
How much is enough? | Kevin Cavenaugh | TEDxPortland 

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How much is enough? Kevin asks this profound question of our audience. By focusing on three topic areas of wealth, rent & equality - he challenges us on how we will choose to change our lives as he bridges the concepts of capitalism and socialism. What will you do with the power of enough?
With special thanks to core the TEDxPortland organizing team, 70+ volunteers and cherished partners - without you this experience would not be possible. Our event history can be found TEDxPortland.com
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.
Kevin is a prolific local developer of small commercial and residential buildings whose work adheres to the mindset that quality is not defined by the depth of one’s pockets. His developments include the LEED Platinum rated Burnside Rocket, The Zipper, The Ocean, and the nation’s first ground-up crowdfunded project, the Fair-Haired Dumbbell. Today, he’s turning his attention toward creating a better version of subsidy-less affordable housing. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx



15 июл 2018




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@zuzanaxyz8866 4 года назад
Finally someone, who has come to understand... I am thinking about the situation of homeless people a lot, because my brain can’t understand, why it’s OK to have 5000 people living on the street in a city, where there are at least 5000 vacant apartments. And why there is a ton of food on one side of a window and a man standing from another side of the same window didn’t eat for days. Nobody will ever be able to explain to me, why this is something we tolerate and so I applaud this man for doing what he does. AND that he has explained why a cooperative is a great form for doing business:).
@formula1340 4 года назад
well, due to many factors. that each vacant apartments maybe is privately owned and the profit that comes from that is the main source of income of the owner, hence, he/she cannot afford to have it rent for free. Aside from that, the various taxes and other maintenance cost a lot of money, aside from the capital when the owner bought it. Aside from these, if you let the homeless rent for free in a pricey apartment(which is all of apartment that is in a city) but having NO WORK, then your really not helping them. It's better to send them somewhere else base on what they are capable of and start living again, or better yet, educate them and if they can live in the city, then they can go back if they want but not being a homeless.There is literally thousands of hard working people that work in city but live far because they can't afford to rent there. I don't have anything against homeless people but giving them something that they are not capable of or having no responsibility is like a poor people winning millions from lotto then squandered it to zero within a few years then going back again to being poor. That is not sustainable for both the people given and the society. Although i agree on the food part.
@123koby 4 года назад
Zuzy mas 100% pravdu
@supercrazydesi 3 года назад
Somewhere in our cultures we as humans have developed ignorance, insensitivity and selective blindness. We see but it doesn’t bother us.
@Mas1o8 3 года назад
It’s hard to differentiate between those who really choose to be like that because of lacking responsibility and on the other hand the people who were forced to be in that situation. I think the first step is to give homeless people a push depending on their capabilities. And if others are really unable to do something due to some sever circumstances the government should provide them with at least minimum safety and housing .
@wyomii Год назад
@@formula1340 Easy fix: Outlaw unearned income. Who else has had enough of the takers (shareholders, landlords)?
@philcerdorian6429 4 года назад
this guy is a geat esample of the balance we need in business. I say bravo!
@estherchandy6292 5 лет назад
A thought provoking video. He didn't strike me as self congratulatory. Just excited by what he had to share. Focus on the message. I love what he's done for his city. And so young, too!
@lllll108 5 лет назад
When I became disabled and went on SSI I found the value of enough. I've lived below poverty level most of 25 years. Peace came to visit me along the way when I decided that what I have is enough....rather than pining for what I think I lack. I don't lack anything when whatever I do have is enough.
@jamierogers5016 5 лет назад
L Llll, SO true... God bless you- I’m in this position (since 10 yr + ago)& getting closer to wrapping my mind around this, every day, a new challenge!
@iwnunn7999 5 лет назад
Well said, but u deserve more.
@mavamQ 5 лет назад
Easy to say, but if you could have another $10k a year it sure would be very helpful. Which is precisely why I would not give away everything over $70k, I would invest everything over $70k, and let it grow so I will have something to add to my SS at retirement or disability. Think about your future, maybe tomorrow your income disappears. If you had savings, you might have a year or three to live on savings while you get started again. Or you could be on the street, remember to take care of yourself.
@badams3489 5 лет назад
@@mavamQ dont be silly Lamont! After all if you fail to plan for your future you can simply trade your independence for a government handout
@johnriso4323 5 лет назад
I'm on S.S.I .
@juliawise4289 5 лет назад
I'm the Julia Wise mentioned in the talk, and for the sake of correctness, I'll say that my family does not give everything above $70k. I'm not sure where that idea came from, because we've never said anything of the kind. We do donate 50% of our income.
@vijayagorantla12 5 лет назад
wow that's amazing...i think he did it go with the idea of "enough"
@jeffreym6251 5 лет назад
You're a good egg, Julia
@ChadKovac 5 лет назад
Still better than 99% of them.
@lovingatlanta 5 лет назад
Julia Wise - 👍Thank you. Wishing you and your family the absolute best. 💞
@optimisticfuture6808 5 лет назад
I donate 50% also via taxes. That’s probably low.
@lovingatlanta 5 лет назад
👍😍I love this. For years I’ve been questioning how much is enough, little by little becoming a minimalist, asking myself daily what I believe to be true and questioning what I really need. Every day I have to overcome the lies, doctrines, beliefs of others, societal normals and societal demands that have polluted and diluted me. It’s a daily practice to not care what other people think. It’s none of my business what other people think about me. I have been doing philanthropy work, giving back, helping others and serving others since I was a child. I love it and it is something I will always do until the day I am returned to the earth as ashes. I’m one person, I don’t need much. I’m happiest when I’m helping, serving, living simply, traveling, exploring new horizons, keeping an open mind to new concepts or ideas and spending quality time and touch with someone I care about that cares about me. Making money helps...it’s a resource I use to help make a difference. Making a difference helps more...it helps others and it helps me....it is most important to me. I always say, “Each one of us can teach one. Each one of us can help one. Each one of us can make a difference to one”. 💞
@Ariel-T-Friesner Год назад
You are rich in experiences and relationships rather than objects.
@lovingatlanta Год назад
@@Ariel-T-Friesner - 🙏💝
@auberjean6873 4 года назад
Kevin, you have a big heart and a better sense of fairness than most business owners. Thank you for being thought and action provoking.
@susanwong6471 4 года назад
The world would be a much better place if everyone take pride in what what little they need instead of how much they hoard - great Tedtalk speaker 😍
@bbygrlpt2 4 года назад
I wish there was more people like him!!!👏🏼👏🏼
@thedreamer5065 5 лет назад
I am so happy that I've made my choice to watch this video. Life is about choices!Excellent talk Kevin. I knew that I am not alone and there is more people like me out there. We just need to connect all of Us!
@patriciaoffer9585 5 лет назад
The Dreamer I might join If you start a FB group.... it might also be enlightening to ask to talk to current/former tribe members😀
@imightbesuperman2559 5 лет назад
Leo Tolstoy wrote a short story called “How Much Land Does a Man Need?” and I suggest you read it. It’s very good and gives a perspective on the question in the title of this video.
@rochreech3173 5 лет назад
Studied that in 7th grade, that concept is great to bring out modesty in humans
@AngTheCanadianPilot 4 года назад
Those Russian writers had experienced so much.
@sonjak8265 4 года назад
@@AngTheCanadianPilotTolstoy was born rich.
@nikibazargan7183 3 года назад
yeah I've read that story and it gives a reader a very remarkable lesson
@kalvhult 5 лет назад
Those jeans are more than enough.
@LilStoops 4 года назад
Yes, it devolved into him promoting what a good guy he was. I can't believe everyone lapping this up below.
@tsambika2040 4 года назад
@gabrielricci4464 4 года назад
​@@LilStoops I rarely answer internet comments, but how Narcissistic can you be. Narcissism is the plague destroying the Social fabric of America. Maybe, you should calm your mind, put the beliefs you hold to be true on temporary pause, and listen to this mans words again. There is nothing to lap up except truth and wisdom from a truly brilliant man.
@lordmike9384 4 года назад
Seriously those jean look like they were very cheap. I hope you can smell my sarcasm.
@smallstudiodesign 4 года назад
abababababab Gotta say, no matter what one’s sway, it’s hard to look away!
@rajarajab8143 5 лет назад
Enough is appreciating want you have, that is Enough.
@miltonpitts4185 2 года назад
That's not enough
@steveneberlein9877 5 лет назад
It’s easy to purport high-minded values and more difficult to put those values into practice (speaking from my own experience). I admire Kevin - seems to me that he’s trying to do the right by his values, his employees and his community. Nice Talk, Kevin.
@camez2345 5 лет назад
"It’s easy to purport high-minded values and more difficult to put those values into practice" -- I know! We all know that from our own experience, just by going through life and having to make tough decisions. I'm stunned by so many weirdly catty comments saying how "arrogant" this guy guy is and how he's full of bs. I'm reading it as insecurity/jealousy, but geez. No good deed goes unpunished! Just another example of people not being happy with enough.
@studymassage8204 5 лет назад
Thanks, Kevin. You are correct in a lot of ways. Gives me some ideas on what to do with our own extra., plus.. Le' and I are waiting to see what you do with the old building we sold you.
@geethakrishnamurthy3155 5 лет назад
போதும் என்ற மனமே பொன் செய்யும் மருந்து. "Contented mind is golden medicinal elixir."
@kuttymoonji3645 4 года назад
@AngTheCanadianPilot 5 лет назад
I had ENOUGH and moved into an RV and traveled 🧳 - rather than working my husband and I working on a foundation for people that don’t have enough.
@LiborSupcik 4 года назад
any good diy rv bluepapers>?
@Imohlaapohko 5 лет назад
I love this! The Universe really tested me August 2018 on this issue. I thought I wanted two expensive cars a 5 bedroom home (keep in mind my children are in their twenties) and all of this money in the bank . Well again, I was tested and discovered what I really wanted to be happy. To be my true authentic higher self was a tiny home, a truck to pull it with and money in the bank for the upkeep. Also, most importantly money to help build wells and safe houses for young girls forced to be married at young ages. I find it crazy that there are so many negative comments! My question to you is? WTH are you doing to make a difference? This man clearly stated he does not have all of the answers. He IS trying! It is clear those comments are coming from haters because you do not want to let go of greed! You can have what you want I am not judging. But, do not try to hate on someone else who is trying to make the world a better place for all of us.
@camez2345 5 лет назад
"I find it crazy that there are so many negative comments! My question to you is? WTH are you doing to make a difference? " yEEEESSSSSS. I'll be honest: for the first couple of minutes, I thought the speaker was a little too "confident" as well. But as I continued to watch and give him the benefit of the doubt, I saw that my quickie judgment was about ME, not him. There's a TED talk by Dan Pallotta called, “The way we think about charity is dead wrong.” One of the ideas he covers is how we're all somehow ok with the head of a bank or of a gym shoe or tech company making 500k, 700k, a million or more a year, but when we find out that the CEO of a charitable organization or nonprofit makes $200,000, we're like, "WHAAAT?" and we think the person is corrupt. It kind of reminded me of this situation, where people seem to be saying that this speaker isn't allowed to be proud of himself and he isn't allowed to be imperfect, so he should just pack it in because he's clearly a total fraud. Uuugh. Humans. Anyway, congrats on your decisions! Good good luck with Part 2 of your life, my friend!
@stevejordan7161 5 лет назад
Well said, Crenshaw.. Love your passion!
@monicacollins8289 5 лет назад
Crenshaw65, I love what you did! You embody "enough".❤
@badams3489 5 лет назад
It is important to note the difference between greed and rational self interest. Also, you are confusing vanity for greed. Philanthropy is paramount but dont forget that there are still billions of people who would literally kill you to take what you have. the world isnt as warm and fuzzy as Portland liberals like to make it seem. Check out Ayn Rand, she has very solid arguments for why everyone should only do whats best for themselves (and dont immediately disregard the idea actually go check out her arguments).
@patriciaoffer9585 5 лет назад
Crenshaw65 A reply's welcome and of course optional, and feel free to say, "Back off." It'll also be important to change the child brides' husbands. They must see the TED talk "Creating Extraordinary Intimacy in a Shutdown World".
@ploddingonC3H6 4 года назад
You are the future we all need Kevin, well done.
@phyliciajoykloes 4 года назад
Enough. Wow, great talk. I am decluttering at the moment. Enough is enough. I am still figuring out what is enough, though. I've been thinking I have too much for a while. You're a great human being. More people should watch this, and hopefully people will share your points of view.
@cam1wilson 4 года назад
the fact that he didn't end with "now that's enough from me" could be the greatest travesty of our time
@joselourenco9583 5 лет назад
1/ Socialists redistribute wealth earned by OTHERS. 2/ He redistributes wealth HE has earned. He's not a Socialist........he is a incredibly kind Capitalist.
@youtuber6185 4 года назад
I agree on choosing just enough but there is no gender pay gap. If he’s wrong on this then ....
@RN-ti5oc 4 года назад
Maverick_is _right_ - you are right!! As a female, even I know better than the gender gap myth. It’s incredibly annoying that people still claim this falsely. My husband does make more than I do - why? Because he got a degree, he’s been at his job a long time and worked his way up. I, on the other hand, didn’t finish college and chose to stay home with our kids. I shouldn’t make as much as he does because I made different choices. No one is hiring a man and a woman with the same ability and education, to do the same job and paying them different salaries because of their genitalia. It’s ridiculous.
@michellemoore7511 4 года назад
Also, socialism isn't the redistribution of wealth earned by others, it's simply public ownership of the means of production and distribution. I'm not a socialist, but ya know, definitions are important lol
@matt16matt 4 года назад
@@RN-ti5oc yes it is, ridiculous and true.
@LiborSupcik 4 года назад
Had he been a senator you would see...his state of mind would be able to realize
@Globaler 3 месяца назад
Watched this several times. I went from poor to very rich after watching this video. I have more than enough.
@ashjac0009 4 года назад
I can't believe they were forced out of their beautiful home to a warehouse. At least they had everything a house normally has. Electricity, water, and a thermostat. That is enough. May the lord give Kevin Cavenaugh and his family strength.
@musicawakening 5 лет назад
Superb, I've been thinking about this same thing for a while and I believe acting somewhat along these lines. Great speech and follow through actions!!!
@leeanucha 4 года назад
What a simple and clear presentation/ TED talk! very entertaining too. What a generous boss. I would love to work for you. Thank you
@mtadams2009 5 лет назад
Sometimes you just have to know when your life is pretty good .not perfect but pretty good, thats enough.
@marciabrown2418 4 года назад
That New Orleans story was amazing!! Much respect to her!!
@craftycub 3 года назад
Need so much of this to turn things around. Amazing presentation! Great job!
@billtomoff1039 2 года назад
Must watch! Thank you Kevin, for this thought provoking presentation. Thrilled that April Rinne referenced this in her book Flux!
@michaelryan3400 2 года назад
My new hero. This guy is doing what many of us have been wanting to do for decades. And it's no surprise he is a product of the culture in Portland. It's the most progressive big city in America.
@timetocook722 5 лет назад
Without the working man, the thinking man has only an idea
@tonyrainbolt9388 5 лет назад
How true. Someone has to run the machines.
@emmanueloluga9770 3 года назад
@@digirilla6604 you completely missed the point lol and tried to provide some "illuminating" insight that was already alluded to and implied in the original comment. In other words, your comment is but a verbose repetition of the original point made. On the other hand, I am just being cranky and I need to sleep, thanks for providing your own pov tho
@david_oliveira71 5 лет назад
This is a truly isnpiring story "How much is enough", thanks so much for sharing this one! "The less you have, the happier you'll be"
@badams3489 5 лет назад
David... Happiness lies within your attitude, not with what you have. Material things wont change who you are, only you can change who you are
@dustywilson5461 5 лет назад
I bet you'd say that same quote in the midst of committing an armed robbery, wouldn't you...
@jeanettenaumiec7784 4 года назад
David Oliveira If you don’t have a roof over your head , food in your belly , a place to shower and a safe place to sleep it’s hard to be happy.
@lloydfrancis9149 4 года назад
A Jewish King once told me and keeps reminding me "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? The Jewish King introduced me to the Father that feeds the Birds and also explains to be Content, grateful and that he will take care of my Family
@smallstudiodesign 4 года назад
This proves how amazing true forward thinking entrepreneurship is in the USA - it didn’t go away - it’s just the empty blow hards are louder & more visible with their dehumanizing outdated rhetoric of indentured enslavement. Meanwhile, this guy sees how true successes about uplifting everyone else in his circle & community up together. His approach is the true path of how to make a greater, freer more equitable United States of America 🇺🇸💕.
@jenniferrivers4892 4 года назад
Thank you for being the change.
@janiceg7661 4 года назад
I’ve been asking myself how much is enough. I started in Feb with a garage sale getting rid of what I don’t use, then donated, gave to family and friends. The funny thing, i started getting gifts more coming in, law of circulation. But last week I gave away a yonana banana ice cream maker I hadn’t used in forever, and my family I gave it too is using it daily! I’m being more conscious in my consumption, limiting amazon purchases. I’m much happier.
@garydurham4287 4 года назад
I’ve heard enough.
@therolandong 5 лет назад
Thank you, Kevin.
@jodrew1845 5 лет назад
A very healthy outlook of the materialistic sentiment we've convinced ourselves should be the gold standard of our lifestyles.
@art11000 5 лет назад
You are absolutely a hero!
@TrulyStupidNewb 4 года назад
I'm 100% for this person. He is using his own company, his own investment, his own labour, his own risk to fulfill his ideals. I do not believe that I have the right to dictate how he will run his life and company. A lot of people spend their lives yelling at other people, but don't do anything themselves. They want all the work done for them. They dictate, and the others do. Real change comes when people don't just stop at words. This man is ahead of most people, in that he is risking his employment for his values.
@Waterskilakeaustin 5 лет назад
Bravo! Thank you!
@johnnyrocket9372 5 лет назад
This is a serious question not an attack so please dont take it that way. So you own the business and have employees. You then pay everyone the same and give them profit sharing. Do your employees also take shares of all the liability, such as if your business gets sued or there is a major accident in one of your buildings?
@2380Shaw 5 лет назад
Of course in a round about way with profit sharing the employees share in the liability. If the company isn't making as much profit because of liabilities or lawsuits then the share in profits goes down because there isn't as much profit.
@stephenlewthwaite4084 5 лет назад
Portland sounds cool must visit.
@johnnyrocket9372 5 лет назад
@@2380Shaw I was talking in terms of major issues, where millions of dollars are exchanged. I was a property manager for a 289 unit complex for a little under six years. The owner was a decent person always had the property well maintained never took short kits or cut any corners. We had a problem tenant who would break things in her apartment and then use that as a reason to short or not pay rent. After six months of this we asked her to leave. Other tenants were complaining about her and there were drug issues. She called the house authority and the aclu on the property owner citing the eviction was be cause of race. She sued the owner for sever million dollars and won her case. The owner sold the apartment unit off to pay her. If this happened to the speaker in this video my question is would his employees be liable for damages as the owner is.
@precisiont5188 5 лет назад
I agree, and there are reasons women get paid less than men. They have periods, many get pregnant, have a lot of hormonal fluctuations, its proven women are generally less logical, and women typically don't choose high paying jobs like computer science because of this, reasons like this describe why women get paid less.
@adientoledo2098 5 лет назад
That is a very fine point!
@JakeRichardsong 4 года назад
One of the most useful TED talks.
@shaunamcvay4944 4 года назад
Kevin, your thinking is wonderful, I had something similar in mind if I ever come into the money to do it. I was in an abusive relationship for 11 years, we were off and on all the 11 years and I got so tired of having to live with family members with my four kids when I needed a place that I finally bought a travel trailer for $700. I would let my girls sleep with me in the front on a futon and my 2 boys in the back bedroom, it was hard at times because it was an older travel trailer and water heater went out so I used 2 big tamale pots to heat water on the stove and sometimes I didn't have time so we would have to take cold showers. I have always worked hard and struggled but now my two older kids have graduated and my third one graduates this year, I have had more than enough because though I don't have everything I'm grateful for everything I have and I hope one day to give someone else enough that had to put up with an abusive relationship or someone trying to get back on their feet so thank you and God Bless you for what you are doing.
@lorenl9262 2 года назад
Love this guy and his ideals!!!
@JamilAhmed-nr3zm 2 года назад
I Thank God for giving you the blessing of happiness and purpose. Life is short and also no one will remember you after 2 generations, as if you never existed.
@patrickjaursch828 2 года назад
This was such an awesome story and truth to listen to.
@dustywilson5461 5 лет назад
Who is of any authority to decide what is enough for another ? Greed is wanting someone else's earnings; greed is not wanting to keep all of your own earnings.
@sharyemarx 2 года назад
And thank you for the thoughtful talk
@ninak8506 5 лет назад
Ilove this idea. It's mostly contentment with what you have and setting aside that ravaging desire for more, better. I've learned contentment. But I like his ideas of leveling the gender wage gap & equality.
@gaston. 5 лет назад
good talk, the country is in critical condition, and we need more of this type of thinking. The number of homeless families in NYC is appalling. AND many of those families HAVE a working parent. The Milton Friedman model is collapsing under it's own greed. Today he gets an applause for this model, however hoping in 50 years the audience will react as though he just said I decided to pay my sweat shop workers minimum wage.
@badams3489 5 лет назад
The country is in critical condition! But this type of thinking will only worsen the condition ( please see the prisoner's dilemma ). Homeless - families - in NYC. Tell me, do you think its a good idea to have a family when your homeless? even if you do, do you think its a good idea to stay in one of the most expensive cities in the world when thats your condition? no its pure stupidity. plus, not all who wander are lost.
@charlesmunson3232 4 года назад
Good for you! I hope you feel much better about yourself now. You know, not all greed is monetary. Some people are greedy in the need to feel good about themselves... it's also been known through the ages as "Holier than thou."
@smellypunks 5 лет назад
Better you treat your worker the stronger your business will be.
@demamat 5 лет назад
It was like a keynote from Apple, a great talk and people applausing, but this guy helps others making more money instead of spending it ❤😎
@krakrakakakakahah241 4 года назад
Very very inspiring. Thank you. This is what people should ask themselves: How much is enough? Especially the rich. You will feel more happy and joy when you can help other people with your money. Instead of buying another sports car or bigger house. When you have enough you can really do some good in the world. And this especially what I ask of christians. A rich christian is rich in his/her heart and not the bank or flauting your wealth. You would be this guy: Kevin Cavenaugh. This what churches should add to their sermons. I am a lucky guy. Not making a lot of money. Enough for me. I can support my family and help my parents in-law overseas. Jesus in my heart makes life fun, loving and easy. And now I will start for a company who seems to understand as well how important people are. There is no boss. A HOLACRATIC company. We all do it together. There are only roles in the company. Can't wait to start!
@alexeifando747 5 лет назад
My god! The haters in the comments section show a total lack of simple critical thinking skills by concluding complete nonsense from what the speaker actually talked about and implied. This was a great talk with simple, clear, and practical methods for actually helping people significantly. Employee ownership of constructed buildings to accumulate retirement money for people who would otherwise not have any to retire on, is a good idea. The at-cost rental property for people who would otherwise be sleeping on the streets, is a good idea. The speaker is not suggesting that people give away their wealth even when they don't have enough. The opposite in fact. He's suggesting to think about the concept and consider giving if you realize that you have enough in order to help someone who does not.
@jainthorne4136 5 лет назад
Exactly. I find the negative comment makers give off a distinctive odor of willful misunderstanding coupled with a basic lack of compassion. Judging by their comments I doubt anyone ever says to them "Oh, I'm so glad to see you! I've missed you so much."
@Iknowmorethanuknow 5 лет назад
Just to add to my other comment. It really makes me laugh when I hear people who are rich say, "so I bought this piece and land and gave it to the homeless, I give my employees percentages of the buildings I own, all the while never acknowledging that the reason you have all of this to give away is because of, you guessed it.... Capitalism!
@dondressel4802 4 года назад
And how much write off do you think he gets by doing this
@PoodleParti 4 года назад
Maybe he doesn't think there's anything wrong with capitalism.
@SousChef77 4 года назад
Yeah, he had me until he said to pay your receptionist the same as you pay a manager. Lot's of difference between those 2 jobs. Also, if all someone has skills for is a receptionist, it is cruel to pay them more than they can make elsewhere. Everyone can't pay all jobs the same, our economy will collapse. This dude can try, but it won't last long. (Full disclosure - we pay our employees 4 - 1...half of what it was in 1957, which was 8-1.)
@timr7067 4 года назад
Correct. Socialism is what happens when people “make it” and realise they’re not any happier, and then rather than working on themselves, they attempt to change everyone else
@peepinyowindow4517 4 года назад
Jesse Lamberger pfft oh shut up
@greggutierrez6997 Год назад
Thank you.
@metamorph20 5 лет назад
Hi Kevin, Miss you. I like the World you create.
@chowfun6526 5 лет назад
Awesome presentation. An eye opener.
@nickt6627 5 лет назад
Enough already! Thank you Comrade Kevin.
@9ballpool562 5 лет назад
He's from Portlandia, what did you expect?
@tinashen2984 5 лет назад
How inspiring!
@coffeecashcraze 5 лет назад
@Winspur1982 3 года назад
As a Reed College grad, I'm so happy to see someone doing something good about Portland's homelessness problem. A Unitarian pastor in my town uses the refrain "We have enough; we are enough" regularly in services. When I heard that for the first time it was amazingly affirming. Collectively, after all, we do have enough. Some people can't stop working because they feel fundamentally inadequate and think that at least they can get validation for being productive worker bees. Tragically, these people often belong to marginalized groups and money alone doesn't put them on an equal footing with others. This is where the capitalism vs. socialism debate often fails to capture the lived realities of actual people. I'm really looking forward to having Kamala Harris as my VPOTUS, simply because it's time for a daughter of two immigrants of color to be in government at the highest level. I voted for Bernie in this year's primary but I'm coming to think that we Americans have to get our f***ed-up notions about gender and ethnic hierarchies sorted out before we can really start to progress again.
@kenmarriott5772 5 лет назад
With today’s technology any effort is magnified exponentially. Your value is the amount of people you serve and how much service you provide. Why would you want it otherwise?
Good question for thinking critically.
@JessicaLaShawn 5 лет назад
This is awesome. Everything about this was a game changer.
@johnriso4323 5 лет назад
In Monterey ,Ca . Has lot's of Homeless, Most Work!
@dondressel4802 4 года назад
John Riso thats everywhere not just Monterey
@C.BlackBeard 4 года назад
suddenly i don’t feel like not paying women as much as men. changed my life.
@thepenthouse1507 4 года назад
😂 If they don't work 40 hours a week, don't negotiate properly and don't have the same education 😂 too bad
@deborajh0917 4 года назад
Yes!!! You are awesome!!! Amazing!!
@precisiont5188 5 лет назад
When a company makes more money the company has more money to hire employees, keep the company going in hard times, etc. I don't see it as greed, I see it more as doing a good job.
@NathanielDowell 5 лет назад
But the CEO wage gap that he spoke of indicates that companies tend to funnel the money into upper level paychecks rather than hire employees or increase wages for everyone. The point is to consider what is "enough". Do you, as a CEO, need $4 million a year, or might you be just as happy (or more so) with $500,000, while splitting the rest among your employees, or hiring more people, or doing something else positive for the community? "Enough" doesn't mean don't make money. It means pay attention to what you need, rather than always striving for more. A greedy person or organization will never have "enough".
@peacefeathers9282 2 года назад
I thank & totally appreciate all your efforts so far💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏at the same time please also inspire the world with eco friendly building materials, so that all architect's, builders can stop creating cement useless structures..which are not environment friendly...🙏
@victoriazagliada4875 5 лет назад
housing law definitely must be regulated. It is very easy to become homeless in USA
@LiborSupcik 4 года назад
Especially if you insist on living somewhere
@andreasrnning2339 4 года назад
What if there was less regulations so people can do more and have less to search to the government for everything they want to have done. The places with least amount of space have most amount of regulations. That's easy to see in Europe too.
@MartinaRoters 7 месяцев назад
I love it and have it integrated in my life.
@lloydfrancis9149 4 года назад
Whether you know it or not sir you are doing Gods work helping the Homeless
@inbexhill8690 5 лет назад
@lirami8779 4 года назад
Wow, so inspiring speech 😃
@catojohns 5 лет назад
Awesome Presentation.
@LiborSupcik 4 года назад
Finally a talk that touches the grim reality and its hidden causes. I wish I knew what is the stability conditions of enough (70k per year_) people mostly do not live NOW.
@clovermark39 4 года назад
Very inspiring.
@timothysergent2986 5 лет назад
Kevin said he is not a very bright guy, I have to agree with him
@windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 4 года назад
Never met a Realtor that was that bright. They would screw up the paperwork EVERY. DAMN. TIME. I couldn't figure out how. You have a check list right in front of your face.
@leeiloilocity9705 2 года назад
wonderful talk.
@joylopez2735 5 лет назад
Awesome! I watched my boyfriend/husband hired at companies for years and NOT get paid his worth. Over a dozen patents in 11-years-' receive tolken compensation for his very marketable intellectual property.
@landlord5552 5 лет назад
Love it!
@rudycarb 3 года назад
Inspirational 💕 💗
@AshDemonYoung 5 лет назад
I see people here don't know the difference between Socialism and Communism.
@cerebralcaustic 4 года назад
what's the difference? enlighten us, please.
@honestlyna 4 года назад
Enough reminds me of the movie, "The Platform" where if each level took just enough food for themselves, there would be enough food for ALL the levels, instead of the haves and have nots and the have nots resort to horrible things in order to survive. This is where we are and we need more people to ask themselves "what is enough?"
@arunshankars8398 3 года назад
I will definitely watch the movie.
@johnriso4323 5 лет назад
... I was contemplative the question, Every day!
@DanielHallLondon 5 лет назад
Love what he says. And TOTALLY distracted on first watch by the cut of those trousers. :)
@CiceroINFJ 5 лет назад
Me too :) Cool pants
@Tortise02 4 года назад
The only thing not to like is that some people gave this a thumbs down.
@ettbattresverigenu Год назад
This was a truly unique Talk.
@zoeaslam7111 4 года назад
I m enlightened by this idea 👏opened a whole new prospective toward life👏
@shereepfeiffer6356 5 лет назад
bless him
@musicnoob6458 5 лет назад
Really wanted to like this guy. I agree with the Enough principle. Some other things he says I think dilutes his message.
@morbidbushido 5 лет назад
"Gender Pay Gap" :)
@laurenprada3335 4 года назад
@leecorbett3032 2 года назад
Great speech, and you seem like u are for the cause, but change takes more than a TED Talk. In our capitalism society where wealth trumps your great intentions, you still do not have the capital nor power to change lives. They look at you as a misnomer.. for you to enact any effective change, you need billions. Help whom you can and that's commendable. Never stop, but nothing will change.
@drewwhitney2593 Год назад
This is a great video to show someone who supports capitalism to open up their mind a bit toward socialism
@mohammadfarahani1673 5 лет назад
The pants are the best part of your speech, Thanks
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