Monkey Mercy
Monkey Mercy
Monkey Mercy
My background has been in research methods and statistics, primarily within the social sciences. I've been conducting research into how animals and humans interact, with a recent focus on how we view related material on social media. I became baffled as to how many pet monkey channels were simply exploiting baby monkeys for profit.

The aim of this channel is to discuss and present content where I feel these pet monkeys are simply being exploited for content creators to earn money. In many cases BIG money. I cannot tell people what to do, but as viewers we should be watching such content with a more critical mindset to ensure we are not supporting channels that are deceiving viewers, deceiving social media platforms and more importantly causing unnecessary suffering to these primates.

Although I am not a primatologist, I can provide critical discussion based on research and observation.

@ltv174 7 часов назад
...spoiled tantrum or fear???
@denisetullin2469 16 часов назад
BOYCOTT Monkey CHanils
@urumrunn 21 час назад
私は『陰部、陰茎』ばかりを撮影するRU-vidrが嫌いで、猿を『性』としている事に問題があると思います。 猿には当たり前の行動をセクシーに誇張しているので観ている私は 気持ち悪くなるのです。 自然界で暮らしている猿は、自然の摂理で交尾をしたりするのは 気分は悪くならない。 しかし、明らかに陰部にピックアップしているので飼い主の品性やコンテンツの在り方が卑猥に感じ、動物の楽しいRU-vidではなくなります。 この件について、調べて頂きたいと強く願います。
@renatestickler5001 23 часа назад
Abuse stuffing food down his mouth is so cruel. How do you people sleep at night.
@TereeTart День назад
😡 I always report them now, it is so disgusting how they abuse these poor animals.
@s.h.3955 День назад
what happen here? i had two comments posted and both are removed. I wonder why and who removed them?
@GrammaToad День назад
Thst monkey on the rock/ cliff is Mike Monkey and Mike Vlogs. But what is the channel called where he was dressed and in a home? (the one wearing lipstick)
@GrammaToad День назад
The first picture is Mynu. And I had been watching that channel since it first started and in the beginning the actor said she was just sharing her adventure of caring for an injured monkey back to health. Now, it's just another Cutis channel since he is owned by the Cutis family.... He looks so sad all the time. It breaks my heart... 😢
@tizianarivelli5355 День назад
ABOMINIO 😭😭😭😡😡😡👿👿👿
@Becky-dw8lw День назад
There is a channel on RU-vid that follows a gorilla family in a zoo in Japan. Dad, mom, 2 sons, 12 and 5. When the older son was born the mother was unable to produce milk for some reason and they had to take the baby away from her and had raise him for a number of months. They eventually put him back with mom but kept feeding him. This baby gorilla started sucking his finger. He is now 12 years old and turning into a silverback and he still, on occasion, sucks that finger. It’s an odd, but cute, thing to see.
@margaritaferrer6701 2 дня назад
Lady your information is not completely thuth. Some monkeys are taken by the mither but most of them are abandoned by the mother and unless humans help the new babies will not survive many of them died everyday.
@maryannecomment3302 2 дня назад
The missing stories are the worst on these channels. Sometimes the monkeys are never been found again, according to the channel. After a short while, there is a new very young newborn baby monkey, the star of the channel. I am not saying that all these owners are abusive, but some of them are, and it is difficult for viewers to recognize, who is manipulating and who is sincere.
@Lea33982 2 дня назад
I not only report videos to YT and SMACC, I give FEEDBACK on the video, and also REPORT the WHOLE CHANNEL. For feedback, go to video settings> help and feedback > feedback. Feedback gives you a section to explain why this video is abusive. I, also, report the whole channel by going to the channel page, and select REPORT USER in the settings. There will be a whole list of their videos to select as abusive. I've been on a one-woman crusade against all of the MONKEY MIKER channels. They are particularly offensive because of the sex acts they've trained him to do before he is fed, It's disturbing to see that poor Miker has started to exhibit self-injury behaviors like pulling out hair and self-biting. Floating Limb Syndrome, probably, isn't far off. Very sad.😢
@Robbie-sk6vc 2 дня назад
They are NOT little humans!
@colleenorrick5415 2 дня назад
Not only do some of the abusers insist that their monkey walk bipedally, they make them carry things.
@monkeymercy124 2 дня назад
This is so infuriating to see isn't it?
@jokmer174 2 дня назад
You know they are abused all the time. They get away with these videos because people don't report it to RU-vid
@marciaanderson9938 2 дня назад
I do see and always felt that cognitive dissonance on the pet channels. I couldn’t name it at first. But you missed another aspect of their dress ups. And one behavior I have seen before on several pet channels before I cut the cord. They actually Shave the monkey for ease in dressing them. The monkey parent will get out the electric clippers and clip excess hair that doesn’t enhance the clothing. I found cruel and extremely distressing. Pretending their monkey pet even helped. Knew the routine. And lastly. I often noticed that owners would open up mailed packages of goodies- clothes, toys etc. and mention it was a gift from subscriber. I imagine that always raised their $$ gifts on those episodes that incited more spending.
@janamarkum6440 3 дня назад
Too much jabbering not enough context.
@56lulabelle 3 дня назад
That is because you have educated us. Thank you
@susanschwartz7315 3 дня назад
@cheribee968 3 дня назад
Tan tan monkey that woman has had multiple monkeys removed at multiple times. It’s heartbreaking to watch these animals being tortured or mistreated.
@LLStacheLarry 3 дня назад
I was wondering why they thumb suck.
@dianeweetman5086 3 дня назад
Like so many others i think some of these monkeys channels are cruel what they make them do just for there videos do they get shut in a cage when they have finished filming with them can imagain they do What gets me is how kaka and mits family can still carry on showing old videos of them to explort there loyal viewers who believe every thing he says unreal the money they still must make its just sheer greed 😮😮 they dont have feelings for there monkeys as long as they perform thats there main thing 😮😮😮
@monkeymercy124 3 дня назад
Thank you for your comment. I completely agree and this particular channel has wound me up more than usual this week...
@user-sq8ic7xf6p 3 дня назад
Это видео нужно показывать всем макакорабовладельцам
@LLStacheLarry 3 дня назад
I have tried to show this to other channels by putting in the link. It gets deletted.
@annonomus620 3 дня назад
If RU-vid wouldn’t keep allowing these monkey channels to be monetized or donated money or items then this wouldn’t be such a big problem!
@monkeymercy124 3 дня назад
100% agree!
@DarkLady13 3 дня назад
And morons who actually believe these babies are being spoiled. I used to believe Monkey BiBi was so special until I saw them bring on a new baby apparently because BiBi was getting too big and the likes were diminishing
@teresapeachey3705 3 дня назад
So how do you know these tantrums are different show proof. Why can't a monkey be trained?? We train dogs and other animals. You talk a lot without proof seems like speculation to me
@teresapeachey3705 3 дня назад
Show proof of your accusations
@teresapeachey3705 3 дня назад
Idk what goes on when the camera is off but I can't imagine they are treated much more rough than they are by their own kind in the wild
@deidrarapp7994 4 дня назад
I just tell them I am reporting them
@quedificilencontrar 4 дня назад
Eso que se los roban a sus madres no es tan así....acaso no has visto los vídeos donde las madres nada más parirlos los dejan abandonados?? Y ahí van los humanos a cogerlos
@zgidosyldg6332 4 дня назад
È qualcosa di molto raro, le scimmie non abbandonano i loro cuccioli più di quanto le donne non abbandonono i loro bambini. Da questo punto di vista i video di Sovana sono molto diseducativi: la maggior parte sono ex scimmie da compagnia disadattate, e inoltre, spesso vengono stuzzicate dai video operatori perché le crisi di nervi fanno sempre molte views. La maggior parte dei cosiddetti video di maltrattamenti da parte delle madri sono video di svezzamenti, un processo che, è vero, avviene in maniera un po' brusca, ma nessun video mostra mai che dopo il litigio avviene la riconciliazione tra madre e figlio.
@missouriprideusa6241 4 дня назад
Las madres animales rara vez abandonan a sus crías, a menos que haya algo malo con ellas y no sobrevivan. A diferencia de las madres humanas, que buscan recursos y ayuda para sus crías, las madres animales saben si su cría no es compatible con la vida y la abandonan. Se conoce como la supervivencia del más apto. Solo los más fuertes pueden sobrevivir.
@quedificilencontrar 3 дня назад
@@missouriprideusa6241 pero esas raras veces con las que algunas mueren en el parto ...o los híbridos que nacen son las miles de veces ( ya que es una sobrepoblacion de monos) que las crias quedan muy pero que muy vulnerables y la gente los coge.
@quedificilencontrar 3 дня назад
@@missouriprideusa6241 claro que los rechazan o porque vienen enfermos o son híbridos. También muchas mueren en el parto. Esas raras veces son muchas tomando en cuenta la sobrepoblacion de monos que hay allí si ya son consideradas plagas incluso. Conozco gente que adoptado porque estaban muertos de hambre por ahj
@monkeymercy124 2 дня назад
@@quedificilencontrar yes but a genuine rescue is not one where they heavily film and exploit them for social media is it?
@timhker 4 дня назад
@zgidosyldg6332 4 дня назад
Cosa vorresti dire?
@zgidosyldg6332 2 дня назад
@@monkeymercy124 But it was not I who shared it.
@monkeymercy124 2 дня назад
@@zgidosyldg6332 ooh really sorry, my mistake here, I'll re-post. Sorry!
@monkeymercy124 2 дня назад
Ok, first of all I wouldn't trust any channel that claims to educate about these animals when they don't even know the difference between monkeys and great apes... oh and there is other inaccurate info presented about macaques also. Their claims have been extensively challenged here also due to the lack of reliable and detailed evidence. The only footage this video shows is humans interfering with these monkeys deliberately to obtain the desired reaction for their videos.
@zgidosyldg6332 2 дня назад
@@monkeymercy124 No problem, I always make mistakes with comments too.
@timhker 4 дня назад
@TRULILULI 4 дня назад
Пусть ьудет лучше больше тех кто дрессирует их, делает из них домашних питомцев. Ломает их нрав и делает покорную игрушку
@louiseviau9586 4 дня назад
So we are being told to NOT SAY ANYTHING allowing these abusers to feel as though the pressure is off and that they can act with total impunity. Not the best message to ask of the viewers. I say, keep the pressure on: on the abusers and on RU-vid. IF RU-vid refused to air this content, then the incentive for a lot of this abuse would disappear. By remaining silent, it is almost as though there is unspoken approval. I refuse to approve of this. Ideally, however, would be if NO ONE viewed these channels ever again.
@monkeymercy124 4 дня назад
Honestly though, these people don't care about your comments, all they care about is getting any sort of comment whether negative or positive to drive their videos up platform algorithms to earn money. The majority of negative comments will get deleted anyway. So every time that you comment, you are doing them a favour and they know this and indeed count on it...
@Lea33982 День назад
@@monkeymercy124 I know all about channel owners and their sneaky deletions. If they know you for trying to "educate" viewers about how abusive their videos are they, and all of their associates in the baby monkey business, will delete any comment made by you. It will say that you commented, but if you switch from top comments to newest comments, your comment or reply will magically dissappear. If you look for your comment incognito, you won't find it. That's a lot of typing for nothing. They can't stop you from reporting, though. Lately, I've been reporting the whole channel along with reporting individual videos. When you report the channel, there's a section where most of that channels videos are listed. You can check as many as you wish. Also, in the video's settings there's a help and feedback selection. In feedback there's a place to explain why you believe that this video should be taken down. The thing is, I really don't know if adding feedback or reporting the whole channel helps any more than simply reporting or not. We'll see.
@fee4900 4 дня назад
This is not throwing tantrums. This is the only way that the monkeys have to communicate. It's not
@monkeymercy124 4 дня назад
I know this is what i was explaining in the video
@ivanlapunik6913 4 дня назад
They are just normal pests, both for nature and for farmers. People make them into celestial creatures and make videos that they are creatures that are comparable to humans. But that is a mistake. They are just an ordinary monkey race of macaques that are no different from others vermin. It is complete nonsense that these macaques are compared to the level of a human. Only stupid people do that who dress them in human clothes, give it baby diapers and similar human perversions. It is just an ordinary monkey vermin, nothing more. Yes, everyone has the right to life .But people shouldn't make something out of something that is completely absurd.
@timhker 4 дня назад
@monkeymercy124 4 дня назад
This link isn't to one of those monkey vlogs is it where the VOs selectively film monkeys to make it look as if the mum is mistreating her baby is it? When the reality is, the VOs are actually frightening the mother to make her get away from them by whatever means to actually protect her infant? Or something else that is completely fabricated?
@timhker 4 дня назад
Monkey is pet
@gigicostlow4414 4 дня назад
@@monkeymercy124 Not that at all. This is Kayla with her baby sister Kaya. Kayoy was their mother. She actually let Kayla nurse some while Kaya nursed. She was a great mom. Kayla was known to kidnap Kaya and wasn't always too nice. She was actually very jealous of Kaya. Anyhow, Kayoy came up missing and later found dead. Seems like she had been sick. It's been 5 or 6 years and don't remember exactly. She was the alpha female of Ajoy troop and was pretty old. I think this video was made after their mom died and Kayla was trying to take care of Kaya. She was afraid of the VO's and some of the other monkeys and that was why she was running. Then she started trusting the VO's enough to get food and milk but would run if they got too close or made a fast move. Poor Kaya often did not get food or milk. They did finally rescue Kaya but by then she was so malnourished, weak and beat up she did not survive. Of course the VO's made a big production of all of it.
@user-ky6pk5mp3o 4 дня назад
C'est parce qu'ils font de ces petits singes quelque chose d'attendrissant et mignon, auquel il est facile de s'attacher parce que semblant proches des bébés "primates humains" m, mais à quel prix pour ces pauvres petits...
@giovannasantos1447 4 дня назад
Purtroppo la sadica coppia ha rubato un'altra 🐒 che di sicuro sarà molestata, maltrattata ,affamata e derisa come ha fatto con le sue 🐵🐵, continua ad aprire nuovi canali e RU-vid continua a permettere la visione di questi video di violenza e bullying che loro subiscono, è molto frustrante che nel 2024 cose del genere possono succedere senza che qualcuno li fermi. Non riuscire a fare nulla per aiutare questi animali ti fa disprezzare questa gente che merita davvero essere in prigione, invece sono lì, liberi di continuare i loro abuso, indisturbati e a prendere ancora in giro la gente. È davvero cioccante e vergognoso. È utile e importante continuare a pubblicare queste informazioni, grazie per il tuo impegno.