
How Is Jesus the Firstborn of Creation? Colossians  

Desiring God
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Look at the Book
Teacher: John Piper
Playlist: • Look at the Book: Colo...



12 июн 2023




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@MetanoiaMan Год назад
This video helped me to understand ever slightly more the sheer gob-stopping love poured out by Jesus Christ on Earth; to be fully Divine and thus God in the flesh down here, just so He could do His Father's will and see us saved?! All while facing the torment and ridicule we've thrown at Him leading up to the cross, where He bore our sins! It's a great blessing to have this resource to come to. I hope to renew my awareness, understanding, and praise of the triune nature of God! Thank you so much.
@ronkebarber6238 Год назад
2 Corinthians 5:19. All creations came from Him, the model and the visible image of God, and one of the reasons why He came into the world is to eventually reconcile everything back to God in Himself. Everything in heaven and in earth and under the earth- both visible and invisible all proceed from inside of Him. Psalm 95, tells us that in His hands are the deep places of the earth. He became the Warehouse where everything for this story plot came from, and will return to. Unimaginable, but that's what it is. Just like it is unimaginable to figure out how Believers are the Church, members in particular of His body and He is the Head. Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 5:30. This is the same reason that Daniel couldn't understand the revelations of the angel that talked with him and was commanded to shut the book until the prophesy of the suffering and killed Messiah would come to pass. Then, he continued and picked up from where he left off in Daniel 12, in Revelation 5... It will all be clear on that day. We only know in part. But we should still believe and hold it dear.
@TheCreepypro 7 месяцев назад
thank You Lord for your Son and all the wonderful things that come through Him!
@PennySmart Год назад
Very uplifting. How beautiful and glorious is our King!
@godfredbaiden Год назад
God bless you Pastor John for sharing this insight on the nature of Christ
@hotwings80 2 месяца назад
Man Scripture is beautiful
@nikapetit3931 Год назад
Amen! Thank you for sharing. The word of God is a great way to start the day ❤
@coracee7653 Год назад
How beautiful. Thank you for for this. A beautiful description of my Master, my Saviour, my Lord and my God. Oh, what a beautiful description of Jesus.
@andje_izidor_music Год назад
Great and free resources. Thank you Pastor John!
@LavernLee-zz5ln Год назад
Excellent explanation on the meaning “first born” in reference to Jesus.
@maxaplin4204 Год назад
It is quite common for Bible commentators to translate this Greek phrase into English as 'the firstborn OVER all creation', to make it clear that the divine Son of God wasn't created. The most natural way of putting the Greek into English, however, is 'the firstborn OF all creation', just as John Piper translates it. This doesn't mean that the divine Son of God was created, although it has the potential to be misunderstood in this way. Importantly, if God has inspired the original Greek with the potential to be misunderstood, then it should be translated into English with the potential to be misunderstood. Those who translate with 'over' instead of 'of' are essentially trying to improve on the biblical text in order to deal with a problem. This attitude basically doesn't trust that God knew what he was doing when he inspired the text. The humble Bible translator will do his best to reproduce the original text no matter what the consequences.
@PaulLee-rs8uw Год назад
Amen to Colossians 1:15-18. Hebrews 4:14-5:10( Jesus the Great High priest) and praise to the Lord( Jesus😊1st❤) and thank you for sharing Colossians 1 :15-18 too.
@PaulLee-rs8uw Год назад
Hebrews 4:1-13( A Sabbath- Rest for the People of God) "4 Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us becareful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. 2 For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith. 3 Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said, " So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.' " And yet his work has been finished since the creation of the world. 4 For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day these words: "And on the seventh day God rested from all his work." 5 And again in the passage above he says, " They shall never enter my rest." 6 It still remains that some will enter the rest, and those who formerly had the gospell preached to them did not go in, because of their disobedience. 7 Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when a long time later he spoke through David, as was said before: " Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." 8 For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. 9 There remains, then, a Sabbath- rest for the people of God; for anyone who enter God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. 11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience. 12 For the word of God is living :) and active :). Sharper than any double- edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitude of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."( Hebrews 4:1-13 Zondervan NIV Study Bible)
@PaulLee-rs8uw Год назад
Colossians 1:18 "18 And he( Jesus😊1st❤) is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have supremacy."( Colossians 1:18 Zondervan NIV Study Amen.)
@jdwagman 10 месяцев назад
Let me see if I am understanding this. The main premise of the argument is that Paul chose to use a word, that would not only be misleading but also considered blasphemous, instead of the correct word that would be understood correctly. However so that we (simple uneducated farmers, carpenters and fishermen) would not be mislead into blasphemy by his poor choice of words he qualifies it with a statement that would require, that for the first place we take the word "all" literal and then to deduce from this using our logic that he could not have possibly meant what he had just written in the previous sentence. Was it a trick to test us? If he meant preeminence, or supremacy (próteuó) instead of firstborn or eldest (prototokos), the why didn't he just write "próteuó" in the first place? It not like he didn't have a word for supremacy in Greek, or that Paul didn't know the word. We know this because he actually used both words in verse 1:18. And if firstborn doesn't mean the first born or first to be, then does that means Jesus was not the first to be raised from the dead? Another question I have is that when we look at how they used "firstborn" in the scripture why is it that we look at only one other verse is Psalms 89, and don't consider the other 99 places it is used? Like the firstborn of Egypt, or the firstborn of every man and animal will be consecrated to the LORD, or Canaan was the father of Sidon his firstborn. ??? It seems to me that rather than changing our belief to be congruent with the bible that we need to change what the bible is saying to align with the beliefs we received first from the Roman Catholic Church.
@turtlesoup7130 10 месяцев назад
Those are my thoughts as well, but I think you worded it better than I could have.
@kuexiong4961 Год назад
Pastor John, can you do colossians chap 3 too?
@HearGodsWord Год назад
He's getting there...slowly 😊
@cirr3587 Год назад
@turtlesoup7130 10 месяцев назад
Isn't that translation of Philippians 2:6 a direct contradiction of some of the other translations? For example, what you quoted from vs the King James Version says: Your quote: "Though he was in the form of God, he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped..." vs King James Version: "Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God." Yours says he didn't consider equality with God something to be grasped, while the KJV says he didn't think it was wrong to grasp equality with God, or-- he didnt consider it robbery to be equal with God.
@UtubeAdviser 3 месяца назад
But I am very confused now because in Genesis 19:31 Lot fled with his 2 daughters and both daughters said they need to sleep with their father to preserved their seed as Sodom was destroyed and on verse 32 it said that the firstborn went in and lay with her father, meaning she had sex with him then on verse 34 it said that the firstborn told the younger sister that basically it was her turn to lay with her father to preserved their seed. So if the bible in this text refers to firstborn literally as the one who was born first as the older person, then why is it that Jesus when he is called firstborn it means something different according to different Christians? Could the Jehovah Witness be correct and that Jesus was created and was the firstborn of Jehovah? Can someone please explain this? Thank you!
@davidjasurda6648 Месяц назад
You are the right path. I will give the short answer. The Bible talks about two Adam’s. The First Adam and the Last Adam (there is no second Adam). The First Adam was CREATED with unblemished Blood. Once Adam sinned every human after that was born into sin. Jesus the Word became flesh born through a Virgin was BORN sinless. Therefore Jesus was the first Human on earth to be BORN without sin. Therefore He is the firstborn of all creation. There is so much more to discover. Hope this helps. Sincerely David P Jasurda
@mzubuki Год назад
Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity(ἀνομία,:Lawlessness: the desire to have no rule or law of God.) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 2 Timothy 3:1-9, Matthew 24:7 Nation = έθνος = Ethnos = race: different groups and segregations of people, Matthew 24:8 Beginnings of sorrows is likening and calling the situation to the birth pangs of women in which contractions of labor get more frequent and intense the closer the baby gets to delivery, so in context shall the things aforementioned and in relation to the verse in the Holy Bible will get more frequent and intense the closer christ gets to returning.
@maxaplin4204 Год назад
Very helpful teaching. We need to note carefully that Jesus' being the image of God referred to in this passage is a very different thing from every human being being the image of God (e.g., Gen 1:27). Actually, because Jesus is fully human (as well as fully divine), he is the image of God in both ways.
@robertbradford9995 9 месяцев назад
That's not true look up what image mean in gen. 1:26 and who was Adam to God? luke 3:38 the son of God and who did Jesus claimed to be John 10:36 the son of God let me help you out just a little check this out 1cor 15:45 two sons and both were in the image of God Gen 9:6 man is the image of God
@maxaplin4204 9 месяцев назад
@@robertbradford9995 The texts you cite don't contradict my point about there being different senses of being the image of God. What those texts do is show that there are also different senses in which people can be sons of God.
@robertbradford9995 9 месяцев назад
@@maxaplin4204 man is created in the image of God and after his likenesses but sin caused man not to be like him morally psalms 8:4-9 Man was going to be great and next in line but sin happen. Hebrew 2:6-13 check this out Romans 8:29 Into the image of his dear Son
@kiwihans100 2 месяца назад
ts important to realise that the right or wrong translation of ONE word can greatly alter the meaning! Take Co 1:16 "By him were all things created". So is Christ the Creator? NO because the word 'by' in greek here is 'en' which means BY MEANS OF or THROUGH" thus the 'Good news Bible renders it "God created all things THROUGH him". Heb 1;1 Paul says "...God spoke BY ( greek 'en' same word) the prophets". Now if we match the two verses; Col 1:`16 & Heb 1:1 we realise that it was NOT Christ that created, but 'God THROUGH' HIM as it wasnt the prophets who ORIGINATED their prophesies but God ! and then he used the prophets to speak HIS words!
@WakoBabo Месяц назад
What's your take on Romans 11:36?
@kiwihans100 Месяц назад
@@WakoBabo So Rom 11:36 seems on the surface to contradict Col 1;15,16. Paul is even more specific at 1 Cor 8:6 that "all things came OUT OF the Father but THROUGH the Son" . Paul is using the greek word 'Di' which suggests an agency or channel. Can it be said that 'all things came through the Father as well as the Son,? I cant see that Rom11:36 indicates that The Son is God himself since Paul a number of times addressed his epistles "Blessed be the God AND FATHER OF the Lord Jesus Christ". So it could be said that 'all things' have come to us both through the Father & the Son'. Remember that the revelation Originated from God, who gave it to Jesus who gave in to the angel who in turn gave it to John'! ( Rev1:1) So in fact it came 'through' more than ONE PERSON! However God the Father is the starting point, the originator of everything, using primarily his son as a channel, then angels, then his servants on earth, but all to the "Glory of God the Father" ( See phil 2:11 ). Jesus himself glorified the FATHER for all things ( Matt 11:25).
@WakoBabo Месяц назад
@@kiwihans100 I believe Rom 11:36 is a doxology addressed to the Father. But it's Paul's use of exactly similar words δι (a preposition which you have said denotes an agency/channel/instrumentality through which a thing is made) and εἰς (a preposition which denotes a goal/ultimate purpose why a thing is made for) here of the Father that he also uses of the Son in Col 1:16 that is a reason for a careful analysis of those texts. If one asserts that "Christ is not the Creator" simply because δι denotes agency, then he has to also concede the "Father to be not the Creator" because the same δι which denotes agency is also used of Him. While, I do agree with you on the Father being "the source of all in the absolute sense because He is the Father of all including the Son", the language Paul used doesn't rule out the possibility of the Son being "the source of all" as well (but the all here doesn't include the Father who is unbegotten). I also believe Jesus' own words in John 5 do substantiate the point I am trying to make here! Be blessed!
@kiwihans100 Месяц назад
@@WakoBabo Thank you. Lovely comment! I have had many discussions with those who claim Jesus is God because both He & the Father are called 'Judges' & saviours' and even 'Lords'. Howver I have pointed out to them that the bible also calls humans those titles as well! So not proof of the Father & the Son being the same! It surely can also be said that both the Father & the Son are the 'beginning of 'creation' Because according to Paul at Col 1, The Son came before all other things (creation) without necessarily being the Creator! ( becaue he was 'begotten', not created.
@WakoBabo Месяц назад
@@kiwihans100 Thank you! My understanding is that the Son is God because He is the Son of His Father who is God! But I do firmly believe Paul in Col 1 is saying Christ is the creator of all that was created. In fact, Paul's argument here is that Christ is not some kind of secondary 'god' but God in the most absolute sense much like His Father is. There is absolutely nothing the Father is that the Son is not; nothing the Father has that His Son has not, or how else could Paul be able say, "in the Son dwells all the fullness of the Godhead?"
@unletteredandordinary 11 месяцев назад
I address all your faulty arguments in my video on Col. 1:15. You’re free to try and refute it if you like.
@MrPatdeeee Год назад
"How Is Jesus the Firstborn of Creation?" Oh my goodness! There is NO "First" of Jesus, EVER! For Jesus is the name of God. After God changed his name (because He was angered; at most of the Israelites; and their "Abominable Sins"). When God's name was "YHWH" (Jehovah) for 1,400 yrs. But, then an angel told Mary this, "Ye shall name Him 'Yeshua' (in Hebrew); but 'Jesus' (in English)". Now proofs... 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh (Jesus), justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was within God, and the Word was God. John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh (Jesus), and dwelt among us; and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father; full of grace and truth. Thus, any wise Christian knows: Jesus WAS the only "creator God Almighty" Amen! Praise Jesus' Holy Name! Amen! And that causes the "Father", the "Son" and the "Holy Spirit" to be "ONE". Or 3=1 ("Trinity"). Praise Jesus And this...Matthew 19:26 Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
@HearGodsWord Год назад
God changed his name? That's not Biblical.
@revzone3544 Год назад
Another blind person ..to bad for you..the bible says Jesus comes in the name of Jehovah.. just as he is called the word, he's not called the "prince of peace" for nothing!... Only a son can be called a prince, where as Almighty God, is called a king! ... that's why God gives Jesus a throne and a king ship , he will give the same to the holy ones.they to become kings and priests along with Christ.. if Jesus is God, why would give himself a king ship, if it were already his?? You never seem to answer my questions..you're just hell bent Jesus is God mode, do trinitarians think for themselves or gulp down without knowing what they're drinking when it comes to testing what is true? The apostle paul said to make sure of all things.. it's obvious your not looking
@AstariahFox 6 месяцев назад
Yea jesus is first created angelic son of God Revelation 3:14 says jesus is beginning of Gods creation You need to dig deeper on translation issues Firstborn means what it says Jesus is part of the group
@MemeRider 4 месяца назад
It is not a partitive genitive.
@jahtruthdefender 2 месяца назад
@@MemeRider We've had this discussion at length and you failed to prove the "protokos pases ktiseos" is not literal and *is* a partitive genitive phrase
@ramondtaylor134 7 месяцев назад
Yeshua is not YHWH! There is only one YHWH and one Lord there are two separate beings so no Yeshua is not God! Yeshua didn’t create this eart! This is talking about the new body of Yeshua his resurrection! That’s why he is the firstborn of the dead! YHWH cannot die !
@revzone3544 Год назад
I challenge Pastor John to the falsity of trinity anytime
@HearGodsWord Год назад
Let's see you state your case then.
@revzone3544 Год назад
There you go..Jesus was created.. proof he's Not God ... but the son of God.. That means he can't resurrect himself, or give himself a kingdom , or sit at his own right hand.. of course hes the first of GODS creative works..God Almighty, has always existed..not so with Christ.. stop rejecting the truth.. the "Truth" is right in front of you..How can God inherit a kingdom that was already his?? Because the trinity doesn't work ... not only that..God doesn't need to give people the runaround..Why say he sent his son when he could have said "I'm God, I died for you?? why go to the father in prayer if he's God? If Jesus was GOD why would he have to pray to himself?? The trinity doesn't stand up to scrutiny...
@residuejunkie4321 Год назад
*Read John 1:1!*
@revzone3544 Год назад
@@residuejunkie4321 This is your proof text? Jesus isn't God Jesus is like God, but not God.. he's said so himself.."The Father is greater than I" Does God assend to himself? Why would God say I sent my only begotten son?? Because Jesus is the son of god.... the trinity is gobbledygook..it's a false teaching..listened to all of it.. So..your saying..God thinks we're arent smart enough to understand he could have said" I'm coming down to die for you! why would he send his only begotten son?;..which should tell you he didn't send himself..Jesus is the first created thing..God never had a beginning..I'll break that down for you..It means, God, has always been, therefore, he was never created! How hard is that for you to understand? Example..My son is the spitting image of me, I raised him taught him many things, when people see him they think he's me..But guess what? He's not.. That's why Jesus said he came to do the will of "His Father " .. Why would God think we're to uninformed to understand the meaning of a Father and son relationship? That's why God spoke in terms we could understand.. apparently the trinitarians miss this point that's why all of you are in the dark..Jesus spoke of his relationship with his father just like a son..no need for gobbledygook.. basically you deny that relationship, Jesus said it was one thing to deny him, it was another to deny the father..so, if you persist in denying God , there is no place for you in God's kingdom..
@maxaplin4204 Год назад
Did you listen to anything in this video, or did you just look at the title of the video and make a few quick comments in response? You say that this verse provides 'proof' that Jesus isn't God. It does nothing of the sort. Even the next verse, Col 1:16, fits poorly with that idea: 'For everything was created by him.' This sentence most naturally sounds as if it is referring to every created thing. And if the Son of God created every created thing, logically he himself would not be created. Your analysis is far too shallow. You are also far too quick to find a problem with Jesus praying to God. When the New Testament uses the word 'God', sometimes it refers simply to the being that is God, and sometimes it refers specifically to the person who is God the Father. But the Person who is God the Son is not the same as the Person who is God the Father. So there is nothing illogical about Jesus praying to God the Father. Perhaps most importantly, we need to take account of all the Bible passages which teach clearly that Jesus is God. So, for example, in John 20:28 Thomas says to Jesus: 'My Lord and my God.' Crucially, Jesus doesn't correct him, thereby implying that he is indeed God.
@user-op4ey4wp4w Год назад
John 1:1 read it
@HearGodsWord Год назад
​@@revzone3544you should have actually watched the video
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