how I’d do it: At the start of the match there are four tv’s each gives massive buffs to the killer. The current active ability is simply replaced by the ability to teleport between the tv’s with a relatively short cooldown. The survivors can interact with the tv in order to disable the tv, taking away the buff and ability to teleport to the tv and exposing the survivor. This gives a difficult choice for the survivor;take out the tape and weaken the killer leaving themselves exposed while the killer possibly has three other buffs to all stats. I also think taking out the tapes should take som time so that the killer has time to react and the survivor needs to time the removal at a time the killer is occupied. The killer must then return the tapes themselves in order to regain the buffs. This makes sadoko a really strong m1 killer with back and fourth regarding the tapes This is probably a garbage change since I’ve never actually played the game and have no idea how the sadoko works this is just what my brain came up with at the point of clicking this video
@MonadoWolf 2 года назад
My biggest problem with the power was that the TV does very little over all. It's just a teleport location little else. I feel like it should be exactly like you proposed.
@thenegativoneify 2 года назад
Great ideas...this makes alot of sense
@uggZymoroon 2 года назад
The pasive condemnation gain is a dope idea, but the tp's should not turn of the tv, instead I'd make it so that when she tp's, she should be still able to tp to that tv, but slowly, like the dredge does to a locker. Also, I'd make it that if the players are in like 8-16 meters from a tv, because the tv then plays the tape, they should gain condemnation passively, but yours idea was nice too, and make it so that if they don't carey the tape, they can be mories once their condemnation is full, but if they carey the tape, they gain condemnation a bit more faster, but only get exposed once the condemnation meter is full. Also, and that is a must change: DON'T PLAY HER CHASE MUSIC WHILE SHE'S IN STEALTH! It absolutely ruins her whole shtick
@jack0slack 2 года назад
2:50 This is genius.
@enzzzo1914 2 года назад
my idea to rework her power is: when she demanifest you just cant see her, you can see an illusion of her that does the same moves but with 3 seconds delay so she would be a mindgame killer
@SyATik.mp4 2 года назад
one little idea, sadako can use telekinesis to break pallets and breakable walls witin 10 meters of her but with a slightly slower animation.
@adamdobry5517 2 года назад
Maybe make her give 1 condemned with her basics? That would make people act on her mechanic more, like pinheads box.
@bread7144 2 года назад
Put her cooldown on 40 seconds for each TV. Make it so you can still hear her teleport but you can't hear the TV she teleported to so she can go for surprise attacks
@IHaveInsomnia333 2 года назад
Former sadako main here I would honestly agree with this but another cool idea is you know how tvs play a video when when survivor is in 16 meters ? I would make it passively cause condem however 50 %slower and I would make the fingernails base kit
@josephrobinson6171 2 года назад
I'd definitely make condemned make you exposed if fully condemned, but i'd also make it so that the survivor has stacking debuffs the more condemned they are, like reduced terror radius for the killer but only for that survivor. For me the main problem with condemned is also how quickly you can put tapes into TVs when condemned, but also how easy it is to manage and get rid of compared to gain. ALSO REMOVE HER LULLABY FOR GOD'S SAKE, WHY DOES A STEALTH KILLER HAVE A LULLABY
@animepenguin7254 2 года назад
Maybe rng with tvs like with pig. Doesn’t show which one you have to turn in and wrong ones spit out the vhs like irl lol. Or exposed status in fully condemned. Or if killing with condemn spreads to other survivors. I Main her so these are always on my mind. Fun but Dredge is a better version sadly.
@user-tv2yu7ee5j 2 года назад
i think they need to make most of her addons base kit like the finger one and thee one when you heal you will spread the condemend and rework all of the addons and make it a bit stronger and make every stack on the condemend will give you a debuff like thee first stack the survivor will get more skill checks 3rd stack the survivor will the oblivious status and the audio will get lower like the hag addon affect the 5th stack the survivor will be completly deaf the 6th the survivor will get exposed 7th stack is the same
@deletedaccount7 2 года назад
With how rare it is to get it i would make it so when we are at max condemned along side with her being able to mori us we are also exposed but in turn lower the duration of killer instinct. Imo for me it would make her more fun and threatening to play against if they managed to pull it off and although I didn't do anything would give me some sense of accomplishment for removing it even if it isn't accomplishing anything real. That and ngl being able to mori a survivor is neat and all but more often than not completely useless if you can't down them to begin with and where it stands at the moment by the time anyone is maxed condemned IF at all during the match it is already late in the game probably.
@nicholaslewis862 2 года назад
She's a wonderful addition to the game, but she desperately needs buffs. I like your suggestions. At the VERY least they should get rid of the directional audio when she teleports. It completely removes her ability to sneak up on survivors. Also, I love your production value and hard work. Great stuff! Would you ever consider covering speculative killer powers for future potential licenses?
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