
How Many Baby Macaques Go Missing? Repetitive Staged Scenarios Across Pet Monkey Channels 

Monkey Mercy
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How Many Baby Macaques Go Missing? Repetitive Staged Scenarios Across Pet Monkey Channels
I wanted to discuss the sheer volume and popularity of the famous baby macaques go missing staged scenarios. In particular, I wanted to discuss several reasons for why these repetitive, staged videos are problematic in their dishonesty.
#️⃣babymonkey #️⃣macaques



16 сен 2024




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@nanettecostanza537 18 дней назад
All those channels do the SAME scripts and same music...over and over. Poor little babies🐒
@dingo2749 6 дней назад
I think there are more than one monkey production film companies in Vietnam, and probably ran by families. These companies have all you need to make monkey RU-vid videos. If you don't own your own monkey to film, they can rent/create a basic pay plan to that you can rent to own your own monkey or two. If you don't want to use your own house for filming, they can provide you with many filming locations, dwellings, indoor and outdoor. They probably have a list of scripts typed up so that they can film more than one new scenario a day with a creative team that include writers, video editors, additional actors if needed, lighting techs and videographers, etc. Basically, RU-vid monkey channels are run and managed by professionals. It is all a business. This is why they are so similar.
@LLStacheLarry 18 дней назад
What gets me is when the person is crying that the monkey is missing. But the camera man knows where the monkey is.
@John_Weiss 17 дней назад
…and, of course, so does the person crying.
@NancyM1115 17 дней назад
Yes, all staged and in the Monkey BiBi case, the missing infant came back with wounds, and no trip to the vet.
@LLStacheLarry 16 дней назад
@@NancyM1115 What happened to it. Did it get beat up? I am behind on those videos.
@Theresebonath6077 16 дней назад
​@@LLStacheLarry Dont watch those videos then we become part of this prb because thats what they want higher views
@Theresebonath6077 16 дней назад
​@@NancyM1115 Please stop watching these videos even though its hard we only give them more views
@PennyBlanche 18 дней назад
Quan and monkey Bibi have a new victim that they rescued today, half its ear had been bitten off (Bibi snack) and was in a terrible state. I commented on the platform about it but they took it down. So many gullible people really believe monkeys can do human things, unbelievable!
@user-id8us7dc4y 18 дней назад
The bibi fans and kaka fans are the most naive people I have ever encountered. An absolute cult of ignorance.
@monkeymercy124 18 дней назад
So very sad, but very true unfortunately!
@pattykelly6621 18 дней назад
Yes, the baby who is crawling disappeared with a blanket that looks to be about a queen size. And he was found on a ledge, fully wrapped in that blanket in some drainage tunnel. You're right, that ear was definitely a Bibi snack (oh Bibi loves the baby so much he's always hugging him)...oh please. Given the chance, Bibi would bury that baby in the back yard and never look back. Is this new baby monkey staying?
@bernardritel2813 18 дней назад
Oula oui 😮 ne surtout pas parler en mal du fameux Bibi,les gens le vénère à un point qui fait froid dans le dos ,mes commentaires ne leur plaisent pas beaucoup 😅😅. pour l'histoire du petit singe je ne savais pas 😢😢
@bernardritel2813 18 дней назад
​@@user-id8us7dc4yc'est exact 😢 c'est d'une tristesse 😢
@user-id8us7dc4y 16 дней назад
Ranting today about monkey mynu walking upright. Of course, "mom" is so proud of mynu's progress. Mynu has also had something put in his eyes several times to simulate tears. And omg, the ignorance of viewers
@suzanne5781 18 дней назад
Thanks for this message! I see viewers donating money and clothes and toys to these channels when there are genuine charities that would be glad to have them. I'd also like to add that the fake rescue channels are responsible for terrible animal cruelty and people still seem to believe they're genuine and even give them money. The animals are overwhelmingly placed in terrible situations by the people who then pretend to later rescue them. Can I beg people to please not encourage these channels! Also, thanks for your very informative videos here, I've come across from MS's site.
@monkeymercy124 18 дней назад
Thanks for taking the time to write this Suzanne, it is very much appreciated!
@suzanne5781 18 дней назад
I see so many viewers giving these pet monkey channels donations. And the expensive toys could be given to orphanages and needy families. I suspect many of these viewers are elderly and lonely and the VOs have no scruples about accepting their money, it does make me cranky. I'll get back to MS now but congratulations on your channel! .​@@monkeymercy124
@elliesouza717 18 дней назад
@suzanne5781 I'm certain these viewers are very lonely and desperate for love. They write baby talk to the monkeys, refer to themselves as auntie and Grandma. They need the fantasy these little monkeys are children that love them and that they are part of this family.
@stiemybcuz 17 дней назад
​@@elliesouza717playing on people's emotions and they know it.. It's sad for the people who give what they don't have too, simply bcuz they believe that the poor pitiful baby monkey needs milk more than they do.
@annet1784 17 дней назад
@@stiemybcuz needs milk, clothes, toys, money for the FAKE VETS and so on!! I think they sent $15,000.00 to help get Kaka and MIT back!! I am amazed and horrified by the naivety of these people!!! And they will fight you tooth and nail for trying to expose them to the truth!!…. Shaking my head for the way some people act.
@pattykelly6621 18 дней назад
I've had several dogs, many many many cats, chickens, ducks, ferrets, rabbits...and I have to say, none of them have ever gone missing by wandering off. But it seems to be a particular problem for these monkey channels.
@kingtyger4186 12 дней назад
As there is no probem...they make problems, sickness, cooking, helping father, helping mother ...all for more videos on YT means more money. It's all drama and after an production day they probally go in the cage outside.....not belonging to an real family I suspect and heard
@JW-sb7iz 17 дней назад
Monkey Bibi has more than 700,000 subs and millions of views. Imagine the amount of money that the owner has received at the expense of this poor monkey. Many questions are raised about his health. He is served junk food most of the times coz his caretakers are not trained, lest to mention their level of education they have had. What we can do is to keep reporting all these channels by bringing up the animal protection law in Vietnam to the RU-vid legal team. We know that these channels are violating the law and RU-vid legal team should be aware of these channels.
@monkeymercy124 17 дней назад
It was really heartbreaking to learn about this little guy, but yes I completely agree, the best thing is for us just to keep reporting. I know it can be a slow process, but I'm hearing many successes recently.
@user-dl2oz8gx5n 14 дней назад
You are lying 😡 !Bibi is fed on a lot of fruit and vegetables and well cared by the owner!Quan,the owner of Bibi,is one of few who treats his monkey as a pet,as a member of his family! You are jealous,that’s it
@user-dl2oz8gx5n 14 дней назад
@@monkeymercy124This little guy is happy with his owner and if you separate them ,Bibi will die! I don’t exaggerate!Bibi is a unique monkey,VERY clever and he understands human’s emotions !This monkey is brought up in love!
@JW-sb7iz 14 дней назад
@@user-dl2oz8gx5n Am I lying or are you ignorant? I am jealous of what? You tell me! You are complicit if you think it is ok to violate the animal protection law in Vietnam. Some others and I have reported this channel to RU-vid and the authority in Vietnam and it will be time, that their ugly truth will be exposed. As for you, you need to raise your level of thinking.
@JW-sb7iz 14 дней назад
@@user-dl2oz8gx5n Don't be oblivious. Bibi looks to the camera man for cues. It is all fake.
@linda-ll0404 17 дней назад
I know of so many channels that have staged runaways. One owner announced that monkey Ashe... had escaped. After several days of searching the story changed to he was kidnapped. Now they needed ransome money to get him back. Totally unbelievable but of ccourse the viewers made huge donations.
@KarenBricker 18 дней назад
I commented on one monkey channel that claimed he doesn't make any money from the monkey channel and monkey that he has. I commented back and called him out on it. More people need to pay attention to your channel and monkey sentinel channel.
@monkeymercy124 17 дней назад
Oh yes, I think i may have an idea as to which one you're referring to...
@NancyM1115 14 дней назад
And the many “monkey is jealous, monkey is sad, monkey poops or pees diaper, monkey makes mom sad, monkey has to go to the vet, monkey eats food for another”, etc. These poor creatures would not be in this situation, probably, if this platform did not allow them to feature these videos. But there are other platforms that allow it. There will always be people who keep monkeys or other primates as pets, but fewer if it wasn’t so easy to exploit them. Thank you for the videos you are putting out. Too many have no idea what really goes on.
@drury42 3 дня назад
Totally agree. The one that really gets me is The “massages “ What the hell is that all about.
@r-xew 18 дней назад
Gracias por su fantástico aportación para esclarecer el comportamiento de estos canales con monos. Me siento alivida con su canal pues aunque será difícil erradicar éstas prácticas abusivas, pienso que no es imposible. Personalmente me di cuenta de lo que realmente suponen éstas prácticas con los monos y actualmente mi empeño es tratar de informar (no se si con éxito),dentro de éstos canales. Gracias a la información que obtengo de este su canal puedo ampliar mis conocimientos y así argumentar la defensa de los monos explotados en éstos canales. Estaré atenta a su nueva publicación,pues me he suscrito a su canal ,le agradezco nuevamente el esfuerzo que realiza para mostrarnos algo realmente importante. Ésta tragedia debe terminar. Un cordial saludo.
@monkeymercy124 18 дней назад
Hi Cristina, so lovely to have you onboard with all this. Thank you for taking the time to write this too!
@JW-sb7iz 17 дней назад
@cristina, you can do more by reporting the channel. I filed a complaint to the RU-vid legal team by using the animal protection law in Vietnam. We know that the owner of Bibi violates the law. I also filed a report to env in Vietnam. This organisation works actively to protect endangered species. You can read some positive reports there.
@monkeymercy124 17 дней назад
@@JW-sb7iz This is extremely helpful, thank you for informing of this too!
@user-id8us7dc4y 17 дней назад
I don't know how to file report without physical address of monkey owner. Does env just figure it out?​@JW-sb7iz
@SusiB13 13 дней назад
I remember Kaka going missing and the owners kept putting out videos of 'dad' searching, it did go on for quite a while and then when she (Kaka) finally turned turned up, 'dad' kept her in her stress position while he whittered on and on about how 'bad' she was for going missing! Poor Kaka looked totally upset for being punished for something, she'd had no control over! 😡
@electra-gal 13 дней назад
Deux vidéos seulement sur cet épisode, n'exagérez pas. Je pense que Kaka avait réellement fugué par la fenêtre et ne parvenait pas à revenir dans un premier temps au travers de l'enchevêtrement des toits dans ce quartier très construit. Rien n'indique qu'il s'agisse d'une mise en scène dans ce cas précis, à la différence d'autres où le singe censé avoir disparu est suivi par la caméra...
@monkeymercy124 13 дней назад
@@electra-gal Two videos is still too many... I think also we have to consider the behaviour of the owners when the monkey supposedly returned. Susi very correctly pointed out that the monkey was clearly stressed.
@electra-gal 13 дней назад
@@monkeymercy124 Elle était sans doute stressée en effet, mais rien ne permet de l'attribuer à l'accueil à son retour plutot qu'aux heures passées à essayer de rentrer sans y parvenir. Il n'y a pas de démonstration de causalité établie de façon claire et certaine. On ne sait pas non plus à quelles rencontres ou incidents elle a pu être exposée durant sa fugue. Restez factuel autant que possible sans trop extrapoler.
@SusiB13 12 дней назад
@@monkeymercy124 I saw more than two videos on Kakas disappearance and when she finally did come back, they got another monkey too
@monkeymercy124 12 дней назад
@@electra-gal I agree, we do need to stay factual and an important fact is that these monkeys have thankfully been taken away from the owners due to their illegal activity and for the endless ,cruel exploitation of these animals. Since these monkeys were taken away, they are now able to live as actual monkeys without being exploited.
@karen0karen 18 дней назад
yes, they are drama. its filmed. I cant understand how people get confused. But yes, they do. And I 100% agree that this derails funding from quality rehabilitation.
@monkeymercy124 17 дней назад
It really is sad and infuriating...
@teresascrochetandanimals 17 дней назад
Yes, thumbnails always get me, not for monkey channels because I know better but for other channels I watch lol. The biggest curiosity I believe that gets people engaged is the macabre curiosity. They see something that may have the potential for their morbid curiosity so they click and watch the whole way through waiting for that great moment when it is satisfied and that moment never comes so they go on to they next until they find something that peaks their interest and maybe will give that relief that we’re waiting for . I don’t know if what I said made sense but it did to me lol . Great video thank you
@thebard6961 4 дня назад
Good description of how the social media companies get you hooked and keep you viewing.
@paraskevicharalambidis4132 18 дней назад
γεια σας χαρηκα και πάλι για το νέο σας βιντεο το πρόβλημα δεν είναι μονο οι ιδιοκτήτες αυτών των καναλιών αλλά πιο πολύ οι οπαδοί τους είναι τόσο πορωμένοι δεν καταλαβενω τι εχη πάθη ο κόσμος τι κενό εχη μέσα του που εχη τόση ανάγκη από ψεύτικες ιστορίες και μισούν αυτούς που προσπαθούν να τους ανοίξουν τα μάτια ακούς πρώτη λέξη μαμά και μπαμπας και τι ωραία περπατάνε στα δυο και τι ωραία ντυμένα είναι αρωστα μυαλά και βλεπουμαι κάθε μέρα καινούργια κανάλια με κλεμμένα μαϊμουδάκια πολύ λυπηρο εύχωμαι να δουν το κανάλι σας και να καταλάβουν μερικά πράματα ευχαριστω
@user-em4qf9nx3t 18 дней назад
نعم مايذهلني هو هذا الكم الهائل من المتابعين الأغبياء.... هل هذا معقول ان يكونو أغبياء لهذه الدرجه خصوصا متابعين القرد كاكا وبيبي وبوبو وتينا وجميع القنوات... الكذب والاحتيال واضح جدا جدا
@monkeymercy124 17 дней назад
You're absolutely right and there needs to be more focus here I think. I did think about trying to put something together to discuss this.
@JW-sb7iz 17 дней назад
I was dumb for 3 months coz I was really attracted by the cuteness of Bibi. Then I was deleted for saying something and then I was deleted all the time because I challenged the channel. Then very quickly a lot of things happened to Bibi and the baby monkey. I saw the heavily scripted shows that Bibi was put up to do and I told the channel what I would do, and went ahead to file reports. Quite a few have reported this channel.
@paraskevicharalambidis4132 17 дней назад
@@JW-sb7izο μπιμπι είναι γλυκό μαιμουδακι αλλά τον καταστρέψανε αναγκάζοντας τον να περπατάει στα δυο σαν γερος δεν τον αφήνουν να ξεκούραστη και εχη πολύ άγχος ο ιδιοκτήτης είναι πολύ σκληρός άνθρωπος και οι θαυμαστές του έχουν κενά μεγάλα στη ζωή τους για να τον πιστεύουν
@user-id8us7dc4y 17 дней назад
​@@JW-sb7izstarted reporting every video.
@mimiluvs3538 18 дней назад
It's a terrible problem 😢
@janinehiggins1507 18 дней назад
Ive stopped commenting and find th 😴 ive never ever send money or toys and no i tentions of doing so .great video thank you 🇬🇧 🎉
@alvinkhoo 18 дней назад
all monkey channels use the same background music....very pro team of cam man and editor...isit even the same group doing for them all? isit even 1 syndicate contraolling all? meaning the actors in the vids aren't even the real culprits??!
@MsAnaslove 18 дней назад
Thank you so much for your information ❤❤❤❤
@bernardritel2813 18 дней назад
Merci pour votre action 👍🙏 en espérant que les choses puissent changer 😢
@JadeS-ww7sr 18 дней назад
Thank you so much, subscribed, liking and supporting to hopefully help this vid be seen by as many as possible. ❤✌
@monkeymercy124 18 дней назад
Welcome aboard Jade, thank you so much. This is very much appreciated!
@prpr44 18 дней назад
oh because the content creators have zoom calls for content ideas...missing monkey, monkey mad at mum...runaway...hiding in the house 🙄
@annet1784 17 дней назад
That makes sense because I noticed they were all showing the same content on various channels.
@John_Weiss 17 дней назад
Because of how frustrating it is for us to see all of this abuse, manipulation, lies, and other shenannigans going on, and how The Algorithm rewards videos for getting comments, I'd like to do something - with @Monkey Mercy's permission and approval, of course. I want to start a "rant thread" each video, where we can post the comments we _want to_ post at the makers of these baby monkey videos and/or the replies to comments on those videos, but have to avoid posting to prevent engagement. No swearing. No threats of violence. I also suggest avoiding anger. Sarcastic wit welcome. We don't want The Algorithm to come for us or get @Monkey Mercy in trouble. So, @Monkey Mercy, what do you think?
@monkeymercy124 17 дней назад
Of course, my permission is granted. As you said, no swearing, nasty threats and no naming of exact channels/monkeys... I actually wanted to start something like this on the community page for us to be able to vent too
@s.h.3955 17 дней назад
i would like to understand what you mean, what is a "rant-thread"? my english and although my understanding of YT is not so well, i beg you pardon 😊
@user-id8us7dc4y 17 дней назад
Reading my mind. Great idea. How do get on same page literally without naming channel?
@John_Weiss 17 дней назад
@@user-id8us7dc4y I … don't quite follow what you're asking about. But about my idea, I'll start it in a new comment.
@John_Weiss 17 дней назад
@@s.h.3955 I will post a new comment. The idea is, anyone who wants to yell at a baby monkey channel can post the comment they want to write as a reply to my comment, instead of on the baby monkey channel. That's what I mean by a "rant-thread": Everyone can rant in relpies to my comment, and The Algorithm will treat it as interest in Monkey Mercy. Does that help?
@maryannecomment3302 9 дней назад
The missing stories are the worst on these channels. Sometimes the monkeys are never been found again, according to the channel. After a short while, there is a new very young newborn baby monkey, the star of the channel. I am not saying that all these owners are abusive, but some of them are, and it is difficult for viewers to recognize, who is manipulating and who is sincere.
@muttleysmith726 4 дня назад
You said rightly friend.😊
@joanaparedes-md1sv 17 дней назад
Gracias por tu Información, totalmente deacuerdo hay una gran manipulación los canales de monos que acompañados de una música muy concreta hace que todo parezca muy emotivo,real y espontáneo, cuando todo forma parte de un guión para que el propietario del mono gane mucho dinero. Deberían empezar a controlar toda esta explotación, no se si RU-vid o las autoridades competentes pero alguien debe de poner fin a este maltrato.
@JW-sb7iz 17 дней назад
@joanaparedes You can report these channels. I have reported Monkey Bibi to the RU-vid legal team and mentioned the animal protection law in Vietnam. The legal team responded immediately and asked me to provide the law that protect the endangered species in Vietnam. I could not provide it for I do not know much about the law there but I referred env to the legal team. I was told that the .channel is under investigation.
@monkeymercy124 17 дней назад
@@JW-sb7iz This is very useful feedback. I think I will try and look into this if i can...
@JW-sb7iz 17 дней назад
@@monkeymercy124 I think the animal protection law is the way to go about it. The RU-vid legal team responded very quickly and asked me to provide the following: The law at issue (specific code sections, text of the law, and/or links), timestamp for violation, the content that violates the law, and reason for violating the law. Extra facts are needed as well. The animal protection law by the sovereignty of Vietnam includes the macaque species. It is a crime to own and use them for financial gain. Just google and you'll see what their law says and what we are urged to do. The env organisation should know the the specific code sections and text of law. I gave the RU-vid legal team the link of env and wrote to the organisation to contact the RU-vid legal team. about a week ago
@user-id8us7dc4y 17 дней назад
​@@JW-sb7izgreat work!
@Александр3й 18 дней назад
Спасибо большое вам за вашу просветительскую работу. Смотрю вас с большим удовольствием. Вы помогли мне взглянуть на ситуацию с домашними макаками по новому. И я благодаря вам, пытаюсь обьяснять людям, то что не стоит держать дрма обезьян. Спасибо, из России с любовью)!!! 😊
@monkeymercy124 18 дней назад
Aw wow, thank you for your feedback on this!
@user-id8us7dc4y 15 дней назад
I know when we comment on monkey channels it boosts their revenue. However, the comments from informed viewers are how i learned about monkey behavior. Then i did research. If we don't call out mistreatment, how will the naive viewers ever learn? They aren't coming to this channel. It's just frustrating to me to ignore the stupid praise of bipedal, etc. Advice??😊
@JW-sb7iz 15 дней назад
The monkey channels will delete comments that go against their narrative. So, as you speak against them, choose your words. These people are not trained caretakers and they are very uninformed and they will do mistakes again and again. When their scripts backfire and viewers complain, for example on Bibi's channel, quite recently, the comments that speak against animal cruelty will likely stay.
@monkeymercy124 14 дней назад
Unfortunately, the majority of our comments will get taken down. Remember also that there are many die hard fans of these channels that will simply not accept our comments anyway. The best thing to do is just keep reporting them.
@JW-sb7iz 14 дней назад
@@monkeymercy124 Agree!
@user-id8us7dc4y 14 дней назад
So you don't comment on channels? I know you're right about commenting. ​@@JW-sb7iz
@JW-sb7iz 13 дней назад
@@user-id8us7dc4y I am banned with this account, so I need to choose my words if I were to comment there with another username but. I hardly watch Bibi anymore except to check the comments of the very gullible viewers.
@Kalinka-j3x 17 дней назад
Thank you MM ❤ great video
@monkeymercy124 17 дней назад
Aw thank you, you're very welcome!
@John_Weiss 17 дней назад
This comment is for the Rant Thread. Because YT rewards channels if you post comments to them, take that comment or rant or criticism that you want to hurl at a baby-monkey channel, and post it as a reply to this comment.   No swearing. No threats of violence. I also suggest avoiding anger. Sarcastic wit welcome. We don't want The Algorithm to come for us or get @Monkey Mercy in trouble. I'll start with one of my own, as an example.
@user-id8us7dc4y 17 дней назад
I get it now. Complain here about monkey yumy instead of the channel. OK, yumy is part of yoyo family. All the monkeys bipedal. Yumy is heartbreaking to watch waddling with arms is fixed position. I report daily. Nothing. The viewers of course love yumy walking upright. They say dad is the best teacher. They are ruining yumy.
@s.h.3955 16 дней назад
I happened to see a short video of Miker the day before yesterday and was horrified to see that he was being sexually stimulated by his owner. I then watched all the short videos on the channel and repeatedly observed this manipulation of his genitals. The result is that he always immediately spreads his legs when he sits or lies down. The idea of ​​what will become of him in a few months has haunted me ever since. He will never be able to have a normal relationship with himself or with people again😢
@s.h.3955 15 дней назад
And then Jason. He is very big, but if you can see in his mouth there are no fangs. I believe they shorten them
@thebard6961 4 дня назад
@@s.h.3955 I agree those videos are both sad and infuriating. The woman passed him off to some younger looking man (never shows his face) who also sexualizes/abuses him for videos. I've reported to YT and complained about the availability of such content for children to view. They age restricted a couple of them but they should have removed them all. It is criminal that they are allowed to exploit him and make money doing it. It's my belief that the social media companies are irresponsible and complicit in the exploitation of these animals.
@JW-sb7iz 17 дней назад
Please sub this channel so that it can be heard.
@user-id8us7dc4y 17 дней назад
Yes. Please every one subscribe 😊
@janamarkum6440 10 дней назад
Too much jabbering not enough context.
@anastasiastasinou5959 16 дней назад
What about sugar monkey amd yuyu they look happy not forced walking like humans good food
@user-id8us7dc4y 16 дней назад
Sugar is great. Although at one time owner tried potty training. Yuyu is changing. Potty chair, recently bipedal, fake tears.
@elizabethgutierrez478 16 дней назад
@@user-id8us7dc4y Monkeys don't have a sphincter so they no control of their peeing or pooping movements. There is no way they can be potty trained.
@John_Weiss 15 дней назад
@@elizabethgutierrez478 Slight Correction: Monkeys don't have a _voluntary sphincter._ They only have involuntary muscles controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Nevertheless, the rest of your comment is quite correct: all nonhuman primates have _no way to control_ when they pee or poop. They only know that they "have to go" when it starts coming out of them. The only way to semi-reliably "make them go" on-command is to _terrify them._ Then ancient tetrapod functions kick in and make an animal void its bladder and/or bowels. So you have to _literally scare the _*_sh1t_*_ out of_ a baby monkey to make it use a potty on command. That's not "potty-training", that's mental abuse.
@monkeymercy124 15 дней назад
@@John_Weiss Thank you for this explanation!
@electra-gal 13 дней назад
@@elizabethgutierrez478 Stupidité anatomique. Les singes ont évidemment des sphincters, sans quoi le transit digestif serait immédiat et en continu. (comme chez les oiseaux) Simplement ils ne les controlent pas, car leurs sphincters sont tres peu sensibles, à la différence d'autres primates et des mammifères en général.
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